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Show 9 VOL XVII. MIES ABLE no. MAMMOTH CITY, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST HI, 1012. GLORY, GLORY HALLELUJAH 10 I REBELS LITTLE MATES NATION OF ANDORRA WESTERN HEN Republic Is a Veritable Rip Van Win kle Land Hidden High Among the Pyrenees. AMERICAN MINERS PUN :v. FOR BETTERMENT OF THE WEST Paris, Fiance. There Is nothing else Representatives of Twenty-twStates the world quite like the little "proWest of Mississippi Attend Comtected republic" of Andorra, a verita-b- l mercial Congress at Utah Capital. Rip Van Winkle land, hardly yet stirring fiom its thousand years' slum-beand In its dreams it still hears Salt Lake City. Of the many strikechoing the march of the valiant pala- ing features that testified to the great dins of Charlemagne, by whose help it work and Transmis-sissipp- i of the purposes came into being. But it is likely to Commercial congress at the waken soon and be made to realize ansessions of its twenty-thirIn FOTCE REGARDED BY PRESIDENT AS SUFFICIENT TO KEEP THE PEACE IN RESIDENTS OF CAMP INTEND TO FIGHT IF NECESSARY TO PROTECT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. NICARAGUA. I x Two Thousand American" Marines on Nicaraguan Sod Should be Sufficient to Look After American Interests, is Opinion cf Chief Executive. The president did not conceal his in Central anxiety over conditions America. In Managua and Corinto and other towns the situation is not to Americans, especially dangerous but in other parts of ihe country pm laging of all sorts has been going on. The people of Nicaragua, the president was informed, are suffering untold horrors, and Americans are suffering in many Instances with them. To friends Mr. Taft said that if the senate had agreed to the proposed treaty with Nicaragua, which he advocated on his long trip last fall, the misery existing today would not' nave arisen. Portland. Proceeding under a section of the code providing that whenever an application shall be made for clemency for any person convicted of crime, it shall be the duty of the district attorney, when called upon by the governor, to furnish a complete statement of the facts in connection with the conviction of such person, andvthat if he wilfully neglects to do so, the governor may remove him and appoint another attorney to fill the vacancy until the next general election, Governor West on Tuesday issued a proclamation removing District Attorney Cameron of Multnomah county from office. the governor apSimultaneously MARINES FORCE THEIR WAY. pointed Walter H. Evans, Republican Americans Threaten to Attack Town tauuidate Tor district attorney, to llil Unless Permitted to Enter in Peace. the office. Mr. Cameron defies the governor Commander and says he will not quit his office Corinto, Nicaragua. Warren J. Terhune and a force of 200 without a fight. American sailors and marines from the gunboat Annapolis and the colliee REBELS THREATEN AMERICANS. Justin on Wednesday forced their way through territory controlled by Americans in Mexico Will be Killed the revoltuionlsts to Leon, the town After September 15, Says Leader of midway between the Pacific coast and Orozcos Rebel Army. Lake Managua, where the liberals Ariz. Americans will be Douglas, rose in arms on August 19 and in the Ycilled by rebels after September 15, night massacred the sleeping soldiers is the declaration brought here from of the garrison. Colonel Emilio P. Campa, a leader of The Americans found the liberals Orozco's rebel army who, with 800 fiostile to their advance, and it beis operating .along the Southern ment, came necessary for Commander TerPacific of Mexico below Nogales, hune to threaten to attack Leon be- Ariz. The word Is brought here by fore the insurgents would allow the various Americans who declare they to enter his detachment train bearing received it directly from Campa. An the town. Rioting had subsided and only alternative given by the rebel the Americans found the city resum- leader is the resignation of President ing Its normal appearance Madero. AftPr conferring with the liberal Based on a report received from leaders Commander Terhune withdrew Thomas Holland, an his force from the city, 100 marines and United States customs ranger officer, going to Managua and the rest of the American Consul Dye of Agua Prieta, detachment to Corinto. Mexico, on Wednesday wired the state at Washington that CamSutherland Addresses Bar Association. department pa declares the state of Sonora will Milwaukee, WIs. Severe criticism be devastated unless the Mexican of those who question the adequacy president resigns. and of of the federal constitution Darrow to be Tried Again. "those who seek to replace It with Los Angeles. Clarence S. Darrow, policies dctated by passing whims was made hy Termer chief counsel for the McNaand fleet1!"