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Show WITH DEATH CLOSE AT HAND JEW , Merry Throng of CaVeless Sailors Had Luncheon Party That Just Missed Being Tragedy. JSA.A-,- e Some years ago while a French was lying at anchor in Temple bay a number of the younger officers conceived the idea of amusing themselves with an iceberg a mile or so distant in the straits. They decided to have a luncheon party at the very top of It. It was a bright summer morning, and the jolly boat with a flag went off to the berg. By 12 oclock the colors were flying from the top of the big chunk of ice, and the midshipmen were reveling thereon. For two hours or more they hacked and clambered over it. They frolicked and they feasted, laughing at the idea of danger at this solid ice. When, like thoughtless cT-drethe young men played themselves weary, they descended to of a boat and rowed their cockle-shel- l away. As if time and distance had been measured for the very purpose of permitting the young men to view the scene in safety, the great berg lay silent until the boat was a certain distance off. Then, as if its heart had been volcanic fire, it burst with awful thunder and filled the surrounding water with its ruins. Awed and subdued by the scene of destruction, and thrilled at their narrow escape from death, the picnickers returned to their ship. It was their first and last day of amusement with an Iceberg. man-of-w- Colored Brethren Stirred Up Over Question of Hell - oivd hell, but as for the aforesaid pastors they propose- - to hold right on to it. They reaffirm their undivided belief In the hell of the fathers; the same old hell that they have taught their flocks of, and that is so hot, that if a colored brother gets in ten thousand miles of it he will smell like a wet dog on a hot stove. The colored Some of the younger members of WASHINGTON. in the District of the various congregations were InColumbia and the city of Washington clined to harken unto the superior are stirred up to a boiling point over judgment of the Bible Students assothe question of hell. The pastors of ciation, and were a little inclined to the various and sundry colored turn a willing ear to the cooling news. churches held a meeting the other day So gratifying was the intelligence to and in solemn conclave decided that them that they were getting real there must-bdidding" cheerful, and there was some talk of something immediately to offset the effect of the holding a regular jollification over the recent action of the International Bi- event, In which everybody would be inble Students association in going on vited to cut loose and have a good record as believing there was no burn- time and when doubtless many reing hell. spectable persons would have got all If you take the fireworks out of hell lit up in honor of the occasion. according to some of the colored disThe pastors held their meeting, howpensers of de gospil in this city, you ever, and decided to put a crimp in rob them of a great lever and a club all this wild joy. On the following over their uncertain congregations. Sunday, therefore, at the sundry A regular churches all over the city, the colored lake of brimstone and molten lead brother who has been congratulating Is the old fashioned kind of hell that himself that he could, when he got EEST IVORY MADE FROM MILK has done yeoman service in making ready, lay depredating hands upon any young negroes see the error of their unprotected chicken roost without fear Synthetic Chemists Seem to Have Discovered How to Improve on Natways in the past and has helped might- of having at some vague time in the ural Product. ily the limited donations to foreign future to wrap his system around a missions and the colored pastors here few gallons of molten lava while One of the latest discoveries of the beg to enter a protest against Is abol- splashing around in a lake of burning ishment. brimstone, got a rude Jar that upset synthetic chemists is how to make Others may discard the old time hon his calculations. ivory out of nothing more wonderful than cow's milk and very good ivory at that, according to all accounts. The original idea was to use At Labor Capitol. Perspiring the new ivory for piano and organ keys because it preserves its original .ever attend a Decoration color indefinitely, whereas the genu-inDID youcelebration and see the loarticle turns yellow after a cal politicians rise up on the platform time. and and deliver themselves of long But it has been found that the new fervid oratory? Did you ever notice is not only an efficient subproduct the In that they are always dressed stitute for ivory, but can easily be dignified and sober Prince Albert