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Show r 1 -- - - The Piute Pioneer. SATURDAY, FEB. 4th, 1898. . STATE SCISSORINGS Mining Application No. 2628. ' Land Office ' The internal revenue office appears to be on a paying basis. The reqeipts for the last fiscal year were 1150,000,000 Newsy Notes Extracted from Exchanges. Brigham Bugler: Dont call it round daucing. that an appellation; call it the nug twirl. In the common schools oi the UnitThe United States leads the list qf ed States are enrolled about 14,000,000 gold producing countries in the world. pupils. These pupils are taught by Last year she produced , $65,500,000 400,000 teachers. They assemble iq while Africa produced $53,000,000; and uo less than 230,000 school houses Australia $51,000,000. through the school year. fxpeusts Is too dignified $3,848,469 . A school boy was asked tp explain the formation of dew. His answer y was: "The earth revolves on its twenty-fqu- r hours and in consequence of the tremendous pace at which It (ravels, it perspires freely, This is how a shoe man starts an advertisment: How much 3 man is like his shoesl For instance, both a sole may lose; both h$ve been tanned; Mr. Gladstone has made many a both are (hade tight by cobblers; both worthy aud memorable declaration, get left and right; both need a mate but rarely haa he borne a more tell-in-g to be complete, and both are made to testimony than wnenhe recently go on feet. Uttered in a phonograph the followIf the young men wish to fcpqw ing sentence to be repeated fifty years which of the girls have holes in their hence, in connection with the utter- stockings, all they have to do' is to ance of fifty of the leadiug men of beep their eyes open, according to an I owe my own life and exchange, which sayatbat a girl who England: vigor through a loug aud busy life, to giggles in , churoh is almost sure to tiie Sabbath day, with its blessed sur- have holes in her stockings, for she (s cease of toil, not worth a darn. 8alina Press: Over at Gunnison The Troy Press tells this story: A the hena hare quit laying. Their hyJefferson county man who owned a drants seem to be frozen up. The small country newspaper made up his poor creatures appear to be full of mind that he was entitled to a vaca- egfcz, but they go about aimlessly and tion, and having Aged upon the place act sick. When the weather moderto put in tne time, wrote to the presi- ates eggs are going to take a tumble dent of the railroad. for a pass. In In Gunnison. recommendation of his paper he said; A Georgia youth who wanted Christ "My paper has a wide circulation; mas money wrote home as follows U goes everywhere; in , fact I have Father, if you says an exchange: hard work to keep it from going to dont sendtae a check for $50 Ill jump He got the pass. h 1! He overboard and drown myself. presently received the following reply: John, pull of! your clothes before A Tennessee editor speaks for other you jump, your mother can cut em communities than his own when be to fit Jimmy. down e W our and rot timber let says: buy feucing. We throw away our ashes The Apostolio Guide says that and grease and buy soap; we raise there is nothing in the world that hudogs and buy hogs; we raise weeds man beings undertake to do that oan aud buy vegetables; wa build how so small a percentage 'of total and send our childreu off to be failure as marriage, for the 329,000 educated; we catch 5 cent fish with a divorces granted iu the United States $4 rod, and, lastly, we send our boys during the last twenjr years are only out with a $40 gun and a $10 dog to I percent, of the marriages during the hunt 10 cent birds. same time. Salina Press: P. D. Schoeber writes As most of the readers of the Pio- us that be continually receives letters neer either wear diamonds or expeot from parties who want hint to give tointbevery near future that is, them the dimensions of the reservoir when they sell some of their mining on Otter creek. He asks us to pub.property we will tell them so they lish these figures: Total length, six need not be deceived that there is an miles; average width, 3,000 feet; avereasy, simple way to tell if a d'amond age depth, 18$i feet; capacity, 4 ,070 is geuuiue. Make a small dot on a (41,070 aores can be coyere piece of paper with a