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Show V I COURT AT JUNCTION. So mill'll has been - .:ri iM bi 'i aa T!. di. ia; -- iu of h r Ju The final report of the grand jury showed that the publ.o records of Uo last Monday. Clerk and Recorder were without adTi.ose pr.seut, H n. Jn lge McCarty and official stenographer R !lo, Sheriff equate protection. AN found that tne court the lud xing as required by law had ai d Clerk, which eoustiuc not been doue, audit was almost .i uiembets. Attorneys, IIo i. Wm . to examine title to realty impossibility Van of Waldemar Provo, Ctt in tbe King county, it bemg neglect of for Of Suit Lake, and Barlow Fergu-o- n to perform du.ies re- - f mer recorders 8. I,. Pag", C. W. Jones, II. Van of them by law. q nred j Mat tin, Ftrguson and Frew of Maryt 1 hty recommended the Board of Vale, Vtrmell R pp of Richfield and Gilbert Beebe of Junction: Besides Commissumets to pm chase iron safes to adopt the Tribune and Pioneer icporter and for each of the offic. s, and also for the measutes proper indexing of a host of spectators. The first grand he recoids. jmy evir subpoeuaed iu the district Als that action either criminal or impanelled. civ il, a iu the opinion of the Corn, The court, in instructing the jury, and Atiy deemed best, bo brought gave special attention to tho manner' of the death of James Kitllunan at against the former Reo for such failure. In the inattei oft tie county jail the Circ'eville last January. It is disfound .hat the 8hertll was not tinctly remembered by those acquaint- jury guarding and curing for the properly ed with the facts that Kittleiniui was tukeu fire aud imw he was locked up prisoners in tils charge. That prisoners charged with grave the cabin and apparently had oil on were permitted to be on the 'flenses hi. olothiLg etc. It has always Inca it reefs ail hours of the day under guard supposed that the old man had met with foul play. It is not known f iucomp teuoe. That visitors to prisoners were allow-- d whether tLe evidence is strong euough at all hours of the day and night, to w atraui the indictment of any p. no discipline was maintained. that sons of or af.er until the report pel ure to gain that end. They therefore recommended that Tile Iron County Record, on account grand jury. Btierltl'enforce stricter rules and :he C iurt oiled as another example to of affinity, do doubt, is rising its regulations, and to the Board of Com. ti e juty ihe obstiueiiuu of the high iu the same direction and even that the Shritl' be allowed an extra assumed to say thai Ibe killiug whs way f..ur miles not th of here by the resrvoir in vioia lion of a de- guirdforthe protection of prisoners jusu liable, wuile the RichiLid Advo- cree of company the cou' t. Ihe company kepi coi fined in said jail. cate has been guing columns of space Court, af'er thanking the jury for across the river and backed dam its to lauding M.!!s and blackening tbe the manner in which it had performed the a was water lake formed until up memory of a dead man. that covered several hundred acres of us duties, dismissed It. I he killing of Perjue was done Indictment was found against W. and in the eyes of the land and deferring tiavel front the II. Luke and Samuel L. use ot the road. His honor also sooke Page charged t law without ak inkling of an excuse. public of rumors to the effect that jails were with altering aud defacing Mills life was not eudaugered. as Ier-ju- e Both Luke and Page being had uo weapon on him of any de- not properly guarded and of remon- tocords, m court voluntarily appeared and askstrances against the jailor. scription, moreover the officer of the for Immediate arraignment, ed Tne was to jury charged investigate law was there to protect him. W. Jones, si eetal prosecuting C. Mlihout malice or prejudice, we