OCR Text |
Show mj ure dawn Lr.st yctA oV .d w Lit (v ri' ft i - at tv . I TO , 1 a l then iswhfa iHs , c-- e - boanff-Tarn- , hasn't LciuflA.o ? w tbe o be rw1-- iffil D m ihe, gojJwori , bio gixl b- j"yhv , pukid ;r i s ,i 1 j t Havo Constantly n Hand a full Stock of Gener - id ;; : is n.RVmg vr.:u,n of With buJdia? of aahipt Qi La he! The na gU i fleshy u a teneral thiag. ;.V , has roy. round f&oa ; ha has basal r:V , nrfft fcy lonF. ai)!?y .Indie; ah baa as sura and true, if sot rarer and p i , Boston brttnr Her lips aiq than er, !i ' . and f ulL She sing from rmr.se unttl Pf geeks her downy pillow at mahfe Sh a aparrow ; whan kha R J. Barry and chirp asback har head. Bha n trhs she' throws k is beautiful. It is a grand agkt to sea aino girl laugh. It is thrilling, natural,' BJ , v,j unauected. It is splendid ; it is oa ;e poor, fallen nature risen. Where is artist to paint the Maine girl laughing? r iava that face on canvas ! to duplicate mouth in oil colors?' If your phono iph has nothing but a Maine girls laugh throw back upon you. you are rich In ; ilody . There is a sweet simplicity about s girl. We are happy at introducing her d any strangers, and hope we may be re emberad, either by cake or Inritatioa. n the marriage bells are riagia 'V. 'r --THE- X- k S I1' ? Y v n v--; h U;i r;- - KTi V (lA L-- Jib C jLi. i READY FOR UC2. Falnl 3" " Cur nzt b ru-1- (!(!. writer, to contain c, Lm 1, 10 rubber, rhfjniicn1, iun il, or otneir te$, mluPrratiunfl. i. to 5 Oft every parkef'C nnd iw t ns for u?e, vo tJit ry n toal pmr.n r enri use It vne n t t i .3 '1 mu ul 4 necIcH, n.a led hvwing free ,h It not kej.t by ycxr h 1 v.1 .r, write to aicnnMtftkfor 4,THI I r CT FAIN7V' tiA I I i 1 cr. . u. and vj nit t.l.e tny tther l U said to good umznz& go., allpirrsaracn, ia. s & SlAYVifiinnsssa. 1 c ?i:n FihE Hand Grenftde Fire Extinrnuher erer predoewL e, iunile, economic!, wifi not freeae or bare tue action of all climate, will not deteriorate taeily broken, cau be ueed by any one. Tbe JVn Y 4tJ uid oontaed m it la abtolnteu harmless to fieh end bro Lferything it touohes Lecomee lor eUe upon will not bam Wedeact eiott rTvifttTerit w JT ummh conflagration or to usury the piece oeee i b tue Fire Department, but we empbetieellr bold ' et so moipiaat tire gen pombly live where ArJf Q mimm9z$M PATC.'iTED. Burn any kind of FneH over W. T. REID, PitnitUui. J. II.WODRKOW, S tentary. IMMIffiLE IESTITBW Land M2 r ere used, et directed, prevented. end one of eur new .tKJiire mu n the wonderful th i sr ciencjr vtnel tirea No Far a adeiiet n mng ,1 IU, Fr Val ice, lintel. Fubho build Mviuftt r rmnld be without their protection. ? hp. nejiff, r4iui uuu lid tue UuU4 lUTWiRD !UW feo r u lju - I 9 f ti r CRFVio i nH( i i 11 Aadrest itttiwfv, 'natrAitn ' -n ; 5T f chevidc co., v 5M 1, :p(4vs..fxi (J jS j it . r .V . 8, March 10, 18bG. t Notice is hereby given that ettler has the following-nameto intention his filed notice of in support of make final proof said and that proof will j his claim, be made before D Webb, Register of the U. S. Land Office at R..lt Lake City, on the t. day ot Iteubi n P. MilMay, lb'iG, v Emot County. Ltah, tor the ter, S A N. W'i of Fee. 28, ami 8. E i t, wA'. &7t . I .tv ,r . 