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Show IHE HO'IE PuMi-'hzi- l sainiTii a liaati, Saa Pete County, Utah THEY ARE TRULY LOYAL. Of late we have .had occasion i the of the people of Utah with some of our fellow citizens. Some oi the residents of our country and persons, too, who from the very nature of their positions and their connections with the people should stand upon different ground, havs wantonly assertet that it is impossible for a person to fee a consistent American citi ana if he professes sen, claims to be a conscientious Saint. Thit bona fide Latter-da- y imputation is the veriest non ense and can only have its origin in dissafection and mal ice. In order to fully understanc the real position of the people ot Utah and the utter mendacity ol their enemies in impugning thei motives and falsely arraigning their practices, it is necesary ti retrospect briefly upon their hi' tory their migration hither an the inestimable service which they have generously and gladl given to the Republic. Some forty years ago a bain of p ioneers, finding the bigotry and intolerance of certain por tions of the eant imp .sihle to beajr, resolved, Rodger William like, to betake themselves in to the wills of the great American desert, the unknown mountain us region of the far west and , established a home, an asylum where they might woishq Almighty Clod according to tin dictate of conscience and where irlter-mountai- ri year,-befor- still unimpeachable they pfdudly unfurled thd Stars and Stripes the grand ehsigit of the lie public ahd gladly consecrate-the ground to a free people in dame ttf the Arherieah Confederation and thankfully dedicate it to tjbf llseS of fre'e religious Wotshlp and noncoerbive oction There feae ho Exultant or blatant desire to establish an imprrium i imperio, but the primal ana great principle was to establish and perpetuate a demoeiatie government, pure hud Simple. Later on and gradually an wrotic element a horde of adventures, and a few others, perhaps, who Were not so incendiary, and whd showed a degree o true Americanism, cahie in L the territory and at once launched upon the business of impugn ing the motives bf the peoph and falsely representing them a the seat of the nationi government. This class while it Ha receiVed great accession and nbW bod.-ft-great numerical strength (though, intrinsically .thestrengt is but nominal)!? peculiarly At on time it is very vehement in its proposed methods and, at other times and utter prostratioi of principles of right render it disgusting e ep to members ol , t f its own party At the present time Ibis exotic e lass,' and its umritty sym- pathizers, have the eflrontry t. say that the pior.etrs of thb mountainous country the real redeemers of the territory -- hav no fealty for the National Government bat that they have higher allegiance which the prefer to conocde to other things 'md other men j It EXCURSION. GRAND GALA -- SC MAY-DA- Y! M:02roxxit)0 UTH BANDS SMbeCtyCUryofSanme at Manti, Utah, on zen-hi- none chould be oppressed fi concciences sake or reviled for his belief. They came here anc worked indefaiigably and united ly. The magic wafld of industiy oon aiseited its self and as result of this harvests were soot gartiefed, fruits and garden eprang forth and the country was made habitable. The same indomitable ipirit which bade them leate their homes in th east and tnigrate to a sectior of cOuhtry wheie a wider rang of thought and religious liberty could germinate and grow, characterized them in their work oi colonization