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Show ; The Ensign. PARTIN AND PARTY NAMES. os that, as political parties heretofore organized to been not jiave' in Utah, it is cpiite extent finy great peasopoble ro believe .tha fhe young be Voters cf the 'Territory rpay'not thoroughly informed ip reference to the origin, names and characters of the two great national parties, which have, in though itnder different names, existed a the country for a century and evader. As TntfEr?s(GN proposes henceforth to take a part it! the politics of qur country and to adyopate the principles of Democracy, vi? will this wgck devfe ,a Jittle space to the subject embraced iff the caption of this article, It would be 3 difficult pfsk. requiring piuch tinjp and research to trace the from history of the two political parties the earlier da VS ot colonial existence to Prom the present time, and V jse. nor is it essential that we should follow all the changes of each, apd we shall therefore merely sketch a brief outline, as showing our understanding of the situation as to the Democratic party, In 1760, a class of statesmen yh espoused the cause ot the colonies jn England and elsewhere, were known as Whigs. Afterwards, in 1776, those who formed a congress of delegates of the different polonies nd gradually assumed functions ofgovernmeut.forntiug 3I1 army gtc. were known as American Whigs, being ip point f fact the first political party ill the country. In 1787, the same pass of men under the .name of formed a league between the thirteen colonies, in opposition to tile attempt tljen to establish the Federal Union on a basis similar to the English Monarchy, and such tyere in fact the principles of the Strict CgqsfructiOnisls who were also palled a party which became, as the pame implies fjrnj apd. earnest supporters of fhp Consiutptiop as it was, claiming for the states, and foy tfop people ail the right? and privileges not delegated to fhg federal goyernment. About the yegr 1792 the name Demo prat was the pame applied to this party by ThomasJ efferson who was the leader, gud in 1793 under the nanjp Republicondemned Washington for cans, issping proclamation of neutrality. I11 7796 as Republicans named Jefferson of Virginia 3nJ Purr of New Yorjf or t. President and They claimed tpbejripnds of liberty and the rights of pien. the adyo.catps of economy and of the rights of .the states, and declared the federalists tb.e inheritors of no policy bpt that of England. In 1798 fl)e sanje party opposed the Alien and Sedition laws, claiming them o be unconstitutional, and iu violation p! the aniendpjent which prohibited Congress from passing apy law abridging freedom of speech or press, It 7800 a Congressional' caucus nom mated Jefferson and I?urT- - In this year the Federalists were,, defeated, though having been in power for two successive administrations. In or the election for President devolved upon the House of Representatives, Jefferson beipg elected President t, and Burr tjnis the first political revolution since 17.83. The policy of fhe party all this time included these principles' careful fostering of state governments, restricting the power ,of the Federal government within the Constitutional 1 '.nut, immediate payment ,of the public debt, reduction of ttny and nayy. also tips taxes aud duties on imports to the lowest point, pud opposing any currency bpt gold and silver. About this time (iSoi)the terms Jacobin werp applied to the the Federalists. Jefferson at this by party ,time was a civil seryice reformer as vwill be seen from the fa.cf that he adhered to the policy decide on, that he ,would remove no one from .office for merejy holdiffg opposite opinions, but enjoved all office holders who had used their official power for party purposes, or who had been appointed by Adams after the result ' of the election was known. It was about this date that Jefferson made the remark about officers a fhut-'Jecjied and none resigned, iu was as it as trt)e today saying about It occurs ta gnht . , Derq-ocratan- d that time to the present, always having beep in favor of strict construction of the Constitution and opposed to the centralization of power in the Federal