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Show t Ths Homo Ssntinsl A Weekly Newspaper, Devoted to the general Interest of the people of San Pete and surround-lo- g Counties. Editor IXllARRlSOTOlf, CORRESPONDENCE. I wish to the of people call the attention in general, not only of the city of Manti, but also of the surrounda few must ing belt. einents, to alient points concerning the sanitary aspect of the towns they live in, and to bring before their notice some of the primary causes of disease,epidemic and otherwise ; with a view of the simplest means of prevention; which, ' though simple, should by no means be neglected by every and honest citizen, for as the adage runs "one ounce of prevention is worth more than u pound of cure." It having been brought to my notice that several severe .cases of diarrhooi, typhoid fever and complaints other malignant have occurred in some of our southern settlements, notably ba lina, Richfield and others adjoin ing, led me to wonder how it was that our own little city of Manti lias escaped so long, for I am perfectly well assured that It is more owing to a watchful Prov- Editor Sentinel. , right-minde- d . idence that we have been spared such ravages; than to the t , any vigilant forethought and precaution iry measures of our city au- thorities ; for although 1 would bu the last one to throw any willful aspersion on thu labors of our city council, yet I think it would show a little more wisdom on their part If they devoted a little of their attention to the sanitary points as they, went their from aside along See., they (for bridge building are invariably doing somcthi.ig for tlie roads or creek whenever you see and question them) and as this is the most prolific season Of the year for the development of such diseases that are as a rule of an epidemic nature, it behooves us one find all to exerfor cise that caution nece.-sar- y their prevention. In the first place our attention should be given to the purity or iiupur.ty tf our water supply. When we rellect upon the fact that water Is more nutricious than roast beef, and that people who think It strattge to call water "food" would c 'aso iJ l)e astonished on finding that it 'orms the living body ought we not to be more careful that what we drink is pure Pure water purifies tho blohd and btimulate the secretions. It renders bland the acid humors of the body, and by weakening and diluting them, helps the Bystefii It throw them otf. It heals and cleanses both externally and internally, and may well be called Gods best gift to the Uninrnl as well as the vegetable world, Pure water also contains a huge amount ofthe oxygen so life, But impure essential t water becomes one of the simplest elements for propagating disease. Pure watet, without any excess of org mic matter, should bd transparent, colorless, inodorous, tasteh 83 but at certain times, it becomes intpregna. ted, acquiring that property called 'hardness, owing to its lime and other oat thy which has a tendency to salt, in sheep and diseases product other animals to such an extent that instinct teaches them to avoid it if they can get any other. The scrofulous swellings, tumors, and gravel, which prevail in some districts, (especially around San Pete) originate chit'Hy Frdm this cause. Thd best nlethud of freeing the water from the-- e impurities, is just to boil it. then liter it has cooled, drop into it a little carbonate of soda and then filter it. As thesd plagues that afe raging in Plymouth, and in Luzern Co.,PensylVania; arose in the first instance through the contamination of the water, so it might occur here in like manner, especially as we daily see horses and cattle walking in the water course?,feeding along their banks, and slobbering their salava and excrements into tlte d tches. when in Not Only this, but al-edur-water the i A the darning up titizens use tlte fir?t thin. 9 that tome to hand, fuch ws old rags, two-third-- (lon-taini- . 0 Blimy mud etc. Considering th it catlic disuses (if the report no orrect) is already in the country, steps should he taken to enforce the law regarding these points, and also concerning the cleansing of our water ditches. Let the citizens as one man unite in keeping theib houses and streets clean and their highways clear of decomposing matter. Let our creeks and .water courses flow fresh and free, sweet and pure ; make them not receptacles for all the filth and offal emanating from our gardens, houses or corrals, as is already being done in several parts of Manti; keep all cesspools, drainage and the like far from any drinking ditch, to percolate through the soil adjoinUsed ing, into the water that is for drinking purposes, or we may expect, and shall surely have fatal epidemics amongst us, to lay low alike the young and the old, as it is already doing in other parts not so very faf distant. Quarantining, so far as the current theory goes, is not the only and reliable remedy for these disll eases. We should not Wait us ; is the destroyer amongst and eanitary sanitary