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Show i T FT Look out for colds At this season.' Keep Your blood pure and Rich and your system Toned up by taking Hoods Sarsaparilla. Then You will be able to Resist exposure to which A debilitated system Would quickly yield. Tho G reat ItuaffiAn ('anal. The preiit IJussliin canal to connect n the Baltic and Black sens will lie In the aprlug. The minimum waterway is to have a depth of 28 feet 4 inches, a width at the bottom of 110 feet 8 inches and ft width at the top of 210 feet 8 Inches. Its total length is .time 1,000 miles, but only 125 miles H'lll be an artificial channel. The route is from lllg.'i along the Buna ns far as Dunnberg. From that point to Lepel, .m the Beresina, an expensive cut must e made. From the Bcpcl the course of lie Beresina will be utilized as far as ds junction with the linieper, anil then the line will follow the latter stream to Cherson on the Black sou. 1hila-lelphl- a Record. be-uu- GAINED FORTY-EIGH- T POUNDS I bad a strong appetite for liquor which was the beginning of the breaking down of my health. 1 was also n slave to tea aud coffee drinking. I took tlie gold curt but it did not help mo This is a portion of nu interview clipped from the bally Herald, ut Clin t oil, Iowa, it might well be taken for the subject of a temperance lecture but that is not our object in publishing it. It is to show how a um, run down by drink and disease, muy he restored. We ennuot do better than quote further from thosume: Kor years 1 was unable to do my work. 1 could not sleep nights or re-- t lays on account of continuous pains in my stomach and hack. 1 was unable to digest my food. Hen it aches and painful uriuntion were frequent, and my hoait's action became im reused. I lolt my farm and retired to city life, lor 1 was a confirmed invalid, nud the doctor said I would never be Hi ll again. "Boon al'tor hap lamed to use four Stoxes of Ilr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People mid si uce thou have beeu free from all pain, headache and dyspepsia. I eat heartily and have no appelilo for strong drink or tea or colleti, ami feed twenty years younger. I JUy vdyht ha indented 48 pnumlt. cannot suy too much for Dr. Williams Pink Pills and cluirn that they have cured me. John H. Cook. Subscribed and sworn to before me thb sixteenth day of February, lh'Jf. A. I. liutKEK, .Vntary I'ubHe. To people rundown iu health from whatever cause drink or disease the above interview will be of interest. The truth of it is undoulitod as tlio statement is sworn to, aud wo reproduce the oath here. For any lurthor facts concerning tins medicine writs to l)r. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. Tbo name and address of the subject of ntiove interview is Jehu li. Cook, of 208 Mouth 5th Street. Lvou. Iowa. 1 ' 1 OUR BUDGET OF FUN. FOUR DAYS IN NEW YORK. How an Economical Young Girl Saw thi S ht for SZ.SO. Among the delegates to the last Christian Endeavor meeting at Boston waa s young westorn girl who had never beet ablo to afford the advantages of travel But on this occasion, by availing heraell of the excursion rates, she managed tc buy her ticket to Boston and return, with a meager amount left over for board and current expenses. When she arrived In New York on the return trip she had In her pocket, her railroad ticket, the sum of 12.50. Instead of immediately boarding the westbound train as most girls with so small a reserve fund would have done she decided not to 'oso tne opportunity for and resolved that no petty money consideration should Interfere with her plans. She went to the Industrial Home of the Christian Dengue for the Promotion of Social Purity, which Is practically a homelike but cheap boarding house for women, where she was able to hire a clean bed In an airy dormitory for 25 cents a night, and could purchase her meals at prices ranging from 2 cents to 35 cents. By the judicious curtailment of all table luxuries anil by ignoring all means of convey unee except her own two feet she was able to remain In this city four days. During that time she saw everything for which no admittance fee was charged, from the statue of liberty and Brooklyn bridge to the museum of natural history and art, where she took notes. Her money and the four days came to an em. at the same time, and she cheerfully took tho train hound for her home, having, by