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Show The Piute Pioneer. . STATE SCISSORINGS Mining Application No. ( 4 SATURDAY, FEB. 4th, Newsy Notes Extracted 1898. The internal revenue oflloe appears to be on a paying basis. The receipts for the last fiscal year were $150,000,000 expeuscs $3, 848, 409 . from Exchanges. Brigham Bugler: Dont call It round dancing. that Is too dignified an appellation; call it the "bug twirl. In the common schools of the UnitThe United Stptes leads the list of ed States are enrolled about 14,000,000 gold producing countries in the world. pupils. These pupils are taught by Lust year she produced ,$65,500,000 400,000 teachers. They assemble in while Africa produced $.38,QOO,OOQ and no less than 230,000 school houses Australia $51,000,000. through the school year. Salt Lake! tty, Utah. Noy, 15 f for herewith, there belpg no conflicts. AD o said lode mining claims composing said Con mi dated claim being of record iutite office of the County Recorder, Beaver County .State of Utah, 2628. Land Office 19$7 Notice Is hereby given that Tom Fer towit:- ' The Sarault lode In Book D. No. 2 of Notices gusson and Duncan J. Frew, whose postofilce address Is Marysvale, Piute Page 353. The Montreal mine lode in Bok i. 2 of Notions, Page 373. The Niagra fall County, ytab, aud T. F. Gillan, whose No, mine lode In Book D No. of Notices, Page e address is Richfield, Sevier 354. The Boom mining claim lode In Book D County, Utah, have made application No. 2 of Notices on Page 355, and the Consolifor a patent for 1500 linear feet of the dated mine lode In Book D No. 2 of Notices, Out of Sight Lode bearing Gold and j Page 358. Amelia, other preclogs metals, situate In Ohio The nearest known locations are jtbo LotNo.38andthe8ummltmiuo3i. s! No. 3080. Piute Utah District, Mining County, I direct that this notice be published In the and described in the official plat aud Piute Pioneeb at Marysvale, Utah, the newsfield notes on file In thU office, as fol- paper published nearest the said mining claim, pel iod of tcu weeks. lows, viz: Variation 16 deg 25 min E. forE.the D K. Thompson, BYhON GROO, Beginning at Corner No. 1, a corner Claimant's Attorney. Register. of the claim. Thence N. 48 deg 17 min First Publication October 2nd. E. fifteen hundred to Corner No. 2. Thence 8. 83 deg 02 min E. 600 feet to Corner No. 3 Thence 8. 48 deg 17 min W. 1500 feet to Corner No. 4. Thenoe N. 83 deg G min W. 600 feet to tornef No. 1. the of place beginning contaiulngatotal area of twenty and forty-twone acres hereby applied for, no axe-ever- Richfield, Utah. poet-offlo- . A school boy was asked to txplain the formation of dew. His answer y The earth revolves on its was: hours and In contwenty-fou- r sequence of the tremendous pace at which It travels, it perspires freely This Is how a shoe man starts an advertisment: How much s man Is like his shoesl For Instance, both a sole may lose; both hfve been tanned; Mr. Gladstone has made many a both are (Rade tight by cobblers; both conflicts. need a mate From Corner No. 1 of said Lode U. worthy and memorable declaration, get left and right; both are made to 8, M. M. No. 1 bears N. 25 deg 07 min OOUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BONOS BOUGHT. both to and be complete, but rarely has he borne a more tellW. 5287 feet distant and from the midi Enclose Stamp for Prompt Reply. ing testimony than wDenhe recently go on feet. -Corner the Uttered In a phonograph the follow8 eUon Corner BANKING HOUSE OF If the young men wish to po,w C. J. MOSELY, ing sentence to be repeated fifty years which of the girls have holes In their on Booth Bide of Section 32 Tp 27 8 R 14 Exchange Place, hence, In counectlou With the utter- stockings, all they have to do is to 4 W. 8. L. M. Utah bears N 21 deg 08 ance of fifty of the leading men of keep thdr eyes open, according to an min. W. 6175 feet distant. $952 Boston, Bald Lode runs N. 48 deg 1? min E I owe my own life and exchange, which says that a girl who England: vigor through a long and busy life, to giggles in church Is almost sure to 490 feet and 8. 