1?? t ' kJ i Sec. L. M 21), Ti. T DRUGGIST - f '0 Finest in 5 Mil V'r y.o Estrasi3 never vary. HIOB FOB STSSFGTH, QUALITY, FUftiTY, EOOKCilY, ETO. if fn.ij Bedeoted Frmt and Soica, S f en havin? Eastines Flayers A'in TAKE NO OTHERS C Y ALU GROCERS. CLr ASTIUa Warrer. 11 sr sraa z CO Now York, St., ;T r l&t. jn p n ir Weekly new .paper devoted iu t n ui-- .t ics, eiifiinconnff discoveries ini' Kverypum- tifj p&u ntsevt r published ' UsMrnvd with splpndid ectrrevm. Tyis Eatroniurn '.oFseinohtvTluableeDCvcIoi)edi v motion whit h no person snould be without. of lha btMiHr A'trRiceV is jopnhiruy hat its dtrcu ntion near y equals that of all c of its rlas combined Price $3 3) a rnp bold bv all newsdealers l)ionnttoClub9 a CO., Publishers. No. 3( lLroedway, N. Y. n ' ' i , " A . v u Stunr&Cohave if fclJ i SAohnd Thirty 'Eifht y8s betore practice he Patent ORce and have prepared "'t more than One p jndred f applications tor patents in and foreign country Imted btates Copy-righ- ts. Tradc-Maric- c, Catea jr all other papers for supuuient, and their in the rurnW to inventor ruring anndi Fnp'flnd rrance, Lmted States, ermanv and other foreign fountriea, pre-- ? ole terms, t artd at ehoit notice and on rcasonr lniocmation as to ohtnmmf? Hand-boopatents cheer-ofj without charge 'ulljtp'cn iifommtion sent. free. Ftents obtained i ighMunnACo1 hoaieadtnoticed in tliebcieutihc Tntago pf ucn notice i& M.ttican lieo bv all persons yiho wish toais- jnaetood e ot f , ntents Office SCIEKIFXO I & CO TV st i; ?rls. 1 Uroadway, New t . itp n Ob-- j land U d r. SAN PETE hr Valley H. 'I. Clufi, Irrt. ROVO OVO J. L.. lOl;Lli, Swcy. I Foundry i AND there a man with soul so dead t ho never to his wife hath said I will a flower garden make, Foth for my own and thy dear lake, And sow with seed to come up quick, nich you, of course, will buy of VicK I1 If such there be. I pray repent, , A nd have 1 an order quickly sent.- 1 hen sweet thy rest, I'm sure, will be, And thy dear wife will smile on thee. Te C job is a work of 50 pages. Colored Plates, 1000 tons, with descriptions of the best Flow ers and how to grow ' pnees of Seeds and plants, and them. It tells you what you want for the garden, and bow t get it. 'Printed in F.njlish and German Pr.i O' y io cents, which ma be deducted from first ore . 'Wi,Y VICK'S SEKDS, AT HEADQUAHTHP V 2S VICK, SEEDSMAN, Rocster, N.V Vi JtT San pete county. Chester MACHINE COMPANY. Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Pumps, Boilers, Feeders, Bias and Iron Castings, Castings for Store Fronts, Mill Work, Iren Work for Jails, Bridges and Buildings, Fencing and Sash Weights, Machinery for Lath, Saw, Grist, Mining and Molasses Mills put up to order .and repaired. " Corner L and Workshops: 9th streets, formerly known as duffs Hall. Old Iron bought. P. O. Box 23, Pi ovo. RAILWAY Company- - on and after 17, W5, trains will leave dulu, Sunday Coni' north excepted, a follow: 'd $ 9 :00 Leave Chester Moroni a- - ra nt 1 1 - Sec. 8, Tp. 2U S , R. 7 NV. lie nlimes the followioa uit-- , nesses to prove his continuous risiden upon, and cultivation ol said land,viz : Dorcas A. Crock-wel- l, Clear Lai, Millird Co., Edward Webb. Oasis, Millaid Co., James King, Fillmor, Millard Co, AAnthony Paxton, Kanosh," Millard County. D. WEBB. Register. 