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Show I I IJT the appartmont, and lnV to hi own SEirmta THE EOHE again coinage to the sticking 'point, Until resumed the entCitiinmeift Manti, Han Ictc County, Utah. and to will.seTI the we Notice further of the guest. At last, about people of Pfcji Pete ami 8'evier mi night, the Japanese, w th ths Parloatui Beiirfoni Suit", Bu t elaborate and abject. apI!' ino-FORESTS AMERICAN y paue,Be6ttJeaiiB, chairs, Aifas, ibain api Ilocker, ami anyth ny; o its to the lady for leaving ec ele in'the The aiicultura!, climatic, H!.d.,tuukr Ins dtparture. But t' hot-lfc- Published at I I-- J - mEROTED.;' "VX7jL$3.3, 332ASi3Q.o. 1 ho (Jettk Now V i V meeting' of the v'ongreus, held in Boston on September 22. The climatic changes induced by the of are already !ticeable ift tNe greater the annual rainfall, variability the lengthened of periods drought. ;ind the increased power of floods and cloud hurjis. These are sufficient to offer a warning voice, against, any further depredations, and, to demand an, im. mediate and retur.i atioa of the narm&l amount vf forest vegetation. Several joiu,-indention uf in'eie were, read, ov the pres dent the .me djrom Dr. 0 iver. Wendell HJolmo- t that e hoped tin u vvouid nhpv the country to letain leaves enough to hide its n,ikcd-ness- , of hi.-it is silreu,ty be Jo ashaiued.u un.iig N. If. Eggleston, of the Depart-11- 1 nt pf Agriculture, pifseote.i some sugg.-stivtacts ip r gard, Ba njrl o t ji ( e for y.f Hum. an forget It ! . Co-5oop Furnitura anU . Whole!? ice QnT' ., Retail, Dpitlera. $lt Schooj. Folding- TemjIe Blocl. Deor Patent - " 'Beds the Best. For terms e 017 Agcpt, Jas. T. Jakema. 00 hchever'hadsucb an ordc. i bcKiregq his life ; that he w..s so tind. and he thought the lady th Fore-tr- y renn ubpr that all snt tq nje to be enlarged Vfill receive careful attention I will deliver theip, t- any house in San Pete County iji sum qi due tim for the ifice $2.25 indvvhiv? extra fram, all eoioplete. No p iy requi ed until pieties are deliver 4. Pic-sur- Plea.-- e es - Sa.ufaction guarantee lures merged Viddrpas oq receipt of ptice. W.11. $1-50- . IfilKS -- VYin'ies Of - i 1 l i tle WS G ! your Try one ami ymi will have done whole repaired. Work at Residence and at 1,2,22. priees Hi- -t tied-roe- k Establish-- a 10,-03- 0 raer i e$ Con-neiic- eneva jjurserMi8w New York, Geneva-- , y, & T, Smith, Proprietors, Five Hundred oiiia-ne- Acre-- . 01' Tree-- , al .Shrubs, Em., 7. A. GvhUvu, Gen. BAIT Fruit and Bits. Ag(.. Y-itrr- UKE UTf, ut UTAH, a R(HirrECTi d - - i I will not le undersold by Utah. Try me and see. Q Mt. PLEASANT PLANING HILL am prepared to do all kinds al line of Planing, on the shod Moulding and possible notice, and on reasonable terms. Also all kind of Lumber, Pickets, Mouldings, and averythiua Utetl for house finish ing. et GIVE ME A TRIAL. ; Bknt Hansom, Prop. Main Kt., Mt. Pleasant, Ran Pete Ountv, U. T. JAPANESE ETIQUETTE. .gbtjsirian nd M. 1)., utgeon. EH HAIM CITY, UTAH. , . dice at Drug Store. Vurgeon of the Ssax I'eto -- Discount on, all Ca-- h roiT. a S. L. '. Bo oli, by ' 'i- - i FUSMItSSE Cti REIP President, in all kinds.of SOK h Carriage Wirie- - Mattreei at ItjrUllE IflUMiES CASH PAID FOR M 2&ADE "WOL, AIN H T w $6.00. tSVitj TO CKDKK. BEE iVlANTi, 3pEyT.Sr, - Situdeoaker ;i sj ir. mt v;4ij;:l and Bent One Imn Thi Old ReliablePowder Diadet TU. v- - fe.lug (OM Tniupoonful tn a 4aart of Floor,) Oa the market for 10 year tnd reeemrantdeO b7 promiDaat phjaiciaal a healthful. 