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Show o THE t 9 j YOL. II. MARYSVALE,' PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1897. , J . 1 , , - Dalmatian Bosnia, Herzegovina. Three Austrian Provinces Where the Spirit of Unrest Ever Asserts Itself Hydro-m- el and Swords the Leading Products (Special Letter.) HE news that the Austrian government is dispatching bodies of large troops by sea to Dalmatia, while equally strong re- -. enforcements' to : pi t'k & the Bosnian army of occupation are advancing by rail and river, seems to indicate that the imperial government at Vienna has some fear of trouble in its most southern provinces. When the Bosnians and Herzegovinans are not actually in rebellion they are either preparing for insurrection or taking a rest after running away from the government troops. It is highly probable that the furor excited by the Greek war has aroused hopes in the Austrian provinces oi being able to throw off the yoke of Vienna and establish independent states in Dalmatia, Ilerze-govnand Bosnia, such as already exist in Montenegro, Servia and Bulgaria. Dalmatia, ilosnij Herzegovnia are all settled by the sa, le race of people, a branch of the Slavs, and in the country districts of all three provinces a dialect of Servian Is spoken as the language of the people. In the towns, owing to the various races which have conquered and occupied the country, the population is of mixed descent, Turkish, Servian, Bulgarian, Jewish and German elements being almost equally mixed. The Dalmatians do not take very naturally to work of any kind. They are good sailors and furnish the best material for the Austrian navy. The Bosnians and Herzegovinans make fine soldiers, and the contingent furnished by these provinces to the Austrian army are regarded as the best in the service. The principal business of Dalmatian Bosnia and is fighting, and the men of these provinces attend scrupulously to DaTrrmtlafl'L'HStd 7 bstsiaer-WtiLu-t- hP quarrel with the Bosnians or the he is just as ready to quarrel with his own people, and in all these provinces, where there is outward peace, the belligerency of the inhabitants is expended on each other, and village feuds, one side of the town arrayed against the other, are as common and as deadly as the vendettas of Corsica. The principal manufactures of these provinces is hydromel, or mead, an intoxicating drink made of honey, and when this is partaken of in considerable quantities it provokes resort to the other leading manufacture, which is nothing more or less than sword blades. Tht smiths of this region have, in some mysterious way, preserved the art of making swords of a temper little if any, inferior to the famous blades of Damascus and Every man of this region carries a sword as part of his daily equipment, and to the stranger one of the most curious spectacles in the world is that of n fanner plowing his field with a sword strapped to his side. The cliriices are that a pair of huge horse-pistokeep company in his girdle, while his gun is resting against the wall. The Austrian Government has endeavored to utilize the fighting qualities of these provincals, and has put many of them in the army, but, like Indians, while they are ever ready to fight, they wish to do the fighting in their own way, and on their own account, and have little taste for the iron dis' lpline of a regular army. In most of the towns The better class are They are not Turks, but Slavs of wealth and influence who, when their country was conquered by the Turks, adopted the religion of Islam as the best means of saving their estates and preserving their political la tion is even now scarcely recovering from the barbarous modes the government imposed by the Turks and the degradation, political and social, which is a natural result of Turkish rule. In a few years the railroads, which have been projected through all parts of this region, will be completed and then the wonderful mineral and forest resources of the country will be developed to an extent that will probably make this mountainous mass one of the richest portions of the Austrian empire. - - Hand with till Gan He Generally Let HU Opponent Take the First Shot, Bat the Fight' Ended with ' V . ' tn Funeral. . . A Cool - - , - freh - dealt faro and killed a t man now and then, but everybody in VirginiawellCityof thought Farmer Peale, ex- Ants That Build by the Compaaiu