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Show THE ENSIGN. ' , EUBLI3JIED EVEKI FUIDAY AT STeDlii j. Feild & Juab Co, U"-- SUBSCRIPTION BATES: T. One Year, Six Months, Three Months Roli.o Publishers. ... Prompt attention paid to all communications. Address: The Ensign, P. O. Iox 2 Utah. Nepni, Vol. II NEPHI, TJTAli, FRIDAY DECEMBER Our report of current Nephi Market prices is to be relied upon. It is corrected every Friday by C. Andrews & Co. L. A. Bailey, Wright & Co. and Hyde & Whitmore. Iartit whose accounts atthis officeare delinquent may expect a sirrting dunner shortly. If the dunners be not answered properly the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector. We are obliged to do this owing to the fact that our creditors are after us to square up old accounts. 7, 1888- - . . . - - . . . Sa.00 1.15 75 . Rates forwarded Advertising plication. 3STo27 - . . V on ap WASHINGTON LETTER. Yesterday while in Salt Creek Canyon a with after Riches met wood, Benjamin CASH PRICES. (FROM OCR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) very severe though probably not fatal Selling. Buying , rewas accident. to He endeavoring Washington, Dec. ist. 1888 Wool, i yr growth, VI Hi 12 to 16 s : move the root of a cedar from the side 8 Hides, ist class. Place your notices and announceand hill. easier broke It than expected are Advertise 2d to Congressmen 5 town, your wants in Ihc ,f coming came crashing down .the hill with Mr. soma in ments to the public in these special ." 3d 3 and some in rags some and jags Riches auder it. His right hip joint was sign's special columns. 12 to 25 Deerskins columns. dislocated, his face badly bruised and he in velvet gowns politically speeking. bu. Wheat bled profusely at the nose. He is now The defeated look almost cheerfull. The Oats cwt under the care of Dr. D. O. Miner. arrivals before Thanksgiving day, were Bailey ", ' A PLEASING SENSE " Hay Next Friday and Saturday evenings, the unusually few, and it is doubtful if either , j Lucern Of health and strength renewed entertainment spoken of by us some time House of Congress will have a quorum our The of attention readers, especialand comfort follnwsthe use f Beef .1 to be given by a number of Nephis on Monday. The shortness of asit acts in harmony with unt .r,. 1, 1 the vacaPete, Sevier, ago, ly they who live in San Mutton ' the . under the dense brightest superviwhen young r girls costhe system is southern Millard and other tion and the lateness of Thanksgiving counties, sale iu 60c audM-tX- bottle by :i Bologna sion of Airs. , , charitable Booth the for Jane issue. in this called to Wrn. H. Gages ad. gists. Day this year, are given as the causes of Sausage xxx Parties needing liquors for medicnal or purpose of emigrating a family from Corned Beef" Indian will this be to tardiness. The end of Territory Utah, presentnext week family use need send no farther north ed. It is a theatrical performance and though will probably see A SAFE LNVJsoi.ME ,T. full of than Nephi for them. The best of goods Congress is the entitled Under the Laurels." members with at most reasonable prices is guaranteed. The play bills. A amount pet large Is which one is guaranteed to faring you salis cast is composed 'entirely of young results, or in case 01 lailuie a return ol Miss Mary Morgan has opened a mil- girls, several of whom of course will play of committee work, especially on the Cash or Merchandise paid for fht calve by R. factory purchase price. On this safe ,un J(Ju en-bufrom eur advertised DiuggU a botHe of 11 linery store in the building recently oc- male characters. Such bright and capa- $fart of House Cemmittees remains to be F. llarr. New Discovery fur Consmni turn. H 1.4 ; Teas-dal- e Miss ble Edna as Miss Lula C. as F. a girls barber shop by Bryan, cupied Goods sold chenpor than ever for cash or pro- Rings performed, as their work practically ceasto bring relief in every one, when guaranteed Miss Miss Gertie Stella Neff, where can be found a lull and varied Spaiks, used for any affection of Throat, Lung or Chest, ' ed abouta month before the last session duce at K. F. Barrs. such as Consumption, stock of Millinerv Goods, Embroidery Read and others who have been before imluinatlon of l.oi.gs. II. M. McCuoe A Co. are the agent) for the closed. Bronchitis, Asthma, hooping Cough, Croup, ete Materials, Chenilles, Silks, Bangles, and the public at various, times are in the Iron Fire I'roof Paint. Give them your etc. and Unpleasant agreuubie tu bote, pur- other fancy goods for the decorative art. cast. They have had an abundance of Cabinet gossip is a tiresome topic, but orders. lectly safe, and can always bs depended upon. , Ladies are invited to call. Dressmak- rehearsing and excellent training and it must be chronicled. The men who put Trial bottles free at Hyde & l hituiorea. All parties knowing themselves Indobted to the is entertaina that the conclusion lorgone ing also done at reasonable prices. Mr. Blaine out of the way in the race for undersigned aro hereby requested to call and set' tle accounts at once and