police measures for the prevention of such beforehand, is the remedy. and frequent The thorough of all streets, private cleansing and public buildings and Waste lots ; the abatement of all nuisances, daily removal of offal etc., "conservancy, i. e., the cleaning ventilation, and disinfection of cesspools and closets. Among all sighs of danger of the location of cholera in any of its phases. none is more significant than the "privy odor." Let it be every where annihilated; lime, charcoal, dry earth, burning sulphur, chloride of lime, carbolic acid, Sic., itc., are the most available dissnfcctants, Personal prevention is the next thing in order.Anmng those inost likely to die, When attacked by epidemics, the drunkard stands first according to all records. Nor are they less liable to be attacked than others, Temperence in to safety, all thing is These precautions if taken, wid prevent the unpleasant necessity of the citizens having to be Corn polled to adopt them by force of law or other means, should occasion and the public Weal demand it ; viz : by the appearance of any contageous disease within our midst. un-ti- j Inil NOTICE FOR PUBLIC A TlO ITEMS. MISCELL NEOr Lnd S i.lelpfiia ha.- f,v. teen -- - WANT! day papers. The Torrid zone has a width of about 3,250 miles. A Well executed dance is called the poetry of motion. , The Cherokee Indians found Cologold on the South Platte, 188 as ). as rado, early In all matters of importance agreements should be in writing, though verbal agreements are binding. Letters of introduction or re. J Dealers in J commendation should never be sealed, as the bearer to whom it is given should know its contents. Language is the great instrument by which all the faculties of the mind are brought forward, molded and polished. Shekidax A few abreviations used in bookkeeping. C0, at ; AcYt. account ; A.D., The year of our Lord; Amt., amount ; Ana., answer ; Apr., A line full of DryGoods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, and Shoes, Groceries, Hardware, Farming April; asst'd., assisted; Aug., August ; B., Bank ; Bal., Balance. and a 4 rM Mercantile Institution Of the four original proprietors of the London Da ily 'I el eg nigh, a journal which nets a profit of flU, oOO weekly, the sole survivor is now the editor of a country weekly. Another died in the poor house. JENSEN, C. -- ! CO. Sc M M 0 K- and i Cleaning and Repairing done at the vorv lowest price. People living at a distance Can apply to the firm for It box in winch to fend their Watches by mail. Tavern Clocks Made To Order Four blocks east of Borg & Jensens Shop, Richfield, Utah. Harness! Harness! Harness! 7 - I W-A-T- -C-l Manti City, Utah. i FARMERS EXCHANGE HARNESS Groce j a call. C. KJAR. O THE a WISH J PEOPLE OF SAN TO Call PETE COUNTY. attention to facts worth knowing Gold, silver, quick- 1 4 V s fir. V 'ft V. s 5 c A o CJ 1ft 65 8 C N Glass-war- e, J. E. BOOTH. C) A Georgian lawyer only practice every other yi'Ur, Probably he thinks his conscience requires A rest. Kgvpt is governed bv a Khedive and forms paft Of tho Turkish Empire. ORG ORG ORrt . A firm in New Jersey are making counterpanes of "paper. Why not? ) ( 5 " ) ) J exsen eNsen ENsEN BOOT) SHOE, and HARNESS XAKtiRS. Halite?. Saddlcs.llirnes sllard weAv, Whip-- . Bridles, Nose Xhe Kq'O blic of Switzerland bags, II Abies, Etc. ha 3 a population of 2,S10,00(K Retiring promptly athhded to. Arizona is .Kearly shape bei:; 370 v 330 CaliftViii.x, Leather. square in Main Street, miles). Co ,J. JOHN F. DORICS, Sale, an UEO. M. DROWX. tend to all kinds of legal business in all the emlnties of the Territory. Special atte Aloh given to the settlement of the e tates of deceased persons, lioth local and foreign aud to the collection and management of legacies and inheritances. Attend to land entries, final proof) contest ed Vntrics, and all klmls of Laud Otfiee business. ZTK.-J- Riehjhld, Utah. t-- kb E. i Sec. 34, Tp. 17 S..R7W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his cotiUmioii residence upon, and cultivatiu of, said land, viz i Lars ILmsi James C. Christianson, ,Edv: Webb and Cyrus Oasis, illnrd Co., Utah. Also John Quamberg, ILF. No. 5501, for the S. W. N.E. S, E. iN. W. and N S.E.j Sec. 31), Tp. 18. S., R. 2 W. He names the foPowing nesses ty prove his eontinuoc residence upon, and cultivatin' Jamof, said land, viz : Robin Thomas F, Mathews, Ge rge Monroe and Dimi Thompson, .ill of Bcipio, M. lard county, Utah, Also Albert BteVens, i tion and D. S, No. 4012, for tl '! - W. 4 N, E, Sec. 8, Tp. 20 8., I 4 Y, He Haines the following ncSscs to prove his contintio residence Uon, and cultivatu' of, said land, viz : Ansil P. H, mon, William J. Johnson) ClMq Wood, and Simeon Stephens all of Holden, Millard count l Utah, H. McMasteR) R( gist) r 8 H o ' The Stale of Missouri has a BOOTH a BROWN) popdlalidn of 2,108,380 inhabit- ATTORNEY A COUNSELORS At RAW. ants. One hundred and three Ofllee Immediately north of First and 1 inhabitants to the acre. National Bank) Provo City. At- Ruthcrlord, II. E. No. 5839, fur the N. E. i S. W. j and X. 4 ? i L--. Hkuecca wareiiam, supt. silver, coal, and many other valuable minerals abound. 