lead pencd, and 1 foot deep with water); circumference, look at it through the diamond, fit 16 miles; height of water at dam, 35 shows but a single dot the diamond is feet above bank at Otter creek. genuine. If it shows more than oue, Wasatch Waye: Printing offlice or, the mark appears scattered, it la Is most peculiar. The editor language ''false, uo matter what it cost. said to the foreman: Biliyj pul George Washington on the galley aud Isaao Truin-b- o finish the murder you commenced Ogden Commonwealth: Her(sometimes as a seeming butlesque yesterday, Bet up the ruins of Lock and cules small distribute pox. called "Colonel Trumbo) has instituted criminal libel proceedings again- up JeffDavis; slide Ben Butler in t he st some San Francisco editors for hell box and leave the pi alone until their having said that Mrs. Trumbo after dinner. Put the ladies form to had sued him for divorce on the press, and tell the devil to work on Deaeon Foggs article of eternal punground of cruel treatment. Trumbo has managed to keep himself a good ishment. deal before the public generally in It is said that young man who some speclatular way and oq a very thought he was old euough to have a small capital. He really thought girl, called on a young lady a few once that he could get to the Uuited nights siuce. Thegiris mother quietStates Senate from Utah, but the ly left the room aud iu a few moments Joke was too huge for serious consid- returned with a big piece of bread and eration. No doubt he will bub up molasses, which she handed to the agam sometime, but pyrotechnics caller, telling him to eat it and run will not win him success. home, as his mother might be uneasy if he should stay out late. Register. IX THE SHALL TOWN. An English statistician haB figured out that in year 2301 there will be no further pae for inganp asylums bp. pause tli ere will be no sane persons irft to lock up the crazy ones. He takes the average increase of insanity e during the pst forty years ap basis of his calculator). te school-hous- merchant admits that he does not know it ail and gets newspapers from the various cities, And knows the doings of the successful people. He has a certain hour in the day or week to read the trade Journals and advertisingjournals. He tnakes notes of the schemes, he pioflts by the experience of others. You make a mistake when you think your town is an exception, that it is too Small, People are looking for the best of it in everything, from "soup to nuts. The merchant makes a mistake when be does not invest in catchy cuts, borders or illuBtratious nr does not watch the doings and local hits and take advantage of every happening. I do not care where you live, how much business you do; there Is not a merchant living who Cannot improve his business if he will only sit down for half an hour some day and think think real hard; investigate the methods of some of our prosperous merchants. A dealer in a town of a thousand, two, three or wide-awa- ke axe-ever- - es - The Davis, Ideas, 4 Salt Lake City, iNoy, 15,1897. Utah. V Hichfield,Utah, FURNITURE- - We still have too large a stock of winter goods on baud. Qur store is too crowded aud we must make room for spring goods; hence we are compelled to make great sacrifices in all our departments. You will find .eye.rythjug . awey below par. MOffEYTO LOAN At per cent in any hun-diedt- hs This is simply one item to show you how we are slashing; no need of shivering ui in the eoid when yon paq buy a amounts on Town and Country' property.; . For $3.50 SuchasYotf Have to Pay $7.50 For . MOSELY, Mass Agents for White geviring M. & S. KROTKL J Deseret Attorney for Claimant. - ninety (90) days after the complete publication ofthis notice to contribo'e of such expenditure as a iu i; said mining claims 1 William Tayior Deuuis, The sum ( Deceased. of one hundred ($10) dollars for on Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her residence In Bullion year upon each claim, or the totd Precinct, Piute Co., Utah, ou or before tin! 23rd sum of four hundred ($400) and cost of advertising your interest in sad Ann Adelaide Deiuds, day of Hay, 1398. Executrix. C. w. Jones, claims will be forfeited to uid become 1st Pub. Jau. 22, 98 Attorney. the property of the undersigned hv virtue of and under the terms of said No. 372. 