good managiment and perseverance, gained a more thorough knowledge of New York City than the average tourist with more time and plenty of money. Chicago Record. a NECESSITIES COSTLY IN PARIS. Water tlie Mont Precious and Exclusive Hrlnki Coal Is Very Expensite. "Water Is tho most precious and exclusive drink you can order In Paris," writes Lilian Bell In a letter from the French upital to the January Ladies' Home Journal. Imagine that you who let tho water run to cool It! In Paris they actually puy for water in tlielr houses by the ;uart. Artichokes, and truffles, and mushrooms. and silk stockings, und kid gloves are so cheap here that It makes you blink your eyes. But eggs, and cream, and milk are luxuries. Silks and velvets are bewilderlngly inexpensive. But cotton stuffs are from America, and are extravagances. They make them up Into ciihtuines,' und trim them with velvet ribbon. Never by any chance could you be supposed to send cotton frocks to be washed every week. The luxury of fresh, starched muslin dresses and plenty of shirt waists Is unknown. SOME GOOD JOKES, ORICINAL , AND SELECTED. A Chance for a Touch A Point to hs Considered A Witty Bostonian Hammys Logic Great Elnd Winning HI Good Will. Hosting Easily. Chance for u Touch. vegetable wonders, a Fig, a Peach and Golden Rlnil Watermelon created a tremendous sensation In 1897 and took 1,000 first prizes, selling at 51.00 apiece. His Lightning Cabbage is IS days ahead of other seedsmens earliest, while his Early Peas, Radishes, Tomatoes, Melons, Beets, etc., ripen weeks before their relatives. If Yon Will Send thU Notice end 35 tfc "What is young lllghroller doing since Christmas?" "Peddling sliver match-case- s to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, ids girls gate him. Wls., you will get free their big catalogue (tells all about gardening) and Educate Your Bowel. With Casraret. four vegetable wonders, above cure w.n.g. forever, constipation Cathartic, Candy tlic 25c. UU C. U fall, druggists refund money. "Come around and lot's have a "I can't; 1 have to It docs a man good to be rejected by a gnino of whist. 1 got girl." "Why? "It makes hlin pitch In break tho new casy-cluiand marry a more attractive girl." ir ( 2B ( OLD OR NEW M M RHEUBOT1C PAIRS M N H ST. JACOBS OIL. M Or THE UNITED STATES "Women are smarter than men." Why Did Hopkins get nervous prostration When a widow marto make money?" "No. he got nerries again she generally surplses all her trying vous prostration trying to borrow money. marries friends, hut when a widower xgain all the women who know him say TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. he showed signs of It the day after his Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All was hurled. Druggists refund the money if i t falls to cure. 25o That's a queer style of handwritingyou ISennty, Utility anil Value I didn't adopt it; it have adopted." Are happily combined in Hoods Satvapa-nll1898. The lovely adopted me." Coupon Calendar for in head embossed an child's gold frame, iurrounded by sprays of flowers in mosaic, Star Tobacco is the leading brand of the harmonious pad in blue with clesr fig- the world, because it is the best. ures, und the Coupons by means of which My wife was lost all day yesterday." many valuable books and other articles "Lost? Where? "She went shopping in may be obtained, make up the most de- a big department store and forgot to take The seen. sirable Calender we have ever first coupon article is Hood's Practical .er map." Cook's Book, a handsome, useful volume Beauty I Blood Deep. of 350 pages. Ask your dmggist for Hoods Clean blood means a clean skin. No Coupon Calendar, or send 6 cents in stamps for one to C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell. Mass. beauty without it. Cascnrets.Candy Cathartic e'eans your blood andkeeps it clean, by Traffic on tho railroad between Tienup the lazy liver and driving all ini- tsin and Pekin has Increased so much stirring to from the body. Begin that a double truck must be laid at once. E unties nnisk pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, andthatsickly biliouscomplexionby takingHows This I Cascarets, beauty for ten cents. All We offer One Hundred Dollars reward satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. for any case of Catarrh that cannot be :ured by lialls Catarrh Cure. Say, that luminous paint is great." F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. "What do you use it for? "We paint We, the undersigned, have known F. the baby, so we can give him a drink in f. