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Show WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No 1769. United States Liu id utfiee, j Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 2'ltli I1!? j Notice is hereby given that the Centennial . t JBureka Mining Coiubimy, by Charles its President ana attorney in fact of Sait Luke Cits, Utah, lias made .iii)iieatnu for a I'm ted States Patent for the kondali lode mining claim, situate in Tiutic Mining Juab County, I'tah Territory, eoui sting of 1174 linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet iv ide, being Lot No. 100 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on file in thisSOoffice, with magnetic variminutes east, as follows: ation at hi degrees Comeneing at post No. 1, a corner of the claim, and running thence South 10 deg. 00 min. Hast 501 teet to post No. 2; thence South 27 deg. feet to post No. 3; thenee North 73 East o23 50 feet to post No. 4; thence deg. min. East 203 feet to post No. S; North 27 deg. '0 eat 043 feet thence North 10 deg. 80 mill. West 531 73 No. to post deg. 50 min. Ve,'t 4; thence South 200 feet to said post No. l.tha place of beginning, acres: excontaining a total area of 5 pressly excepting and excluding however from the foregoing described area so mite a ot the same as is embraced and included in the Lot No. 07, the area claimed and acres. 1 be discovapplied for being 4 ery point of the claim, bears South 16 deg. 30 min- - East 5s leet distant from the middle of thd Northerly end line of the claim, and feet distant South 67 deg. 50 min. East 04 from post No. 1 of the official survey of the IV. W. C. bet 163 A, and South 11 deg. 32 mill. Ead 3303 teet distant from U. 8. M . 11. No. 2, and feet distant from North 40 deg.34niin.AVest 957 Section Corner Common to Sec. 19 T. 10 the S. K. 2 W. and Sec. 24 T. 10 S. K. 3 W. The said mining claim being of record in theoffiee of the Recorder of said mining district in Silver City in Juab County. Itah. Ine nearest known locations being the W. V. C. lot 163 A., Blue Hock bit 75, Summit lot 134, and Centennial Eureka lit 67, lode claims. I direet that this notice be published in Tub hiystoN, at Nophi, L'tah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period 23of sixty days. D. Webb Rogider. Nov Jan j't Keu-ne- , Correspondence Ensign. New. York, Saturday, Nov. 2d, 1SSS. Business has made lair progress during tiie past week, and at most points the prospect for further improvement. is considered good. But damage to the cotton crop by wet weather has caused hesitation of the South, while the outward move-meof gold at New York is not encouraging to speculation. Notwithstanding the enormous supply of currency in circulation, the Eastern reserves are not so large that gold exports nlay not produce some embarrassment, if continued. The engagements of gold for exports amount to $2,730,1)00 for thb week, and bankets look for a continuance of the outgo unless conditions change materially. Tho immediate cause is not the state of merchandise trade, for of late exports have exceeded imports in spite of the stoppage of wheat shipments, but the sales of securities on foreign account, which for some time nave exceeded purchases. A change in temper of investors might result from a settlement of rate wars, but at present foreigners do not seem APPLICATION FOR PATENT, to regard American railways with Notice No. 1703. the confidence formerly shown, in I United States Land Office, because of their damaging .Salt Lake City, I'tah, Nov. 20th, 1838. j part .Notice is hereby given that Delos Lombard .and Peter Reedy of Eureka, Utah, ami the Cen- competition, and in part because tennial Eureka Mining Company, by Charles W. the effects of the Inter-Statare Dennett its President aad Attorney in fact, of Sait Lake City, Utah, have made application thought serious. Under continued for a United States Patent for the Eureka No. 5" lode miu'ug claim, situate in Tiutic Mining sales, the stock market has declin.District, Juab County, Utahlerritory, consisting ed on the average about $1 per of 200 linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet wide, being Lot No. 170 and described in share. jtiie field notes and plat of the othcial snrveron The exports of breadstuff from file in this ollice, with magnetic variation at in minutes east, as fellows: Commene Atlantic rdegrees-iiports have been only No. 1, a corner ot the claim, lroin iug at post bushels wheat in three weeks, hich L'. 