prepared so as to take the place of coat? No matter how hot the day amber, horn, coral, celluloid and such risnone of them would ever think of like products, and, it is claimed, can In were attired arouses to unless The they hope speak ing story August. be distinguished from them. In this emblem of American statesmany hearts. A few days after they hardly It is in its position as a substitute some with Interview another manship. print who for ivory that the new material has After the local dignitaries had other man Just as prominent their say and the chairman rose to says that there will be no adjourn- caused most surprise, however, beintroduce the most Important of them ment until the middle of September, cause it has the appearance of being another instance of improving upon all, the representative In congress So It goes. Meanwhile it is hard to from the district pr one of the United get together a quorum of the faithful nature. The nev ivory takes a very States senators, were you not Im- to transact business. The other day high and lasting polish, and probably will not lack a commercial field for pressed by his distinguished appear- when an Important bill was up before Itself, as natural ivory continues to ance? Could y?u .imagine him going the house there wrere not enough about In shirt sleeves, with vest un- members present and the sergeant at grow scarcer and 4arer year by buttoned and a' handkerchief tied arms was Instructed to gfl out and ar- year. A thousand rest any members that he could find about his neck?; No! times No! You could not. But they and bring them In. They were Johnson on Melancholy. d0- rounded up from their offices and , of constitutional melanTalking Its warm In Washington, in the from the long cool corridors and choly. he observed: A man so af of the capltol where flicted, Bummertime. , Some people say Its cloak-room- s sir, must divert distressing hot and some more people say some they were basking In the breezes thoughts, and not combat with them. from electric fans or In the solitude Boswell other things about It. May not he think them disInteroffices One day the papers print ,an where they had of their down, sir?V Johnson No, sir. To view with some one of the leaders carded their coats and were endeavattempt to think them down Is madIn to cool. will that congress adjourn early oring keep ness. He should have a lamp constantly burning in his bedchamber during the night and, If wakefully die Proved That His Baby Was Finest in turbed, should take a book and read and compose himself to rest. To have BABY boy arrived at the resithe management of the mind Is a dence of Thomas Fronesack a great art, and it may be attained in a few days ago. He Is a very remarkconsiderable degree by experience and habitual exercise." Boswell Should able youngster. Any one who has not he provide amusements for himanything to say to the contrary does eo at Ills own peril. Fronesack has self? Would it not, for instance, be promised to lick the mam who dares right for him to take a course of to tell him to bis face that that boy Let him take chemistry? Johnson a course of chemistry, or a course of Isnt the finest baby in the world. house and the Fronesack wa3 baby And Frouesuck makes good, too. dancing, or a course of anything He did not seem rope The other afternoon Fronesack and proudly exhibited. to which he is inclined at- the time. Let him. contrive to have as Felix Wosnack, Impressed. his brother-in-law- , reHe's a nice enough baby, said the treats for his mind as he many were sitting together on the Frone-saccan, as but hes Just like all kids. many things to which it can fly from porch. Fronesack was discus- visitor, Frone-sack- , demanded that? What's He has done itself." Boswell (Life of Johnson). sing the baby. nothing you come into my house and else but discuss that infant since he me to my face that this Is just tell In his appearance. put Soap Prom Plants, Did you see the smart way he an ordinary baby. I can lick the man The horse-chestnis a plant that doubled up bis little fists this morn- who says that. Well, I said what I said, retorted contains the saponine principle In a said Fronesack to Wosnack. ing? My, that boy Is going to have strong the visitor, and I aint taking It back. marked degree, and it is said that in That baby of ours has got your baby parts of the European hands. continent the fruit of that tree is still At this moment a casual acquaint- skinned to used in the simple state for washing ance of Fronesacka passed at the Bang! Also blng, biff, and bajn! Fronesack waded Into the stranger. clothes and other articles. In Spain . gate, Hear you got a new baby, Mr. The police came finally. They