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe the night without lighting the gas. him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and financially able to carry tut any obligations made by their firm. West A Truax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O. ; Waldtng, Ktnnan & Marvin, r Established 17S0. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. & Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and icting directly upon the blood Testimo-llals surfaces of tlie system. sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold y all druggists. Hall'B Family Pills are the best "I know I am getting old." Why? "My friends have quit asking for my Jo you think so?" SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS M H Five M A Great "Elnd. Have you ever appear'd Manager upon the stage? Fair Applicant "No. What qualifications do Manager you think you possess for a successfu' career before the footlights? Fair Applicant I have just se cured from the secretary of the navj an invitation to christen the next bat tleship; but I am quite certain that hi intends to let some other girl do it. Good! We'll have a p!aj Manager written especially for you. Hammy Loglo. Sammy Snaggs, asked tho teacher "what part of speech Is the wort malediction? "Noun, replied Sammy. What gender? Masculine gender. Indeed? Yesm. If it was feminine it wouli! be femalediction. Pittsburg M of their own country in a practical and lasting manner. Not more than one sent to one address. Write to F. H. LORD, M Central Passenger and Ticket Agent. Chicago Great Western Railway, attack of brain fever. On my recovery, I found nyse'.f pertectly bald and, for a long time, I feared I saould ba permanently so. Friends urged me to use Dr. Ayers Hair Vigor, and, on doing so, my hair immediately began to grow, and 1 now have as heavy and line a head of hair ai one could wish for, being changed, however, from blonde to dark brown. Urs. J. H. Horsnypeu, 152 Pacific Ava., Santa -- jlyers Mair Bakers At all druggists or sent postpaid upon receipt ol $1. Chocolate, ton't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Lite Away. Te quit tobacco easily and forever, be f, full of life, nerve and vigor, take r, the that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 50u. or 81. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or New York. FRENCH CHEMICAL CO. 356 celebrated for more mag-ncti- than a century as a delicious, nutritious, wonder-worke- , "There Is one drawback to a woman "What is it? "She marrying a doctor. ilwajs has to rake his advice about her beverage, S1 j.uuraidrv$S 1'or People That Are Sick or Just Dont Feel WeH. S' has our ? Health. Yellow Label on the front of every package, and our Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts. "I saved my sister from marrying that "How so? She filly young Hopkins. iccepted him by letter and I forgot to nail it." trade-mar- 31 '2CSEH I.a Belie grow paying crops because they're fresh and always tire best. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Ferry Seed and prosper. 1808 Seed Annual free. Write for it D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich. ONLY ONS FOR A DOSE. Removes Pimples, cures headache. Dyspepsia and or hr mall Costponcss. 25vi9 s box m ilriu-vi-- n samples I ree, address Dr. Bosanko Co. Ptnla. Fa. AiTHEtVHUS CrlESICAi u-- ' A S3 allr Iotutwa Cxercise Sold by DraggUta, Jv. aune. then the shakes would begin and I would shake from one half hour to an hour and a halt .and when they stopped 1 had no .drength lelt, after effects were more like a lit. I would sleep very heaiiy for three hem-- or more, all under the mo intense pain. All tho specialists in the state deflated me incurable. 1 he X- ay was put on by one of tho most eminent physicians, bi t he told me I as incurable, that I citysSoon must ue plenty of morphine or suffer. after i saw the ad tn a western paper of 5 PUOPH. the reipe front the celebrated physician, lr. Lloyd, whom I knew by reputation. 