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Show tjsss-rrcwwen Af.er a brief sojourn in the e N oithandufitr attending and at Provo I ut Hiked at visiting fri.ends and transacts i business Manti, San P,;te County Utah u:: Salt Lake Pres. J. B. Maiben d lady returned to Manti on A Vtckly Newspaper, IHL Hplffi' SEKTIinX GEORGE A. Con-erenc- , of pevofeil to the general inerest . audsurtound-fngpouutieJlie people of Sau fete S uns.vmv TQjY; - - One year, Six months, 0 $ - 2o : 7o Three months, Advertising rateson application All Communications intended e for this p iper shquld beaidress-Th, Hemp Sentinel. Jas. T. Jake. nan, Manager U. T. Box O. Manti, 57, P. HEALER Ephraim ; C o - operative Mercantile Association stock of Genera Have Co-o- p l. - yei List of Specialties Spring Trade: large al MerchanJise that we are anxious to dispose of 1 wa-d- M i To-da- v i Mr. Brown, of the cii p .t of 2. C. M. I, has been doing San Pete on one of his' poO'dical trip. He, in com-- ! my with some of.Mantis citrons in lulged in a du,k hunt ou Tties-- ! day lust. i a c.c- - t Bradley Garden G'i v Clipper Walking and Sulky Plow.,. t Ihe Latest Inipruved'"-BesImproved Chilled Plow ; Chilled, flow ; Planet Jr. CvtUiygtors ai.i Acme Harrows; Garut n 'iools; t Bubkey Mowers and Cord Wag SO Schut tier Binders A iu-- ; ; Wagons; and Road Carts. P.u gies, W. T. Jack, Manti; Our Enlargement. We nali enlarge next'Mssue making our eight p ige paper a (quarto) sheet, making 40 col. instead, of 21 as it now exists. We also inteed to issue a 5 col. five-colum- j HAVE IN MY POSSESSION One 1 . : glit yellow or mousecoloml stallion, black mane and tail, star in forehead, right hind foot white, no brands vs able. If not claimed will be sol i k Monday, April T9, at one oclo at the estray pound at Manti. J. J. Hansen Poundkeeper. two-year-o- ld DA; : J. P. fvleilstrup, ESTRAY NOTICE, -- Ephrai, ::;a J. F. Grant, vice - Prcsident. II. J. Grant, President. G.eo. T. 0J L - Sectyif o 4 page 20 col. p iper as a General Agems in UTAH and IDAHO Fur The i supplement every Tuesday. Thus qf the two making a the t furnish We shall papers. two with the slight advance of 9, 1886. 50 cents, making the subsciption Manti, April . DRY HERD! price $2 50 for the two papers for Oliver and Gale Chilled 'and Deere and Moline C one year. Mr, Jamps W. Iloggan will ----; -3take a dry herd for the summer endand M G O N I A L 10, L E r E and I G E It Uclf dump. Lmi;,! commencing April NOTICE ! reing December 1 ; he will he -his We the undersigned forbid any sponsible for all stock put in taken be The ptock will - c uirge. 1 i i . person or persons gathering salaages,Et-Terms Manti $2er Canyon. known up as land our from ratus head for the season. Pitts the Manti Salaratus Beds. John Ljwky, Jr, Peter H. Anderson, Jens Madson, Hardwood Joseph jSnow, Wm. B. Lowry. 2 folio or semi-weekl- y Di-tri- ct a M i t cliei BainWAGONS, !j, and Champion Machines,P- ii- o- w- s.W" HAY RAKES S p r n g W ago n s C a r r Russel and Buffalo California Concord Stock of Extras Gm A above ds, Always Send for Circulars and Prices to ODELL CSrRANT, We are prepared to furnish the public with the bpst quality ot Litne and Plaster ot Paris: Also to do Whitewashing, Latmnganu all kinds of Plastering such as Hard finishing. Cementing. Ornamenting, Etc., at a low trice. Wm. H. Luice, Wm. Ciiesihre, 8 Manti City, UtaR. SALT & on '' HJ : CO a i f LAKE 1, Davis, Traveling Agent. I 11 Harnes for Complete NOTICE j THE C. f Sudebaker Wag IlCA- Ylie Ait( F M Notice for Publication. No. 2212. Land 0,9ice at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 9, 1886. Notice is herby given that the following named settlers have each tiled notice of intention to make final proof in support of their respective claims and that said proof will be made before the Judge or Clerk of Sevier Couiuy at Richfield, on Saturday May 22, 1886, viz : Epaminondas Bean, H. E. No. 5935 for the E N E I S W N W N W S E Sac 29, Tp 23 S. R 2 W. And ii , the v I 4, i "T?J84l and they n line G,e udiowing witue-seto prove continuous residence upon, and cultivation of s.od land, viz: Albert Nagely Raleigh Jones, Alma N i el sen and ni. Gardner all of Richfield, Sevier county Utah. DYebb, Register Birdj A Lowe Alt ys o V, s V - - C.A. Madson. JlTadson Dealers in ROCK SALT and MOLASSES o(The Best in Utah.)o Manufacturers of the JMCaBwa I i ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' No. 221U. ! f Of, -- sr v'S r. V - f - - r. r- v LandOSce atSaltLakeCitv,Utah, .ks' - Are celebrated for their lightness of draught, stre:. r given that and durability. A full line of. our manufactuers cat d the following-namesettler has ound at the following agencies: file notice of his intention to J. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim. General Agent San Pet eo roake final proof in sup, ort of : Hansen & Thurber, Richfield. Sevier March 4, 186. Notice is heieby : 1 pis c!a,in,and that said proof will he made Ige orClerk of Millatd County, at Fillmore City on April 24, 1886, viz : Adel- bert B Pack U E Xo. 5951 for hefor-theJ- tlje S.E. j y n Sec. 25, Tp. 17 county. The Studebaker Brothers Manuf'g Company, builder Ce;itr d Branch Repository, IILAKE CITY, XT T A SALT ' - Portraits kinds of pav taken. Viz: William Stewart, II. E, No. 4976 for the N. W. 4, Sec. 21, Tp. NTI'DI MANTI, TJTA.H. the following wit- - 1, City Hull. JAMES The - - White ING MACHINES. before buying any -- t. AGENTS V particular's Sowlhs & JI: nesses to ,,rvo his eontinuoa, Salt Lake City. residence U and util cultivation upon, promptly of, said land, viz: Joseph M. Further Notice we will xell to tho JACOB FIKSTAD, ' Fisher, James Duncan, .Jr., People of San Pete ami Sevier counMm, SOS & Eixursox, ties Parlor ami Befiroom Suits, Buq. Labnnn, d Wdlia.n it. Gunnison, Uiali all of Meadow, Milard reaus, Beds! eafis, chairs, Sofas, Kay county, chairs ami Rocker, ami anything Utah. else in tlie IMMENSE ARRI Viz : Andrew Pederson, II. E No. 42o2 for the S. N. E. I and MENS BOYS, an J1 PLANING MILLS. Wholesale Lineal Prices where W. i S. E. I, Sec, 32. Tp. 17, S., R. I am prepared to do all the Cash accompanies the order. kindaf ciistoni work in tlie line of Plauin.r, i W. Now is Your chance for Barg'd ns He names the following wit-t- o LI Moulding and Sa ing on the shoa-- t W ad Dont You Forget It hissilile notice, anti on reasonable nesses Fall and his prove continuous wterms. Also all kmdi of J urnitnre ATo. -lop. teasdel Itf, - Mt. Pleasant FURNITURE. olothihs, Ci JL Wholesale For -- cultivation viz: Olof J. Dtvid-ton- , for house flu op. urnitnre nod Retail Dealers. John Dewsnip. Joshua Ben- One Door Weit of Totnplp Block. Salt Lake. give mb nett an Muhonri 5L Bishop, ail Our latent Folding School Bent Hanson, Prop. of Deseret, Millard Utah county, Dssk Main 8t., Mt. 1'leaaant, Sau Pete Salt Lah City. Territory,' Is the Best ' For terms see our county, LL T. D. Vebb, l Register. Agent, Jas. T. Jakeman. a trial. 1 N i isXSLXNGr115' WAR II bv B. GLASS, Manv For further 22, S.. R. 5 W. . TcMIsaewaa. oom , Carts, S 8..R.8 Cabriolets and Surreys. Utah. ol & Buggies Carriages Farm, Freight and iring Wagons and Or,.. jcted,sh)Ck f Clothing, Ilats & 'ent3. urnishing Goods at low-- p used C6t priCe3 at I- voldbekg-n- . 05 tfc 207 H ua Ut ed, y n TSt 'A . He names the following wi-tnesses to prove continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz Joseph M. nf all kinds Axel Emerson Fisher, James Duncan Jr., Henry done as anun au( iam toit bo done pood and as cheap as can in the East or West. All B'nprnn lfladsoii serc-nad.n- 'nr i Jb. 1 - y i ' TOO, SGHUTLLER & s - .Ya ASRiCULTOML IHPLEHEKli jiLisrjz Tuesday eiening. The City Fathers have at tempted to have a flowing vtfl sujtk in the Cemetery in ordf to have a fountain, but after driving 25 feet rock was struck the enterprise had to be abandoned. have received their The gpting goods and all kinds of ladies stra a hats, dress goods, jerseys, ribbons, etc. etc. The ladis should call and make the.r selections before the excellent variety is picked over. Again the Provo public have been treated to some of San Pete's mannerisms, during ConLOCAL AND OTHERWISE. ference, ar.d to judge from the which have been pommeuts Ta ta Mr. Ireland. made on the Conference plays, said mannerisms have been Aurevoir Mr. Powers highly appreciated. W. K. Reid The boys were out yesterday iu his parts (though they were bare-bulthe most insignificant) was head playing an 1 shoulders above the Provo-ite- s Elder. Chiistian Kjar and Miss Marriam Giier started on his mission surpassed any one of the ladies States. of the company. We wqulj An article on the Oemctpry suggeH to the able editor of the pnd some other matter had to b Enquirer to lay prejudj e aside and give even to San Pete that el't out. is her just