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Show i JW-- f H35S- - ATU: vA Y.AlGU 8T OrFS.'MiL TV at the opening of the campaign pIObJEe thlfeOG 29 RK3TORY, u v ; ! U i Refold I, i; Joli-- '' Asso s. r at ,' Collector, . till, David Stoker 1 il.J HiSj i)i J ( 'l-'ti' L. , tile It Watson, JarHW vn w. II. Lyons, Marvsva'e vs. Wiuttaker, tirclevill 11. ItitowN, bit, KooMmu-- 1 t tin-le- F, J. Lyon Marysvalo iciun,' ) t J.i ' JuuctiQii JOHNSON. Wit. 1, rutiig Altoi i ,'ap-rova- Maiysyale oi Hilitii . Hk.n.i. F. Iikid, jFitANK Muki.yv, H. Van M vhtin, IT, L. Ml u.s, 1 licet, 'lomriis 1 "it'unrl (' u; N, HARDY, I Vle. f John Lrk, JR., JL Age"t, Ue JlII.l.S. cocked hat,- JounLkf.. ' V:iicui.'i H'l, L. STATE OFFICIALS- cou-ventio- resolu-tlonsdenouhqi- Kingston I'icumiiu, S' Mouiui r. Junction iHl.Kll, .Tit.,. junction c- - A. Pkauouk, J. U. SAHliKNT ' of-lfl- Nothing def.nite c; n be claimed for the Btate local Repcdllcaq partv in. til after the State ('onvehtio.i.' And the con its vention must act judiciously engineers expect to avoid tid landslide which now threatens them. What the f eoj le v. aal to t .. iu the atute and espec nliy fche Ilepubll' can convemion, is the jndoisemtut of Bryan electors; a broad minded open faced man for Congress, ' fij-the aflioinof th3 8t. Louia convca(lon, &A,:f a hearty j, of tho course pursued by !the Chicago convention aud uowhipping he devil around the sstumpl Tne of Utah care 'forthe people nothing name Ly which a political organization is knovyn 'at preseutj; they have thrown off party chains! they have severed party ties and stand ready to join hands with any band that has, the cause of humanity at heart. And in Utah the first fellow who attempt? to form a combioo for the accomplishment of a purpose, that he may realize political spoils will be knocked into a J county officials. i No. - Even Maj. McKinley writes to his friends in Utah that We of Ohio are Frank " , Males Senator.-j Anna ti Frown beginning to feci shaky. C. tf. Quite a M ic to Congress, Hkhf.uM. AYkdlh humble confession to make, but the JvmkhT.IIvmmond correctness of tho statement is not at volblt, all questionable. Truths are mighty and powerful, and there are few men who cun can expound them with more .,(f ' public lnsUwtmn Charles S r!Uie force than Wat, J. Bryan. At, W. Fa ft c It , t i (annon . r IXJESS av'S ' ) J. A. Miner Sixth Ttslt lot, AVm. McCarty .lolui tlnUester to Senator for 'I emit DixVt., Monul t. it nnwinitativinFiifeCuum, tints. Hid Judge for arrival and departureof thf mail, KS. AllKl orih end t'.tn DEPARTS, mail Fa-Jer- H it m id o.'.tlu 1P FAccut Sniulay. ,,olP,-open tioniB.OO . Mom Pi oo in. to no a. no i 11 ill'll1 1 a. m, to .oo p. m. no p. m a. m. ,so l. m. On Hto ami Money Order department - 4t)'a. in. to 0 oop. m. ,, o ien - son and others went up To the mou of Sevier Canon to work on the pi line which is intended to convey t water to the tajjk at that place. Th re camped on this side of Ch eek but the work was on the otl side. Heavy rains Inst night rais the creek so high that the foot brid was washed away. This morning t party started across tho creek on a v gou with two horses hitched on a two mules tied behind. As the pit was deep, all stood on the wag When in the middle, the current tc horses, wagon and all straight do stream. Mr. Loulsen shouted to ( VEVOTION At. driver: FF.ItV 10 E. oV.mk iy Sunday at the to o. V. Millet l!ev. Fy Selsoolhoire i'liidie t y out oe, liinn at it et :oo Thats light let them straight down. A little way fartl the current carried them under so: birches and all hands jumped into t stream. A pitiful scene follow Some jumped' put to help othe Screams of men i hanging onto bii WHAT IS TIIE DIFFERENCE? and oak brush, (he awful lunges of drowning teama and the cries for li of the irresponsible