51 S W Dark k Co. Atty, A 1 dA Al ltf la Pr'e M be beajL t an OrJ raa Fr. V tfim i V . Bee a Va- - T'iro u boyiny anjr atie Aai yaarhimt 11 to for one if he kn bobo l iuj moaiat. cnn,Atiifj V y fr ??. hj t r . L'qtu L Oj,en F r. UW Jinl nati m o ft'iva 1 taw ui t rm n it before i k'ertu aabw y 0 ' its a .1 Vesta n ui A ui ;Ir3, 00. . vft rk. fs'0-.- lkiCk'ilirl.AaLrLL City. ' nf-- in- - No, 3216. City, U. T , l.I Mirch iM. VOT1CE is hrreby given th.t the folloWiDf-- 1 of hia trten-tionamed Bettler haa hied In aupport of lnailalm til make final nnd (hit raid proof will be made before the ProU.t .Imlpe. or in bia abaeme the county rk, of Millaid rnuntv, U. T.. at the County 'ourt Houae at 1'illmore oily, U. ..onbatur-iny- , . April 24. lHSo, VI.- Jftims Hntiliminn, O. .No MI4'I. for till EVSE'l andSSME1, ec 29 'J p 17 s, H 7 W. Hn niiMo a the following witneanea to prove blacontiuuoua realdence upon and cultivott ou a id iimd. vl? GiorgeW Allredge, John L Allred, Allred hamr u and J on ph namrirn, all V. 'I t Ueatrt t, Hillard t mnijr, ' n 1 1 - ' I). W'EBF., IlrgUter. stumer It Mmmona, Att'ya in a" .1'uupnwigr.T-wmrB- 2 tjr; 3'r'CJ CHRI.1PI0II C0MBItlE( Grain Jottoe of Final Proof. 0 Clover Thresher Hulled Arknowledgcd by TkraabnrmMi I 2:27. Una OSc Wlt I ikCltT,Utk,mireh 30.1Si, MOTICJt l htrtbjr ,lvii tkat tk tailnn.uj naaiad aattiars hav hl(l virin-tastio- n to nakc Knal preof i aupport 01 tkeir t anna, anil arcure entry theraof. ami that aaid proofs will ka made he lera tko Prokato Judge cf -- uu Pate Counnr, L. T . or in Ms before the Count Clerk fif said County, on atiirdaT, ni S, Is at the Court Hoosa, manti City. U T Arratlia d O J.tTlegston, U E No 4il7, fur the N Y N E 1t, Sec 24, and I tg If C. tec i9, J'p 14 . H 2 E. He names the Ini lowing witneaaea to piova his eoutiuuous reefdeuee upou end cultivation land ni Imeph S Ottiaon, Itiaor j of aaid Chapman, -- amual W. Cliapuian and William IJet iLnpgatona! of Fountain Green, tontty, Ltah, IT y, the liwratn, H E no, 6s3, , R 4 K , tnd nimadthe fo htc 5!, ip lwmg whntMeT to pro? continuous Midtncr upon.and cuithit i'n of Raid land, vi7 Lurtz Lflritii, Frants c Cliristeastn, UaTi AUdaraan, Sr f and Mad Andepn, Jr., ill of uiouit ntlc( !l, reti-octn- -- ( ' Ftr rs rtik PieniHiit, Tarrrltory williau r. T'.rnnai, lb E. nt 493, for liT c h vj, t(-- 1q, ipi5s, It .3 1l, and aanj tbe to piove hi couttnuMu following withes rtiidem e upon, and cultivation of, said land Ediiiunda, Kdrnuud Ednmnda 1. Nfliiaiiiel K iinunda nnd David 'J hom9 Rf walaa, Thorua vn Fota County, Ltab Aulattbe M'V: V . 'V- Sz Rime pra amptli a deilaintory ataleuient. No 917, for th5 H S w Vi " E a , vc A I p U S, It 4 and naiuea tbe fallowing witnanaea to prove flia contjiuioua tanldame ua ui and cultivation ot, Rakliand, w - ' rH ra i TIbIIbsI Perfect Irtocil.-Wor- l1 Used Exclusively at the 'Gr.nd Conservatory of music, OF NEW YORK, endorsed by all Eminent Artists. EAST TERMS 1 to If ri.JCKH! C2CTJ3 iM "t aouth'i & ? S r - t. Dark. w Itm, Fuller Public Kotiry Darke &andCo. Land Insurance iVgents Of- fice Agents. Mr. JJ irle, practices (Kin t t i K ' t - rur.t , (s 4i iHY'I'wo-r- y Hu n h v r' ni jii nop Mnnl lovr ie iDarhinet. j! 7 w :l i k .1 i: ft i i, i JHM'.f h- ' - f r .in A f . 