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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS. RANDOLPH. UTAH No. 30. Act like a man with brains. I said I would square myself with you and with him, too. Well, Tve done both. Maybe you think It Is easy to n give up this stuff. There is a dollars worth of nice little things in that box, small as it is. "I cannot begin to thank you enough, said Barnes. "See here, you must allow me to reward you in some way commensurate with your ' Cut that out, said Sprouse darkly. Im not so virtuous that I have to be rewarded. I like the game. Its the breath of life to me. The time will surely come when I can do you a good turn, Sprouse, and said you will not find me reluctant, Barnes, lamely. Thats different If I ever need a friendly hand Ill call on you. Its only fair that I should give you a tip, Barnes, just to put you on your guard. From now on, Im a free agent. I want to advise you to put that stuff in a safe plaoe. Ill give you two days start. After that If I can get em away from you, or whoever may have them, Fm going to do It. They will be fair plunder from then on. Good for the present night and good-b- y Stick close to your room till morning and then beat it with her for New York. I give you two days start remember. He switched off the light suddenly. There was no sound for many seconds, save the deep breathing of the two half-millio- By GEORGE BARR McCUTCHEON 2S?lL?E; CHAPTER XVIII Continued. .Nicholas at this butted in unfor- Sixty miles lay between them and tunate juncture. He made the mis- Crowndale. Tommy Gray guaranteed You take this one, said Barnes, take of his life. Ugo jumped back into that the distance could be Covered in "and I will manage the other. He his room. In less than a second he three hours, even over the vile mounwas in a hurry to get away froin the was out again. He landed squarely on tain roads. Ten oclock would find house. There was no telling when the government agents would descend upon the place.' Barnes helped Peter to Hit Into the car and then ordered him to start at once for Harts Tavern. You can return later on for your things, he said. I got em tied up in a bundle in the Wont garage, Mr. Burns, he said. take a second to get em out. He hurried around the corner of the house. A dry, quiet chuckle fell upon Barnes ears. He glanced about in surprise and alarm. No one was in sight. Look up, young man, and the startled young man obeyed. His gaze halted at a window on the second his head. story, almost directly-ovMr. Sprouse was looking down upon him, his sharp features fixed in a sardonic grin. burst from Well, Ill be d Bnrnes lips. Surprised to see me, eh? If youre not in a hurry, Id certainly appreciate a lift as far as the Tavern, old man. Ill be down in a jiffy. Stand aside! Im going to drop. A moment later he swung over the sill, and dropped lightly to the ground eight feet below. See, here, Sprouse or whatever your name is Better hear me out, broke In Sprouse calmly. I could drill a hole through you so quickly youd never know what did it, he went on. His hand was in his coat pocket, and a quick glance revealed to Barnes a singularly impressive angle in the cloth, the point of which seemed to be directed squarely at his chest. But Im not going to do it I Just want to set myself straight with you. In a word, I never got anywhere near the --room in which the jewels were hidden. This Is Gods truth, Barnes. I wasnt the only one who was trying to get the baubles, my friend. It was a game in which only the best man could win. I know the truth now about Boon and Paul. said Barnes significantly. You do? sneered Sprouse. Til bet Foq a thousand to one you do not. The gjr) was lpd to believe that they were a couple of crooks and that they flkod ipp in that tavern down there. Isnt that what she told you? Well, thnt story was cooked up for her special benefit Boon was the Baron Hed-,lunHedlund came up here a week or so ago to keep a lookout for his wife. The baropess is supposed to be deeply enamored bf Prides TJgo, He found letters which seemed to indicate that she was planning to join the prince up here. When he heard of the arrival of a lady at Green Fancy the other afternoon, he got busy. I admit that I am the gentleman who telephoned the warning up to the prince. They tried to head the baron and his man off at the cross-roadbut he the-trunk- s er 1 d. s, Nicholas back as the fellow turned to escape. I saw the steel