some Bixcb reuded the canyon. When all w newspapers and local yellow Niels L. Anderson had out, have begun to spread the shoulder rumor that Marysvale was to have no skinned. dislocated, and ins Lc Lars Tliorsen was helj 'ail road, there Is undoubtedly a out ou tlie south side of Clear Cn as it the opinion to the outside world and showed but little signs of life. to the bright future of Pinto's mining Poulaeu was in a shuiliar eonditi The only reason time any ones . amp. but they took him to dry ground a views should change regarding the bo began to work with him. Iu a lii might future of Marysvale would while he dun a lack of familiarity with the As he nowmuttered: Oh dear, oh de: seemed to be reeoveii place, its conditions and surroundings on u hand car and took L they put 1A ports are current that Marysvale to the tent, where they continued a ill not have a railroad this seaou, care for him. After to the run being there some political and try minutes when lie muttered: Oh c!e Marys-vciof if the people sandy that that I thought I was drowned, and a f (Y j donit turn in ami see to it minutes later lie was dead. McKinley is elected instead of Ilryan I lie deceased has long been a pro that the will not have a railroad for inent citizen of Richfield. He vv to the come. to Replying i'otiryuiis forty-fiv- e years old, was assistant fust clause, let us itsfotm the public perintendentof the Sunday Belie owner Mint lu.t one man, mine had of the charge greater part of t pu hstotut! man, or wage earner feels railroad and won the grading min ns over the rumor that the road is of al vv ith whom he came in respt conta ns i.r to us us it will get. At all SOUTHERN CENSOR. vents the road is now witaiu seven m.h s of us, and a good wagon ro.ul is t.o a winkr construction between our WASATCH ACADEMY. t amp and t bo toi minus, it is down "A ule and ore Ioann can easily Tuesday, September 1st, the h make a trip there and return the same for Academy opens for another The consummation of time school All grades of school work the trip is not over four and one half from a year. kindergarten h mis. Tmts it will be seen at glauce a complete academic course through will be th it our mines,. hi i, worked as eilect maintained. The academic year IS94 ivelv as though the iron horse could be --9o was tho most successful in the in to the mouth of the history of the jidd n school, and the prospect t ti imi, of a full attendauie and good work durt.i t!iiai'-- j 'l tin south urn traffic the coming year is most ing encouag-ing- . ii me tss iimj.'nin.v through the With but few Vale enroute to their shipping point, exceptions, the and as the Vale is the buisness point young people who enroll in this institution are la earnest, and, by the of the country, the heightens are und aid of continue to be anxious to trade with superior Instruction, make excellent us And as tothe second clause it isonly progress. the flection or Youug men and women who are bepolitical buncunt. hind in their studies will receive carei om election of McKinley cannot effect ful attention, and classes suited to their it i i the kn.-- l. The .iilik-nUwith the wants will be formed. The cares s ho first ml minuted is it (hat and j ;.:..t muses of life will be tiny itgnu lifkitg even with the neat felt keenly enough preparation, and no ti,;u(Ko g i!d sp( eludes at.d the radi-- ( one can afford to bne tho al chaugc bus a tendency to ohliteate opportunity their view . If they vv ill only iffeet now given to obtain a pratical education at a merely nominal expense. legislation that will raise thenriceof Wasatch Academy stands for a hmh silver to SI. permittee, we of Jilarysvale of morality, character and all standard can bu: Id our own railroad if we then to develop citizenship iu the tends that Conclude wo want one. truest sense. The needs of the students along this lino will be closely looked after. Any one who is not in in Enion lit are yt ('ill politics in such a muddle and politicians in earnest and whose influence, because of imeh a (jiiandary as they am iu Utah moral weakness or mdificrence to the lre.i polit-casio- is U bu-ine- ss 1 1 v ! 