government, Jackson was elected. In 1829 Jackson opened war on the United States Bank, regarding the establishment of such an institution as repugnant to the Constitution as construed by himself and his party. In this yeq he also removed most of the postmasters in the United States who were opposed to him, aud filled their places with )ps political friends. ' At this time the doctrine of rotation in office was put into practice. ' In 1832, for the first time in the history ot the country, national conventions were held, and Andrew Jackson was nominated by the Democrats and elected. The Jolly House, Dr. 33. O. Minor, RAILROADS. GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. Moroni, San Pete Co. And always have a bottle of Acker's PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, English Remedy in the house. You can- Keeps a Inst class House in every not tell how soon Croup may strike you Travelers of the S. P. V. Office at Miner & Cos Drug Store little one, ora cold or cough may fasten respect. Ilawkins Block. Main street, Ndphi, should Rv. give us a call. itself upon you. One dose is a preven"Horses and carriages always on tive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its hand. treatment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Dr. Miner. HAPPINESS .AND Jan CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in bnd if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. TIHE TABLE NO. 3. Nothing will so darken life and make it: a burcen as Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets will cure the wost form of Dyspepsia. Constipation and Idigestion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Dr. Miner. To 22, 1S88. 9-- SENSIBLE TALK, v CHOP HOUSE ' IMPORTANT. The following grains of sense are taken from the Nauvoo fill.) Independent, and are just as applicable here as there: Any one who takes offense at some little item in his paper and with a good deal of noise orders it stopped, .eases his First door south of Read and Bryans, Main Street. Nephi. mind providing he has any thinking GUS. HENROID, Proprietor. is the he getting revenge. He thinks Meals at all hours. Board by the day or editor goes into some corner and weeps, week. Lodgings, one block the devil and solicitors are cast down, from eating house. and believes sorrow prevails everywhere 22 tf Meals ssets. and 5octs. In this he is mistaken. Any one has a not his but to perfect right stop paper, rqake so much noise about it, for il he does the editor will watch him like a TO THE AFFLICTED. hawk and some day come down upon F4sR. Isaac Hardy & Cos Catarrh him like a crash with something in the I Remedy will cure Pains in the paper about him that he dont want pub- Head, Fits, Dizziness and Ringing, Buzz- The publishers of this paper have some heavy bills to meet early in December. They there fore take this means of aimmineinR that all parties owing for Advertising or Subscrip 1 011 are expected to come and settle at oncein who are not Subscribers or Advertl-er- s vol arrearages for more than the present nme would confer a great fgvo- - liv paying now, either for part or all of the year. OYSTERPARLOR. Stages connect at Mtroai for Of Sanpete and Sevier. lished. The kind of a friend a newspaper man likes is the one who subscribes for it and not the one who comes in and wishes the paper prosperity but contributes nothing toward its success, but on the contrary borrows his neighbors paper to read. Such friends are good enough to have when a person dont care a snap whether they wish him success or not. BACHELORS TO TIIE FRONT. BRUBACJx, Gen.Mauagei H. S. KERR, Gen. Superintendent. jTAH TIMi ing Sounds and Roaring Noises in the Ears, Ulcerated Sore Eyes, Dry Hacking Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and all Bronchial Diseases, and even pronounced consumption. If taken in conjunction with Tonic Bitters and F.nglsih Remedy it will remove all Coughing in Consumptive persons in two weeks and will change it in one week. If the patient cannot lie down in bed it will accomplish the result. Is the Life of Trade, and If yon have not sepn our latest Improved foods you TONIC BITTERS should be taken in- cannotCompetition Imagine how