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Show rwr The Kerns Sentinel Surveyor Ferron ia in town of Manti, came in Brunei, Dr. Manti in storm rain Heavy again. mail. this a. m. Snow on th mount by Tuesday eveningsreachedeum The thermometer Judge Powers was orator of the ains. mer heat (M) ) hire on Tuesday. dav at Ogden on Decoration day. Published ly HARRINGTON 4 .UK k MAN at- an The Civil Government cla-- s Toe ct reals bid fair to yn-ihold th-- ir regular sessions on abundant harvest, butthefimt is frost. Wednesday of each week. nearly all kill d ly thea 1 laning Mr. Bent Hanson A man in Salt Lake who inis the largor yard Mill and lum' dulged in a little fun in the way est and most completely Biooned of beating his wife, was fined $50 institution of the kind m the last Monday. county. Mr. Lewis Simon, representing The children of Mr. Scotts school lost the key of tire school the Milliivry and Fancy Goods house i the ditch, one day this firm of Simon Bros., Salt uiike, He week, and had a holiday before was in town on Wednesday. .owna in will visit most of .hc it could be found. . the , county. B. W. Driggs will only remain the busine-- s firms of Among a part of next week. Those is still in the our town, the Co-oto secure rare bargains should van. I now conic? to the front call at once. His stock is going with the statement that it wdl off lapidly. Mr. I), will give 55 uncicaned pay 47cts per bu. for cents for wheat, 85 cents for oats, and wheat. Eggs oOcts fore caned 10 cents per. lb. for bacon. are woitii 7cts. council has granted to yictor Hugo was buried at the theOur city irrigation compan es of tbs Pantheon, on the 30th of May, the right b. torstrol and district soramidst the most profound wluoii lomes row and silent respect. There manage all water ii ihe exciptth.it limits, lo communists k city of was no within t. c or defiant demonstrations, as had portion which comes town-sit- e entrv. been more than half expected. N. 13. Nielsons hotel affords Governor Murray pardoned good aceommsialiona for the two murderers last week, out of weary tiaveler. In fact Mr. Ns. the Salt Lake jail, one of whom place; is said to be one t the was serving a life sentence. Jt tlnee pi ces V.'CO Piovo and is possible that ia that way he St. George at ..id- h a genuine may make room fur those who lit. class square meal can bo bad. Andrew Madsen, IKq., the bupt. may be convicted of un'awful cohabitation with their wives. of our , Yt.ts m the Southa tew nay Died. At Pleasant Grove ern pait oft.ie couny arrangements tor Utah, May 3lst., after an illness since, making of grain which, loads several car of two years : Elinor Warren, with ctiou coma ni gra n abciuiy wife of J.nnesM. Rallengcr, aged he m stock, snipping poses pui ISyerus. Deceased was an esII w timable lady and her dnh Thos.Niblock of NR lock ffros, be nn urned by a host of frien . of lAnvtr, is in cattle She leaves a husband and six will lie town, probably purchildren chase about 3 (0 he ,d more of cat-ti- e Tho South Ward Sunday lc,o e leaving the county, School excursion to Funks Luke lie says, despite the fact tout on Saturday last was enjoyed by beef 8,cers ice fH p r b.ea i less all who participated. Mr. F. hud in Chicago than they ver l.,st his Eagle a float all day and eve v of Utah think dialers the year, lodv old and young, ye Devil that du-- ought to keep ihoir and sci iU all enjoyed a sail on R, ice up. tho placid Ikisoiu of the min in the evening a change of Tho brass band discount'd was m.ideand the audience, some lively S' rains of music. or at least a fair rei roseutation the of it appeau d R. S. 4 Y. L. M. 1. Associawhere the patriotic c.,apc!, : PresiTin? Covfekenvk tion homage dents of Relief Societies, Y. L. M. devotion an I. A8foci.Ti.ious of S in Pete stake for the w rk and service of the of Zion, arc hereby notified tbit honored dead were carried to a The day passed will pr- per climax t cir Duarte ly Conum-nclx held at May h id ou Friday od quite nicely and the p.,r.iei-paui- s and libtm rs felt amply reand Saturday June Ruth. nd Lhe time spent. for 2uth, 188 j. A general attendance paid Tne uf this place, we c.fizens