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Show S-- - . -- .A' f . - ''' s.W5 'xtzr- - hfl THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH. UTAH POTATOES MUST BE PROTECTED FROM If You Neel a Medicine Handy Things You Should Have tho Best Our Toilet or In sets, in cases or rolla for traveling or your dressing table a guarantee of comfort. Our reaaonable prices ease the ' way. Pieces---sing- ly BOYD PARK POUNDED IflOS - MAKERS OF JEWELRY MO MAIN STREET SALT LAKE CITY Gathering Lifes Gold. The gold of life does not lie hidden in mines ; It sparkles In tiny sands 11 along the common path of every day. He only who gathers It bit hy bit from daily duties and pleasures and opportunities and, friendships will find himself the possessor of the Teal treasure at last. t, . Business Courses Stenography Bookkeeping Dictaphone Typewriting Civil Service Posting Mac htne . L. D. S. Business College Salt Lake City, Utah ' Day and Evening All the Year For the Teacher. No one is too young or too old to be Impressed with the fact that obedience Is the law .of life. Show Its rewards and its test of discipleshlp. When one wills to obey, he throws Into gear machinery the like of which is not known anywhere else on earth. . makes Rented, Repaired, Sold. Write for prices $7.50to 9100. Utah Office and School Supply 82 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City. Utah AH OF ALL POWERS GREATEST Wealth, Ancestry, Genius, and Know!, edge All Pale Before the Won- droue Magic of Beauty. The magic of beauty Is more potent Simon Magus or of Paracelsus. Beauty Is a different thing from ornament, which may be the disguise of ugliness. It Is a gift for which no artificial ttractlons can ever be a substitute. It Is a power greater than birth, wealth, knowledge or genius. People may be proud of their birth, but after dll we are not our ancestors. The rich man may transmit his wealth to his offspring, but It may be all wasted in-- single generation. Knowledge may be a satisfaction to its possessor, but has It not been said that the more a. man gaineth of knowledge the more he gaineth of sorrow? Genius, although It wins admiration, may be an obstacle rather than an aid to success In 'life. Burns and Poe and Baudelaire 'bad genius, but it did not bring them any worldly advantage. Beauty, on the contrary, is a key .which opens all doors. It shines on the world like the sun, and Its Influence is universal. In Emersons words. It is its own excuse for being." To be beautiful is to be worshiped, idolized, caressed, and adored. The plain, good people may protest against the injustice of a world which prefers beauty to virtue. But the fact remains. Rochester Post Express. than was that of Meteorite of Great Age. Meteorites of Indicated great age are conspicuous by their absence from museum collections, and lt Is suggested that such specimens may disintegrate and disappear from the rocks within a relatively short time after : falling, The British museum, however, has lately acquired a slice of somewhat ' less than a pound from a meteoric Iron that Is believed to represent an ancient fall. The slice Is from one of two similar masses that were found in January, 1905, within a few miles of Dawson, Klondike, and that, from their position deep la ithe oldest gravels of the district, are thought to hare .'rested there since the Pliocene age or r.. (before, Prom bis study of the original specimens In the museum 'of the geological survey at Ottawa, R. A. A: John- -' eon has concluded that they are part of a single meteoric shower of Tai tlaryittme. Newark News. ' . .Submarine Coal Mine. There are many submarine coal deposits off die British Isles, but so far they are not much worked. The tunnels of the mines at Whitehaven extend some four mllea from shore under the Irish sea, however, and there also Is some submarine coal mining at Bolness near the Firth of Forth and at Monkwearmanth lu Durham. la the Convarae True? The Chinese have a proverb directed babblers," for whom they against have a particular aversion. Ia It apThe great plicable In America? church bells rarely sound ; the full . cask returns no sound. Composer Musical Taste. Ive got a new song thats bound to make a hit." Concert "None Any sense In it? Not a bit. all. Any fun in It? Not a note. Any music In It? Quite right I Youve got a success I Mnnager at Have you ever stopped to reason why so many products that are extensively advertised, all dt once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten? The reason is plain the article did not fulfill the promises of the manufacturer. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal ; preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need. of it. A prominent druggist says Take for a example Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Roopreparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for in almost every case it shows excellent results, as many of my customers testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale. According to sworn statements and verified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. is due to the fact, Kilmers Swamp-Roo- t so many people claim, that it fulfills almost every wish in overcoming' kidney, liver and bladder ailments; corrects urinary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. You may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Roo- t by Parcels Post, Address Dr. Kilmer. & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention this paper. Large and medium size bottles for sale at all drug stores. Adv. it is that Proper Potato Storage Protects the Souds Against Extremes of Heat, Cold and Light site being (Prepared hy the Drifted States Depart- - heat and cold, a ment of Agriculture. ) essential. It is usually not advisable Storing potatoes resembles banking to, excavate more than 6 Inches, makmoney, because ordinarily it results ia ing the pit long and nanow rather the potatoes selling for higher prices than square in shape. It i4 inadvisalater In the season 'vhen the supply ble to store a large bulk cf potatoes Is not so abundant as at 'digging time. in one pit. The potatoes 'earn 'dividends While in The potatoes are stored (ver a light acstorage just as money In the bank layer of straw on the flow, while the cumulates Interest. ,Tf all the pota- pile is Insulated "against cdld and heat toes were sold immediately after dig- by 'covering the spuds with alternate ging 'the prices would 'decline, due to layers of straw or hay and soil. Durthe excessive offerings on the market. ing the late fall, as the weather grows It permits of holding the more .or less colder, more straw, as well as more perishable potatoes in a salable con- soil, should be added to form a protecdition over as long a 'period as Is eco- tive overcoat for the potatoes. Each nomically desirable. Storage also in- layer of straw when compacted should sures a more uniform market supply be approximately six inches thick, throughout the season. while the final layer of soil should be varieties or main 'late Is crop It the six to eight inches deep, depending upof spuds, Intended for winter use, on weather conditions. Ventilation Which are stored, as the early or truck may be provided by means of a wooden crop potatoes are ordinarily disposed flue, the lower end of which extends of directly from the field as 'harvested. almost to the bottom of the pit, while Potato storages are practically of all the upper end should well project types and descriptions, from primitive above the covering, the valve being or to pits, up shelters, such as caves with a wooden cap to prerather elaborate, artificially refriger- equipped vent the entrance 'of rain or snow, and ated storage houses. However, the also in order that it may be closed enfundamental purpose of the stornge tirely during very cold weather. house, be it simple or elaborate, is A of :this sort when well made to protect the spuds from extrtemes of will pit provide perfect protection for the the as from as well cold and heat until potatoes spring, 'the objection to light, and under proper conditions of it being that the potatoes stored therehumidity and ventilation. Care must in are. not always accessible during the be exercised not to keep the potatoes winter. together in large bulk where the develIn regions where rainfail is slight, opment of high temperature and de- dugout potato cellars are commonly terioration will be favored. used, it not being necessary to prdvlde Specialists of the United States de- these buildings with water-tigh- t roofs. partment of agriculture believe that a Usually the pit or hog back, as it is Fah36 of about degrees temperature called, is placed on a short, narrow renheit Is generally low enough for ridge of land which permits of easy practical potato storage, and that dur- approach and a central driveway into of the storage earlier portion ing the the pit at the grade line. It is necesseason- the temperature of 40 degrees to brace such potatoes by means sary Fahrenheit is just as satisfactory ex- of posts and plates In order to prevent cept where powdery dry rot. infection