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Show V r'r 4 w rr m 5"' C. A. T7ISTEED so Year y Xloccrdl , T J Axei Mad sou. SOHB ' SElTTIIiEL nmn in white eiotlx-.'- . ws;iu, tiney field' are Doth ii 0 Emerson Published at lor Det ii cuts cluss u well as Madsou u5 jjiheron cruel. DcaUrs in ROCK SA.T a,J Manti, Saa Pete County, Utah. Detli loves to mow; tis MOLASSES. " w , f , Li-- in Utah, jo LETTER They also Keep od Hand a fti) of' the jVmher Sugar une upply Seed (acclimatized,)' and Various IJt pend Kids of Gardtn Xrrds. --o(The Be$t Eia O , , stile. lie iz old and slick with FROM JOSH BIL- - his sickle; he mowed fur Able uv uhl and for Able uv venter-daLIN OH. y. II 1 1'ihute to A view us Metr Ephraim cantile' Association. Co-opera- tive Deth mows strangely, and and round fall the daisy and .df Wi,fc tiwar in Auuewnsit.g i K,rJ PairMr. UK. JVE Cm WII and sm X alone, stands rling, fiitiss OUKD l zias, Dvr Lai Call arm r x...V..e quality an i He irv M. Shaw, better known the Sjp!j f koarse thistle, left for what? TASTJ Brices. Letters aud Orders ty to'thc w'orkl the hummous au- Deth kant tell, for ,God only IIaU promptly responded to. thor ami lecturer. Josh Billings, knows. Address : died at Monterey, Cal., suddenly. D Hh you have dope a cruel DESI5? Madson & Eineron, Oct. 14. pzi V on Vedneadey morning, Gunnison. Utah. yov have mowed thing of apoplexy. Mr. Shaw, whom where lately; the wittiest one of all Csrti! for over we khew intimately IV J. K. Boothe, LH.Clutt, ' stood, who.--e words have gone 1Jl waB born in Lanri- lrrst. Secy. thirty awl over the world, whose I i 1818. After lullingwaz borpugh, Mas., heart az good and a? soft az j F0UN1)R fIlsd Few ltd fsr?Kd j fc:j, I( I I o ,e Was 40 years 91 age h coin " 3 mother menced to write for the press Deth, you have mowed where ma ciifxfr$niPA FOB THE1EAS? KONET. under the non de plume of friends Artemus stood, and a fimW f Skips to buy an orfan do not fat t but without attracting my r In olgcataloeufe nets Midqturera pf Steam En Humor wears mourning now lbr and price lisa and for four Mwt gint'S, Pumps, Boilers, Feeder been aatabUabad aince IMS and attention. great any 1 "iU-rm 4 harb a 80 years jreoordt 5 i r, ass and Iron Caatinp, of I ngs (or Store Fronts, Mill Work. work, commenced to Sjiell hadly, ' ? iron Work .for Jails, Bridges I ?nd' adopting tJe signature of ami buildings, fencing and Sasl Josh Billings.'1 soon jpade his HARNESS AND SADDLES iV eights, Machinery tor Lth,lmark. He wrpte lor qome time and all Urist, Mining and glasses f. ,r thePoughkeep e Difih Ere , Shoe makers and Harness linker .Mills put up ,to order jpd re-- j f which we weie part proprietor Supplies. IMPROVED .ir'iI wi'h to call llit ai motion .of the p of the editors, and after and.9e Workshops : Corner jL an ward for the Yonkeiyj GazOte, public of Manti ami iSao jete coun No h Tint X gcneiaUy to the tail fU.it I kcej.. 9th streets, kqo.wn a fter.w'e assumed c! aigc of i OOliHlnlJv oil Jiant jEL-rJ01 YdumItw a full loc iglCELG, Clufifsllall. formerly ,0ld Iron bought. paper. We received a ersonaj iiufneim ainf EiudilioH. leatlgei, I, d. Box 23, Provo. i. tfer from Mr. Shaw only a few llices .m low as tho lowest. L. S. Vhitkheao, Hupt. la. before hisdeatb- which will Give me a cad. L.C. KJAIi. e found of fnlere-- t fn this I. B. BRUNEJL, Itis bellow, Li'tlcdd MAKTI, UTAH lie fmacine when periling this 1' V tter that his eulogy of Aitemus Vard would, through hit sug-- r MANTI CITY, UP A II. become a pai t of his pw u Ti' iii extracted yitjliout pan ooit ion, That Bid Dtfi.pce to ary. Competition in Utility an prie ly Mayos VaiQ jProcess. PIotel , Pel MontKjMontehey ..Al New fieth, if;0 ppi cehCai, Oct, 3. Der Holdk UKALINO And Some twenty years ago I wa: S oked to writeanmethn g if) ie- M gid, igt mlieraiKfi of Ar.emus Oa and after Auyud J7, Jagj IRON t m died then hoi A(0 wm jra0( dai'nj. Sunday i pngrhm,(1PEVPR & ,I0 CPANDU and. It was suggested No tv. ruing. my excepted, as follow: Going north t.' le pwseryed, and still the pjeav6 Chester d ;dd a. in, i Eaift at Tei Lr.RAJLWAV. WESTERN '1 he i. rts i.'