19(54. Prc-em- O rie. etc. No. Land Office at Salt Lake Citr Utah, May 2, 1885. Notice is hereby given tli the following named settle have filed notice of their to make final proofs in of their claim, and tlu said proofs will he made hcfnr the Judge or Clerk of Millar county, at Fillmore City, w June 13, 1885, viz: Bawd - iiF, U CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR UBIJCATIOX. t arH s Attornevs. inte-tio- Two Blocks East of Main Street, The great American plateau is Prides as low as the lowest, the richest metalliferous region a. I., cOX, se5. in Indiana. Il had been supposed that that wits the generic name of the fraternity. 19(53. i 1, r No. 21-1- - stump-speake- Nollce for Publication. Land Office at Salt Lake C'itv U. T., April 30, LSS5. Notice is hereby given tlw the following named jtcttler hi,i filed notice of hi. intention to make final proof in support t; his claim, and that said pru0i will be made befoie the Brolmf' Judge or in bis absence the County Clerk of Emery cuntv U. T.. at the, County Conn House, at Castle Dale. lT, i'.)0n Monday, June 15, 1NS5, viz; Edward Smith. Transmuted H E No, 5(589, for the S. '.l y Boots W. and Lot 4, and W. 4 S V Sec. 4, Tp. 1!) S., It. 8 E. (Ki 00 Implements, ; acres.) He names the following wit nesses to prove his eontinumi1 Full Line of DRUGS, etc. residence upon, and cultivatio' of, said land, viz : Peter Audcr-se5 discount on all Cah Sales over $1.00. , John Y. Jensen, Azari.il Tuttle and Robert Johnson, al of Castle Dale, Emery Co., U. T Wm. T. REID, President. 1. .Me Master, Rogi-teJ. II. WODSKOW, Secretary. ' Stayner Sc Simmons, CO-O- is a , r. L Clu-e- H Bailey Atty. GEIEEAL Irt Thibet a woman may have UTAH . fouf husbands. In this country MANTI, it is all thred or four women Want MANTI LADIES to do to citt Wood for one husDeateiS in band ; tJdngress to the- contrary LadicP Furnishing (lends, notwithstanding. the world. T.C. . Give me in at Silt Uke Cut. My 5. No. ,,7g. Notice i. hereby riven thit the foil,,., aimed settler his filed notice of his to mike hoil proof in of hi. c"'1"' and that said pioot will support be made be County Clerks, Mint,. S,n Petec LSilu2,4T- - June7- - i48w of San Pe,e countv, Utah. Dv,i:s Jens ,4ae, tne N. K. V'DE a. sec 5 I ;67. K f' W He names the following uun ,,r his continuous residence upon, ami of, said land, via: Jacob Johnson,iUu, -Underline, S, P orensen. ol cl. C Peler Hausenot Foumain (ireen. Utah CQ-OrEtiflv- Qninn, the harness maker, J sellthing in his. line at lel ing roi-prices. .Second hand harness taken in exchange for new. Highest price paid Or produce. Hides, pelts, furst and casn wanted. ReCall and be pairing a specialty. ILHf,Joiix,M.n., M.n,, ij.a., , convinced that you can get good Quarantine officer, work cheaper than cheap and a square deal at (jtiinns Harness 28, Manti, May Shop, directly east of the Meeting House, Ephraim, Utah, 1. S. I will not lie undersold by making scruh in 0 ver one fifth of tho inha bitants any other harness rue and see, Utah. Q. Try of England afe called William of is tho most comMary. Mary mon 0,819 out of evry 50,000 HARNESS AND SADDLES individuals answering to it. and all kinds of William with 0,59"). Shoemakers' and IlU'ncss Makers' Supplied. .Tlid pfindpal mount tin peaks t wisli to call the attention of the of Montana are, Emigrant Peak, public, of Manti anil San Pete coun1",(29 ft, in altitude ; Mt. PoWell. ty generally to the fact that I keep 10,50); Wards Peak, 10,571; constantly on hand a full line of Mt. Cowan, 10,551 ; Mt. Delano, Leather, Harness and Saddles. Prices as low as the lowest. 10, 2iH; and Mt. Blackburn, 10,-13- 0c c 1 if i 51 a3&253 P. MEILSTRUP , Proprietor. NOTICE TO CREDITOR f N the matter of the Karate i.fN Peter Andersen, lateof Ephrm City, Hn Pete county, Ut Territory, Notice ia hereby g1f" adniinistrn' by the Umier-igne- ri with the will annexed, of Nee Peter Anderson, deceased, to all cw itors, and persons having daily fcuainst, said deceased, to exld them, xvith thenecessarv voucheefle witliin four raotif'S after the publication of this notice, to the ad mistrator at his office, in SprkCity San Pete county, tl. T. ia Dated at Sprint) City, U. T., , l R - 18, 1883. Jacob Johnson, Administrate' With Will annexed of the estate t Neils teter Anderson, deceased, , notice to creditors. : ESTATE of Rwmin ah;!'' i senjdeceased, Notice is liejVhy givtl" JI by the undersigned, executrix of last will and testament Rasmus deceas e I Andersen, to the creditors of, and all per0' u having claims against tlie said t)if j with to exhibit them ceased, j necessary Vouchers, within ,f months after the first publication' j this notice, to tlie said eXecutr! j at her residences in EphraimU-0 i j ia the County of Kart Pete, Dated at Ephraim City, U - ' jiay 14, 1885. Annie Marie Auder'n Executril of the last will ami tes' naent of Rasmus ADdersoudec' j . , ' |