locked and Italy, however, there grows a Fronesack, said he. Fronesack and Wosnack up t the po- plant which Is' believed by some to You bet, responded Fronesack; lice Btatlon. The visitor went to the have been one of those most used by the finest little baby boy In the hospital. He was unable to give his the ancients in their early attempts This is the Gypso-phyl- a world. name and address there. He wasn't at struthium, a plant of the same The visitor was conducted Into the able to talk. family as the soapwort Both Theophrastus and Pliny mention this struthium as the soap plant most In Practical Joke Break Between use in early times, and Llnneaeus and Beckmann in later days have confirmthe action of John Allen In allowing ed the fSEffATd that the plant now his beard to grow out during a vaca- used in opinionand Is identical Italy tion of congress. Throughout the ses- with that referred Spain to by the ancient Tt?ViAstACHwrrT3 , sion he had gone so that scientists. BELIEVE? on his reappearance the following winter with a full beard not even the negro bellboys at his hotel knew him, Alligator Skins In Demand. and he had to introduce himself to Tlie alligator-skibusiness of the j the proprietor. world la controlled by a firm in NewM'THK late Senator Coke of Texas The only other person to w hom the ark, N. J., which buys 80 to 90 per and Private John Allen of jocose legislator disclosed hlmRejf was cent, of tho American production. It were warm personal friends Senator Berry of Arkansas, and th, la significant that the sudden supply and for years dined at the same table latter, at Allen's request, took him In- of 30,000 alligator skins per from tt the old Metropolitan hotel," Bald to the presence of Coke and Intro- Colombia finds such a ready year market In Col. Charles A. Edwards, the noted duced the humorist aa Mr. Beeman, a the United States that they have incorrespondent, the other day. new ly elected member from Missisvariably been purchaaed upon arrival The propensity of Private John to sippi. at New York, on presentataion of the work off a Joke even on as dignified a "Very glad, Mr. Beeman, to meet shipping documents, even before untalesman aa was Richard Coke came you, said Senator Coke, rising and e loading the cargo. very near creating a permanent break tending his hand with great sauvlty, I may say In their amicable relations. Shaking the proffered hand, the ImThe Difference, bere that the Texas was an Intense postor drawled out: Wery glad also Kntcker In the winter I go out southerner, naturally of an Irascible to meet you, senator. Senator Coke to ploy poker and my wife stays home temperament. of Massachusetts, I believe? bridge. "Well, to get back to my story as to "No, air; not from Massachusetts from Bocker And tn the summer you fbt trick played him by tbs gentleman by a d sight, answered the hot from Tupelo. It all cams about through tempered Texan, snorting." Ftay home from poker and your wife goes away for bridge. e Statesmen the g the Vorld. A . k , soap-makin- Causes S Senators cleaa-shaved- n Mis-sissip- A JOINT IlKMIl.rnti . PROPOSING STATE OF UTAH. t ss. of AN II M ENT CF SUCTION 4 office AMEN (he Secretary II. AN AMENDMENT TO of St ite. ) ARTICLE 13, OF TIIE CONST ITU constiti- - 1. tllAKBBS S. TING BY. Secretary TION i, OF TIIE STATE OF UTAH. TION Ol--' TIIK STATE OF ITAH.IIK- - of Slate of l he state of Utah, do RELATING TO THE TAXATION OF a is tile full, that cert.fv foregoing ((iwrKNsuiav l.aiing resolution a MINKS. of ami rrert o cop;. 'me i i hi: memherx Tin-ru,tos eg an amendment to Section 2. Art tic XIII. of the Constitution of itr. Be it Resolved and Eiiait-by the - of I't.ili reining to taxation. Legislature I he St of the State of I t ill 1 ESI IMONY have WHEREOF. of all the Members Bio-leio Be it U.i.ieted by the .tore of INhereeeto set my hand and affixed Each of tl'.e Two Houses Oku limns ol it the Slat. ..f I t.ih. 1 of of Utah, ite tiie Great the st theiein: i m t, laid toil the oflliiTvo ar Sa t to City, this 22mr day of Section 1. That it is piuposed Houses Concurring then-in- : amend Set lion 4. of Article 13. of t.. August. 1912. S i non 1. Tnat it is pro) os ! to BY. C TING iSeal) St Constitution of of of the the ite fl.ni. I, amend Sts tion t. Artiel Secret iry of date. that the same will read as follows fmistitiit on of Utah. so that t'-- same 4. All mines ami mining claims, both wdl read as follows: i.t 9. Until otherwise provided by law, A JOINT RESOI.I 'I ION PROAIDING placer and rock in pun..