2- r UTAH Varrantei tolB Ores from Amnunla ad ad injurious Inrredtenta and to ft reyef-ft- ti The HliintHna, tsr t Irti ill rT rs:irman onfn nir.:i E'JisTi Wagons to VJ. tv ::;j QuaknrTkk!e8aaek 4le masvsfaetoreroef Ttonerrne. Maple fiyrnpn. Hawlaf ExtracM. err. , - ein., ete. w T-o- BG17ARE' OF IDITATIOHS D. Killp.ick and H. C. llamen of Ferron Emery Co . Utah. H. McMastf.r, Register. Wm.t Reid, Attv. for Applicants 31 SOTirti FOB PGBUCA No. Lsnil Office Nelice is 2099. atrvtit lake Ciiy,llyk, liei-li- Octo(4.rl2, 18SLt given llist the folliiw settler ll tileil Ontiei' of hi" intention to make tiiml proof in ii ppiHii of his elsoii, Hint liefore that nhhI roor will he made the ProhateJ iidvte orCHerk ot Sevier nt Rii h field, on November 2Tt, 1885, viz: William Slielton, II K Seo No.4999 for the .S W C4 H W S E 1 4, .ee lo, Tp S, 14; S E Are celebrated for their lightness of draught, trengtii and durability. A full line of our manufaciuer can t found at. the following agencies: J. P. MeiDtrup. Ephraim, San Petr county. L. T. Tuttle, Manti, Utah. Hansen C Thiirber, Richfield, Sevier couniy. The Htudebaker Brothert Manufg Company, builder of rnraEMH I . UlJIili. fcj rl - - i Idni-k- a oM-4- J-h- j j 1 I ; j . - - The Housekeepers Friend ASK FOR, AND TAKE NO OTHER Said fey tlia Grocery Trada iWiWSinwi S' ii'UHT'IIIi ixntib. to cossunmm The adrertlier hiving been pemuewntl? of that dread diaeaae, conaumpuon, hr a atee remedr. ie anxionn to imaae known te his feww-n. snftercie the mean of enre. To aU who deaue -t i - will send a copy of the prescription need, (rar- f and nsinf np with the directions for .me which they Mil nna a sure Cure 1 Consumption, AsthmA Coughs, Colds, P ronchltisr Ac. iart's w ihmg the WW on, will plere iddreF, I cv. K. A WlicOwv jbp pnn t., wHisnhTmh N. Y. I l ia-.--o tnt. 0 bAltn Wt. noekforXll. " s Peacock, CUMBD-- mnrni umumai ncuuui ' 4of $1.00, and. on-- tei The U' - tl .rntieii. bW B i. ! QUEST CITY pur-has- I. wpurters and Ilealera tie of rvusn-- v totj D JOHIT LOWRY n, in trie te Ji.'lgi- fev k8K t . - 'n! lyRailwtd. Consultation" at Railroad Office, Moroni, every Mohdav, from 12 m. to 4 p. n ,W patent Mffy'Gn H WOD8KOW, of said Co nty. 8amuel Killjiaek Homeste-.. E. Entry No. 4.i8," for the k. and k. j a. e. I see. 1 ip. 2Uf s. it., 8 K, tu i names the fol o me' eon. nun u witnesses to nrove-hiresideneo upon m.d euliiv tnn of said land viz: Wurien S. i Gits fill StH,k nf.Ghumarr, ('"tlf cg, - U. T. ULL?Ep,l HILOS CED.t Carriages & r to f" i 3 7. M The difference of national Cunr, interpr. titions of etiquette are comically illustrated in a little 1UW witnesses He iiamex the etory told by a lady in WashingIBUG-GrIE- S ton society. A Japanese gentle- to prove his continuous residence man called on her one d iy just ui-- ,ami Cultivali m of, said IjAihI, Farm, Freight and Srring Aaon and Carts, Phaeten A. Murdock, Henry befor luncheon. As a first and viz: Gideon Gifford, John Ross, and Samuel Cabriolets and iurreys. Central Branch Repository, presumable, ceremonious call, Weils all of Joseph, Sevier County she naturadv expected it would Utah. H. McMaster, Register, OUT,B TTfAH. SALT LAKE JAMES GLASS, Manager be brief To her surprise; he S. W. Darke A Co. Attys. j lum-her invitation to accepted and that domestic rite over hej NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION LAHXHO 2114 still staid. The lady ivan iveRrierl' tsL Oct. OHice t Salt Ute CUT. ;ih. beyond endurance. Dium-- time 