dues. Died. Yesterday morning the which jnfant. of Mr. and Mrs. llulgc The M a .vj? i Choir. Few Ramlose, of iqaqti. in Utah have as many places A number of Eastern journals good voices as can be found in are commenting favorably on Manti, and besides the good the Utah Ladies memorial. voices, many of the possessors have been tiamed in thereof The currant bushes and othf musical the art, and yet, Manti an shrubs are coming into leaf, is a long way behind many ot blossom. in are trees peach her sister towns in the matter of Westward the shir of empire a Choir, we havo no Choi r, so to wends its way with Orlandu speak. Why. is it thus? Is it W- and Kalamazoo in the pear because none of our best musicians are public spirited enough Selectman Carter and S. II. to step forward and take plunge Allan were among the Mt Pleof the ability which does exist asant visitors to Provo during both Ypeally and instrumental Confetepce. a nd create thetefrom a choir? The teachers of- the South Or is it because the present Wntd Sunday School gave Broth-- ; organization does not get ener Christian Jjar a surprise couragement enough from the general public for their efforts. ;on Thursday evening last. y If either of these is the causa op Th;ro will he a conjoint meet- if the cause is such an oqe as ing of the Manti Primaries in can be R should be removed, the Tabernacle on Sunday next done. A good choir is a very immediately after the afternoon leasing feature in public wormeeting. ships and the better the singing The Afternoon Services last the more good it does. We hone Sunday in the Manti tabernacle, that some one who is capable wie devoted entirely to tha read- will step forward and bring our ing of the Epistle of the First religious singing up to the stand ard. Years ago it is said, Manti Presidency. WeJ nos day M r. Joint Ilougaard had a go,od choir ; let us have returned from his trip smith one now;. where ho has been attending t,o In memorhjm. Sister Mary business. He ha3 been $,bsiut Luke Squire departed this life two weeks. on S iturday last in child bed, TUo boys who havo been after lei tg sick for seven days. gathering stock tlm last week She was born in Manti July 27, jay that the cattle have wintered 1861. She was 25 years of age. very well, generally speaking, in Sister Squire was a goo f lithful this countw Latter-daS tint possessed of all tho qualifications of a good wife Mr and Mrs. E. T. Parry M. and Mrs, Geo. P. Billings, Mr. arid and mother; she was beloved by Mrs. Alex Tenant and others re- all her companions, and many turned front Conference on Sa- mourn with the beieaved husband and parents. Deceased w as turday bisk First Counselor of the Young Since the opening of the Manti Ladies Mutu.d Improvement Li Wary some two hundred books for several years when Society have been loaned out and read s the two a good showing for the voting combined into of Manti were one and Lterly, enterprise, and at the time of her de ithpvas Mr. D. B. Funk says he will president of the North Ward Ashare his Steamer ready for use sociation. The baby is still alive by th 1st of May, and Excursions and doing well under the kind to the famous hi tie lake can be car of his grandmother Squire. accommodated any day there- We sympathize with Brother Aaron on his great loss. after. Last week in the Poem WinTub Rkceitiom A ter, by Mrs. Annie McGuire, the was tendered to Mr. D. leeeption Harringfir-- t line of the second verse ton, of tins and his bride journal, should have read luscious fruits by their trioods in Mtnli on ' of Autumn instead of Lucious Wednesday evening last. A friends. number of friends and relatives gathered at the residence of ur. A trio of musicians were g several parties on Satur- F. Y. Taylor, the brides brother, where after partaking of a sumplast. The hoys, have day thanks for several airs which tuous repast the evening was were rendered in .an excellent spent in a pleasant manner until the time to disp rse. The elite of manner for our benefit. Manti was wvll represented at Messrs. Kenner, Luk?. and the reception. Mr. Harrington Hougaard.the Maati school trus- will now take up iiis permanent tees, are making their periodical residence in our midst and wid visit. closes the present devote his time to the welfare of term. .1 he 4th term will com-- 1 ie Home Sentinel. jjieiijo on Monday next. LOM . - Boots in & Sh Tea sballd , Eo'UrA-d- Main Street, t . L- - h |