save further trouble. ment, while being unique, will be meritoAt EBIT 'IVINS. There seems to be some systematic rious and well performed. A crouded Secretary of Stale, are worried by his B. F. Barr. t We desire is ob- house should His work say to our eitiaons, that for years destroyer in Nephi. greet the children each silence. The fact is that Mr. Blaine can Potor Rasmussen, Boot and Shoe maker, lathe 7 hv beentoselling Dr. Kings New Discovery served most prominently when the town nignt. Look out for bills. have anything he wants. If he desires place to take your orders for guot) cheap and for Consumption, Dr. Kings Now Life Pills, liucM- - . is billed for some entertainment. If work, One door south of Peoples Meat lene Arnica salve and hlectrlo Bitter.", and b ive to be Secretary of State, no one can Market. never handled remedies thut sell as well, or that bills are put up one day, the next mornhave given such universal Satislaction U e do gainsay him and General Harrison woqjd ing early they are all torn in some way. not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and ' There is a punishment proscribed for LINDSAYS DRAMATIC COMANY be the first'to recognize his clainlfc. wetland reedy to refund the purchiwo price, it Shilohs Cure will Immediately relieve Croup satisthctory results do not follow their use. lhe-- e this kind of work, and if possible to find Warner Miller, General Alger and J ohn Whoopliu Cough, and Brouehitis. Bold by i. remodioi have won their great Populautv purely the party or parties it should be inflictO. Miner, Nephi. on their merrits. For sale by Hj do & bitmoro. Wanamaker are heavily backed. His ed. successful Played a very engagement For Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint you have as chairman of Forthe position Barrs. R. F. Senate, sale for at Fish Fresh To be convinced that this seasons of two nights in Nephi last Monday and eign Affaire? Committee and a natural aVitalizer. printed guarantee on every bottle of Shilohs It never fails to cure. Sold by D. O. were in was The a one one till Christmas. plays Tuesday evenings. crop apple Nephi, large Eighteen days, only, desire to liirease the number of his Miner, Nephi. FfkST NATTHMA! has only to glance over the audience oc- "Ingomar and Damon and Pithias honors A Nasal Injector free with each bottle of ShiJohn Sherman into the Don't forget to advertize in our spec- cupying reserved seats at a theatrical and mayjead favorites with are this Catarrh lohs that company ial columns. Cabinet as Secretary of State. His re- iners, Nephi. Remedy. Price 60ctg at Dr. Mperformance between acts. Scarcely a is there who is not munching an the Nephi theatre goers was evidenced person wohld be a happy event for The Union says Ogden will have gas apple, making a chorus of the most sick- by the crowded houses, crowded too tirement Are you made miserable by Indigestion, Conambitious Ohio Senatorial candidates. sumption, Dirtiness, Loss of Appetiti, Yellow light in three weeks ening sound, a delicate ear can be sub- notwithstanding the fact that each play Skin? Shilohs Vilallxer !g a positive cure. He would be heartily in favor of Mr. Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi, Are we going to hear anything more jected to. had been produced here several times Mr. or Butterworth, but would about water works this winter? The Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, of Bourbon, Ind., There are many subjects of public in- previously. The company as a whole is McKinley stick to tile Senate forever rather says: "Both myself and wife owe our lives to simply of terest to attention the occupy ShilohB Cure. Sold by Dr. Miner, Nepbi. Nephis the best Mr. Lindsay has ever had with Do vou stop to appreciate the lovely than let Governor or Foraker have it. wide awake citizens this winter; the most Paid Capital $50,000 weather we are now blessed with? him in his known him we since have will you Cough when Shilohs Core will Of all the candidates, Warner Millers Whyimmediate important of which are securing a city relief. Price 10c. 60c. and 11. at give as he he believe is, we and The public school money has been charter, piping water from the canyon, profession Surplus chances seem the surest. John Wana- Dr. Miners, Nephi. 12,500 ought to be,on his most prosperous tour. maker will likely receive a apportioned to tlie various school dis- building a theatre and increasing the misShilohs Catarrh Isa I C. cure Geo. foreign positive Remedy sidewalks President of and Whitmore, that streets of the Territory. tricts Each actor is fair, but of course the for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. Sold sion, and General Alger and John Sher- by D. Jonasli. Erekn Vice Pres, lave been going on lending much beauty 0. Miner, Nephi. Mr. in S. lies of John L. S. Hills Adams &Sons are paying cash for red to our enterprising town. These all strength the troupe j Directoi man cannot be in the Cabinet together. "Hackmatack. , v Alasting and fragrant per- Jas. H. Mvnders, j pine loss. Boys, here is a chance for need money