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Show IHE EOliS AJ. - payina Tire M.ut; Co-otanned wheat. bu. fur j.', cts. pro i- p ZL'JTSS-- L taken said that Manti, Fan PiU. County, I tali. from Atty. Reid by the ruffians. It Orson Rogers reprensentative of irJ7v ycutpapt'r, .1 is I .v,U 21 7 were l,.ii La I " TIIE FIRE FIEND. RASA NT ROINIS. I J. ' J Ul.d Rob ll U I .Rhj Rv.i,.f B rear In oj - ,1 e:'tixki. Yesterday ing named the family of Mr. of Y' K. Reid Esq. &r- j;s. I inter to the who redde two ted afternoon general tt ' come Christoffetiqo, at Iace; ed Snows the uflef Fan Iete anilsurrSunJ-iugUountie4 havi? Hotel, were doors smith jf Dramatic " ' from- - i'lanti on business. awakened a glaring IMP seeing 'Dear by f Afo.v mu nr ml Jit about X.all a and uereeiving peculiar fight AvttHCItlTriO.Y: ' he odor, a 9 the burning of herbs On the baik part of Mr. J. P. the jin store. On getting He ir the- south-cys- t Let him that is without tin and giing to 'the premises up ca.--tthe first stone' is the1 rihg-- j corner of tire Bi Seely block,1 roe Mrs. Christofferson found if. large Vivertuln uU'.ni application, Ing sontimoin by fr. was assailed v two unknown bundle of drugs, herbs ct9. fully . Thefir-- t blow struck Archibald Sir as ; person.-John St. inteudud All ignited hnd both Looms of the head store of back the Slave. on was British The address--tht in i be should for this piper completely "filled with so badly that smoke. She stui.Ta'd him which Sentinel. thereupon hastened The 1,ohe Ladies visiting Manti during hi- then to the house of Mr.Warfen Snow fdlcn They jhe conference are invited to call at Jai. T, Jakk&uk, pounced in ion him, the one- lit- and appraised him of the matter. tWfh Manager (Miss E. braithwait's millim-rhim around Mr. Snow lust no time in reachher excellent tering examine and hishop vith and rocks - I filling the burning building aird by 'stock of hats and ladies l'urnAh- his ing the ottier durt, placing dry OTHERWISE. AND LOCAL vig6rou efforts and a liberal knees on Reids legs and grained supply of water succeeded "An i The rnaiiageioent of the Manti for his watch bn aking the ei a extinguishing the' fire, though Now - tho timo to pubscrii 'mia not until after considerably Civil goun.u'nnt Clas- - extends from it. and then p arMp-r be iigd. lor the Sknti.nh.. a cordial invitation to all persons and took what c damage had been pme.' It is Tarten him. and ylu and,kt who wish to that the tire was started parjoin may Co to Tuttle and Cos for your on the east side of tbestrci t thought jiving, studies. ts an mills. jo by ticipate iuf'bdiary,' as the person fanning J. Ij. Dyreng, Ties. heard Mr. Reid and wein ro' ids who first reached the building and helped him to noticed that one of the The British Slave and it comein last On house morning where' be was eaxad ihe south 'vVindow was panes our Tuesday dietta to night. broken Mrs. Rho-bWoodruff, wife of for. He feels a little sore about and that the bulk of the fire was Ladies hpods and other Apostle Wilfcrd Woodruff, died the head but he near to the window frame, and thisTnorniug, fc Co's. Dnter ware at Tuttle at the residence of her daug.uer will he all right in a day or two. on leavii g the store at about 9 Lake. At the time of in Salt No elite tpthe a perpetrators. finds eaid vdieat is that It evening the lady had reached the The city council has offered a o'clock on the previous thai stove the sure is Madsen ifady sale at Ju:tbut GO els per advanced Jtlr. age of SO years. reward of tf'loO., for their cap- tvas bushel. closed. carefully ture. loss is 'estimated at be.is a trioof people in The There tli A beautiful" of coat On Sunday, the 1st inkt., several tween four and five' hundred :of Mr. Joseph Munk how. ' adorned tha landseapi "on 'file third party made her debut persons took part in a horse race. dollars. It Wat insured. Wednesday. on