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Show HE HC12 f,i,i;.i..A 'Lr.ti. , Pete County, Utah. ition ago worn the g n r ' Editpr word "Amt rh a nvumvGTov, fur .Vine 1 fuiiiid a gfiod deal of met If , :uiiii CHANGE NEEDED. A wht a,.-m- .niiii: in it uppose that thej Prc-ti- b nt wil j m turn hie t union tov.ird Utah and give us a iie.v corps of Federal officers. Ne uly .ill of the in audit nt-- i of Uderal ofhecs in this Grritorv at prcpent me Ki publicans and he great major:!,, of Lg-ar-- 'f t a da.-i- . too wh'eh refect', un tiling but i udit on the party to 'hifli they t elong. It in about t Tu-.zon- - p! u rat.onal to l',u -- -- that this admiiiisfrj.tfon witrt Unit Uem-''ra.i- e ,br (reciprocity Common j ,ofhe ,d"iiif,-rutl- 1 jc , i . -- iliehil-- i And h n ,n 1 fuses to aup r d 1 -- constituent-- . u -- g UN UXIKUTKD UONOH. a5-- Valley RAILWAY V 't is that all li 1. 1 T ;i - Ja 'i i AH about base ball. We arc the champ! n volunteered Mr. II endricus aim t ic hoy, ell over the balcony, an.t he got off no more pretty Vpte( hep. d l -- : mi among all our It it ; i ,4 5332$SS2BS JLSSESUl .ESTABLISHED. J8G0 - I T The An-- pHlfs of ' 11 r rii k t is.1 an id. lwo of the largest stores in 1 cs frr ci -- n.'i- - i Fr i . ight ( B: e cpEXSEN IJ5NSEN ) 2 ' ( ( ) kJ ) BOOT. S IDE. and I 1 lUtnie . ware, 1 1 Ui IG 11 i ' "Califo'iii.t I Mell Xtffi t a -- fl Nose , Etc. ndi d to. . t 'U .ViV I t iff ientilic jvritei ay - th.af discover how take, say, an a m-- FAD' i.inu City i I r Trains la( ngidaily - f oii' . " j I -- it), R Ninth 1 : 1 m. a. in. 1 ;n itti, ,p c;: c 5 p. D-- -- nt-Ai'- id -- non h la t , d w : leader was an Ir.-i- i i n imr.in,, j to brio j i The rcci nt c r ("iii - wtek. ,i , men ..t Pm k Sp i.j-- , it f home t"-i work h .v c in ing, wa- - i ntin c f .n foreigner-- , rcmcicl r have so little in enimoi witlufoa n1'! this country tint tiey bad not j NfuV--n-- ( , i V , n'-iv- ,M I , i ,p , ll. o. fST-l'r- 1 a 1 for :n m:lit 1 . ig i tie north the 1 7 i. at r f ( . ' ' R NX I p 'll all , j n . u i $ th iu -- t Its M t Pete :t, 5 ; :: pAj iRm jv 5- 5 s iI m-- r ''V3.li .Ss . f? p iea .: y s JRR " - g ' L'h . V ( i i it i 1 i M C, - i i . ( B-- Id, fl . I A 1, -- ,a I ,p ( i. o ; t t i, l i !j c, e s, Ic.i -f c -- . NVatoi t.iiiD- -. -Vcl- -, ( um i 1 I i g li . i MONUMENTS b-- 1 , ' 1; . 111. . uklllll , "U !ci ; Mrv.i . . Jl-.in'- mo. a ! U1 S' o i i t . . of-- -- T Pa igi r l'r.n t Skill Lake d",n y, r ihe ""tl io coiiin et with tli, U !lv nl the U. A t Ry 'a-and an ' n, x , j ,c a' ..No ! ."d , v B-tt- ir1 l. lUM , Xephi -- lm-- -- Tt ; -0 4 1 a- ioing - h" w I;;. v h Man! The very lovvebt rates given to st liool officers throa. C outhern Utah on Maps, Applet on Primary Reading L1 sizeB all and ackboard llobes, Cloth, Slaving, prices. Bell-- . Nu dieapcst iu use, by the y., r i. Call and Cl Frames, School Recrnals. Map Pointers, Imh pendent iie.adoi1' S Speller, Ravs AYithmetic-- . Appletons ( o ographii . a not he-s. Vor tiie t and cheapo s in