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Show the sentihel home MT. vt SOUTHERN SAN LEAS ANT NO IRS. L There is still 1 SUFFICIENTLY KTE. -- The last issue of the Semiml considerable EN- - PLICTT. In rebutting cur charge reU matter 'without I Ytc, Sn County, Utah. typoid btiii tive to copying the A' : credit, .Fresh h frpm Utah Lake aroun I iaTho southern part of giving propersome .1 Holly Xcttr-pto vehemence with per, refers are among the buries of this the county. ' of the this .editor fact' that the l)erotd to the general interest of delectable burg. MAVplU-l- . paper, would better pay ;i little Uu'jH opleof Kao Ifcteandsurrcuud i Hall fit more attention to his own col' .Relief ..The this of Strom Societys my .Rudolph :t;Couii!ie n a wn)Ait Itf ito)lol i ill ' d Mayfield is havimr it-- second umns and not jump at concluV woulc coat of plaster pA or. It is a sions. Tbjs ' advice rzjcyzjprp ' handsome building, ve doublless IcL be, commodjuus Oar proper jf.tiaj year, (p t It will be e iyr nun-- 1 Xeu'g had shown by ils elaborate-ing- s -- ox45. Six is Ro p , an on rue. . mophf. ; Sunday racing and amusome .ts. TR j ly written article wherein our 75 improper recreation which some sent Three inenth'. ihi house, perjy, pr meeting Ullegations wcie , erroneous, or .a In plactoi offering Vlertiinr n.teson atiulicRtimt. of the youths of this city have school hoiise, will i, of showed that the master-hanthe news gleaners hid d fever here. , syj Ephraim cantile Associa'croa. Co-opsrat- ! , vk .'hgs'sun . 'imoiuicing i.j ".ir , d nun:, to Our. U5id.)J,'i kind (. -- tj jv I'ati-i.i- , u 1 u-- L-- in iv& I i J-t- . ?? i.-- indulge in been .known to All Coraitinicgtiuns intended laic. this finer nuuld be address- .Andrew PvtiNKf. The . ' . :r , 1 . o: ml be used exclusively f. r to a is This O'ao!li purposes. w.i-- .n be. Sister Matilda Oi of the holm in the cons ruvti the above worthy euteijirise The hum pf the busy thresher will pease this week in Mayfield. The grist mill is worked to its utmost capacity. The good people of .May field are happy,and contented over the r.suh of their years labors. -- J.. T. Mdson, J5upt. o: chosen as the delegates from the ,Couiity Stoek Ai 'Ociation to go the , me 'of . . JaeeH-vn- , 'Manager h is been , Co-op- - to St., Loui . JJL rVoCAL AND OniVlSK. Elder Samuel Allen, wRo h i? . been abs. yt for some two years V is muon; on'a mission dyreat Britain, is nevy luacIi'-Liu- d t t new acfjmsitioiis'of Minti. e'xpecte to .re uyi h jnejn the t VW. Hi - ho Year 1. e riy jiartofnext wek. c..n ve Thu stoke quarterly lnnm Johnson, principal, oi f n tins (it: t' c' district sclmpi, l.as jieen .. wilt' Je held efi; usly ill for fjoiye.tini" pas ,ii k from to .nrr r with an attack of tyojioid fever, aid to be pnproviiu.' Umt It. Il.LtjvclK n of .Fo'fii, lie I lin Green whs in Maiiti oir( 'V'Jy. TERMINAL.' husincsH, on .Monday and Tinvy " hiy la.d. lO.' W. Spier 1),.n r, turned fnpii .1 e i U.W. i d ,fudg qs ran h in Colorado Miller weie up from liic A.ty JacobJoRnp. n of Sprug bfi'Tu esdar. The Judge wlF, eif- fia- - been in Sevier i, i it Mt. r easant Ik fore return County io- - so ne few days p ist oo legal . t i . 1 Progress is. the order day here. A l.ot in the centre of t.he burg has been fenced in ami a tithing oiiici' erected thereon Town lots are peng femjed arid new land p ep i.ied for epftiva-fon- . .of-tfi- ' . 