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Show 0 tho ' try oft n looked THE HOLE SEHUiJEL TV 4LV.fi t tn;;u irutli uL, jii -- - s ',!7 A r, i 3WM i? oi pre-.n.- 51". SAXFLj. i NOTICE FOR PUrLlCATi' No. 2122. Land Office at Salt Lake A CO i October' 3J, 1SS5. Ndio is hereby giycn ti , fgllovring-name- d settler L notice of his intention to final proof in support of'! claim, and that said nr a before theProbate J Clerk of Sevier County, p Richfield, on December in 1SFs5, viz; OInf Anderson. H, No. C032 fox the S. E. 4 p C S r,K?'0K5 TO them1 t.;rn.i to the furthe, Xol c we a ill A B. C L A Y SON H. f s cc ? teUlut win-litSill A'Vcr to allow unLallrved jra ti Feoj 1 Uulie tr Dealers in :'arli,r aii ;aa y Kl'ITSi to obtain in ti.ef iuiixt. IV.a j rejiiiSjfieUi-teaa'- , i. (.hairs, Sjfas, 1, Furs, .'kins, Woe Hides, an La aptly said, i r.,irv and Rjckir, anything 'jar1 VM, Etc, e in the Vice it a mon-L- r of o fngtit:.j 1 ,l1 i:' Iri;h'J i IT MAY DR IMPEDED mien, to t? htiL-d- , need but j Lineat U holesala Prices where W. South Temlie Cash accompanies the order. ImIcs Just now when iyeral aaloon -hut Seen leu oft familiar itt ple street, Salt " tiYuurat X'ju for House his lift face Ilarijriiu F.nnch are rf ported asdoingaverj brik "A t We first endure, then pity, then iKu't Yoo Forget It !K at Nephi. Sec. 11. "S. S. Y. See ' IM ia th county, it is fit embrace. Do-24S. R.QV. op ling that the people among whop: This sentiment is quite apropos He names th follmvin c.ax slioild fostered are Wiiolesale ami Retail Dealers. 34 1,12 they of what wr have said and it to pipye hi eontma, nesses One Lioor Weat o t Trjnp-- block. lt Lake. aider anew the gravity of thia also confirm- - our that O'dr Patent residenc opinion upon, and cultiv- Folding School intemperance question cpd t to ward off the approaches of of. 6tid land, viz: 3iIci, Desk Chas.J. devise, if possihleome still mor vice we must give it Nielsen, I Biorkniaiijp; the so our Ceit For absolutely .ten M. E. effectual measures for the pro- no Weftmangmd Jakem-mT. Jus. jtu Agent. and make no excuse quarter Richfield. all of 21,2,32 tection uf th sanctity of home for its presence. H. MoMastek, Pc;:;.. by rearing a solid harrier against S. W. Darke k Co. Aujg r i the inroads of inebriety and Claimant. Tur Tfn-- rS Institute. the moral turpitude. Has Constantly Every Departwidely and favorable known In our fair Territory NOTICE FOU PUBUCATIO New Arrivals of ment bristling educatonal published journal, bo -credit it . her eternal No. 2120. (rood-said) with bargains. , (to B. L. Kellogg and Co., comes by Low i g is Irii less dissipation and crop-iinOffice at Sajt Lake C there NotSpa.sn odic Land to us in a new and more confrom eerv but Icrpt tual October 20, 1883. intemperance than in any utker venient ' an Shelf and containing than, Notice is hereby given that. State or tenitory in the Union; Ladies' Duster, Lawns, Kid increase of interesting mutter. following-name- d eeftler hs V is far there here even but, still, (dove Cliambrav (iinglianis his of notice is Of intention to t, this journal it not too CD too much liquor drunk, there Cart Wheel and Catch final proof in support v,j is to that it much the say ere too many saloon supported Straw Hat. 1 claim, and that 6atd proo ' n Art it es of sa an I a a natural fol lowing there ably edited and contains moro be made before theProbate J tE&K ' 1 arc far too many families dis- originality ami erility on eduor Clerk, of County at K Mibj-v- ts than cational other any field, on Dsecmber J4. MainStm t.SaltLakeCitv. rupted hy being bereft of proper STi on this contiJacob Jacobsen, Sole heir of paper published afcare and conjugal paternal IT. E, No. 4111 fur i would nent. who .Jacobsen, Every teacher o fection. To impede the progress Section W, 20 Tp, .i h I N, 2. I'o the 1iople of San Pete. s of this baneful evil ami thus wish t tench judiciously and 1 E, s O causo our socialistic status to properly and thu- - proumt tbo He names the following of time the wasting ypiiotogr aplj jlallery its invidious possibility tower above nesH'S to prove his coutiu , X of tho pupils, or of himself yl liotograpli yallori residence upon, and eultiva rage, is a question wlmdi chalp should sen s he & that ores it tu of, said land, viz ; Peter C, F, Jtjo r ( lenges the earnest thought and of one those at sen, Lars I. Larsen, 4 ,t If once. papers, efforts of every true eitizou of L All wood; Joseph Poter-en- , teachers are apathetic in this the land. my on Christian Petersen, of Plntea, The teachings of tho leaders of the matter, school oil; ers larging i si tin II. Mcmastek, Regiv. ( tiili Cl by ,'irtisis. yt Latter-daSaints have hon and use diligent efforts in impelling S. W. Darke & Co. Att'y Jj Keep your money ul to progress. Thi- - - an them ffenie to effort iiy Claimant. home the that arc, V patronizing Constantly 9 Talent iiml yet tietter w.ji'It for, th people should he scrupulous- age of growth and them mnt be Jjj) less money L lie tlianeun had NOTICE OF FINAL PROO hy sending i.as' nr West. ly careful regarding tho question no drones. I have e No 201)6. photo optliff intemperance, and, iq thus f Maim Temple, ( S. U. Land office at Salt La r.v writing upon this matter, wo THAT HOARD OF TRADE. frames, Alhumn, muA Ter. Oct. 10th, PS .Utah for views Sals. City wish to emphasize and simply So E. is hereby given that Notice f'd, e bring homo to tho hearts of our 'frifiwl of f HEADQUARTER following named settler ha 'I anti ( it) in (t leaders a question which ia of ahuiit of his intention to nd j .1,.. ;i, e. final proof in support of perpetual importune to them, claim and secure final" terand which, though by frsqusnt jt Editor Sentivki: Your and said proof will thereof 18f,0 ESTABLISHED 1SG0 What has become .f W-jzxrepetition, it may have become query JE- - J I OTOGRAPIIY before made the Probate Ukeathrico told tai, it can not tho Hoard of Trade? is quite Plea-- c remember that all PicTer. Pete San of in County,Utah the piexent boom tures .sent to me to be enlarged with impunity lie lost sight of pertinent Cl in his absence the for grain. With the exception County will receive careful attention r forgotten, of said County on lYedntlsda; of a tloating ad' ertisement p.iiut-oI will deliver them to If ther is ono method moro any lsth day of November 1885. on wagon beds, that said gp r O X E E R( house in San 1ete County in than au other that can be suc- wagon was 9old by the S ,n Pete due Charles G. Lundeberg, Hi time, for the sni;tli SU1, sted Hoard of Trades Agent, it Entry No. 5165 for the cessfully wioldodjjugainst this including extra nice frame, x. and e. n. w. I sec, to k. sosma have existence. no common enemy of mankind, all complete. No pay requiied 1 w. and names, 18 s. The last k. known of th we ab Great Tp. In Reduction Prices!! until pictures ami ous that will striko at the are deliver-dnamed organization, there were following witnesses to proe i Satisfaction The Best and of roots Stock is guaranteed. of tho it Largest th thrse evil, very continuous residence upon a: to gentlmen appointed enlarged and sent to any spontaneous sentiment and de- draft cultivation of said land r. for the company address hy mail, without frame, sire of the people themselves, and report at the next meetEdward ltcid, Edward 8. E on receipt of ptiee. F 1 ,5( , Chicken,. Fecker g, & Stemway, Bros., Steck, Hardman, Behning, John J.Nugeli andliybeit Hj tho masses must see the danger ing, Said next tweeting is still Wm. F. Young, Bebr Bros. all of Fayette, San Pete of its existence, and with a in the future, Fair view City. Fiubsd Ter. of Ouus, count Sanpete v, Utah. feeling akin to self preservation And at the same time :mon and a desire for common proHamlin, A. B. Chase, and Kimball Sc Co.s Established lsiG. before the County Clerk place tection, they must rqwl its lustWiut was true of tho farmers T o n e v a San Pete County U.T. Carl r March, is true of th teacher for the n. e. j t U growth and strive to wipe out its this Xovvuil er. The 0 n t' v a A . u r s e r i o s AN.), a general Eineof Piano, Organs, Violins, Brass Instruments, C mi- - Berglund buy husx.av. sec.7 and existence. j n.w.J sec. 8 very eertmas, Aeeordeons, Banjos, Orgauettes, bandman i getting h.s uop, Xih York , THE Batesi 1 s.r. E and names the follow1, sheet and Hook Music Received Daily. !!! HEAD-DCAl- t Unless this course be purauod, but what a crop I Some thing is , W , A T, Sindh, Proprietors. TBits for all kinds of Brass, Heed, and wutnesses to prove his continue and unless th matter receive always produced, but the proMartial Band I instruments.!!! residence Fiv Hundred Acres of Fruit md upon ftftd cultivationM Instrii.iient Warrnuited ami En--Every tho barty support of a strong duct bears an exact proportion . viz : fsaid land Victor A. 