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Show The Piute Pioxeer. samples will carry four or five os. of gold. He says they have between eight to ten feet i f vein matter. Ore has been taken from (hie claim that sold in Halt Lake from five to seven dollars a pound. This will no doubt be a great property wheu developed, but near the surface it is pockety. Wheu they fiud pay ore it is very rich and the owuers should be able to fiud capital toopeu it up. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, In Marvsvalb, Pidtk Co., Utah. Publisher C. A. DEWITT, Official Paper of the County . (SUBSCRIPTION TERMS. $2 One copy, one year 1 six months three mouths Catered at the post office as Double column ads charged double Than Salt L&fr Wholesale rkf s. Cheaper above STATE OFFICIALS. J. Cannon City arrived In town, Wednesday eve ning. The next day Tom Fergusson took the whole party, including Mr. Money ban, up to the Crystal in which they are all Interested to inspect the pioperiy. We learn that they were highly pleased with the appearance of things In general and next spring or as soon as the weather permits, they will insist on pushing development and work the mill to its fullest capacity, HaTeruis: A Louisville gambler on one casion thought he had a good thing Wtate Auditor, . Morgan Richards when a stranger who looked as if be Estate Treasurer, James Cliipman bird plenty of money came along and General, A, C. Bishop Attorney John R. Park suggested a friendly game of poker. Supt. Public lnstrnctifln 4 Charles S. Zane V(V. W. Barteh The game ran along smoothly for Supreme Judges. J. A. Miner District Judge for Sixth District, Win. McCarty awhile, and at Jast, when the opporstate senator for J entli Disefr,--, Issac Wright tune moraentcame, the gambler dealt State Repi esentative, Piute County, Jas. Porsbee to the guileless stranger four queens and gave himself four king. The PIUT6 COUNTY OFFICIALS. betting became interesting right away, and after all the cash was up abd it came to a snow-ddvILe LouWiLLiAM Luke County Clerk isville laid man four his down kings Junction and tfee Btranger showed four aces. Ella Kennkr Itiijilir, Kingston Take tiie money, mister, gasped Assessor and Collector, .. Edward Baglev We have Just Received a Car Load uf these Goods Direct from the Factory, And have in Stock 6 Styles Steel Ranges 15 Styles Cook Stoves 20 Styles Heating Stoves kichfield J. Treasurer toupt. of Schools, Prosecuting Attorned, Koosliarem H. STOCKS Marysvale Joseph Suuwkkks Junction wm. Johnson, Circleville S. L. Page .. Marysvale Marvsvale bounty Physician, (Selectmen, )R. DfWTtt, 1 Precinct Justice, Votaries Public, Urecinct Constable, Marysvale Circleville ).Mitchej.l, Koosharem Sr, JerkMiah Dennis R. BROWN, Marysvale J. Haws Marysvale 8ATURDA Y, FEB. 4th, 1898. A horse fell with Chris Whittaker Inf Circleville yesterday and broke his pg. John Baruson was in town Wednesday and called at this office. Do you like the PiONEfefct in and subscribe . I So, home Borne peoples conscience becomes ho elastic that they can borrow a newspaper and read it every .week without hubscribing'Or contributing one cent toward its support and still to all out ward appearance sleep the the just. slhiep Of Mr. Whitlock has diSbovef'd to Vein of mineral in the east mountains about two miles north of Junction that assays over two dollars in gold at the surface. The vein is three or four feet wide. He is suking a shaft 'on it now aud when he g'es down about ten feet be will have it thoroughly tested. The employees of the Standard 3ompany broke into the ore body in the lower tunnel last Tuesday. Fiom to sarnp'e Shown hk wb think 3t should Tun high iu lead aud silver aud oarry feom'e gold. They have not had It assayed as yet and so can not tell how high it will run, but they will be disappointed if it doesut tiln awajt up They had ohly put in oue shot whfen tour informant laft, so we oofittell the Extent of the strike. , the astonished Kentuckian. "Take it if you have the heart to do so, but Ill be darned if that w&s the baud I dealt yout Ex. Balina Press: The Millard county Progress talks out in meeting aud condemns the druukeuness and disorderly conduct going on in Millard comity. Young men are going to hell across loS. If'hey drink whiskey aud bitters until their hides crack, stay nbt at nights aud seeih to be in a bad why generally. The Progress suggests no definite remedy. Drunkenness and debauchery seem to be on the increase all over the state. Boas and daughters of respectable people seem more inclined to go to th6 bad ban do those whose p&bertts lack education .and refinement. Parents are surtely to lAfcme. The education of a hild shotted begin while on its mothers k iee. The bby permitted to roam the streets at night will become a drunkard aud a