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Show 8 ... VOL. X of the 1 1,000 Daughters of America, Banes, a town situated near the coast in in session at Portland, Ind., elected the the northern part of Holguin district, .. In The new revolutionary committee following officers; Councilor, William but were repulsed. They burned the P. Shourds, New Jersey ; secretary, Ju- villages of Carbonoco'and Lama, in that Crete have hoisted the Greek flag. lia . J Tipton, Ohio; treasurer, C. W. Mor vicinity, : It is said a stack of letters several feet ' rls, Ohio. , News reached St. Johns, N. F., from high awaits Mr.' Bryans return to Lincoln , Neb. M. Leopold Bracany, the noted sculp- Turnavick, Labradofilbat the steamer ' Leslie Waggener, late president of the tor of Paris, now sojourning in Chi- Hope, now en route, for the Arctic state university at Manitou Springs, cago, is at Canton, modeling a life sized ocean, commanded My Lieut. Peary, bust of Major McKinley.' Z It. is thought! reached there July 20 The members of ; Colo., is dead. . the expedition landed, and after making An effort is being made to hold the probable that Major McKinley will puba series of scientific observations sailed his of letter lish formal acceptance projected mill between Corbett and about again for the nortl). Lieut Peary reAugust 25th. Shafkey at West Baden Springs, Ind, Destructive prairie fires in the Chlcki ported a lare amount of ice and nuMr. Preston, director of the mint, Is asaw Nation destroyed dwellings, fenced merous Icebergs', prevalent along the ' endeavoring to Increase the monthly and coast, large quantities of hay. The creek : coinage of gold and silver at all mints bottoms are lined with hundreds of imBurt Barrett has arfived in Beividere, Produce bank of ,.The dare not travel,! III., from Oakland,' Cal., on his bicycle, that wagons migrant Chicago made an assignment with assets to the scourge of fire. There is making the trip of 3,500 miles in thirty-fiv- e of $160,000 and liabilities about the owing no watej and the fire has full 6way. ' days., Barratt says he averaged tame. miles a day on the start, and after sixty As a visits result the of domiciliary The German steamship Omaha made an average of sevenleaving in made connection with by the police companies will reduce their steerage miles daily. Much of the dismovement at Barce- ty-five rates to 150 marks, beginning in Sep- the revolutionary lona, a number of arrests have been tance through California, Nevada and tember. made. The prisoners include two men Utah waj made walking, as the roads Hunting Johnson, of 'Portland, .Or., named Louis Ninesola and Miguel Rer-ne- would not permit the riding of a wheel. has been appointed to the United States who claim to be American citizens. The railroad track was used a great deal naval academy, with D. C. Bard of Portof the time. The state department has received land a6 alternate. Mr. Norman Lockyer, of London, the ' The firm of R. J. .Allen & Sons of news of a sanguinary conflict between a astronomer, and editor of party of explorers in Peru and h band Philadelphia, wholesale dealers in glass of a letter to the Times, has written Nature, Pcrnvlan Indianr. The exploring and .chlnaware, made an hssigment. most excellent obwhich in he the says party was led by an American named The liabiliiies will reach $250,000. of servation recenttotal the eclipse of the There were ten In the party', Pred Graef, a saloonkeeper at 15S2 Cooper. an obtained sun were Mr.Shackelton, by two Germans, who are th Sir on was who Central avenue, Cincinnati, O., whllo in including astronomer, conveyed ones who have thus far reported. a fit of insanity shot his wife and then only General yacht the Ota-rlA special to the from sent a bullet through his own brain. to Nova Zembla. He obtained a The bank clearings for Salt Lake city Louisiana, Mo., says: Milton Davis, number of photographs, which will go switch-ligh- t attendant on the St. Louis, far to neutralize the failures of the as. for the week ending August 21, amount & Keokuk Northern railroad, was in- tronomical expeditions to Norway and ed to $1,019,065, a decrease of 1S.5, as killed a by stantly freight train. In Japan. compared with the same week in 1895. two women on a with company Michael and John C. Cudahy, the It is announced that arrangements he was en route, to attend a camp millionaire packers of Chifor Wiiliam been J. 