and work and are fUr more Lindsay, Mr. Wm. H. Hyde and Miss. Mr. Shermans hatred of General Alger fume. ' Price and SOcts at Dr. Miners, Nephi. James E. Clinton. profitable employment. worthy of it than the many receptions Cloe Bailey. These three respectively Is too deep to peimit that. We shall see Alma Hague, Cashier. and other "high old times we have been as Ingomar, Polydore and Parthenia what we shall see. The S. L. Herald is at work on a mam- having lately. He knows what he is writing about. Mr. R. Calanthia did to and which and as Damon.Pithias moth holiday edition, McLeod, druggist, Heminglord, Neb., says: "1 Deposits received subject to sight Urati promises The Speakership fight wages furiously. keep in stoek a great variety of so called cures for be the best issued in Utah. Now is the time for our merchants to some acting the like of which is seldom diarrhoea and cholera morbus, but from a persoCanButterworth and Representatives or check. in their advertise the most holiday goods nal trial of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and if ever witnessed outside of metropolitan notice to give or anyou have non are with manner each Diarrhoea other The off, the best of Remedy. I regard it busy printkilling attracting possible. it do was nouncement to make to the public, medicines in the market, for diarrhoea amt all highly appreciated the certain Money loaned on approver! security. ' er can sell more goods for a mail in the cities and which knowledge that neither can bowel complaints. It saved the life of our bank- Collections made with through our special columns. prompt returns a business than his best clerk can. with as was evidenced by the numerous out- have it if either Mr. D. hero. Sold er 0. by Miner, Nephi. McKinley or Ton lowest rates. and his solicitations. all brandishments This at of bursts plays & announce themselves, applause. troupe Hyde Whitmore Reed wants the place. There is a rumor work does not cease the Provo at the Christmas Whats We sell exchange on leading cities of the holidays. They that Mr. through their ad. in this issue as head momentmore,his advertiseA merchant after selling and using an article is A done. it McKinley will go into the Sengood for years knows something of its merits. Mr. W. United tates, also furnish sight drafts or rjuaiters for holiday goods. Read the ad ment is a tireless servant and charges will render Hazel Kirke with John C. ate, if Senator Sherman leaves that body. D. Haller, Druggist, Blair, Neb., says: I have Nephi is Lucky Mr. The fall clip of wool continues to come less for actual service than any other Graham as Piticus Green. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remit funds to all prominent points in the used Chamberlains the and Senate McKinley; do not hesitate to say, that think and Remedy, as one in and the wool dealers are vieing with employe a man can have in his hire. the engagement promised nights and bow-- Europe. Speakership both among his possibilities. it the best of all medicines fordiarrboea each other, determined that each shall complaints generally." bold by D. 0. Miner. is now owned and company return from San Pete County It is certain that. Senator Sherman would The Bakery Nephi most. Nephi. buy the Correspondents conducted by Mr. John W. Householder, where they are now, to enter into the make every effort in the event of his reIt is 1 )ecetnber,but from the state oCthe Mr. Woods having recently sold out to Provo engagement. The play has not New Kountze Bros. York, Cholera Chamberlain's and Diarrhoea Colie, to reward the man who stood weather one would almost conclude that him. Mr. Householder recently came to yet been decided upon, but it is to be a tirement, Remedy is tne most successful preparations ever Chicago, Union National Bank. ochis from where theEast himwith the such count of, lost at by bad regular been Summer Nephi magnificant loyalty Complaint. Cholera Morbus. the ni jnths procured for new' one and it is a foregone conclusion Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux and Chronic Salt Lake City1, Deseret National Bank wealiier is so pleasant. It is more like cupation was that of a baker. He is preChicago. thousands of persons will certify and Diarrhoea, well will his the with it a customers be that good play pared to supply rendered, Apr.l 01 May weather. Mr. Reed received the honorary nom- that they believe their lives have been saved by San Francisco. Pacific Bank. of biead, cakes, buns, etc. And and no doubt will be well attended. Mr. is the one preparation that this It jest remody. great ination of the Republicans while they every family and every traveling man should he Nephi succeeds in nolhiugso well as in guarantees honorable treatment. Give Lindsay and his company are alw'ays were out of with, especially during the summer and his claims t the provided budding. Sue needs a good substantial him a call. power, months. Many cases of Chronic Diarrhoea that hall in welcomed and dance assured a as used be can Nephi good that building WE THE UNDERSIGNED had resisted all ether treatment and baffled the Speakership would deserve recognition. skill Ttje rise in flour of 250s. per 100 lbs of good physicians, have been permanently .and theatre. Now is the time. Who Again everything depends upon Mr. cured by it- Sold by D. U. Miner, Nephi. does not seem to affect the consumers at patronage. vwill take the matter in hand? Blaines action. If he is not in the next all, but it has enabled the merchants to SJale. 