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Show K3OT fXF ir ljLjlH! Vol. I. The Homs Sentinel - ju CITY, A r . I f SV&SC$I1TIQJ - . AROU-X- h 'Editor Sjevhnel. I' rapidity of this slaughter'. A c. train of hogs wore unloaded, put About seven through the botclihry' and into CHICAGO. oclock hi the piorning we began entering the suburbs, but we rode Six month?. through miles of manufacturing Three months, districts and country residences Advertising laleson application. before nearing the city .now n Jas. T. Jakeman, eitl cr side was noticed the blackwalls that stand as monuened Manager. One year, - - $5.00 1.25 75 the freezer ready for market within, the few Jrnugs we remained. About ten hogs per' minute knifed by one man, js the average ; or about four to six thousand a day, besides from eight to ten hundred cattle. AVe neJ look a steamer and a F"i ro.ioV upon the 1 ike, netting glimpses of the greffi Michigan forc'd find lumber trade indeid, ir.oM "every boat upon tlu lake seenib loaded with that article of coau. scree, e were foreiby - ndiAled th .t f.ist city hot iimre s i than in seeing .funeral proof sions on f e troi, hurrying the deparnJ to their 1 st places. Then the week days are not enough for labor or pleasure", and tin tli. at re or skaiing rinks are patronized more than the church on the Sabbath. J Such eitv 1 fe i? romant'e fora few days, but for permemancy, give me a home among tho good The bulk of the Sevier travel now passes throu! i Dover. Dover rurals ruralized in the Yah on the 1st' in-- t. Trul v ru- ral ruralizers . Eire Sevier and Sanpiti h rivers are still booming. "Let em booin, says the tanner. Merchant Barton, of Sterling, is off lor Salt Lake City with load of eggs and will return with a el oice stock of staple goods! Wall a r. Mt. Pliasaht ments of the groat fir& of 72. It seemed an hours ride after OUR AGENTS. approached the city before we arrived at the Central depot. Then General Agent the throng, the hum, and activity F. 11. K finer, J. R. i.sn-uEphiaim we met, almost umzed our air, a y f ' te Mt. rie.i'- i.ii brain-- . Abram 7oLn?ou, AV. G. Petty, formerly bishop Fairvaw Too first object of magnitude Ijillip IE 7un-t- , of - Mo'vmi that has returned horn A'Xtr If. S'tot, Stirling, the .was caught our eyes, ,1a. D,ixie.' He si ,rts out at once Cll't er draw bridges that span the river. David ftindhuid. .h for Castle AraR,-y- , int .Plain. Gitv he !! where whole saw strut we t When tho Spring uei 4 tends to S' tile. His health and Gunnison crossing in the air with whatever John Larson, ipiritS are above par.' J.l,.feiiM'.i, Elsinore, Sevier1 o. huppene I tp be on it street car-- , ' , H. T. Kenner. Sterling carriage?, or pedestrians we gazed L. Peacock and. J. II. John Dcalera in Wah in wonder. Then the steamer Jon.itii m M.Mgl'-V- , A are hillock and constructing livn. Fountain Galen passed through, the bridge return it. stocking tfout ponds at Nine Christiansen h Mayfield ed, and the multitude moved on. Mile crick. Fisn ought to be a wishing to .subscribe The City sharpers always p..rt of the crop of every farmer. fur the Sextjxeu or transact read' lor something rcen, tackled More fish (brtun food) .and less IuxoTus. oldRo.kles. other business with this office us, and it was only by. persistent poik (wuing.") should call on the above gentle- efforts that we cleared our way to men at their respective towns. is shipping our destined hotel. After refreshMayfidd Co-oCORRESPONDENCE. ment and rest, two fresh mountain Urge quantities of eggs to Eureoys were lost in the wonders of A VOICE FROM THE MUDDY ka anil getting a good price for OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. the tin m, (l8c), as vaim s creat trading metropolis of goat t tha Undid States. AVe took a mill .Hour pn s nt. Mayficl Muddv, Emery Cm sells other brains at Hamilton. TUHRITORI AI. OFFICERS. peep into (he Board of Trade May 19, 1885. of the market. that regulator huge Editor Sextixeu: We a It is a ivay up article. Supe rintendent ofDistricSchool One rould hardly believe that with a good set hf m furnished L. John Nuttall, Saif Lake; More than a dozen distinct this helloboloo ruled that branch ti oni Han lete who have come Is the largest establishment in the of pheep in aiul about the herds $1,500. salary county, Call on to ior of commerce; for of all the tumult hY to build up the and country Xephi I ever heard this was the worst. and yet the Auditor, salary, 71,503') Fayette precinct, to obtain for themselves homes. Recorder of Marks and AY. Clay A poor settler uUereih no of men stood around the Tin re is group land here, foes very good j ton, Blessed are the meek, Brands, salary, central hall and bid ; the galleries Librarian, salary, $201) J Salt L. are filled with men and women, wiifeh in some future day viill no lor they slia.ll in fieri t starvation Treasurer, James Jack, SaltLake ; gnd now the tumult is halfa do :en doubt support five or six 'hun- for their dgirv Mix k. elah ! dred families. There is felenty , salary, 600. H. K. Operation? dispatchingjhe remit. of water and we ha e an t'x- t Occasionally plug hats would be climate, fruit, and vegetas.'.X PETE COUXFY OFFICERS. seen flying in the air and tramped bles of' all kinds MANTI CITY COUNCIL. Andevkcm can be .raised AVm, Judge upon as they came down, as the here. AVe have the finest grove NDHEW HADSOd, Superintendent.' .Reid market rose or fell. Near this of saw tunber in John The met Coivcil Castle in reguCity VJJA S, 114 Mils II IRE, S il&l inn Recorder ) Valley, office about twelve miles is4hc,4argo y .building post lar cantile June let JamefMetealf up a whole block. It is a Our range for stock is Mayor Luke presiding. Comittee Seleotm n ....... John Carter eoyering yon. mammoth institution a small more extensive and befter than on laws and revision ( .Parlin McFarlane reported in itself. AVe boardgovernment Aesessr. it Col. .A. E. Merriatn place in Castle. It that the printing of, the City anyother ed cable without the railway (run extends south and west and i? Ordinances was progressing. ' F. W. Cox Treasurer . Jens Sheriff P. Larsen horsr or steam) for Lincoln Park. well watered by small streams This beautiful place is beyond and Committee on street?, alleys, springs. The only Prosecuting Atty. )f ... - Iv. Ileid ; dying along the lake and ' bridges, reported the comdescription for settling and building up tlie nipt. Dist. Schools) intershore the boulevard of three bridges in the drive pletion L. P. Christensen is conveying the water Coroner AVe took a row around country southern vening. part of the city. from H. its natural channel .John Surveyor Hougaard the lakes to notice the water the tillable land which is onto paik a big Committee on irrigation report, Jacob Johnson, United States fouls and fountains. 8 ' TO THE FARMERS. wans, pel- undertaking. In order to Commissioner for San Pete. get ed that the new channel for City icans, geese and, in fact, every the w;ater where it will be of the Creek in the Old Field was combird that swims, ornamented the most Lenefit, we have undertaken pleted and the water turned in. 1'HD Farmers of San Pete MANTI POST OFFICE. lakes. We then strolled am to a tunnel through the sumthe animals. Here were every mitdig Petitions on various subjects are invited to call and exof a mountian, which will he nrsixEss hours. kind of American animal, from about 1,100 laid over and to come sink-ieg-AVe a are presented General delivery of mail mat- the long buffalo, bear and lion, down amine the new Improved in tlm centr- - of the up in their regular order. shaft ter : 8 a. m. to G p. m. to the smallest prairie dog and from the calcutunnel and busiMoney order and register The committee oil Puplio chipmonk; in their various dens late to work from topthe ccntr' as and world renouned ness : 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. and enclosurs. Then the fish and also from each the that reported AVe end. have lumber for the Sunday general delivery : 6 :30 sea lion from tiie Pacific Ocean completion of 11, e 90 feet of the tunnel. but to 7 :80 a. m. dug ITall was contracted for and and alligators from Florida. City Making up mail for transit: We next went our way around From the up! er end the shaft is would In delivered in' a short down within ten feet of the bot- time. Coin 5. north, 9 p. in. Going the Walter A. Wood Twine Binding n gardens iloweihcds in tom. The lower end is within 5 m. south, p. Ilarve.