is desired. M. A. P. Hyue," were most zea'oudy Ldi, the ve, Stake President of any iu the county on paoiotie A li tie girl in Ldii bought at Decora. ion Day, for while in ad g ore three eggs worth n many arts of the county ti.e striclmine. took it on the road citizens iid honor ( !) to last b unc, and died shortly afterward. Saturday by eonve ling it into It :s Fudpo-r- d to ii ill treatment an en.husiasiic gala day, our that pe., pie for once buiied all secly her adopted par-ntcaused her to take the rush step. tion d aniniosi.ieB and party Great latitude should be given to and united under one til-supposition, however, us a flag ' to pay hoiuage to die memchild is i.ot competent to judge ory of our heroes dead and liv. etwoen abuse a, id wholesome Kg. ref tran:. Among the novel happenings of the week I beg to mention On Su ulay last, May 31 ft. an our town has been visited that 1 old man 8 years "f age, living at a by traveling whirligig combinDover this county, b the name A tri-of gents from of Lars Larsen, committed sui. ide ation. Fork have succeeded in Spanish himself from beam a by hanging rid in the vipainting in his room. Ha had things recently of tin central part of town ve-disagvee.r lc and abu cinity their tr.ivehn.', by planting five to bis sons family with whom wh;li-gih lived, and ppttrsd very de a on of our conspicuous at in pait and one spondent lime, uf thi.e fit of deijKindency com public square and giving all apmi. ted the act that terminated plicants a live minutes ride for h e 1 fe. Justice James Mctcaff live cents. The above combinahel an iu au the jury re tion will viit the several towns turned a vyrd'.ct in accordance of tho county, so prepare yourselves for the extreme event. with the foregoing facts Agreeable to previous arrangements a goodly portion of our Badly Biuned. Mrs. James citizens assembled at the L. 1. Harper, of Salina, on Monday Ss meeting house at 10 oclock la- -t was Feriouslv burned, j on the morning of Decoration candle whi'e burning was upset, 0. H. Wheelock, Esq., Day. the bod clothes took the and himself very creditably acquittal while endeavoring to extinguish as orator of the day. The Sword tho flames her clothes caught of Bunker Hill was very nic ly lire and scorched her hotly in f rendered a trio of our local by feat ful manner. Hopes of recovmusical lights, consisting of Mr. ery are encouraging up to date. and Mrs. E. Erickson and Mr. A. Mrs. H. was sound asleep when Crane. Miss Morrison did herthe bed clothes took fire. The self in the rendition ut justice candle she left burning for her the Star little girl who was out attendin' one or twoSpangled Banner, and soldier of thetivil a meeting. Dr. Olsten was smut war reminiscengave interesting moned to her bedside ami ren ces of their expeiience. dered the necessary surgical Xerxes. treatment. - Manti, San Pete Co.,U;T COUNTY COURT. June I 4 2, 1885. Ti e entire court were present. Financial report of the county read and accepted. J.K. Midgley appointed pound keeper for Wales. Ioundkoepers report of Mt. ish-in- g p. Pleasant accepted. Commissioner Beal reUoa port' . ;h roads in thoin northern a p r. f ;t.i- county as Desired the court to have the surveyor-.- locate a road o' the s tud . ridge between Ephraim and Spring City. The following bills wer ! ! - passa-coalitio- n. , al-!n- : 1 Jl, Beal. com. of roads, G. Bibs. con. 11. V. . . out-brea- $ .Id. 00 Q... !U3,21 Dr. F. S. Bascom.tnifct for examining blood elots in Farmer and Follett - . 7i,wfi oh. m2 27,7b .31,80 ease...' John W. Turner, Utah Co. sundries. . . W. fox, postace, etc. . tiriin"rB court of Dover of Lars Larsen M.mii t Co-op- ., . Gunnison Co-o- p. sundrie- l-e-t Co-o- 10. o tuhide, i - Selecim m Carter, locating road Selectman McFarlane. for ivdiciuc, etc., hi c ae of "lo.-l- . 