27.Land 1S.55. camv. The lady's G. I kr,' mann, Ual O iullowin. Nnttieis lirbr Proprietor , pfnnticc cl "i inlenti,, named Betlicr ha filed and still t he geiitleirc ni to n '? make final prosff in tappori t On- And H s f f Mum St,., Eiihi,u., Utah. that aaid proof win he made he ft- the f om Japan staid on. H was,' and on Countv Clerk ot Juab Co , at Neib( . r as a matter of , . invited Vowtv'c d viz: tiomas i nr le;. A i,nr. hHturdHv l)tc. 12 jidl Une ef Pielrt . j E. to dinner. Finally the penile-- i pair D. .S. SH04 lsS, for tin I.ntfi f ft ntoek. .. N. W q and lot a, bee. t3. T. U , man of the house relieved hi-- . :i He aO ,!e 'jffwi in eerri style constantly on hand. ifie followinR witni" J Fro nim-- 1 , "d v lf 111 1" hn coiitnwnv wsriance upon. '"L ilsntlo rentertauung this appa,. of, 7 ;l! kin h m fain. Pearl Bat .' and lanil via: Alroa H V.,. Wfiker. ently 8l.ltli.nary VIM. ir, but. a Carter Ir.,Cha.lM Addrews., ti.it. V i ie il a. 4 ye on hand. of the evening wore -- n he e , " lMcMa8tcr Register. XI bo tired and eleepy that he retired j T. c. Bally, atty i'U-ban- 'Va. II. OLSTEN, " W. T. 2-- I 1 'irper vent. 4 eiiPtona work in llie -- lLo n T!ii-wou- ld P. S. X, ! , .cl O & tv iik diUleb I IV-te- r -- 1 B' other harness making scrub in H. Notion, Etc., Etc. . i wa-tef- ul th-1- ir M : i - CotDesigns for School-house, Barn-Porches, Stables, tages, Cornices, Interior Decoration.and Remodeling of Oht Houses, Etc. furnished o:t short notice. Estimates and specification. accom Special atten- the years catustiophic. panying plans tion given to the ventilation of add 10,UO0,()0O to thc Plans furnished by grand total, and possibly more. buildings. mail. Correspondence solicited. The timlicr f r lurniie , though an immenso dr in. is w. eti t.c Harness! comparatively Harness! Harnett! other statistics are It would lay bate 5,6UO,(YX) acr s Quinn, the harness maker, is sell Altogether, 1, t a. 'pear th t be.l in his line at ing everything the in America forest area rock prices. Second hand liarneto an annua de re .s- - of nkeij in exchange for new. Highest price paid for produce Hiiies, over 50,000,000 acres. These pelts, furs, and case wanted. Rein taken figures, conjouction with pairing a specialty. Call and be convinced that you can get good our total forestry, turnish ttu work cheaper than cheap and a material for very serious rodec-tion- . square deal at Quinns Harness Scientific American. Hhop, directly past of the Meeting House, Ephraim, Utah. con-deic- T Towiingsv . t- 1 m s, mi: 1 18 w $30. Tcnbtylr, from f llutandjCape - County lb I', thirl i 4 Berglun for the N. k. j v, and N.vv. j Jf.w.l s. c. 8 rp 2s a. p an name the follow n.r witi e.s a o rove Ins out nueus Upon and cultivation ot said ind viz : Victor A. Mad- Ander-oJ. Pick. t . Oil, of Gnnn.sm, 8.m Axel Eint-rsole.e Coim y. Utah Territory. Also :u tue same time (efnre the County Cl- k of Emery Co P S n 71,-000,0- 00 TAYLOR BROTHERS, MANTI CF. R3CM ET Table -- oh J Nugeli andRi'beit llodt all of Kavette, 8an Pe;e Couirv Ut.di lvr. And at (he same t me ana p a. e lvlbro the County Cl rk ot an-ua- 90,2,8 hio, T Cotton, andjCafpej; Yarns .1 s Rones, I k:s;iH8 Table Covers, ShawlGioves s 1 e n e v a i,! u r'lstlTt-tlHHE-tlSS- r, Ducks, Selqeia's. made before the Fiobate Judge of .'an IV. e County, Utah Ter ir in his absence the County Cl ik the of County on Wedn-sdISth day of November 18S5. Ch ulea G. Lundeberg, Home sted E11 ry No. 5165 f r the w. N. k.' aivl e, 4 N. w, 1 sec. 1j. s. u. 1 w. and names the 18 p. to prove his fu loviing wiMu-Hsecontinuous rent lenco up- 11 .