cave-inSome of the pits are more poof the occurs. The freezing point and substantial, with the tato Is between 28 and 26 degrees expensive side and end walls made of concrete, Fahrenheit. Generally it is advisable to have the Potatoes, when exposed to strong or storage cellars or pits equipped with "moderate light are soon Injured some system of artificial lighting. for food purposes, and on this acCentral Driveway in Cellar. to the exclude count it is essential The storage cellar Is usually providlight from the storage house, although ed with a driveway entrance and is exposure to modified light, where the considerably wider than the cellars spuds are kept cool and well aired, ts without driveways, which often are not injurious tc tubers intended for only 12 to 30 feet wide, the entire space seed potatoes.. being used for storage purposes and Protect Potatoes Against Wilting. the floor being either dirt, wood or conThere should be suflicient moisture crete. Some of the best storages have in the potato storage house to pre- driveways through the middle with bins vent the wilting of the tubers and at on either side, the driveway being an the same time to maintain a humidity earthen one with the storage bins havcontent low enough to prevent a depose ing ventilated wooden floors laid on It of moisture on the surface of the po- joists placed at right angles to the tatoes. One investigator suggests a driveway and thus furnishing an unhumidity of from 85 to 90 per cent as restricted circulation of air beYeatb about correct for a potato storage room the bln. temperature of 33 to 35 degrees Fahrenheit, Generous provision for ade- CORN STANDARD NOW RISING quate ventilation must be made,, the ventilators or air flues being arranged so as to insure a rapid and even dis- Fraction for 1913 Was 82.5 Per Cent, Slightly Above Mean for the Pretribution of air throughout the strucceding Ten Years. ture. It is a bad practice to store pota- (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) toes in large bins or piles. Not infreMerchantable corn was 82.4 per cent quently the tubers are heaped to a depth of 10 or 15 feet, the pile being of the entire crop durlDg the last 36 correspondingly large in the other di- years, and the percentage has been a the mean mensions. Such storage almost in- declining one. In variably results in violent sweating or was 84.6 per cent; In 1898 1907, 83.4 80.2 per curing, in which the spuds in the cen- per cent; and in The standard of merchantatral portion of the pile are frequently cent. subjected to a dangerously high tem- bility appears to be rising. The fracThis is especially true if tion for 1918 was 82.5 per cent, or perature. the tubers are slightly Immature or almost the mean for 36 years, but were not dry and free from moist soil above the mean of the preceding ten The highest fraction in 36 when gathered, or if stored when the years. ' outside temperature was high, making years was 89.1 per cent in 1906, and It difficult to lower the inside temper- the lowest 60 per cent in 1917. ature of the house. Such overheating may be avoided by inserting division walls at Intervals throughout the pile. The division walls may consist of 2 by 4 inch uprights,, on the face of which are nailed by 5 inch strips of any desired length, leaving a tilnch space- between each strip. Every farmer should keep some kino This provides a. ventilated partition, of an accounting system. which can be of any height and length In 1916, the chinch bugs cost farmdesired. By placing these in an upright position 5 to 6 feet apart as the ers of this country $60,000,000. bln or storage house is being filled, will be secured and Do not cultivate beans when ths an easy avenue of escape for both heat plants are wet from dew or rain. v and. moisture provided. is Cultivation as now . Needs. Local to just important Storage Adapted In considering the type of storage in the garden as earlier. Keep the best suited to the needs the grower ground stirred. should bear in mind the temperature Weeds first gain a foothold through and rain or snow likely to occur during the storage period, the character carelessness in choosing feed and seed and cost of the material involved, grain, and .in not tackling the first the nature of the' soil and drain- comers. age, and the length of the storage Do not leave your tractor out in period. s. Potatoes may be Successfully stored in pits If provided with the field without some sort of cover, good drainage and given sufficient cov- shielding it from dust, dew and the ering to insulate them against