flash. Poor old Nick went down In a heap, letting out a horrible yell. Ugo dragged him into the room and dashed back into his own. A moment later he came out There was again, yelling for help. only one thing left for me to do and that was to get out on the roof if possible, and wait for things to quiet down. I got out through a' trap door and stayed there for an hour or so. "Well, to shorten the story, I finally took a chance and slid down to the eaves where I managed to find the limb of a tree big enough ito support me just as if the Lord had ordered it put there for my special benefit. I was soon on the ground, and that meant safety for me. I had heard Ugo tell the others that Nicholas said the man who stabbed him was yours truly. Can you beat It? "And now comes the maddening part of the whole business. He said that the crown Jewels were gone The thief was running downstairs when he staggered to the door. If we are to find the crown jewels, my friend, we will first have to find Prince Ugo. He has them, I dont believe a word of this yarn, said Barnes flatly. "You have the jewels and Look here, Mr. Barnes, Im not goyou again. Thats ing to double-cros- s all over. I want to get that scurvy dog who knifed poor old Nick. If you can give me a lead, Ill try to run Prince Ugo down. And if I do, well get the jewels. We? You amuse me, Sprouse. Well, I cant do any more than give my promise, my solemn oath, or something like that I cant give a bond, you know. I swear to you that if I lay hands on that stuff, I will deliver it to you. Might just as well trust me as Ugo. Get In the car, said Barnes suddenly. He had decided to take a chance with the resourceful, Indefatigable rascal. There was something convincing about Sprouses version of the affair at Green Fancy, Barnes told him that be knew of Prince Ugos fight. Sprouse looked thoughtful for a long time. So ODowd knows that I really was after the swag, eh? He believes I got it? I suppose so. The only one who thinks Pm absolutely innocent Is Ugo, of course and Thats good. Mrs, Van Dyke, Sprouse smocked his lips. Tve got a pretty fair Idea where I can find Mr. Loeb. It will take a little time a couple of days, perhaps but sooner or later hell turn up in close proximity to the beautiful baroness. beat them to it. If there was to be a fight, they didnt want it to happen anywhere near the house. I believe Ugo is the one who got the baron or Boon, as you know him. Now, that is the true story of the little affair. "To go back to my own troubles. When I got out into the hall night before last, after leaving her room, I heard voices whispering In Prince Ugos room. I beat It up the stairway into the attic. Nothing happened, so I sneaked down to have a peep around. The door to Ugos room was open, but there was no light on the 'nside. He came to the door and looked up and down the hall. Then some one else came out and started to sneak away. I leave you to guess the sex. day. Soon after ten oclock they entered the town of Crowndale and drew up before the unattractive portals the Grand Palace hotel. An arc lamp swinging above the entrance shed a pitiless light upon the dreary. Godforsaken hostelry with the ironic name. Miss Cameron was warmly conscious of the thrill that had come Into her blood when he carried her up the stairs in his powerful arms, disdaining the offer of assistance from the suddenly infatuated Tommy Gray." Rehearsal qt eleven sharp, anLetter-perfect- , nounced Rushcroft. every one of you. No guessing. By the way, Miss er pon my soul, I dont believe I got yftur name? "Jonfs, said the new member, shamelessly. Barnes went down to the dingy d electric lobby. A single, bulb shed its feeble light on tho desk, In front of which stood a man registering under the sleepy eye of the night clerk, Barnes was turning away When a familiar voice assailed him. Whirling, he looked into the face of a man who stood almost at his elbow the sharp, Impassive face of Mr. Sprouse. tf 1 CHAPTER XIX. a Late Arrival. Shortly after sundown that evening, the Rushcroft company evacuated Harts Tavern. They were delayed by the Irritating and, to Mr. Rushcroft, unpardonable behavior of two officious gentlemen, lately arrived, who insisted politely but firmly on prying into the past, present and future history of the several members of the organization, Including the new backer. Barnes had devised a very clever plan for getting Miss Cameron away from the tavern without attracting undue