'have perfected at women The Ashburn. meeting cago, have bought the entire plant of Bryan to address the labor assemblies by jumping. the Northern Indiana Oil company in of Chicago on Labor, day, September J Adams and Wells counties, Indiana, and an Some forced the one entrance into 7th. intend building a j pipe line from the cirL. of Walter Mains money-wagoA cloudburst swept away twenty-siwells into Chicago. It is said they have at Branch while cus Silver at Long houses and business places exhibiting N. J., and stole from it a cash box conalready ordered 170 miles of City, N. M causing a loss of property not was The pipe. It is understood the Investment, $3,000. are Two men robbery of fully $25,000. reported taining outside of the purchase price of the of the the discovered until employes , drowned. from to take wells, involves about $1,500,000. started the circus wagon . -- The Peruvian Congress has author v " T show FiederrckHlggiit'botham Of Defuhiak, the comgrounds. , ized the government to appoint a The combined democrats, populists Fla., while bathing with a number of mittee to draft a bill for the purpose of friends in the Yellow river, sprang on restraining drunkenness throughout the and silver republicans of Washington the raft from which they had been In field. the have placed their ticket ' republic. Good-bye- , and shouted: boys; Im The American line steamer St Paul, John R. Rogers, populist, heads the going to hell! to bottom He dived the ticket for governor. The populists get Captain Jameson, made the trip from root was and a and 6een to be caught all the state officers save supreme judge .Southampton to New York in 6 days and state His himself water. the under holding printer, which goto the demo-aatand 31 minutes. in his to vain break tried with congressman-at large. The companions a The Leadville Miners union, 1,000 was about fastened grip. Finally rope republicans get a congressman. J is feet and by the united efforts of five strong, passed resolutions refusing to Merrill & Ring, one of the largest silof until scale old the wages accept strong young men his hold was broken ver reached the average quotation of lumber firms in the Saginaw (Michigan) and he was taken ashore, but all efforts valley, has asked for an extension of to restore him to life proved futile. 75 cents per ounce. time from their creditors. The firm The silver men in the First Nebraska has more than $500,000 assets, but owdistrict have pooled i .sues and nominBlaine' Old Home. ing to the recent failures of other large ated J. H. Brady for congress. This is West Brownville, Pa., Aug. 24. The lumbering concerns, they are unable to Mr. Bryans old district. in which James G. Blaine house old care for short-tim- e paper. in born was and of war Senor Estehehe, minister spent his boyhood has is announced that Chauncey M. De- been torn down. It fell under the doom It has 1873 under the Spanish republic, will preside at a mass meeting in of destruction because for been placed in prison. This action is pew many years Carnegie hall on the night of August 27 It had been going to ruin. supposed to be the result of the recent at which the campaign in New York is Joseph E. Adams, a schoolmate of political troubles throughout Spain. to be opened by Harrison, Mr. Blaine, hoped to preserve the statesProf. Andree has arrived at Tromsoe Senator Thurston of Nebraskr has been old home, and would have done mans from Danes island, on the Virgo," invited to address the but has so but for illness which had made him meeting, having apparently abandoned for this not yet accepted. an invalid, thus defeating his cherished year the attempt to cross the Arctic The democratic state convention of plan. ragions in a balloon. While the building was in course of of the L. A. Texas was held at Fort Worth. The P. I. Aldrich, destruction the villagers possessed W. for Colorado, received a telegram attendance was smaller than at any of momentoes in the shape themselves from President Elliott denying that he previous state convention for years. had declared for the gold standard in There were no contests except for rail- of its wood, nails and pieces of stone. road commissioner and chairman of the Many of the old nails have been conthe name of the league. state committee. The convention was verted into rings, which adorn the welterTommy Ryan, champion fingers of residents for silver. weight of America, bested Dick Moore strongly of Minneapolis at Buffalo, in twent The Westminster Gazette publishes a Hobart Calls on SIcKInley, rounds of hard, clean fighting before the long article calling attention to the Canton, O., Aug. 25. Garrett A. HoEmpire Athletic club at the Lyceum political campaign in the United States bart, the republican nominee for as being not only a battle between the theater. arrived at Canton this foreBen Tillet, the English labor agitator, east and west, but between the Amerinoon, accompanied by H. N, Kohlsatt, has arrived in Antwerp in connection can debtor and his British creditor, and editor of the Chicago Tlmes-HeralIt with the new international federation of advises Englishmen desiring the defeat is understood the two candidates are waterside laborers. He was at once ar- of free silver to restrain their shout for considering their letters of acceptance. rested and the chances are that he will McKinley. be deported. In the United States Circuit court in Maine Republican. was Indian Affairs T. San Earle Erwin Old Francisco, Orchard, Maine, Aug. 25 The ActingCommissionerof Smith has awarded the contracts for granted an injunction against Philip republicans of Maine, according to cuserecting school building at the Rosebud Armour and Robert Graham, who, Earle tom