cept- some of the Mr. Robert Jack, government geoloroughest sort, and gist, In a communication made to th it was among them v, ... Royal Society, of Queensland, adds "he did the that most interesting fact to the singulai killing, V said James Marber, a Nevada habits of the termites or white ants oi pioneer, in speaking of day's on the Australian regions. The ant hill! the Comstock lode. - Heearly was a cool, of the Somerset tract are particularly speaking, determined noticeable whenever there is a flat piece jjolite,ascarefully thiff as S rail and brave as a man, of poor soil, which is bog In the wet lion. His thinness was of advantage season, and their frequency and distri- to him in his shooting matches, for bution are such as to have properly even' a good marksman may miss a earned for the sites accepted by them the designation of graveyard flat3, slim man togged out in loose clothes What is, however, most singular about .which hide the outline of his' figure. them a condition, indeed, that can be He had an uncommon, fashion tf alput to practical service by man ia the lowing his opponent to have the first fact that both the foundations and the shot, and then plugging him (before he summits are strictly north and south oould fire a second. This may have with which in the line of the long axis, so much so come from the deliberation ' that a man bushed (the Australian he aimed, for when the other man expression for lost In the bush) can missed, 'as most always he did, Farmer and the fight ended with steer by them, so long as he Is able to Pealg-didn- t, J t ' a fuHral that wasnt his. distinguish north from south. 1 was there when he killed 'Much: ach a bad little Melxcan, who quarrelDlvorsed by a State. A sad story is the experience of Mrs. ed with 'him-a- t the faro table.' It was Laura Crocker Acklan, the handsome agreed between them that--, not iq dis-tub the game they .should go out on and accomplished daughter of T. D. Crocker, of Cleveland, 0., whose the street tojsettle their difficulty, Ad tears so Impressed the members of the soon as they go't to th street Muchaql house of representatives at Dover, Del.,' jumped' behind. 'pne of: the Ixistihah recently that they forgot she was an held ilfnr the awning 'olioiro the bmL. heiress and passed her bill for divorce walk andjturneiif jowetwlfch-bi- s pfstJfl.V from her husband of less than a yea. dodging' head W-- ' J C ft k nd r lgbt is Mrs. Acklan is only 23 years old. he fired 'tp avoid tea1e's'feturn. shots; Early in March last Mrs. Acklan filed Farmerrpeale ffl'ped jfc'fcdblly and care- -i bill for divorce in the senate. She told fullyxft f It- wera;,tp.rgeV practice afid. the divorce committee that her husband nbt q Hiuei that 'hg had misrepresented his age to her and miedTi$f indued bis .third stuJJ'H. her parents. He told her he was 32,' she said, and he was 45; but he was not affectionate and he her. The pomtn i t tee Jj for,, about minutes to Mrs. Acklans story of how he had disappointed her and by a unan- i- -; 1 -- - sted MRS. LAURA CROCKER ACKLAN. imous vote agreed to report her bill favorably. When the matter came up in the house, however, it was sidetracked, and it was only after diligent work on the part of the woman and after numerous quarrels involving many legislators that she was finally victorious. Mrs. Acklan has acquired the distinction of being the first woman to be divorced by a state. iLAR-OL- rt h fc. ' - theVS008 gfim-cliewl- ti 1 m tan-bar- Baddle-colowdj'cl- Lu ,, ... produced by the aspjnt slapping his chest, and another lghter arose and lithely stepped though the crowd and into the clearing Now the assembled outfit did yell, aid as each man stripped to a breach clow, swung his arms, bent his legs back I'ntil his toes rested in the armpits, the clink of silver mingled with tho din of advice, compliments and admonitions floating about, and all knew the bias were on. The rules are simple. Biting and hair pulling, striking or k'cking a fallen opponent are the only prohibited acts. Facing each other, tho fighters stood a pace apart, the leferees opposite each other also, All was in read! forming a square. ness, the crowd grew impatient, the referees clapped their chest, the com batants smote themselves likewise, a great roar of voices, and before one could really notice just how it happened the fighters were wriggling on the tan bark. A flash of dark skins through