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Show THE PRESIDENTS MESSAGE. President Clevelands last annual ' f mes- sage to Congress was read before the House of Representatives and Senate at Washington last Monday and has been published entire in the several large is a newspapers of our Territoiy. It we and read should document which all its forbids our that space are only soriy state ablest of the is one It publication. papers of its class ever offeied for the perusal of the nation since the establishment of the Republic. A CJieful examination of it will disclose to the unprestatesjudiced reader a preponderance of unadulteiated patriotism, and manship while there is no straining tor political effort. He uses clear, plain and forcible English and it is evident to any unpreCleveland's judiced reader that President is the peilormance of public sole aim unselfish with purpose. duty He stands nobly and with a surpassas reing grandeur by his convictions of the revision a of gards the necessity tar.ff, and still believes that the method suggested by himself and his party are the best to effect that revision. He treats the matter in a cool, calm and deliberate 'manner and very clearly, succinctly and sublogically, makes the reader see the other it. sees things as Among ject he while on this subject lie says: "A century has passed; our cities are the abid.ng places of wealth and luxury, ield foitunes never our manufactures dreamed of by the fathers of the Republic; our business men are madly striving in the race for riches, and immense aggregations of capital outrun imaginations in the magnitude of their undertakings., t We view with- - pride and satisfaction ot our countrys this- - bright pictuie growth anJ prosperity, while only a closer scrutiny develops a somber shading. Upon more careiul inspection we find the wealth and luxury of our cities mingled with poverty and wretchedness and unremunerative toil." "He mocks the people who proposes that the government shall protect the under the provisions of the act of March of the property, which, it was alleged, 3d, 1887, for the termination of the cor- the plaintiff was wrongfully in possession Emof. Mrs. Marks told her story in court poration known as the Perpetual igrating Fund Company, and the Church and created a sensation by breaking of Jesus Christ of Latter-daSaints, have down in the recital of her wrongs, and resulted in a degree favoraBle to the had to be escorted from the room until government, declaring the charters of she became more composed. Plaintiff these corporations forfeited and escheat- said the constable and his aids treated ing their property. Such property, her most cruelly, but the defence claimed amounting in value to more than J800,-oo- o that such force as was used was only is in the hands of a receiver, pending such as was necessary to eject her from further proceedings, an appeal having the property under the execution. In the argument,of course detals were been taken to the Supreme Court of the United States. gone into very explicitly and the attornThe recommendations upon the var- eys for defendants, especally Mr. Brown, ious subjects of national interest, and the handled Mrs. Marks character without y OLAWSOIJManufacturer of - IMi) BOOTS & SHOES manufacMr. Clawson is nrjnwiWJESMB.a bfi CO CD c: L.' mmm a Wilkes & Howe, 3 OFFICE in U.S. LAND ryn OFFICE BUILDING. (3 gloves. This sort of thing as it does Utah, Nephi, everywher, set people to talking and the air became literally thick with nasty stories and sensational rumors. The verdict of the jury in this case was: "We. the jury in the above entitled cause, find for the plaintiff and against the defendants, W. H. Culmer, J. G. Sutherland, Harvey K. Tompkins and PROVO GOSSIP. Belle Tompkins, and assess damages at 12,500, and no cause of action against 7 wo Unsavory Cases which came up in ohn T. Sullivan. Peter Stubds the First District Court at Prova last Foreman. week that Furnished much food Defendants were given until January for Those who Love to Cos 10th to file motion for a new trial, and , sip about things not nice. stay of proceedings was granted until then. Stay of proceedings was granted JUDGE JUDD SCORES AN for 10 days in the case of Mrs. Anna Marks vs. John T. Sullivan. Last week Provo was alive with sensational rumors, the rumors having their LIST OF UNCLAIMED LETTERS origin in two prominent cases that came up in the District Court there. It seems Remaining in the Post Office at Nephi, if we are to believe a long screed which for the month ending Nov. 30th, r888. was published last Friday iu the tin Brian D. G. Decker Charlie ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 Ferron A. D. 3 quirer alleged to have been written by Epper J. G. 2 Oil ENTRIES, CONTESTS, At, $3.C0 L. ftETORT Holbrook Furmer Joseph tbe woman most seriously interested in Land Patents, Filing Arguments, Lizzie 2 Kimball