90Cts. per bushel for wheat. This fudge Judd of the First District Court give A RUSH Senator Frye of Maine will be Cabinet, CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. will adjourn court this week, and will is higher than wheat has been for many of the Navy, and Tom Reed Of w'ork has been going on for the Secretary not resume again until the first Monday a long day and other necessaries not Editor. Please inform your readers will succeed him in the Senate. In other To IThe in February next. The petit jurors were having advanced in price, .the farmers or the week that have a positive remedy for the above named store ten days around , , ' i. its timely use thousands of hopeless By who were not obliged to dispose of past disease. all discharged oil Saturday night. and fears the of about fifty hopes Co-o- p ' Furniture Company. words, cases have been permanently cured. I shall be " their wheat in the early fall are rejoicing. of the Nephi OF of my remedy A special dispatch from Manti rays It is expected that wheat will soon reach The cause of the rush has been the stor- ambitious Republican politicians all look glad to to send two bottles who haveconumrtion vhkk any ofyourreadors Blaine-wardFri1 that while on the road home, last the water mark of $1.00. So mote it be. ing away ot a very large stock of new if they will send me their express and anil ispiM 68, Wm. M. Springer was among address. Respectfully, T- - A. Slocum M. ., Hitk iraie Fima day afternoon, 1). B. Funk, Sr., aged Smiling received. This institution 181 Pearl st. New York. At last something is being prepared goods just fell back off his wagon seat and immeto arrive first week. the this Congressmen ' diately expired. The cause of his death for holidays. A company composed of is flourishing beyond expectation as it He Rams. says that a strong attempt will be the following named ladies and gentle- should. The best of goods at reasonable was heart disease. CHILD KILLED. A Monmade to admit the Territories of men will display their Thespiam abilities ; prices sold by a man who knows how to We are in need of money. We feel Mrs. F.W. Chappell, Mrs. Chas. Haynes, Another child killed by the use of opand New tana, Dakota, Washington courteous and treatment The Rams will be on exhibit ;; assured that those who have been so well Miss Millier Schroder, Messrs D.K. Brown give civil, polite iates this given in the form of Soothing syrifp. and be the as Mexico, may accepted is always bound to make a business F. W.Chappell, Thos.Osborne.C.Haynes, such children their mothers . pleased with our efforts, and wewillbelieve Why give iSL'-on aud after October 5, Democratic plan. There is little hope know John S. Rollo j. T. Feild and Jas. Black. prosper. deadly poison is surprising when they they include all of our patrons, of the enabling acts being passed during can relieve the child of its peculiar troub- sold on reasonable what this means and send in their two There will in all likelihood be others in teims a..d 1. the session if this be true. The Repub- les by using Ackers Baby Soother. It dollars or more if they have not paid up. the cast, but who they will be has not EUREKA IS GROWING. yet been decided. licans will insist upon dividing Dakota contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold figures for cash. When the doctor placed his ear to the and will reject the claims of New Mexico by Dr. Miner. We are authorized to announce that editors heart and sadly muttered: "Poor , he the each almost on and possibly those of Montana. Despite circulation gone! Nephi Tuesday evening fellow; false! for After some remarks lit the is and Tabernacle lis and very apflattering up A HEALTHY GROWTH. raised himself opened gasped: Mr. Springers rose-hue- d confidence, it is We will trade them for SageWe. have the largest circulation of any pur pose of holding a meeting of the plying to the citizens of Tintic if doubtful will be admitted any Territory in to Provo the M. M. I. A. and to extend an invitation brush" Consistent the firm American, Y. a has Blood Elixir gives m the Ackers country! gained paper ' to each and every young man in Nephi following tacts which certainly make by the fiftieth Congress. But Montana hold on the American people and is ackthe end, he lied as he died. Goal Fat Maliaa WsiV, Heretofore it has been im- very good reading. all attend. to to other admitted to be be must and when superior nowledged Washington Eureka is growing and at no great Dakota are. It is now It has become necessary for the offi- possible to hold meetings simply bea close Territoi y, preparations. It is a positive cure for