Monday last. The mother Complaint was lodged against James Currie of Salt Lake and babe are doing well and the them.4' The 'parties hearing of PERSONAL. this before the warrent was graced Manti with his presence fathers countenance, as might to Justice went issued, Kemp on Tuesday. is wreathed naturally be expected, Rudolph Strom of yt. Pleas' MeClenahan and complained iff ' ih smiles. The S. T. V. Ry Co. has a themselves and ,'were fined if YOU ant was admitted 'to Citizenship on Monday last. card in this issue relative to the We were shown some few days each. ' ale of coal. A warrant is out for Mr. J. B. ago by M r. Jos Morell of Logan Miss Susie Sidewell occupies of refined salt' from Hunter for selling whisky to a specimens as one of tho regular We have received a full sup position the refining works of Earns Bros., minors, but he has not been ar- clerks at the Manti .Co-oneed we but still of ply potatoes, Davis Cotmty. This Salt is ex- rested yet. a few more roads of wood.4 Jos. Christiansen Esq., Supt, cellent for all kinds of dairy and L. Larson. ; of the Co-o- p at Mayfield, was at A number of persons are just culinary purposes and can be Not. 10th., 1885. the county seat on Tuesday. now paying their debts. Some got for about half the expense of THAT BROKEN WHEEL. the Liverpool article. ramembor the newspaper. Elder D. Candland of Chester, to the accident Referring Times to refers Tho is Frisco delivered a Very interesting disD. Jhe of Peacock, J. Killpack, 'Athletic and vhie the Manti Tabernacle at course the authorized agent foy the Burton Bros. t on Sunday last. comedy Company as being Sentinel for Emery County. with the maeje up 'of members of tho thoroughly acquainted makein facts case the the folPeter Greaves Fsq. was in conference The stake quarterly Manti Grand Uproar' Co. The statement: train this in lowing Tabernacle Manti at the begins yesterday. He was seen Our Beaver County cotempora--rie- s had theDivide on the jus,t passed oity mornjng at 10 holding converse yith Mantis are giving us credit for more down, when one of the .wheels solid citizen H. J. ,Christensen oclock. trip Mills and Woolen Uproar under the passanger coach Esq. The Christmas and Winter companies than we1 have a right broke. The cars tvere stopped to claim. Stock' of gents ready made clothF. M. Jolly. Esq. Jeft for Provo as soon as possible, but bejust will be received by Tuttle ing Apostle Albert Carrington has fore they tvere, two lacies; (Miss yesterday morning. His busi& (Jo. within a day or two.' recently been excommunicated lvie s flu Miss Javans of Mt. ness to tho Garden city is to fron the church of Jesus Christ Pleasant) Jbecamo frightened and make arrangements for the sale br. I. l)j Brunei will be at of Latter-da- y Saints for the jumped from the train.' Mijss of U herd of mutton. Ml. Pleasant for a few days on crime of lewd and lascivious Evans had her ankle fractured, Miss Mil iam Grier of Provo Monday the 2Hrd, inst. lor ths conduct and the other latjy receive no but Thg adultery. work. dental of doing has been visiting relatives .and purpose crimes arosaid to have been in j tine;, as was also the cape with friends in this city for some few Isaac Voihees oflbis city, so committed some years ago in1 the otuer passenger wluj 'staid in is said that she It past. 42o0 days alis we are informed, also raised 'Ingland, though it the car. fiss Evans tviis taken in connection with her fathers of an leged that they have continued to Ncphi, where she is at bushels of potatoes on present family will return to Manti to acre of land. The potatoes are since hi- - return to Salt Lake.' medical caj-eIn live before receiving long. to qf the white peerless kind. emtfie justice to Companys Owing being unable to find it to Hans Gottfredson Esq. forjs proper say that Regina, N. V. T., Novytui er the book for Sarah the Oriole