11 i Wa-autc- . first-clas- rg.t meit.y l:r best interest nLhimaelf jandlhe school saver to la. be will promptly requested fc. sENjJljJGS FINAL I'ACAF.j the DESERT Acadotuy. LAND, his connection with A catalogue will be sent on request, ATTORHELS AT L NOTICE FOR irBLIOATi; :;. liy addressing the Principal, . MaIISIJXTiIi. A im(h U. S L.FKlOffic'L Suf. Labe 0v, UU1 j . ReO.H. Mr. Jennhrs has practical twenty JLilyaidi fc.hi, j r Mb Pleasant, Utah, the Supreme Courts if th Spates andnn, . Notice ii lieieoy given that Joseph A. Ilirrls . SITiei i I . . , V . l.i States He v illattend in person, all the Seiler CoJ uty. Ut .U, has filedY otiee Courts, held to each county of tins Dmtiuf ) ids of intention to make pio.if '.vwiiV'-Editor Piute pioneer: da'iii No HJ71, for tlio Lot 1, NKq KW4 Soc.Gl, Will you please allow me ft 3mall Lot 1, SEJ4 8WJ4 Sec. 30, Tp 27S, li 3 AV. aud the spacsln the pioneer? ,ns I wish to unsurveyed Ei4 SE1 andSWK FE!4 Sec. 25 Tp of Fiute County make,a truthfnl statement regarding 27 S It 4 W. Before die Clerk on Saturday, tho 12. day at Utah, Utah Junction, the changing of the paundary lines of of September, 189C. lie names as witnesses to Bullion District No. L an(l Marysvale prove ttie complete irrigation and reclamation LAUD AND . MINING ATTORNEY, District No. 8. Iu thai pioneer of the of said land : j. Jesse 0. Harris of Junction, Utah. shoe 8th of June, I notice that the II. Van Martin Marysvale )inehes.the partieas' to whom- - iteer Monroe William Farmer Twenty five) year3 experience. Cor ence was nqade as being instrumental Charles E. Harris Junction Solicited . respcndence In changig the school district lines . BYRON of Monroe, , . ctcbt-rt-taji- 1 RICHFIELD UTAH KB F fJAMlh They claim that when Miles Durkee was Probate Judge, some ten years ago, the boundary was then changed It didnot cover the requisite amount of territory.- Which District did the gentlemen mean that didnot cover the requisite amount of territory? They meant the Marysvale district No. 8. In makiDg the changes the h undary line, it extended from Bullion district and joins on Marysvale district, that does cot give Bullion district the requisite amount of territory without a cent in the first place. The gentlemen are in a corner and It will be hard for them to getout unless they make a truthful statement and .tell the people that at the time they were a part of the County board and trustees in their district. They wished to build a new school house and wanted Tom Ferguson's help. At the time the lines were changed there was quite a protest ralsad because thepeople knew that the parties above mentioned were taking advantage of their official position for their own private gains. Ferguson and other Tom attended court. didnt car which district he wa3 in, he looked a At from this standpoint; that if they could move him in that district to build a school house, they Gould move him back at will In Bullion district to help build a school house there He thought it was a sharp game the gentlemen were playing to get li im to help build a school house and he thinks so still and I belieye he will tell them so now. It was so bare faced that any one could see it if they would but stop and think for a moment., The gentlemen say Miles Durkee was Probate judge some ten years ago how do they know this to be the case, unless they referred to the County Court records? If they would do so, they would findAt was about twenty years ago that Miles