tough. ment Jornsr Meteer, ATTOJLW AT LAW. Advocate Office. RICHFIELD, VlAH. Seat of Sevier County 8Couuty Gilbert Beebe. - At - Attorney Law. Promptness add actotiWy nly motto Utah Junction, Fhillip D- - Schbefor, C. E. U. S. D. Mineral Surveyor. tOllNTY SURVEYOR For PIONEER NURSERIES 15 P. O. Box 1 406, Office 20 Richfield, Utah. Dealers in Dry Hoods, Notions, Millinery, Clothing, Gouts Furnishings ami Utah. NOTICE oFIieRIFKSSALKON' FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. iluMnis- Sarah S. Thompson, tratix of the estate Cl K, Thompson Jr., doceAstd, plain' ill, vim sus Ben Lewis and Alice Law's, FURNITURE5- It is a wull known fact to nil who nre 'ratling with s that we sell every In our lines cheaper than any oilier house In Utah. Our aim Is to save you money ui d you will find u always living up lo every promise we make. tiling Defendants. Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foiedosure, issued out of the Dlstrle Court of the Fifth Judicial District of the state of Utah, on tlie seventh day of January A. D. one thousand eight hundred und ninety eight, In the above entitled action, wherein Surah S. Thompson, adinlniMratlx of the estate of E. TV. Thompson Jr., deceased, obtained a Judgement aud decree agatust Ben Lewis and Alice Lewis, his wife, defendants, in the Second Judicial District Court, of the territory of Utah, on the eight-teentday of May, A. D. 1893, which said decree was on the 2oth day of May A. D. 1893, tiled iu office of the clerk ( t said Court, last aforesaid, and now remains of record in the office of the clerk of the said Fifth Judicial District Comt, in and for the county of Beaver, State of U tali, I am commanded to sell all ttiose certain pieces or parcels of land situate In the county of l'lute, state of Utah, and bounded and descilhed as t: TheSE qr oftlie 8K qrof Sec follows, 12 and the KE qr ol the N W qt of Sec 13 III i p 30 8 of R 4 W Of S L m, containing in ail eighty acres of land, together with all and singular the We still have loo large a stork of winter goods on hand. Our More Is ion crowded and we must make room for spring goods; lienoe we are compelled to make great saoriiicea iu all our dep .nuiwits. You will find everything reduced to way below pur. This la simply one Iem to show you how we are shivering out in the edit when you can da'-hiuu- t i.o need of liny a ' Man's For $3.50 Such as You Have to Pay $7.50 For Elsewhere Heavy All Wool Cheviot Overcoat O- -' n: Utah. I. C.W JONES, B. Shipp Jr. Utah. BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, V F'OSBS Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands LAND AND MINING ATTORNEY, A spiit-u- p has occurred among the Cbilblaios, Corns, and all Skin Erupno or contractors running the tuunel on the tions, and positively cures Piles, Corto Twenty five years experience. Dalton. . Lorenzo Ncilseii, one of the pny required. It is guaranteed e Solicited, or satisfaction respondence money Contractors, with his brother came give perfect bok. Fo Clown 8unday uight. He has with- funded. Price 25cts per City ale by Ohas. Reinheimer. drawn with some kind of an und standing with h.s partners, who will L. NOTICE- Continue the work until it is finished Oounty Warrants issued in 1897 and Jim Keilsen and Will King have presented for pajbwit prior to Dec. taken a contract to run a tunnel two 13th, 1897 are now payable. hundred feet on the Crystal to tap the Joseph. H. Sudweeks, MAKTSVALE, UTAH Co. Treasurer. Vein lower down. Wneu they strike the Vein in this tunnel they can stnpe tLb ofe down in place of raising it up G. BAUEY. IMPORTANT NOTICE- tWroUgh a shaft and thereby effect a Land and Mining AttorneyAH persons knowing themselves infereat saving in the cost of mining. All business promptly attended to. debted toC'tarles Reinheimer, eithe r"25 year's exp'erlenca now are book or accounts note dup, W. II. Ware and Jack Lawrence by before to settle the 3(i31 Rooms Vstlie doiva from the Cottonwood hereby requested Wlttingham Building All accounts Dot Mr. Ware brought with first of February. Monday. in will be . placed him some samples of ore froni tile settled bv that dale cno aacTb roil oopf or nr utah tat land law H mutaiu Ulilef thltt as Utterly fill thehands of 8n attorney for collection. Cbas. Reinheimer; M with native silver, besides these FftAM Salt Lake SAMUEL ASSOftKSY A&Qhina.