? emotions United States Senator Sutherland of mara brothers, must go to trial OcUtah in an add) ess before the Ameri- tober 21 on an Indictment charging association Par can Wednesday Jury bribery. Presiding Judge Willis night of the superior court on Tuesday set the October date, when Darrow was called into court on the indictment WILLIAM L0EB, JR. charging him with having bribed Robert Bain, the first juror sworn to try James II McNamara, the confessed e OF CLOSING SESSION MARKED WITH A RETURN OF HARMONY AND END OF FILIBUSTERS. Deficiency Bill Passed Trimmed to Suit the Employees Are Not Extra Months After Being House, But Allowed Pay. Washington. Congress adjusted its differences on Saturday and adjourned at 4:30. The end was marked with a return of harmony and an end of filibusteia Senator La Follette, demanding action on the Penrose campaigu fund all vppui.lti'ff resuiutlon, fjund smoothed away and the resolution was adopted almost without discus sion Senators Chamberlain, Martin, Swanson and Culberson, after fighting bitterly for the payment of the "state claims embodied iir the general deficiency bill, permitted the senate to yield to the demands of the house and strike these claims from the bill. In return for this concession, however, they received the promise' of support from other senators next winter, when the claims again will be pressed for payment. With these old claims, amounting in all to $600,000, went the extra month's pay for congressional employees, which the senate demanded and the house refuted to give. In the last half hour of the session, while President Taft waited in his special room to sign the measuies of the dying congress, an attempt was made to rush through a special resolution, giving the empolyees the extra month's but the house again blocked It, Coughs Up a Tooth. Oakland, Cal. Supposedly dying ot tuberculosis, F. F. Baldes, a business man of Salt Lake City, has coughed up a tooth and is now on the high road to recovery. Baldes had his teeth removed several months ago, taking an anaesthetic, and soon afterward developed a bad cough. Physicians advised him that he had tuberculosis and must seek another climate. MRS. J. BORDEN HARRIMAN dynamiter Raise Values in Idaho Idaho The state board of equalization has raised the value of taxable property In the state to Last year it was $330,000,000. Forty per cent w.lll be taken as the basis for assessment. The Short Line's valuation is fixed at $30,000,000. The total valuation of all roads and interur-lu.i- s Boti-o- , $450,-000,00- Is $v; ; 000,000. Confesses Murder in Delirium. Balt Lake City. In a frenzy of remorse and drunken delirium, Steve Isuil, a Welshman, 24 years of age, after surrendering himself to the police Tuesday n'ght, mado confession of having brutally muiderod an aged Jewish merchant of North Topeka, Kan , more than a year ago t secretary Poestvelt and now collec- Mr. Loeb, formerly prlvata tor out of the port of New York, comes In strong defense of his former thief In connrcticn with the Standard stories. Ull and Hnrriman contribution d too, belongs o day. Jo Colonel to the 20th cen- opening nual convention here tury. For a railroad Is being built ably none is of more Tuesday, probimportance than across the Pyrenees just east of Anthe introduction of a resolution by dorra, and then will be sure to come a wagon road the valley can be en- Judge E. A. Helm of Wichita, Kans., tered now only by a bridle path from comprehending low'er freight rates a imperative to the progiess and develthe railroad into its midst. of the twenty-twstates west opment Douglas, Ariz. A force of 300 rebPerched up among the Pyrenees, on of the Mississippi. els on Thursday demanded the sur- the border between France and Spain A movement urging the government render of El Tigre mining camp, an and on the ridge of the watershed be- - to utilize the machinery now In use at American propeity, located sixty-fivthe Panama canal to improve the chanmiles southeast of here. Forty Amernel of the Mississippi river tor the icans, fully armed, intend to fight It drainage reclamation of vast areas of necessary to protect their women and children. swamp lands bordering on that great Seventy federal soldiers dfond the town. El Tigre Is one of waterway; also a proposal that the federal congress be asked to appro- the lichest gold mines In Mexico, controlled by Kansas City capital, and lx priate $5,000,000 toward the Panama-Pacifi- c International exposition of 1915 captured by rebels could finance the at San Francisco, formed important revolution. features. Mounted messengers representing Rafael Campa, leader of the rebel Among the distinguished guesta present were former Governor James band, rode into the mining camp early II. Brady of Idaho, who is mentioned Thursday and demanded Its surrenas the next president of the congress; der. It Is reported that no definite former Governor George W. Pardee of answer was given. Campas force is California, A. B. Lewis of St. Iou!s. of encamped only fourteen miles west On the platform at the mornisg sesthe mine property. sion were Governor William Another force of rebels is reported Spry, to be moving