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Show G SAX PETE COUXtr, CIl'Y, J. II. HOLGAARD. EoiTojt Skn'T'n tH :r -r )LAXDA(tEXT.('.oIn the Lipid OKce Build' ing, Salt Lake City.- Utah. - K. L. , k-- j t, fU'we ay,! f'iijipea' in ti . is ao-- mi-inte- rp -l L :.i.. ,r ji'i , Mi-- C. B a i I e y, , yfMi-- '! IaatA aJa is in Se t Md.'-'- m U nt f d - heiiould havj !rfen. Wiijl we th nk the C:fy' Pit hers every ganl thing dnf HOWARD, ' Th-buic- I D -- cr . 1 mal u-- y. -- (Xot a 1 11 I vandto ah FftiftJ k Prooi-- hi - ir. of Land rr- )- , Contest & riii lv in f m -- 1 1 . 0X3 tx . ucds of the t, is Entnr, w hat . ue a,, d i - about h i iOLteiif its of Fij s. b .s been he.e a it-- true ii times soli n ut I am n it any time, Appeal., f Aiming Pateiitsil pldird foiyCmii failles Ilie il'jM'Ulied. C Squire Isdil'liii'i, d7 Main t ''Vert, Saif La'..' r. 7. in- - I Q (r-r- Xotice of Final Proofs, No. 2227.-Lan- i i tsxsi NOT1CK TO CKKDHOHS. In the Probate vourt of San Pete si iff I L ai - . County, Utah Territory. In the m uter of the estat of William Bench, Sr., deceased. Estate of Wiliiam Bench. Sr., deceased, Notice is hereby given by the undersigned administrator of the etite of Who. Bench, Sr , deceased, to the ci editors of, and all persons having claims against the said deceased, to exhibit them with the necess.uy . Utah, March 20, ISoti. tnat iie batiie't oeeasions, NOTICE is herd y given tnat uen cal'ed upon t (.erform tlie the tod swing named se tiers " hnies of quarantine o.iieer m have tiled no. ice of tneir intenc. BOX G87. , meiubcr of t be'Toard of health, tion to make final proof in supmd ho l;e iben d gain such a port of their re.s.po tivd cb.ims 1HNIEL KARRI MiTilN Ala . of i.o'.i; nia.ioii 'i.i .e.r.irl to snd secure final entry threof, X.i'anj IWA. ami it- - uith aim and that said proofs wid be All Xotrv work ce.refiliv atten- - i.'by Civek; looped improicmeu'.s patselh made before the Riolate Judge u ') to. Now. in of pan Pvt county, lh jf ., or in ii.'ion. 0 X;: at Sentinel office, Hami. .ay etwopivli Irs absence I more tbe County oflicer-md Aland to Citv, tyo gistiiv Utab eiiizeiis, 1 rnmlii a.m rt, ton Cleik of said gou ,ty, on Satur-'ay- . May more money annually ttieie 1M, at the CouH I bm Manti so, I MILL AM 7. RLIIl City. U. T. xpeixl .d in e.eanu g an keepSafari G. and tin: in Archibald Livinceton, II. E. lvpnir City nek ing N. i N.E. See. 24, Laud anti ITopaL- Attorney -. tier ditch a in the City, than No. size in and S. 4 S. ii. R Sec. 13, Tp. 14 ;:i any t, ei 'town of t S., R. 2 E., aid names the foi Utah Ilensant tubve not UTAH. MANTI, And as to health, idefy owing witnesses, to proe Irs Mr. Drigtrs or any one eise to continued, residence uon, and -t wm'. k. oul nation of, sa.d land, viz: . ; point out ft town with a t , u S. Ot ison, Elinor Ch. has that : U on populat , IU TTORXE 17 Scniuel W Chapman and a 'tier or eeo as good iiealtti as tvs i St! is enjoyed hy the peopie o; Manti, William Livingston, all of FounmV, Sanpete Co., (J: . fall or tnat has bedoi or cleaner tain Green, Shin Pete county, Utan. Office a , Court IIon.se ,va er, and w'liose trees s are ept Pftfr H. K )f tul ir t.ie S. W D, To. l ',R. 4 is .ud a 'inr iRt foil wiug OUtiiilLHlS reRKlMi n better, condition. It i true WlTCh-- to lrm o O 3 at Salt Lake City, Otlice Ahtehines 9 ' K ihmi! o n itit. esi t- w us-- r F. CeuPer. S.in Pete Co imy. Wn lia'm Bench, Jim Administrator of Wm. Bench, Sr., dei eased. f Dated at Manti City, March 31, a- d. reid, .Successors toDaynes & Coalter. Salt Lair. City Main Stint , 1 1 Jo.