OCR Text |
Show COULD NOT EAT Tha Affliction Which Befell Scott Lady. A Hon of Rrln. An Irish officer who had the misfortune to tip drt'mifuUy wounded In one of the battle In Holland ha lying on the ground, and an uiifnrnmuH soldier who wax near him, and was nlso ncrcrtly wounded, mad a terrible bowling, when the olllcer exclaimed: Hold yer row. will ye? Jo you think there la uobody killed but yourself lit Hits. Fort FORT SCOTT, KAN. I have taken Hoods Sarsaparilla for dyspepsia and to purify my blood, with excellent results. X was so that I could not eat anything without distress, but since taking a few Huspected a Mistake. bottles of Hoods Sarsaparilla my food two mighty smart 4Slm Wilklson hn One of remarked Mr. CorntoHsel. does net distress re, and I have felt better boys, em hez gone to town an' learnt to paint: In every way. I believe it to be the best they say be puts a lot of atmosphere lu his of blood medicines and gla d ly recommend work. .Mandy, aint you thlnklu about the other It to others. Eva Ckaiq. boy? Ills brother? Ye. The one that learnt to play the Hoods Pills ro tasteless, mIM, tlve. 2. Alldricntlsts. In Knjrhinri nml Wnlo the ilenth rate from from 77 per typhoid fever bus declined In 1870 M) to 1.i5 in lsniW. lull-lio- n cornet." Washington Star. l'lnterprlsi. of Great Iltli and Moment turned Have, ere now, had their currents awry, us Hamlet says, by an attaek of (iyspepsta. Napoleon fulled to Improve Ids It at Auxterlltz In conaeipienee, Attention of the reader Is called to advantage Is mild, of Indigestion brought on by some uniDamn of announcement Notre the Indiscretion in outing. !u order to avoid dyspepsia, abstain from over indulgence, versity in another column of this paper. mid precede the meal by a wineglusstul of enof This noted institution learning llosletter's Stomach Hitter, more effective h ters upon its year with the than uny dietetic In Improving the tone of I, Ivor complaint, chills and next session, commencing Kept. 7, 1897.. t lie utomaoh annihilated are rheumatism and by Parents and guardians contemplating fever, the Hitters sending their boys and young men away from home to school would do I saw Mis Jinks last night, and her fen well to write for particulars to the Uni- turos were crushed beyond recognition. No of What was the accident? Notre before Heavens! Indiana, versity over the was site Just looking accident; for their piIupiv making arrangements who was her a man of shoulder drugging tion elsewhere. Nowhere in tills broad arouml In a Iwoslep waltz." be found better facllland arc 'there-Ao- ' itles for cultivating the mind and heart Educate Yonr Ilowcl With Ca.earet. than are offered at Notre Dame Candy Cathartic, euro conBtipatlon forever tOc. IIC.C.C fail, druggists refund money. RUaL'inioim . fifty-fourt- line, - LAURA KEENE AND LINCOLN. FRATERNITY, The recent publication of the life of the actress Laura Keene, who was the THE UNITED MODERNS, DENthe stage favorite a generation ago, VERS NEW FRATERNAL ORDER CONDUCTED ON A NEW PLAN. brings to mind the Important part she played In the gicatest tragedy this nation has ever been (ailed upon to eee Reasonable, Pate and a Magnet That Will the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. lraw and Hold Together Thousand. The play bill of Fords theater In (From the Denver Republican.) no form of asset or estate which Washington announces for the evening There to bl family that is of Friday, April 14, 1863, the Benefit aeodying man o can leave certain, safe, go easily nml so quickly and Last Night of Miss Laura Keene, available as the certificate which binds frasound, reputable and the Distinguished Manageress, Author- some ternal beneficiary association to pay to bis ess and Actress. On the same single heirs a certain amount of cash within a specified time after proofs of his death have sheet of fadod paper may be read: been made. Millions upon millions of dollars have been distributed among the fam-- I o o leg of deceased certificate holders during : : This Evening the past quarter of a century, uutil protecin gome safe and reliable form has come tion : the performance will be : to be regarded as one of the