7 f t t . c C3 X X acttilMrah 1 U voquiro So utH hiiM - J I j iMlrnndH of for iroul f i . to , 4 non, Silif MltJl to tneuUOA LUftp , I ft4 k jv 7 mruaa COi' N jrjitil P Kiii'lM ? j W.4i, A t Ift I uf .i.A - y J1' atta'bmaot trnrted and Rt lout ftc prinoi him !iy of an? nuu3A ' r ,itt t -- h IMTJI O -- L , - U. ' GAQ i COTTAGE - , f'J- N b; r ORGA113 y yp h.'m-- , Hus attained a Htandard of excelled! eo avbkh pilrots of no superior. Itcontnlns every inijirovcmenttbatioveutiv psnljg, bkill and money tan produce. TMippsrTricycle 5 )K Atorny m , i ''u .9. rrl r ISuiS sc 58 W. ?3d St. Nrm Ypor -- loufcty, Ttaa wilaon Pr John iilaratorv emption S.atiWftnt no Wj7 for tha wiat north kt , nortu-raa- t a N h 4 fc.'tj , her y ilia f blowing U I p 1 s l; 2 E and natu witneiMs to puna his oct 11 turns rsidnt upon (kU(l cu.tiiati u of a dd land r7 bristiau allv nna madacu, lnrv !en, rbrutian Pct alirol 7 Broai! Ii of isayflvld Count v, ltah. D. WEBB, iU.girfttr 2 william T- - lirla Att fsi Applicant i. rive ntrtk' hr nth r tmd I Jr co' .atlt uilituit t npunivd G1US6G0.,HT6S. id t kb fint 2 g !lno 2E.Xxigrl Iwl Hcitp t h' tima and place before fke clerk of said county (ni.ty Louia J"hinMn, - pt S'x ; ; cL-- V -- fr Tho leading Wheel Plow cn the market. There i3 nothing that can compare with it in Lightness of Duaft, Stkengtii ob Excellence of Work- Our in the manship. Endorsed most strongly by every Supreme Court, OistrirtConrts, one who has used Probate Court and the Write tor prices, terms or descriptive circulars to Land Of ice Next door aouth of Jennings, East Temple PAM & DRENBORFF 00, se ; it street, SaULs lity. Manufacturers, CANTON, ILL. 9 j.nciiiTEcrgs s, 1 t Salt e HDRRUILLfl Also make a full line of Iluws, Cultivators, Borrows, Ac. As. COliSuHTIVES. TO The advertiser having been prmnnentlv enred Of that dreid dseae, 4onann)tion, by a eimpi remedy, is tnxioaa to mike known to hisdesire it cure. Toad who uaed, (FRRB.) he will eerd a cop of the the tor pro, l ,ut andrm with the fame nhicb tney r lit rd a eure Cure f CotDesigns for School-houseL"a ve Nephi tages. Barns, ) Stables, Torches, Cornices, InteriorDecorntion.and Fountain Asthma, Coughs. Cclcs, Cortuirption, Ua DanaAMn. t 1 SO p. m. Remodeling of Old Grecnu IIoues, Etc. b. Hi Dll 00 furnished on short notice. Esti- Penn hty ii Leave Moroni 3 :30 mates and specifications accomArrive at Chester ' all hilUi'D Chester at jor panying plans. Spec al attenStages contact u hr iu to Sevier. tion ho and 01 in.' ventilation of Pits of San given parts i Dm apnea ' vr i i n i 8. BAMBERGER, Manager. buiidjng, PI ms furnished by k ry,Dl u ltTI RlffVWIr .h cure l tuebi H. S. KERR, uperintendapt. ma b Correspond ence slicitedf t - ' iv" L. S. Whitehead, Sujpf sw A(tc yoin'j south. bfll-'- mnd fi'l Oim.ttion 1 . 