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Show I Never! You will never know how good tea is until you stop boiling it. Just as the water begins to boil, take it off the stove and put in the tea; let it stand no six or eight minutes it. longer. Then pour A Schilling & Company San Francisco u . UTKKAIIV ('OINCIMKNCKM. Oarloan Happening Among Book maker Briefly Told. Mr. Gladstone, ft is said, has devoted his leisure for the past ten years to the preparation of a new edition of Bishop Analogy, with annotations. He doe. not consider this a task, but says the time given to the study of the noblest and wisest of writers has brightened his few holidays. The book is to be in two volumes, the text in one, the annotation in another, and the modest reason Mr. Gladstone gives for this is that he does not con slder his own remarks worthy to appear side by side with those of his author. Recently, as his work was drawing to a close, he keard that another book on Bishop Butler was about to be published. This, which to many men would be a severe disappointment, has not discouraged Mr. Gladstone, but he continues as busy as ever, and hopes soon to finish it. It has repeatedly happened in literature that the same plan, subject and even Ideas have been suggested in two persons each of whom has an e'qual claim to originality. The Fos Mary Russell Mitfords, carl (1S21), had been sent to London on the very day the same suject was announced by Lord Byron. She wrote to her friend Haydon, the artist, deplorin having ing her shocking written on the same subject with Lord Byron, and added: I am so distressed in the idea of a competition, not merely with his lordships talents, but with his great name, and the strange awe in Which he holds people, and the terrible scoffs and sneers in which he indulges himself, that I have written to a friend on the propriety of suppressing my Butlers ply. John Lothrop Motley, after he had pent several years in collecting materials and sketching the outline of his history, The Rise of the Dutch Republic," heard that Prescott was anticipating him with a Life of Phillip the Second, In one of his letters he tells what a sad blow this intelligence was to him. It seemed to me" he says, ihatl bad nothing to do but to abandon atonce was engaged with the same task. Sor- rowfully sheabandoned her loved labor and packed all her portfolio and other materials, modestly thinking that her unknown rival would excel her. She has described her feelings while kneeling on the floor, pushing the large packet under her bed for safekeeping. (They lived in small quarters and space had to be economized.) Joyful was she when she learned that the rumor was false, and that she could resume her work and complete it. The Concordance was published in 1845 after the unremitting labor of sixteen years, twelve in the preparation of the manuscript and four more in seeing it safely through the press. What may be termed the accidents of authorship are many. Johnsons Rasselas" resembles Voltaires Candide," a book composedwith a verv different purpose. Boswell writes: I have heard Johnson say, if they had not been published so closely one after the other that there was not time for imitation it would have been in vain to denv that the scheme of that which Mime latest was not taken from the other. DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL YOU Mineral Water. a cherished dream, and probably to re nounce authorship, fori had not made up my mind to write a history and then cast about to take up a subject. My subject had taken me up and drawn me on and absorbed me into itself. Not wishing to be disloyal to Prescott he went to him at once and explained his position. Prescott generously gave Had the him every encouragement. result of the interview been differently," writes Motley, I should have gone from him with a chill upon my mind and no doubt have laid down the pen at once, for it was not that I cared about writing a history, but that I felt an inevitable impulse to write one history." Coming to more recent instances as illustrating the subject, we give these sin gular literary coincidences: On the pub llcation of the Prince of India," two years ago, the cry of plagiarism was started, chiefly because the scene chosen was similar to that of Ludlows interesting historical novel, The Captain of the Janizaries; a Tale of the Fall of Constantinople," a book which General Lew Wallace said he had never read. A short time ago it was noted that the name of Raeburn not a common name had been given to a character in three A novels Edna Lyalls Wee Too, Serial Story," by Adeline Sargent and