absolute neces: honored by the presence of : sities of every man whose aim anil object 1 : o President Llrcjln. ; : o The play was the one the elder Soth-er- n did so much to popularize, Tom Taylors celebrated eccentric comedy, as originally produced in America by Miss Keene and performed by her upward of 1,000 nights, entitled Our American Cousin. The prices of admission were $1 to the orchestra, 75 cents to the dress circle and parquet and 25 cents to the family circle. The boxes were $0 and $10 each. The president occupied one on the northern side of the theater, just above and upon the stage. The house was crowded. How Old are You? Laura Kecnp vas standing behind the scones on the side of the theater farthest frem the presidential box, near what is called the tormentor," awaiting her cue. Of right she should not have been so near the prompters You need not answer the question, madam, for in your cuso acre i3 not counted by years. It will always bo true that "a woman is as old as oho looks." Nothing sets the seal of ago eo deeply upon womans boauty as gray hair. It is natural, therefore, that every woman is anxiou3 to preservo her hair in all its original abundance and beauty ; or, that being denied the crowning gift of beautiful hair, she longs to possess it. Nothing is easier than to attain to this gift or to proservo it, if already possessed. Ayers Hair Vigor rostores gray or faded hair to its original color. It does th'3 b7 simply aiding nature, by supplying the nutrition nocessary to health and growth. Thoro is no hotter preparation for the hair desk, but he had gone to call some of tho actors, so she placed herself at hand, hoping to be of service. Her part was that of Florence Trenchard. The time had come for the entrance of Mr. (1. (I. Spear as Binney. He had a drunken srene to go through, and Miss Keere was exprc:ing to give him a push as he went by her. to aid In the effect as lie came within view of the audience. Instead she felt herself pushed In the othrr direction from the stage, toward which she was not just at tint moment looking. As she felt hcr.seif stmek cn the hand by the hand of another she glanced up and recognized John Will:e3 Booth and saw, too, the dagger he was clutching. At that very moment tho appalling erf rang out through the home; The president is shot! It was echoed spontaneously from among the audience, and, as Miss Keene esme forward she could see many men on their feet, some of them evidently making fer the stage, from which they had seen the assassin disappear. Women were crying aloud, men pursing ai d children weeping, all In an indeterminate panic, much as If the alarm of fire had been raised. Miss Keene came down to llio footlights forthwith and raid: For Gods sake, have presence cf mind and keep your places, and all will be well. than AYERS HAIR VIGOR. Denver Directory. THE DENVER TENT AND AWNING CO. PROCTEB'S PATENT CUE SACK3 st. 1728 Lawrence M ATC flDC Hanuding QT A 01 I tUllL. Hold llluck, e SEATS, RUBBFR STAMPS uTW, LuwremeSt. P.O.Box at. Cl fiDIOTO COLFAX A V 13. FLORAL Vi null St. Tel. LIU. Greed rLUnlolO iiouhua tor. Colfnx nml York St., Denve Mnchtnery, Milling, Kmunes 2ND Hand ttc Send for price. S. S. Machinery Co.,LVJU Lawrence. M arehouselMlwVi Market. oiks & Mftf Co., l. IS t 4 of Iliea Rootbeer on a weltering hot day fe highly essential comfort and health. It cools the blood, reduces your tempefuture, tones the stomach. Albany Denver. Iodtd book, valuable to ore stili't'ors, mulled I roc. Works.--Offic- for Tho Andrews Hetrexentaiive School Supply Co. Fhiongn and other eastern firms. address Gage &(o.,4H7 llthSt., Denver UAMTCn If All I LU Rootbeer home, in every in office, Urocoiy Ai satisfying than nny other beverage pro- Peaui year experience. Gold ivml Sliver I'roopNS Go., 7 Kith St., lkmver. duced. riMIK famous Join's Chain Drive Mowers amt tho 1 Jones Uvor Fly Wheel Binder have no equal. neo, Denver. Planner Bros. & Co. Stale Aids., N Kngmeti on a pudty (JOM) YOUR NAME VLATKI) Souvenir spoon for I M. ttflo. Mill. IPS, ii-- Arapahoe, Denver, W carry In Week all Crude of Cnne Seat Chair Iron Rod fell Mae only 7v and everything at die low et prices, 