ployees, the accident was wholly unavoid--abl- merly of Vermijlion Sevier Co. 9. Riel Hh- been respited until the Manti Dramatic Club will and hence no blame can at- has changed his residenc to the 16lh instant. Preparations again appear in their successful to them for neglect. tache Safina, where he will probably drama of"Tho britisli Slavo this are already, being made for his take at charge of the Co-ostore. that tlrur'a Ilall. This execution on date, althouuh evening Mr. REWARD Gottfredsqn is a man who the warrant has, not yet arrived time the play will he suppleWe think will mented with an comalways succeed on The undersigned has Led a Vhi.o playing near th wood-jjl.h- edietta entitled amusing his real merits. The Happy very valualbe ami edit. The Sunday evening last a Iafir. In order to have time to mare is a iparedark Mr. and Mrs. F. Y. Taylor of large hay, four tittl son of Mr. Peter Jensen of get in tho comedietta tho play years old with a mane this city, who are at present solong heavy litis, uty met, with a painfyl ac- will Re presented with a different and a short tail, cident by having a lug fall upon weighing about journing temporarily inSaltLake, of sceneiy which llbJ arrangement and branded on the are to be congratulated his leg breaking it between the will obviato the too jbs the frequent riglit shoulder with aheart with advent of their first baby op knee and .high. a boy tho of curtain. rolling a bar above it. The colt is a The tranger made his appearA, correspondent in writing to The play of last Thursday, sorrel (very large) 7 months ance on Sunday last ajid from old uafrom Emery County says that Friday and a star in the forehead. what we can leam he has been Saturday evenings Bothwithanimals the health of the people is usually are fat. The last kindly and hospitably received. Dramatic the club drew fair by heard of good, that tin busy time of bouses and gave, Mr. Bunco, of them, especially so threshing is over and that the far as the a ting of Mr. Ilill, Mr. Sterling, says he turned them WANTED. over to a man claiming to be on yield of grain has boon some W . H. Luke, and Miss Ida Lowry above the average, were concerned, general sat;sfao onffiis way to Ephraim. This We will take on subscription was on Tuesday, Oct. 26, at 5 loads of cedar wood, The Detroit Journal makes tion. .There is a criticism, howis quite as general as Mona, (Willaw Creek) Juab Co, that ever, 10 to the reference pine special superiori- it is 50 bushels wheat, just, to the effect that the The man to whom the horses ty of Ctah barley for brewing pur best effects of the play wero con- were delivered was traveling 200 fresh pork pu res. This in connection with with a wagon and team. or ham.ppunda good south, marred too the fre siderably by is what said of Utah potatoes in The horses would w cigh about 9 to After we receive tho above various parts of tire country quent rolling of the curtain. The 10 cwt4 eaclir-pn- e a dark brown amount we shall be will doubtless see management well for Utah's speaks supplied in products and the othejjr a. dark bay. Anv that and shows that they are gaining to it that this defect is rectified, fine, so those who wish to and thus inhance the good points person giving 'Information re- turn this kind of pay had better favor on their merits. in tho play. garding said. mare and colt will take advantage at an early day be liberally rewarded by address- Fir-A report became cm rent in come first served. t via City of Mexico, Galveston, ing the owner. the beginning of the wiek that Novoinber 9. In Congress toJohn ?. Svure, a number of deputy mar.-haL- s rete Co. were at Mt. Pleasant and expect- day the bill providing for com- Manti, Si throughout ed to counj to Mami, armed with pulsory eduction The was -Otjie Mormon Republic elders supposed ( introduced; for warrants pers-mJualj flippy-eto be guilty of a breach of the also a bill permitting the free who were holding meetings in W islies to announce to the People of of legal, medical and school houses near Tolono! 