Mrs. Wards Marcella. The Century Magazine for April, 1895, contained a short story, with the title of A Faithful Failure, and in the May Atlantic appeared a short sfory with the same title New York Press. Unlike every other Japan tea Schil lings Best. How? An Air Ship. The New York Sun says Charles H. Lamson, of Portland, Me , performed a feat practically demonstrating that a large airship or kite capable of carrying a man, can be floated successfully and ste: dily. He raised his ship with a dummy man on it 600 feet. The relain-inrope broke when the ship was at Had it not been for this that altitude. break, Mr. Lamson would have sent up a man to navigate his ship. As it was, W. II. Eddy of Bayonne, N. J, an authority on aerial experiments, declared that Lamsons achiveement was the greatest step toward solving the problem of aerial navigation. Mr. Lamson built his airship after Hargraves general plan, but added improvements of his own to make it more manageable in the enlarged form. The passenger, by manipulating a lever, can keep the airship on an even keel, make it rise or fall, and direct its course in coming down. Lateral steering can be accomplished by changing the weight to cither side of the center, the aerial vessel then turning toward the side where the weight is greatest. Each pair of ugs is like that of a bird. Thcie ar .so ribbed fore and aft, and covered so that the btream of air can have its full lifting affect, following the curve from front to rear and preventing all shaking or flapping of the fasric. A heavy windlass loaded with sand bags field the two thousand feet of cord All that was when being operated. necessary to launch the airship was to raise its forward end a little and take a short run, which causes the kite to mount up in the air like a balloon. Mr. Lamson was disappointed at the collapse of the rope, but was pleased at He sad: the success ot the experiment. of "The performance my airship satisfies me beyond all question that the BRO.S D8E HEWLETT Grade High THREE-CRO- W N BAKING POWDER The Puest and Best Made. Throe Crown Spicos Are Best, they -- LOSTRoib' Seminal Weakness, Varteoeaie. Hydrocele, SyphUHa. small or shnokea arena. pramaturo old ate end all other pdvate diseases, whether earned how by Ignorance, eacaes or ouotegten, no matt ar OLD came ta or writo to THB aeverj, you may maa who baa fftow DOCTOR. the Contains more Lithia than any other water in the wor Id. Positlvelycures Rheumatism, Gout, Diabetes and Brights Disease. But up in cases of fifty quart bottles each, $7.00 per case. Orders should be sent to The Salt Lake City Soda Water SALT LAKE CITY. that horseshoe. He looked at his watch and exclaimed: I wonder if I have the right time?" Its just ten mjnutzs of two. UNTIL THIS CURB U EPPBCTBD. then pay only a email lea. Tha doctor redervea Mthe right, I was on my way to cateh the 2 And he caa t however, to refuse say tacvmbk easo cure you he deat weal your money. Such aa effar oclock train! If I had stuck to the car wee never made betara byaay reeponetbte jpbyalclaa, and Dr. G. W. Shores Id soly able Is make k becease I would have barely made it. I wouldnt ha la aura of eocceae aad caa afford to waN tot We have missed that train for $150. I may money untH Wo work la dams. Doat waga paotbw 4 Doctor" as well cast oa qaesttooable doctors, but tiy tha on town down now and send go a telegram saying that I cant keep the engagement. I dont know how itll V. SHORES, turn out but its liable to cost me a good idftrea, deal in time and While Im here 84 E.SeMSdSN(ktt. bit Uk City, Util I may as well buymoney. a new hat and a new stick and some linen and have the lock shjp in its present form will always as- on this traveling bag repaired. I cercend in a fair breeze and will remain to be in trouble. About the seem tainly flying any length of time under favorluck Ive had today was finding only able atmospheric conditions; that a kite that horseshoe. Detroit Free Press. of this size will sustain and carry a man all night, and that the latter can regulate the direction of the kite in the air and descend. I do not mean that he can This remains to be propel 'he kite. many things with as much discovered, but I mean that, taking adas Schillings Best tea? vantage of the air currents, he can guide safety Yes? Why, then theres the airship to a very largo extent. By means of the guiding lever he can regno more risk in anything. ulate the course up or down, and by If you dont like. Schilling's Best changing hi weights he can curve to coffee, soda, seasoning, flavoring extracts, tell your grocer so. the right or left. He has money back to give you. The