carefully but cautiously and not to appointed iu this oas, consentsubmit the above to the public, be- brii g indictments against any one to were arraigned end ing. to overlieving that in due urn.' I lie great satisfy any public clamor, but trials granted to each, They separate look no'hing. tribunal, the l'i h, will say whether or At 11 a. m. the jury retired to the plead uot ilty. ho the killing whs justifiable. Well iu view of Mr. Pages position as school house under the supervision of knowing .hat it is not I lie biiwm-s- s of U. W. prosecuting attorney, he asked of the Jones, deputy prosecuting at the pi css to try oi sentence a man lor to bo withdrawn as prosecuting court where in remained sessiou torney, they fclime. uuitl about 10 oclock Thursday a. m-- attorney on crimiual cases now pendpetit jury was then drawn aud a ing. This the court would not permit, A1 Straw met with a grave accident venire issued returnable Ou motion of prosecuting attorney Rept, 7th, Up iu Horse 11. aven last Saturd iy. wlieu atnoug inauy oilier things the Jones that this case be tried on the He snd Harry King and Garfield State of Utah vs. Harry L. Mills is set first day of the next sesoiou, the same was set for Sept, 7th, James were trying to corral a spirited for trial. Both Mr. Page and Luke were re horse, aud afier the animal hud dodgThe trial of M. J, Caine vs. 8. F, ed by them a fiw nines, Young Mount. Mr. Frew asked for a teased on their own recognizance. stay of Janies indignation btgau to rise and proceedings uutil the following day like bis namesake, who was so popul- that his client might appear, which Much comment is afloat just now ar ab nt a gcueratio.i ago, thought to was granted. Mr. Caine not appear- about some of our county officials. The a his wrath by killing him off. ing the ease was dismissed. Subject extends over the curriculum of Jle aeeojdiugly secured a missle, and Case of Miles Durkee vs. Orson Lee County Attorney, Clerk, Sheritl and as Me sluu went by as quick us a el al was set for the November term. Commissioners. As is natural there is flasu he let the rock fly at his head The next on rhe ealerder was the a in variance the opinions euter-taiue- d great He missed bis game bur it struck Mr. case of D. H. Ferguson et jjl vs, Martha and expressed by those who w fillau, fit was starding a few yards J. Lyon et al. Hon lVm. King and themselves to a imagine greater or less on away, the elbo and tint bis spiffing Barlow Ferguson appearing for th extent acquainted with the fuots perJikea wiiirl-i-giraw hi nursed a very plaintiffs and Woldernar Van Cottaud taining to the case of each officer. soie aim for a few days, biu no bones 8. L. Page for the defendants. The sheriff was reprimanded by the Were broken. The olaintiffs claim to have rnado a dismisd grand jury for direlately location of the ground In contr very or liction of duty, and the rumor, thnt Mr. J. P. Blautou of Richfield, u part thereof iu theyear of 1891. Ihe here would be an indictment found special Bgr it for the Singer company, drove location is in Horse Heaven In the against him was afloat which we over the mountain pass from Beaver Marysvae mining country. Ou a not well founded. o i i here last week. Accompanying portion of this ground a rich strike wub The eounty Atty and Clerk were inhim wa9 one.,f the elite young damsels made Inst fall by J. IV. Sargent, who, dicted on a charge cf defacing, mutiloi i aver, Mis? Ella Hutchins and the year previous, had located ,t as the ating and altering the Public records. lui iittlesister. n route Mr. Blau. on Wedge No. 1. This case wash, gun at But whether or uot they are guilty or was evidently taking a few astronomi- 1:30 p. m. Monday aud occupied 1 uot will be detefmiued iu the courts. cal observations and entirely forgot days