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Show 0 - i i i v x ' h MAXTI CITY, Wm. K. UK ID, ATTORNEY f in1', Smpite Co., --- 1 r A Ut'i STOCK AT If.-r.l.OK- I.AY, At-U- iil eilt -- 4 to Inn enti'ie-- a Siic.l pT'-Se.i entries, an-j! ;j:G- , f)lliie , 'll-- . cintet i Liu f lies'- -. if. it i J.i- - rd. l.o.ve. 3ird Ai Lows f. .it ami llgyiHs 0 F l- - Attorneys r ... -- .. fi-it.- .. E 1 C il o'. t who go s ca-- l will ids in,-id- 3 .'IS i ' St I 6y oH'U lClv esc UJH.il y 0. 1 nt X7.:o- build Oilier 1..TK yi ijjiko City. Utah. ).,, CO .1C T i. ! New.-'pnp- e' - 11 od-dol'- ar Vl;c-Suppl- H JOY. PRIDAY, G uGU 0. j j 1 'AT. About 11 o eljct'A. M. buggies, to siporsede a well! ' t as post j carriages, andkvagons fegau to known and t ' Oiii- i.c! n .' mister at rhaWity. , he arrive "ml dupe-si- t the:r ltvl-.1 Mormr; an old, young u:lvj f.vigiif at i im rWi, n m of our on-ana i 00, 00-di-C- e - citi-zci'S- t t tow.i.-un- . ). i .Vsink Esq. car cer sjnmde it, beeig of an enquiring turn of.miq.d, naturally gravitated in 'that direction, and, on entecung; the premises of the said VV7 D. Funk Esq., found ME' and JIrs. Fu.i.v and'.tite .gu'-st(3ill sidiies ami full of fun. Or.- - o iq tE'' lg I found that a wedding wasr on the'tapis and that.' Mr. S;Tn-Ivillpack of your town and kiss Ingra daughter of Mrand )'fr. . Funk wero tho high contracting ' parties. Of course I stopped to see it out, and paitalke of; dm repast. I found' the compu:),' Consisted largely of Jtanti' Citizens. a.L of whom appeared io enjoy themselves To their utmoa'. capacity. F.'R. Kennur Esq. o. vour plioe oiiiciate and mad the twain one Mesh. Tinea came tho dinner amis tube, dinner! I otmnot attempt' to describe it. SutQco, it to say, that the table literally groai.Ju beneath its burden of things; and after the GO ode guests had eaten, until I jfe yshamed of them, I could hairuiy jierccive an' diminution in tii food, to say nothing of the drink wliieii conscience forbids me to meuiion. I must how fever, men " . : in asking the' President i ;o fcsf Tad the 6. a them a i fi?R0 appointment and hona-tid- e and re- h'l i: of 'Ij'tlh in 'V C Hi in f 7 rlaiii EiiriM,, Ltah ti hirtf. d fill' line ff Pir'y ca-t- ,C have s, icLow '.ii-k- rT h ll ircj-Ao-.oin'- ;tl I m'.vA--. ti iU. Ants U.rMy on nil kijJi.o ij p P, i)at;r flhcidjc on ha., live Me A Call! putable citizen for that position. If this is t miy, an J of a fact, a government, ot tiio jie'ojile, liy die people kml for the people, kmd if the Presicent really has a 'c of regard fer tile ida of ' v-t- i Dcmicratiq gewmuput, he w i grant, the request of his petit ones, hit he will do it so quickly thai it will daze me very iiicDof merccncry uppt iutmenfs and kao it t'ju-i- jirosp.rt-- , higher tlmif Hade: -- 11 not-onl- Bait Lake City, is still headquarters feu r Hi! T he cst laid plans are daily savouiccd because some one is hind b A true life must be simple in IIokaoeGkeiily ' .F-v- b-- r. fll- .rats .1 Avf T5 s. given .to .school officers 'throughout southern Utah on Maps, Appletons Primary .Heading Charts. Globes, all sizeyvind prices, Blackboard Clotli, Slating, bed and cheapest in use, sold by the yard, 'Call and Class Bells, Numeral JAgune?, School Records, Map Pointers, Independent Readers and HjvUers, Rays Arithmetics, Appletons Geographies, School Desks, the best and cheapest in thp country. Send for net wholesale- price list. "Also keejis on hand a full stork of Blank Books Dictionaries," eta., etc a ml "Stationery, Family Bibles. Websters DWYERS PIONEER BOOK STORE, G Main Street, gait 'jgake Jity, jjtali ' ' The Ed. one.-Audyiei- , ll 1 11 - 1 all its Ilf The very lowest Hunj. timef-T-FivSEMA- d s t 31! "rr3 , . 13, 1885. E. matters ;lmt we desire at pre-cto briefly state that if this matter - t!ia 'V d :v t d,:y in is taken hold of with enthudnsm f ' the ve-R. VI Ewekon. it is' unquestionably decline i to become ah important factor pi BRATIiERA KE'-ithe growth of our county and in the development of the stock oyo Xitivs. Deiot. culture. " AVe laze it, that even looks! Stationery, Magazi the most nonprogressive would of Peribdienls" and. gladlj- hail a method that would kiuils.' ;. out a way whereby a jioim soutlj ,MlO animal may oc raised tien jhe brides cake, whjch 9 of 'Salt Lak City. the with same effort that it now the center of tlig 'table Older.-- . bv mall soliote.J. s rai-to a requir.