held a grand rally here this afterand Pine Ridge agencies to Owen & alleged, had used an infringement of noon at which were gathered thousands Hill of Minneapolis, Minn., at $46,525 his patent ventilator for fruit cars. The from all over the state as well as other for Rosebud and $44,766 for Pine Ridge. injunction will tie up all Armours cars parts of New England. Among the of use and force cars. Earles B. Reed the Hon. were Thomas speakers The president has appointed Levi T. Fairchild. Lee Hon. and Griffin, of Detroit, pension agent at DeJudgement was delivered by the Chief troit, vice Harrison H. Wheeler, de- Justice in the Admiralty court at Halifax Killed His Sister. ceased. Mr. Griffin was a member of the in the case of ' the American ishlng Detroit, Aug. 23. Peter Fisher, 12 Fifty-thircongress and was at one schooner, Frederick Geering, susat East Eighteenth time a law partner of Don M. Dickinson. taining the seizure and ordering the ves- years old, living 410 6 oclock this evenbefore street, shortly son of sel forfeited to the Canadian Governshot and killed his sister Elizabeth, James Slack, the ment. The Geer ng was seized for ing, John Slack, of Pittsburg was shot in the aged 13. He was using a Flobert rifle mile limit. head and Instantly killed by Halsey fishing within the three in the kitchen and said the shooting was from received Williams, jr., while out hunting black Holguin, accidental. The ball entered the right Dispatches birds with two other boys. The shoot- province of Santiago de Cuba, announce 6ide of the girls neck and took an upthat a force of 2,000 insurgents, under ward course to the brain. The boy was ing was the result of an accident. Calixto Garcia, attacked the forts of arrested. The National Council representatives - BRIEFS. et ' trans-Atlanti- c - y, j - well-know- y n . Baden-Powell- v a, s Globe-Democr- trl-cy-c- well-know- n . - x n 6lx-inc- h -- div-in- g , s, vice-cons- vico-preside- nt, d 'MATTERS A LITTLE ,, .. Municipal Troubles in Louisville, Ky. An Effort nn the Part of the Republicans to Remove the Democratic Board of Public Ntfeti-Reached. A Climax Louisville, Ky., Aug. 35. T1 e fight of Mayor George D. Todd, republican, and the A. P. A. Republican board to remove the democratic board of public safety, which controls the police, fire and charity departments of the city government, reached a climax this afternoon, when the aldermen refused to obey an injunction restraining them from taking further steps in the imthe against peachment proceedings board of safety. The Injunction was granted by Judge Toney, who immediately dissolved it, but he stated under the code it would remain in force for five days. The aldermen at once refused to obey it, and took a recess. After this was over, the board of safety was denied attorneys and the Impeachment case proceeded. Judge Toney was informed of the state of affairs, and Issued rules of contempt against the aldermen. The latter locked themselves in to prevent a raid, and a sheriff and his deputies were forced to wait on the outside, as the judge did not want the doors broken open. A special session of the council was called, and a trolley rigged up between the two wings of the city hall in which the aldermen and council chambers are located. Whisky, beer, cigars and news alwere passed to the Todermen. In the meantime Judge ney revised his cc'Uempt order, and gave the aldermen u .til 11 oclock tomorrow to show qauB ! why they should not be sent to jail for refusing to obey the mandate of the court. Mayor Todd assumed control of tire police force And sent word to Chief Taylor that only his orders were to be observed. At 5:30 oclock, Colonel A. II. Slone, attorney for the prosecution, and Mayor Todd announced that word had been received from the aldermen lhat they had impeached Colonel Robert Tilford, D. E. OSullivan and Charles Wilson, the members of the board of public safety. When the proceedings at the city hall became known about town, a mob gathered at the city hail and blocked the sidewalks and corridors of the large building. Tire majority were members of the A. I. A., who are said to be looking forward to places in the police and fire departments. NO. 18. MIXED ed are failure to suppress prostitution . . Hay-Mark- - MaRYSYADE, PIUTE COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1896. 