-- , cmita lung toloud, the members of tile Legislature Shall AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 17, bearing gold, silver; copper," 's. other valuable precious after receive Bight dollars (fS.tnt) per day CONSTITl-TION ARTICLE 7. OF THE purehase thereof from the Umled and ten rents per mile for the distantre- u OF THE STATE OK IT All, States, shall be taxed- at a value not necessarily traveled going to ami on than the, prat- Paul Urn United of from TIES OF the HI TO greater meeting THE RELATING place turning unless tile surtaco tlie most usual route, and shall reOF TIIE States therefor, ANIJ THE AlDITOIt or no other ground, or some part thereof, of sat-ceive perquisite. pay TitMASIHEU. mine or claim, is used for otai-Slate is than Sec. 2. The Secretary of A 'PROPOSING JOINT RESOLUTION aetkie or of tut. I to ini: or : d tvvo-liur- 1 vat-llu- Mi-i,- , S-- - ( r mining purposes, and has t sep.iiaio hereby directed to submit tills proBe it enacted by the Legislature of and independent value for such oilier posed amendment to the electors of of all purposes; in which case said sunaee the State at the next general election the State of Utah, of the Members Elected to Eac-- i of the grouinl, or any part thereof, so used in the manner provided by law. Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors of Two Houses Concurring therein: for other than mining purposes, shall the St,Jle, this amendment slits II take Section 1. That it is proposed to be taxed at its value ror such other amend Section 17, Article 7, of tlie coneffect January 1st, 1913. purposes, us provided by law; tuiu all stitution of Uie Slate of Utah, so that the machinery used in mining, and ail ) STATK OF UTAH, as same follows: read will the ( ss. Office of the Secretary property and surface improvements up17. 1 The Auditor shall be auditor of on or appurtenant to mines and minof Stale. Tlie moneys aeeounts. publie public ing claims, which have a value sepaI. Oil A RI.US S. TINGEY, Secretary tie deposited by the Tre .stiver, rate and Independent of such mines Dof State of tlie State of Utah, do here- shall of Board of the rvision the under imming claims, and the net annual proby certify that the foregoing Is a full, Examiners, suja and as provided by law. ceeds of ail such precious metal mines tine and correct copy of a resolution Is and mining claims, of State See. 2. Tlie Secretary shall bo as to Section proposing an amendment directed to submit this pro- provided by law. All lands taxed contain9, Article VI. of the Constitution of tlie hereby of cleetors to tiie amendment hydro-carbodeor posed stone ing coal, State of Utah, relating to tiie CompenState at tlie next general election posits, after purchase thereof from the sation of tlie Members of the Legis- the in the manner provided hy law. United States and all property anti lature. Sec. 3. If adopted by the electors of surface upon or appurteIN TKSTIMONY WHEREOF, I have the State, Hi is amendment shall lake nant to improvements such lands which have a valhereunto set my hand and affixed effect January 1st, 1913. ue separate and independent of ail the C.reat Seal of the State of Utah, such lands and the net proceeds of all STATE OF UTAH. ) at Salt iyike City, this 22nd day of Office ( land anil the such of sit ss. of tlie Secretary August, 1912. valuable deposits contained therein jiiot ) of State. C. S. TINOF.Y, (Seal) or raw condition, I, CHARLES' S. TING EY, Secretary taxed in a crude Secretary of State. sliail be taxed as provided by law. of Slate of tlip State of Utah, do here2. of State is a Sec. is The the full, that Secretary by certify foregoing PROPOSING true and correct copy of a resolution hereby ordered to give this proposition A JOINT RESOLUTION be one newsin to at least to Section amendment published AN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 3, proposing an in the State 17, Article VIT. of the Constitution of paper in every county CONSTITUARTICLE 13, OF TIIE the State of Utah, relating to tlie du- where a newspaper is printed and pubTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, RE- ties of the Auditor end of the Treas- lished for two months preceding the next general election. urer. LATING TO TAXATION. Sec,. 