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Show Vr .... t ir 5 X ! w UVUJ Yol.L MANTi I. B. B K U N E L. THE HOJtE DenTisT UTAH. TMli extracted without pain v Mavut V.ii-- r Process, 20 to $:H Vow Teeth, u SAN PETE COUXTY, UTAH, CITY, SENTE, AGRICULTURE, Sr n i'orld Chip dirt from an old wood and wood ashes are excellent Manti, Sun Pete Counjy, Utah. pile for fruit trees. V DENVER dressing tojj Pvbli-ihi- M ANTI-CITY- , NOV. FRIDAY, LZiizln CJ 1SS3. No. 20. ! RIO GRANDE partner , WEsiLKN RAILWAY. Ihu few fornnxs have gardens. U nm rftll. eoncei ded to be the They buy their vegetables from tho cites or da without them., Route PaV, Field and Stockman., BETWEEN the EAST and WEST. A South Carolina farmer-feedhis hogs with boiled sturgeon The ouly Hue between Balt Labe ud Denver without wlien they are attacked jby OF ch Fra, and in a few days they v Change C A R S. become- sleek and fat. In the cultivation of vegetable The only line between Balt Lak' and Chicago with but gar lens hv the average farm it will de found valuablo to vary GF the usual a mud application of . farm-varmanure with on of The Only Line Between tl. Ewrott Sk,TLkl. Wc. are about done threshing a bountiful cio is. though too, much C. H straw iu proportian to the grain. Dentist . Price lowh hut- denaaucj active Stock ready sale at fair Special attention paul to Filling, tbe natural Teotb. Teeth care- - Qur now school house j$ prices. mirly fully extracted- - Falae.Teeth. L connection, which,' couapietedi inserted- - Prices to suit with the old one 'has a capacity the Tiroes. First Class for three hundiaj scholars.' WorkGuaranteetL OfTwo., good atdwols now in operafice next door to. tion. The tithing dputment Co-ois bttilding a large grn try. Our XT tab. new hayshed is tayke-d full, and JXTVphi ity, twice as murh stacked optside. some phfiph.m Our canyon is prowled wi h Boston txcd'iet , j. BIRD p. -- -- 1 s cars. d fertilizer. West and the East Runnin; Through Balt Lake City. wool, Boni' poultry raisers occasion PLLLMASiU FEET and Every .dav car' load M SLEEPING CAR ally attemp to economize by purlots f grain an passing thru ig i for tlreir damaged chasing grain On all to M here Thistle Station. nuuughPasseiiger Trains. I Oinea-ti'.-- t of f wls. Such a course is as Y is have lively. The Omv Line from Bai a Specialty. to. just closed a contract for herding profitable as eowfining a new Tehnrrams promptly JE3FLake. City Running Sleep Utah and counted over fi,5(X) sheep to milch cow to a diet of poor straw Manti Cars Fiee ior the use o JSrmg Prairie Farmer , ; the contracting pirtic'. holding Seeon Have bright .hopes' of d The roots of plants will g gt3T class and Emigrant ticket.-Th- e communication torouah This le down very deep in search of food. WILLIAM T. REID. Atlantic Express. Canyon the most practical outlet If they go deep the aiea of Soil Leaves Ogden daily at Og'.ia. n Land and Probate Attorney for San Pete Vally. If the from which to produce food 10:511 Bultla.keCny genteman who wrote you tier increased, and the be-- t method Lhr.ct cnLiiiecliuii is nmih at Pueh! MANTI. - UTAH. ml for Omaha, Kansas Cn, was no business for the D: and for securing this result is o drain a ml Jjenvor all R- Mt. peiulsi.uM. would Pleasant, the land (., except tnd pulver Tl,e- Pacific Express take a ride six miles north from ize the soilthoroughly well. Exvhauat. Anvis at Balt Lake City from J. F. Simmons the above town and take noie C. w. Stayner. , at 5:05 p. in. ami leaves n. The best way to kill Cauad of the surrou dinrs he would & Simmons. Ogiien at 5:10 p. m. luakinir conuee-tiothistles is to smother than. with the Central acifiu for tin in land case'-- . have a Fnirview of Lis error; Leading Atmrneyw allowthatisnOi to . them to unlcss in far ousine.-st Also grow very gone dotage. The oldest firm in lie Local Trains. lndianola, already a thriving P ow them up early in the spring nd ( NoInriniPiiU and as as show fast has new laid a out plowing town Salt Lake City as follows Leave they village, to all classes of LamlKntrivH For Bingham and Alta at 7 :b Fina1 Proofs, (Joules! & Appeal", site and is building rapidly. themselveis above ground, no a. m. Mining: Parents applieil f'r. Com From lndianola to Thistla Sta- allowing a single shoot to appear. pa u i eaT n eor po raiei i . tion is a continuous string of As they can not breathe without For Ogden at 5:10 p. m. leaves they will soon disappear. Arrive at B:dt Lake O- ,ffiee; Squires Building, 57 Main prosperous farms City : Street , Salt Lethe City, U. T. . From Alta at 4:5' IIcest. and Bingham r Theie are P. O. Box 587: :50 10 ;i. m. Ogdenat which farmers have in Ea.