(.i land v l oi of saiil 8: licit Edwafd iw.mi E Reid, 00 lS4d. ! Sforinrfield, j No 2096. U. S. Land ollice at Salt Lak? CitjqUtah Ter. Oct. 10th, 1885. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro .f in support of his claim and secure final, entry thereof and said proof will bu - - SrfflMGFIELD L!'C21J!E CO. FROOl-8- . NOTICE OF FINAL j ! V M - ol well atl'i m oi Caenmeree, Pum8, Xifi CUGTTX1 Shrhikltfj, Slirellfug ef TTglrirtlig. tfu;, Tue Liarrvtr Ritmimg, sTKottrind Kaail HrLATn Wip LvoaKB iu iL , At) Jb8T CfiEPi 81 (vDd lor OrcuUrs to the Mphairs, Alpaca Lustres. Tickings v receive, the boye amount shall, be supplied in tbit line, sotho8wh,o wish to this kind o,f pay had 'better country and turn, ike advantage at an, early day. The n itipn d t Fir-- t come first ervedcon- 1,115,-430,40- Pete and Sevier C.itmUf that he will make nevet-.i- irq winter hij-during the co mug will e pieparp'j in ropair Cbaipe and other Furniture wk( wire jn mn a manner that they loyk Han or ham. After U&ZlbtX Clicks, v Wheat, v N Chiyiot 200 poind- - good fresh, pork . Jua- btie People ot 14 f - ALL THX PiCXS MIDI CF i loads of cedar woodj ' 1,0 pule 40 bushel-- ; potatoes. 50 7.-- ; v Ginghams 5 it-i- ponsumpiion. domain, omitting Alaska, tain I.85t3,Q7O,40O acie. Of this large territory, 440,990 UOO sre are covered with forest-.- , nnd 295,650, OtX) acR?- - are devoted to agriculture, or atout five acre-t- o acli inhabit nit.. Th mi proved and waste mda.ino ud ng tallo.v fiejds, uni un to 0 acres. To inverse this domain 150,000 mjlcg of railway are eniplojvd, wjjich hav 396,000,000, li s for thsir construction.Supposing that these ties require roiv-nuonce in eysry fiiat y- irs. and th it miles 9. new road are built annually, it twcniy-iiv- e years be taken as the average ag of trees fit for ties, it would icquiie acres of standing timber to supply the ann.ial de ua.-- for ties, or an ars equal o tint of Vermont. New Hampshier, and Rlmdc Island. Bu with the increase of railioids, unless glass grid steel and uthei mate-ialforties come into use, it must b remembered that the timber area required for th. ir supply is likewise emitinudly increasing. In other dep irtmonts an even greatsr consumption of wood is taking phi e. The j supply of timber consumed as fuel alone amount-- ; to co ds of wood and bushels of eh.irco il, which would clear the fmeHt-fro30,000,000 acres, or an uea equal to that of New Y rk am 1 North Carolina together. this estimate may he added the consu uptiou o purely timber in the great ioro.-- t fin a which are a recognize feature in JMM h 11 ii4)ii 1 thef.rests thei- F. Young, p.iirview City. j&anPete oountv, Utah- 1 - ax' on hand a till stoekof General forohar dise, con.sisti'u of J ill take on subscripting We R--v- . a,, v 9et1 v; WANTED. -c witlm it frame, to iq.il, by Pi-- 1. -- V IlTITUlOfI: ti I.IEEJBAI1THE -- - I it ti tic fCJRAPHY P E R A T 0-- 0 would, never let lnm go, and leave firjallv.he xe& ob iped her her without premission. Then the hosess lean ed that in Hav;o cpnstont) Japanese etiquttte the ladp receiving a gentleman gives him the signal for' his departure, anc, it is very rude in their code to( eave ter till 6ho does this. Boston Traveler. s our-tree- 0 - Give Me A Call! Tutored. A Vr ,vi th hubt rf a inDOBituffere)! t . t tnhood, I hy-- it hi . will, auto' . jrinpubi vb j, AiSAr U eouiidtfi ' M I n V It, P's A |