-te- r imand Mower t the every shape or color 8ft of the b'ittom ; we design runAir. Roland Braithwait andMr. L. W. Fox, Postmaster. in raised vane aginable, MITCI1EL AVAGON Yard? figures one shaft from each, and Albert Tuttle adzed for the priviMay 21st, 1885. gated in all the tints of their ning two from the center, which will lege of using a portion of the Ephraim. MAXTJ MARKETS. heaven like production. AVe take be four shafts at streets once. and sidewalks in of front running a rustic seat to linger amidst their MU sweet perfume, while we almost This is the principal part of the their respective residences on work to make the canal. We which to place building material The Mitehel farm and Spring the is and the forget day passing, would like about 50 more of the granted under usual rcstiictions. John Deere 4 Co. night brings us to the heait of good men of San Wagons ; Council adjourned. Pete, of elsetion And seek the Hand and throng eorruj Plows; Sulky to us in the good their places of amusement or where, Plows and Chilled Gale work of Making the desert bloslad The who was Hay pounded by abasement. to them- -' another lad to whom lie owed a and of som and Class other First obtaining Rake?, Another day takes us around AVe have every cent, now declares the Other, fedthe architectural and mechanical selv good homes. Farming Implements will be i? needed o low was penny wise and pound here that thing wonders and other places 6f infor sale at the following places : make us comfortable except the foolish. Wfl terest. ; are c rm Ytre fyfy we and are that. Sp" f making The city water woiks are won canal, firewood and coal in There is FELT BROS., derful mechanism, seeming al . Provo News Depot. most beyond mans power of abundance, there is range and J. P. MADSEN, Books, Stationery, Magazines. invention. The water.. is thrown timber in abundance, there is water land in abundance. and It Periodicals and Newspapers of MANTI. from out in thg lake to every part of the city, at the rate of 25,000 only requires labor to bring it all kinds. into service. To those who desire The Best Supply House sotliu gal. per minuet. Near this is the a B. HANSEN,.... good home and are of Salt Lake City. tower which we climbed 300 feet is to here chance for work a it Orders bv mail solicited. to overlook the city, but the MOUNT PLEASANT for some of you, Come and see for CENTRE ST., PROVO. smoke clouded our view7. Flour $1.4o per cwt The battle of Gettysburg next yourselves. Oats By request of the company 75ets drew our attention the whole (Elisabeth iSraitluraitf, C. K. IIANSEN A CO., nosv submit I the at here woik, Bacon Sets peril) panarama of the battle is porFAIRVIEW. Lntc of Einihtiu above to your worthy paper, Pork 1(J trayed like life. The wheat fields therefind 4t a place Potatoes 18 hu with trails cut through the hay hoping may Corrected by L.M.Olson, Sunt. stacks with the wounded lying in in. All the men are cl earful and II. I OLSEN, E. C. M. A. couraged in the cause. and theshadfc the pack mules carry.FOUNTAIN GREEN. Joseph Eva vs, Tin dhnrp rhtnutr. suhjprf ing them out of tne field the According to the standard time army charging in battle the Bens to jof irin her fiien'is n?nj WILLIAM T. REID, blood stained field, and fallen of the United States which took the put, lie ,f ftiei viciuito , And at other Wnf, LASH & PROBATE ATTORNEY hor.-c- s places in thcCounty. all portrayed so vivid y effect Noveml er 13,1 88 . when it fliatshe w ill on llieahove hus earrj meiid-iaaUTAH. MANTI, that one can imagine himself looic is 12 oclock, noon, on the a! tnes in is tit anehes, in the shop Greenwich it is 7a.m. East- lately oeenjiieti hv I. ing from some height upon the GRANT ODELL & CO. Wm. K. REID, field of action. ern time, G a: m. GVntial time, shoemaker, atel ho es l.y piomitj at fentien aii'i to isfae sat tive t;ue ITTORNEY-at-LAThe Chicago stock yards were 5 a. m. Mountain ti'me, and 4 a. tion toad who may favor her w ith has the Utah . Aland, Sanpete C'u., Link. the of Pacific m. most all. tunc, yet interesting Office at Court House. It is simply wonderfnl to see the mountain time. ilanti City, (Stay P, I??7. -- u, - uiy ru-tle- - lyi-ti- -- Jo-cp- Pci-m- i? gehera I p, z ! 1 1 com-ph.in- t. &oo& ef-lcn- session-on-Momla- . . re.-our-ce v . . - TJ , pro-fu-io- I ist -. , r . . r . SatnEESBIEiB Drettsmaiisr j at I a W, aal. J lit 111,11! |