1 TELEGRAPHIC . At 7 oclock it was given out that Mayor Todd had appointed John Seary, G. M. Crawford and William Evans members of the board of safety. At 7:12 oclock the aldermen had confirmed he appointments. A little later the new officials proceeded toward the aldermens chamber, headed by Sterling Edmunds, an A. I. A. leader. Edmunds gave the A. P. A. knock on the door, and the iron bars, tables and desks with which it had been barricaded in order to keep out the chief and his friends, were removed. As soon as the door was opened, the chief and his men made a rush for it, and forced themselves Into the aldermanic chambers. After a fierce fist fight, the chief then cited the aldermen to appear tomorrow before Judge Toney to show cause why they should not be punished The aldermen for contempt of court. then adjourned. None of the members of the deposed board of safety Their offices on the were In evidence. second floor of the city hall were dark, but inside was a squad of police Instructed to deny admittance to all intruders, including the new board. At 8:05 oclock General Thomas H. Taylor, chief of police, received a note from Mayor Todd, ordering him to remove the policemen stationed in the office of the board of public safety and turn the rooms over to the new board. General Taylor replied that himseli and force were at the mayors command to preserve the peace, but declined tore-mov- e the policemen from the office, as were placed there by the board of they and did not recognize the new he safety, board appointed by the mayor. At 8:30 oclock the offices of the chief of police were dark, but in each were a number of police captisns, lieutenanto, patrolmen and detectives. The charges on which the members of the old board of safety were impeach and gambling and usurpation of authority. General Taylor was removed from the office of at 9 oclock and Robert Cunningham, a livery appointed In his stead. chlel-of-pollc- e stable-keepe- r, HMITII'M Bl'CCKHHOR. No Time Is Lost In Namlns the New Secretary, Washington, Aug. 34, David R. Francis has been named as the successor of Secretary Hoke Smith. lie will take his office September 1. St. Louis, Aug. 24. David Rowland Francis, the successor of Hon. Hoke Smith, as secretary of the Interior, was born of Scotch-Irls- h parents in Richmond, Ky., October i, 185a Supplementing his common school education in Kentucky, he graduated from Washington university in this city In 1880, with the degree of bachelor of arts. After three years apprenticeship In commercial life, he organized the I). R. Francis & Brothers Commission Co., wlilch is still one of the leading firms operating at the Merchants exchange. of In 1883 he was elected the exchange and then chosen president. He has been a life long democrat, and in 1S84 was a delegate to the convention that nominated Mr. Cleveland for president. The following year he was elected mayor of St. Louis by 1,400 majority, overcoming a former d republican majority of 14,000. unflourished reform municipal der his administration. Tn 1888 he was elected governor of Missouri by a very large majority, and his wise conduct of the office is still a criterion. Prior to the Chicago convention of this year he was very prominent In the ranks of the sound money democrats and took a leading part In the effort to beat back the rising tide of silver agitation. In 1886 Mr. Francis was wedded to Miss Jenny Perry, of St. Louis, daughter of John D. Perry, president of the Laclede National bank. Six boys were born of this union. -- vice-preside- Long-neede- . Position of Cleveland Cabinet." Washington, Aug. 34. It Is now conceded that President Cleveland and all members of his cabinet (since Secretary Smith has resigned) will support the nominees of the convention of gold money men to be held at Indianapolis September 2. Carlisles friends says the Kentuckian knows that his candidacy for president on the gold ticket would be utterly hopeless, and would only make him ridiculous. Therefore, he positively declines to be considered a candidate, and has so wrlsten to friends in Indian-apolis- Mr. The Evening Star claims to have that President Cleveland will publicly declare himself about the time the Indianapolis convention meets, and from that time forward the Influence of the administration and all of its available machinery, will be directed to the support of the gold convention ticket. It Is further averred that neither Mr. Cleveland nor any member of his cabinet will recognize the Chicago convention as representing the democratic party. It is said that members of the cabinet will take the stump in behalf of the third parly nominees. The general opinion here is that an Ohio or Indiana man will be named at Indianapolis. Mr. Bryan does not stand well with the president, who regards him as a selfish. narrow and insincere politician. Mr. Cleveland admires General Palmer and without doubt favors him for the nomination. The general belief In Washington Is that Palmer will be nominated. Reslgard. New York, Aug. 24. A special from Ottawa, Ont., says: Cameron, commandant of the Royal Military college at Kingston, has resigned. Many complaints have been made of the manner In which the affairs of the college have been conducted and General Cameron who Is a of Sir Charles Tupper, has frequently been the subject of severe criticism In the dominion parliament. It has always been understood that a change of government In Canada would mean the general's resignation. Major-Gener- son-in-la- Shot HI Divorced Wire. Los Angeles, Cal. Aug. 24. At San Pedro this morning Robert C. Johnson, a ships cook, shot and killed Mrs. H. S. Lane, his divorced wife, whom he has hounded since she left him, and then killed himself. Mrs. Lane was remarried only three months ago. I , |