-ep- -- 7-L- the- - General Western Agents for HOUSE. , LnrHv-- -- , - 'ItC A',H gofard , ! : 3 , ? Zt j resjAiirr-f- 4b , U X id oil Ha .'deVi w ,,d li r i w .ntiv w ,e h iu h .v' n.' .1 E C.iiT I -- is, i ei ' t wC i t.t'-- r Hill r. V ,1 Lr r t ft .1 nave uA urod hew -- at in c. 0 n, and i of n bt aii 1, ip5; t 11 witnvSsffi ft L 11 ll JL . ft . o i uit. alh u I. iiilUTI 1(7; NHh Oil' iJ jc Lin id i a n iH fcuu . t lull. ?u 1 , e mu h ui t ill I a uu to . f V.UlL . I' at the sain' liiCr d ce betoie tin coU; (T ivc.it itber when said cm n y. 1' sl'l'l;!'.:- !r ' v 3 , i ei Si lAl J 7 ! f ru mrtu-ei?- nortu-eu-- tkM - , 1 .Mil eout-nuiu- II.! , .1 T i nea a it m . i i r I li t)l J 4: 1 t I. - dip r t . uivjp i. .Hi r so . ii ( ; ?Gy x 0 J-Sh"- ' Coalter & . . . Snelgrove. .A') . OjtiWJrtSSS t at . ( , 'rHes-tunTO- IE for medicinal purposes Prescriptions nemratoly com - - pounded. Sim UTAH. PefeCo.. '.EPHRAIM, L1 ',11 'ilp d. and mail rj ttndcd to - . - r-- --vBEarness c&3 IU, Ct.ili nnt lie ui Ieln1d b.4 in miking any oilierIU lialness Q v me met wee. Utah. ' unraTAH and akcr saddle! llumr-mal- ' i s - toriil attention of the Public of Pet county penerally, to the etshatl keep constantly oa hnd ft f&H ' of leather, haroms, and addls l 1! er nti hirl tii sp.n five Me a Call. L. 0. Manti - ' KJAR. Utah. - -- 'i JJ ZJAJj c V vi; -- ! ) r m L)iea! ts m perhaps have never been out 01. ti,e county in wiiich tliey were A udl ai CanduH LuL born, will tome to it f Io Xnr, Cnmimd LruiL i i h an-Uen d r snoml ft two, COj Vrocknr--,CFits, Mcaf-- , and ' Ra! hemg; md are .Pole to tell rdl about eriu-- paid lx dntjraafqrirllr I am Utah and the ilor.imns. XV and Td a'i0 Snrei; ef nfrr.id Mr. Dri rgn 17 & 19 W. South 'i'.mple S' rent, an r, B'doqua Snvy these chrr.'cteristi s to a consid-(- ) and Tm 'air; C Hat" Etr. l 0. LUX C. 4"e extent, lie comes toMur.ti, offer, mc.mva-s-- , d or two a iy spends irotSE is; loathe ingfu- S.me sewing achine,;AcaiM whre t a ni at ro'uns lioiiiv' khJ ainplyi eas an voit can get able (in hie own cstim.umn) to snave an your hair teP all about Mani and Iht, cut m any wmts. I am forced to eiclaim! A anti. M&iit hrcct in the phylasophic.il lmguage . U-NC- - j 1 i- - - 1 CENTRAL , RAILWAY A7U!' TIME CARD. Ju'vhtl., lNi.i. Trains l'ave Neplii Evaneli Mot : daihr CAS . Salt Lake City a- - follows rUoiiig'So.ith Nor h Arc ve Palis, Furs, Etc. fc-- i Pa-seng- er i 'T '"''t ;la.ei3t; and all kind of ''7e-i- n Bartons Lunch tXX'ZL't- 1 Xj. Uigii S. I Will TO -- bei! harne- - Hoiim, Ll'biai - T -j at f(-(.Hi- rmum. alKB is 11 i ea, priee (iftid fnl proi'iie, pell-- , lor, ami ea. w mueii. (..all a".i g a that vnu e:m jz t gnoi!a vvmk, cheiiier t'lMn Hienc, mtu ileal at (Jii'iiii'h" Hatnyss X imre directly eu-t nf tin Mccl ieg 1. . - -- .t worth fur ifl fyAnori thing in the Mush al Line a alt jake ity MainMreotj Mtmie f liarnes- maker, every tiling in hi line Inii'I ,(rk,,ri.eH. taken in exehantre fur new. Violin:--. T- 1 1 s tbe Quin', , 1' . ; tr--- find ail .'