3,. This proposition shall be IN TESTIMONY V1J1EREOF, I have I hereunto set my hand and affixed submitted to the electors of this State Be it resolved and enacted by the at the next general election for of of Seal Utah, the State the Great or disapproval,. Ali official Legislature of the State of Utah., at Salt Lake City, this 22nd day of of all the members elected to ballots used at sucli election shall have August, 1912. houses concurring each of the two or S. C. written thereon the wortis. TINGEY, printed (Seal) therein : For the amendment of Section 4, ArtiSecretary of State. .Section 1. That it is proposed to ele 13, of the Constitution, relating to amend Section 3, of Article 13. of tlie No," TO tlie taxation of mines," "Yes," AN AMENDMENT Constitution of the State of Utah, so PROPOSING and and shall otherwise he SECTION 1, ARTICLE 11 OF THE submitted to the electorsprepared that tlie same will read as follows: us mar be 3. Tlie Legislature shall provide by TO otherwise provided by law, anti said RELATING CONSTITUTION, law for a just and equitable assessAND TOWNS, ballot shall lie received, counted, and CITIES COUNTIES, ment of the psoperty of the state at and returns thereon be AND PROVIDING FOR THE CREAT- canvassed, its actual money value. All taxes shall made in the same manner and in atl be uniform on the same class of propas is or may lie provided by ING OF NEAV COUNTIES. respects s. erty within the territorial limits of law in the case of election of state the authority levying tlie tax, and Be it resolved by the Legislature of shall lie levied and collected for pub4. of Sec. If electors the adopted by nil lic purposes only; Provided, that a de- the State of Utah,to each of thoof two the Slate, (his amendment shall take, elected duction of debits from credits may no members effect 1, 1913. January concurring; authorized; Provided further, that the houses STATE OF UTAH, ) Section 1. That it is proposed to property of the United Stares, of the amend 11 of the Office of the Secretary ( ss. Section 1 of Article state, counties, cities, towns, school Constitution so of of State. ) of the State Utah, districts, municipal corporations and I, CHARLES S. TINGEY, Secretary the same shall read as follows: public libraries, lots with tho buildings that 1. The several counties of the Ter- of State of tiie State of Utah, do here- -' thereon used exclusively either for reof Utah existing at the time of by certify that the foregoing is a full,) ligious worship or charitable purposes, ritory are true and correct copy of a resolution the adoption of this Constitution, and places of burial not held or iiso of this proposng an amendment to Section for private or corporate benefit, shall be hereby recognized as divisions disschool 4, Article XIII, of the Constitution of and the precincts ami exempt from taxation. Hitches, canals, State, now existing in said counties as the State of Utah, relating to the taxareservoirs, pipes and flumes- - owned tricts of and mines. tion subdivisions thereof, they legal and used by individuals or corporations until changed by IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have for irrigating lands owned by sucli in- shall inso continue of this article. The pursuance hereunto set rny hand anil affixed dividuals or corporations of the indi- law proby may general law counthe Grojt Seal of the State of Utah, vidual members thereof, shall not be .Uegislature new of formation vide for Ajie Sa t I.ai ke City, this 22nd day of at separately taxed as long as they shall ties, and locating the county seats be owned and used exclusively for such thereof. August, 1912. be shall which Every county C. S. TINGEY, (Seal) purpose; Provided, further, that mort- formed from taken from any Secretary of State. gages upon both real and personal other county territory or counties shall be litaxahe shall from exempt property for a just proportion of the exist- A JOINT RESOLUTION tion; Provided further, that the taxes able debts PROPOSING and liabilities of tlie county ing of the indigent poor may be remitted or AN AMENDHKNT TO SECTION 4 from which such territory or abated at such time and in such feliallcounties Provided: that no be taken. OF ARTICLE 14 OF THE CONSTImanner as may he provided by law. shall Vie formed unless a or state is Tiew county Sec. 2. The Secretary TUTION OF THE STATE OF UTAH, votelectors of the qualified majority hereby ordered to give this proposition ing in eaeli part of tlie county or counFIXING TIIK LIMIT OF INDEBTEDto be published in at least one newsto tie dismembered shall vote sepNESS OF CITIES. COUNTIES, paper in every county in the state ties therefor. where a newspaper is printed ana pub- arately AND SCHOOL DISTR1TS. TOWNS, diIs 2. of State Tlie See. Secretary two for months lished, preceding the rected to submit this proposed amendnext general election. Be it Resolved hy the E. slatufe of to the electors of the State at shall be mentnext Sec. 3. This d proposition State of Utah, of,, ill the general election in i' tho man- the xmbmitted to the electors of this state the Members Elected to Each of tin Two law. ner by provided at the next general elertion for their Section 3. If adopted by the electors Houses Voting in Favor thereof; All official approval or disapproval