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Show r X "V'.v . Estimates Cheerfully Given. u- - - ' 4 -- i'VV - e ' . .; this week. Y' , General. Contractors ' land Builders. V - ; V I Lester Lutz Returns Home. i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snowball of Garden City are visiting here ' - A Local News Cabinet V ork a Specialty Smith Bros. ' THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH Lester Lutz arrived home Mon- - We always carry a full line of day after bV'ng iu.the U. S. Army Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ashtah of for about 16 months. He is welProvo, Utah visited here this week'. comed home by a host of friends and relatives who are glad to see Miss Madge Crawford of Paris him looking so w ell. was the guest of Miss Gladys Muir He left Randolph Mareh 31, this week. 1918 for Camp Lewis and was to the Infantry. He Eft Miss Maud Merrit of Star Valley assigned there in April and arrived, in Liv- is visiting here with her sister Mrs. erpool, England May 11, 1918 and I David Calder. was then transferred to Evacuation Mrs. Mary Reese and family Hospital No. 114. He followed the arrived in Randolph Friday for boys 'over the top doing first aid medical work, and truck driving. an extended visit. Most of his time was spent in Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKinnon France with the exception of a of Evanston, Wyo. visited here fuwT visits into Germany. Coming this week with Mrs. Sarah A. home he landed gt Newport News McKinnon this week. Aug. 1, 1919 and received an honDr. R, T. Ewau of Lewiston. 111. orable discharge at Fort Russel. Home Delight Bread, fresli from . the Ogd iii Baking Company. Also Ice Crem & Confections Utah Made Candies; v e especially recommend them. f Makers of Smith Bros, Hammoth Over Shot Hay Stacker '41 Geoige A. Smith. Fred SmUh. Randolph Garage t ' T , We have all kinds of caseings, 30-- 3 for $i3.plus war tax, and others inner tubes, $285 We have four second hand Ford and I Dodge cars, which We will sell at a bargain 36-- 3 , , visiting here t x , gas, oil and assessor ies of all kinds Snowball & Spencer, Mgrs A lso - ' , t J 1 ' V -- We J y also have in stock the Deering Mo- and Hay Rakes, Jenkins Stackers, Moline Push Rakes, Moline Mowers and Hay Rakes ttoline ana Milwaukee binders&Binding twine wers If you need anything.in the machin- ery line, see us first Prices right Spencer Bros. &Go. Three Essentials HARRY VOLK FULL MARKET PRICES 1AII) FOR Hides, Furs, pelts, wool, Junh, Scrap Iron, metal, Rubbers , bones expoiier.ee but he still thinks there is no jdace like Ran- friends. and rags. Absolutely Reliable. Give us a Trial, Miss Lizzie Simpson and Mrs, Joe Fife of Evanston, Wyo, ore dolph. He left Friday morning to visit the guests of their mother, Mia. his sister, Mrs. David Johuson of John Kennedy. , Garden City. Win. S. Muir of Logan wus in towiethis week to attend court. Following is the program for C. E. Booth of Garden City was Conjoint Sunday evening at 7:30 a business visitor in our city on P.M. Thursday. Lecture Mi s. Ray Hoffman , Evanston, "wyo&ing. Conjoint Program Mrs. Ernest Corless add little' daughter Phyliss are visiting in Fossil, Wyo. with Mr. and Mrs. Russel Findlay. S. R. Nelson came up from Bountiful Wednesday to attend con it. . Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Corollo and MissLaDay visited in Ivemmerer Our line of Haying machine Extras Is" complete. For Deering, Moline and McCormack machines. - x Wyo. Lesi says the wa well worth having this f , ' N St - is V. Solo flls Joseph Kennedy Pi mo Seletiou Recitaion Mitthew j- T Claw0on: Vine Jackson Story Rex & Co IvIrs.Sam Quaiiette Ben McKinnm Recitation - Place I tali Made Summer Ilent Disponcers. Carbonated Beverages. Fruit Beverages. A good line of Ladies and Gents Toilet Articles. District Court Proceedings. Kodak supplies and finishing. IceCream, Guaranteed the Best Made in the A special term of the District Court was held August 13th. The this week only business transacted was in Miss Rena Spencer of Evanston, the care of Henry Nicholls etal. Wyo, was the guest of her aunt, VS J. B. Hatch andRichard Jack-soMrs. Anne Spencer this week. The demurrer of the defend- Candies and