4 l 7 - -- lui mess. -- The tiiplet jvedding party pvhiihwas giyen in the Council llousa on l'aiesday evening dat F. Hans Although h e irp G p. Peaiarqk m ,.i duck of a man, in th .t, early m tue. season fie started to rami aco, ony of dno.lvS and his endenyors havq been frownqd withgrea. success. Pod As say th res inoiey in it. you pusy bvn.is place the air fs'-.idi The Vigor ot Life bu "tiu.u kajuayk ! which qiiacf?" sner erct, al i em, it ks o i STEELING. f -- i .i-- SjOtnq evidence to.ervtejuuite our stateinents the Joes contents itself jby maxing an array of geu-ei- M-- the i ansuactipg without .cqedit am as if j;o, emphasize its inability io to extenuate our allegations it re80Ftoto.a paradoxical ijimile, by citing a. story of a mythical hen and her gallinaceous' egg. Of course this referenee to .the eceiitncity ,pf ,a denize-- i of t epoultr 3;ard,ha7 no relevancy to the cake i.i quet,iom. any. mote than the eorj.s yfnn.n paid by A w:. t e .has qith matter thaiappers.ii the cpltunns .of toe i?E'ilN.L ; but peril ps it will erve iog ratify .tho facetious p op list y of he ydfi or of tiie Xewt as .t eeripiqlv ad is t, t tnc vol ime ot hisa: jiqle. We h ve neither svioe nor dispositnm to enter into. a , de- tailed o ibis u.ater, neither ,have ,we gone o ,th. trouble .ffiivesi..it ,g . matter by. cor res po ,dejice tie.., ut we 8. uili g mpl ek th' A'.' w uetiivr or nop.i .would Rink it pr i er I .a jour al t sit sn u Smub.-- r AMofi N'- - c. ;Oii - , r,f Fan i Winter T,aefe. h " ire.-o- - I I; i ; -- 'u' a, Jtfv jutlw. Jkv, SR J m j'Ju.nur oes. j nurr:it and qj thi Ji-- . Jr. pf Ephraim I bat Kh Defiance Samu d Porte'- of Fairvinv m Courfietiuon in rtility UIU price San... jsaii-t.the to visitors wr momt th was a very plea-sig knd agreea- - C .1 Merebant l.u on Jms ust. re- pin i. i.'V i aji laliixv verhitim HEALING And m .Government Class . j.Ieaflur s i,ii k it rday eveaina ln-- t. turned .from o.i u .Lake yviili a e .rt.ele to appe.ii jts It js said t Rat rangujtch is icavy st c . of winter .goods, In ,,rp.ipeis ow me blglil-upt, .whicii.he is n a b fi soiri to IoCkb u( jtidi a News- - ,Bev. (1, W. Mirtin, t!ie ;ie than .tlie origin i qntrk ? Missi n or ing at M 'Running the of the Presbyt"ri,u Ji nd yet sav nothin.; spot cash pr.ee. 2 8 J',a t 6r o :ukT,W Utili, has Idaho, Is he to ning the editor. -t 'in .Monda Joh i W. vi a o .f.their right' ruuulyVlerk ie n v siting our ister Te ri Iidwaid- - and Ma.y d TJuiC the new', venture in ly it is not ,ufir jp.irpose Rosenbiig He wil is our .yncete wish. origs in the north onsoli iateu. Tlje new firin q mufisly.co pi .in of ev.n or h i l.v riftu.n tp Manti wtli, J3 Art out oven act wifieii .mi tie u. wit'll eve o y priispep. jvi.fi The Leav r L ton Ian learns that 0 a ew '! (Vs. a lie .se i to career. ;te s rea.i happy ,il .'anangcim nu-- are being mail, :u u. Quo .s lien tth akei les.are .he of l.ireait ipuj.,tions !"rri s.,r in mi .or tl C Jmieilt Oolcn w e .ntiuet is t m-.Ve'as Hi one even or tiui. til will v nioiterv p pular man. MK .i '''an, no i 'putty Is . v .I t our m. m uimee of t.a f - a motto al niiui. e i f; io e added to .tie Thishs f.c a o rc people herea Ai for firm Die next ri,fiit. most i ewuannnavTy it tr in (A visitors twenty bout. , though nr all a it'll iliat .i 'mine it be! more I the AVft- - Ii .d ece ved an eve he ii il ng at in', office ; .' ears, btqtuncqt balpme foun s to be tie no ae ou ;t of the acc.deut at ,boul 'd,be '! as f.g'iit away oleasin , dau'vi. in faci. quite the same time and mmi t e haare 'aim all imu uhiful fore the cold we ther sets iti. J,Jy sped il request tile Manti eame source, as we receive i our-- , 0 U gb t le vi1 ' fiiDoV R. mou1 of I loiie Dramatic Club will present the r r;o pi.rv s onrrepey it certain. y should nave se fDover is now the iproud.po 'Sarah the Creole ou Tlyargday Oates .and names .in i tutu tcss ii U'f.H tl eshing luaehiue md Friday evenings, too l2ui e .no ial. so that the SANTA ad.iis ow t . Now let .the Duver-- i and l.itu nibt. To Mier tile ANTICIPATING .ave bee .dear. eI'.dsK lgiit CL en u.,h gr.dll to Keep