2324. section NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Frauk Wfignt & Joseph Brnithwaite, U. 8. Land Office. Salt Lake City, Utah. ' with you said claims, ( January 10. 1898, 1st Pub, Jau. 2, 1898. Notice Is hereby given (hat tire following-name- Notice No. 2600. , r ews d settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of liis claim aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wayne Comity, Utah, at Loa, Utah, on Feb. 21 JyB",'lde,r Junction hotel viz: George A. Chappell for the 8)4 8W! vra SE qr Sec 9 Tp 28 S R 3 E No. 3572. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter Christensen, William I. Callahan, SidneyCmins, of Lyman, Utah, Charles A. Brown of Loa, Utah. 1898, Good meals good beds and a warm welcome. . i - REPORT (f lb, estimated wt). 7 Hogs ( lb, estimated weight).... Sheep ($1 head) $2 50 '& Provisions - Butter (ranch) (creamery)....,.....,,,.,. ($ dozen) Eggs Bacon ( Flour ($ lb) 100 lbs) to-w- n: - aud for the year 1897, animal labor and Hs and for the Stat. 3 5K 3542. To Christopher ('a ur: You are hereby notified that w have expended three huudred aj.ii sixty ($360 dollars iq ah..r and upon the Side Wiptiriod mining claim, situate in Ohio Mining District, Piute County, Utah, One huudred ($100) dollars during amt for the year 1895, one hundred ($10u) dollars during and for tile year 1896, aud one hundred ($100) doilurs during of We give below the local (Marysvale) prices current, based .upon, information courteously furnished at the Close of the week by our local merchants and dealers. - The quotations are for 1 cash : 1 $0.85 Oats($ 100 5s).....J..,.,, Wheat (V bushel).... 80 Live Stock Beef cattle istpuii.jan.22. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. assessment work re, ( U. 8. Land Offiee, , 1 8 Salt Lake City. Utah. quired by law for said Jfere year v'rv I 8 Nov. 24, 1897. . speclively to bold said premises uudi t Notice is hereby given that the followlng-naXhe provisions ed settler has filed notice of his iptention to make and. pursuant to final firoof iu support of his claim, aud that said section 2324 of thefeevised Statutes of proof will be made before the County Clerk of the Uuited Tnirty-fiv- e ($35) Wayne County, Utah, at Loa, Utah, on January, for surveying, twenty ($20) dollars for 15, 1898, viz; Peter Mortenson for the SV4 SWJ4 NW!4SWH Sec 2; NE)4 SK!4 Sec 3 Tp 30 S R 5 E Laud Office work, and five ($5.00) He names the following witnesses to prove his dollars for conflicts That this uotict) continuous residence upon, and cultivation of shall be published for ninety (90) days said land, viz: William Meeks, William E. days. : That if you fail or refuse for Stringham ofThurber, Utah. Thomas Atwood, the period of niuety (90) days, after Jacob S. Bastiau.otLoa, Utah. ' M. W. Mansfield,' H. N. McGREW, the complete publication ofthis notice " ; MARKET, H. N.McGREW, Register. .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i. 4 - Nu. , 1 , t Janeiion, a a a - Utah. MARYSVALE , M. W. Mansfield, Atty for Claimant. GHARlisHAxisPEOP - er to-w- -- 1897. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. U. 8. Land Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District court of the Sixth Judicial District, County of Piute, State ot Utah. . (In the matter of the estate of Publishing Co -- , 1st publication November 20th, " ( Elsewhere one-four- th experience, aud that the world should thereof. be turned upside down to accept some The general direction of the Montreal miBe is from the discovery point thereof S 9 deg. of his untried theories. If you can lode 16 min. E 125. 7 feet to point on southerly end avoid being a crank youd better do it. hne thereof and from said discovery N 24 deg. 16 You cant succeed as a crank at any- mm. W 1243.9 feet to point oh northerly end lin thing. THE WONDER!! Notice is hereby given that Toam Fer gusson and Jjunean J. Frew, whose postoffloe address is Marysvale, Piute Coqnty, ljJtab, auj T. F. Gillan, whose poet-offladdress is Richfield, Sevier County, Utah, have made application for a patent or 1500 linear feqt of the Qqt pf Sight Lode hearing Gold and other precious metals, situate in Ohio Mining District, Piute County, Utah and described in the official plat and field notes on file in fei$ office, as follows, viz: Variation 16 deg 25,min E. Beginning at Corner No. 1, a corner of the claim. Thence N. 48 deg 17 min E. fifteen hundred to Corner No. 2. Thence S. 83 deg 02 min E. 600 feet to Corner No. 3 Thence 8. 