First Atlantic Cable. A Schilling & Cornpany San Francisco It is difficult to realize that America u and Europe have been connected by cable for but thirty-eigh- t years. .So The Earths Crust Rising. in both have countries dependent people In our lsst installment of notes for become upon this familiar means of communica- the curious we gave an account of the practically instantaneous tion, so intimately connected by its wonderful Sunken City, under the head facilities are the business, social and of "A City Beneath the Waves. In that political circumstances of the civilized article we noted the fact that the earths world that it seems hardly possible that is very unstable, continually changing it has been in operation only since its level like water surfaces, though not August, 1858. Such is the case, how- to such a marked degree. This is as ever, the final connections between plainly illustrated by points that are Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, and Valen- raising above their usual elevations as cia, Bay, Ireland, having been made on it is by those that are falling below. In August 5th of that year, and the cable France there are eleven cities that are opened to general business less than a known to be from 8 to 26 feet higher than they were in 1847. fortnight later. The exuberance of popular joy in the United States over the achievement Beafnesa Cannot Be Cured was a forecast of the Immense benefits by local applications, as they cannot reach the cable was destined to bessow. Cyrus the diseased portion of the ear. There is W. Field, its projector and executor, only one way to cure deafness, anti that is was the lion of the day, and enthusiasm by constitutional remedies. Deafness is over the scheme was unbounded. One caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tubes. When journal declared that it is not possible this tube gets inflamed, you have a rumbling to grasp the wondrous beauty and mag- sound or imperfect hearing, and whan it is nitude of this triumpth. The ocean entirely closed deafness is the result, and has defied man; now man defies the unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condiIt belittles the imaginaocean. tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine tion and exceeds the capacity of lan- cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which The greatest undertaking is nothing but an inflamed condition of the guage. surfaces. ever attempted by man. This is a fair mucous We will give One Hundred Dollars for any sample of the language which, although case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that deemed extravagant at the time, demon- cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send strated the appreciation of the affair by forcirculars, free. F. J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, Ohio. man. 75c. El areground fresh every TIlltKK-CKOtV- d X FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are Delicious. "N THEM Oar Goods of this brand are guaranteed equal to the best in the market or BJoney Refunded. Coc HOLE AGEXTH, I . . UTAH HANDSOWE JEWELRY To every purehaser of 50o Packet of Wolootta Pain Paint Remedy" I will, on of stamps or moneyreceipt order, forward postpaid, with the Renta-- 1 dy, either a handsome Lace Pin or an Blegaat Scarf Pin (tate your choice) which sells for ?L and to each purchaser of a $1 packet of Pain Paint, a ladys or gent's Handsome Jewelled Ring, (state which), sells for $3,50. Pain Paint is guarasteed to cure Catarrh or any aches or pains. Fnll direetiona with each packet. Address: a L- - IF. COBBIN, Agent, P. O. box 913, IHatribntlng Balt Lake City. Utah. MINERS 24 ASSAY LOUIS SECKELS, 4V. OFFICE, Manager, Second Mouth,; Balt Lake City, P, O. Box 1315. Assay for Gold and Silver 75c. Lead, Copper 25 cents additional. mail or Sample xpress will receive prompt natj cm ef u ttention. tc, Can you buy Ho! for 1896 r, -- Pure no coloring, no adulteration. team Dr. 0. W. Shore. "Th People's Doctor." weye seeking to help suffering Mankind, always try In; to convince people that he fives value received for every dollar paid him, bee decided to five quackery, fraud end hepoaUtoie Its death blow, end protect the suffering denes from the despicable methods of Mlataas. Every sufferer from quacks and baking-pbwde- g It was too late, however, and a few months later she writes of her pleasure, on reading Lord Byrons Two Foscari in finding that he took up the story just where she left it off, so that his play did not clash with hers. When Mary Cowden Clark had about half finished that work so valuable to Shakespeare students, her