'lbe Jame Cut st,, Denver. O.hlipAlrlekFuniUurcCo , FURNITURE NKV UPRIGHT PIANO. tight WAUIU.WKP KIK WKITK for SA K.US FOU ami prhvs. The MlSlt I'D., Denver. deOur photographic partment I tho largest- In tho In work one s. Wo deliver I, day after receiving order. Km larging and coloring a specially. Wo have In stock All kinds of supplies. Tho made. everv camera Ford Optical A Suigieal Inslituio Co.. IMlK'wrtb St. BOSTON BELTING CO. Hubler Belting. Fire. Steam. Air. and Water Hose of all sires. Parking. Mechanical Kuhler Good. Davts A S i Be, .iTt s , lui LiwrenooSt , Denver i. A temperance drink, more healthful than ice water, more delightful nml Retailed at whnlwlo Prion. W PDfiPCDICQ UilUULuliO pi:e price Ht fr. Hurtbur: Co., 151 It ami lawrence Sts., Beaver. ASSAYS every work-slio- guilub. WINDSOR F. Chari th Hlra to Phl!'lclj'hi. ninkoa & A pack-- t 814 Meanwhile Booth had made his through the stage d mr, fleeing on the horse which bail been provided for him. He had been followed by a Mr. Stewart, one of the audience, dowrn oil the stage after his leap from the presidents box, but had avoided him by dodging about tk" reentry, and had gotten away from th stage carpenter, who had attempted to detain him, by striking at him with tho dagger. No one except Mr. Ftev.xrt tried to pursue the fugitive, though everybody seemed willing to aid. Amid the confusion Miss Keere beard a cry for water from the presidential box. Procuring a glass she made ber way from the stage to tho box by way of the dress circle. Mrs. Lincoln was crying piteously. Miss Kedne at once did everything in her power to aid, though she felt from the beginning that hel.i was useless. es-ca- should be in every - HOTEL, DENVER. Hotel in the City Only First-ClasCentrally Located. s Beating herself on the floor, to which the body of the president had fallen, the actiess raised his head and placed It In her lap. It was r.t first supposed that the shot had penetrated his lungs. When the chest and shoulders had been bared without discovering any sign of injury the pmor head was raised. Then the pool of blood which had gathered in tho hollow of Miss Keenes (Amerlran P1d.) gown told the story. She remained In Perfect Service. Table Unexcelled. that position until the removal of Mr. Ol tu KA1KS: Lincoln from the theater, then stagprtly. TLe only TLKK1SH BATHS In the statu. down to her dressing room, not gered In The lint'st the West, connected with the Windsor. Send for copy of Deuverwurd only her garments hut her hands and uud avcldont pulley free. face dabbled with blood. J. A. WIGHIN. li Manager. "VKS., the MALT TONIC fiucst Spring Medicine on the market. till DiHKKist. Bottled by the O. A. LAMMEBS BOTTLIXfi CO.. Denver. Colo. Is Bold tv WHAT DO YQU WANT? By special arrangements with the leadinK manufacturer. tohbers and dealers, 1 can act. as your agent, and buy lor you at lowest prices ANYTHING YOU TtdA .. 1 0lNCWNATl,0. C. 8.A. JT WANT. K. YV. I "J orkold by ln P l'V ant in plr.u pr expre, f1 or3 bottle u No chanre fLr my service as xHrt purchasing ayent. Business of all kinds attended to. Correspondence aud inquiries will have prompt attention. Room 28, I t W Big V for dithiAr:t8, iutla J iiniatioti or I kij) do h iirmur. 0f ui u c o U n ,Pttou mdidciod. ramie, and 4THlENSCHEMiruC0, g'Ul vT poiMDi f 4aGaarawU Circular sent MAKKKN, ONE Purchasing and Forwarding Agent. 1U.U Sevonuenth Denver, Colo. ii.. HORSE POWER Denver Public Sampling Works, M. t. ONE public market. - From the effect of the shock and horror of this Miss Keene never fully r covered, and, though she lived more than eight years thereafter, she was never strong, her nervous system being especially liable to attack. Crashed. This is the most cruel yet, wailed the rising young poet. What is? asked the common sense person who had dropped In to smoke a few of the The Gabbock says poets cigarettes. I do not exhibit a single stigma of deIndianapolis J ournal. generation. CENT SMITH, PmiipiNT. ORES SOLD ON THE u . Denver, Colo. WILLIAMS The World's Greatest Typewriter. Don't buy until you have examined the Visible Writing, Direct The iMfference. Tiff (reading) Princess Maud per hour by the