and in their struggle to wnbg from the soil and the elements by sheer work and gaunt necessity) the beauty maintenance of life. They came to the great plateau when it e still Mexican soil eoine the treaty of Gu .daluja Hidalgo but with a patfotiem and a love of Country that Coul not, be impeached ahd which is settler has following-nam- e filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support fj his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge,! in-vgr- al to discuss the question of the political status the allegiance , . ' itt Xnht'e ur i No. 2231. Laud Oiiice at salt Lake City, Utah, April 2, 1?36J NOTICE is hereby given that j The history of the peo Ut ii; forms the strong?.--. refutation to such an unwarrant aspersion, and to the unbiased and qonpartisan nothing further necessary ; for actions speak ouder than words. The people of Utah maintain that the virtues which go to make up a good Christian are paramount and elements in consistent citi p and that, consequently, a good Christian must neces- 0anly be a good citizen. They believe that true divinity aud a County ne8(lay May i9) 1886, viz: Lars' E 5274 for the N. 4! La w gec 23 and w g E He E. R. 4 Sec 24, Tp. 13 S., to witnesses names the folio.viug Will Have n Excursion to Pleasant Hill An liis continuous tesidcfice upon, and cultivation of, said and, viz: II. W. Westwood, John A. Pritchett, John A. Erick-eand Caleb Hartley, all of Fair-vie' Utah. D. Webb, Register. 4 SALT CREEK DIVIDE, tiieamry and unrestrained vice. , They may be belied for their devout and conscientious regard for the requirements of Gods laws ; but thi-- have no principle political, or religious to If they sit mutely by icefor Publication Settlements and allow arbitrary, proscriptive Consolidated Not No. 2110. SABBATH SCHOOLS and Citizens of neighboring measures to be heaped upon Laud 031.8 at ,Sa it Lake C.ty U. T., are cordially invited to attend. Match 26, 15 tiieir heads they would be unV'O TICE is hereby given that tne tollow-- k ml Hand sealer ha hied uoti of Train, will run on thi. .lay (May worthy the right3 of freeman. It li to make hnalprom in .support f intention hjs :0C m. 9 the la Baid ''resist Moroni that has been aptly Chester 8 :25a.m. ho claim, anil that sad p 00. will be made Sf m. " 12:00 of teener before tn Probate JmUe or Clerk 10:30 40:00 mce, to a power usurpt is Couutv, U T, t Richfield, on rnav 3, 1K, 3 ;30 p. m. lioiuesteau Lmry No. m. a doty which we owe to viz Roja H. Barney :00 3 p. 3 "WirirjS s 325, to the n e 88 e teec 18 K woliiiO ourselve and to our neighbor but and Tteec 19, ip 24 a. Ii 2 w. w 4 n Arrive at And Returning KJ & nnmes tlie follow ng witness prove ui. t is a duty which we owe to our hisHecontinuous Chester p. :t m. :;0 residence upon, and uttivotioa Nenhi 5 :00 p. m. Moroni x2 0 p. The Laierday Saints uf, eatd Ian I, v z James Locks. J ItD.Tnuis-toGod. o :oU .( o ston and Joseph iTm H, 8 :30 tre as truly loyal as any class of all of Annaoeila, evtei County, Utah. 8 :C0 teevier and the beforetheCleikof within aKo, Oasamedav, Republic, people county, I inh. Cu.m s Jensen 0. te. 9' 00 for th of attending Sab a w U teec ll, To 21 a HI There will Be Grand Coronations of May Queen they, young and old, cannot aud n 1 to bew. He prov ntmes and wdne8 loilowing te ,'rom the very nature of their interesting May ole jfrPii C T bath Schools, and the ever fresh lu caunaous roideuce unaa and culti ation V. r .'