'nia.neiHal to the ton es jwo living it. 8 w IVis, Rosts, tireSatisf.u ti'nUnnrauteeil. . Pick' j public opiniou hy being discuss- th wind, Shrubs, i.tc,, Peter AnderEonJ. D. O son, dr.s-'('oU,,s IP. Lt. S. Streit, N. L C reap the whirlwind 1 r ,v Mmv, J7 f ed in tho family circles and at Ss.w I! in hlt Ul t, o'll. Axel Einerson of Gnnnis ' M( live, rvap joy ! What h.ih -') oumms soueiTi'D hearth-stones amj th huedPete County, Utah Territory. t.T i.ake errv, v r ' h. of the people, our harves' o this o ir? Also at the tame time Tarh legislative enactments ujion th County Clerk of Ena ry subject can never bo mad to DANIEL llAUiUNCTOx U. T. in the absence of t reach tho desired end th A r P Farmers ffo too much a it n Probate Judge of said Co';i r!??BEASH-s- i -AU Notary work e.mfullv ati yp3iAIISHachange must come from within in their business, ami tru-- tJ Samuel Killpack Healed and not from without; hence mueh to chance, luck and the-- d(d to. N.49S7 for the e. I f I Entry ekf r naxi i, Ollme at Spvmi.r, ollin i.'Vi.l tho trite saying, absolute prohi- moon, and do too little elo-- ! e. i see. 13,rp. J Otmaud a half block ea-- t of Maiti Ml., Jh.hn is and8 e. ands. names Utah. are wornl. figuring. Figures the follbwif-- ) bition is an absolute impossibilk., e, ScCiy !o,u t t for,, eye opuners-ar- . continu his to witnesses mighty prove Ffh it) stod; ity, so far as the msre provision intervoting ri.deg cultivatio reiidc-ncand b upon ?'' f ee i!g ,,, .Jlt ,,, , cfa statu is concerned, is tru " M an h : land viz said ' ' :Uu ot ' i of ,r it I. hn,' ! t : :! '' The people in dealing with a )t Peacock, L. S. Beacit, t'l.iij of on h this subject cannot afford to Killpack and H. C. Hansen Tvle five it any quarter. Thsre AVil) pi mm. Emery Co., Utah. AND Cm AVID II. McMastir, Regid) WAN'II.AXD nrtv must le no countenance of its r.T.REiD, Atty. for Apphw-f xistence ia any form what evr. 31 , ' r a; : ; t A Napoleonic warfare f mu,t fcj i. and the reformers must adopted, nrJOE FOB PUBLICATION tri ke at once at the capital f: No. 2009. the enemy, and thus annihilate I Kind Office at Salt Labe City,T October 12, lb5, Hf C'a &; its -- ourco. The pc pl of the i th cjrT-rfis .Notice ! given that tif ?; hereby J various Lewi and citie should , has 1 a Ijii: .. jf.-yr settler vAii ASzj-ly a Kf p, J s ' A'Si-- i understand that it is they thai nonce of bis intention to make an an !:sl i n p s. pi .arc dirctly responsible for the supppor of his claim, r.; made OM Tesooitful 0 (lUBrt Ct in be said Si at will pigjjf w liquor traffic. It ia perfectly tin- - PmbateJTidge orClerk ofseVIP O markv tor 10 yew and riowj " LLi j by prouunonl physioan as taScS91 elf evident that no mreeupBounty, at Richfield, on 'ovfny H with an 1S, lSSf, viz: William Shelton, liquor-dealw uld he able t Unnal rnirt-- f, ,f for the S W 14 S W S El-4- , Sec 15, Tp eke out an exih-ni-- . E indeis rh-a t it fer a fits sails fur people Ioancl tbeiielre ifa He names tbe following witny ( mrs n,T bt Maiot.-ranrso prove his continuous of that wn.c'i ' Cultivation of, said L' .j EKIFMIOaa Cl, wrong. Tliii matter of pern.il.7.; Gideon A. Murdock, Rej V. iu t.n vi e to inyinuatI John .floss, and a31, irL t h a t Sevier Conii') vi oaj?st3C5XLitv.l !.?. Jrepb, 1 t I. Metier, Hgi x v 3. ..L.,ke &. Co. A tty's.' Mj'.iti, S.m P t- Cour.iv. - Ci-ah- apathy t-.- u oi: ! ( ,"' F.n-- 1 g- el-- FURNITURE j 1710 I i FarnituroCo. tc-nn-i . . to-da- y D o mt o - T e asd e ( -- o - i ts 1. i cl o y i- n A - Kj A.l)KI!M)X,i , i,-- . , , , . In - Ju-1- RS D. O, C A L D E d f j1 Piano and Organ Warerooms. .... . ph.-tur- es Musical Instruments by-la- Com-Uta- Pianofortes, . 'f urseries g a j a, s n r: hV-im- rL-- 1 -- f j I 1 Wm. T. JACK, Agent, Manti. -- -- t - N . ! sora-Vi-- 4 1 l, f Give - A CaIH j nmiiHIWWfcii X- -. 1 r , sssssssaasB? ! ; 4 i . 4 jiSHiggasii No-499- 9 tag - , "wSIs'a4, nm t-- ff f ftltl " 4 ; e - w liowiiTg-named, aai9 - er 1 r i ! -- : Morn-.aix- 0 i f t ill I - l v I , . V' 4 U'-ffi-- i, iC - X Ao |