.:' m.it:er be somewhat pathetic. I i fo: to the i BUST ,s r knew that huntor and patlios u 1 .o p co. were closely allied, and 1 drew SPlilliU o.if i be enclosed with a penn iaid gave it to the party who re Is OUR H0TT0J BETWEEN THE ZtM AND V,lr. liiUesied FSCl?:1iiSH RENTS IN9 Til (SST u it. It first appeared i The .only line between Salt Jgik the Troy Budget , and I nev r saw GS!i3 NEiTIKS k I! ; " and Denver wit Imnt itafierwaal until last week' in going south. OF atll55 piper on the Paciic coast, where Leave fScphi 1 r CEEI ARSONS T KBt To a fVard K Friend. w a-- souxf G,ener. 12 al pudvo erofj Stic;, 7 F.W at, PH le,d-lengt- h, W-t- 0r I 'C.-5SndU,"S- v vsiv rtix. pll LEFFSL nd Wint er - Tr,ace. TZTn.L . Whu i Bo - ts, $fj con-leotio- DenTi$ T w SAN RAILWAY Company. ptl. m-- Bu - I I - fir il" floss Sl Stgrtab, tram . fl ABLE MED, to (30. $11 v "TEST ift t .S', t i pLL r. I BED mil ki. tur BED 43K. TOVK rtJRNITUU DEALER .ark arl ' FOR ' ? iT Ip. - R. CLPIB With tS StSttV toilSA CITY FURHITURE C0- -, wsoumli rvaarmiui aurevyoRpm. UooJtfofd, III.- inuo - itiot BG17ARE r.M ' r.r. 'ti C B i 4j. J have been simelast May, an The .only line between Salt Lake intend to stay until next Mat. and .Chicago with hut Xill you allow me to ask you t r produce the inclosed tribu e to 0FCdfS Artemus, with any imroducti to it that may plea-- e you? 1 The Only Line Between the hope you w.ll not look upon me West and the East Running as a vain main when I 1 11 yo Through Salt Laikc City. tli t 1 am not only delighted but P UBIMAN BUFFET and jutonished at the vitality of he SLZfcPIXG CJA&iold uktur, whicli I liaye read mr the last twenty-thre- e years on On allThroueh P.ssengerTrains. the road. In the first, place, Only SLine from Sal: every line in it was publishen ir. juST' bake City Jtgiming Sleep the papers ; then it 1ms been put fSSring Cars Fiee ,tor the use of into fnore than 100 newspapers jSJPas8engers hUing Second as I have delivered it ; then 1 class and Emigr..nt tickets nave read it in every city on th continent that has 15.000 people The Atlantic Express. Leaves Ogden daily at 9:30 a.m. in it, and hundreds of towns that have not 2. OCX) in them, and it 0:o( SaltLakeC'ity li Dir ct connei tion in made at Pimblo never has had anything added to and Deuvor lor Omaha, Kai sasOity it, But much cut away from it, ami all (icints and it is now read from the same The Pacific Expret-- e it was fir-- t written in ; and book t Anvi' at Salt Lake Oma from hi ' e'l at .":0" p. m. ami leaves lot still the brave old manuscript, 1 have read p. ru. nudeing cmm. r fights a god fight. Hoc will) the Central pact fie for the it six durCalifornian in nights list. am seven th last week', ing Local Trains. It seems 50. tT been paid for it 5:10 1 rv - Jount', ne.'te 14 FuuntainGreea Draper Arrive at Moroni 1 :0iJ 1 U0 I'.hJ Leacc I: i!J Arrive at Cheater A Stages count parts of San l yjo Cheater for ct at tc and i llow.r. .inujir ivatio alt Clark, Eldredge1 Co. w ( ( ) ) T I ENSEN w ORG ( ) U ENSEN BOOT, SI IOE, and 1IARN ESS A AKERS. d s, tiepairing jiromptly attended ti Califomia Leather. Richfield, Utah. Main Street, gJTAU j n CENTRAL W A R 47 A GLASSWARE, W O O D E N W A R E, E, 49 East Temple Street, - BARNES In CROCKERY, Etc, Elc. Etc, Etc, JENSEN1 IInriHS8. Saddle', Harness-lla- i w.ne, Whip-i- . Bridle', No'v-iiag11 n bles Etc. Dealers HARDWARE, 8. BAMBKGLR, M HR H. S. KLRii F'l'gkt Aii. OR.G HOLESALR SEOOBEISB, nt. Cit- - : Salt Lake City, Utah. . 26,4,4 & DAVIS and Pistols; Etc. u,SeUaloicasanyJLnw--niltah- . . PRODUCE and the nf all Kinds Taken y'l?sr price paid. ACEtITS ( .s.s in. p.m. Sevier. Breakfast and Dinner at Mira- ORG N. A. Kmpy H . 