-an-d all ickets lor points ANOTER FATAL ACCIDENT. maiket gardening. They have West be can R. L. HOWARD, purchased a cheaper land, which they cun the office late Chief Clerk, U. S. lanil Office. and Depot City Ticki On last Sutuiday Morning, manure in large part from their C'lriw-r- , S.d Land Agciit ( Attorney, House White office, own stables and yarns. The P. O. Box 395', Salt Lake City. says the Enquirer , an old gentleLake City. man name Peter Mark Elliott, second is that if near enough to Full information given on lain! S. 11. Al ri.E-sabout CO years of age, was in- city or village they can sell mail matters. Inqiiriesby G. p. ik T. Agl. killed at the Marble quar- directly to consumers and thus promptly answered. stantly Next to U. S. Lind Office. Office better prices than can the W. II. Banc oit, Receiver. ry' about one and a half miles get commercial ab ve Thistle Station on the I), gardener, who is R. and obliged (4. It appeals that largely to sell Ids produce NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION. GEO. M.BUOWN. J. E. BOOTH. to middlemen at a very small was Elliott at rock a BOOTH- & BROWN, picking No. 2122. of Rural margin while to and abo'ehim prolit. trying attorneys a counselors at law., Office immediately north of First dislodge it, two other roexs .ell Land Office at Balt Lake City. down on him. One of them National Bank, Provo City. 31, 1885. Octobtr to all kinds of legal Imsinessin struck him on the head killing Money no object. Nervous Notice ishereoy given that tin. all the counties of the Territory, him while the other guest (to landlord of a summer following-name- d settler has special atte tion given to the settle- rolledinstantly', him over on breaking his resort hotel) What are ymur ment of the e .tales of deceased ptuv Ins intention to maki of sons, both local and foreign and to lei. His death must have been precautions against tire? Landfinal proof in support of his the collection and management- of as he never moved lord Insurance. It costs big and that said ptoof will Attend legacies and inheritances. The money to insure a property lik claim, to lan entries,, final proofs, .contest- or breathed after he fell. he made before theProbate Judge ed entries,, and all kinds of Land deceased formerly resided in Sal- this for twice what it is worth, or, Clerk of .Sevier County, Utah, Office business. em in this county where he was hut our policy is to spare no at Richfield, on December 14th, taken for burial. expens e.lhiladelfihia 'all. 1885. viz : Oluf Anderson, H. E. 6U.12 for the S. E. i 8. E. No. Jng.Lowe. Win, H . Bird. Sec. 11. S, i S. W. i Sec. 12 Tp. An exchange in referring to It used to be thought that 24 S. R. 2 W. the gossip which has been before sand wag suitable for garden He names the- following witthe public relative to the only For very early forcing nesses purposes. It and !o piove his continuous Kellie Mrs. domestic affairs of I, gents Attorneys some mixture of said is advan and cultivation e icsidcni Sartoris (formerly Miss Nellie tageous. But henvy soils, even t". said upon, viz: Michael statethe land, Grant)make8 following are good when well drained, -Chas.J. Bjurkman, Peter ment: General Grant's widow clay, Nielsen, Nextdoorto United States Laud has been greatly grieved ami gardeners are preferred for the E. Weftman.aml Jem M. Jensen, bulk of their later planting:- - all of Richfield. Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. pained by the public discussion .V. J. Herald . II. McMasteR, Register. o: Notary Public in Office. of the domestic affairs of her S. W. Darke A Co. Attys ror Mrs. Nellie Sartoris. daughter, 34 The Philadelphia chile Ledger A wild Texas steer crushed a Claimant. J. H. HOUGAARD. is authorized to say that all New York man against a stone County Surveyor and Lund .hf, reports to the effect that Mrs wall the other day. The man - Utah Sartoris has applied or coirem-plate- s said between gasps that he never NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Manti, applying for a divorce or under. REPRESENTING the tvorking of a No. 2120. from her husband Bullock separation before. A. press i I are entirely without foundatiou, Mail. Land Office at Salt Lake City, and are cruel wounds to her o:)L.LVD AO ENT. :o October 29, 1885. Office In the Land Office Build- feelings. Notice is hereby given that the Oh, Im Husband(jokingly) Lake-CityUtah. ing, Salt si ttler has filed the mainstay of the family. iollotti to make intention his Wife of notice and the Yes, jihboom, The S. L. Democrat is authority and-th- e in of his Small final and the DANIEL HARRINGTON. support boy proof for the statement that Messrs will said ibe and that claim, proof experienceJ--an(from Pratt and Watson have been Notary Public. hefor Boston be thePmbate made Judge All Notary work carefully atten- preaching to the spirits in spanker, too, mammaRich at Sevier lerk.of or Courier County we the ded to. prison.VVell, suppose 14. 1885 viz : Dscember on field, Office at Sentinel office, Manti, gentlemen in question do not Bole heif of Lars Map said little tommy, "do Jacob Jfieohsen, object to being placed on the Utah. same plane with the great the Injuns own the railroads? Jacobsen, II. E. No. 4111 for the Well they Ve N. W. Section 20 Tp. 25 8. R. Master. The Savior preached to No, my son. FELT BROTHERS. the spirits in prison and why' lot somethin to do With them, 1 E. He names the following cos pa say? he bought hi- - ticket should not his legitimate followProvo N ews Depot. to prove his continuous A". Y. ers of do the same thing. Surely a scalper. Ilerald, Looks, Stationery, Magazine residence upon, and cultivation Periodicals and Newspapers of the preaching of the Gospel of viz I Peter C. Petersaid land, of, Christ even to the unfortunates in kll kinds, P is Lars A Larsen, of Glen sen, in grammar bright story prison is not censurable. The Best Supply House south told of a little school girl. wood ; Joseph Petersen, and Christian Petersen, of Plateau. if Salt Lake- City. Quarrel, she parsudis plural. Is marriage declining? usk-a- n Why?-two II. McmAstlr, Register. take? Because it Orders by mail solicited. is S. W. it Darke V (hi. AttjB for Y. to generally one.X. No; make Indtj""'!exchange. Press. tnt. CENTRE ST,. PROVO.. :'i i j Claimant. ijaiin O , M. B., Phvsician& Accoucher. .hi LlnlUreo il K, FAIR VIEW ITEM?. i gosford B iUjl M VI If tf ' -- o )r. G, J tS '.JS u teimshaulsngco.il. luui-he- r, -- etc. DRAMATIC txr 1 . P A N Y 0 di ger- Will Appear' rail-roa- GRIERS HAtL, i- i i . o . - - Staler ie.)-ite- Piur I , - A&-len- d file-notic- I Lowe II OFFICE- T.C. a B The British-- Slave ' i t opOHJo : Seven Years of A Soldiers Life. Caot of CDaraoterG, Hr. Wm. HILL - FREDRICK LONSDALE, - Wgeant Laruzlev Mr. Wm. B. Lowr Obadiah Bates (.1 Rurber) Mr. H Txmi ." Mr. H. 8t. Johi ':r Archibald Redburn J. iianlstrnt) (.4 Terald Redburn ( ITis Son) ... pcter Davis (Lurffit Father) Terry Slowem (.1 Barber Bov) Wliippertnapper (A Village. TaPe ) Reginald Herbert. Dr. Colocytith Mr. P. P. Dywng Mr. C, P. Barnsin Mr. Wm II. Luk Mr. Wm. Chesliii Mr. Q. O. LnD , . Dr. F. It- - Kenm r .Mr. Alexander Hoggin Mr. Jaol Yfint' (J Constable) Mr. Joba H. Slvingbam Mr. Nepbi Bec Pot Bey T .linYTtAViafAtferuardeln Lta.yJt.DAMis.TdaT ,()WHr Aunt Jaua (Sister to Sir Krthibald Re r burn) . . .Mi Olive Lowiy Mi Jeiie Otiose I.ady Redbura Mil Miwwie Mi l Child Villagers, Solditrs, Ktc. '. Humphcry Ropar A Baker Mr. . . . . -- a: (O :o o J : o- - - Il M . : . -- rxr'i Bird In the Thrilling and Or'ginal DRAMA. Entitled e y, , , OF LACB ACTION. ACT I. Village ef Orkleigh. ACT II. Tn Portsrnitli and CoveHtiy. ACT III. Middleten. ACT TV. Th Bam a Act 3, Tickets far Sale at the Stores Prices Same as Usual. Grain Taken. Doors Open at 7 P. M. Perfor rnance Commences 7:30. d - J. II. 1 j accepting.--Burli.nltctrr- Yte SANDERS A CO fit'CCESSORS TO B. L A W S a 0 N a Dcalors in Hides, Wool, Futs, Skins, - wit-nes.-- W. Iligheet es Feltp. F'tc, price paid in 17 A 19 W. !' 8outh Tem- ple street, SaltLake, City, Branch House at Ncphi. T 34,4,12 |