C. M. Procuring Higginson which or the case, but may anil Conducting Contests, on Moderate may not have Lowry Florence ' Leithead B. L. Send for circular to Terms. been, that a man by the name of Mack R. S. McIntyre Wm. w,T Rollins J ohn Reeves Wm. HE1TRY IT. COPP, depicted in this screed to be C. B. Fuller John Sorensen D. C. Sharp veritable fiend, married the writer of WASHINGTON, GnMt, tfcrj Settlor khoold liaye Copps Settlers the article in the Enquirer and made her UtipetUHtl petee only ZucenU(potsife stamps). life a perfect hell; that a good Samaritan MORTUARY REPORT. in the person of an of the Salvation Army named Trevithick, took The following is the mortuary report sick and on invitation came to live tbe month of November, as with the family; that the wile on seeing of Nephi for furnished us by Silas L. Jackson, underthe goodness of the Salvationist could taker. stand her inhuman and Typhoid Fever Spinal Fever husband no longer and her actions to Diphtheria ward the husband have led hint to seek Scarlatina a divorce which has been granted Not reported However, if we are ,to believe that Judge Judd is a man of conscience and of Total number of deaths C information conveyed in connection with them are tersely and clearly set lorth in the message. They are matters with which the reader who notes (he march of current events is more or less familiar, andc omment in detail, is not necessary. The entire message should be carefully read by all. PEM & PTPIEM prepared to ture Boots and Shoes in any style and guarantees FIRST CLASS WORK. All kinds of repairing neatly done. Prices reasonable. Second door North of Bank, 40 tf. Nephi. LAND AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS Sotaln Patent tor Agricultural and Mineral Lauda Represented by Jas. W. Paxman, T3 cd era ct-- (S o a cn CO LANDS RUNES CO csr -- 3 era P9 DEPOT STREET, NEPHI, UTAH. do iEo AKBEMSdW PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Tism Headquarters at SPRING-VILL- E, Branch Galleries at Nephi and Manti Utah. Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. Views of RESIDENCES, ST(5CK, MACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. Bloom-sterberg- prompt attention. Orders Address Springville Utah. by mail will receive P.O.Box 3. in rich and that they, in turn, will care for An intermediary between the people and their government, or the least delegation of the care and protection the government owes to the humblest citizen in the land, makes judgment, capable of knowing the truth SEX OF DECADENTS. the boast of free institutions a glittering of a case after hearing all the testimony Males delusion, and .the pretended boon of on both sides we must take another view Females American citizenship a shameless impo of the picture. , In his decree in this case, among other Total sition. , A just and seusible revision of our tarifl things, Judge Judd said: For the corresponding month of last 'Die proof shows that these people year the numberof deaths was four. Jaws should be made for the relief of our country men who suffer under the Mr. and Mrs. Bloomsterberg both bore present conditions, and such a revision excellent good characters, They have should receive the support of all that lived here for some in the city of Provo, justice and equality due to American and the proof is positive from witnesses citizenship; of all who realize that in this outside, who testified concerning it, as justice and equality ourgovernment finds well as from the parties themselves, that its strength and its power to protect the they lived together in peace and happi citizen and his property; of all who be- ness up to about a year or so ago; that lieve that the contented competence and VVilhelmina was very loud in her praise comfort of the many accord better with of her husband as being a kind, good the spirit of our institutions than colossal man, and that she was greatly in love fortunes unfairly gathered in the hands with him, until the captain 01 the Sal of a few; of all who appreciate that the vation Army came upon the scene ol forbearance and fraternity among our action. It seems that this captain got people, which lecognize the value of sick, and that by the invitation of both every American interest, and the surest these parties he was carried to t heir guaranty of our national progress; and house; and there grew up between them of all who desire to see the product of the captain and W ilhelmina, a love of A Pleasing Sense of Health American skill and ingenuity in every brother and sister, which, it is insisted market ol the world with a resulting res- hare, is Platonic. Well, it may be that it and Strength Renewed, and toration of American commerce. is; but she went in and held prayers with of Ease and Comfort The necessity of the reduction of our the captain in her nightgown, and she Follows tho uso of Syrtp of Figs, as it revenue is so apparent