1 wrote and explained my cae to tne Swanson Hheumstic Cure Co., and received an answer that I could be cured. ad sent me a small trial bottle to begin on. Just before I received it 1 had one of those terrible shakes which almost killed me. Kor nine years 1 had a kidney backache, a hot stinging pain that never left me fora moire it. 1 tried everythin 1 could hear of, but could pet no rotlef until I began the 5 DKOPs.1 The first dose I took ti e .th of May, 187. at reen. and in less than an hour the backache left me and has not returned. 1 used it steadily for three weeks and ke t getting better; at the end of three weeks the pain in my side stopped, at the end of four week Ule rlieumntlsm waa no more, and in six weeks all my pain left me. My thill- and shakes are gone; my tart failure aud dyspepsia went the first week and I fee! stroug aud wed. and 1 thank my God daily for having put me In the way of this great medicine. It has cured manv in this Bl'RNS K. WHITK. vicinity and is still coring aitticted ones who take it steadily and want to be cured. 100 Vaneties;mm l.ionp. New IKAOrcilSMaaetourtTT PK1CLS. oliUl iliPUIUEC catalogue of club boob a faib aaorvo goods. Address ILL. OGDEN 4 CO., CHICAGO, Clark cr., Cl ftT 11 gfi JOHT a A, 8AI.XVH Farm 10c. Manilla TENSIONS, PATENTS. CLAIMS. WASKIN3T0N. D. JjOHNW. Late Principal MORRIS, Examiner D. 8. Pentiun Bureau. CANDY ia last nr, iu ajudteauna rlamia, nSSrtDQV la Wforr lb Where 're you going to take thal aog, my boy? I dunno. I wants ter find out fust where the dog's goin ter take me. CATHARTIC C&ae. , Send ?MHk treatment Free. hr. u.H.uukkSbKo.NS, . 11 sky Organ Eritiichoro, I Co.y !. ituata, u. TRIAl 1 114. TAFT La CURGWO& atij. Winning His Good Will. "Why were you so anxious to : e pleasant to that man? One would think you were under some great obligation to him. "He is my dentist and I expect to have a tooth filled tomorrow, atuca. NEW DISCOVERY ; riw. I quick relief an cures worst of tvtimonmU anl lOduya Motlrr. lUrltS WrMt AlL fcUt frAilS, Best Cough Syrup. Tasted Good. Vac In tint. 8old hr druir"ite. 1 on omen of 20CO tq. ft. of Hoofing or Wall and Cell!?.' samples and prices. The Fny Roofing Company, Camden, N. J PBPIfiUT 0111 rnciunl rllj for Manilla. Write 8xs VS Tk In ' Denver, Colo. public market. C. in reference to the Estey Organ. We will do as a$ POTATOES speakers do, make a point Aafflca. P r UntFit Kcral Nswslortrr lm Haliori Ftrilni a yh:d r on each finger. If you dirt rkrtp. pr im. Nsfv 0p j gift,f 464to8celbuhrli Pok Mil Kinplft, tierll ao! th pot Mart, for want them all at once hfrtn 10., A troF, Ui. tvv(- end to the POTATO irrttwrrA SMITH, PncaiDCNT. ORES SOLD ON THE by Seed ti. . Works, M. C. Si SVMAUWtAUWWWWVVV No. Denver Public 167-16- or sent In plain wrapper, x press, iiropsid, for m, nr 3 hottl., sr.rv. Circular tent ou request. Catalog alons, 6o. send this 5 DROPS cv Rhenmatiam. Sciatica. Neuralgia, Dyspepsia. Hackache. Asthma, Hav Fever, Catarrh, Heeplcsanead, Nervouanesa, Nervous and lleadachea. Earache, Toothache. Heart Weakneaa, Croup, dwelling, La Grippe,Neuralgic Malaria, Creeping Nu mimes. enable sufferers to give 3 DROPS at least; a trial, we will send a FOR THIRTY IIAY I flNRFR sample bottle, prepaid by mail. foriScents. A sample bottle will con v.nce you. Also, lafge bottles (WU fii.no, S bottles fort?.5. Not sold by druggists, only by ns aud our agent. Agents wanted tn new territory. Write u todav. 9 SWANSON KHLIMATK Cl KK CO., Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL, Tinger 13 DOLLARS WORTH FOR 10c.' of rare firm seeds. Hog Pea, Sand Vetch, J '40c. Wneot, Slicep Rae. JcrmaJcro Coin etc., t'atalogue, billing eluding our mammoth alou: the $t00 cold prises f'r best name for our i corn aud oats, Prodigies, new marvelous also sample of same, all tuaiU.4 yon upon jMisHirely receipt of but 10o. iKHtage.lOOOOObbla. worth $10 to get nuirt. ai $t m a bhl. A 8ecd 36 pkz. earlict vegetable seeds, 1.00. DISEASES. 1 Five !.. 11 1 ed are VI urnnted t Predate. MtooUheii the world Walter. com; J. Breider, jrowia.2.0 buhtia Ssirer his.. 17A bush, IBtt Uis'ucfiU, barley, sod P. Slnaut, bu b. sizer's otts Randalia, low. b grow-orou dou'it, wiitethem. We wish to gaia Krure. Ifcustomer. hnce wl send on trial 8d:ers Sd 1C. bv The Light That IHdu't FalL If You or Friends Are Suffering All Can be Cured. The hours grew fleet, and then fleeter; Tho following letter is a sample of many received: The lovers waxed sweet, and then (TreUe Ma'k. Johnstown. K. Y.. Jan 3rd, 1119. Kiiki'n atto ClRR Co. .Chlcntrfk. Gentlemen I hiT been intending to write you in regard to iny cr sweeter; In July lb8 I was taken sick with what is called eompli oy yuur wonderful medirln 5 DROPS. And her pa, in despair. cation of die&8fs. being; auute li&miraUoi of all the nrgatui of the body. I was very siuk for about three month, having but one chance in a taumiri of recovery, but the sood Lord allowed me to live, the iliaeano Madly tore his scant hair. had also indigestion. oontipation, nervous dye epsia. heart lailure.