48 deg 17 min W. 1500 feet to Corner No. 4,. Thenoe N. 3(1 deg g G min W. 600 feet to Corue? MmL the of place beginning containlngTotal area of twenty and forty-tw- o ene acres hereby applied for, no . ' conflicts. ' From Corner No. l of said Lode U. OOQ NT V AND MUNICIPAL BONDS BOUGHT. 8, M. M. No. 1 bears N. 25 deg 07 min W. 5287 feet distant and from the snme jEnclose Stamp for. Prompt Reply . BANKING HOUSE OF Corner the Stc'ion Corner C. J. on Booth Side of Section 32 Tp 2$ S R 14 Exchange Place, 4 W. 8. L. M. Utah bears N 21 08 deg min. W. 6173 feetdistant. ; f g Boston, Said Lode runs N. 48 deg 1? min E 490 feet and 8. 48 deg 17 min W. 101(7 feet from the Discovery and forming a portion of the Unsurveyed Township 28 8. ol Range 4 W. of fie Salt Lake Meridian. The location of this mine Is recorded in the County Recorders A FINE ASSORTMENT office of Piute County, Utah, on page FOR 394 of Boob C and Amended notice Missionaries, on page 117 Book 10 at Juneiiou, Piute Co. Utah. Adjoining daimphfc are Students, none as shown upon the plat. All persons holding adverse claims thereSunday School to are required to present the same before this office within sixty days Teachers. from the first day of publication hereof in the Piute Pioneer at Marys. FOR SALE BY THE vale, Utah, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute N BYRON GROO, ' . T. C. Register. Bailey, Salt Lake City, Utah, cr September 28,1897. Notice is hereby given that the Montreal Min ing and Smelting Company by A. L. Ketnpland its Attorney in fact has made application for a United States Patent for the Sarault lode, Mon treat nine, Niagara Fall mine, Boom mining claim, and Consolidated qilmngclaim, lode situate In Rocky Mining District, Beaver County Utah, consisting of 1175.8 uWsJeetofthe Sarault lode, 1243.9 feet of thy 1473.2 pf the Niagara the Boom Mining Claim (ode and 800 feet or the Consolidated Mining Claim lode and surface ground respectively as shown on the official plat herewith' M S No. 3446 and described In the held notes and plat of the official survey on file, in acre-fee- t, this office, with magnetic variation at 15 degrees , 49 minutes east, as follows:, ,t Commencing Corner No. 1 of the Sarault lode from whioh U. S. M. M. No. 1 bears N 33 deg. 15 min. W 1195.9 feet distant and from which the discovery point of said sarault lode bears,N 33 deg. 49 min. E 1396.8 feet distant; thence N 24 deg. 04 min. E 1370 feet to corner No. 2 of said Sarault lode. Thence N 12 deg. 23 min. W lllr.3 feet to corner No. 3 of said Sarault lode which Is con mon and identical with corner No. 2 of tb Montreal Mine lode; thence from said common corner N 27 deg. 30 min. W 1275.9 feet to copier No. 3 of said Montreal Mine lode which la common and identical with corner No. 1 of the Niagara Fall mine lode and fiom which common, and identical comer V. S. M. M. No. 1 bears S d eg. 64 min. W 2408 feet distant; thence N 65 eg. 56 min. W 600 feet to corner No. 2 of said Niagara Fall mine lode common .and identical with corner No. 1 of the Boom mining claim lode and from which common and identical corner U. S. M. M. No. X bears S 3 deg. 24 min. E 2718 6 feet distant; thence N 30 deg. 56 min. W 732.4 feet to corner No. 2 of said Boom mining claim ode; thence S 24 deg. 04 min. W 420 feet to or ner No. 3 of said Boom lrde; thence S 84 deg. C4 min. W 1083.5 feet to corner No, 4 of said Boom lode which is common and identical with corner No. 2 of the Consolidated mining claim Jode: thence 8 84 deg. 4 min, W 800 feet to corner No. 3 of said Consolidated mining claim lode; thence 830 deg. 56 min. K 662 feet to corner No. 4 ot Love-lau- d said consolidated mining claim lode; thence N 84 deg. 04 min. E 650.1 feet to corner No. 4 of the Niagra Fall mine lode; thence S 65 deg. 56 min. K 1200 feet to corner no. 5 of said Niagra Fall No successful niau is a crauk. Look mine lode; thence N 84 deg. 04 min. E 607.2 leet said Niagra Fall mine over the cranks of your.aequaintanee, feet to corner No. 6 of and Identical with corner lode which Is commop be will