48 deg 17 min W. 1010 the Babbalh day, with Its blessed sur- have holes in her stockings, for ehe (a feet from the Discovery and forming a cease of toil portion of the Unsurveyed Township not worth a darn, 28 8. ol Range 4 W. of tjie Balt Lake Batina Press: Over at Gunnison Meridian, The location of this mine The Troy Tress tells this story: A the hens have quit laying. Their hy- Is recorded in the A FINE ASSORTMENT County Recorders Jefferson oounty man who owned a drants seem to be lrozen up. The office of Piute County, Utah, ou page FOR small oountry newspaper made up his poor creatures appear to be full of 894 of Book "C and Amended notice mind that he was entitled to a vaca- ege, but they go about aimlessly and on Missionaries, page 117 Book 10 at Juuctiou, Piute tion, aud having Aged upon the place act sick. When the weather moder- Co. Utah. Adjoining claimpulft are to put in tne time, wrote to the presi- ates eggs are going to take a tumble none as shown Students, upon the plat. All dent of the railroad. for a pass. In in Gunnison. persons holding adverse claims there recommendation of his paper he said; Sunday School A Georgia youth who wanted Christ to are required to present the same a has wide "My paper circulation; mas money wrote home as follows before this office within sixty days Teachers. It goes every where; In fact I have an exchange: "Father, if you from the first day of publication heresays hard work to keep it from going to dout send me a oheok for $50 Ill jump of in the Piute Pioneer at MarysFOR SALE BY THE h I!" He got the pass. He vale, Utah, or they will be barred by overboard and drown myself. presently received the following reply: virtue of the provisions of the statute BYRON GROO, Joint, pull ofi your clothes before A Tennessee editor speaks for other T. C. Bailey, Register. communities then his own when be you Jump, your mother can cut em We let our timber rot and buy dowu to fit Jimmy. Attorney for Claimant. says: 1st publication November 20th, 1897. fencing. We throw away our ashes The Apostollo Guide saye that and grease aud buy soap; we raise there Is nothing in the world that huNotloe No. 2600. dogs and buy hogs; we raise weeds man beings undertake to do that can aud buy vegetables; wi build show ao small a percentage of total APPLICATION FOR PATENT. and send our chlldreu oil' to be failure as marriage, for the 829,000 I U. 8. Land Office. Salt Lake city, Utah. educated; we catch 5 cent fish with e divorces granted lu the United States ( September 28.18ST. $4 rod, aud, lastly, we send our boys during the last tweny years are only Notice is hereby given that the Montreal Min out with a $40 gun aud a $10 dog to I percent, of the marriages during the ing and Smelting Company by A. L. Kempland Its Attorney in fact has made application for a hunt 10 cent birds. same time. United States Patent for the Harault lode, Mon An English statistician has figured out that in the year 2301 there will be no further use for ipgaua asylums be. pause there will be no sane persons left to lock up the crazy onou lie tabes the average Increase of Insanity during tne pptat forty years as (1(6 basis of his calculation. THE WONDER!! MONET TO LOAN At pci cent in any o one-four- bun-diedt- hs amounts on Town and Country property; Dealers in Dry It is a wedl known fact to oil who are trading with us that we sell everything in our lines cheaper than any other house in Utah. Our aiuj is to save you money aud you will find u always living up to every promise we make. We still have too large a stock of winter goods on baud. Our store is ton crowded aud we must make room for spring goods; hence we are compelled tq make great sacrifices iu ail our department. You will find .everything reduced away below par. This Is simply one Lem to show you how we are slashing: no need of shivering vout in the eoid when you cuq buy a . Heavy Wool Cheviot Overcoat tw echool-hous- Junction hotel es Good meals good beds and a warm welcome. As most of the readers of the Pioneer either wear diamonds or expeot to In the very near future that Is, when they sell some of their mining property we will tell them so they need not be deceived that there Is an easy, simple way to tell If a d'amoud is genuine. Make a small dot on a piece of paper with a lead pencil, aud look at It through the diamond. If it shows but a single dot the diamond is genuine. If it shows more than one, or the mark appears scattered. It Is false, no matter what It oust. Ogden Commonwealth: IsuaoTruui-b- o (sometimes