in from a point thirty Mayor Samuel C. Park, Joseph El Caine, secietary of the Salt Eaxo miles to the east. Old Stronghold In Andorra. Commercial club, and others. TOLTON TO LEAD DEMOCRATS. A letter from President William H. tween the Atlantic and the Mediteraddressed to Governor Spry, Taft, Beaver County Man Selected by Dem- ranean, the flag of this proud little na- was read expressing his rectet at tion flutters over a region that is alocrats for Governor of Utah. unable to attend and hoping tne most as much the land of the free and being sessions might be fruitful congress Salt Lake City. The Democrats of quite as much the home of the brave of good results. Utah in convention on Thursday as Is that of the Stars and alStripes, Numerous reasons why America in placed a complete state ticket in the though It Includes but 175 square miles field, headed by John F. Tolton, of and contains a population of only 6,000 general and the west in particular should be seen first in preference to Beaver county, for governor. Tolton souls. was selected on the fourth ballot. For over 700 years Andorra has Europe were set forth graphically in The platform of the Democrats is a thrived under a modified double pro- addresses Wednesday afternoon at Salt long and vigorous document. It was tectorate, the rule of France on the air by speakers of national repute, Trans mississippi yed for the most part in advance north and of the Bishop of Ungel on attending the , of the convention by leading liemo-cratthe south.' A representative of Vacu See America was the First, who had decided it was neces- lives In the valley, administers justice sary that the platform should set and receives a small biennial tribute-otherwis- slogan for the day. It was the day Andorra is an Independent set apart for addresses dealing enforth fully the principles and other state. Its relations tirely with reasons why this slogan merits of the party. The platform de- and "over-lords- " two are a quaint should stand. Representatives from to these clares for the initiative, the referenmore than twenty btates were presdum and the recall, and other ad- survival of medieval feudalism. ent The visit to Saltair was part of vanced political measures. First program. The contests for congress and gov- FINDS HIS LONG-LOS- T RING the See America lake was The one of the wonders of ernor were the only serious ones of Most of the other Man Gets Wedding Band Burled In America teferred to by speakers, and the convention. more than 400 persons saw it for the candidates were named by acclamaSand Three Year at King first time. About 500 delegates were tion. The Democrats adopted a plank Beach In Massachusetts. present. in their platform declaring for a nonPresident Trumbo opened the meetand educational the Mass. system Three years ago partisan Boston, by paying glowing tribute to the ing appointment of the superintendent of this summer J. Franklin Brown, nowr late Fisher Harris of Salt Lake, a a at In shoe instruction head by public bookkeeper factory board of education. A. C. Nelson, Chelsea, lost a wedding ring while whom he acci edited with having been the leader in the movement of educatpresent superintendent of public In- In bathing on Kings Beach, Swarnp-FQt- t. the people to See America First." ing Today he has the ring, and bestruction, was indorsed for Important among the many resoluhind Its restoration is a story of a to this position. tions introduced at the Wednesday bit of detective work. The ticket follows: Two weeks ago Arthur Getchell, session was one by Henry Welsh of For Governor John Frank Tolton, mall clerk in the Lynn postofllce, was Park City, Utah, advocating that the Beaver. Matlio-niharolling around on the beach in a present regulations and methods of For the interior department in handling Thomas, Salt Lake, and Till- bathing suit when the sandy recess tn which the ring had lain hidden for the resources, mineral, timber and man D. Johnson, Ogden. three years was exposed. The only grazing lands of the country should be For Justice of the Supreme Court clue to the identity of the owner was so changed, Intel preted or modified Le Grand Young, Salt Lake. that the citizens of the For Secretary of State Charles an inscription on the Inside which From Flossie to Frank, Oct. 11, country might secure the benefits read, England, Logan. at 1903. their very doors instead of being V. For Attorney General Joseph How to find the owner on such a deprived of them by unnecessary and Strlngfellow, Salt Lake. when thousands bathe unreasonable restrictions. For State Auditor John S. Iilain, meagre clue, on the beach every summer, was the Resolutions were introduced In favor Spring City. For a week Getchell of the proposed transcontinental highproblem. For State Treasurer John F. Men- searched every place that he could way, thanking the president and con-s- i denhall, Springvllle. of. think Then, remembering the ess fc; waterways Improvements on For State Superintendent of Public A. C. Nelson, Salt