celebrated Weber Gasoline Eu Mr. gine. No more trouble to start thau a gasoline stove. It will irrigate your ranch, pumping the gives her husband an hour's lesson water from fifteen feet deep for seventy-fiv-e in the English lancents per acre, and norow atxnit the aitch. It every mornltg will hoist vour ore from 400 feet deep for 2 H guage. Mr. Tift I am a little different cents per ton. Cheapest power for irrigation, from the price?. Mrs. Tiff How so? mining, or for any other purpose. Seud lor cat- Mr. Tiff I receive my hour's language alogue or come atid see it run, THE J. H. MONTGOMERY MACH. CO., from my wife at night 1220-2- 2 Curtis St., IK liver, Colo, E. E. BURLINGAMES lnkm. Itapid-it- y ASSAY OFFICE plicity. W inted. Arent Established In Colorado. 1S66. and Sim- JHnd tvYatalORue. Co., ier Aeents, OthSt., Dcixve. LABORATORY Samples by mall of express will receive prompt and careful attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION R(fl,d, Addra. Malted and Autyad or Purthsed. ted 1738 Lawreccs SL. DENVER. COLO. 1736 loil PROTECTION. Death of a Soldier. James Hughes, a private soldier at the United States barracks at Cblum-buHalf-Sh- is. to leave his loved ones provided f r when he ig called upon to lay down bis bi den of care and tolL Home too High, Some too Cheap. That there Ig no scarcity of life Insurance companies and assiHlntlons, Is well known, and It Is equally well understood that the level premium old line or companies, with their excessive rates, large dividends otlicialB. charge entirely and too much to enable men In the poorer-paioccupations of life to carry policies in that class of companies. And of late it Is coming to be a fact that almijst all the fraternal organizations with beneficiary features are open to an equally strong obInjection, In that they charge too little tocomsure their existence for more than a seto desire In few their years. paratively cure a large membership within a short make the of these organizations time, most fatal mistake of fixing their assessment rates so low as to preclude the possibility of accumulating anything In the way of a guarantee or reserve fund, and the result Is Inevitable. As soon as the benefit of first medical selection wears off, or the members first admitted live out their Ufa expectancy, an army of members constantly marching to the grave suffices In a few yesrs to begin that sure prneess of decay which is never Interrupted, but goes on steadily to the end. They make no provision for the Increase of assessments which must necessarily follow when th young members begin to be old members, nml the mortality rate becomes cannot large, while sufficient new blood he Infused Into the society to offset the natural increase In the death rate. I'.etween these two extremes of charging too much nml too little, there Is a golden mean, and that has been attained by The luited Moderns. A new fraternal order which was ersan-Izc- d a little over three months ago by a large number of Denvers most prominent The organcitizens nml best tinaneiers. izers and management of the United Moderns recognized these facts in Ihe beginning of their efforts; First. If at the plan of nny new organization of this character must not only he a good plan, but It must be a little better than the plan of nny similar society or order. It must te practical, attractive nml meritorious to an unusual degree. It must be devoid of the faults anil weaknesses of other plans and embrace all the good features of others. It must go farther. and Incorporate features 'hat are entirely new. All this the founders and promoters of the United Moderns have dune, and done It well. Second, the management must he aggressive, and certainly In this respect there can lie no crlticlsri. for, in less than three months from the date of organization. the Fulled Moderns have entered of all the towns In the state, over forming lodges and numbering among the membership In each place many of the most citizens. What its record will prominent lie In three years, at this rate. Is something that would be difficult to estimate. What the 1inn Provides. The plan of the United Moderns, while of Us memliers. providing