Sec. I,, it is proposed to amend the State this amendment shall take ballots used at such eleetion snail of Section 4 of Artiele 14, of the Constitueffect January 1st, A. H. 1913. have printed or written thereon the tion of the State of Ut ill, so that ) STATE OF UTAH, ,, words, For tlie amendment to Secwill rend as follows; ss. tion 3, Artiele 13 of tne Constitution Office of the Secretary 4. When authorized to create indebt) State. of of to classification the proprelating in Se. t.oii 3 of tin edness as S. TINGEY. I. CHARLES Secretary Artiele, noprovided erty for purposes of taxation. "Yes, eounty shat: h,evi,.ne in"No," and shall otherwise be prepared of State of tiie State of Utah, do a to an tne uumg ..existdebted amount,:, that the foregoing is full, ing indebtedness exceeding and submitted to the electors as tna t,vii per he provided by law, and said true and correct copy of a resolution centum. 'No city, town, stliool district, ballot shall be received, counted and proposing an amendment . to Section or other municipal corporuGn-t- , snail of become indebted canvassed, and returns thereon be made 1. of Article XI, of the Constitution to an amount, includin the same manner and in an respects tlie state of Utah, relating to counties, ing existing indebtedness, exceeding as is or may he provided by law In cities and towns, and providing fur the four centum of the value of the taxper tlie case of election of state officers. creating of new counties. able property, therein, the value to be asSec. 4. If adopted by the electors or IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have certained by the last assessment foi hereunto set my hand and affixed the state, this amendment shall tike and County purposes, prev ous to the Great S, al of the State of Utah,. Ftate the of such indebtedness; exeffect January 1st, 1513. at Sait Luke City, this 22tid day of cept incurring ) STATE OF UTAH, that in incorporated cities the as1912. August, t ss. Office of the Secretary sessment shall be taken from the last C. S. TINGEY. (Seal) assessment for city purposes; provided, of State. ) , of State. Secretary that no part of the indebtedness, alS. I, CHARLES TINC.EY, Secretary in tills section shall be incurred of State of the State of Utah, do here- A JOINT RESOI.ITION PROVIDING lowed for other than strictly county, city, by certify that the foregoing Is a full, AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION II. town, or school district purposes, protrue and corrert copy of a resolution ARTICLE 13, OF THE UONSTITU- - vided further, that any city of the ng an amendment to Section tropes OF STATE UTAH, first class and any city of tne second TION OF THE of 3, Article XIII, of the Constitution RELATING TO STATE AND COUNTY cuss having over 20.000 inhabit mis, the State of Utah, relating to taxation. when authorized as provided in SecATION. OF HOARDS KUlAI.IZ IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have tion 3 of this Article-- , nvy be allowed hereunto set my ham! and affixed to ineur a Indebtedness not exBe it enacted by the Legislature of ceeding fourlarger the Great Seal of the State of Utah, add tional and per of nil at Sait Luke City, tills 22tid day of the State of Utah, eitv of the second etas having less of the Members Elected to Kuril of tile tiny August, 1912. than 20,000 Inhabitants and any city of C. s. TINGEY. Two Houses Concurring therein: (Seal) the third class, or town, when authoriSection 1. Tlmt it is proposed to zed as aforesaid, Secretary of State. may be allowed to Inamend Section 11. Article 13, or the cur a larger indebtedness not exceedConstitution of the State of Utah, so ing eight per centum additional for A JOINT RESOI.ITION PROPOSING that the same will read as follows; of supplying such c.ty the purpose 11. Until otherwise provided hy law, AN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 2. with artificial lights or there shall be a State Board of Equali- sewere when water, the works for supplying AHTICI E 13. OF" THE CONSTITUof four residents of such zation consisting or sewi r shall be water, lights, TION OF THE STATE OF I TAIL the State who shall be appointed by owned and eon trolled by the municiRELATING TO TAXATION. the Governor, by and with the consent pality of the senate, whose terms of oftlee 2. The See. of State is dibe for four years am: until their rected to causeSecretary this propose.! amendBe It resolved and en.iett-i- i hy the shull and are successors qualified; appointed to be published ;c reqiiu-"ment Leg islat ure of the State of Utah, hy of nil tlie mouthers elected to Provided, that two of saidtwomembers the Const til tion mui to tie submitted to be appointed every year. of electors at the the State next the each of tlie -- two houses eoneurring shall There shall also he In each county of general, cleeion In the ill, inner protherein: . State a County Board of Equaliza- vided hy- inw.