the countiy. Send ale jiriei .list. Dn keep- - on hand a full stm k of Blank nd iStatioiicrv ,'Faoiilv' Binle. Websters Dictionaries, t :7G Main. DM YEIFS PIONEER BOOK Streor, alt yLyiku tJdy De-k- m i !. -- V( 5) m 7 1 -- 'll. dim VtV lsb. , -- r Cue On RA1LW AY .V:i! ut r- till t S O N, B 11 HEADQUARTERS. a "''"H fSTrriv c j ailC CENTRAL io'.i p vv.i-- j - (or A N D . , Sue. vino 1 V Album'-'- ft i I I hridthes, H Salt Lake City, is C1. p id E J'KO - f . ! '. fcoLIUri.il AM) t , s. lia-oe-- va I. " -- la. IF. Mailtl .1 i 7 n done laming isArli-irt.i'n - i ranted and tamtii , p 1 'jet lire i pairing prompt, U M A R NESS 1 Whn-- , - cut ) i la. tin lil I.ra-- -, Wm. T. JACK, Agent, jour money' at Ilo'ne by iimuutim ho e Talent anil get latter work f ies mm e. tliaocHii lie in d lit selnlUig (si orWe.-- t I have limtos of tile A ENFEN SAKIHiS lie-- , S It, ii Lag--- , Rt J? Kn-- i OUG DUG Mv eic Palm- d kinds ot i i'il. I Iiibtru.nient - I tie-- , C All oy en b.V OltG toi ;dl , Bn-- He.!!! Dally, !!! Violin-- c K lSi,Vf,ri ,r t e, m and Pook Music Itereivi QUAltTl.KS ORDERS II yalleri ,,, . tt. H.VMBi.itUl t Bon.i-jOiga- 0. Colder . C.i.i-- Organs. t ire,Sat et 1 B. A, Mai tint Band flallerW fhotograp A i pktion . .i'i the People of San Ml hotognij Si H. s. Pianofortes, and Kimnli a general Line of I runes, fu gan- -, ert a, Aei ordeon-- , . TiVTiOk l be -, i s ! Bros., Sleek, Bclming, Behr Enas. k Hamlin, . J8tu t New ork h ive been having expensive light on the subject of ehc ip hats. The price steadily hvindled until one of Ihe houses was selling hats at a cent a piece, while th other had reduced theirs to two for a cent They had cost tho firm four doljaisa dozen Jt w .a a m e that u sing e cusiomer (oul i purblu-mo- re than a sing-l- cents vvortn of list-- , but some snai) sliop- girls got onto 1. r n ket and aen tla-isisters, cousins and aunts in to buy while the market was d'ivh. As u result they laid in quite a stoc ,, which they are now selling to other girls at a handsome profit to themselves. Of ouis(- tbc two tor a hat U.foghi Up l in n it lie 'Ill ' . Uiymit or.ii r. in d Im price ilia no, remain o.ig m V!-- t and BeG Stock of Large-- .ering, Steinvva.v, Mason eCity. rut at At 11: N V Musical InstrumentsILmki Decker ' Gi e asd e MainStreet FahL.i I,' la. TWO IIATS FOR A CENT. Cutdi 1 ,3iano and Organ Warerootn ....Great Reduction in Price!! G ngham-- . Stiaw Hats, Sin Arrira'.i a' u at r Cu iMJt) ALDER1: Di O, C Kid haw Gloves, Chauibniv Cart Wheel and tf ii ' ) ing niiuMMf 1( torM 'tn c tar w tth tie inv, tigatam of t!. take an iu-- a-, tn.it doi n't vio- the law again-- t , tilo.G'tc arryuig om c.ded waapons - to If) O proper- ng Dus-ors- , Ladies "10:40 (foingnutfi. at 11 o a A( ohi "12:25 Holloway VUii.t nil at yin tjie 1iesiduut, as a foo of Hiphx ty sfirc d ove- Ins' fate. Vi e t, . d. XbcwDo;'t.