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Show 5RS; PI05S .pioptieft tance with the deceased, aud told ofUv m.atof3,pn-5a3k&her many virtues; also of the resureot- - j Bay meatof Baines anu KcJn ion and eternal life. He spoke and Kesier. iOj,"chrf Paper of the Coiuihjx to the bereft and ere,, u, aged Buy fnpatofBarne3 them to live upright lives that they Buu meatof Bui nesand Kesier might enjoy eternal union with their iirJiYELL, departed wife aim mother. A IS TO YOU Elder Bay spoke of the resurectiou and i! E R bore ins testimony of the Divine messSUBSCRIPTION TERMS. age of Joseph Smith. After which N MRS. O. Stewart, Proprietres vOue copy, oue $2 00 were taken to the ceinetry year,,.. .. Marysvale Utah- E ,r six months 1 00 where they were dedicated and laid to three monlhs ... 50 rest. She leaves a husband and five S loss. to mourn children her small Advertising rates made known on CONTBTD application. ' u it Dress goods going at Reinheimers. District Cou. t at Panguitch. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 29K Court opened at Panguitch Aug. 24. of 1 Hnl at die post oiiueat M.utsv.ue Utah as Attorneys present were Warner IMLiles of of Jones Knox sf oml cl.i,, iii.i ' Piovo, Beavei, ha,., ,)ih Mu Marysvale, Watson of Junction, Harris of Monroe, Bowman ofKanah,CliidiBter HAY, STABLING-Firs- t Saigent and Houston o, Panguitch. NAliER HUD NUZ. line fal a on invs First case, State Joseph Sawyer cest. Case weut to jury at noon Wedof produce- Chss Accommodations LOST. nesday, juiy not agreed on verdict at lard Thursday night. BOARD B TIIE DAY, WEEK AND MONTH. One soriel hoise with white stripe Term, Rea jgn a h Case of State vs Davis, Reese and ?n fOiehead; branded 7s. Five dollars shorts, disaction Spencer, grand mreeny, Reward will lie paid for said horse de- missed against Geoige Dav.s, he giv- middhiilgs. livered at Monroe before September evidence for Stale vs Rbese and ANDREW POULSEN. ing firbt. S0BTHEEN Reese nut appealing Jacob cr Spencer. Lewis Magleby. his bonds off 750 were deolaied for eh Notice Delinquent : ed and phyed to tne cleik. T tal of Call and see tiiose clieap shoes at in c when Spencer progress respondDelinquent Notice Golden blar Mining and Hein heimerS. ent Lft, promising to be a i 'ngthy Mill ng Co. location ot mines, Gold Mountain AYallpaper, case as thirty witnesses were o lie ex- district, Piute County, Uah. Puncipal place of One oi Ibeiale arrivals in the Vale amined. Maiti ews vs Matthew business, Salt Lake Citv.Utah. is Dr. Tilsou imm rayson City. The divotice, case was continued for term A'li DELINQUENT came hoie principally foi the pur- as services for summons were upon the following desciioetl stock on acirregular ol' some assessment lev led o u J one 16, 1806, the pose looking aftei Case of Riddle vs Cur-oner ei al count of mining a; which he has heie. lie will Motion to set asi de summons sustained several amounts set op o ite the names ot the sh. lekolden, ?s follows ve respect also open an odico here in a few days Defendants waived setv e of sumcarpet-tac- k No of peiti No of Yimi practice mons ant w'ere given , util Nov. 1st to dei.tjbtiy, Case of Richards vs DeLong plead. II aj lock vs Crosby are and Geoige Anderson fiom Springville damages was through last week with liisphoto-gtaphi.i- g the only cases yet to lie tried when outfit and caught the like, court adjourns which will he on Satnesses of nearly all the pretty girls in urday when Judge McCarty will return CflAS. ANDERSON PROP. to J unct ion and open court for purpose Uie Vale, of venire for jurors returnable Sep. 10th next, when Judge Johnson Will hold Attorney Page made a trip to Koo court instead of Judge McCarty. feliarem last Tuesday, HOTEL sT; WART. . ly J. F, Traveling Elens Head Quarters Editor, Mo? v OUR AIM LEAST 'A - T J MARYSVALE . 