for the protection to them as they without increasing the cost grow older, by the accumulation of a reserve fund, only makes it necessary toeharge a slightly higher rate In the huginning than is charged by those organizations which In make no provision for n reserve fund. other words, the member, wld.e In his younger, more vigorous nml productive age. that willingly pays n trUlu more in order when he becomes old and feeble Ids assessments will not Increase, as is the case In most institutions of this kind. This plan permits the young man to join in later years at the same cost as the young man tif thus insuring continuous growth hud prosother perity of the order at a time vl en orders, working upon the death r cssmeu t Into be would decay. plan, going For ltotti Men aril Women. Those eligible to membership In the United Moderns are men and women between the ages of IS and .Vi years. Applicants must pass a satisfactory medical examination, and certain hazardous occupations are prohibited, thus reducing the risk to the lowest guru The fraternal feature of the United Moderns Is an attractive one. bringing together In u social way the ladles and gentlemen who constitute the membership of what is a leader doubtless destined to become among the greatest fraternal ciganlzatlons In the world. Summary. Officers of the companies admit that they charge too much tor insurance, assesswhile the promoters of ment companies acknowledge thet the greatthess to of and weakness organizaest peril tions lies In the luek of proper provision having been made for tile aeeuniulation of a reserve fund, so that the Inevitable Increase in cost may be averted. The truly fraternal many fraternal plan secures protection,a nml minimum eost, as benetits as well, at lu tbe literature of the clearly stated one-thir- pos-bllil- u 11 old-lin- Mod-era- Another Modern Feature. The Investment of the surplus or reserve funds is under the direction of the board of managers of tile Moderns and ihe advijbry committee, acting jointly under a modern system of accounting ami checking, designed to reduce to the minimum every of the joss of any of the funds. Among this latter committee are such men as ex Chief Justice Helm, late of the Colorado Supreme Court; E. H. the present sheriff of Arapahoe Webb, county, the other members being men of prominence, resident iu other states. Tbe Officers and .Managers. The officers and board of managers of tho United Moderns are as follows; Supreme Chancellor, Edwin M. Johnsuu. who is manager and attorney of the Fidelity Savings Association of Denver, with a subscribed capital of $4.titHi,inHl; vice supreme chancellor and department organizer, E. M. Elliott, late Held manager of the Fidelity; supreme recorder and counsel, K. W. Smith, a well known practicing attorney of this and department city; secondV.vice ehaueellnrlate I,. Stowers, general agent oigauizer, of the Fidelity; supreme medical examiner. Dr. G. N. Maeumber. a proiuiuent Denver supreme financier, phvsieian and surgeon: E. S. Irish, assistant cashier ef the Denver M. R. Johnson, promiwhile National Rank, nently identified with the Fidelity Savings Association, is a member of the board of of the United inauagers. The depositories Moderns are the Denver National Rank, the Fidelity capital and surplus Savings Association, capital and surplus $soO.OUO. Thus it will be seen that, with Its admirable plans. Its aggressive pdicy and its aancial endorsement, there Is nothample success of the United ing in the wav ofis tile encumbered with none of Moderns, which the dangers or difficulties of the two extremes between which it forms a happy medium. There is the greatest nertl for such a and justness of plaa, the reasonableness which appeals to all who investigate. The growth already attained liy the order will enable It to protect all present business, and insures the greatest strength and permageu-ei- nency. That this modern Idea and enterprise has originated in Denver, is a source of congratulation to all our people, nud the citizens of Colorado are certain to show their appreciation by a most liberal support of so worthy an organization as Is the United Miniums. THE