Concordance, she heard that another person NOT The Wonder of the 19th Century ONE far-seein- g Now is A Bicycle this year, not because others have 'them, but because you will get more good, solid pleae-ur- e out of them tnan you can out of anywill thing else. Of course, if you buy, want the best you can get (o youryou and we are the people to give you themoney, same. We carry nothing but what we positively know to be reliable and 0. K. in every respect. We desire to eall your attention to the THE TR1 BlTNi E, a wheel built on hone and FEATHEKMTOXE line of medlu, grade wheels, the llnest line ever product' for the price. Bend for Onr Catalogue and consider our goods and prices before yon buy. We are in a position to do you good. Dont forget that we have the largest stock of Sporting Goods, Guns, Rifles Etc., in the state, and prices are right. Browning Bros. 155 Main 2461 Washington Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. against the step. The blow was so violent that the bag came open and scattered a comb, a hair brush, a cold novel and some lars and cuffs promiscuously around the street. His hat fell into a small puddle and a wagon rolled over his walking stick and broke it. Hastily gathering himself and his possessions together, he made his way to the curb, and addressing a man who was standing there watching him, said apprehensively: Is it gone? Did anybody 6ee it and pick it up? Without waiting for a reply he dived out into the street again and returned in triumph, bearing a horseshoe. "Thats what I call luck, lie remarked gleefully. "There were a lot of people in that car who might have gotten this horseshoe, but I managed to grab it before anyone else did. What's up? inquired the man on the curbstone? Is the government paying a bounty for horseshoes? Why, man, its the luckiest thing in the world to pick up a horseshoe. I wouldnt have missed it for anything. see that you have been so Yous polled your hat fortunate. very that preci ous piece of old iron. getting Oh, well, it wasnt a very new hat. And your slick is broken and your colors and cuffs are shockingly soiled. T know it; but I was bound to get paper-backe- d newly-laundrie- , . i.v-T- t Avenue, Ogden, Utah. PnxrircrrA SHOES! Sold by Druggists, Halls Family Pills are the best. The Lucky Horseshoe Didn't Work. He had signaled the conductor of the car with both hands to stop, and as he lunged off he knocked his traveling bag your time! You.will want You should buy the best the market affords. Living Newspapers. A trial was recently made in Austria to decide in how short a space of time living trees could be converted into newspapers. At Elsenthal, on April 17, at 7:35 in the morning, three trees were sawn down; at 5:34 the wood, having been stripped of bark, cut up and converted into pulp, became paper, and passed from the factory to the press; whence the first printed and folded copy was issued at 10 oclock. So that in 145 minutes the trees had become The age of miracles is not past. The American. news-paper- s. Robinson Bros., The Shoe Builders, . . . Manufacture Thera, ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THEM or send directto us. 35 W. First Month. Malt Lake City. BARGAINS New Furniture at Cost Andrews Folding Beds $12 2 ood Carts cheap 2 bets Single Harness $5 each 6 Music Boxes at 10 per cent of original cost. Full and complete line of new and Second-HanFurniture in stock. d Wonderful Mineral Lake. The most wonderful lake of mineral water in the world is Lake Owen, in California. It lias a specific gravity of 1.076, and contains 7,12824 grains of solid matter to the gallon. These grains of solid matter are divided as follows: Chloride of sodium (commoo salt) 2,842 grains to the gal.; sulphate of sodium, 956 grains; carbonate of sodium, 1,9:4 grains. Besides the above each gallon of the water has its proportion of sulphate and phosphate of potasium, silica, aluminum, calcium and iodide of mas-O ncbium. CURS WHfcRfc ALL fLSE (AILS. Best Cou?h Syrup. Tastes Good. Cse In time. bv rirtmrists. IONJ , I. X. L. Tel. 3- - F. A. j. Second-Han- d 48 E. Second Store. South SORENSEN riiRRiE.tsaHS?. mail w- attention given aU'orders N. II. by or expreea 35 1 886. F ruit Printing. In all the great European cities the fruit dealers sell peaches, pears and apples ornamented with armorial bearings, Initials, names and designs of various kinds. This woik is effected in a very simple way. Fine fruit is taken just before ripening and paper designs neatly cut pasted upon it After a while these are removed and the part of the fruit that has been covered is found to be of a beautiful clear w' |