Durkee was e lected, but that is about as near it as they have come in any of the above proceedings. Minutes of County Court under dat of Dec. 8th, 1891 reads as follows, to wit: Marysvale District North line through center of Section 28 running east and we9t Township 27 south of Range 3 West. West to tho county boundary, East to the summit of the mountains east of Marysvale District. South line, line running east and west on top of ridge between Ten mile creek and llarrlses ranch. The south line of the Marysvale district, in the same court was moved from the' north line of James Tibideaus south about five miles. So Marysvale district covers the requisite amount of territory, but where does Bullion district come in,? or did the Territorial commissione instruct the Co, Supt. to give Marys vale district the requisite amount ;of territory and leave Bullion out; or did the gentlemen aim to gobble up all of the mining districts including Mount Baldy, Ohio and about one half of the Durkee mining district so that it would cover all of the patented mines and mills? yes gentlemen that was the object, but you deny it and say those parties told a story. That doesnt prove that jou did not have anything to do .with the changing of the boundary lines of the school district when you wt re a part of the couuty board tuid until you bring down the Records and prove to us that you did not have anything to do with it, the people can see who. told the story, CROO, Register. Date of first publication August 1st Salt Lake City Utah H . VAN, MARTIN. NOTARY PUBLIC , No. 2976 Legal papers promptly and care fully prepared. Deeds, Mortgages o etc. Quit Claims, Leases, ( U. S. Land Office, Powers of Attorney drawn, and ae Salt Lake City .Utah. (July 28tll, I8QG. taken. knowledgements Notice is liereb y giv en that Christian Anderson General Real Estate and mining has filed notice of intention to make proof on his transacted. Sec.28 call on him Brckfkagf desert-lanNo. 33GG, for the NWJ4 NW14 LAND, FINAL PROOF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. DESERT d Tp 25 S K 3 W. before the County Clerk of Sevier County at Richfield Utah, on the 1st day of October, 1896. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete Irrigation and reclamation of said land : Mose s E . Williams, Peter Anderson, Issae Sorenson, John Barney of Monroe Utah. Frank D, Blit Hobbs RON GROO SAMUEL L. PAGE, A550fKY A& c'M-v- . ' Register, Attorney, salt Lake City. First publication August 1st. KABYSvALE UTAH- - ut riraL directory. V in am! 1 a -unU'ciii mat! .projesrnal 2S71.-dYM- s M. SST WANT DURKEE DIRECTORY. (4-34- 7.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ( L.-.- Office at Salt Lake City, Utah. July '( utfc is hereby given that the folloning-name- tfCCounty Seat, Sevier County. settler has filed notice of Ins intention to make final proof in support of liis claim, and that said proof i ill lie made before the County Clerk of Sevier County, Utah at Richfield Utah, on September 19, 1S9G, viz : James V. Gilbert, II E No, 9231 for the N half KW fourth NW fourth NE fourth Sec. 32 and SE fourth RE fourth See. 29 Tp. 25 S R 4 W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon Will in all the Courts stam and cultivation of, said land, viz D. C. Ross, Federal.practice TIMBER LANDS, A SPECIALTY Giilone, A'leus Worthy Bridger, V,rm. Bridger, d C. W. JONES ATTORNEY AT LAW : of Joseph, Utah. BYRON GROO Register. In tiik District Court Prorate Division n MARYSVALE Kean and ATTORNEYS Dr. UTAi-- L McDaniel, AT- ft Smith. DENTIST. il va n, mum, o LAWYER WILL I- ALL A. D. 1890. (.Signed! Wm. McCarty Samuel L. Page Judge of said Court Attorney for peitioner. THE COURTS Business Entrusted. OFFICE EAST SIDE JACKSON AVENUE Utali Marysvale NOTICE OF SALE. Under authority of an order ot sale granted by the Sixth Judicial District Court iit!nn and for the County of Piute, State of Utah, dated July 15th A. I). 