the sun rays which looked like streams of water aslant through the tobacco smoke, the clapping sound of palms on necks, backs, and thighs, a spinning wheel of legs, arms, heads, tan hark, and the act was done, the round over, and the man whose shoulders and thighs touched was down and out. Separated by the referees, the men retired to their corners, drank bottles of soda water, took fresh chews of betel-ncompound, and good naturally listened to the gratuitous advice of their friends in tho audience. Round Two The men resumed the original the Populist orator of Kansas, the litTime! was slapped out on positions. Mother and political study. daughter the chests of the referees. The the child discussed the last campaign man, who favored wrestling, about a mishap to her while riding her made a dive for the local man, but was of the points at issue in met with a knowledge kick on the stoutly for the principles her mother chest, by both feet of his opponent, and changed his mind and retreated rapidly, his feet working hard to overcome ping as ho turned to go, come over to the impulse given to his upper works the saloon in the morning about 10 m as to prevent a fall. A vicious upppr- oclock. The coroners juryll be situt Like her mother, Mary Ellen Lease, tle girl has a remarkable aptitude for are visiting in New York city. There with a visitor who called to inquire bicycle. She showed a thorough the recent political fight, and argued upholds. I think Farmer Peale's traits of character were best shown in a transaction that I saw the first part of in Virginia City in 1SG2. He was dealing ting there anJ theyll want you to tesfaro in his own place, when a young tify. It wont take more than half an fellow, a teamster, just arrived with hour of your time. The young man premised to be a freighting outfit from across the plains, came in and began to play. He there on the minute the next day, and had greenhorns luck and won right he was. The inquest on the two men along from the first until from a $10 took just twenty minutes from start investment at the start he had $600 in to finish. Justifiable homicide was chips stacked upon the table before the verdict rendered. Then all hands him. Then he asked Peale to cash his took a drink. Peale gave the coroner and some of the $30 to pay for burying the men, and chips. The look-out about the house began to make ome ugly remarks about the young fellows quitting the game as soon as he had made a winning, and said that he ought to press his luck or at least give the house a chance to Peale stopped win back its money. theT talking quickly. The young man has a perfect right to quit the game if he sees fit, he said, and coanted out the money and passed it to him. The teamster put the money into an inner pocket of his shirt, sauntered up to the bar, asked the crowd to idrlnk, and then started for his camp. hangers-o- n Viei-Iik- e' llnmly with Their Feet Are the taining fall and roiluft No, 2. More, more talk, and beter-n- u hntUe AipIranU for Pugilistic Glory ore soda, i:f minutes the tuen were at it First Illootl Decides Mho's the Iletter in a clean, welWclpllvered klpk in Man. again. extend th first A89 the neck mtm whl(h the ed by (Special Letter.) ifock by ft dobcratislap in ITH the advent of other paid ' hfich as one face, the in rule English administer to ; An Ilurmah, native ath- school, girl thT other, and letic sport degenerswn ated, and in a few Blows, down, died years entirely as a national pas- wldo worj time. Lately an at- Rangooni feint tempt was made by sometl) Burmese of high standing to revjvb and. tbe old games.-aua combat between twenty pairs of men if from all countries in Upper and Lower the Burmah was arranged. The inclosure the in which the fights were to take place wast strictly iWmese; a bamboo frame work 300 square feet and 12 feet high, ,the Sides apd top covered with plait d mats o( ' bamboo splints. Hot ns was the air outside, under the glare o tho sun, the temperature inside the low roofed pavilion Was 20 degrees higher. A space 20 feet, carefully smoothed and covered, occupied the center a table piled with silks, parasols, ker chiefs and stacks of rupees, a small cor-- j per of the ring, but with these ex ceptlons there was nothing but tiers o platforms, on which the natives squat ted, so closely packed that anothe hundred souls would have found n possible aperture iu which to squeeze Sitting on