says a western writer, and you no. 4 of the Montreal claim; thence S24 deg. 21 surprised to notice that uotoueof them min. E 938 feet to corner No. 5 of the Montreal does auythiug well. They are not mine lode; thence S 9 deg. 16 min, E 542 feet to orner No. 4 of tne Saiault lode common and promiueut eitizeus; they are not prom-iue- nl identical with corner No. 1 of said Montreal socially; they do nothing for the claim and from which common corner U. S. M . general good. A crank who is a law- M. No. 1 bears S 52 deg. 22 min. W 730.3 feet disS 9 deg. 16 min. E 250 feet to comer yer is D't a good lawyer;J a crank, is tant; thence Sarault lode; thence S 1 deg. 46 No, 6of said usually a crank because he is a failure. min. E 1200 feet to place of beginning. orAfx.. MU4.u,..a..Dg that he lack The presumed general direction of the Sarault dinary common seuse a crank pretends lode is from the discovery thereof S 9 deg. 16 that he knows,.everythiug and .that mlu. E to a point 150 feet distant; thence 8 ldeg 46 min. E 600 feet to a point on thesouthe rjy en other people.do; not .know anything; line thereof and from discovery N 9deg. 16 min that society has learned nothing from W 575.8 feet to a point on noiuierly end line BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, five thousand population makes a big Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands mistake if he thinks he is already Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erupdoing all the business that can be tions, and positively cures Piles, or no done toere. Human nature is the pay required. It is guaranteed to same all over and, with proper judg- give perfect satisfaction or mono y Price 25cts per box. Fo ment, city methods can be profitably employed right where you are. Satu sals by Ohas. Reinheimer. in te for herewith, there beipg tjq conflicts. All o said lode mining claims composing said Con mi dated claim beibg of record lutlie office of Hie County Recorder, Beaver County,8tate of Utah, to wit:- The Sarault lode In Book D, No. 2 of Notices Rage 353. The Montreal mine lode in Bqok 1). ' No. 2 of Notices, rage 373. The Niagra fall mine lode in book "D No. i of Notices, Rage 354. The Boom minlugelaim lode in Book D No. 2 ot Notices on Page 355, and the Consoli. pealeru ju Dry Goods, Notious, Millinery, Clothing, Gents dated mine lode in Book ,4D No. 2 of Notices, . Furnishiugsaud 358. ' Page j The nearest known locations are Jttyo Amelia, LotNo. 38 and the Summit mine M S. No. 3080. I direct that this notice be published in the. Piute Pioneer at Marysvale, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the peiiod of ten weeks. It is a wedi known fact to oil who are trading with ns that we sell everyE. D K. Thompson, . BYRON GROO, Claimant's Attorney. Register. thing In our lines cheaper than any other house in Utah. Our aim is to save First Publication October 2nd. you mauey and you will find u- - always living up to every promise we tqak?; ( - 20 26 20 Atty for claimant. First publication November 27th, 10' Register. to 8549. FOlt PUBLICATION. $2 50 contribute your proportion of such in said expenditure as a The sum of mining c'niiii l; ($25)dollars for each yeur, NOTICE , or the sum ot seventy five ($75) dow t Lake Utah, Salt City Land Officjd at Nuvembu jo,1897. I lars for assessment work anil fifteen ($15.) doilurs for oilier expenses, makis following-namesettler lias filed ing the total sura of ninety ($90) dolnotice of his Intention to make flpal proof in in interest lars, said .claim will your support of his clainl, and that said proof will ba be forfeited to and become the propmade before the County Clerk of Wayne County erty of the undersigned by virtue of Utah, at Loa, Utan, January 15,1898, viz: 'Wiland uuder the terms of said section liam E. Stringham H js 9447 for the 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE d Sec 21 NEK NEK Sec 20 SE qr SE qr WJ4 nW Sec 17 ip 28S RaE. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon, and cultivation Ezra N. Bullard J . of, said land, viz : James Brinkerhoff of Thurber, Utah. John H Jackson, homas H, juke mi n of Lyman, Utah H. N. Me U row, M. W, Manstif Id, Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communica ttons strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents . oV agency for securing patents, . j taken through Munn A Co. recelre special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. Attorney. A handsomely lllnatrated weekly. Lamest circulation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year ; four months, $1. Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & QO.SBIBroidwiy, New York Branch Office, 625 F St, Washington, D. C. e hereby given Notice Trade Marks twenty-fiv- Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIOnT" 2324. Elias Morris, Agent (hr owners with you in suid claim. 1st pub. Jan. 22 takes, troubles and ludicrous exhibitions at times, the country editor is an honest, painstaking citizen, one of the most potent faotors in the higher civilization of the age. , No. 3560. 1 U- - 8- - Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. December 24, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of nis intention to make final proof in support of Ills claim, aud that said proof will be made before the count) Clerk of Piute County at Junction, Utah, ou Feb. 7, 1898, viz: Alexander Morrill, U E No. 987n, for the SE qr NE qr & Lot t Sec. 4Tp 30 S R 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Chnrlcs E. Harris, Jesse O. Harr2s, Lyman L. Johnson, E. W. Price, of H.N. McGrew, Junction, Utah. First Pub. Jan. 1st. Register. ( GGS vom JIOKKYS WORTHl SALT LAKE HERALD J DAILY $10.00 per limum. 15c. per month. Only $L per year, or 75o. for $ months. Subscribe through local afeni or send direct toIS HERALD OO., Bait Lake City. Utah. - Y 4 4 4 Best. Briunteat SUfieat. t rn NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To George Hall: You are hereby notified that we NO TICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. 3o43 have expended one hundred (100) dollars in labor and improvements upou (November 24, 189?. the loilowing-name- d Notice Is hereby given that the following-namemining claims: filed notice of intention to make Sunshine, Sunrise, Sunset and Lone 3etelciiu8 : thereof. final piouf iu support of bis claim aud that said Star mining claims, situate in Ohio The general direction of the Niagra Fall mine proof will b8 made before the County Clerk ot ode is irom a point on the westerly end line Mining District, Piute County, Utah, VVajneto., Utah, at Loa, Utah, on Jau. 15, 1S98 thereof N 84 deg. 4 min. E 150 feet to the tiiscov viz: One- huudred ($100) dollars Wil.iam S. Wood for the W54 NW)4 See. cry point thereof ; thence N 84 deg. 4 min. E to a and Ett NE!4 Sec 2 on each of the above mining claims 28 S R 2 E. Tp point 803.fc feet distant; thence N24deg. Oi minis 11 r names the following witnesses to prove his during and for the year 1897, as and 690 feet to a point on the eaMei ly end line continuous residence upon, and cultivation of for the aunual labor aud assessment tuereof, said land, viz: Willis E. Robison, John T. The general direction of the Consolidated min Chailes A. ferown, Walter H Jeffery, of work required by law for one year to ing claim lode Is from a point iu the center ol Loa, Utah. . hold said premises uuder and pursuH. N. McGREW, the easterly end line thereof S 84 deg. 04 min. W R egister. ant to the First Pub. Nov. 27th. 300 feet to the discovery thereof; thence S84 deg. provisions of sectipn 2324 of 04 min. W 500 feet to a the Revised Statutes of the United end point on the westerly ' line thereof. Slates. That this notice shall he IgtUPORT Said Consolidated Claim contains a total area ni- - etv publi-he- d That (90) dnys of 160 acres, all of which Is claimed and applied if you fail oi refuse for the period of ( ( Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. d it: Time Table 2To..31 (In effect November sail Lake No 30 1, 1897.) ami all inter- City mediate points, . - - . . Arrives at Belknap from Tnis-tl- e and intermediate points on MomU)s, and Fridays, Wednesdays BelKiiap, for Tliis'le and Intermediate points, on , Thursdays aud (Saturdays, - - The R. G. W. is the short line from teru Utah to Salt Lake City aud Two trains daily from Salt Lake City So lues-days- -- 10 enver Omaha, Ch o U,e UulUjl1 &tat imd Euiope PartS Belknap.163 inormation etc., apply s.H. Babcock, Traffic Manager. F. A. Waulmqh, General Fasseng Laz-cub- jja youb: I fr SUBSCRIBE POE Xlie Pl03i IJL U, |