- -- SheU 10:11 inly . t, ri-- Mil. u-i- w o : YoiJLcr Aou ay your u silj S 3 ' i ) uat;v.;-l- , CL -- - m , v i -- -- 7IX vkJ :Q s, sm ''ii & cS ! -- in 1 a- - c-- i- . ! !.,. - o. S . J - .""ft- . n)'X ,n,an. "p The following from tin .Vo , t Uko ei In . f . ou.the Must Go ls w..p r a amr.ot 11,.. Well worth the cuatul - iidu ra wa-- p m hornet "htikejurusd u covet h hoc an m-- c of all sensible q r ,l'" I11 hows that the ola-- - that u. i ws li'k Wjihil lights- , company. A si . - o nt to 1 a tr o R- 53 s, Ue-ting- I " ionalcnsej are ns-iexotic rather .than tic element of the oouiutv ame tide boil- - gm i .! movriia in.-- Tt SIB (C- -, -p age of political hondcscripls ;im fiffrnfl's. 'tvhat he now nee Is ' a net of federal officials who wi! do light boi ause it is right, nh who an not influenced bv on'j vou,.--- X. a rute'and Jjohtiea! l.njmord that t i abioad in tho land. -- Jh r5 by competent judges to be one of tiie BEST FOB THE LEAST MONET. If you are going to buy in organ do not fail to send for our catalog e and price list. W hare been established since 13&5 and have a M years record. i M y 1 (self and tho lHnuo latic patty do less thin to mako unimdiate elunges, ami thus give us a eoips of otlicials who, while hoi ling political vitiWjS in consuiume with tho administration, or men cfunig. to admit tlui eyim th people of Utah have rigids wind the government is bound to re sxfet. Utah has had a surplus !, ulijcct(wc rcicr to tins in Acknowledged N -- pi-ti- on- - Ol 1 -- fVJ r !SCr2ti!if - - ad-luiui- anil -- Few end Surpasssd by Sons. Eqsalletf by andL n.UJANY, U'lllSL i I methods and uneuMu.! repu-- t .tion of a number of our piomi-neu- t Felui.il .otliciti-- . the ition eannot in to ilu-uro.- tllG b.eC;jr. jiM DRY i NDRYJ (J! stated that the Vice President with his, prpve.hi d t. to daim (Verythihg got mixed in spmting nutleif- in St. Louis. A bdegrtm ited that among t.,e .riivgls that light was Ilc.idru iie who ha no ut ,1 i appeal as a, i r.u tto at th f if. r jni-mi- ! OU . . qui-tu- r- 4 1 premium upon 1 a t U.ah. n, nri-o- . - U'pnhlicau fealty, 'and at the Sumo tiun atichgthiui the lnnd of ths ir paityV opponents Utah, leans strongly which, hydhe in favor of the democratic prin-iip!- e of governnu nt, is, in soro need of a judicious odteid pruning. Wept'od a sohd.1 practical and thfoietical goveincn (ho fhould be wide and humane, f r the veto pomr In re i mbitr ir ) i tri of unhiaacd (I. mocratic judgi s, a district attorney, an ! a U. S Alar.sliui that woutl r perly iioiiiC in the same category and poshes- - Iho bame chat ilenstics .is the class just named In view of tho ext-- ordinary MUST COM v SAM PETE , oali-Im- c. K.XER&OX, ! . mini who ha- cnrni to d hiir-- t If It V 1 rpu a M i d lay phee to. l a.-- ( ,ir i , blienn di i by appointing om pftent dfinot fs ,n then tend, and wlipn by tt:- .r ipacti hi mid apa'hy the is. a piteiHsf!? of the p.aty are p rtni ttl to suffer,' they are not only unwoithy the i nnfidemc of their ; ice-hol- , 1 ed .0 ;'Wu'';'4 Tlsn TONE -- ItoiR f be Fni-tiati- ijimiity and Orders hy :.II'I . in-- ;.l H e w-- MvjpiFIHISP 'fits .V. l" prett entry 1 Itiny .md propri. tv s't r dt le tud.i tl,a e i Pu-ide- - a-- n .t hin 1 'cud de iu. p itn f t -t i,i- body SiVEET I" t e,' pc tlr ,o v -- mu K I an .us at.xl t.nniiie - 1.. M sfty i BOUND , i f if new com r- -. who - Imide-- t i !.t t -" i- aid lemioi.