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Show miners on the upper Yukon river. "It was my purpose, the com sioner goes on, "to detail three of STATE SCISSORINGS UTE PlOXEEIt. Newsy Notes Extracted from Exchanges. The stake conference ol the Sevier slake was held at Elsinore August 25, and most of the people were out of town. Chris Madsen, who was con' fined In the county Jail, charged with shooting Aurthur Htorrs at the Saline depot, took advantage of the time to escape from custody. lie either filed or an accomplice filed the lock on the jail door, and went Into an adjoining house. The residents had gone to conference, so he took a Winchester rifie with cartridges and wrote a note to the sheriff Raying thathe was going east to Bobbers roost as life was too short to stay in jail. About 1 ocleck he was seen leaving, but being a stranger tc the people here, no one recognized him. nor suspected anything wrong. Just after C oclock Mrs. King came home aud noticed that some one had been In the house. Running to the Jail she found It empty and the lock laying on the ground. Notice was at once given to the sheriff, who has gone on the search for the missing man. Word has been telegraphed and couriers sent In all directions, but no traces are yet found. A footman answering Madsens description was seen about 4 o'clock crossing the track at Sigurd and making for the mountains. Ho far no one has found any horse missing andBome pal is supposed to be waiting for him in tho hills. Madsen is a pleasant appearing man of 20 or 22 years. He is sandy and has lost some of his upper front teeth. It Is believed he will make a hard fight rather than to be tnken. He has always acted well while in custody and was allowed to go about the main room of the jail without handcuffs or shackles. Every evidence points to some one outsid6 having done tl.s filing of the lock. Richfield cor. Herald. nINS . t: M . in vo. Wil.us It tu lin Ii.mis (SCI IplllUll 1. ,llO) ohn It 1aik me It, tilth Mint r hi McCarty sue Wright f, Jus Fin slice skilled herdsmen and 30 trained deer to the Yukon region the pre summer, If this arrangement Is carried ouf instructed, an Important experiment will be ia progress duriDg the comlDg year at the gold mines. The plan of the bureau has been to arrange a reindeer express connecting towns in a line from the Behrirg straits to Kadiak island. Superintendent of Reindeer Stations, Kjollmanni, last September, proved the practicability of this by making a trial trip on this route. Two of his party were abie to take the steamer at Katrnai, sailing to Sitka in d, Dr. Bird of Mauti, came nearly losing hi? all by fire last Sunday. He and hia wife went to Mt. Pleasant to attend the quarterly conference, and while absent his place in some unaccountable manner took fire during the afternoon. Part of his corral, the considerable winter dT is of buggy hnrnees, grain, a new cutter old articles were con-- 3 flames, also The crowd that was g the fire worked like the barn aud also his auy it was, the adjoining 16lWrttelifcaughl pnrritf etc., a,i!y to agent, fire, . I5dlkil,ll. '..(' liton Mr. Junior, 1' A, cut Manager. Wadi rum, (jtueial rasseiibt'i' Agent. Cu acoouut of Peaoli Day festivities at Grand Junotlon, Colorado, Hept. 7th, 8th nml 9th, the RioCrar.de Wost-pr- u will sell tickets Relknay to Grand Junotlon, Colo and return at rate of $14 00, Tickets will be sold Hept. Oth qnly, limited to Hept. 11th for return. r 'No allowed) G.B. Hopkins, Agent. stop-ove- The recent rise la the price of wheat a lending to give business a more bril limit hue in the central states aud some predict that tho "good old Acpublicr.n times are coming, which .a causing tho silver cause in those pur' i to lull. But In the midst of this it should not Is forgotten that the Asheat crop is a failure this year w hieh i for the rice. I r flow rppenis that thera will bo nothing done this year lu building a msw sclicc! house. Which .means, of cuurso, that the boys and girls and the dainty school ma'm will sutler from cold and exposure again this winter. bad that our people are It Is really so negligent about this important sublet. By a very little effort the people ibisld boud the district and raise ample means to build a creditable school house. But they seem not to want it. 1 to reports say that it,. Is not to England will our commission likely de able to secure anything defiuite relative to Englands position on inter nhtlonal bimetallism before October. can wait till October If our ia doing any effectual work iu Recent com-cilCBl- meantime. lie JIow very often we are reminded of the urgent need c! a road to Gold llruntain. If Marysvale woul 1 the road It would be a flue financially, besides it would improve the country ia which r'l ere cou-tru- t i ct erested. Nct