extreme occasional rain. i well-draln- - s. Lets George Do It. How does Lnzenby play golf? By proxy. He send the caddie over the course, while he sits on the club. house veranda. Transcript. Boston Evening ... Shave With Cuticura Soap And double your razor efficiency as well as promote skin purity, skin comfort and skin health. No mug, no slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irritation even when shaved twice daily. One soap for all uses shaving, bathing and shampooing. Adv. Something Different. Operatic robbers and brigands are stale. True. We ought to have something new. Yep; might have .azz banditti. Louisville Courier-Journa- l. "BAYER CROSS ON GENUINE ASPIRIN Tender slices of chilled Libbys Corned Beef and steamed greens garnished with egg here is a dinner your family will ask for again and again! Ask your grocer for a package of Libbys famous Corned Beef today. Libby, McNeill & Libby Chicago nui Nothing to Show for It. Mr. Jones returned home the other My dear, evening in fine spirits. said he to his wife, this afternoon I closed the deal for the new house. I Lucky Foot. last night, old man? Miserable! My foot went to sleep and I envied it. How was the show Caused by had the title examined, and found it Acid-Stoma- ch perfectly clear. The examination cost me a hundred dollars, hut If people who are bilious are treated acNow, isnt that a perfect shame! to local symptoms they seldom get All that cording exclaimed his young wife. very much better. Whatever relief is obTrace biliousIs usually temporary. tained ! Cartoons wasted Magazine. money ness to its source and remove the cause and the chances are that the patient will remain strong and healthy. Doctors say that more than 70 diseases can be traced to an Biliousness is one of them. Indigestion, heartburn, belching, sour stomach, bloat and gas are other signs of EATON1C, the marvelous modern stomach remedy, brings quick relief from these stomach miseries which lead to a long train of ailments that make life miserable if not corrected. EATON1C literally absorbs and carries away the excess acid. Makes the stomach strong, cool and comfortable. Helps digestion; Improves the appetite and j;ou then get full strength from your food. Thousands say that EATONIC is the most effective stomach remedy in the world. It is the help YOU need. Try it on our guarantee. At all druggists. Only 60 cents for a big box. ic friends Gave Her Up Mrs. Hoffman's Recovery From Dropsy a Surprise. She Used Doans. I was in dreadful shape, says Mrs. W. B. Hoffman, 689 Oakley Ave., Hammond, 111. There was a sickening pain across the small of my back and when I stooped over, knife-liktwinges nearly drove me wild. I had large puffs under my eyes and my body bloated badly all over. My feet were swollen to twice their natural size and the skin looked shiny. When I pressed it down, it left a dent there and I knew I was bad off with dropsy. Mrs. Hoffman didnt My think I would live very long. I doctored with' three different physicians and they didnt help me and I was discouraged. Nobody knows the torture I went through. I decided to try Doans Kidney Pills. I used three boxes and I was cured. I felt fine. As the swelling went down, my appetite picked up and I was soon perfectly healthy. My color came back and people said I looked as well as ever. Doans Kidney Pills saved my life. Sworn to before me, MABEL T. BUERBT, e Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must be marked with the safety Bayer Cress. Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper direction to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache. Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic-acideste- r of Salicylicacid. Adv. BILIOUSNESS ATONIC I CrOR YOUR Every W oman W ants friends Notary Public. Gat Doans at Any Store, 60c a Box DOANSFOSTER-MILBUR- N CO- Kp,1D1lV BUFFALO. N. Y. ANTISERTlCTPOWDER FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration and infl.ni. nation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. EconomicaL 3 Texas Oils Oldest eatab. brokers in Port Worth. Kef. any bank here. Free Weekly Market Letter published each Saturday. Gives details all oil developments in Texas Oil Fields. Write for free copy to Ben O. Smith & Son, 302 Club Bldg., Ft. Worth, Jex. W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. . 1888-189- 7 1908-191- ' some today! Youre going to call Lucky Strikes just right. Because Lucky Strike cigarettes give you the good, wholesome flavor of toasted Burley tobacco. CP Guaranteed ty fjLrStwjtsrieaCfrt. 33-19- t9. |