8.-- RICHFIELD , MILL leeps JDurliee, CO' GRAIN --- hand flour, meat, HOTEL Proprietor, AND ' and grain, bran, IMSfmS HIAII JAI.D ,Ak Keep on hand the largest stock of all kind ii. of Futniture, Carpets, Linoleum; Pictures and frames, Bedroomsets andbaV. Also all kinds of Hardware no a to a steel range. Also Paint Oils, Windows and Doors. Prices to suit the times. Come and see m : , c elsiNore, Utah EVERYBODY Otter Garuehl Co. Aug, 28, 1896. r Quite a number of stray hoises are Editor pig te pioneer: roaming through the hills now and are all bus y in this part ot the People soon wi,l betaken into custody if the Lords Vineyard putting up the! hay owners do not take cate of them. and harvesting their grain. TheVium of the thrashing mtchiue will soon be Rev. Geoige Miller who has so faith heard. There has baeu lots of rain knd fully served the people of Marysvale some smallfloods. During oue shower for the past three years, preacnes his last week lightning .truck Mr.McCul-ah- s farewell sermon at the Public School-hous- e grainery ouly a few yards front, !is next Sabbath at 10. 50 oclock A. residence, and went through the tfoof M. preparatory to leaving for distant aud stru ck a steel rake melting it but jauds where he is to take un a new no great damage was done. Work. As this will in all probability Mr. Wags raff bas just opened a Post be the last discourse, fhe people of the (Vale wiL hear from the Reverend Office at Otter tnis week, Mr. Wag-i- s a prominent buisness man - and, we Gentleman, let all turn out and, show wish him success iu his under taking our appreciation of his ea nest efforts, by a large congregation. Mr. J. R. Jeuseu of this place who had his leg broken soma time ago is . Only the past week has one , more now getting along as well as could be ,o Marvsvales expected, as he dont think his leg was cnterp.ise been n w numerous industries, one which set light hi the fust place. is next In importance to a rail road, The rumor is ; float here that James ft isjhe erection of a sawmill within r. took aud sold a cow to Mr. her borders, nothing could be of more Farme-JAndeison of Box Creek, that belonged benefit than this nterprise. It wdl to a Mr. Heaps of Escalante, and wheD men g.ve employment, put mo ley in emulation and build up our town Mr. Heaps fouud it out Mr.Farmer was a mistake aud, he gave Marysvale is all right and so is her claimed it Mr. Heaps a cow aud eaif$1.00 in cash people, they think and act judiciously two hundred lbs. of flour three sacks and as they p.ease. of oats, a pair of field glasses valued at $.2.03, and things to numerous to me n Gall in and see the fine assortmen tion here, hut this is only one of Mr. oi clothing at Roiuheimers. A nil James Farmer s old tricks. Mr. Henry a.ul complete line of all and winter Wilcox says he will give up the belt goods just airjved. to James Farmer as being the biggest rascal and Lar iu the valley. "ihe proposed corn t of which mention Dork. was made in last weeks issue of the Foresters of America, cousumated into fsfotiQe. a full Hedged order last Wednesday All persons, residents of Bullion evening by the compieie organization of fhe Foresters ofAmctiea. Precinct, regardless of previous politiTwenty three were initiated and obligated and cal affiliation, who are friendly to Silver are requested to meet at the a corps of officers installed by Grand Chief Range, Thomas Longhuey