8. M. M. No. 2 bears North 11 deg. 37 ,min West 2009 2 10 feet distant; and running .thence South deg. 50 mill. East 200feet to pod against 1,939,328 bushels last year, No 2. thenee North 70 deg 13 min. East and 408, 487 bariels flour against fee to post No. 3; thence North 8 deg. 50 min. est 200 feet to post No. 4; thence South 70 deg. G75,G98 last year, with an increase said post No. 1, which 13 min. AVest203 7 10 of 850,000 bushels corn. The its identical with post No. 4 of the oiheial survey if the Eureka lode lot 39, containing a total movement is large, hut still an of acre expressly excepting .area Removal and excluding however from tile loregoiug de- much behind last years. scribed area so much of the same as is embraced of in duties caused small in the and lot Portugal in the Montana und included V. V. C. Lot 163 A, the urea claimed and apof wheat but thither, shipments of an acre. Prom said plied for being 4 Section Corner Common to from other markets the current oust No. the and Section 24. T. section 19. T. 10 S. R 2. W. tiears South 24 deg. 12 mm. East price still excludes Atlantic wheat, 10 8. R. 3 2103 2 10 feet distant. Thu said mining cuum though the decline here has been being of record ill the oilire of the Recorder of cts. for the week, with sales said mining district at Silver City, in Juab 4 County, Utah. The nearest know n locations be- of 30 million bushel?. Corn und ing the Eureka lot 39, blue Rock lot 75, Hill er rum lot 123, Legal lot 132, Lookout lot 133, and Oats have scarcely changed; poik Umax lot 135, lode claims. direct that this notice he published in Tim and hogs are a shade lower, with the pubat newspaper Ensuin', Neplii, Utah, lished ne irest the said mining claim, for Uie lard stronger. No change appear D. U nun, in cotton ; an estimate that the period of23 sixty dais. Nov Jan 35 yield is 7,200,000 bales does not accord with account of injury in several Southern States. Coffee KSERT LAND, FINAL advanced with sales has half a cent, PUBLICATION. FUR 3.140 oil is parcli of N.United and 403,000 bags, States Land Office 18S3 with lelintd a October Utah. Salt L 'ke City cally unchanged, Notice is hereby given that John C. Withers of shade lower. iriton-jephi.Juah County, Utah has hied noticool land el mo Xo to make prool ol his Business satisfactory or improv2 lor the Eof N W Land.N ' sof S t''4'ec.2 p. SK I West heiore the Clci k o! lhe Counts' Court ing at all Noithwestern points reNephi, Juab County, Utah, on U ednorday the porting, and money is in good supth day of December, isy. do names the following witnesses to prove the ply. unless Cleveland, where some unpleto irrigation and reclamation of said land: elton Jennings, ofLevan, Juab County Utah, stringency appears, be ieekone.1 an id Anson llowarth, Moroni tlo varih and A exception. Collections aUall points of Juab Juab County Ltih. D. U ilia Raid sti-seem fairly satisfactory, and at many improvement is noted. From paits of the South less encouraging PUBLICATION. reports are coming. Wet weather NOTICE FOR No. 3lli8 has injured much cotton, and causLand OfficeatSalt Lake City. Utah,) December 3d. lbs ed some anxiety : at Memphis trade Notice is hereby given tlat tho settler haa filed notice of his intention to inako does not improve, and dealers are final proof in support of his claim, and that said more anxious about collections pool will be made before the J udge or Clerk ol Tiie extent of the County Court at Nephi, Juab to., Utah Ter- than about sales. ritory, on Friday, January 18th 13S9, vi7' Ashhell injury is nut accurately estimated, P. Young, II. E. No. w0, dated Oetohor4th, 18nl, of S E 4 and S but the for tho-- W '4 of .3 E 'A and E heavy investments in new E l4 N E !4 Hoc. 29 TV 11 S R 1 E under It S. No- 727a throughout the South enterprises lie names tho lollowing witnesses to provo las render tiiat section naturally more continuous lesidonce ujion and cultii.ition ui, said land, viz: John M. Yates, llvriun hay, John Kay, sensitive when a is threatUtah Juab Co., of .Mona, Eiiaa York, all Tiie anthracite trade at New Anv person who desires to protect against the ened. allowanced such proof, or n ho knows ot any York is dull and weak, with demand undor the law ar.d theiegula w hy such proof and at Pittsburgh susjtions of the Interior Department, slackening, an he opporta-jntshould not be allowed, will given of and to niontiuned time above place Monongahehi mining the at pension ino tho witnesses of said claimant, and Dec. 1st is attnbuted to obstructsubmitted of that in by rebutUl 2,0 offer evidence D ebb The cuke trade rivers. the on ions ciaimanj Doc Jan T C liagley Atty for Claimant. is active, with moie ovens building. The Carnegie and Cambria Companies, with the Pennsylvania Co., liave taken orders for 45,000 tens at if 28, and other Eastern steel NEPHI GYPSUM CO., mills rails have refused 127.50, deliveries for the year to November 1, fifing MANUFACTURERS OF is 1,029,179 tyn;. But bar iron