lohg ago a justice up In man $30 for allowing .o'hie women to Helen to a "smutty 4ngon the phonograph. Thatwaall '.ht, but he 1st the women off free. I new political party has lately been irn In Ealt Labe City, with the gold-Republicans as its father and as its mother, IM is municipal reform Here's fh - A wereot Birds loss 111 totally destroyed amount to about three hundred UiNlnrs. Hr. Reid's place was insured and he will therebursed while Mr. Birds fore bo loss will be total as lo insurance was carried on his premises. The family of children wero all at home but they did not discover the fire in time to save any of the household goods stored away in the outbuildings, Mr. Bird is thankful that the lobs is no greater and that ids dwelling and barn were saved. Had there been a breeze to fan the flames there is no telling how great the loss would have been as the fire would have been carried to the adjoining corrals and buildidgs, and much damage would have resulted. Ephraim Enterprise. Eimkaluaa severe attack of the In fact it looks as though "Blues. t lie town was "busted wide open and the face of the papers fail to show cither consolation for the banks depositors or to indicate any surprising amount of honesty on the part of the malingers of the "Ranking House of re-i- , uqucstionably accounts but Geo. Aurthur Rice & Co. The papers of the assignment were filed iu the offloe of the county recorder last Thursday morning and the unprejudiced opiuion of those who have made an examination of them would indicate that the Eureka bank has been la an insolvent condition for months. We sincerely regret the affair on account of the depositors, many of whom were poor men and worn en who could ill afford the loss, aud we can find nothing to excuse the conduct of the bank managers, We have no doubt hut that the great mining camp of Eureka will recover from the blow, however Severe it may be, bvt it wui be many a day before business will adjust itself o tbs conditions vhich existed prior to the failure. Nephi Republic, Home luterosiirg statements relating to the gold region iu Alaska and tie reindeer experiments there are brought out in the annual statement of United States Commissioner of Education Harris, submitted today. It describes in detail the progress of the mining, the growth of Circle City, Dawson City and the Klondike district, the two principal routes, via St, Michaels and via Chilkoot pass. Touching on the importance of extending the introduction of reindeer into that territory, the report says that thpxieihdeer stations ought to be able to furnish 500 reindeer trained to the harness at once for the use of th March. This arrangement once completed it PROFESSIONAL r. M. B. Shipp PHYSICIAH AND Office Jr. SURGED! sad Eesldeuce at the Kentucky House. Utah. Monroe, you care for the home news? Do SAM UELL. PAGE. ASSoaKSY AS taw JIARYSVALE, UTAH H. YAH, MAETK7, 3 LAWYER will be possiolofor business companies in San Fra..cisco and other cities to hold communication with their whalVill praotice in all the courts. ing fleets during the winter north of the Arctic circle. There have been maintained in SSTPrompt Attention Given to All Alaska 20 day schools, under the super- Business Entrusted. vision of the interior department, with OFFICE EA8T SIDE JACK80N AVENUE. 23 teachers, and an enrollment of 1,2G7 pupils. A public school was opened at Gircle City, in the Yukon mining dis- TJtali. IVXarysval trict, but the departments agent, writing from St. Michaels, saya he ia afraid he will be forced to discontinue It, because of the exodus of the citys population into the region nearer the recent- So you want a synopsis of the State news? GW. Jones, ATTORNEY AT LAW ly discovered mines. in all the Courts State anp Wilt The influx of miners Id to the Yukon deral. practice TIMBER LANDS A 8PEOIALTY. has caused a demand for reindeer for UT A freighting purposes. In the original MARYSVALE, plan for the purchase and distribution of reindeer, reference was had to securing a new food Bupply for the famishing Eskimos of the Behring Sea and the Arctio Ocean region, but It is now found At that reindeer are as essential to the white men as the Eskimos. The wonPromptness and accuracy my motto, derful Yukon placer mines aresituated 25 to 100 miles from the great stream. Provisions brought from the south and landed on the banks of the rivtr are with great difficulty transported to the mines on the tributary streams. Last winter mongrel dogs for transportation purposes coat from $100 to $200 each, and freight charges from the river to tire mountains range from 15 to 20o per pound. The trained reindeer make in a day two or three times the distance covered by dog teams, and have the advantage that they can use the abund ant moes as food. Tribune, LAW. Gilbert Beebe.