attention. She was to leave in one of the automobiles that he had engaged to convey ' the players to Crowndale, where they were to show. In case of detention or inshe was to pose as a stage-struc- k quiry, young woman who had obtained a place with the company at the last moment through his influence. When the hour came for the departure from Harts Tavern he deliberately engaged the two secret service men in conversation In the taproom. Miss Cameron left the house by the rear door and was safely ensconced in Peters automobile long before he shook hands with the and dashed out to join her. Tommy Grays car, occupied by the four players, was moving away from the door as he sprang in beside her and slammed the door. Peters efforts to stay behind Tommys venerable but surprisingly energetic car were the cause of many a gasp and shudder from the couple who sat behind him In the bounding car. He had orders to keep back of Tommy but never to lose sight of his tail light Are you there? he whispered. Yes. Isnt it Jolly, running away like this? It must be wonderfully exciting to be a criminal, always dodging and Sh! Even a limousine may have A Trip by Night and rs "See Here, Sprouse, or Whatever Your Name Is them at the Grand Palace hotel, none the worse for wear, provided (he always put it parenthetically) they lived to tell the tale! The luggage had gone on ahead of them earlier in the ears I But If the limousine had possessed a thousand ears they would have been rendered useless in the stormy racket made by Peters muffler and the thunderous roar of the exhaust as the car ' , got under way. half-hearte- - "Isnt It Jolly, Running Away - inly open-mouthe- to ml rorjEii VillO ARE ILL Age-Heral- d. Com-poun- d, AMERICANS MAKING GOOD AT SIXTY-FIV- E CHAPTER XX. The First Wayfarer Has One Treasure Thrust Upon Him And Forthwith Claims Another. What are you doing here? demanded Barnes, staring. He seized the mans arm and inquired eagerly: Have you got the jewels? ' No; but I will have them before morning, replied Sprouse coolly. "Would you be surprised if I were to tell you that his royal nibs is hiding In this town? Well, A The Baroness Hedlund has been here for a week or ten days. She goes by the name of Mrs. Hasselweln. I popped down here this afternoon and found out that she is at the sanatorium, but that she expects to leave tomorrow morning, I made another trip out there this evening and waited. About eight oclock Mr, Hasselweln strolled up. He sat on the veranda, with her for half an hour or so and then left. I followed him. He went to one of the little cottages that belong to the sanatorium. I couldnt get close enough to hear what they said, but I believe he expects to take her away in an automobile early in the morning. It is a seventy-mil- e ride from here to the, junction where they catch the train for the West. Im going up now to make a call on Mr. Hasselweln. By the way, what Is the number of your room? Twenty-tw- o on the next floor. Good. Go upstairs now and Ill join you in about ten minutes. I will tap three times on your door. Why should you come to my room, Sprouse? We can say all that is to be said If you will look on the register you will discover that Mr. J. H. Prosser registered here about half an hour ago. He is in room 30. He left a call for five oclock. Well, Prosser Is another name for Ugo. He left the cottage an hour ago Came in a Jitney or I could have got to him on the way over. Barnes, regardless of consequences, dashed over to Inspect tne register. Sprouse followed leisurely. See! cried Barnes, excitedly, putting his finger on the name Miss Jones. "Shes In room 32 next to his. By gad, Sprouse, do yon suppose he knows that she is here? Would tbp dog undertake anything You may be sure he dosent know shes here, or you either, for that matter. The countrys full of Joneses and Barneses. Go on upstairs. Leave everything to me. Barnes had been In his room for twenty minutes before be heard the tapping on his door. He opened It and Sprouse slid, into the room. The instant the door closed behind him, he threw open his coat and coolly produced a long, shallow metal box, such as one finds in safety vaults. With my compliments, he said dryly, thrusting the box Into Barnes hands. "Youd better have the countess check them up and see if theyre all there. I am not well enough acquainted with the collection to be positive. Barnes was speechless. He could at this only stare, amazing man. My God, Sprouse, have