12.00 invalid Sel' Ctnnu Metcalf, in tie mat ter of the right of way for cun-troad through Cus M. Clarks premises. Tim matter h id settled by arbitration, The county to pay $'.00 per aac-kr.n v lv-c- to-wi- t: eneli acre so used. The sum of $25.00 was appro- priated to pay (ius M. Clar-- e tor laud used in above named roa ami for expenses, of arbitration. Resolved that the ratio per cent, of taxation in San Pete county shall bo mills for boun- - Lia-- n unf-igne- t U-- j s I pro-jud.c- tt-- es ' EPHRAIM ITEMS. Dr. W. II. Olsicn has gone to Sexier county to spend a week. Miss S.tddie Brown, one of our Presbyterian tomler, has gone fast to visit her relatives and friends. Sovei nl car be ds of grain h ive been shipped by the store during the last two weeks.i p All the schools' will. cUv Friseaday, June 5, for the summer ' son. A beautiful concert was given in the Presbyterian i hutch last Friday evening at t.e close of their school term. A number of young men have organized a debating society', in which they wish to diseu-subjects and become acquainted with parhaiuentary rules; 1 g p i 1 - a e P.e.-byle-ria- ty purposes, Communication from county c.ourt of Emery county relative to the boundary line between he ocunties Court resolved lo take iimiiialiate steps to assert our rights. Prosecuting attorney to take immediate action to settle the difficulty. The sum of $1,2130 has been expended on the Dover bridge, between this ami Sevier (outies. Clerk authotied to draw the amount appropriated on said bridge by the Territory. Three hundred dollars appropriate to pun base bridge planking for e in the county. Anumlar of pe itions were picsentod and other appropriations made. . p. fur-lak- 1 Co-o- PERSONAL. 'mi; rUASAXT SIKIIM.S. LOCAL ITEMS. d,f-fore- nt The Mississippi Vft.li y includes the greater pait of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Aladunu, and all of Mississippi. Because Balaams ass took the s liberty to speak, numerous think themselves orators. as-e- Ue-.- t 1 A number of team .have name will There is one lady in Manti en be in mouth who loading up with train at the Co Soon evidently appreciates how every bodys stamped on false teeth. dry a printers aiimcntary c.au.i op- this afternoon for can get, and a liberal eup- The Dominion of Canada has ply of the fo in," office nearly as great an area as the 'on Monday last. it wmb higiily l.irge'bill of goods from 13. V U. S. appreciated by the entire force, j Driggs to dav. The dentists 1 - ! ! sc-.- I j Uekermann , Proprietor, One and a half block east of Main St., Ephraim, Utah. done tnd to order. A full line of Pieke' Planing Sawing C. D. Harrington, Esq., of this paper, ia visiting the northern part of the county this week. j ; 1 Lath in stock. Etmt Made Mr. Louie Simon of Simon Bros.. Salt Lake, was visiting among our merchants yesterday, Prosf Peterson and Supt. Fol som start for Nephi to day and will hold meeting there on Sunday. Messrs. Metcalf, Carter, and j McFarlane, selectmen, were in town until Wednesclv afternoon assisting in setting the afl'ai-- a of the county in shape to run another three months. Prof. Milton.-I- I. Hardy, of Trovo who has been studying mediein-iNew Yotk the last two years ha received his d,plorua and here after the Prof, will affix M. D. to his name. We congratulate our old friend and wish him ! I in Coffins every style constantly on also hare fatihties for chopping nil kinds of grain. and OaUneal aheaye on hand. j hand. Pearl B.utl, f Give Me a Gall. j cj OHST IiOWRY & SQH, H M ' s Importers and Denier in all kinds of abundant success. B.W. Driggs Jr. Esq. a student FURNITURE of the law department of Ann Arbor University, Michigan, h.ns been admitted to the bar, over the signature of Prof. Cooly o? that "1 We gratified with the success our young broth Mr. I), will reer has attained. turn to his home, Pleasant Grove, some time in Julv. W. K. Reid, Esq., returned from Nephi on Tuesday where he has been to consult with the county court of Juab The Woven Wire Mattresses at 6.00, of to matter relative the PICTURE county, pUMKS MAD?, TO $R0KR. that county having collected tax- Cash Paid Wo A, Hide, Prlts , etc. MAIN 3T. Id ANTI CRT. Hllj es fiom sheep herds that should have been taxed in this county. ! t i f J ! J BABY CARRIAGES la-4- Mr. R. thinks he has opened a wav to a just settlement of the t I FALL VON Bure Notwithstanding the fact that times are quite depressed Agnes de Veie and the Rough Diamond, which wcie presented by rne.r.liers of ihe No th wardSunday . on the evenings of the 2D and ,3 ultimo, (hew fair sized au dienccs. The local hits that were wrung I Uj NoilTECK, J'KOI'iUjl'MV, Dealer in Drugs, Ohemicaia, Toilet' ines and Giquorii Articles, lor medicinal purposes, irescriptions accurately V Si-ho- ERiliiAlM, ban ia Chas. Tennant as Cousin Joe were pppre-ciatc- Mr.