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Show LV Ths hems Ssniinsi hand. The Saxon Woden's daer di. originated our ui Thor, the oldest and brave the sons of Woden and Friga, was, after his parents, deemed the greatest god among the Saxons and Danes. He was represented bitting on a throne wit.i a crown of gold on his head, adorned with a circle in front, wherein were set twelve brightly burnished gold stars, with a regal sceptre in his right hand. Their Thors daeg and our Thursday are synonimous. Friga or Frea, probably the Danish Frou- of our 'day, was the wile of Woden, and, next to him, the most revered divinity among the heathirn Saxons, Danes and other northern nations. In the most ancient times Friga or Frea was the same with the goddess Hertha or Earth. To her the sixth day was dedicated as Frigas daeg corresponding with our Friday. The idol Seater was represented on a pedestal, whereon was placed a perch, on the sharp prickled back of which he stood Ilis head uncovered and his visage lean ; in his left hand he held up a wheel, and in his right a pail of water, wherein were fruits and flower-- . Ilis dress was a long coat girded with linen. The appellation given to the day of his celebration is still retained in the Saxon Seater's daeg and our Saturday. -- Published by HARRINGTON & JAKEMAN Manti, San Pete Co. ,U. T ACROSS THE OCEAN Written by one of our European missionaries. Away rcoss the ocean there, Dweil our beoved sisters fair, ;ii; ,0 ! of 5 0.,t i -- it?,' i obey. We left our homes and friends and all. t To rescue men from Satans tl ir ill. Salvations plan we came to tell. And save men from the pits of hell. ; i ' - Our brethren,too,live in that land They all belong to a chosen band. Our noble ire, and mothers too, Have prove i the gospel good and true. Learned us to walk in wis loms wav ; Taught us Gods precepts to ! O' Oh! how our bosoms swell with 6 t er- - joy When we our talents do employ In preaching of Christ, our savior dear. And Joseph Smith Prophet and l SANPETE Y.H.LEY . .P..H..R..A..I..M. dis-spise- d. The wicked men, the judgment day, For all tl eir wrong must needs re pay ; While we in heaven and mad anew Will dwell with Christ and gels too. an- .0 God we give our works to Thee ! Pray keep us ffom all evil free, by thy powerful hand To home and friends, in Zions land. J. P. 0 guide us The origin of the names OF THE WEEKDAYS. )U tor s in- - , t iif 'i I, nr tl. vi'! i 01 if' i,i , i ,1)1 it j tl f ar rt vcf Hf ls rrp iitd till ier- fir riu ? u itet e tf ? s $.t ; t lie jVf ft!- f BO' ih th If ill1 itr Ui. rii It may hot be knclwn by some of our yotlng folks that in substituting Sunday for Sabbath, we adopt a name from heathenism in preference to that gdnctifb 1 ; the seventh of Creation, when all wits finised and pronouhoe 1 very good, and which was reitter-atein the fourth of Sinais moral code, according to the revolution of our own little planet j and still later, from the seventh to the first in commemoration of the victory over death in the atonement, and first fruits ,of the redirection. , The chief idol of adoration by Our .Saxon fathers was the sun, described as the bust of a man sitting upon a pillif, holding, with outstretched arms, a burning wheel before his breast. This idol was worshipped On the first day of the week called Suns daOg, from which originated out Sunday. So with the names adopted for the other days of ouf week. The idol of the Moon represented a woman habited in a short coat, and a hood with two long Cars. She held a moon in her hand which designated her quality. This idol was worshiped on the second day of the week, called by them Moons daeg, and fcince, by us, Monday. Tuised was first deified as the father of the Teutonic race, but later worshipped as the son of the fearth. He stood on a pedestal as a venerable sage, clothed with the skin of an animal; holding a scepter in his right hand. From him came the Saxon words Tuiscos daeg, which we call Tuesday. Woden or Oden was the supreme divinity of the northern nations. He was supposed to have emigrated from the east, but at what time, or from what tountry, is not known. His exploits from the greatest part of the mythological creed of the northern nations ; and his achievements were magmfici beyond crednl:y. Woden wag represented id a btrd Httiude, clad In armor, Trim an Uplifted broad sword in his right a-- d Oi and after December 8, JSc trains mill leave daily as follows Sundays excepted); Dealers in Leave Moroni Ur, i per BUTTLE & 9:00 a. rn 9:20 a, w Fount. Green Mill 9:50 a v m Pleasant Hill. ..10.00 a. m 10:80 a. m Holloway Arrive at Nephi .11:00 a. m Leave Nephi 12:09 m 12:30 p. vi Holloway Plemant Hill . .12:50 r. in F'i'n Green, Mill .1:10 p. in P.E.R.A.T.I.V.E. 0 .... General Uraper ... Arrive at Moroni R.C.A.N.T.I.L.E, S t Dealer in J S.O.C.I.A.T.I.O.N. 8. BAMBERGER, Manager . Main St., Ephraim. E Gf ET E i'mpirian auil burgeon, 'SL Jk. Hi EPHRAIM CITY, UTAH. Office at Drug Atore. Cheapest place out. Surgeon of the San Pete Valley Railway. Consultations at Railroad Office, Moroni, every Monday, from 12 m. to 4 p, m. Best bar- gains to customers. APPLES AS FOOD. Goods A good force of affable From the earliest ages apples haye been in use for th6 table as dessert. The historian Pliny tells us that the Romans cultivated twenty-tw- o