all cers of the Y. M. M. I. A. to resort to a cause no young men have come. Let distance in the future will be a rustling Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical town this be the case no longer. Young men, camp. The output of the mines is all naturally Democratic, and it would be Schofield di . indorse and prescribe it .Guarpernona! visit to each young man in meetfraternity ' attend to him in if to promise and start. Parents, en- that could be reason asked tor with forever lost to the Republicans they anteed and sold by Dr. Miner. asking courage up Utah, pluck Nephi, Sept. 20, 18S8. in order to get Eufuture. of a attend. The to sons bright prospects its would while ings on Tuesday evenings your courage admission, delayed they reka mine is making heavy daily ship- have a sufficiently large audience to hold fighting chance for its vote, if its A special dispatch from Washington is this? why Red Bird while men, to the Young ments, promises meetings. Monday morning says: Hon. F . S, Rich- eclipse all her past record, a large body admission were hastened. New Mexico Several loads of saw logs were seen ards appeared before the Supreme Court of ore having been struck in the may be refused by a Republican Con- (L- -I street to tuday and moved for the advancement a future which r to yesterday going down the give promises great gress, as the Territory is overwhelmingly Adams & Sons saw null. This is a new of the appeal from the decree of the Su- to the mine and its stockholders. 02 The on the but refusals that believe Democratic, we of consficating and Utah, political Court preme Blue Rock is also shipping paying ore, sight in Nephi (A strong and 1 never had grounds are obnoxious. hauling of saw logs from the mountains Church property. He presented the camp altogether made and new reasons lor the advancement to Nephi to be sawed, although a was passed decently at the better than Thanksgiving Day prospects present m a clear statement of the case. The gov- time. industry, is to be a profitable one. and in order by the people of WashingUi . t-- w ernment offered no opposition. It is beelseelement as The is, Republican now are more The shipment of ore from Tintic lieved that the case will be advanced. where, on top; but there is a sufficient ton Holidays and gala-day- s 3 1 e average from twelve to twenty carloads There is a confiscation of Church prop- number of good Democrats in the camp common in Washington thanin any other a day. and so heavy is the traffic that a erty. Mr. Richards will remain to await to keep them moving 111 the even tenor portion of America, unless you include beSunday train will hereafter be run the decision of the Court and arrange for of their way. therefore not observed Canada, and. 17to cvxxcA. keep up trial. tween Ironton and Lehi Q, much O'' as The so with elsewhere. pq with the increased production of the hilarity a is not Because you are well known mines. This is the first Sunday train put reason services of the day were disnot advertise, should ARNICA SALVE. BUCKLENS religious you why on that road and it speaks voluinns for but bn the contrary a reason why advertinguished by the official of ThanksgivTintic. Provo American. profitable tising is specially likely to be known The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, ing by the Catholic churches. The serto is On Sunday last, at Silver City, Jnhn to you. No busines house Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever mons of many ministers of the Evangli-ca- l is a great advantage X Cr Masterson, kindly known as "Big John, everybody; but it well known Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilchurches partook of a political nature. so be to O' advertiser a felt an to friends old died. Many of his all Skin I pi Eruptions, and President and Mrs. Cleveland, with Mrs. whom he awakens an blains Corns, and tonni of sadness at the i ews of his death, that everybody inadvertisement may be positively cures Piles, or no pay required. Harmon and Mrs. Folsom, RICES SATISFACTORY. . vj tie was lu.igh, uncooth per taps, in hs interest by his attended It is guaranteed to give perfect Cv n unit i, 11. t Ins h.eait wa; great. He able to find among his acquaintances in the morning and went home. church or adrefunded. Price A money the 25 AND him BOTTLED GOODS that CIGARS SPECIALTY. tell 15 can who 3 one some and true a pure, diamond, uas, ai fact, he cents per Box. dinner at Oak View CLD to an out without polish. Those who knew vertiser is reliable and will do what & For sale by Hyde Whitmore. promisee. fciin best, respected him most. NEPHI MARKET. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. , , ? CASH PAID or more IUDD PINE good logs 14 tft. lx o long, at Bring oxxoo. Por i J f OOO . ) i - . Adams tb Sons. , LOCAL ITEMS. . NEPHI. UTA II ... , 1 1 ol - Have for 400 HEAD , Mm . Or r W 500-lev- 55 GITY LIQUOR STORE, .fr t 0 Largo Stock, ofbotli Amor-- S oican and. Foreign WINl3Sp S IiIQUIlS ABBS POB - . nBB.S fox medloal purtaoaes. a and family trade. PURITY GUARANTEED. r satis-fictio- fc e |