6.1 Idredge. Joiui Clark. Gd do Holloway Pfea antHill RAILWAY as follows to me that there must be some Paid to Mail Orders For Bingham and Alta at 7 :de shiv I in the cod Molds. t Rpecial Attention & Rand Powder, Atlas High ExploG) a m. I.aflin Excuse what looks I ke vanitt . IV CARD. TIME EE Demorest Pa)r For Ogden at 5:10 p. m. Powder, Columbia Bicycles, but all this only proves what i 1885. 9th, July rrive at Salt Lake lty : have nev. r doubled that th rom Bingham and Alta ot f :5U man who has a fair brain, 34,4,12 Trains leave Nephi .Salt Lake Citv Ogden at 10:50 i. m. OUtage, fear. css truth, Passenger Main Str- ct. follows as Fickets for all points Eas" and daily honesty ran get all he should ,nd IVest can be ptirehaKed at have in this world. Im Iosco I TC oing South at 2:15). m e Dei ot office and City Tbkct send a short critici-fioni a 11 :45 a. m. North (fiee. White House (5. me r. Suit small coast town up tlx Arrive atSaltlAike at :40p.m Lake City. (Petaluma) which supports what 7 :20 a.m Leave 8. TP. ECVLES, I have just written. G. I & T. Apt. With kind regards to yourself X. II. Bancroft, Receiver. Passenger Trains leave Salt and family, I am yours, wiihout Lake daily, for tho North, to a struggle. with the U. P. Ry. and PEOPLES DRUG STORK. connect Josh Billings.. r A N. Ry., at 8 a. in. ; PROPRIETOR U. PAUL VON NORDECK, the f Here is th rememberance Dealer in in SaltLake at 7 :50 arrive and referred to, an I Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet. Artemus .Ward m. p. it well fits also the writer, now Articles, Wines Liquors sho passed to the other trains h ave Nephi for medicinal purposes. ING ON ARTEMUS WARN BILl JOHN at 7 :4Q a. m. and north for the Prescriptions, accurately for the south at ( :15 p. m. I DoUi hei done a cruel thing EPHRAIM, San Pete Co., UTAH. lttely. Deth seldom iz impar-thal- l d trder Joi wuil solicited, mid nt- ; this iz all that can be ?a Francis Cope Gen. F. it P. Agt sithe his moves He to in bis favor. tended promptly. John Sharp, Gen. Supt awl round the world, now in this C. Hueld, now in that pvheat, flowers, Public of Mauti, and Saw S Salt tl to .rod weeds drop, wilt, and wither, Gcucixil O res Mata frtet Announces Dentist. Respectfully IjuU-Uitiin That he is Agent for, and, i Special attention paid to Filling for he sythes early and late, Generally, Pete County the natural Teeth. Teeth care-- . citi and town, by the harthstun White t oin and is prepared to sell, the Celebrated and away oph where the wandergo.sfotd fully extracted. False Teeth ' m" ers are. inserted. Prices to suit 15., I?. A., M. Machine- - oq reasonable terns. thb cruel g a Class Deth hez done the Times. First Accoucher. Phvsician& WorkGuaranteed. Of-Dmaeivtr Ladies ami LUmlret ) ,'ely. Deth is seldom kind. Heie a father, a mother, a wee a Siecialt. . fiee next door to proinjitly responded To. Co-osmall shing but a mother on a Ufa? M TJtah, visit ; therfe Mary and Charley anti 3J"ephi City, Leave Salt Lake of rp. Change Ogden at OP ir.llTATIOrJG n. shess, Bef, ore Pis $ure L. M. Olson, Superintendent. gsr r P1IST iu Jick ft. r CHILDS BED,) N. bat OFXJl-r- nfl i e IP Ain e- p mi the" J p ci thin Valley i - m es, ancf I'a,-er""- - a 3ayss,. i m j. L nsen iies: y iO legiM' t - ATft The Housekeeuers Friend ASK FOR, ty,Ut :, i6'0, that tiA ias ,ake Sa im, an ie befoi ofSevi1 0Vfh' ton, H! ,V Tp Soli tiy the" Grocery Trade Com'V Itegi-6tf- ;' Reneially. COSSb'iSPTITO TO felWw-etaere- Asthma, oughs, Colas, Const!rre,:on, rOnchltist &C. Pin i a w --.e; tho Presenp- . Pj 1 -- e , dd!-- t 'Ji St., VV,hamv- ' ;d SS?-Fre- , a ight eom-oounde- The advertiser having been permanentlv cored that dread disease, Consumption, bv a simpte is anxious to make known to his the means rf cu. To Ail vho desiw it, rwillsecdacopyof the prvfi.iUon ned, (VRn,i with the directions for neing the ae which thev wil! nufi a piftps,dCur? f I witny resiti'9, ad Lsd; , HeDy No OTHER AND TAKE WILSON, 194 SEWING MACHIWE. AfiMB iijffllB IlSliiSO, . - BIRD . ,. gr. I)-- , 4. .Tv r , C,1 ,M k t '4 U 'J ' T 1, Hi hi i rtm of ijraii J. ' r xaii bv ud t rticr, t AodniMi j u orn nd jfe. c , , Office: 1 Tolt-gram- p. a |