as a seeming builesque called Colonel Trurnbo) has instituted criminal libel proceedings against some Bun Francisco editors for their having said that Mrs. Trurnbo had sued him for divorce on the ground of cruel treatment. Trurnbo has managed to keep himself a good deal before the public generally in some spectatular way and on a very small capital, lie really thought once that he could get to the United States Seuate from Utah, but the Joke was too huge for serious consideration. No doubt be will bob up agaiu sometime, but pyrotechulcs will not win him success. IV THE SMALL TOWN. e The merchant admits that hedoes not know it all and gets newspapers from the various cities, aud knows the doings of the successful people. He has a certain hour in the day or week to read the trade Journals aud advertisingjouruals. He makes notes of the schemes, he ptofits by the experience of others. You make a mistake wbeu you think your town is an exception, that it is too small. People are looking for the best of it In everything, from "soup to The merchant makes a misiiuts. take when be does uot invest iu uatchy cuts, borders or illustrations xr does not watch the doings aud local hits aud take advantage of every happening. I do not care where you live, how much business you do; there Is not a mrchaut liviog who cannot improve bis business if be will only sit dow'u for half an hour some day and think think real hard; investigate the methods of some of our prosperous merchants. A dealer In a town of a thousand, two, three or five thousand population makes a big mistake if he thiuks ho is already dolug ail the business that, can be done taere. Human nature is the same all over and, with proper Judgment, city methods cau be profitably employed right where you are. Barn Ideas. Davis, in Sallna Press: P. D. Bohoeber wrltee us that he continually receives letters from parlies who waut him to give them the dimensions of the reservoir on Otter creek. He asks us to publish these figures: Total length, eix miles; average width, 3,000 feet; average depth, 18 feet; capacity, 41,070 acre-fee- t, (41,070 aores can be coyere 1 foot deep with water); circumference, 16 miles; height of water at dam, 35 feet above bauk at Otter creek. Wasatch Wave: Printing o Alice language Is most peculiar. The editor suid to the foremau: Billy, put George Washington on the galley aud fiulsh the murder you commenced yesterday. Bet up the ruins of Hercules and distribute small pox. Lock up Jeff Davi; slide Beu Butler iu t be bell box aud leave the pi alone until after dinuer. Put t lie ladies form to press, aud tell the devil to work on Deacon Foggs article of eternal punishment. It is said that a young man who thought he was old euough to have a girl, called ou a young lady a few nights since. Thegiris inothe: quietly left the room and iu a few moments returned with a big piece of bread and molasses, which site bunded to the caller, telling him to eat it and run home, as his mother might be uneasy if he should stay out late. Love-lau- d Register. wide-awak- te No successful man is a crank. Look over the cranks of your.acquaintance, says a western wriier, aud you will be surprised to notice that not, one of them does auythiug well. They are not promiueut citizens; they are not prom-iuesocially; they do nothing for the general good. A crank who is a lawa good lawyer;J a crank, is yer is a because he is a failure. crauk usually Af jvUivu...A..iig that be lack ordinary commou sense a crank pretends that he knows, every thing and .that other people do) not . know auythiug; that society has learned nothiug from experience, aud that the world should be turned upside dowu to accept some of bis untried ibeorits. If you can avoid beiug a crauk youd better do it. You cant succeed as a crank at any ut n-'- t th'ng, BUCKLEN S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Balt Rbeum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblaius, Corns, and all Bfclu Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money Price 25ets per box. Fo sale by Ohas. Reinheimer. treat mine, Niagara Fall mine, lioom mining claim, and Consolidated mining claim, lodes situate In Rocky Mining District, Beaver County Utah, consisting of 1175.8 linear feet of the lode, 1243.9 feet of th Montreal Mine , lode, 1473.2 pf the