-- c V - C .tfcfVrsi BaaliiLi - m - s IsJZ 1 Hu- inn . ft ft f I,! R ;i ee' t ,, a. A TOR ilanuf.ictujrtr.s of Steam Em gin - Pumps. l'i uhi's. feeders, TEE WE8TEHH DOTTASE OHEAH CO., Cast Ik ' nl Iron ENDOTA, ILL. . Mill Work, nig- - tor Sto e Front-Irm Wo'k for .fail-- , Bridges and Buildings, Fei cingand Sash AVID tANDLAND: Vvi igiit Ma'iiiu ry for Lath, r AND!. AND: AVID He .was mot i.i o bv c iinmiUcc l'a, uri-- '. Mining and Molasses i d taken fo tin Southern. He Mills put up to order and re-- p U N D E-- R .trod had he ry1 nothing about base and-- rWinks ops: Corner j i,nd i.tll, md u I) oclock whui he Directo! Funeral aersonal h sfretU, formcflv known as wr.siiivind on the balcony to 1. desre t lie .rooe-- ie h si p review j ciiitrsH.il old ii til oU gld. 15 per cent, belovy Provo or Fait with th icel ng ih t ,t w,t' u ii; O. Box 5, Pr n o. Lake City, u the West that the g eUnu. L. S. Will! , Supt. In one half hour I can furnish a oft o Vico ircjiden w s superior coffin, tastily lined, Tnis, g ntlem.i' said h superior mountings, u.n jig to tho committee as Hw tli an extra box. ilt, u beau c.ubs pas ed. is an Burial robes for gents and ladies. cm i. vvh ch I d d not expo t Discolorations tia genni e surpiis; ,o m-avoided by using my preparation knt w that Mis-- 11.1 is a g ,d Colliin trimmings kept in old U mocratic State but aid oek and Caskets furnished in t. nut susj CC f I. o iluit .vein lour hours. . rrivau my tin ouaj provo entlr.sism win h sec d Chester San Pete County. (leu'tle-meu- , li playe lie fore u,e On an I alter Align t 17 18s5 1 a sinv' y u tin- - is the irttim-ill Ira vt daily, Sunda t poudest a.-- j hi i iiig nor h "1 cc Dynl.ii) i h. mull s' ;V5 a. nt. m r i a r li tllC ; OU ill lit- - iH 111 las Cou-- t ntly ljverv i part-me, fu' o at n )!' rifr Br. tling idcnl tw Arrn als of ' :0 Ijioitj v'ith G od . o m ittcic Dyul p. l,i .up Bi, ains. I Vj ftp NotF e owPrn the Iy li in ,s atom m. or ,is odu j n' i i 'iiil t 'AO Ve-- . er etuai bur e erv front and there arc 1m New PI SOM.I Hill' 9 :jO Ae-t-- rj. t- mo.-M- -- tie nd-em- geciive Fnould extend its piv-- r sutiv s and duties , info the well ;is into H.xrv t of the Union, and, j) ,TlihnrP U tr of ofien-iv- e parti-qjiip, ex K ml y e pnm i'ple t U, orirind lx, s j htvl " fci"T ,U'C1: ll,c prop! " tie i Utah, jo- .n Hand a in1 s Siisj.ir; a e ! Deuocritie 1 the doe ndant-of fcettlcr--- . but tiling- - g inul o m pt-- Years Reeoid. O caMi-- t :n S', io ;cossvjiPTrvls.trad The sdvertis M tiict areid tMDPdv, i ouh rc'f t r bowPUepP ic vith tv. cnr pncic vakh tb v ''tit r. taax A having bfen by d make ku mntohi6 - ri of "Gr . T v il ) o irod. pc rrt flcW, - 111x1! jro .i v fnii t - v oe-i- dm' ,qpi nmT wire Cute for CnsLmpt'on.AstnniiHt Coughs, Colds, .vc. 4 . m. viL!-- v A. 0, w |