.cemomodatien- - "o u Lh'r ' Being on'L.e lost-C- i mid near all the V aymi n. Machme S o;s niiiiies i a m. r..ble II EA D.fU Alt rR op Cmr try fit rs ilXnii'hd tinrm'vd ' Harm b-- a 1 n" lliblio HoU-- e Biethren com.m, Territory. the S ttlements nidi le mi toa'v n- m Bruno A' Martin Gi.it.us; Guuikel, Pomcelle and Iligham nmeot s ; . -- - ' K S, t D. WEBB, Kcsister and Has been for.fae verai vear-'- , 2 ts Ui AUy f. fiee fro.pj any contagiou.- or ma- williua amt the City LT.UAlJ Ci TV, VTAtl. il. mi it disease,, it better set whom an s imibe. ut 4 Rico at Drug Adore. live tins ?.do ot nwn of d0e3'ti')t AAirgeon of tlichSan Pet ValPiC.mant trove) have d, me, and at ue j hi ley Railwaj. . Cun.-ultduihjif rflP in tn. ir power tod IluOT, SHOE,AnlHARNLt?? L t'li'oad Oitiee, J Moroni. ev ry ;ic p.Jt in a healthy and prosper- ; XAKUiiS. I nu ,4 have and 4 lii. .12 ouu. to n fiom coilJitioft, Mv.uday, and?, 'J. UH p. tue , that , should Nose- louut Tn., i)t p, rules.Etc. older in it find 'h , y nectary, jj IMiOPLES DRUG STORE, Vr'jK" Repairing pro a. jR.T au mb.! to i".n, vox xokdkck, nd !ra)pi.iess of the, , 'oen'y. Qjif(j liiaLluLicr. Dealer in lie city, to tecure th-- I of people R' hi'dd. Utah i,i Str 'rt, Pure' Drugs,' t Lemieais, 'Toilet of Mr. Drixgs.iliiiV.wouId ervio-s 1 .Articles, Wines aud Liquors P 1 webi iik 'X i coautv, t With Chiming ti mg. Hr .. i H-tt- t i L! Rician and burgeon. )l; t I t . j it 11 l.rll1',! in e ( . .s' JX I f 'Ml 1 U ir i.r s ini : i C.k' 0 V ;;j i Cu lii . Kt' t.i i it t. Iu'liir .Juhin'nf j!9 luptliill u' t l.t, i2.7,t'., t - - K in u h, iUL, .IM tii pr.iVc hl (id t,iiw' s irluAllig V.lt' u a, uU ul.iv tn u o. sMil gilc., :dQ' m i iiirivn M Hist, JoLii ly . X iU u , t .,511 very mm. id. To !. loimii iiai'ilet. in eveiy i To u. an. i.' if;, lOitiiiu.i. t m.w m H ) tU,0t l.oUO llrtiliftS ti. !1 111 I for tha 40 S, nil. I, vr h1- - A On 1st E st Street, between. Second and Third South is the only Mormon Famdy. Hotel in the oentie of the City j and las the indor-- nent ot many of the Lending Men of the Country Settlements. Prices are llc the Aeconnno in' e Aiatl Tririt t? Plenum, william l.Tbonia'j. J J5 ivIi Lhat t utiwrku, all of Mount land, vi s i"rviit Jr, Mad Ut h Niels it. My' vi jpGsife knauiit, CITY, UTAH. itV, tll Teeth extracted ivithonr pain .uungl the c. .eiiy poon'c JUuin ur la.a'orv no.--e h ( oustitunous wveie not : 4 No Vno7 fv.r y :Ii?os Vuro r I Vo taws. EL. a N l xi N't iv riitlieiently strong to ward oif soiitiiip N ii - ii t PAid ui.ue& Teeth, - tAJ to ? tlie lowing rbiuU' ti prijwc hn II tie edicts of su L ebangenbb Witnesses motivation CbvustJ tu iwiid viz: said e i'Jn r and' ifs a n dural nsult upoimnd and Wm. II. OLSTEN, JI.' D., mtsen, ID urv jcuieu,ofCbrUtun T. Bain a Uroaericif ufcybeid. tlwv ii I to su.'cumo. Oar t nvn Allred ILt.iU. M ANTI ' -- txv ipoa.Hnd icknoss. a go ,d , tie. i itter ct 1 I lC'UU I. I ; ! A. - r u i o ... " -- v,tiis in .Mant., ot put th cause nrt t,e' wm to time hoi and Foie cause, the .'cry.