.cl ; Mu ic, by the "an8 srnjki lief and position afford to yield of had Jana tu- M. P. Nielsen. laomasF. Dance, accompanied by Sqngs and 1. lonj JoiinsoQ aud jaoies Hausen all Peter' the under Etc., the palm of patriotism to any of iteaoHind ."etzer county S: Games, followed be by Races, Choirs, Ac., to D. WEBB, Eegiater man or class of men upon the W the of Marshal 'day. direction of the 3 S Darke ol AttyV earth many of them are di6 for the round trip, 25 cents ; Children between and rect descendants of the Pilgrim cents. 1 10 2 years of age, of the- 'World! fathers and of the present stock, others have COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS: aad the courage to extraeate DENVER & RIO GRANDE; wEsrERX railway. Wa C. Wheeier, Amos A. Bradley, John Olson, Mom Monbo, tnemselves from the bigoted ALL THE PAET3 JMJE3 he lo conceded the Universally hence the OldWorld, practices of HALLEABLE htfjd p u 1 a r hey cannot be made menial, nrfe71.l-1n, w, e. cora-piomis- the S. P. V. Railway, on MAY 1st, SB. On not-ml- Q 1 11 f'-j- 'TT-- . n, I -- J- - i I'lHUO - nglo-Saxa- n ' 'ringing Routs Po assehger THE s aves. WEST. The only line between Halt Lake EAST AND BET WHEN Notice for Publication. No. 2233. -- and Denver without LandOSce alSaltLakeCity.U tah, Anril 5, 1336. Notice is hereby given that settler has the following-namefiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of ills claim, and that said proof will ue made before the County Clerk of Juab Count', at Nephi, Utah, on S iturday, May 22,1386, viz : Frank J, Price D. S. No. UJ67 for the N. E. i S. E. i and S E.j N. E. i Sec. 11 Tp. 13 S. R. 1 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ipon, and cultivationof, said land, viz: Edvun Haile v, Edwin Booth, Alexander G. Pyper and James Vicker,all of Nephi, Utah. d Change, The only line between .Salt Lake and Chicago with hdt The Only Line Betwceri the West and the East Running! Through Salt Lake City. P ULUL LY J! IFF ST and Line from Salt) City Running Sleep- Cars Free for the use of TPa ssengers holding SccUnd j fiSyclass and Emigr mt tickets. ' The Atlantic Express. lT AH Chrom0s, ' H, E HAYWARD :! Bt Hoed Grenade Fire Fxtinjnnr- Reliable, umple, econouvutl, w,il t iivj keeiHtetne action of ail cair'tt, d In with Eaailj brokeo. can be kquid oontained in it ia ubeou ujn jam. fabric Kreirthing Htonchos Ucutiu b a whatever it falla upon wul not to extaucuiah conflugratums or to rents Ped by the Fire DHpaTtineuD.buWi wat no incipient tire can polutyyjMie Instanta-n- iv Resi- Out-doo- Stationery and Fdncy..jfift - :o)Notions.(t3'. 1 liences, Machinery, Schools j r Groups of all kinds made in any part of the Coun H ty on short notice. w 5 ipSTBooks, 3 A 1 Views of Process. flTAlbums, j work done by the ", OUT. In the Country. f!,Frames, . 5 hotographic fl'tudio iSTPictures, At NOIM 111 lnJ iu.ee. SeadlbrCiR, , Wl-1- LAIKl) SPBlS&FiELQ ; Trains. Onlv yTThe Lake Rrr.t i Rttnudo, Sranvop BEST is CHEAP i ST. F hotographie y tudio SLEEPING CAES On all rhrohghPassenger o Coiinected with the Baar I have the finest iia s Ui O is I The Pacific Express i Spring Y Precinct Justices Court, San A rives at Silt Lake City from the W 5:05 West at p. m. and leaves lor Pete County. Territory of Utah, Ogden at 5:10 p. m. makiivr connecr; in favor of Henry W. Puzey tioa with the Central paeitie fur the 5 Plaintiff, and against Axel P. East. Local Trains. lullgreen to satisfy a judgment f one hundred and ninty three Leave Salt Lake City as follows : dollars and $12 For Bingham and Alta at 7 :3d j osts and accruing costs, I have a. m. evied upon the following named For Ogden at 5 : 10 