UN - ntertainmem still mufe jntract-ives ,e fu.iy employe 1. dicta MlN.UTEb. One XVfror.Efum: ;Xealer Xnt ore Christmas tno beau lful pi ,y will be 'koine fam lie- - have settled in ,h alien fi in iividu1, a entidfi . cotuoutetta (,g, pieccoeal by j he fiec. fi'riiw- Dove e",irant,from Richfield. wvpeets etr;i ejoeno. and' ld a, ihe'II.ippy Pa.r. it 1. I''i;ifi til (he Room :ur more. N w blood t a qinst i otto a ('. iu ' .'Ih'iio on .counien.'iriee .new life. t snn'l extr ,va aii ms. Jt is .the imotcgrap.ier Q. E. Ander-oTtK'n'lint GLASSWARE, Uee they have the riaht . has our t, ianks for vjef j of toe reason o', mgipg presents tuau imthe 'ble ta the Agree i .idjeurnmen Man i Tciu.de which e,e takeo ma ly of whi 'h nre iota hied wrong plicehorthe Ay O 6 D E X w .u man in ihe right place. of Mm Meeting held Get. loth, by him on the eight of yet. htlouvepir. of youth, It'..ning the 8au ii Pete Sioc-lftSi, County thus:y not a lick of work a id which have ,bu recent y or Rgppv incident of Uar and Etc. Ele. Association met at been finished. The picturo arc absent frienda. But dt should has been done in Dover by ray Growers dhe 'Court Ilou-- e Manti on TuesSalt Lake Citv.' Pi a striking likeness ,of the mag- be remembered thad this is the uf ,poll tax this year aud .im rtiie 2nd inst. j .1 day in tlie place nificent structure, &9 it np.v ,p-- childrens holiday a ml it is ,the county wants i;' The was .called to duty of all to strive 'to make them mori. Same citiaens Jiave of--! order meeting pears. by Pres. W. T Reid . To avoid the rush and F red to gratuitously Minutes ef Oct. 15th .read and WurJt mi (the Dover rroads Baked Ajiples : Core pud par nc COnfusjcn occasioned by delay- txianv sour apples. withers have asked again accepted. L T. Tuttle, one of a ing Christmas thepi .shopping 6ill ami shallow earthen dial?, fill the near the ag.iindo he allowed & work committee on Constitution and holidays, and to atfmrd Wholesale and Retail reburied that they wor cavitie wjth sgar d with out tieir taxes, Imt with out By-laevery person ample time to exfor presentation. ory Tin molouioii' rind Goods; ready av.i , a - toe supet ivati r lo amine and h Boots and Shoes: Hardware Groeerios; grated r re I j th'iroughlv satis tion the sect etary ie 'd lie Constis iiVcr the bottom of the di-t w ith cullou: .viie. and fiat M Pistols; Etc. any .M.L. Olsen purclcises tution and Bake iu a quick oveu till soft, of the is the cause? We.i one ' f AL e,l j .'efi. ('tc Kphrom Coop harft 7,) y eoun tiling to ihe .(iU'Cticjant quite a number ofpt basting often uitR th syrup. that over y a shipped thousand Jb ton Globe. ' dollar worth of Christum ex- lbe individual as a.i x t.. eubseribed toithe eonditiona and became memljers of tjie i.d and another tras. The extent and 'infimi o gr that iie tiOll. as.0c a- I In purchasing dement ary Variety defies 0 us too many oJlict s an is but'; description, for in charts uso Pres. W. T. Rffld etated that Gram: ST vuiri: PAID reading schools, few items may be unwiliin, u, !o tliree brielly iI'ih, trustees, ar comronted with the tioned. o legates uore Hpecial Attention Paid to Mail Order." in eiilier. Th nrst duty to The Toy Department is 01 e s ot this model query as. to which, possess the almost the represented interest of Powder. Atln HigitK'this Hiip supervisors organization X , , most real merit and , which arc dozen complete. Thor a e fill1 the L'wder, Ci'lumlJa National of ivrBi';y,'le.C..Dnore Dolls, and the s nitl , tlio best adapted for general u.--e Convention of Stock Urov.er.- - to Patterne. ie a. lus lM)"dsmen ma of Pocket Knives ami f be in our district, schools- Comp- numbiu he;d at St. Louis on th.