- no tSiiai w;it:nr we t .d o.iv mu, ',u.. in u.ould l,avil r. iten um..( 'any uvsician kccoucher. Lad!,,v' '""t Ul,lHi'i'e eesi.r,,( eei !;. to is jiruinn1 M :c. .: .'.... ' (km : 5 :it we iiave Lad some in t tun sorry ,o sa, & 1 on.it 1 8U. The Spencer g cor.es-londin- months dter the first public. itmn of this notice, to the said adm nistrator it his res donee in Manti City, 1 ,rv,- ten' within voui hers, - 1 . j. rciies, Corners, Hearth-- g ones, etc., ids deahrs in the celebrated Sail Ate Whit d)oli.e Stone. ' P. 0 Rox 8. find? , . Utah. & wrri - 1 Headstones. Tablet-- , .Vat rtables, Sills, Caps, MSFfZl ! 1 zszzzazi zi .vSi O li a MOXUNIENTS. Bp Zx d Stavnsr & Simians in ,ae 'Leading Ai tm . the oldest firm in the li.lMvi-SAise ijcacisrsiaj 9 i of Mamitacturel'.-- iro ; r t oC3 Q m-'i- ( 1 Sr r,J er-e- k, 51 a a : ft .... FH I ail fheUM. s h tiVn- - fi 3 Ill's ini: his heueiit iv. aidof them, and not. all the Hm Chief Clerk, IT.4. Land O.'iiee. lis i ulea brain i.gr utrsh ones, s.t'11 we think tha fti d Aqent 0 AUnr.uy, , nil hi i'in i' thV he does'1 a in the m Oter ,i7vot.i1s I cated ). Box ob. Sail Lake. City: FuM iirforanti.i'i given on land on the w deh forms the matters. InijiKies by iiail t uuiii Mr. D. aiticV, saty ,of l prompt' answered. they ce.t iq.v shoul 1 pie ;,1 W)i ; iVe 3 ?. la U. S'. La at (i ;0, the attontion to t!i m p , 'Me 00 t ml we are pleaned, to say that vVtii. IX . r.ird. Jas. Lowe they have taken the matter under c d rit;o i fEo. 1j g s it dn pd n;e "a"e nl its If Lira 'L? V 4 xZf Aij efore Ills august pr rv wa 30 NOTICE ! rA' wiihin tnu ho-naterialio'd L and U agents Attorney ut seriousiy, I do not huew Mr. J as. W. Iloggan w 11 eep tl ! - Tercheron-Norm- un for a moment that tiie h ot .Rio-- ' genleuun i 11 O F p I C : luis the least idea of, or has ev-- r Peerless, re-- i at his Lnce i tht zt tin t.) lMliteil Stites L ill aid minted the eo t of .nstuiet- - Man i during the season T ldsp, (Move, Salt Lake C,!v, U tali, ,, upp Werle-- s ng an aqu.uduct (th it is, if hat I'er ns, $8 and ?10.' Xoiary Pnjlir L, 0;?v. 1 blood re heron X .rma is what lie in a n 'or lie "muld lv.- does, an I hesid s k of itiee: iiorse' Jd liuuds higia an' ' weigh J. F. Simnum- - I d not as 4. w. ftajmi l hi k ti'knows am L0K) pounds. 6 ISSli. 1C, Tkoja.v Sec n d r s. Trojan Secu idus. iilthoug i, ,,c tp,.,t nerbao. mtinly ilgiU. we a(tk AL. Jo V )rigg, (n'l'ieis.i tfie' motives as eie Gr.ve. has mill rs and thi j.-i-u who ' nfMigD., certainly meai i an v ipB veil in wh t he aithougn shape. jUid ronditiyn. and lie no, jierhany, was no" as well po-t- e it - REi'KEIsENgpVi- FRIDAY, APRIL UTAH, REFi.i A Surrey or and Land Agf - UlahManti, J yr atSaltL at 2:15 p. m. 11 ..ke at leave' rtT :45 a. in. 1 :40 p.rn 7:20am Passenger Trai'B leave Salt Lake dai'y, for the North, to connect with the U. P. Ily. and X. By., at 8 a. in. ; the U. and arrive in SaltLake at p. ra. 7 :50. tfSTKreight trains leave Xeplit f ,r the north at 7 :40 a. m. and for the south at 6 :lo p. m. FbaXcis Cope Gen. F. X P. A jt John Sharp, Gen. Supt General 0. era Mum Street Salt Xj cAl? situ |