- - j REOPLE'lS.DR UG b BOR K, difficulty. HISTRIONIC. in by ' Roto Co., L iAf i UrUers up mail suuciUa ami tended to prumyUy, n a- - . d. did very well in the character of Agnes de Vere and Mr. h irsons personal appeur-enc- e Miss Snow ca Jr. glofonl B b a a seemed to comport veiy nicely with what De Veie should have been and he on the whole susmined tbe eh? racier very wtl. Mi-- s Rsid sustained ihe role of a comedienne with evident ease, and we have no hesitancy in stating that by judicious practice and careful 8:udy she may become a general favorite in her iine. Several of those who had p iris in the cast made their delmts as performers and as the object of the play was a very lauoiblo one we shall offer no detailed ciiiicism but rather wish to encou-agthese young people in striving to make theiv instiai-tio- n the Sunday School seif SoSn m j m. A- Physician - Aii I & i Accoucheur lrto rtnviiia- or Mt,U 7 tv, of .hi! tjliildren a 8j.e, ialt.v. lc pro.ni tiv Maafi. . . . r,.;, ui-- ;f monuments F -- 1 t x 51 I) ti Headstones, Tablets, Watertaldes, bills. Caps, Arches, Corners,Heart etc., also dealers celebrated San ihe in Rete Wi He Oolite Slone. P. -- MANTI, - BRUNER B e h T i s Ti MANTI CITY, UTAII. Teeth extracted without puia I y Mayos Vapor Process. New Teeth, - $20 to $30 per ut. 0. Box 8. - B. I-- UTAH. RlJi 1 DRUGS 1 1 DRUGS ! !! f t supposing lo the subject of tbe :o: i histrionic ait, however, would it not be a wise ihing for our'Manli j fSTMADSON 4 OCKEY Home Dramatic club to seek to T-- 0 ( XT- -0 ( SXr- -( b.ing all of the talent of our -- DEALERS IN town into one troupe so that their T'o the People of San Pete. shall be no opposition or no division in the entertainment DIIOrOGRAPb CALLERy uro Drugs and Medicines, Fn7 line. To be sure the club proper is a very good one now, but it is Godos, Toilet Articles, Toys, Pictures Copied end Enlargt not a wise tiling for a house cd. Statinery, Candy, Toto be divided against itself. ? AB my eiiUe.glng is done by bacco, Cigars, Etc. Friend Win. make a second propUtah A'tisls. Ker-- your mo-Home ri. ney osition to amalgamate. id H Home Talent,bya,pa'roniziug t bet Orders by mail prompily attendtei- walk for Jess money I The fruit canning industry 0 ed to. than cii be bait by keini East. c seems to be progressing favoraWest. leg principal bly in tbf southern part of the V I will visit the of Han !Ve Located at Manti.opposite Co-oTerritory. We tried a specimen 'fci o ,'al.te Galk-rMr. Jan Judd, of St. put up by uni iug lie fall of 1885. Store in Post Office Building. George, this week. The friut is t I Iiave jhotoa of the Man.! Al- I Tenqile, picture put up in an attractive form, and J. E. Booth, Iiuims ami views (or Hate. II. H. Cldff, is equal if not supetior ia flavor 8.;c r Prest. to the California article. -- G. E. Anderson, FOUNDRY j PROVO y Reve-tln- g r K A M - - 1 p. 1 wi-lim- ! a - hi: Tuttle 4 Co. had beef in their shop this afternoon. lDQUaBTDPuS, manti, san pict k county. 0) )o Jacob itkaca.f. Mt. PLEASANT Boot andShoeC pa mix $ a Specialty. 6 and I MACHINE COMPANY, Manufaeturers of Steam hemlines, Pumps, Boilers, Feeder?. Bra?9 and Iron Custinrs. Cast' ings foT St on; Fronts, 'Mi I V Iron Work for BJilb! Planing md Bull lings, Fencing an kinds of for pmied to V X , Maker. SE ' I on I do all line of erk hi tbe f()utd;i'e end Fawinx cu-toi-- .Veights, Machinery Planinp, on tlie short Saw. on ITRSon&ble 1 ' L:'ta. Grist, iliuing and lilisput up to order and r? iifsihle ol ce, Rd A!-o atl kind of Lumber, laired. z terms. B,i I'iekef-- MMildiDgs,and everything Workshops: Ci.rrtpr B fiHlsnirg. 'is! for Fn'nj MB known ith streeos. formerly A TRIAL. . GIVE Huffs Ha1. Old Iron bought Hunt Hanson, Prop. P. O. Box 23. Provo. Main Hr,, Mt. ileaxaut, Han Pete T C .r, Guilt aai it.li TT T t e- -t 0: , ile ;R |