p. m. property, to wit : commencing Arrive at Salt Lake City : it a point 5.90 chains East and From Bingham and Alta at 4:50 2.50 chains North of the South at 10 :50 a. m. Ogden West comer of the South West Tickets for all points Ea&t I of Section 17, Township and be purctiased at West can South ol uuige 4 Easl, Salt Lake oiiice the and City Ticket Depot JO Meridian; thence, We-- t House White office, Corner, Salt hams ; thence.South 10 chains ; 7 theuee, Eist 10 chains; thence, North 10 chains to place of beS.W.ECVLES, G. P. & T. Agt ginning containing ten acres to all of accrued W. II. Banckoft, Receiver. subject rights wav and water privileges lo date is the property of the said Axel P. Tullgreen defendant and will expose the sanle for sale or so much as will satisfy Plaintiffs demand, to wit: One hundred 0 .. cj 22 oi sazar, TEMPLE "5 W oq S 5 dtp 4 cS M H-C- 5 g til aF s - - ba .S Gr- E5- ANDERSON. SC i H S c4 O 02 u: fc Ch Eh xgS O j When yotl corUe to the Connty Seat be sure and call at the N c Pi H W o QM H o O o from the 30-10- THE PEOPLE OF SAN PETE COUNTY TO o vIwSmhs of cars! D. Webb, Register. Leaves Ogden daily at16 kBOai Vn. T C Bailey Atty 4 l0:d.) " SaltLakeCity Dir ot connection is made at Pueblo CONSTABLE'S SALE. and Denver for Omaha, Ka. sas City By virtue of an Execution to and all feints l ast. me directed 1 Tnr TEMPLE BAZAR T-s. c-i- Spelling IfBS&BEaEBSS D IC Half Block South of Tabernacle. K Q O 2O rrt o 0 07 W' 0SFHI'' ihfl HiTWiRT) TUNI and thus conflsr At na ordtvwa8 bend to us for fall pamcditf BflJ ottne pwuphletA contain np proofs of our Ctrenadee m extnHPuslhQ House, Rarn, Private ResideoWj irurs, or Manufactory should for Wa want lire, aetlre, wUaWf Stataa. Address J J v r HAVWAUO IIAXDCM' MnmrlwaTtJjl" 4 Main. St reft, Manti. fT j ii , John Lowry W 0 30-10- 1380 Sale AGENTS to commence at 12 oclock P. M. Ti rui- cash. Isa 'c E. Allred, Constable. Spring Citv, April 5th, C a JB has t ' Cush - UTAH M. S.P.V.R.R.Od. SELL AT C HESTER 4.00 per ten. WILL COAL A.0? Watef- Spouts. and GutLrs a . -- - Specialty. In fact Anything in this line. All JLirufis of Jobbing IFort:. Tin konfing Carefully Executed. g S AIN - MANTI, It E E S PlatAnf ahd . aw"'JJ 5? PI- Sb J 3sl;, ? t T i ?! E2Ile J UTAH. Give Me A Call! m h ttl-eG-- oy elf5T;. - -- stlde constantly on hand, cnoppniy all kinds bf grain Pearl Bat Ur and Oatmeal nhoaye on hand. Tice . tastof Main St., Ephne.u., Utah 10 rUr. A full line of Picket au with iii block. I also haiefarmtetfor 'si! Office st tio tomcKe tPo ,, hp 8 hat 8sid w ol w fro a e .H.dgtdebit, of r m ; t,co" pif, C I coil: 1 Hof f ft Cot; A T . l- t - L ia!f ,!Tk4 I"" obT5n' cp?e T, Aemann, Proprietor. . air vg-s- j O pS t x S 'HrSi B 'far A r CO flgfls 41 4? Wool, Hides, Pelts, TEtc. 3 OALIiT iiiiii H! " ttfanufact urerof all kinds of Tin- - v Picture for FOR lake city, v v vy'-- a MACHINE. Paid The Wonderfuil Rochester Lamp - A. D. IsbG. TO HI IE 3 Carriages, Etc. Also Deal Little, Roundy Ffames, ers in the Celebrated on Go., W HOLESALE HOUSEHOLD SEWING Crockery, aud ninety three and . dollars and $12 costs aud the at Court costs, Glass and uceraemg House, at the City of Manti, in Linip Gdods San Pete County, UtahTeiritory, n the 3rd day of May, A. D. Sfiva Plated Ware and Cutlery , 59-10- Importers and Dealei- - in all kinds of -- I..WV1KW; IfV may U. TK- May So Tp - 20, Ha. Rina- B6 n n b the foll hldcontinitmis of. Bald land, via: Powell Le-- i Mminona Wp of Price, Em ery coanty-Att J StavneV 4 Sis jmoBS, eger ' - i l ft-- i T them. br y i |