Niagara Falfillueloda, 14so the Boom Miulng Claim lode and 800 feet (V the Consolidated Mining Claim lode and surface ground respectively as shown on the official plat herewith M 8 No. 3446 and described In the held notes and plat of the official survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 15 degrees 49 minutes east, as follows:. Commencing Corner No. I of theSarault lode from which U. 8. M. M. No. I bears N 33 deg. 15 mlu. W 1193.9 feet distant and from which tho discovery point of said Sarault lode bears, N 33 deg. 49 min. E 139G.8 feet distant; thence N 24 deg. 04 min. K 1370 feet to corner No. 2 of said Saiault lode. Thence N 12 deg. 23 mtn. W Uli.3 feet to corner No. Sof said Sarault lode which Is con mon and identical with corner No. 2 of tli Montreal Mine lode; thence from said common corner N 27 ilcg. 30 min. W 1275.9 feet to corner No. 3 of said Montreal Mine lode which Is common and identical with corner No. 1 of the Niagara Fall mine lode and fioin which common, and Identical corner I1. 8. 31. M. No. 1 bears 8 d eg. 64 min. W 2496 feet distant; thence N 65 eg. 56 min. V 600 feet to corner No. 2 of said Niagara Fall mine lode common .and identical with corner No. 1 of the Boom mining claim lode and from which common aud identical corner U. S. M. M. No. I bears 8 3 deg. 24 mtn. E 2718.6 feet distant: thence N 30 deg. 66 min. W 732.4 feet to corner No. 2 of said Boom mining claim ode; thence S 24 deg. 04 mtn. W 420 feet to or nor No. 3 of said Boom trde; thence 8 84 deg. 04 min. V 1(183.5 feet to corner No, 4 of said Boom lode which Is commou and Identical with corner No. 2 of the Consolidated mining claim lode thence 8 84 deg. 4 min, W 800 feet to corner No. 3 of said Consolidated ininingclaimlode; thence 30 deg. 56 mtn. E 662 feet to corner No. 4 ot said consolidated mining claim lode; thence N 84 deg. 04 mtn. E 650.1 feet to corner No. 4 of the Niagra Fall mine lode; tlieuce 8 65 deg. 56 min. E 1200 feet to corner no. 5 ot said Niagra Fall miue lode; thence N 84 deg. 01 mtn. E 607.2 feet feet to corner No. 6 of said Niagra Fall mine lode which is common aud identical with corner no. 4 of the Montreal claim; thence 824 deg. 21 mtn. E 933 feet to corner No. 5 of the Montreal mine lode; thence 8 9 deg. 16 min, E 542 feet to orner No. 4 of the Saiault lode coninon and identical with corner No. 1 of said Montreal claim Hint from which commou corner l S. 31 . M. No. 1 bears 8 52 deg. 22 min. W 730.3 feetdis taut; thence 8 9 deg. 16 min. E250 feet to corner No, 5 of said Sarault lode; thence S 1 deg. 46 min. E t2k) feet to place of beginning. The presumed general direction of the Sarault lode ts from the discovery thereof 8 9 deg. 16 udu. E to a point 150 feet disMnt; thence 8 ldeg 46 udu. E 600 feet to a point on the soul lie r(y en line thereof and from discovery N 9d g. 16 min V 575.8 feet to a point ou northerly end liue thereof. The general direction of the 3Iontreal mine lode is from the discovery point thereof S 9 deg. 16 min. E 125.7 feet to point on southerly end line ttiereof and from said discovery N 24 deg. 16 mm. V 1243.9 leet to poiui oh northerly end lm thereof. The general direction of the NtafTra Fall mine ode is Horn a point on the westerly end line thereof N 84 deg. 4 min. E 150 feet to the tliscov ery point thereof ; thence N 84 deg. 4 min. E to a poiut 803.6 feet distant; tlieuce N 24 deg. ol mil. 17 690 feet to a poiui in the end line t nereof. The general direction of the Consolidated min iug claim lode Is from a poiut iu she center of the easterly end liue thereof 8 s4 deg. 04 min. W 300 feet to tile discovery thereof; thence SS4 deg. 04 tnin. V 500 feettoa point outlie wisterly end line thereof. Said Consolidated Claim contains atotal area of 160 acres, all of which Is claimed and applied Bar-au- lt fjM ei.t-nil- GHARLES DALES, PROP a Utah. Junction, V 7 MAftYSVALE MARKET REPORT We give below the local (Marysvale) prices current, based upon information courteously furnished at the close of the week by our local merchants and dealers. The quotations are for : Oats(V 100 lbs).....'. $0.85 Wheat (V bushel) 80 Live Stock Beef cattle (f fb, estimated wt) 533t Hogs ( 1b, estimated weight).... 