&tH settling; in my kidnevs ah1 bladder. t ice a nek o l the prostrate trltnJ, hemorrhage of tne bowels once a week, emarjred spleen, miiMMilar For hed the gas bill to meet by tht ceases rheumatism in the palms of noy hands extending to my shoulders, catarrh and chilis and shakes, which no meter. 1 woutd in the state could tell me what they were or the cause. freee to I efor fully live minutes, Discourse. CUHE YOURSELF! Biff ) for unnatural dioLhares, uithuuiu&tioas, irritations or ukcratima of iu ucquh ntembraueo Rami wi. und not aemo CO. grutor poisonous. FARM cr To Be Considered. Five-Point- 111. well-kno- AND MANY OTHEsl LrmsnramrUs BfiAtS?1 Dearborn St., Chicago, and through Vigor. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi Sick and Nervous Headaches PaSiTHILT Cured in 30 Minutes, by The parlors, introducing him unto tht people there. Cruz, CaL CHICACO.ILL. EUILDING. QUINCY Btvti drug-cists.- Pretty Strong Evidence. Chocolatiere,on the "if "Why have you broken off your enGRAND CENTRAL, Denver. I7th St., THE back. Mr. Farnum? to gagement tear Union Depot, newly furnished throughout. business. European plan, hooins Q "Because I have reason to believt OutersToe to Colorado NONE OTHER GENUINE. and 1.00 day. H. A. HKAKI), Manager. tie, that insanity runs in his family. "AVhat was the mystery in Hamlet?" MADE ONLY BY You don't say! How did you flue' 'Hamlet hadn't y mother-in-laso he it out? Tot up a row about his stepfather. YALTER BAKER &. CO. Ltd., "A cousin of his entered a six days Care To. Forever. Constipation Dorchester, Mass. bicycle race. Take C'ascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25o. i5ti't5c5c5t5t5tai5i5tSi5t5t5t&ti! JC.C.C. fail to ci re, druggists refund money. Tho It does Aunt Lucinda so much good to A I IT LI 0 D C We want your stories, poems and He had fought a dozen duels, he h.t ;o to a new doctor." "Why? .,e al- HU I llUnO book MSS.; best prices: inclose ways hunts up a new disease for her. stump. Authors and Writers Union. Chicago. III. been in battle too; But he faltered, blushed and trembled when the hostess led him Late-Com- Stamps nt THE COST OF HALING. y in geography ever seen. In-terests the children and teaches them the geographj to-da- y mu-lo- OF BEST INSTRUCTOR B. l is like a plant. What makes the plant fade and wither? Usually lack of necessary nourishment. The reason why Dr. Ayers Ilair Vigor restores gray or faded hair to its normal color, stops hair from falling, and makes it grow, 13 because it supplies tho nourishment the hair needs. When a girl at school, ia Reading, Ohio, I hal a severe Two-Ce- TO COVER n Mrs. Newmarricd Id like to catch my husband drinking. Jack Borrowe So would I. RECEIPT UPON m e WONDERS NEVER (EASE. a Strawberry Tomato, also an Orange Vine; genuine, splendid novelties. Ilis A woman understands women as a man never can hope to. For this reason Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham. of Lynn, world, Mass., now known all over the English-speakin- g set to work to help her sex. After long and patient investigation, Mrs. Pinkham confirmed her own conclusions, namely: that seven-eightof the sufferings of women are due to disorders of the uterine system. Reasoning on this line, she saw that the only preventive of early breaking down, waa a specific medicine which would act alone on the female organism. This was why she prepared her excellent Vegetable Compound, which has been such a boon to thousands and thousands of women. If you have headaches chiefly at the top of the head, and are troubled by painful menstruation, dizziness, sleeplessness, backache, and that bearing-dow- n feeling, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound will tone up your whole system. Mss. Chas. D. Ebbert, 330 Wood St., Reading, Pa., testifies to the great power of the Compound. Mrs. Pinkham I can say that your medicine has cured me of the pains and troubles which