you been in that mans room since I saw you . down All you have to do is to keep quiet and look innocent. Stay out of the hall tonight. Dont go near the door of (Knew Her Brother. Maudle was evidently feeling barrassed about ' something, and she blushed prettily as she told the sister of her fiance that she would like to buy a birthday present for him. You know him better than I do, she said, so I came to you to ask your ThU Woman Recommend advice." Yes? said her future sister-in-laLydia E. Pinkhams Vegeinquiringly. table Compound Her went on the blushing What, Personal Experience. Maudie, would you advise me to get? Oh, I dont know, replied the other I could only advise I want to recomMcLean, Neb. girl carelessly. you in general terms. From whal I mend Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable know of him, I should say he would Compound to all women who. suffer appreciate something that he could from any functional pawn easily! disturbance, as it has done me more Not in the Running. , good than all the How are you getting along with doctors medicine. Since taking it I Miss Peacher these days? have a fine Healthy Not well, Im afraid. She wants to baby girl and have put me back on a prewar basis. gained in health and ' "What does she mean by that? strength. My husI dont know exactly? unless she band and I both discounts the eighteen months I spent praise your medicine to all suffering in France. Birmingham Mrs. John Kopfelhann, R. women. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. A SUMMER COLD This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable A cold in the summer time, as everyhas been restoring women of body knows, is the hardest kind of a America to health for more than forty cold to get rid of. The best and quickyears and it will well pay any woman est way is to go to bed and stay there who suffers from displacements, inirregularities, if you can, with a bottle of Boscbees flammation, ulceration, nervousness or backache, headaches,, Syrup handy to Insure a good nights the blues 'to give this successful rest, free from coughing, with easy ex- remedy a triaL -pectoration in the morning. For special suggestions in regard to But if you cant stay in bed you must our ailment write Lydia E. Pinkham keep out of draughts, avoid sudden Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result changes, eat sparingly of simple food of its long experience is at your service. and take occasional doses of Boschees Syrup, which you can buy at any store Wasnt He a Dear? ' where medicine is sold, a safe and effYou used to say I was perfect. icient remedy, made in America for more I was mistaken. than fifty years. Keep it handy. Adv. You brute! I mean, dearest, that you couldnt A Life Saver. have been, because since then you Doctor My dear sir, Its a good have Boston steadily improved. thing you came to me when you did. Transcript. Patient Why, doc, are you broke? Money Not Everything. Tryln to figure everything out on a -dollar an cents basis is a dangerous business, because theres thousands of money. Ex things worth moren Thir Lika , Dont worry about old age. A sound man is good at any age. Keep your body in good condition and you can be as hale and hearty and able to do your bit as when you were a young fellow. Affections of the kidneys and bladder are among the leading causes pf or helpless age. Keep them cleanearly and the other organs in working condition, and you will have nothing to fear. Drive the poisonous wastes from the Bystem and avoid uric acid accumulations. Take GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules periodically and you will find that yon are as good as the next fellow, Yoor spirits will be rejuve- change. Soldiers Soothe Skin Troubles with Cuticura 8oap, Ointment, Talon 25c. Samples of "Oxttoira.PapM.Bort. -- DAISY FLY KILLER nated, your muscles strong and your mind keen enough for any task. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. But be sure to get the original imported GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. They are reliable and should help you, or your money will be refunded. For sale by most druggists. In sealed packages three sizes. Adv. ATTRACTS AND KILLS ALL FLIES. Next, elean,ornamental, convenient, cheap. Last ell Mason. Made of metei, cant spill er tipover will not eat injure a anything. tffeetim. lere, LESS, prepaid, fri gk Then, with Infinite caution, HABOU) S0UEB3, iM AM.,BrooUjn.N. Sprouse turned the knob and opened the door a half inch or so. He left the room so abruptly that Barnes never quite got over the weird impression $200 WEEKLY Everyone wants It. Formulas for SOS that he squeezed through that slender HOME MADE BEVERAGES. Book Form. Send $1 for copy and territory proposition. crack, and pulled it after him ! BUYERS EXPORT AGENCY, Ine., 445 That man is idle who does less than Many minutes passed before he Broome St., NEW YORK. can. he turned on the light. The key of the box was tied to the wire grip. With trembling fingers be inserted it in the A lock and opened the lid. . . . n dollars worth Of nice little things, Sprouse had said ! He did not close his eyes that Net Contents 15Fluid Pfaohr night Daybreak found him lying in bed, with the box under his pillow, a pistol at hand, and his eyes wide open. ForlnfantaMdJChUdren.' He was In a graver quandary than ever. Now that he had the treasure in his possession, what was he to do with it? He solved the breakfast problem by calling downstairs for a waiter and ordering coffee and rolls and eggs sent up to his room. Singularly enough the .ALCOHOL 3 PER waiter solved the other and more disby Beguta: turbing problem for him. Some robbery last night, said that tingtheStomafhs aronkwa Feller up in one of the cotworthy. Uftjjlllffi tages at the sanatorium. All beat up, fierce sdlnething they say. Thereby Promoting Where? almost shouted Up In aeerfulnessandResttorta, Barnes, starting up. neither Optam,MorpMnei The man explained where the cotuftfo Mineral. NotNABCOTIC tages were situated. Sems he was to leave by auto early this mornin, and they didnt It know anything was wrong till Joe JbdmU Keep hes driving a car Mr. Norton has for rent till Joed been settin out rsrsi in front for pearly half an hour. The (hriMSpr H6nrm'ltnr mans wife was waitin fer him up at the main buildin and she got so tired waitin that she sent one of the clerks wd down to see what was keeping her wwl Feverishness SLEEP husband. Well, sir, him and Joe OF LOSS couldnt wake the feller, so they climb idling fterefrora-mkfrin an open winder, an by gosh, Joe facsimile SigMjw? says it was terrible. The feller .was (I "if layln on the bed, feet an hands' tied and gagged, and blood from head to IaCESTMmCwP foot He was inconsdous, Joe says, TiEWYOgS an my God, how his wife took on! Joe says he couldnt stand It, so he snook out, shakln like a leaf. .Is is the man dead? cried Barnes, aghast. Nope! Seems like its nothing serit TMI HMT.U. M.HIPffi an VWM WTV. Exact Copy of Wrapper. ous: just beat up, thats all. Terrible cuts on his head and What time did all this happen? Doc Smith Aggers It was long about Measures Human Vibrations. Utilizing a galvanometer, a French midnight, Judgin by the way the blood lentist has invented apparatus for from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bone, cogulated. Splint Curb, Side Bone, or similar with much? easuring vibrations of human bones Did they get away troubles and gets horse going sound. id tissues, with which, among other "Havent heard. Seems as though It acts mildly but quickly and good remore tags, he reads a persons pulse the burglar must ha been moren one sults are lasting. Does not blister icurately than by hand of em, I say wasnt satisfied with or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with crackin him over the head. He stuck each bottle tells how. $2. 50 a bottle Rests, Refreshes, Soothes. 1WT? the point of a knife or something into 1111 Deals Keep your Eye9 delivered. Horse Book 9 R free. i him just a little way, Joe says in J Strong and Healthy, if ABSORBINE, JR., the antiseptic liniment moren a dozen places. What say? i they Tire, Smart, Itch, or for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, EnI I didnt say anything. Burn, if Sore, Irritated, larged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins j lUUK LI tO Inflamed or Granulated, heals Sores.. Allays Pain. Will tell you I thought you did. Well, if I hear ie Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult more if you write. $1.25 a bottle at dealen anything more Ill let you know., (rial bottle for 10c itampa. t ail Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. orW.delivered. Liberal (TO BE CONTINUED.) MlW. P. D. F.. 310 Taut I) men. AGENTS MAKING half-millio- K Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears Signature of Si In Use For Over 1 Thirty Years Illl a 3 EBA F. YOUNG, St, Springfield, -- |