lively trade K or how hard our competitorsorhave to work to keep wlthlu sight of us. the JAMES MEANS $4 SHOE will for the JAMIES MEANS S3 SHOE, Ask your retailer ternally with Catarrh Remedy; they to your needs. remove all poisonous mucous from all according name our unless nnd none price stamped plainly on the Boies. Your having genuine Positively will supply you with shoes so stamped if you insist upon hisdoiugso; if you do not insist some parts of the body and cleanse the blood retailer wlUcoax you iuto buying tnferiur shoes upon which they make a larger profit. retailers from all corruption ip the circulation; will remove all Gravel frotp the Reins and flfcMES MEANS JAMES MEANS ALSO AOt Kidneys, tending to Ulceration and symp U SHOE SHOE toms of Brights Disease. 50 N IN UNEXCELLCO Also, by using the three combined will STYLE UNEpUALLEJ remove the cause and thereby cure DiaDURABILITY betes. By bathing over the kidneys with AND the English Remedy it will take out all THE MOST fever and intlamation OF FASTIDIO FIT. Please write for circulars, and send two cent stamp for advice. Directions on each bottle. tk Sold by Z. C. M. I. Salt Lake City, NeCo-oCo. & McCune Dr. Nephi. phi in our branch of industry that we are. how able to affirm that the Such lias been the recent and Bishop Tanner, Pay-so- James Means $1 Shoe Is In etcryprogress lespert equal to the shoes which only a few year ago were retailed atetuht Satiquin Co-oon a vou will If or ten dollars. you will be convlneed that we do not exaggerate. Ours are the t.y pair CoMr. Kirkuin, Santiquin, Mona who imitate our system of business are unable to compel with us iu original $. ami $4 Shoes, and those of factory products. Iu onr lines we are ihe largest manufacturers iu the United Mute. op. Manufactured and put up by I. Hardy quality One of our traveling salesmen wiio is now visiting tbo shoe retailers of tne Pacific Coat aud Rocky 149 south Temp'e st. S. L. City. MayiSiy Mountain Region writes from there as follows MI am more than satisfied with (ho results of mv trip. I have thus far succeeded in placing our fv, dealers in every point I nave vedtod. Ha goes on to .say, This is a line in the hands of A No. most of tho retailers are chaiging their customers at Mpleurtid region for us to Kell shoes In, because have eot st wholesale. The consequence is that th retail anout double the prices winch tha shoes a pair for shoes which aie not worth ns much as our dollars or oveu shoeare dx wear who paving PENNYROYAL WAFERS. people very low retail prices stamped on thu KS M BANS iSl 3 and fc i Ml II ES. Our shtx s with theirhitherto J ruled In the retail markets here, soles of cverv pair are breaking down the high prices which have Prescription of a physician who stock atouco his of full lino iu a in retailer begin to go off like hot cakes, bo great they and when a has hint a life long experience goods put THE HARGH'OF PROGRESS! OUR LATEST IHPEOVEHEHTS! , "The young bachelors of New York are coming to the front at a great rate, said a New York club man on Saturday night. "In politics, municipal, state and national, inditerature and the drama the men of affairs who grasp the situation and achieve success are men about town. Theres Grover Cleveland. I.e was a bachelor when he was made Governor of the Empire State and President of the United States, Theres David B. Hill,a bachelor, Governor of New York and, in all probability, his partys candidate fgr President four years from now. Theres Hugh J. Grant, a dashing young bachelor, just elected mayor of the great citv of New Y'ork. And trg&tirtf female diseases. Is used shouldnt be surprised if this thought monthly w i'll perfect success by over lU'OOC ladies. Pleasant, safe, was in Mayor-eleGrants mind, when effectual. Ladies ask yourhu-gis- t for Pennyroyal Wafers ami he invited a party of his friends to go to take no substitute, or inclose postthe theatre vith him Monday night and age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists. II per box. Address see that typical young bachelor, Mr. THE EUREKA. CHEMICAL. CO.. Detroit. Mich Barnes, of New York. $3 S2& v3 in. and 2 25 p m. Going North at 5 " " " h IS " S (Utii 111 Arrive at Salt Lake jo a