1S9G, T will sell at private silo the The following described real estate, Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and lot No. 2 of Section Twenty and Lot No. 7 oi Twenty-seveSection Seventeen, Township South Range Three West Salt Lake Meridian Piute County, Utah; slso the Soutueast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Eighteen, , South Range Three Township Twenty-sevenWest Salt Lake Meridian, Piute County, Utah, or so much thereof as may be necessary, iu parcels oi lots to suit the purchasers. The sale will be made on or after September 15th A. I). 1S9G and bids will be receive d by me at my residence in Marysvale, Piute County', Utah, at any ami all times lip to 12 o'clock M. of said Sept 15th 1S9G. Terms of sale cash. Dated, Ang. 29 1890. E. M. Taylor, Stewart & Collins, Executrix of w ill of Attorneys for Executrix. J ared Taylor deceased. Date of first publication August 29th, BULLION MINERS t:- HOTEL home. Ware and King BULLION AVE. . RICHFIELD. FIRST CLASS Accommodatio:, - (4-35- 8.) DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. 3002. i u. S. Land Office, i Salt Lake Citv, Utah. ( Angust 19, lu'jc. . Notice is hereby rarkei inu given that filed notice of intent ion to mak,- on M claim Xj. ;r,C8, foi the r (,r svq 22 end N ri ol Se j 27 T27S R 1 V, uuIoie Cu m, Clerk of (into County at Jumtieu Utah (n Wheat, , 5th day of October, 18. n? ' s u,- pY,, im: witnesses to prove the com! wi i a v,r ana reclamation of said land Cov 1 L. Samord Mack Irvine, Aurthur Williams. Anna of Greenwich Utah. r-- - $ .50 cts per bu. na.Y BYRON GROO. Register. First publication Aug market report. 25 r,K.i .w,, OOcts.deilm. 5 Fio-- .f ( IN IliGO. Oats, cr. LAW; the Sixth Judicial District of the State of estate of the matter n Uie I PRACTICE Utah, Iiute County, ALL COURTS- and guardianship of Lura J. Stark, Leonard E. Order to show RICHFIELD. UTAH Stark, and Della M. Stark. cause why order of sale of Real Estate should not be made. Rosetta A. Stark the guardian of the, persons and estates of .Lura J. Stark, Leonard E. Staik and Della M. Stark, minors, having filed her an order petition herein duly verified praying for of sale of certain parts of the real estate of said minors for the pui poses therein set forth and it it appearing to the Court from the petition, that UTA-- i wards to sell certain parts RICHFIELD, be beneficial to of said real estate H is therefore ordered I y tho said court, that the next of kin of said wards and all persons interested in the said estate, of appear before the said court on the lltli day M. of the said A. 10 o'clock 1S9G at D. A. Sept. in day at the Court House in Junction, the County cause show why an to of of Pinto, State Utah, order should not be granted to the said guardof said ian, to sell as much of the real estate PRACTICE wards at private sale as may be beneficial, and lea-- t once at be order this of published that copy Na week for three successive weeks in the Piute and published newspaper a weekly rioNFKR, in the iJate printed at Maryst ale, Piute County of Utah. .A Prompt Attention Given to Al igus Witness my hand tl is the lltli 'lay of of MARKFT REPORT. mjik, Uff Richfield 31, 189G. Notice Bank, goud Drugstore, another good Doctor, a good Barber, and another good Dancehall For any of the above lines of business there is no better opening than right here. Wheat, Ot Advocate Office. S-- marysvale wants, A a LVnore li.M. JomrMETEEE, ATTORNEY AT NO. 2983 l.in per per cn t l.GO j cr ewt - l.fin 3 town this week. 111 IUGd MU1IIBU Protect your Ideas; they rrav UrvL'T-TWrite JOHN WEUDEKHURN & rL D- - cfor their fi - Invent! SSl!Tas,b)nKtln. pD two its vraite I -- v |