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Show T ... - . Y V . THE RICH COUNTY NEWS,. RANDOLPH. UTAH ' rATJEATATA TJTA T lArxTJTjA a IF YOU HAD INVENTED 5VI-S- PHS1CI tilt instemof THAT SWELL ROD AND THINGrS.YOU MI6HT HAVE HAP SOME FlSH ANP MONEY IN FUTURE YEARS. Reav. . A N . AND SI! ' Obstetrics i GEON R specialty Office at Residence. Utah Randolph Fred R. Morgan ATTOtfNfcY-AT.LA- ' ina s LICENSED ABSTRACTER OF TITLES Irrigation, Probate iiial Genenil Law Practice NOTARY PCULICL- - Iditul, the Sujireme Gilbert Smith Rriitdolpli Earnest Fred Johnson Itandnlpli Josepli Jones Randolph Utah. Randolph, Licensed Abstractor fine clothes catch little fish and ard Rich County Boys in Service buy few W. S. S. - Over Seas.0 Notafv Public blatters - ftandolpii Austin Willis a!. Pee!l, Mortgages add Adjusted - Utah Jacobson Hotel NOTlUiS FOR PUBLICATION Department of the interior. U. S. Land Office at Balt I.iike City thirst Class Rooms. ill connection. CAFE solicit your Patronage. We Prices right. Wm, Jacobson ar . , Proprietor. Watches Diamonds Jewelry Ingstrum, v L. IS. Prop. Eng&trum, 'Phone Makers and W 156 Utah, August, s Designers Of Order Work. Special Randolph Randolph Perhaps j and a terrible headache. Take three of Chamberlains Tablets. They will Carl Kennedy, tone up your liver clean r. lit yom stomach and yr. will noun lie as well as ever. They only cost a quarter. An t'nliiianfcc: regulatinfe lieoefia fug and closing hours of Pool Halls, Ice Cream Parlors and Confectionaries within the corporate limits of the Town of Randolph, Utah Riid rcpeal-- il ll ordinances or paffTiF' ordi nances in conflict lieif witli. Seo.1, It slisll lie unlawful iirany S Pool peri on or persons conducting Hall, life C ten m Purlor dr ! Cohfpctioh-ar- y you are worried because to keep shell place of business open Woodruff Kandoliti, Wyoming. Agents wanted, Scott Si Sowac, liloomEeid, tC, THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO,,ORANGE.MASS. OR Address . BALE Delicate Mechanism PAPER AN INK FROM KNOW WE'RE gooo, but we got TO PAN EM ENIERN THIRTY ec Sixty dans jest the SAME, SO WE GOTTA GIT OUR MONEN WHEN IT'S Duel TOO Eft WE CAN'T PAN 3UA BILLS, SEE ! Despite its scope Swift & Company is a business of in- - finite details, requiring infinite attention. Daytime steep. The woman who can drop asleep quickly, for a few minutes nap tn the daytime, is really blessed. If such a attic siesta that knits up the raveled sleeve of care, can be managed Its refreshment Is wonderful.' To darken the room is the first aid to slumber. If tills is out of the question for any reason, or if the nap Is taken out of doors, a (lark scarf tied lightly over the eyes lias the needed effect. . Experienced men must know livestock buying with a knowledge of weight, price, the amount and quality of meat the live animals will yield.' Ntw Home .Sewing Ma 427 So. Wabash Ave . chine Co-- : Chicago -- ' . VN AFTER WE BEEN threatenin t sue him. boss to throw off somethin n he vnanTed The Deafness Cannot Be Cured applications, as they cannot bylocal reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness la caused by an inflamed condition ofthe mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when It is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out ana . Ihip tube restored, to its normal condition, be destroyed foreyer;. nine 'bearing wilt, cases out oLten-arcaused by Catagrn, . iwhieh is notning- bufcan1 lnflantef condiL-.' mucous surfaced, " of tion the VWfriii'fcfoil One Hundred Dolls?; for any ease of- - Diafneai (caused by catarrh) that cannot be Cured Halila Catarrh Cure. Bend for clrculaiO. r. J. CHENfcy 7ft pp.. Tbleiia, Ohio. Sold by Irugslit, So. Halls Family Pills for consflpatl') - Tr-k- Education in Travel. Travel Is not only great fun, but It Is also on education for the person with the seeing eye. There are a lot of folks who bo to places and never seem to gather any good from It None so bliud as he v ho 'will not iee. sill becuz iT wuz SO LARGE' KIN NOO on the SEAT. If ? be done with expert skill and scientific precision. A highly perishable product must be handled with speed and care to avoid loss. . , . - . i f Chemists, engineers, accountants, and other specialists are required to take care of our intricate problems. Alert wisdom and judgment must be used in getting stocks of goods into the open channels of demand through our,, four hundred branch houses. Branch house organizations must show activity and energy to, sell at the market in the face of acute competi-tio-n from other large packers, and hundreds of small ones, t All these requirements of intelligenpe, loyalty, devotion to the task, are met in the personnel of Swift & Company. Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent per pound with costs at minimum. How can the workings of this deli cate human mechanism be. improved mail-coach- COME v ; Haulers and Their Fangs, There are fohr principal kinds of rattlers: Black diamond, mountain, prairie, and Texas. As is commonly known, every kind of rattler Is poisonous. At the age of two months the first set of fangs appear. If the are removed, two more sets come, idne days apart. If the third set is reThe. Best moved the rattler is said to be fixed " A piece of flannel 'dampened wiGi and no more fangs appear, consequentChamberlain's Liniment and bound ly the snake i no. dangerous. on over the seat of pain' is often more for a lame buck than a plust- etfectun! . Perennial Relative. er and does not cost anything like as Billy, six months old, wrote to hli aunt Hie other day and his mother much. thought best to road the letter before she mailed it: "Deal Aunt Gertrude: arly Days of Mail Carrying. I go to scoot every day and take mj IUyal Mail vans, the driving of lunch. I mil well how are you. Scool Is lots of fun, your undying nefew. which Is now Intrusted to women chauffeurs, originated in the Kansas City Star. Billy. which were instituted in I "SI by Mr. John Palmer. M. 1.. for Bulb, and manager of the Bath theater, lie had to overcome strenuous opposition befora lie '.ouid induce Mr. Pitt to MICKIE SAYS A en's 'system of postboys, hoae vonwet rate of speed was five IRENE, GIT ME A milen.iu: hour. London Times. GLASS OF WATER'. JEST HAD A' AWFUL SHOCK! THAT OLD HARO-BOILEEGG WHO'S SACK SIX NEARS ON HIS SUBSCRIPTION, HE lie nt some future time niidTiie oldvso.n;l'ile of fixing time be adoped the closing hours abotfe men).ioiedrjScts of for the business shall he the hour of llo'ia.lock Jf M. of any day o(I t),ie Any person or persons violating any of the ipiovinions of this ordinance shall upon Conviction thereof be pun-ishby a fine of not less than $25.0(1 or more than $100.00 or by iinprision-men- t. :iot exceeding 30 days or by both fine and imprisoment. This ordiu:incesltalI take effect. 10 enpctnieiif N days after thy date?o,thJirsl publication thereof' Passed by the Town Board of the Town of liuDdolpli,, Utah, thi$ih day of August A.D., 1919.' ' ' Pres. Joseph tip. Hatch, f". ex t, sby , f. Attest: Aitliiir'McIfiflnbff, GIWR. Jiffection August. 26, A.D., -- ; v Each manufacturing operation must r 1919 iliiiS To Improve Your Digestion For yetus my digestion was eo t the lightest poor that foods. I tried everything that I heard of to get relief, but nbt ;i until iboiit a year ago when I nv tliijimUejfiui.is 1 cuuld-filyy- Tablets advert'sed and got a bottle of them did fiiid the right tTcliniient. Since taking them my digestion is Mrs. Blanche rBowers, Indiana fine. f ' f Pa- - '' - . ' t V i - r ' v" ' , Tsv V MICKIE SAYS "-T- NNDN hg GUN VMNO DREE"ZES IN HERE ANO ' HANOS THE BOSS A LINE CHATTER BOUT Hlg RIZNESS N WHAT A LOTTA AONRR-TlSlN- G HS'i GOIN T DO , GITS JEST VNHAT HE FANS FER. ROUND This OFFICE. A Talk, FER bout contractin' BN A QU ARTER'-FAG- , upon? Do you believe that Government direction would add to our efficiency or improve the service rendered the ' BY 15-- 5 ed our j i WARRANTED FOB ALL TIME. Known the world over for superior sewing qualities. Not sold under anv other name. . Abolished NESSIR, WE SENT VOO A STATEMENT SURE . WE KNOW NEC GOOO FER IT AN INTEND TO PAN Plaster' , oi M and watch how it helps a thin child grow ana put on ' 'Ti, ly called Sunday: weight. There is notkitig quite new schedule of Shall 2. Ihe so strengthening as Scotts Sec. tinieadiibfbS Emuhion fora child of eng ci, fixing by Uoifgre.sioiiiii1 ' f NO OTHER LIKE IT. NO OTHER AS GOOD. Purchase the NEW HOME end you will have at the price you pay. The elimination of l' life as-best ic par cpene bv superior workmanship andmini--mu? service at of material insure NEW HOME coat. Insist on hating the o,elo(.k A after the hour of 12 oclock M., MidA Pool of the'week. night. of any day . v ii Ilnl! slmil iiotlipbrate at any time dun make ing the first day of ttie week common1 - Evanston, p MICKIE LAYS The firms we bun , cjuld does not pick up in weight? try vfoodrufT liicli County Beys in Service In tlniled States. stomach and causes natiseai vomiting 5. 