their heels at the four side1 of the ring were little groups of stal wart fellows wrapped in long togas o cotton cloth. These men were the ref-- 1 erees, fighters, and trainers, A tremor, a hum of voices, and then a shout from the crowd greeted the swagger entrance of a well-fe- d looking Burnian, gorgeous in silk burbhee and fro who, judging plaudits of the n nounced thp even, a muscular youiifc athlet kinks In his anatomy toga, and serenely wal profusely expedtoratrt fulsW red betelrut am Very air.1 hold-ifigb- INDIA. trn 'NYliat happened afterward I learned from the young fellow that had won th ftioney, and also from the statement-mighty short and convincing it was cf Farmer Peale before the coroners jury the next day. The two men that ,had followed the teamster out of, the saloon put handkerchiefs over their faces, with holes cut for the eyes apd mouth, and held him up as he was crossing a patch of waste ground on his way to his wagon outfit. He was taken by surprise, with no time to draw his gun, and there was nothing for him to do but give up. One robber held a cocked pistol at his head and the other had started to go through his pcckets when a voice came from a ' tree clump close by; L, Let that young mil Drop that! i , go! i'Tlio teamman was who rifling the j sters. pocket started back and drew toia gun. The other, with his pistol dfwn, was peering into the tree clump. Again came the voice; Hands up and be quick about it! , n fAt that both men fired, aiming at jthe sound of the voice and the glimpse o,4 a figure showing indistinctly among tie tree trunks. Crack! crack! crack! crack! came four shots from tlW tree clutnp. One of the two men tumbled dciyn dead; the other turned, limping, . Crack! went the pistol again rOE&i the trees, and the man fell to thftjground and lay there. The teamis ster, 'stood without moving, still hands up, not knowing whether dt',Fps- friend or foe that he had to de3 with. Farmer Peale walked up to f i orti among the trees, 'jpToure all right. Put your hands down, he said. They didnt get jour moteyj did they? No? Then youd to your camp and say noth- J?ettr o any one of whats happened. h, by the way, he added, stop- , IN ry - f An Efficient Guard. She had been graduated with high honors from a leading female college, and was competent to talk understand-ingl- y upon anything from the theory of the differential calculus down to the of component protoplasmic nuclei corned beef hash. Moreover, she had been an enthusiastic advocate and follower of all kinds of physical exercise, and had led her class in the masculine feats of doing the giant swing upon the flying trapeze and hurling the heavy hammer. In short, she wa3 a magnificently formed woman, in both a mental as well as a physical sense. Judge, then, the surprise of all when she wedded a man who was some ten inches shorter than herself, and with but meager muscular development. Her friends all prophesied that she would be unhappy. But no, she reasoned to herself, "this would-b- e husband of mine is exactly what I want. He makes plenty of money, which I shall spend as I please. He is weak, and I am strong, and consequently I shall be able to defy him, if necessary, and compel him to knock CASTLE ON DALMATIAN COAST, Alas! she knew not the wiles under. and social power; of the same nationof mankind. In the very first week of ality as the rest of the people, their their honeymoon that little, puny husMohammedanism is such only in name, band kept, her in the house against her but it is a curious fact, illustrating the will simply by tying a diminutive natural perversity, or what the leading mouse to her new bonet. Percio W. American humorist calls the pure Hart. cussedness, of the Slav character that, Miss Hetty L. Purdy, of Derby, Conn., although they now would be benefitted by a return to Christianity, they cling who was a hundred years of age on to. Mohammedianism with stubborn Tuesday, marked the event by riding persistance simply because their new on a wheel. government is Christian. Within a few Muskets were first used in 1414 by tie days journey of the most elegant capitals of Europe, abd within sight of French army. PLUGGING Jake my pices at the table, he said,. while I go out for a breath of To-lea- o. ls 1 him.