- -i 'i t! Section 1. That it is proposed to the Bonrtl of of the See. 3. if approved. Jig, the .electors amend Section 2, of Article 13, of the tion. consisting said of county. 'oinmlssloiiei of till- Slate, this amendConstitution of tlie State of 1tuh, so County duty of the Slate Boarq or Equali- ment sin, II take effectproposed i. rum' tho first that the same will rend ss foliows:ex- The zation and of I In several County day . A. of Ail property In the Suite, not 2. January. l. ;I9I3,, of Equalization shill bo to empt under the laws of the United Boiwds and STATE OF UTAH. .1 of equalize the valuation th.Stales, or under this Constitution, or adjust, of Office ss. of the t.iry ()riI, the real and personal property the laws of the SI ite. of Ulan, shall State, of State. ) and of the sever il counties 'I ho law. lie taxed ns provithd A I. S ly TINGEY, Seorottry ('ll REES be provided by law. word properly, as used in this article, thereof, as may Bach Board shall also perform such of State of the State, of Utah, do hore-- I is hereby dei lured to include moneys, other that lorUfv y the be as foregoing M a full, by may provided credits, bonds, stocks, franchises. and law. duties of a resolution true and correct copy all matters ami things treat personal a an to Section Is ropes eg of Stale See. 2. Tlie Secretory 4 of Article unit mixed), capable of private ownert onrtittition of the t of II, to sulmi this prodirected hereby not he shall this but to construed ship;to fixing the , linnl of amendment to the electors of the Slate of Utah, authorize the taxation of the posed as cltn-sf Indebtedness towns counties, Stale at the next general lection and storks of any company or corporation, the district. the manner prov'ded by law when tlm property of su.-l- company or In See. TESTIMONY IN I elector the 3. li.ive If WHEREOF, by eorporullon repre-x- nted byisl-'- sm li stoik, of the State, ndoplid hereunto set tny hand mid 'affixed this atnetidmenl shall lias been taxed. The Leg tire shall 1913. tlie Great Seal of the State of Utah, take effect January 1st. tin annual lax sufprovide by law for sources ut Sa t Lake- . Gity, this 22nd day of ) STATE OF FT A II. of revenue, ficient. with other '. 191..-I August. ss. to defray the estimated oidhiury ex- Office of the Secretary U. R. TINGEY. (Seal) ) of State. ich fiscal year. penses of the State for Sot ret ary, of Slate. I I. CHARLES S. TINGEY, Seen t.iry also provide The Legislature the St ite of Utah, do herepayment of the state deht, if nnv of State of Hint the foregoing Is n foil. there be, before the same beeomes by certify correct copy of a resolution line; and prov de for the payment of Irile'-anan amendment to Section the Interest on said debt as it may fall propos-rII, Article NIH. of tho Const II ut on of due. Utah relating t Stain and of 2. the Slate Tlie See. Secretary of State is lv Board of Uqnui hereby ordered to give this proposi- Cent TESTIMONY have WHEREOF. tion to be published In at least one IN hereunto set my hand and affixed newspaper In every rounty in tlm State, 1o of ht of Seal .the Utah, Is th Great a and where pubnewspaper printed nt Sa t 1st ke City, thin 22nd day of lished, fur two months preecding the next general election. August, '1912. C. 8. TINGEY. 3. This shall (Seal) Section proposition Secretary of State. be submitted to the electors of this State at tho next general election for i is to serve your needs, their approval or disapproval. Ail s f Illinois used nt such election It will help sell your shall have printed or written thereon to the tho words, For the amendment of goods ' Sect Ion 2, Article 13, of the Constitupeople you want to tion. relating to the general taxation of property. "Yes," I'Xo, and shall reach. An advertise -otherwise bo prepared find submitted to the elector ns may be provided by rnent in this paper law, and said ballot shall he received, i3 a reference guide counted and canvassed, and return thereon bo made In I the same manner to those whose wants a or may bo proIn all respect THIS vided by law In the case of election are Worth supplying. of slats officers. Section 4. If adopted by tho elector of the Slate, this amendment shall take Affect January 1st, 1913. two-thir- ns . tneii-approv- two-tlur- orn-cer- two-thir- two-thir- , , fy . . two-tluf- n i two-thir- i - -- . - i t - - lot-th- The Purpose of an 1 f Advertisement I Turn Over a New Leaf itl I By subscribing for PArEn talk ' |