1 CAlOCX for Publication. Notice , ict I i m - COLDS SIEATEt! Eost A th TAYLOR BROTHERS, MAXTI FountainGieen' 9:40 H ,lrrb; at Nephi oj tuYv XZ' 3 STREET, Lake j ' J h 1; ' 624-6- 4 containing lJUE., S. acres. IJe names the fallowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation A. C. SMITH & CO. of said land, viz A C. Boyle, ' Wholesale dr Retail William P. Ilill. Leamler Lcinrj mon nd James M p, r, all of Mill Old Elephant CorirJ Creek, Balt Lake County. ' D. Webb, Register , 'Jfai street, Salt Lake Ci,iy o2 R Watrons, Att'v. a full Stock i f ICE FOR PUBLICATION. Carry Chemical, Toilet Article No. 2209. Cigais, Paints, Oils, and Land Office at Salt Lake City, Varnishes, Utah, March Jth, 1886. to ith dill Pirn Prices compete Notice is heioby given that Mtot. the in settler has the following-nameOKDERS BY MAIL SQLIClTliD filed notice of his intention tq make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County AVID Court of Millard Co., at Fillmore, AVID 17T8S6, on Saturday, April Utah, viz : Neils Hansen. II. E. No. 5108 lor the N. E. i Sec. 20 Tp. 18 S. R. 7 W. and lie names the following wit- JPersonal Funeral Directo nesses to prove his continuous wl.en desired. residence upon, and eullivat'on 15 per cent, belnw Irovo or ralt of said land, viz: Adolph F. Lake Citv. Peterson. Andiew Peterson. Hans In one half hour I can furnish a N. Pcte.'oon and Ja obChiistian-sen- , superior colli. 1, tastily lined, Millaid Conntv, Utah. superior mountings, D WEBB. Reci-te52 with an extra box. robes for gents and ladas. Burial Watch Repairin'; Discolorations avoided by using my pr. paration , Coffiin trimmings kept in tock end Caskets furnished in hours. wenty-iou- r !) S. MAIN R.' S uit-ne-s- es Cl Vi OCAS SUT L Ji.U IT ALL 7V V; ua nj t.'ru'i vf I p' y" A A Y'L O R ? Buckle & Son ftol Xii; j o5 T i: f N. E. k 1 : -- d 7. ETi. MJT Whos Your 1876. 1-- MWmH 1 Jim. tCiuW' ! Fashion j Ok: c si No. 2217. Offife at Salt Lake City, final proof in support of Li claim, and that said proof will made bt.fore the Legist or Receiver of thq Lan 0 jico a .ih Lake City, on Apiil 19, l'8i)iz: Duress A. Crockuell, v ido'-- , (,f J D. M. CroehwtU deeud.Il 488.;' for the N . W. N AV rC J S. W. 1X E 11, N. 1 N. E. L Ste.il, Tp. 20 s, p."7 y Ilcnimts the uMnwiti,' U b tont.i.uous to pro residence' upon, and cultivadbn ef, said land, viz: .1. me- - H. Crockwell, of Clear Luke. li uln: ci county; Edward Wtl n 0.is, Millard county; Jlams Ki"g i(f Filhnore, Millard Co- Li'ward Webb of Kano-h- , Millard Co. Also James H.Croekvell.lI E. fer the S. W. S.V. I Sc. 2, S. '8. E. i and N. ML I S E i - :K rUETL V.U NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Ig. 1 1 m J.A J X g .a . FOR PUBL'Ca No c:o5 Land OiTu-- at Sail LtAs 3 ,v .farch 3. 1SG. Notice is hereby g:vn that I Fuller ihs eu notice of his intent on U iikt LiHSrSD OIL T TTV y .rf E P i ? ' 1- Consi gV CONSOL1DA1 Ei dire-tio- rp , f , V, NV -- i i - i i Me 1 . I nwt-ti- I A 3 -a. These Organs are celebrated for volur- qualityof tone, quick reap mse, artmtlo ilcti-beauty in finish, perfect confctruoion. maki them the most desirable our.viS lor hop..' schools, churches, lodges, soui ties, etc. i isunmCEn EEtmiiox. FACIimtS, pKIUtO tVOSKMEX, rXEqVALED . BEST MATEB1A3, CQMBIVID, MAXIS THIS THE POPULAR GPa&a . Instruction Rooks and Piano StocL. Catalogno and Price Lists, on CHICAGO COTTAGE applioatu,-!,.- ; - - , CT.3AM CO. Cor. Randolph and Ann Sts.. CM1CACL .id S?.Y. EV3ERCHAWTQ line of bow by infcrodnriu double tbsir profit jnokU.irulivjTtnwiLo fnil particu are. A31, At Tie t nUiaDaiita wiil ddrofMi Hi., 1.154 ICOOjJ CO 1 Avcwafti Aftiv IimM 4t |