ni ,v o ii; p. ni Leave Salt Lake Ci: at 7 2 a in. and I,,. Passenger Trams leave S.,k' LaU for tilt: daily, Noitli, to connect u.:ii the U. P, Ry. and he U k lv. R au 8;2o u.in & 4:10 p.m. ;pid ariive in Salt lak Citv at n:io a. m, pud 7:20 p. m. Freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.m. and for tiie af 7:20 p. n Fp,NCis Cope, Gen F. & P. Agi John Sharp, Gen, Supt. General Offices. Main Sti-et- . Salt Lakw Citv. , DENVER AND Rio Grande "W estprn If General Harrison follows the advice of some of the strong party papers, will be turned out. "all the rascals The Boston Traveler , in speaking about the matter says; "We have heard a demand something like this: Turn the rascals out. ' We have no hesitation in saying that this demand will be promply attended to. The Philadelphia Times says: "Four months more, and then look out for a General Harrison will clean sweep. have no sentimental delay in turning the e rascals out. He will take the civif out of politics by making it unaniAnd so the unmously Republican. savory party papers talk. spr-vir- BOOTS and SHOES made to der. Repairing neately done. or- Main Stret. Nephi. 326 JAMES MEANS & CO., 11 II. J. MORTENSEN DEALERS PARLOR , IN 11 EAT IX G, COOK STOVES and 11AXGKS. All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, Grates, Crosspieces, Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc.,to any kind of stoves made. In ordering be sure to give name and exact number of stove. All home made, aud 20 per cent. below fifty-fou- jl:C8 in Nephi and Lincoln fet., Boston, Mass. EAST Springvjllc Denver MEAT MARKET taj Y", TEAL m3 tf' No. .ringville jt ' JfDr - J.v ,,vyZ piat? Prompt attention Orders.paid, to (0 IB Monuments, All JEWELRY & BT Head-stone- M zxi ail Co., 46 NEPHI. P. 0 BOX H X23.Xj333 JH1 ia "2 Wright CD ID IE JLN Tablets. s, CHA3, iO:i No. 9 - Ogden San Francisco . 7 U0 Lv. 1.10 p m Ar. p m Ar. 7.00 a in 8..ih 10.10 STORE THE DRUG sav MINER & CO. AND ALTA TRAINS. Leave Salt Lake City, 7.r0 a hi Returnin Arrive Salt Lake City,l.J0 p. in. D. C. DODGE, J. II. BENNETT, General Manager. Gen. Pass. AgL 8L SPecific cure for ail nerv diseases, such as Weak Menu Loss of Brain Power, Hyste Headqche, Pain in tiie Back, I fBByoiiEiVOuS Prostration, Wakefulm Leucor hca, Univeisal Lassitude, Se naf Weakness, Impgtency and gen Joss of power of the Generative4)rg; in either Sex, caused by indiscretior over exertion, and which ultimately ii to Premature Old Age, Insanity and c sumption. $1x0 a box or 55.00. Sent by mail on receipt of lrice. Full particulars in pam- - t phlet, sent free to every applicant We Guarantee Six Boxes lo cure any case. Forevery $5.00 ai order received, vve send six boxes, a written guarantee to refund the me if our Specific does not effect a fine. Address all communication to tie I Manufacturers. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO.. Kansas City, Call on or address IIvde & Wm-pSole agents, Nephi. six-Tio- xes S. L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. HANUIACTIMER AUD IH0RT!R OF All K.HDs Ot Caskets and Coffin Hardwait Home made Coffins constantly on banc Embalming done on the shortest notice. He also has a gool line of Furniture and sells at cost. Repairing of all kinds done on he shorn est notice. Agent for New Home Sewing Machii.t and Machine extras, Neddies, etc. etc Give him a call. Nephi, Utah. Coffins, lf UawlilHs a a a of Stuns Cattiijr MAIN STREET, MANTI. . T- Lv-- . Salt Lake City A SAUSAGE a ... TRAINS. WEST-BOUN- Murrays guaranteed Dealers in all kinds of Livestock. t'w . Chicago BINGHAM PEOPLE'S BEEF, MUTTON . 15, 1S8S. POUND TRAINS. No. 8. Lv. Si.JO a in Ar. Jl.U'a in A r. U-jin .... Ar- - 1.22 pj m .. Ar. It.oo i in Ar. S.UO a m Opden Stilt Lke City. Provo WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS Salt Lake prices. Befoie purchasing elsewhere give me Satisfaction guaranteed. Editor Gradys famous newspaper, the a call. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. Atlanta Constitution, figured it out in is this way the other morning: "ft just r fourteen hqndred and (1,454) PETER30H & CHAPPELL'S days, including Sundays, from six oclock IN IIAWK INS ROW, this morning until the polls are opened for the election of a Democratic President! Is As ta all Units of There are many people 11 J. Blackburn. TURN THE RASCALS OUT. IN EFFECT OCTOBER : on the soles, you cauuot tell what you are getting and your retailer is probably making you pay double afford to do this while we are protecting you bv stamping what your shoes have cost him. Now. can vou soles of our shoes before they leave our factory so that yop our name and the fixed retail price upon the cannot be made to pay more iorour shoes than they ro worth? cold nre Shoe from our celebrated factory by whlp.nwnke retailer in nil parr of the country. Wo will placa them easily withm your reach luany Stato or Territory if you will Ins est one cent In postal card and write to u. railway. lie Wuf Lite cf Scenic 1 Is the demand for them. Now, kind reader, just stop and consider what the above signifies o farasvoii arc concerned. It assures you that if you keep on buying bhoes hearing uo manufacturers name or fixed letail price Mnmpul GAIDo Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily a follows' p, ct a.i arts TIIEpDORE ,, ' October l- - EXECUTED IN THE NEATEST STYLE AND FROM THE BEAUTIFUL elsewhere who have been receiving The WHITE OOLITE STONE OF SAN. PEI E. Ensign lor a considerable length of time Id 1823 the Strict Constructionists without lubricating the wheels which Watches, Clocks, and other jewelry .defeated the proposition tq make the move it. We trust that a mere mention repaired on the shortest notice. P. O Box 9. mort protective. 2 26 of the fact that we need money will tariff ' 11 t Jn 1825 tire Tennessee Legislature cause those of our patrous who have not nominated Andrew Jackson or Presi- paid up, to respond. - . dent, and his supporters were known as XU JacMnn men. The Strict Constructionists "Is marriage a Jailuie? asked the Car-so- n xvas election This supported Jqckson. THE NEPH! DENTIST. Appeal. It does not seem to lie as what rpight be called a scrub ace, the a Texas woman is reported to having persons being candidates; following Win) has been practicing dentistry in given birth to six children at one effort. Nephi for the last ten wars is now at lo wit: Jacfescfti, Crawford Clay and Ex. Carries a full lice of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Fine Toilet Soaps? Face HIS OFFICE Adams, the latter being elected by the block south One block east and one-haHouse of Representatives. The Strict Powdets, Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Syringes etc. etc, Perfumes WE CAN AND DO of the Co-o- p store wheie he is prepared Constructionists favored tariff for rev;-nu- t to do all at, rk 111 n.s profession in the by the ounce or bottle. Imported and Domestic Cigars, seemed only. At this time parties Guarantee Ackers Blood Elixir for it lias latest style. G..R1 amalgum and hone to have been divided on tariff qestion by been fully demonstrated to the people ui filling ami exti.u tin.; .1 ,pec::i!ty. Prices Tobaccos and Cigarctfs. Porscriptions car-full- y it is superior to all other reasonable. Pan in taken section of country rather than by poli- this country that blood prop.n.vtnt diseases. It is a duce. preparations for Compounded. tics. for cure syphilitic poisoning, B. is N. now lie iuliy prepuied to ex'AbUt 3?, the Jackson Plen became positive Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It puri- tract teath without pain by he use of Jnown as Democrats and such became fies the whole system and thoroughly the Vegetable Vapor. Uio-ilcllxa- s he pu.rty pqtflS which it ha? bornp from builds up the constitution. Operations done on short, notice. Mam Street, Nephi, 1801. tale effe(( Monday, Going North. STATIONS. Going South. No. i No. 2 m. p. ni. Lv. Chester Ai.3 " Moroni Lv. 2.30 945 2.15 Draper 10.10 " Fquniain Green 1.55 " 10.30 Divide 1.30 Main St. Nephi 11.20 12,30 Lv. 12.30 11.25 Ar, Nephi Trains run daily, Sunday excepted. Trains stop at stations marked' R when signaled. r " alley MINIS & GO. JOHNSONS Essence of uf SUMMER COMPLAINT THE (greatest discovery of the duy for positive cure of Colio. Cramps. Choli Morbus, D.arrhcza, bto. It never Jail! I 60c all stores. V. E. Johnson mJrSalt Lake I TOR S. ILL AT THE NEPHf CO 1 |