as to be genet-all- y sal in his lap, and divers and sundry acts gently on tho means conceded, but the by which things occurred, w hich, however Platonic Bowels this end shall be accomplished and the they may be, in the country where I Kidneys, Liver the System when Effectually Cleansing sum of direct benefit which shall result came from, and where human nature Costive or Bilious, Dispelling to our citizens, present a controversy of exjsts, would be a very fair deduction Colds, Headaches and Fevers the utmost importance. There should that when a man goes and kisses anoth and permanently curing be no scheme accepted as satisfactory er mans wife, and she sits in his lap, anc by which the burdens of the people are goes into his room in her night gown to HABITUAL CONSTIPATION1 only apparently removed. Extravagant hold prayers, and he lies down in bed without weakening or irritating the organs on which it acts, appropriations of public money, with all with her, is a reasonable deduction that for Salenilin 50c and 91.00 Bottles by their demoralizing consequences, should Platos theory may be abandoned and Beading Druggists not be tolerated either as a means of re- something else happen. MANUFACTURED ONLY BT TUB ns The Court is free to confess that its SYRUP 00 CALIPOENIA lieving the treasury of present surSax FijAflCisco, Cal., plus, or as furnishing pretexts for resist- idea of the way to settle a thing ot tha t Nkw York, N. Y. Louisvillr, Ky., shoting a proper reduction in tariff rates, kind would be with a double-barrExisting evils and injustice should be gun, but still these people have seen best honestly recognized, boldly met and ef- to settle the matter by the more peacefectively remedied. There should be no able means of the law, and the facts sat0 P3 cessation of the struggle until a plan is isfy the Court that this captain of the Si 5 CD P as perfected, lair and conservative towart army, otherwise familiarly know H 0 w existing industries; but which will reduce Charley, has crept in there and destroyCO the cost to consumers cf the necessaries ed the peace and happiness of this family H of life, while it provides for our manu- taken from the plaintiff the affections of o n r S H- facturers the advantage of free - raw ma--" his wife, and, as counsel well said, he J 3V - . Ol P in no to the and was like the adder that taken up from r 33 terials injury permit S EEL terests of , American labor. The cause he frozen ground and alterward stung D-7r r S' (rz3 CD to 0o for which the battle is waged, is com the family to death. The man Trevith disVi lines ick has convinced the Court he ought to clearly and promised within a 3 C tinctly defined. . It should never be com- be in the penitentiary rather than enjoya- 2. 3 is ol an cause." n American liberties the It citizen. tbe peoples ing promised. S'-- S i CO CD 2.0 So the Court concludes that this man The President refers to Utah affairs in (P from this is entitled to a divorce woman the following terse language: o : too "It also appears from this report' that a, u 3to S3 The other case is the Eureka case though prior to March, 1SS5, there bad 5" S3 c. been but six convictions in the Territori- known as Mis. Marks et. al. vs. W. H. 2 es cf Utah and Idaho under the laws of Culmer et. al. This occupied the atten? - PS3 1862 and 1SS2, punishing polygamy ar.d tion of the court for several days. Th e 5Q 6 unlawful cohabitation as crimes. There plaintiff sued for eight thousand dollars n have been since that date nearly 600 con- for damages to property in Eureka at the 2 0 D 6 victions under those laws and the time of the notorious V aa s atutes of 1887, and tire opinion is ex- affdif in Eureka, on December last, when, fV p valuP pressed that under such a firm and vigil- the plaintiff claimed, her house and PT CO 0 (T ant execution of those laws and the ad- able household good and $500 in cash 71 Pi vance of ideas opposed to the forbidden were destroyed and taken awav oy the C3U '1 were committed he acts defendants. the within United practice, p tlygamv p ifi I in the service of an execution from Com States is virtually at an enJ. o Z2 Tbe suit? instituted by the government missioner Hills court for the possession the laboring poor. JST. Co To .8 I ' FOR YOUR HOLIDAY GOODS CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, TOYS, RAISINS, NUTS, CANDIES CITRON, LEMON PEEL ETC., ETC., ETC. no GENERAL MERCHANTS el 3 ts oo V Q. 0 o o 39 IP" TJ ?0 T1 O IMS BLOCK, OPPOSITE CO-O- P, MAIN STREET, NEPHI. A Large and complete stock of Groceries, Dry Goods Hardware and everything in the Genera, Mercantile line kept constantly on hand. m ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIYE PROMPT - om S Marks-Tonipki- cu O X ATTENTION. 39 39 to jest m stt of Fall coisistii of Lafe, Clilireas. ail Misses Wraps, Jackets, Jerseys, Hosiery, Underwear and Fall and Winter Dress Goods. N. B. . We lai ii a Goes |