of the session and at thi writ- Aocor Jiug to u great many, the charge bis rins and the team strayed of into ing might have been cnc.uutd had was instigated by malice or prejudthe entire itineriy, not a technicality arisen that necessi- ice. The aguilyand up-Commissioner recieved sevthe young lady falling on her arm and tated a cou liiutu uce. ere criticism for failing to provide a At 1 p. at. Tuesday the prosecution spraining bet- thumb quite badly. safe depokitoty for the Public records Lu drily no bones were broken. rested aud tLe defense opened with J. and iu common the people are diesatis W. Sargent, the first locator of the fled for their acts in creating laws that , A,ty Issac Stewart of Riel, field Wedge, as first witness. Mr. 8 irg,nts they full to enforce came up to the Vale last estlmony was that of stating time Tuesday on If the officials s. and manner of the location and detail- are well charges ugaiust these Accompanying him was his fouuded. let them recleve the the descriptions. Indirect ex, .urlitt boy , who, while riding a the law provides, if not let burro, ing was thrown off and received a vicious ination Mr. Van Cott, attorney for de- penuitybe them vindicated. At all evenfa, kick I wish you to state now, let there be o.tLJ load from the fence said. light. animal w nich rendered him uncon- what, if any, work hae ever beep dqpe on the White Piue claim? scious. He soon rallied and was taken Continued from Page 2. Bai low Fergtison, liome aud is now said to be attorney forplaiu-fif- l to support, and I infer from your inI obj et b. cause the f Ing of that you must be a father yonr--el- f. lue plain tiiUa ciuim hasnt been alleg- dustry Consider my case, if you please, ed in the pleadings. rJ lie me a and Rive young ladies of Marysvale mnt snow! A t tins juncture a discussion arose at the home of Mrs. Stark nn WednesThe burglar came that night aud as to whe.h r it was necessary for the was day and effected an organization to be the letter, evidently touched bknnoti a the Young La lips Society. forfeiture to alleged iu the pleadings. fop tie wrote oil the margin. Tbe object ot the club being to raise The nlai. .tiff cited tlto court to several I am in receipt of yours of this decisions iu the Supreme court in the aid i building a school uouse money date. All right: Ill let up. Do not states of Montana, California and else- be 1 he. Ira'-,- . fi'tetj up a room in the Pio-discouraged, your next door neighwhere, and after consideration the t'l r building where bor has no trousers at all. I write in they will con objection was sustained. It was artact the business of the concern and haste, for I understand theyre going that the gued butdeu of proof of for- to send a d mitt, receive contribution. policeman on this beat next feiture was upon the dof.. aud when year. thg.burden of proof rests ou a party to Miss Pearl Dalton of Oircleville, re"P. S. Your watch was- fifteen before that proof cun be anaUipu, minutes slow and I set it for you. lumed roiu Piovo where she has been it must bo pleaded, iu order Atlanta Constitution. attending teacher institute last Rat- - that opponetip r may appear at trial pre irday nighty and spent the KahbaMi to mee; it. The def. answer iu wiih tier sister, Mrs. Alma Htraw. pared MiS Candace Dukee entertained a this case was a specific denial that tbs M -- s DhIioii in a teacher and will act ew of her friends iast Monday in V hite Piue location was ever made, as tutor of tbe east Ciroleville school of obtaining her while the '"Iris year. alleges that the Wedge wssou unoccupied ground. Upon the court sustaining ctii n 11 is , sported that several thousand defendants asked permissiontheabj J. Yf . Patrick and a Mr. Williams to amend. lioti-- l i, 'eiiscd sheep ar-- ' ranging in the This was grauted on terms and