7Ja Sheep ( head) $950 & - 1 3 Provisions Butter (ranch) (creamery) 20 26 20 10 $2 50 Eggs ( dozen) Bacon ($ lb) Flour ($ 100 lbs) NOTICE TO CREDimiS- - In the District court of the Sixth Judicial District, Couuty of Pluto, State ol Utah. ( In the matter of the estate of William Taylor Denuis, ( Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her residence In Bullion Precinct, Piute Co., Ulalt, ou or before the 23rU Ann Adelaide Dennis, day of May, 1898. C. w. Jones, Executrix. 1st Pub. Jan. 22, 98 Attorney. No. 3? 72. t U. 8. Land Office. Salt Lake City, Utah. ( Notice er to-w- i; section 2324. Frau it Wrignt & Joseph Braithwaile, with you said claims, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. January 10, 1898, is hereby given that the following-name- njnetv (90) days after the complete publication ofthis notice to coutribu'w of such expenditure as a in said mining claims The sum of one hundred ($l0) dollars for one year upon each claim, or the tui sum of four hundred ($400) and coat of ad vertising your interest in sa d claims will be forfeited to uud become the property of the undersigned by virtue of and under the terms of sajq let Pub, Jau. d notice of his intention to make dual proof in support of his claim amt licit said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Wayne Comity, Utah, at Loa, Utah, 011 Feb. 21 settler has 2. t 1393. flle NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Christopher Carr: 1896, viz: George A. L'hapiiell for the S', SW! You are hereby notified that w W4 SE qr See 9 Tp 28 8 R 3 E No. 3572. lie names the lollowing witnesses to have expended three hundred anil prove his continuous residence upon and cultisixty (360 dollars in lnb..r aud imvation of, said land, viz: Peter Christensen, provements upon the Side Wiper halt William I. Callahan, Sidney Coons, of Lyman, miuing claim, situate in Ohio Mining Utah, Charles A. Brown of Loa, Utah. District, Piute County, Utah, H. N.McGREW, One huudred ($100) dollar during am: M. W. Mansfield, Register. fir the year 1895, one hundred ($10o) 1.4 pub, Jan. 22. Atty for Claimant. dollars durlug and for the year 1896. No. 3542. and one huudred ($100) doilurs during aud for the year 1897, as and for the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. annual labor and assessment work re. U. 8. Land Office, ' ( Salt Lake City. Utah. by law for said three years required Nov. 24, 1897. spectively to hold said premises uudi r Notice is hereby given that the following-naed settler has filed notice of itis intention to make and pursuaut to the provisions of final proof in sutport of his claim, aud that said sectiou 2324 of the Revised Statutes of proof will be made before the County Clerk of the Uuited States. Tnirty-flv- e ($35) Wayne County, Utah, at Loa, Utah, on January, for surveying, twenty ($20) dollars f.r 15, 1898, viz; Peter Mortenson for the S',4 8W)4 NWSW! Sec 2; NESEi Scc3Tp30SK5E Laud Office work, and five ($5.00) He names the following witnesses to prove his dollars for couflict. That this uolictj continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot shall be published for ninety (90) days said land, viz: William Meeks, William E. That if you fail or refuse for Stringham ofTlmrber, Utah. Thomas Atwood, days. the of niuety (90) duys. after 8. period Utah. Jacob Bastian.of Loa, M. W. Mansfield, II. N. McUREW, the complete publication of this notice Register. to contribute your Att'y for claimant. proportion of eueh First publication November 27tli, expenditure as a iu said mining o'nim The sum 8549. tw en ty five ($25) dollars for each year, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. or the sum of seventy five ($75) doi-- . i Lakh Citt Utah, t Land Office at Salt lars fir assessment work ana fifteen NovtinbuoO.lS!1?. 'VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ($15.) dollars for other expenses, maksettler has filed ing i he total sum of that the ninety ($90) dolnotice of his intention to make ilpal proof iu lars, your interest iu said claim will ba will said his aud of that proof clainl, support be to-w- n: i ( er l; BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE r 1 0 1 ' cash 5 Agents for White ewing Aftehinc.f M. & S. KROTKL Deseret News -- $3-.