I had. My case was I a very bad one, and puzzled the doctor. My womb had ' fallen and I had terrible pains in my hack and hips. $ I could hardly walk. My husband went to our fam-il- y doctor, and he prescribed medicine for me, hut y-- S I found no relief, and grew worse instead of better. The doctor examined me and wanted to perform an operation, but my husband would not consent. Seeing? the advertisement in tlie paper, I got a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and before I had taken half of the second bottle, I felt like a new wo- -' man. In all I have taken four bottles of your medicine, and can say that I am entirely cured. I hope that every woman suffering as I did, will follow my advice and take your medicine at once. for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c. 81. All druggists. "Somebody is trying to prove tha. so"Well, ciety Is responsible for murders. thats wrong; society Is made up of people who want to kill one another and never jo. Promptly cured by Ebbert From an Operation. A Woman's Knowledge Saves Mrs, well-know- at-ta- ek Salzers great catalogue paints four So She la to Them Not bo to a Woman. j who talks very wittily and plays very well, once asked Prof. Blackensteln what made him so thoughtful. "Madam, he replied, I am wondering how It is you can make the piano talk so divinely and you yourself 30 foolishly? Ah, well, retorted Mrs. M , you see, the piano knows it has me to listen to it. whereas I know I have only you to listen to me, which makes the difference. I pray you, said the professor, play again. I like your playing best." Brooklyn Life. REN CALL W0MN A MYSTERY. I ISTER JONES WUX very sick They sent fer Doctor Brown, man ter Smartes The Russian scepter is of solid pull lm thro three feet long, and contains amonggold, Its N all the town. ornaments 208 diamonds, 300 rubles and 15 emeralds. Mister Jones did not Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup Improve lb. Fer Doctor Smith For children teethintr.aoftenii paw, cures wind colic. 2$ cents s bottle. went. they Who said that ol "Who Is this man who Is going to walk Browns treat-,- r across the ocean? "Some fellow who ment was brought up along the Chicago river, Wasn't worth a cent. I suppose." Then nother doctor came; I never used so quick a cure as PIso's Cure For Mister Jones grew worse; for Consumption. J. If. Palmer, Box 1171 Next week he out riding went Beattie, Wash.. Nov. 25. 18!t5. Jan. In a hearse. There are three fields In which I think hypnotism should he used." "What are A Witty Bostonian. they? "Politics, football and bargain n Mrs. M , a Bostonian, rushes." The Cuban Scare. Although the diplomatic entanglement with Spain over Cuba is to some extent Influencing the stuik markit, Wall Street expects no serious complications. Nevertheless serious complication with other maladies may be expected to follow an of biliousness which Is not checked at the outset. The most effectual means to thlH end Is Hostelter's Stomach Bitters, uu udmirable remedy.. moreover, for dyspepsia, malaria, kidney trouble, constipation and nervousness. "One New York hotel bus twenty-fiv- e pianos In It." "Of course; that Is a scheme to keep tho male guests from sitting around in tho parlors and wearing out tho pink plush chairs. AN OPEN (LETTER TO MOTHERS., We are asserting in the courts our right to the exclusive use of the word CA.STOIUA." and 'DITCH EK'S CASTOKI A, " as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, of Hyannis, Massachuthe originator of PITCHER'S (ASsetts, TORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the signature of (HAS H. FLETCHER on every wrapper. This is the original PITCHER S CASTORIA" which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look carefully at the wrapper and see that it is "the kind you have always bought," nod has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER on the Wrapper. No one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Cbas. H. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1887. SAMUEL PITCHER. M. D. Baos, 4 ELM 8T , KOCH&-TE- BOTTLE SENT FREE. VOTE. 5 PENSION IB lilt KFOKI. Washington, D.C. thV g CURE CONSTIPATION 1L 5th X. H. will receive quick ivp'it--. ai. Con. Prncecut ntr Claim since 1878, Staff 0th IOc 25c 50c ALL DRUGGISTS , V. N. U. DEN VER. Uhcn I NO. 4 Ansucrinq Advertisements flcution This 1uper. 1S93 Iliad!; |