Lake, old adage about two heads being bet- inland rivers, and urging further harInstruction Jesse ter than one, he consulted a friend, bor For Presidential Electors Improvements along the gulf W. Salt George F. Alley, and, out of their ooast. O. of of Powers Provo, Knight Lake, James Andrus of St Georgs, conferences, a bright thought popped western F, W. Graham, Thomas II. Fitzgerald of Salt Lake. forth: "Why not look up the marriage and Industrial agent of theengineer Great records on that date. Northern railroad, read an address Stockholders of Moffat Road Meet. That settled It. They found a Louis W. Hill, chairman Denver Stockholders of the Mot Frank and a Flossie were married prepared by of the board of directors of the sys fat road held a meeting Thursday and Frank lived then at E3 Essex tem. morning to ratify instiuctious under street, Lynn, from where he was Rev. A. E. Iligley of Denver delivwhich their attorney is acting in con traced. Flossie, before she became an address filled with humorous ered ferences In New Yoik with Newman Mrs. Brown, was Miss Lauckner of 41 anecdotes which kept his listeners Erb and the stockholders protective Porter street, Lynn. constantly in smiles. He emphasized committee, and to arrange for the the wonderful resources of the west bonds of local Interests purchase by FINDS GREAT STORE OF LOOT and spoke glowingly of Americas natIn the new company which Mr. Erb ural wonders, which he declared far will organize after control of the road excelled anj thing Europe l.ad to offer, of Valued Silks at Satins Stocks and both from a scenic and historical viewpasses to him. $25,000 Is Discovered by Alert point. Policeman. Will Not Arbitrate, Att nddress on "Fire Waste," delivered by Willard Done, Utah state InWashington. Although the state New York. A policeman passing a surance commissioner, was the feadepat tnicnt will authorize no state- tail loft building on Tenth avenue ture of the afternoon session of the Is understood ment to tint effect. It conheard mens voices coming from an Transinississippi Commercial here that the administration will de In to investi- gress on Thursday. and broke floor, upper clino to permit the question of the Former Congressman ' Robert W, gate. In a closet on the fourth floor right of the United States to relieve be found a muscular young man who Bonynge of Colorado, in discussing Its own shipping from tolls In the Jumped at him so quickly that they "The Reform of Our Banking and Panama curnl to go to aibitratlon. both rolled down three Currency Laws" beTore the congress flights of al the night session, declared that the This position of the gowrnmont. It Is stairs together. The young man was said, may not be developed fully for underneath at the foot of the stairs, American people soon would Insist i emoting the stigma of being "a some time. and was promptly handcuffed. A upon tlnaueial nuisance among the world search of the lofts revealed a great poweis and would demand a compreArchbald to Quit Bench. stack of silks and satins, valued at hensive hanking sjstem Washington. Judge H. V. Arch-bal- $25,000, commls P. E Quinn, government piukeu up ready to be taken of tin eommeiee court, wtio-- e The prisoner told the police sinner N. R. W., Australia, spoke on away. trial under Impeachment proceedings later that three other men escaped "Problems of Hie Antipodean Settlela pending heroin the senate, hits askwhile he was struggling on the stairs. ment. Our problems are very much ed Chief Justice White of the United They had an automobile outFtdo the the BUine as your own." Bald Mr Stalls supiei.ic c mrt tempotarlly t bunding to use In carrying oft their Quinn. Australia has great re'.ourres K'l'-v- e Hlld few people. him of dit'y. loot, bo said. that it, Immediate Surrender of Rich Mining In Mexico Owned by Property Americans Demanded by Rebels Who Would Finance Revolution. Rochester, N. Y. President Taft on Wednesday night .rescinded his twelve-hou- r old order directing the Immediate despatch from Panama to Tenth infantry. Nicaragua of the From his private car in the Rochester yards, the president wired to the acting secretary of war to recall the order. A sufficient force of marines, the president said, would be in Managua, the Nicaraguan capitol, and GOVERNOR REMOVES ATTORNEY Coiinto, its principal seaport, early next week to Insure the safety of American lives and property. The president expressed to friends Chief Executive of Oregon and District on his car the belief that there will Attorney of Multnomah County Clash be more than 2,000 United States maOver Conduct of Official. rines on Nicaraguan soil by Tues- r, Kills Baby Sister, North Cobalt, Ont. The son of Clark caused the death of his sister by pouring add into her mouth. The mother of the i hlldren was out of the room when Mrs. Harrlman Is Chief Orator of the lder child got hold of the poison the Women's National League of Wilhoi i h son and Marshall Clubs. ) PP Com-rnere- 1 vCD-ro- ss non-partisa- n ge h inter-mountai- n |