111., Ban Pete and Sevier Counties Edmunds law. Dopty Marshal he will make savenl trips that educational some and Tho were days professions. ago, Clawson of . Ephraim was in greeted ' the coming winter and during Manti on Tuesday and in re- latter bill will be opposed by with large audiences, until the will be prepared to repair Chairs the citizens drove them away, turned professional men. ami other Furniture with wire in sponse to a query of a Suntinki. The notorious outlaw and out to be a couple of 8t. Louis such a manner that they j look reporter, stated that while he in well and who with followcommunist, 40 were who, on the detectives, track connection with other parties ever ive ers of a committed murderer the serious whom depthey supLtd been serving some warrants ! f ever Wlive m redations was near in in the that Cordova, posed hiding in different parts of the county, vicinity mJ Try oue you will have your lie had served none for breaches State of Vera Cruz, in September and were playing Mormon to whole set repaired Work done has last, been of the Edmund's act. just Raptured and disguise themselves. Petersburg n? fleidenc and at killed. (111.) HtrnUl, Oct. 60. f O OO prices ; jUditok 1 dialiy invited. i ,4 -- . I j Mad-onVihr- ug - side-wal- k I Red-bur- Cumn-uaimion- s n j I j we are uoi lhat it-ar- Si-tt- -r fc J lady resident of the was found in 1(?r J scion.- - .rod prostrate cm", It seems that the C working near the StorL she was seized wiffi 'fit and fell again,! ; G. bV. -t a. we 4" tit, cic. t - Juct The Kacraments of dihi tpe Lord's Supper will ne Manti, in ths early morning of admirnterc-- in the Pmsbyteiian Thursday last,wasthe scene of a Bln. rch Mami, Satlnth A. M., rather peculiar and withal quite Xv. Tfith, Rev. T. F. IJav assist-- ; a serious fire. ing. macliing Friday ASat. and ' At about 4 A. M. of the morn- Sabbath evening-- . All are cor-- j Hartin4. tr. knocking the PTVb :hcr Mr'4 Bench Lr.NOTICE FOR. PUBLICATION 'Call into the lady's J(; No. $133. . LauiAAiTice at Utah, ound her m the prosp, ' Noyember.lftb, 18S5. dition. Her huff. and Notice is hereby given th'at the employee at the Pled Ti folloAvfcfc - named Bettler for ami not iiiCVjf If is intention to .make.ffnal 'fary .. iroo.f i n support of his claim, and v P renuereu. that stid proof .will be made before.' absence before the J udge, or As w:1! .lie seen the Clerk of ghel county .Court, at Fillmore, Utah, oh Saturday, Dec : - Saitff-akecit- a- -. A1 ifc-hi- 4 s j fiu-e- . j 1 4 nn-ot- II i- sn Nie-l- -h st-- a e iir'gSdpio. U. MvMaster, Register, ' T. C. B.iilv, Att i v fer Applicant, t i t 1 1 SllOlt u; . . ih aj. sion ofllK- culuiits. J. H. HOUGAARl). ('ouuti Surreit.e and Liitul jbt, r' Utah representing Manti, bet-heat- - 4 lit .... reward of ALrB for the . the-farnil- y bill L i:xatntlalue Wm. k. iieid a e:- y, C. BAUENTJ T.o:)L.LVJ TT0RNEyi-ir-- L i I Co., .LY o- Office In the Land Office Build- L.. .salt Lake City, I tali. inu, A.,, 'idice rt ( yud ' p. : ' c PE RATI maw RCAHTfLE . V v 'a ow Have constantly on hand a full stock of 'General .dise, consisting of Cashmeres, e, Mohairs, o , Alpaea Lustres, cf X - M Ginghams, , j S - A T M w Chiviots, x Gjicks, . - Veri ..sit?-- - Tickings, te Ducks, Selesia's., TowlingaXjy Table Covers, Shawls, GIovVs. V p ! H , i 2 Hanims, gr q h . ; . ' g..-tE- r yf 2 A.n ; ng4 Sj ?T n , ' an amea f- d 'pierci exe-vis- iff bed-roc- k Cotton and CafpetarnsPv i 11 i ij" j -- Hats and Caps; J ,fS ' A . j.v , Notions, Etc; Et. Alsox fud Stock of Glassware, '(JvAhry',, Oils and paints, R patent Medicines . Five per cent. Discount on all Cash anL puchases of $1.00 ' J H. WODSKOW, - r t i "7 11 J Secretary. 1 , t i X , I 5 i I 'J? j |