- 2drd interviwed slmrtlv. da- - of Noieiul.e- etent educators who have exam- Harmonicas; Kitchens ami . Main 8tn et. 1885 bles fully furnished withcill tu ,t !tMen arV a dm b.u:k.,if nut w. bait I, eke Citv. re, ined the several sets find no l On m t a n,n liarri.uton to them; little belong i.h-cmnuiunity. of Manti was ekete a hesitancy in giving the preference Ixiards and H. K. iVieate Tubs, Balls, Wh ps NoV to the Appleton s Elementary Irwin this Ass.iei.,tion "Etltl) Horns, Dogs, Horses, Wagons, These charts Doll ' Beading Cnart". and various dm' invention, uitli r,Pt.,InaI are arranged according tu, the kiens Furniture, I as Alternate. On mo- in Mechanical Toy. meEiii. word and pictur method, the tk tionPeerCr-ters-nofEphraiT.iiere is, also, a full fine of el- ' nih is m shvo Jf.V1 J).ra,0afcl plan strictly was duly elected :i keeping with egant Table tVare with j (:ii. all thm Dalagat,. o the most modern and approved the most fastidious could desire dec .led i. Vr!UU ua aicaiods of teaching,- - they me J S' fir'lIllil I. M. Jolly as A termite. On in (mss and China; Wine ses. !wiUrl usually accompanied m.h a Card Receivers. bounds motion Andrew M,, w,tn of Mt Vacs, Perfm,- -! .xiitmg haul book or syilopTis of tlm P.easant uas duly , lect.-? oidoiits thnll!nK Beads, kAll, utns.N bo ery, waRi.ti'i a rap . ' authors plan, and when m the ami new and idle club Delegate to tlie National Convenelegant dedans i J wj liands of a cureful teacher they G a, ore' asi;i,lmuslv to tion, with Al f Erik son as p,.r il Jewelry' Silvei Wafi ' - i, a i are eminently calculated th pre- a! d Lice Pins. . ? The n de. On moti,, see. 5 uf ' , sent reaU ng without tears was amended, to r.- -l Toeir stock of staples fahv v ; Mlt,r,inJ1fUUK'ei ly: fi i: Wc have Ueeiued It wise to make 00 is exiled in quant; vaam 1 Jltad o this statement as t.tcxe arc al- complete) e,iual;ng stock On motion .Seeretarv Ry no institution south f Sait1 ways a number oi firms urgmg Lak- was 1ms The shipment of', requested to 4gain read the with drawn their cl, urns upon selio.d oili c,s B leh.-'-City,Muslin ro,u the Constitution And alone amo.nu d i.re: management of the and witnd.it some .riteuou or ous to their final o o emple no el, Mr. J. jP,st,n its much as the entire basis upouwhlM to aor thev i aeeeptathm wi oi p ir mont ot some stores. iirnc't"i tii i,,ok y the members. ()n arc .ia i.e to be lntion The the a g eat variet of Dre-- s bo,,idrH. i' meeting adjourned IiespectfuUy Announces to the Fublie of Mauti, f e, re for e chart sa b. oils Appl Zohx Rkio. secret irv! .rames Dwyer, id Main Kj.; -- uil Hose t Til, loallkets. tfloie,. I ete County Genera 11 , That ho is Agent fo Hiblwins, Silks. atin, 15lal ' Lakett. ; a d oliieers, or to i fi udl f who H0IVy . ts.. see-- etc. adioo' latelv .no'ir1' Ephraim and is prepared to sell, the Celebrated i rs alio :r',tlldHforen-iei- ; Jn,en Ks'T fMay put post' ouyiiig viuiib. a"d t o.ierv Th v a fi'1,1 'V0le fields of rr.ivo. savs that do well to so ere p:ices antlj ng gr. , nutte . mi ezei-a- , aio ig tlu vwi'.e f Machine on ieao'i.ihl te tiis the bi- t iu fitoek Grower's Couv atmn. i irc .lars from liiu. is RRRRig suit still j tlie ca-. li ara jtbe highest price-mount theme in court un Tuesday. circle. 1. . Q . ! i ? - n , ; . i 1 u- business suc-(.-":- . pro.-pero- 'e , i - - . ; -- v t". i v- rt-8-p- our , i L. M. Olson, Superintfinfi - ; - - pj u- . -- Beft re - , Clark, Eldregjge i Cc e a ap-pro- i . u- - 1 i - . Us, 1 i ) n, -- CR0C22E' .e-v- , -i , ; . fc A ap-ipp- BARNES & DAVI V v ed tu-e- h. i By-law- s- al-rc- a-- a i . f - jSnPFfnn "V 2 - i.--. of all Kinds Taken and i- . .' PRODUCE ns t I C8 flylili p i ( Mmmm - paysj. . a-d- 1 - - - m ' 11 -- -. v . . H By-la- ! SEWihIG t By-la- t . ' mi.-le- d. v ; rnir v i - . . - i Office; 1: yis Of loy |