COMPANY PAYS W03IEN! DONT WAIT. in;. tbe that makea weak men atrong. All drugglsta, 50c. or IE Cure guaranteed, booklet uud sample free. Address sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or wonder-worke- If You Have Any of These Symp- toms Act at Once. New York. Do yon know the reason why you will We threw that man Into the lake. go to the hospital, my poor friend? What for? He was getting off a lot of Because you have allowed yourself gab about It being humidity and not beat to go from bad to worse. You did not that makes people suffer so. know that that heat, swelling and tenLow Rates Eaatbonnd. derness in your left side were all signs From July 15 to 20, dally, and on July 22, of congestion of the ovary. c 25, 20, August 1, 5, 8 and 12, the Union will have cheap rates to all eastern Any intelligent woman conld have 841 17th at call For full lufurmation points. told you that congestion is fatal to the Ia-citi- or bC, phone 457. uterine system, Ingrstl'ade or Imposition. I see Mr. and that Renevolent Party (cheerfully) Ellison expects to cure blindness by elec- an ovary tricity. Hllnd Man (gloomily) Yes; these Inventleads ors are always driving some poor man out of the business. Judge. to tumor Halls Catarrh Care la taken internally. Price, 73c. and that you Mrs. Frlmpas Heres a storyr of a man were put In jail for boarding a train.I Prlmpaa on hash, to It death Starved suppose. in awful Now Is the Time to Go East. The Union Pacific has unprecedented low rates to all eastern points. Tickets on sale dally. July 15 to 2, July 22, 25. 2.. August 1. f. 8 ami 12. Full Information gladly fur-nlshed on arinlicutiuu. Address 1)41 17tn St., or phone 457. The measure .of our countrys woes seems I suppose you reckon to be overflowing. according to beer measure. Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup For children teetldnK,soften8 the gums. reduces inflammation, allays patu, cures wind colic. K5 cents a bottle. I have a regular pneumatic head this You must have been using a morning. beer-pum- To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 10c orZSo. C. C. C. fall to cure, druggists refund money. Did your groceries reach you ou time, No; they came G. 0. D. madam; If Goir g Ea t ? Then, take advantage of the low rates offered by the Uuion Pacific. Cheap rates to all eastern points, July 15 to 20, Inclusive. July 22, 25, 2!), August 1. 5, 8 and 12. Gull or write for full information, 941 17th St., Denver, Colo. Do your people devote much I cant say as they gastronomy? To tell you the plied the native. dont believe theres a telescope town. time to re- do, truth, I In the For lung and chest diseases, Flsos Cure Is the best medicine we have used. Mrs. J. L. Northeott. Windsor, Out., Canada. Now I understand why they dont send women to Congress. Well, why Is it? Women couldn't get along in hot weather without their afternoon naps. for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 60c, 11. All druggists I Where shall we go tills summer? Jon't care; only let's go to Rome place that nn r)ti ivo tvo'i't I'ovo 1 danger. Now() you will have to undergo the operation of ovariotomy, the cutting out of the ovary. Yes, you will recover, at least I hope you will; but you will never be quite the same woman again. Congestion of the ovaries is fatal to health. If you have any such symptoms be advised in time ; take a medicine of specific powers! You can find none better than Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, prepared especially to meet the needs of womans sexual system. You can get it at any good druggists. Following we publish a letter from a woman in Milwaukee, which relates how she was cured of ovarian trouble : Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I suffered with congestion of the ovaries and inflammation of the womb. I had been trdubled with suppressed and painful menstruation from a girl. The doctors told me the ovaries would have to be removed. I took treatment two years to escape an operation, but still remained in miserable health in both body and mind, exto part with my reason each pecting com- - .g month. After using one bottle of L ydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and a package of Sanative Wash I was very much relieved. I continued to use your remedies until cured. The last nine months have been passed in perfect good health. This, I know, I owe entirely to the Vegetable Compound. My gratitude is great, indeed, to tha one to whom so many women owe their Mbs. F. M. health and happiness. Knapp, 563 Wentworth Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. Schilling s Best tea is not only pure but it ? is- - because What is it the missing word ? Get Schillings Best tea at your grocers; take out the Yellow Ticket (there is one in every package) ; send it with your guess to address below before August 31st. One word allowed for every yellow ticket. If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If several find it, the money will be divided equally among them. Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one will receive a envelope charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it. Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st. You wont see it again Cut this out. for two weeks. n B1 SCHILLING'S BEST TEA SAN FRANCISCO. Address; 'iSSwtlw Thompsons Eya Water. 1 GPT RIPU Quickly. SendforSOOlnventionsWanted. VLI nlOn L.dgarTat ACo., 245 Broadway, NewYorLUM in AY finnnQ school Supplies, Notions, UUUUO ware.(wholes&le only). Catalog g free. Mercantile Co., Kansas City, Mo. H. B. WILLSON &CO.,Wash- ncton, D. O, No feetill patent secured. book free. AT HOME; send tamp for book. OR. 0. HARRIS Jb CO. Pike Building Cincinnati. Ohio. CURED Sempies free. The The best Red Rope Roofing for lo. per eg. ft caps and Dalis in ehided. 8ubt tufes for Plaster FAY AAMLLA UOOFlhU V0.,Cam4ea,a.J. ). nDHDQV quicktHlicfanlcures worst viWrfor W I testimonials and lOdavs' MEW DISCOVERY: cas. bend book of treatmout Free. Or. H.H.lUiKt!f80SAtiaata, 'tia. PENSIONS Writ. CAPT. OPARRELL, Pension Agent, 1423 New York Avenue, WASHINGTON, D. C. B EM TItOSK WHO r lllli: acHinst the Government Wljl 'vrire lo Viihnii JKIekford. Pension ami patent Atty, 014 F Washington, I).c.,tliey will receive a prompt reply. B UNIVERSITY of NOTRE DAME, Notre Dame, Indiana. Claaalc. J.ctter. Law, Civil, and Svift-nce- , KhTtriral Engineering. Thorough Preparatory rmi Commercial Kvle'iaMical stuuents at Courae. rates. The Bicycle Sensation 1897 AT COLUMBIAS $75. Standard of the World. ... 1896 Columbias at $60. . at 50. .at 45. at 40. Hartford Patterns 5 and 6 . at 30. 1897 Hartfords . . Hartford" Pattern 2 Hartford Pattern I . ... . . These are the new prices. They have set the whole bicycle world talking and buying. POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Catalog free from any Columbia dealer) by mail for a stamp. special Room Free, Junior or senior Year, Collegiate M. Flwaris Hall, for boys under 13. The 107th Term will open 7th, 18D7. Catalogue sent treeSeptember on application to Kev. A. Morrissey, C. S. Cn Treaident. Comes. IHE FREIGHT new steel home whim. On thsir oommon-svns- s Will hoist IS tons ef rock $0 feet each shift. Is just ns safe packed anvwhere (ad reliable ns an engine It can he No a jack can gw cog wheels or clutchse to break. SO per Ceng is wroujtht iron sad steel and will bend before breaking. Over MJ in use some running o years without one .dollar's expense. We make horse. hoists at prices, $13. W, ,o hO t U tVJcetcrn Wheel 'Works GO 11PB0VKB "A s, Ohio, while walking along Alum creek In an intoxicated condition, fell from a high bluff Into the water, and was drowned. d Smolt Tour Lift Tobatco Sit To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magnetic, full of life, nerve aud vigor, taka 1 Steel CATALOG VE PI'LL CIRI'LK M If PRBSS. and Wooden (steel lined) shipped on trial WrTTER to reliable parties. Fully guaranteed. Write for eat atogue and prices. M. B. Iewis. Lessee Meridian Ma chine Shops. Box K. Meridian, Miss. , N. UDENVER -- NO. 30.-1S- 97. When wrltlns to advertisers, please say that you saw the adt 'rtlsemeat in this paper. W- mioo ap Send for an tllosratd circular to THE WHIM CO lCurtu Lar& Col fi MOA FRFF mis WtttKt All EUfc f Alls. Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. in bnsxzmzmzr |