varieties of the appl. In these latter days we probably possess over 2,000. As an article of food they rank with the potato, and, on account of the variety of ways in which they may he served, they are far pre ferable to the taste of many persons ; and, if families would only substitute ripe, lucious apples for pies, cakes, candies and preserved fruit, thefe would be much less sickness among the children, am the saving on this one item alone would buy many barrels of ap pies. They have an excellent effect upon the whole physical system, feeding the brain as well as adding to the flesh, and keeping the blood pure ; also preventing constipation and correcting a tendency to acidity, which produces rheumatism and neuralgia. will cool the feverish conThey dition of the system ; in fact, they are far better for these purposes than the many nostrums which are highly praised in the advertisements, and are so constantly purchased by sufferers, A ripe raw apple is digested in an hour and a half, while a boiled potato takes twice the time. While apples can be purchased at cheap rates every family should keep a dish of them in the dining room, where the children can have access to them and eat all they please. They will rarely receive any injury from them if they are thoroughly masticated. Baked apples should be as constant a tlish upon the table as potatoes. Every breakfast and tea table should have a plate employees to wait Are still at their old stand, on our patrons, Call and see for yourselves. ity, Utah, OtJB ry A Chicago woman threw a jar of mincemeat at her husband and killed him. This was certainly a more humane way of putting him todeath than baking it into pies and getting him to eat it. Goods line comprises UN ICS LAKC THE ONLY MtuatS,x Finest line of Shirting, Full ling of Calicoes, 7 to Q KrECTARTiM rvfltf NEVEB y&Jv in r 0W cents i Cashintrc, obly 12j cents. 30 ; - UNION SQUARE NEW YORK. w III. , ( TOR L bJUAK CA MASS. SALE BY miles south of Manti. I). . FUNK, Proprietor. comamm to The SilvertPor having Wn peunannt!v rnrr--i of that dread diseae, Uoiisumpnan, by a mmpla anxious ro make known to his remedy, the means of cure, lo ail who desire it, hewillsendacopyof the prescription lined, (mint,) with the directions for prepar.ng and etia fame which they will find a sure Cur for 1 itata; Com to Stay! Just fellovb-anffere- rs Asthma, Coughs. Coldc, Consumption, "S vh,ne the PrescripBronchltiSr ImLev, will E. 1 A. hire's, tion, WILSON, 18 flow t., vt ilHtimsbnrtrh. X. Y. Penp is complete. I v 4 M Rasmussen has a full car load of m 1 Carpenters, Harness and Shoe- makers requisites in large varie- JBIB ty, such as Hinges, Butts, Screws, Just arrived. ' Have you seeu the Planes, Standard Mower and Rake? 0 OO& S J QSE AUiSEY. Will raise cream in six hours. Don't give your butter away. come and examine the renowned CEWINO WILSON knowing Bits, Carriage Snaffles, Port and alto Age Dt for the If hot; call and see and obtain bargain. (jpriora! aent 1 I ! Ring Bits Leather, Rivets, Ilames, etc., etc. t - 'ACHIXE f o u 1, j'(u,i(ph"ih u h r J r L.J if ini' .,nLCh L, vy st 4 i isi c CiT I i ' f I C nfa J ,! 14, a Wf I? it t 4rt.L y, v?' if , re ti double their profits by introduemtf a line of now eooils, indispensable toall fmtlies,wiUftcldrsslw HEALTH FOOD ( rail particulars. PASYi Mo 7 4U Avenue Mew orb Ol astrimtent Lotion owtk-r- . bafe, sure, cure. Jl.OO. By mail wltir .ulHlirections. Book for Scent stamp; PBtsa-C O., 601 statu A venue, 4c J. V B that C23 when the Sentinel gives the pci for the almve line of woods for southern be up and doing. Utah i , D j U M r - A call will convince you JLVJLachi - Li Ihv., fluij - Bolts, IAdies U. RASMUSSEN, Epbraim, ' 4 of merit at all exhibitions represented, received the highest award alarm it is time to and requisites. It ii said that American babies That together with al! other kind- of farmn't implements Utah. iwallow 1,50 thimbles annually. This may account for Jie surprising amount of brass notice 1 in the composition of the grownup American Laby. ! Best Ginghams, 12 cents. B. T, leasure Resort In Sail iVte county, Baked sweet apples are a very pleasant addition to a well-bake- ISMS ; 9 of them. , II. OLSTEN, M. D., Wm. sold on smallest profits. saucer of oatmeal, and when served with sweet cream, they ' are very appetizing. are not so They commonly used as they should be, as they will supply as much muscular and nervous support as dishes of meat and vegetables. Thousands of bushels of sour ajpples are used for pies and puddings in hundreds of families where d where sweet apples would prove more nourishing food and much more eeonomicle. They are also good food for old people, and are usually greatly relished by them. In my Own family they are always; v hen in season, a part of the meals ef the day; and are as commonly used as slices of bread. 1:50 p.m 2. 00 p. m Stages connect at Moroni for all parts of San etc and Sevier. Private ti ams ami spring wagons cau be ordered by telephone at Nephi, to be ready on arrival of trains at Moroni. 1rke ft per day, driver paying all his own expenses. Merchandise. Seer. While in this land of boas'ed pride, Compa ting truth by error'; side, Weer struck with nice, and much surprised. That by the world Were so RAIL- ROAD. BfiSSj L; M; OLSON, "Supt- K oiJl. tUSSf. ? !! ' -- s! . Sj |