-and was an ornament, it CENTRE ST. PR if Ciis. incifv is propUy was thoquite , r IT- handiwork of Aliss wo Deed up it will go far A. Funk,., the brides sister, aat riAe aciiomplisliing spoke'lvell for her skill and taL. rAYLOil BROTHERS, MARTI association will, moreover, by its Taken all in all it was a gay time A.T sujierior strength have the force and the best wishes of all presen of and j punishhur were cordially o jtuided to the intimidating Designs for St'.i lcs. 'Porches, theft Stock men, it is certainly happy couple, and the writer Decoration, and worth your whim m consider tiV hereof wishes them a Corn long am Ltr. importance of i his organization. modeling' of Old lIou-.es- , a pleasant sail down life, happy fumi.-diePor.surcdy .there is more strengtfi the current of time, and a on snort notice. unch Ufouse. anti large in irkvtions ;u:e unity of effort and organiza- and intelligent family to crown and. spe anti llimch House. Spccial atten-- d tion, than can be found in in their old age. pa living plans Goose rent a t 10 vemilation of dividual effort and tio i W. K. Barton furnished by methods. buddiiuy. In response to quite a genera Ha- - lately adilded to His confection or,,1!.. Correspondence solicited. ary Stock a fine Supply of A NEEDLESS APPENDAGE. desire and also ;o gratify a wish CauuedBeef, our on to make our IlarnrrA part paper IIafc.! liar Cauueit Fruit ami the Tlie sinecural Utah Commissi- still more meritorious, we pur like. He 1ms milled sell-or rather increasa v.ew Dining havo on once more is pose enlarging, harness gone thiough maker, Qui;u, the Room to his at eed the mechanical process of mak- ing the number of pages of our every. tliiiir; in !ii' line lmrnes Se.;oml lia'nl in W near rock the future. ing "a report to the Executive paper iu.1 for ne'v. II.exchans;M) an i thus he ihqiartment of the government. may not at all times he able :o pr.i.i is prepared to the full number of extr. the ReWith the that give tone wanted. exception pelts, furs, mill case Call and be ia dispel tlie acli ing rather more vehement and pages, but it shall be our aim to void of his fellow men pairing a specialty. can get good some of the recommendations give our patrons a supplement convinced that you bvserviug palatable Lunchwork cheaper than cheap and a more extreme and with every alternate paper, an es a tf.d lmuro, and on reasonaHarness square deal at Quinns ble terms. Give the Lunch IIouh the so called report contains if possible with eery paper. a call. Shop, directly east of the Meeting can, Now that the winder is coming-othe same stereotyped form of its House, Ephraim, Utah. Munti. Mn'm Sired, lie undersold, not by predecessors. The Commission, this enlargement will, w f. s. I will in scrub any other harness making however, does make tho mo think, be very opjiortune, nno QUtah. Try me.and see. mentous statement that it has, while we may not, by a Herculean during the year, revised the stride, 1)9 able to bring our paper Mi. PLEASANT registration lists, but for some at once to the plane of an idea unaccountable reason, it fails to county journal, we hope by state that it has received for this continual effort to, enlarge its PA.LtAR7 IILLS, arduous service 25,000 dollars size and widen the range of its I am prepared to do all kinds f of the governments money work. custom work in the line of Planing, The printing oi a number of acute The eyes of those who Moulding and Rawing on the shortest possible notice, and on reasonable started out with tho avowed our papers of lata has been very terms. Also all k.;nd of Lumber, object of seeing a government of poor, but there are causes for Pickets, Mouldings, and everything the people economically admin- this which we have, at present used for house finishing. tf istered will doubtless fall upon well nigh remedied, and now with pj the work of Utahs unnatural the use of a new roller, we shall ftIVE ME A TRIAL. Bent Hanson, Prop, appendage in the form of a com- print as legibly as it is possible iiain St., Mt. Pleasant, San Pete mission, and note tho glaring to print in a country office county, U. T. inequality between the pay and and with an army press. the service Should this occur, Wm. II. OLSTEN, M. D., wo dare Bay that the adminisThere is some talk of a Newswill open its eyes to the anil tration & glujswiw being started in Panguitch, paper UX MIIR AIM CITY, UTAH. ' utter futility of proscribing the Garfield County, with a party by Territory with a commission, the name of Office at Drug Store. Dunning as editor and Yal-logladly concede to., her genu- We