- - KROTKI. BULLION HOTEL. King & Wiire, Pi opriutor Sargeon. bad borrowed it the day before, but It did such effective work iu the way of Utah- collections that we have made up our Marysvale. minds to keep it as long as we can. The first man we met on the street was J. W. Millar who coughed up 11.50 for a years subscription to the Democrat before we eveu pointed the ATTORNEY AT LAW gun at him. The very nekl m4n we met was a farmer whotil we had alWill practice in all the Courts State ways considered a StAr subscriber. deral. TIM 3ER LANDS A SPECIALTY. anp He had not missed a paper nor paid a cent in seven years. But when he MARYSVALE, UTA saw the gun he waltzed up a ten do! lar bill. When we got home we found M. a load of hay, fifteen bushels of corn and a barrel of turnips, which had PHYSICIAN AKDSORGEON. been brought iu by delinquents. If mouey will Buy that gun we are going Office and Residence at the Kentucky House to keep it to make collections with. Monroe, :u Agents for White gewing & S. Dr. W.M. Griffith. Dr tjta.ii THE WONDER!! Sevier County. f hysieian CO. J Atlas Block. AL'r LAIiKCITV, tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereunto belonging and otherwise appertaining Notice is hereby given thaton Monday the 7th of starch A D., i s9, at 12 o'clock noon of day and drawn Legal papers carefully accurately hut day, iulrdut of 1 i court house In Junction and surveys promptly executed. Pint's County, Utah, I will in otfedienee to said order of sale and decree of foreclosure, sell tho above described property or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plalutiff s judgement with Interest thereon and costs, to the Arkansas Democrat: We picked up highest and best bidder for cash, lawful money of the United States. JAMES STOCKS, Winchester rifle the other day aDd 1st Pub Feb 6th, sheriff! Piute Co started dow n the street intending to Ajtf? j deliver it to its owner, from whom we adina, Fruit and Orna home-grow- n Trees of any kind get them of the il -- b . If you want t - PROFESSIONAL Utah. MIH TSSIEIE BOLITHO & LEWIS 1 Wheriff, G Our Prices are the Lowest Our Goods are the Best Every Stove Warranted. oc- Kino. Ftrictly Cash. Marysvale HeBer M. Wells James T. Hammond tiovernor, Secretary of State, Steel Ketosene Oil. Whole sale Dealer Only! Inform Yukon, the Klondyke and Alaskan gold fields. Bend 30c, for large Cora- - OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I Inland Salt, Heating Steves. on rates and 25 per cent additional. Local notices 10c per line brevier type (seven words to line). Twelve lines of this (nonpareil) type to an inch. pedal rates on application, ibituai ies charged for same as local notices. tnneuncements of marriages, births aud Asatlis published free. Frank IJ.kl Wm. to Congress, Sulphir. Stovs, - OF TIME. LENGTH Representative Cook It is surprising Everyone desires to keep ADVERTISING RATES. United States Senators Steel Ranges, '96 18 Staple Groceries Miners Surplie Kails. Iren. And Grain-Flou- r, how spry Mr. Jpsob Haws is iu his old age and how lively he gets around, especially when there at Marvsvale, Utah Is a wild steer after him. matter. May 20th, second-clas- s 00 00 50 GEORGE S. SMITH. Utah. PAGE. taw T. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Christopher Cakr: You are hereby notified that we have expended three hundred and sixty ($360 dollars iu iab.r aud improvements upon the Side Wijer lod mining claim, situate in Ohio Mining District, Piute County, Utah, MINERS HOME. t': One hundred $100) dollar during and for the year 185, on'e hundred ($100) dollars during and for tiie year 1806, aud one hundred ($100) dollars during aud for the year 1897, as and the annual labor aud aesesemeDl Work re. quired by law for shid three yeara respectively to hold said premises under aud pursuant to the provisions of section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United Stales. Thirty-fiv- e ($35) EVERYTHING NEAT AND GLEAN, fr for surveying, twenty ($20) dollars Hi A Ootnfori nllo Piano t.O Stay, &T&.B1A9 for UTAH, Land Office work, and five ($5.00) MARYSVALE, dollars for conflict. That this notice shall be published for ninety (90) days days. That if you fail 6r refiW for the period of ninety (90) days, after the complete publication of this notice lo coutribute your proportion of such in said expenditure as a The sum of e'aim. mining Ores carefully assayed. A II samples will receive prompt and careful tot twenty-fiv($25) dollars for each year, or the sum of seventy five ($75) dol- tentioD. Charges reasonable and all work guaranteed. lars f r assessment work aud fifteen ($15 ) dollars for other expeuses, making the total sum of ninety ($90) dollars, your interest iu said claim will be forfeited to aud become the property of the undersigued by vil lus of er the terms of said section GEORGE T. HENRY. ASSAY OFFICE. co-ow- to-wi-t: e SURVEYOR FOR PIUTE COUNTY, ilfiry(svfily and-uiid- 2324. OT-G0 Wanied-AiMi- tea Protect joir 7vv il fie', u k Us? ot two en r tvi' 0.1 tl t,mj ,'PiwiOt otojhcLttd Ljai rfutf 0.. . . tMu to patent? It fcl.1 w&j. t'L .UCV'. TJtali, Subscribe lor Elias Morris, Agent for owners with 1st pub. Jan. 22. you in said tilairfi. - Salt Lake. in cdiiitECTioiJ PIUSKE KCQXTlIBIg f Per year S31, |