at the Marysvale Public School House at fust meeting .The officers thusinstnll-iw'ar- e oclock P. M. Saturday, Aug. 23th I860 Chief Ranger,?, C. James, Sub. for the purpose of organizing a Silver Chief Ranger, F. J. Lyon, Tteasurer Club. Ladies especially invited. Reuben DeWitt Jeremiah Dennis Reuben DeWitt, and Financial SecretChairman. Secretary. ary J. T. BruneJl. Silver Committee. Mr. Loughney piovetl himself a capable organizer and left every thing in good shape for the court to make rapid Tdvaucemeui from the rst. The next meeting will be held at the rioneer next Thuisday night when a complete otgamz it ion wilt be effected. HOUSE. MONROE' Drummer's Home, OBITUARY, 4 DIED: Ferns--' Martha, of mottis UTAH O., Aged room nervous af prostration, Monday evening August 2Qh at 6:30; after an illness of about ten days, t Fuuoral services took place at the dis- J WICKLUXD Pi opi ietor trict school house under the auspices of the Mormon priesthood The speak-:-- 3 Af persons desuous of any informal-o- con were Bisbip John Morrill of coming Maiysvale's resort ces by egald fount! d and Eider Jlay.v B'pt, Morrill Jf., joining piopeifies, or olliervu, will do v,elt to call on R, V?r, M utul. Attorney, tf ,T,'eU at length upon h!s early acoualn V years, 0 Junct-'ajbwm- hand FTO SAfAflS 3.00MS always KNOWS Tlint iiELL DB,Y GOODS, GEODESIES, BOOTS, SHOE AHD CI0T15IHG than wagons and machinery , cheapo any) other store in the county. Also goo hot?: acComadatioks. ELSIHOEEa UTAH. B0LITH0 and LEWIS. Are the Leading Hardware Merchants in Southern Utah. They carry a full stock of stoves, tinware, ropes .pulleys forks, mowenknives; and sections; r- 108-11- 3 148 w E Hyatt 193 M o colley i M J Jensen 205 Joseph S welch 206 Joseph s welch 211 w e Hyatt 213 Joseph s welch 228 232 w E Hyatt 238 w e Hyatt jm Easton chm239 executive com. salinr Co-o- p 10,000 2,457 360 100 24 3 800 8 10 1,000 1,000 600 10 10,000 1,680 795 100 16 9,410 94 7 0,410 94 10 264 1,000 1,692 10 16 31 15 3,117 1,517 740 M MAGLEBY and JOHNSON. FURHITVEE and LUMBER 6 259 Homer'Hyatt 270 sid b carter 274 L Gilbert j 276 Thos Gilbert 277 Walt e Hyatt k M Dougherty 295 Thomas Gilbert 321 324 Ji I Gilbert 327 Bean George " ' Also powdet fuse; capsaiid candi Call on them.' at- - P jos Bttskell(.i,000 each) - ,Z, J' 00 92 17 17 7 49 25 00 59 17 66 79 6,679' 219 2 19 328 812 8 12 W E Hyatt 330 54 74 5,474 s'a carter 336 10 00 Joel sealock 1,000 50 00 5.000 J C MCNally 240 841 10 00 A weaver 1.000 And m accoi dance with law and the board of dnectors made on the !6th of June 1896, so many shaies of each parcel of stock as may be neces-Sai- y will be sold on the tth day of September at p. m., at the ctjke of the company No. 228 Atlas block, bait Lake City, Utah, to piy the cost of delinquent asscssinent;thcreon together with the o advertising rnd the co-.- t of sale. CHARLES E, HuDbON, TIMOlHYtCAN, Tieasurer. SecieUry-Goldev , , Carpets, Baby Carriages, Bed-rooSets, Latl Shinglos Doors and Windowc m utah: MONROE, 2.501) 5,91? t j W. H. LYON 3 DEALER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAKKIE8 A FULL LINE OF Boots .ShoesHats and Dr? Goods. andMMRS Bpecial Attention Giv-- , eu to the Mining Trade AND To Orders by Mail. SUPPLIES. AND A LAltGE feTOCK OI Fresh Groceries Meat and Etc- - liar Mining and Milling Co. 189G. Date of first publication August 22nd, Wanted An Idea Protedfe your ideas? they may bi Write JTOHN WEDDERBURN ft neys, Washington, D. C for that end list of two hundred inyj Who can think .of some simple hing to patent? ig you wealth, Patent Attor r,1,800 priza s wanted SUBSCRIBE ofief f L |