- Such as You Have to Pa y $7.50 For Elsewhere AH J Publishing Co For Man's Mass . FURNITURE5- -- rs th Millinery, Clothing, Gents Furnishing aud Goods. Notions, ' it Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain cur opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communio tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. receive iprcioi notice without charge, lu the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest ctr eulation of any scientific journal. Terms, 93 a year; four months, L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & 0Q,381Broadwa)!, New York Branch Office, 623 F BL, Washington, D. C. following-name- forfeited to and become tbe propmade before tbe County Clerk of Wayne County Utah, at Loa, Utau, January 15,1808, viz: W 11. erty of the undersigned by virtue of liant E. Stringham II E9I47 for tbe and under the terms of said sectiou W yt nW Sec 21 NE)i NE!i Sec 20 SE qr SE qr 2324. Sec 17 ip 28 S R s E. He names the following witnesses to prove Ins continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Ezra N. Billiard Ji. James Brinkcrliort of Tlmrlier, Utah. John H Jackson, " homas H, Juki mi n of Lyman, Utah 51. W. Muustli Id, 11. N. Mctlrew, Attorney. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Elias Morris, Agent fbr owners with you In said claim. 1st pub. Jan. 22 takes, troubles and ludicrous exhibitions at times, the country editor is an honest, painstaking citizen, one of tbe most potent factors iu the higher civilization of the age. Xu. 3560. Laud Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. December 24, 1397 . Notice is hereby given that the following-namesettler has filed notice of nis intention to make final proof in simport of ills claim, aud that said proof will be made before the count) Clerk of Piute County at Junction, utalt, ou Feb. 7, 1898, viz: Alexander Morrill, U E Nu. 987n, for the 8E qr NE qr & Lot 1 Sec. 4 Tp 30 S K 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Chnrles E. Harris, Jesse O. Harris, Lyman L. Johnson, E. W. Price, of U.X. McGrew, Junctiou, Utah. First Pub. Jan. 1st. Register. ( U- - 8- - 4 ( d MONK GEV YOLK VS WORTH! SALT LAKE HERALD Bluest. Brtanteat and Beat, k J10. 00 per annum. per month. fEMT.WKFKLT Only $LS per year, or 730. for $ month. Subscribe through local agent or Bend direct tori! .0 HER AUD CO. Salt Lake City. Ctak DAILY 85c. Time Table No. 31 No 5 (lu effect November 1, 1897.) Arrives at Belknap, from Ogden, Salt Lake City ami all intermediate - - Leaves Belknap,points, tor twit Lake City and allOgden, points. - - Arrives at Belknap from This- tie and intermediate points ' Monday, ?' and Fruia.vs, - ednesuavs - Leaves BeiKimp, for Tliis'le and intermediate points, on l ues-dallJ Satur- s 4 65 p in mier-media- te NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. 3543 ( Office, Salt City, Utah. (November 24, lstij. ts Notice hereby given that the following-nameidci lies tiled notice of to make Dual proof iu support of his claim aud tiiat said proof will bs made before the County Clerk of WajnKo., Utah, at Lou, l ull, ou Jan. 75, 1893 viz: Wil.iam 8. Wood for the W4 NWS. Sec. aud Eq N Eq Sec 2 Tp 28 S R 2 E. lie uauies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of said lund.vfz: Willis E. Robison, John T. Chat les A. Brown, Walter H Jeffery, of H. N. McGlIEW, Loa, Utah, R egister. First Pub. Not. 27th. d iuu-utio- Laz-c:th- Givk Ud ycr:s NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. 8 viini So 30 To George Hall: You are hereby notified that wi No 31 P m have expended one hundred (100) dollars iu lubnr ud1 improvements upon ,me fr0" aU the lollowitig-namet mining cUima: 'vMer!' LU n.3 s?t S,ho,r,; City aud all points Sunshine, Sunrise, Sunset and Lone drnn?Irom Sa,H Lake cify and This-Star mining claims, situate iu Ohio tie rJe,lv.e,r ,J"'aiia, Chicago, 81. P the Lu,U;J States, Canada Piute Mining District, County, Utah, wd One huudred ($100) dollars Belknap.16 luIormatin. etc., apply to agent fc.H. Babcock, on each of the above ruining claims Traffic Manager. during and for the year 1S97, as and vadi.ku;h. General Passenger Agent. for the annual labor and assessment work rtquired by law for one year to hold said premises uuder and pursuant to the provisions of section 2324 of the Revised Statutes of the United Slates. That this notice sliail be devs That publi iied f r ety if J 011 iuu or refuse for the period of d South-eas- Kaf to-w- il: SUBSCRIBE -- i (9-t- FOE lie PlO.A KIi I |