1919. Notice is hereby given that Jasper Henderson, of Laketown, Utah, who on May 7, 1919, made Homestead En- try Serial No. Ollotilj for SjSEj, NWi of Section 29, TownSEI, SE'SW ship 13 North, Range 5 East, Salt Lake Merdian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before-the Clerk of the District Court at Randolph, Utah, on the 13th day of September, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Ole Mattson, Hebert Nebeker and h Johnson all of Lakelown, Utah, and Melvin Schencks of Randolph, Utah. Gould B. Blakely, Regis! er. F.lls-wort- The Jewoler ' A Billlous Attack Josepii Smith When you have a hillioiis attack Franklin Buck your liver fails to pi'efbrhi its fuiict- - Chester Walton, ions. Von become constipali d. ' ' be food you eatfcrmeDis in your slouacii Notice ' i Norma! Weight LaketoWn Norman Gray - An Ordinance Very Import,.,,.. They say that everything one learns In vouth helps one in maturity, nnd, while you wouldnt think at tlrot. blush that it would do a college girl so very 5 feet much good to learn to Inches, c a fiber. second thought we suppose It gives Iter a distinct advantage over her less highly (rained sisters when the mice come aroua.d.In after , Hfe. Ohio State Journal. high-jum- Randolph lioy Nelson, David lie Roy Dean,' Woodruff 'Arch McKinnon I.aiul CWIltHm Tfce RiCh . Kansas . ; , While I was inAshiand, a gentlemen overheard me open king of! Published! RICH COUNTV Chamberlain's Colic ami Diarrhoea PUBLISHING COMPANY Itemed v, writesi Wiii'am whiteiaw. Entered as second class matter May of Des Moines Iowa, He told me ill 5. 897 at the ls? Office at linmlnlph, tfc, i;der the nit of March 3. 1879. Detail of what it had done for his fainARTHUR ilcKlNNON tly, but more especially his daughter - Publisher Wiio ,was lyimr at the point of death with a violent attack or' dysentry, atnl Published every Saturday nt Knml-dn' the family r..'. 1- ; :: I Girls from Rich County who nre had beeli given up by advised ..thin Some nlcisii. Heighten Crors Red as Utah August 1(J tfrj erving ther Country Colic and Randolph Chamberlain' to him JJive Nurses. i Diarrhoea. Remedy, which he did Katherine McKinnon, Randolph. and fully believes that by doing so MBtOD Barbara Cox,, Wood mil. & ASSOCIATION ' saved tire life of bis child, lie staled UTAH STATE K Florence Walton,! Woodruff that lie had also used this remedy reRicli County Boys Wlio Mad himself witli equally gratifying sults. Sacrifice. YOUR MONEY in war Savings Stamps Dr - i Tuw tfrVrnl rlHMSfliictiMtlTu Cure to. Dysentery SOMEWHERE IN UTAH Directory. U Mfa Care of Telephone. The telephone is a fine rectrlaeie for germs of every kind, and little attention is paid to sterilizing this much-use- d machine. It should be washed out with alcohol as often as required, and to keep the dust out of it make a small round covet of soft lenthcr or heavy cloth and stitch a broad ribbon around the edge, through which cau be run a drawing string or elastic. Put this over the transmitter. producer and consumer ? , Let us send you a Swift Dollar. It will interest you. - ' Address Swift Union Stock Yards, ft Company, Chicago, HL Swift & Company, U. S. A. Lifes Journey. Life Is a Journey, not a borne; a road, not a city, .of habitation ; and the enjoyments and blessings we have are '6ut little inns on the roadside of life, where we may be refreshed for a moment, that we iruv with new strength press on to the end. Starting Trouble. The Salvation Army now plans to become a great matrimonial bureau where before it was supposed to help the unfortunate. Pittsburgh Dispatch. J . -- When indigestion with relieve d, ( I the t Diaiolve easily on tongue as pleasant to take an candy. Keep your stomach sweet, try ' ' MADE BY BCOTT makers R EOWNE of ecorrs emulsion' |