- Attorney Law. Junction, Utah. Dr. E. Smith, Do you appreciate good whole- DENTIST.- some reading in your family?. Richfield - Utah,. John MeteeRj ATTORNEY AT At 9 oclock August 23rd, As the clerk of the Cullen hotel was taking a Advocate Office. gnest to his room ou the fourth floor RICHFIELD, UTAH, he was startled at hearing a pistol shot in one of the rooms, and shortly ESCouuty Seat of Bevier County after the heavy fall of a man on the floor. He rushed to the doer but j found it locked. A pss key was soon obtamed aud the door opened upon LAUD AND MINING ATTORNEY. horrid spectacle. Theio on the floor, his head in a pool of blood, lay Joseph II. Winslow, late Twenty five years experience. Cor-clerk and cashier of the Cullen hotel Solicited, respondetice A gaping wound large enough to ad Utah. Lake City mit tho insertion of three fingers, was found on his left temple. The man was still alive hue unconscious. D- - Schoebar, C. E. Dr. Meaoham, who has had him fhillipp U, 8. D. Mineral Surveyor. under treatment for three months for brain trouble, was called, but could, of COUNTY SURVEYOR course, do nothing to save the unforroK tunate mans life, ne died one hour later, when his body was removed to Evans undertaking establishment. aud accurately drawn The deceased was well known in Legal papers carefullyexecuted. and surveys piomptly this city. Ten years ago he was clerk Utah. of the Walker house, where his wife Salina, died. Much of the time since he had given to brooding and fits of melanT. G. BAILEY. choly; though not to the extent of interfering with his duties as hotel olerk Land and Mining Attorney which had been his occupation since business promptly attended to. AH his arrival in this city. year's experience About a month ago he found himself S034 Booms uuable to discharge his duties In the Wittingkam Building Cullen, aud was released July 15th, Lake. but since whloh time he has continued 6EN0 25CT8 to reside at the hotel. Ilia death was no doubt caused by the consciousness that ha was losing his mind, and that in a short time he would have to be confined among the insane. His lucid intervals, which and Builder, were becoming rarer, were filied with Carpenter the terror of his pitiable situation. of work. Only yesterday Dr. Meaoham tried to Estimates taken on all kinds persuade him to go to the hospital Utah. where he might have care and super Marysv&le, vision, but he would not listen to it. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. He has no relatives In Utah. One To Fbaxk waioHT, Job Bkethwaitk.axd of his brothers resides in Chicago and Geo rob Hall. another in Marion, New York. He You are hereby notified that we have expend leaves a small bank aeoount and some ed the stun of three hundred dollars tn labor aud real estate in this city, -- Deseret Nows. improvements upon the tollowiug mining claims ioeat d rnd kito'v n as the Last Chance, Whale, A despondent citizen wrots the fob and ft hale Extension, situ te in Oluo Mining Pitt ,ct, Piute Count) .Utah, tor the ye.r lW.for lowing letter to a rerslstent burglar the returned muual labor and assessment vo-who had visited his house on several by liw for Said one year respect ul.T to hold occasions and left it on the dresser be- said, pre uses under and pursuant to the fore re tiri ng for the night, ons of section C3C4 of the Kc; ised Statutes of the Vnite. I States. That tins not;:3 shall be To the Burglar My Tear Sir: I ninet) t,90J days. That if you fail or trust you will give there few lines a refuse for fer t' a period of ntney JH) days at rer the moments consideration. Yon have complete publication of this notice to contribute done me the honor to visit me three jour piopj.tions of such expenddmes as jour mtsiest, iu the said mining Ct'a.ius times. On these occasions you haye will be forfeited to ar d bACivne tl c propet v of taken away numerous souvenirs of theundernguet by v rtueoluud under thete fins your visits. Iam cow reduced to a ol sad see: ton EE4. FHAXCIS Ha UG ILEX AM) J. 5, Waterbufy watch end one po,ir of Francis Hau J5; nub. JUD0 10. PT. jhey, X trousers, need not tell you that Attorn-t,r FetiIocti. both are under my head. I wsmt to ask you to let np on me! I know there Is no law to prevent you from clean- Waitfad-f- .ii Idea ing me out entirely, but I spprtM to Ifoftpct yo?c hrto. yon v. thr Wrp j6fjs WEuis.iBhta'i Da . Wat L'lsrc, It. C.. for your generosity, I have a large f i,S3 p Aw amlly (Continued on Tape 3.) 2. If so, subscribe' for the PI0; NEER Salt Sevier County, II fell! M &ii Salt rOft COPY OP NEW UTAH 8TATC LAND LAW. J.S.HILEND. Pel year u. k : pro-vi- If yon want mental Trees liome-gror- a Fruit Orn fV my kind got tlie HAUC-Hi.- v PIONEER HURSERlfiS'CO p. 0'LoxUQG, SLAJL.T Ofjice 3 Atlas Dlocl Sis AJK33 CIT x ;vy j t .1 - j |