Nan Peto of the trust for the sake and burgeon hope ine citizens the right Manufacturers of Railway. Consultations at to and loyal tho subscribers that the print D of govern themselves Railroad Office, Moroni, every will be readable. For we can MONUMENTS Monday, from 12 m. to 4 p. m not say as much for some of the WANTED. been have that recently papers NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. started in Utah. Enquirer 1114 pi We will take on subscription We beg to supplement the d Land Office at Salt Lake CitT Utah, Oct. Tablets, Headstones, 5 loads cedar of wood, above statement with the fervent 27. S?5. Watertables, Sills, Caps, Notice is hereby giron that the . 10 wish that tho coming paper will pine of hii intention settler has filed aotice Corners, HearthArches, 50 bushels wheat, to make final prootf in support nt his claim, furnish its readers with an ocalso dealers and that said proof wilt be made before the etc., stones, 200 pounds good fresh pork casional item of original matter, County Clerk of Juab Co., at Nephl Utah, on San in celebrated F the e or metham. Saturday Dec. 12 1S35, viz: Thomas as there are some would-bOolite Stone. Pete White Pace 1). S. 8SG4 for the SJ E. After we receive tho above ropolitan journals in the Terri' N. W. hi and Lot a. Sec. iS, T. t S. R. i ..P.O.Box 8. He names the following witnesses to Protv amount we shall be supplied in tory economize go that his continuous residence upon, and cultivation - UTAH. those who wish to closely in this regard, that it MAXTI f, said land, viz: Alma Hague, Thomas ;hat line, so Carter Jr., Charles Andrews, Saxpuel Wilkey, ;urn this kind of pay had better would really be refreshing to all of Nephi, Utah. Lake advantage at an early day. read an H. McMastarFegister. original sentiment in ' -Vi First come first served. T. c. Baily, atty, their columns. eia xcsirSs zis icassvKzaea I sr f rl-fesidcn- doubt 'css get maiiv pracrlcal as to. the utility of stock associations, and the Skvhykl ' will domain from time to t , r ! Lu- - THE plUIIf COVE. j v fa A t ; INTERESTS. . Section 2nd of the Constitution of the Stock (irower-- Association" of San IV, e Co. reads as follows: The o' :cc-- of ihe assoc union shall be to promote in every legitimate way the cattle, horse and sheep in iv. try of Sai Pete Couny. This section Yimoiy states in terms the object of tho organization vythout dofirdng any course or it any means to he emto ployed iccoinplish tlie deri cd end. Tiies;; matters of course will durni-- h subjects for tiioi.ght and discussion at the regular meetings of tho socieny, and lienee it' is not that they should be elaborated upon in' the Constitution or even in preliminary meetings. Thede-legatc- Vr uo; JOLLY VTEDDPNG. Sterling, Nov. 7th, 13S gi-I- r Wui. A F! ."3 IV-d-i- OHut im:ii-!ir'ly north of Fir?-- t rovo tity. National Stank, to sill kilim !vk-.;a-S all tho counties .d the Territory. Special atte ti i; i vhi to the sc litseHuniil ;el of the e ta't both IneaL.mU foreign ami to on, fin colleUtHiri :iw man 'geoimii of legacies and iuhei itanc"s. Attend L SENTINEL i t Tinqpople of .Provo are justly Mantl San IVte County. Utah. Editoc. Sentinel: This ha?. iiuEcrant over the appohitment Wen a grand lav in Stealing. ihs of an unreliable br6wx, r,f)()TU'.t. . I 3 -- etc. M.mtowx j. e. r.tKuu. H0:!F, Published fit UV it Court. Hou O lice ATTt-UNEY- THE SAJI PETE C0UXTY, UTAH, j ? - r Vol. I. 1 , 4 tow-ar- d thi-s-o.e- ER C-HEST- e -- SciiooJ-liousi'i- t; Cot-iV.ni- y. LOO per Vo.--Interi- Tisti-mai- d . ton. es 0- - hap-hazar- d ins S' . iic-i- A I pri'-es- - 1 I nen-repub- 1: i re m.io a v ,i-- li J. P. Meilstrup, Ephraim, San Pete county. L. T. Tuttle, Manti, Utah. Hansen & Thurber, Richfield, Sevier county. ' Studobaker Brothers Manufg Company, builder of Tl ie 1 - l Are celebrated for their lightness of draught, strength and durability. A full line of our raanufactuers can be found at the following agencies: ' Carriages Sl BUGGIES Farm, Proiglit and Spring Wagons and Carts, Phaetons. Cabriolets and Surreys. Central Branch Repository, LAKE CITY, TJTAH. SALT JAiiES B. GLASS, Manager , Ki & l. ' ! m 4 P- - SOM LOWRY Ftp. An Importers and Dealers in all kinds ot m - L',. o fut0w. i t y totlowing-tiante- - FiJ y - Vi! UV' " vn.i n.4 f by T Uly?I C a r r UICTUHE ASH PAID FOR FRAMES .:ADE WOOL, f A S Jj; a i The Woven Wire Mattresses at d ei A i! iDi.d TO -- ZIDES, 7. !l S . pU)ls' ELTS, HSh K 77 1 iv! ft. r. tgai t - UTA f t . , J |