neces- came in from Park City last Monday 4o'u iy c.o rnry to tbe sheep ordi-4- )! sitated a coutiuuauCf? of the ease till aud w ill work in tne miues for some innee. The com m iesfonei s should in- next term when, if both parties are ti finite lime. i obligate thi se matters. it .prepared, will be concluded, if not it will go over until the k2nd of NovemWill Hardy contemplates opening Rev. Morse drove up from Monroe ber. From the defendant's Chrls'-ianae- n pleadings, up a gronety store iu the Wednesday and, reports tb6 scarlet the plaintiff s say that burl in near the future. exdidnt ling they 'ever winch has been ragiug there as pect the question of forfeiture to he now.' Abating raised, therefore made uo Vermeil Rapp, a prominent lawyer preparations of proof that assessment work had been cf Richfield, passed through entente Hiyli; id'at height now. Tin done. Tbe defendants pay all the ex- to court Monday, k f! crop is excel, ut this year aud tra costs of witnesses anif rtpo.ter in ..me slaves even bettei tkiu: Uie rCoutinffing (fie ca-- e. 1 : ; i f t.i (! r' i".uii-u'u'i- t i . of liie kittle wuiid utng tbe trag tdy known us tbe Mills F muidcr, aud the qutstiuu having boon widely discu ed pMutid n . that we b dime it I ef.ills the l'l sk b a ilu:y to give a mail space in repetition of the ev ent. On Juiy-otMills and Pujue became involved in a quarrel in Stewarts saloon. Porjtte shoved Mills against the wall; Mills broke loose anti ran oui of the house, anti after some mitiiilts relurmd, resumed therquturel and blows were exchanged w heu Mills drew a gun and tired three. Shota at his antagonist, olc of which entered th abd'men of Perjue from vtiich he. 55 minutes later, died. All of ihif w asdouei:i presence of the Sheriff tnd ins deputy uiitl several spectators. hen Peijue recieved the fatal shot two nitui were on his back and one (to 'sheiff) was holdiug Mills and endeavoring to get hold of the gun This is the unanimous testimony of about Sevan or eight wnut-sse- s in a nutshell. A uu inner of individuals are endeavor ing in vindicate Md.s ill the eyes of the people end alio in the eyes of the law and using any unscrupulous measpui I Di-ir.- f f - t A i COUNTY OFFICERS SCORED .th r T f i All Kinds IV WM. HARDY. court oyeued at Junction OTIC EJ. Knoun Vnto Ml Men Whom This May Concern: That SfapJe and fancy groceries and Bolitho & Lewis of Richfield, Utah, Do lay claim to be tin CHEAPEST Hardware-angents fu rnis h i n g good s-- DE.VI.EU IN- - - r Implement Merchants la So nr hern Utah or r any place else. Friends, It will pay yon a bin per cent to Investigate what we say, and see It ' it Is not a fact. Come aud prloe our goods, wen ' -- tf you dont want to buy. ,i,'VS'v.A.,WWhiVA.' CHRISTENSEN BUILDING. b Utah. Mavysvalo, Of li'hat Prices Did You, Wave To Pay For Stoves And Hardware Before We Went To Selling Goods? for one Job vrork JUNCTION HOTEL Think moment and see who deserves your patronage. All we have to say is, that If we dout sell you goods as cheap or cheaper than anyone else, we dont ask your patronage. He have ttie largest stock of Good meals good beds and a warm welcomo. LIGHT AND HEAVY HARDWARE. NAILS BARB WIRE, ROOFING IRON, HARDWOODS) BAR IRON.STOVE8, RANGE8 AND TINWARE- that this or any adjoining County has ever haq and we will keep it as full and complete as It W possible to do. So dont be afraid to come ti ltiehtleld for goods tills year, for we have pi; them, and cheaper than you can get them at anif other towu 111 the county. CHARLES HALES, FEOF. I3tah. Junction, We Especially Ask You to Givt v Us A Gall lor DERING tyNDERS, MOWERS, 6fi RAKES AND', TWINE. ALSO BURG WAGONS. Neatly Done We aim tdlumilTtwctiiy fltsevct'-firs- t goods-anwe guarantee every piece of Deerlng ma, ehlaerv to h of Ihe lightest draft In the world' A hy? Because they ran on Boiler and B; 1 Bearings; Don't he blntk-- oft by anyone telling yon tlf'tthcy have cot lust ns good. The best none too ,v bnv thu heat. A FINE ASSORTMENT TOR Missionaries, Students, Sunday School Teachers. THE CEERING IS THE BEST. Thanking you ono and all for past patronage! we do sincerely trust that you will Inoreasa thq ' same In Nie future. .. Call on, or address BoUTHO & LEWIS . At This Office Deseret News ..No. 8137. . . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . t U. S. I.andonh-p- Publishing Co, At llard-Timc- We give below tlu local (Marysville) prices riiTent, Final upon information courteously finnialnal al the dose of tlio week by our looill loci cliant. amt dealers. 7 lit) quotations nre for cash : ! 31 00 Oats iV THI tbsl 70 Wheat t V bushel) 1VK SliK K4 T.eef eai.le i V Its estimated wt).. 3 s - - lions (P tl, estimated we'ql't).... Sln-- p 31 (ft head) 2 4' 50 rmmsio.vi Prices I ltuttei (rjuelO " (creamery) 50 Fggs (do.cu) llacon (V Flour (V 100 lbs) io a a a 10 60 Or 22 August , 27, 1697. I - , . . No. 3409. . ifOliCE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office, Salt Lake City, ntah, IT. B. 1 TIVCrR . Lake Ultv, Utah. hereby given that the followlng-nam- r Oil settler has Illed notice of tils Intention to make Anal proof In support othls claim and that said proof will he made before the County Clerk. Of Wayne' Comity. Utah, at I.oa, Utah, on October !lh, 1897, Hyrmn H. Liston H E 9795 for the SE qr SE qr See :tt Tp 29 8 R 5 E, K; NE qr See 3 and SV qr N W qr See? Tp 30S R5 E. the following witnesses to prove his oomluumm residence upon and cultl- vation of. said land, vD; Seth Tuft, William) Meeks of Thurber, lull, Urban V. Stewart Thomas It Furs; th Jr. ot Urover, Utah. BYRON GROO, M. W. M,tnfleiit, Register. 1st pub.Atig. 28. Att'y for Claimant. REPORT IViARYSVALE MARKET i( Salt t - Notice DeL-ndaut- , Richfield. Utah. . TOR SALE BY THE v . 4 CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. (July 24, NOTICE' TOR PUBLICATION. 1897. Notice is hrteby given thatthe following bant ed settler has filed notice od his intention to make . v NO. 8388 final proof In support of id claim, and tliai said f Land Olllee, . J Halt Lake city, Utah. proof will be nu)de before the County Clerk oil ' . Beaver County, at Reaver u tali, on September tt, (July 1, 1897. NotFc b hereby given that Henry McMnlleti 1897, vir.: Edward N. Morgan on H E No. 9121 for NE qr SK qr NK qr Bee 32 St BW qr has filed hotice of Intention to make final proot for the before thi County Clerk of llute Co. at Utsofllee NW qr see;Tp29 S R7 W. 7-, ii Junetioj, At H.trrrrtavThrTtst doy of August lie namPs fitfi following Wiinevues To prove hi 1897, on timber culture application Nil. I'ti.s, for eoiPiuaous resldnice tqion. and euUivattou of, ihe Lots 2, 3, 6. 4 dt tid laud, viz: Thomas M. Patterson, Kdwaid q. XV qrot sei'Mii No. 1 Ho names N. Patterson, Ed'-.jIn Township No. 27 8 K No. 1 W. Bohn, Wm. G. Mowers, of Limes Anderson, N. C. Boren- - Beaver, Utah. as witness, s: BYRON GROO, M all of owell, Peter Jensen, on, William Frank 1). Hobbs, , Register. I lab. BYRON GROO, 1st peb. July 31, 1897. . Attorney. g. First Publication, July Chas. S. Wilkes, Atty 10, 97. Iteglfter. for Claimant. No. 3407. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3430. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF, . ( U. S. OmeO. J halt Lake City, Utah. m- ( July '29, 1897. Is following-nanNfltlee I that tlie hereby given Land Office at Balt Lake City Utah, f ed setter lias filed nbfee of his intention ft AUUUHT 16 !897. HEREBY GIVEN make dual proof In support of Ills claim,' anil NOTICE 18B. McKeon has filed notice of that said proof will be made before the County Intention to make proof on hlsdeserUand claim Cleik of Piute County, Utah, at Junction, Utah! No. 3650, for the H'i of Bee. 32 Tp 25 S It 19 W. on September, 1897, Ml; Isaiah Howes on II before the County Clerk of Mlllaid County No. 8680 for the lot 3 8)i N Vf qr Sec 1 Tp 28 8 R . at Fillmore, Utah, on the 23 day of September, 3 W. He names the following witnesses to provl 1897. He names tho following witnesses to prove ids continuous residence upon and cultivation the complete Irrigation and reclamation Of said said land, viz: Thos. Cntaway Br. Char'd land: Fred Keser, Wm. Kesler, James Forgle, Leonard, Tlios. Cutaway Jr., A.- J. Sargent, oi Marysvale, llute Co. Utah., EYHON GROO, F. Billingsley of Milford, Utah. First Pub. July 31, 97. Fglstcr. Frank 1). Hobbs. BYRON GROO IT auk D, Lobhs, Attorney, Attorney. Register, 1st Publication Attytt U-- .t . No. 3381. NOTICE 1 et FOIL PUBLICATION. ' 11 - c"!' bu.-ines- . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, No. 3110 Land Office halt Lake City, UUh. June 28, 1897. Is Notice hereby given that tbe followllti ( U. fl. LandOlfire, Salt Lake City, Utah. named has filed notice of Intention to make ( July 21th, 1897. final proof in support of his claim, and that said A Is Notce hereby given that Dram L. Fother. proof will be made before tlie County Clerfi Ingham has filed notice rfintemionlo make proof of Wayne County, Utah, atLoa, Utah, on Augur claim No. 3623 for the Sq BIC4 on his desert-lan9, 1897, viz: Jacobs 8. Bastlan H E No. 8820 fed Bee. 6 F,A NWli W Yi NR!i & NKi NE qr Bee 7 til i W'A HE4 EH SWH Bee. 3t Tp27 8 R 3Easf before the County Clerk of Ho names the Tp 27 S It 10 W following witnesses to prove hr Beaver County at Beaver Utah, on tho U day of ccuBhuous residence upon, and chltivation September, 1897. said laud, viz: Willis E, Robinson, Benjant' no names the following witnesses to prove tho F. Brawn, Michael lUnseh, Joseph E.'kerse1 complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land: of Ian , Utah. ii . Michael Monahan, Edward S. Sawyer, Willard BYRON OROC, A. Sawyer, Joseph McEwen of Beaver, Utah. M. V. Mansfield, Register. BYRON GROO, 1st put. July 3rd, .r Attorney. Frank D.ITobhs, Register, 1st pub, July 31, '97 Attorney. DESERT LAND. FINAL PROOF, KCllCE FOR PUBLICATION. ( J ( , rrf.-itur- e I I - d i NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. ToFiUvk wuight, Joe Bkethwaite, ait G13T '. GKor.fi Hall. You are hereby notified that we have expend ed tl ti sum of three hundred dollars in labor any improvement upon the lollowing mining claim', located and known as the Last Chance, Whal and Whale Extension, situate in Ohio Mlnlnt Dltrtct, Piute County.Utah, for the year 18, fo TOTH MOdETVS WDWffi! SALT LAKE HERALD Bliit at, DAILY BflfUittMt ftfld B0i. tia.00 per aonnnv per month. OnJjrWJB pa year, or 75a for ( mtmtha fiscal agenf Orrosi BiTtoerU at fn-- i dS red to Rjci cross-complai- - 'I the annual labor and assessment work require hy law for said one year respectively t() boh, sai l premises under And pursuant to the prrj visions of section 2314 of tlie Revised Stabiles 4 tbe United States. That this notice shaU.be p s'i llilied for ninety (90) day. That if you futt c! refuse for tlie period of ninety (90) days a Pet- tb; publication of this notice to cont 'bu a your proportions of such expenditures aa., ewites 4, your'interest, in the said mining cf ilkH forfeited to and become the property'-t.te qudersigned by virtue of a fid uader tbs po of said section 2324. . . . ' CO X lUU baU Lak CttT, - J.S.HILEND. , , Carpenter ' . FRkClBHAUGl"''' . i' is Haughey, and 'Builder. - i Marysvale. - ' A.ND 3. S nAUGR'Aj lat pub. June JJ, sit '1 "ev for icttiotiee, t Estimates taken on all kinds ofworl. s ' t3tah. 7 m Vfbo jf lorn Wi tct yu'ir I Wftvhlmftori, ticyt mX Uni ot two H D. C., for . n thin, , visa twr- s i - |