State. Confections, u. Rex and ants againts the complaint was court sustained the children, Mrs. Jane McKinnon, argued and the and Mrs. Lenard Helstrom motor, same. The plaintiffs were given ed to Logan On Tuesday for a short time to am mend their complaint. Attorneys Chez and Barber reprevisit. sented the plaint.ffs and Fred Mr. and Mrs.' Willis Call and R! Morgan and B. C. Call the dechildren are visitng witli Mrs. Pete fendants. Mr. and Mrs. ' A. G. Lumber A full line of Building: Materials McKinnon this week. H. J. Norris and Carl Gessel and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson and and families spent two days campthis week. family of Logan motored to Ran- ing on Bear Lake Evanston Lumber Co. David Jackson of Logan came dolph Tuesday. They Vere accomWilson. Mrs. Stanley over to Randolph Wednesday to panied by court. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spencer attend Wilsoe Newcombe. manager, returned to Evanston Thursday. of Spencer Bros. Co., went to Salt The Busy Swarm of the Bee Lake on .bn si n es s th i s week . I Hive and their keepers Mrs. H. J. Mrs. C. W. Walton entertained Norris and Mrs. L. H. Miller, at i.n afternoon party Monday in Spent last Friday on Bear River. henor of her children, Norma and About 25 we i e present and a very Elmar. The afternoon was spent pleasnt day was spent. with games and musicnnd a delicious luncheon was served. Ralph Longhurst returned to 30 guests were present. Iona, Idaho after visiting several About weeks here. . Dr. Reay and family Standard Timber Co, Owners. I - in dealing with a commercial bank for you to bear 'in mind: The banks paid in capital its surplus and its Board of Directors. With ample capital and large cash surplus, plus a responsible directorate you are safe in entrusting your left Friday,!) automobile, on a funds to such an institution. Our Ann Mrs. Mary Pope recently months or six weeks business bank has a high reputation. You Received word from her son, Joe, and pleasure trip to Chicago and gain prestige by dealing here. who is with the Third Army in while away will visit the Dr's, Germany, that he had accidently old home in Northern Illinois. mashed his right hand quite sever-l' . The Dr. was accompanied by Randolph, Utah, He was in the hospital where his brother Geo. Reay of Los ' C. VV. Wal ton, 'Cashier. , some to for . i will remain have he Angelos. v" ' , ' time. He stated that Ms Division ' J.ha jtttiedy, Joseph E. Hitch, Geo.Spsncer, Oluf Larson, had started,home but on account LOST 1 dark brown jersey, branded 7 on right shoulder and W. A,- Eiter, Pet if Johnson and Joseph Weston, Directors. of his accident he would be unwith cow poke on neck. S5.0O re- able to come with them. ward offered. Finder notify Mrs,' Community Effort China's Population. t&ri Dundreary humorously ques"j The program given in Conjoint F. C. Kiddy. About 05 per cent of the population M.-S- Bank of Randolph, O y. ' Haying Is Here machine parts for Deering: Mcormick, John Deere and Milwaukee mowers We have Machine Oil, Grindstones, Cable, Raketeeth and Rush rake teeth , - tioned whether any bird would be such "ddrned fool ns to go oil nnd flock ti , by himself," and inherently, no Mne human being docs it. We have fceen doing things In groups for several hundred thousand years now, and we have been getting better at It all the time. Them Is still a long way to go. That 'la where the preachers of cegug&nlty effort can .help. i d of the of China ts conliucd to area of the country, with a density of 200 to the square mile. Five per cent of the population inhabits C5 per cent of the area, with a density of ten to the square mile. Lack of transporta tlon facilities and inadequate means of protection account for the sparseness of settlement in the outlying one-thir- meeting Sunday evening was exceptionally good. The Walton Band played a number of selections and with the rest of the numbers, it will long be remembered as one of the best programs ever given in Mrs. G. W. Walton entertained the members of the Walton B md and their families Sunday evening at her home on Canyon street. Twenty one members of the Wal- ton family were present and the Randolph. evening was enjoyably spent, Let us fill your orders Rich Go. J Furniturem |