-- " ROM the New York SunvHe poneul's spleen with the'othe must lfave broken or bhdly bent ot thesuPPirts fof tba coveted oiv EVERYTHING COES EXCEPT for smlJeD'Y the !ncn separated tiie man, bjt. clinchcilj. and BITING AND HAIR PULLING. and a grip on, the a neat local min8 throat, succeeded In ob- As he went out two men who had been watching bis lucky play fo' lowed him. They were both hard character! and were more than once suspected of and hating been coi corned in hold-up- s Stake robbery, , Farmer Peale noted thdir, movement and signaled with his eye to ono of his employes to come to ATECULUR the tourist route along the ea sterFARMER. eos st of Italy, Dalmatia and the mountain regions behind it are hardly betNEXT EUROPEAN WAR MAY BE ter known than the valley of the Upper HE DEALT FARO IN VIRGINIA FOUGHT THERE. V, Congo. The curse of Turkish rule for city;' Nevada. ' f ages prevented travel, and the popula- IN A SLAV COUNTRY. mmidMMtfl i A MME. JUANITA CANDELERIA. struggle for liberty with a deep interest. In spite of her Spanish nativity her sympathies are all with Cuba. Tlie Horned Tail Industry. Catching horned toads for the Honolulu market Is one of tho growing Industries of Old San Diego, better known as "Mexican Town. Mexicans and Indians go out upon the desert and catch theso little horned reptiles and sell them to the sailors and shipping houses for shipment to Honolulu to be utilized in eating flies. That country is overrun with the pests, and as the toads live upon flies, and eat them for pure amusement, they are in great demand. They are shipped in boxes partly filled with sand and fed on flies during the voyage. The toads are sold at about 25 cents each. Mexicans do a good business also in selling horned toads to tourists. They are great pet3 with ladies, especially the ehapisettes, who belong to tho smart set and affect the latest fads. They are charged from 50 cents up for each toad. The ehapisettes amuse themselves by parading the toads on the hotel piazzas during tho lazy afternoons and watch them swallow flies. Small bets are nmde on the ability of their favorite toads to swallow the greatest number of flies in a given The swallowing contest time. is watched with much interest by the attendant chappies, who take sides, and pay the bets, or rather forfeits, .as it is politely called. Toads are also boxed up and taken East as curiosities. Catching horned toads is one of the leading industries of Old Town. San Diego (Cal.) Correspondent of Philadelphia Times. I'.leotrlc Car In Singapore. There is no more 'remarkable examadvance of ple of the western science and its applications than in the island of Singapore, where an electric railway has recently been Until the trolley was inlaid down. troduced there was no public means of communication In that eastern islet, and everything was in correspondingly primitive condition. The trolley, however, ha3 worked so successfully and been patronized so the proceedings were closed. extensively that it is not only a profitSLUGGERS IN ACTION, Farmer Peale died with his boots able venture, but is being extended all mt with a swinging hooked-kne- e swing on, but no man killed him in open was landed by the local man. Things over the island, and its success has led fight. An. assassin waylaid him and to many other occidental Innovations, killed him with a shotgun as he was changed, however, as the wrestler be which seem likely to completely transaccustomed to dehis ;ame antagonists walking out with his wife on a Sunand, with a celerity that was form the island and the methods of dolivery, day afternoou. ing business there. Exchange. ;ommendable, he succeeded in clinchnimble footed the Labor Kevrarrted. ing pedapugillst, and An Utter InHdel. The dreamy eyed inventor looked up getting his own head underneath his "I would not believe him under suddenly and slapped his hand down opponents arm, at which stage the lo-rman began cn new lines, and oatli, the witness testified. on the desk with vigor. Eh! What have him. His nose seemed to saJd the judge, in surprise at hearing smashed you thought of now? asked his wife. be the only organ the Uve got an idea that fills a long-fe- lt Oh, fur chap a leading citizen so flouted. want. It is a cyclometer that sticks ex- ;ared about preserving, and, as he cov- as that goes, I wouldnt believe no--.. ' tra distance on the record when a man ered this broad, flat members with one body. InAa tax assessor. Indianap- oils to he endeavored out his climbs a hill. nand, opdig Cincinnati Enquirer. Jourij. far-aw- al |