irregular in price, and Southern sales of pig at the East are checked by unwillingness of railroads to for the guarantee pieent rates future. In the dry goods business there is For Terms and Prices apply or write comparative inactivity, but a large to HYDE & WHITMORE. auction of woolens, which realized low prices, brought together many jSTEPI-II,- and buyers. The great activity advance of about 2 cents in wool encourages hope that the trade in goods will improve, and some improvement is already seen in hosiery and in some goods. Cottons are generally steady, with (Obtained, and all Patent Business atten- some discounting on wide sheetings ,ded to Promply and for Moderate F'ees. cioths are unchanged. The Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent print boot and shoe trade improves, with (Office, and we can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Washing- leather irregular. In the silk manton. ufacture it is reported that the Send Model or drawing. We advise years production equals 845, 000,-00- 0 of and charge; as to patentability free in value, about half the entire we make no charges unless patent is secured. consumption. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, The Treasury fins paid out only cm, 4Mva, njfd of Money Ofliciais of the U. S. Patent Office. For $200,000 more than it has taken in Circulars, advice terms, references to act- during the week, and the interior ual clients in your own State or Country, demand for money has slackened. rite to But bank clearings show a slightly, C. A. Snow & Co., smaller volume of business outside Office. Patent Opposite of New York than that of last year, Washigton D. C. 0 ut 0 0 0 0 0 4 e 130,-37- 2 w H 201s feet-t- col-tr- ofillH-100- 10 0 1 1 V 4 1 Kegi-te- r. PROOF.-NOT1- CE m with a decline of 14 per cent, here, and about (i per cent, at PhiladelBaltimore, and phia, Chicago, Ciiic.nnati. The exports for three weeks fall 4 per cent below last year's at New York, with imports 3 per cent, below, which points to a considerable excess of exports over imports for the month. But if foreign realizing on American investments continues, the state of the merchandise trade will not prevent some outgo of specie. The business failures occurring tlnoughout the country during the last seven days, as reported to It. G. it Dun I 7 It GF PURE GOD LIVER GIL V HYPOPHOSPHITSS Almost as Palatable as Milk. So di.gul.ed that it can bo taken, digested, and aa.iuilated by the moit oil enaitlve stomach, when th. cannot be tolerated ; and by plain the com bination of the oil with the hypopbos phitea la much more etiiiacioua. Remarkable as a flesh producer. Persons gain rapidly while taking It. and SCOTTS EMULSION is acknowledged by to be the Finest and Beet prepa29(i, Physicians ration in the world for the relief and cure of Co., The Mercantile Agency, num- Friday, by telegraph, ber, for the United States, 2t0, for Canada, 3o, or a total of 237 last as compared with a total-oCONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, week, and 22d the week previous to GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING the last. For the eorresnouding DISEASES, EMACIATION, week of last year the figures were COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. The remedy for Consumption, and 207, made up of 187 in the United Wastimjgreat in Children. Slid by aU, Druqqists. State, and 20 in ilia Dominion of Canada. to-da- y, f SOME OF DU. QUAILS OSOPHY. N. b - ;Vt m Ph .vI v '5 & PHIL- A man who speaks most ov h,z time around tho bottom ov the lad- UECANTILE der, aint agoing tew get hurt. much when he falls. When a man enters a public dining room and placez hiz new silk umbrella in the stand near the door, it betrays a childlike confidence in When I Bay CnitR I do not mean merely to stop them for 1a time, amt then have them reM K A N A RADICAL CURE. turn acam. 1 have made tho disease of Main Street, . FITS, EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS, human nature that iz most gratifyA study. I wauuabt my remedy to ing to witness. Cuke tho worst cases, llecanso others have Most ov the goodness in this failed is no for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Free Dottle world S'erns to be only a m.it'.er ov of my Inkalliule Remedy. Give Express and Dost Office. It costs you nothing for a habit. and it will cure you. Address I don't think muuli ov betting on trial, H. G. ROOT, M.C., 83 Pearl St.. New YORK elections, for when you lose yoi have tew pay up, and when you win tho other phellow dont want tew NEPHI. BURTON. SUET, life-lon- g rear-o- 1 ASSOCf ATJOS . IL pay, and manages to dodge it. I AGO liROADUKAI) find tho only sure way tew bet iz Dl ALP RS IN ttw bet with yourself. .lwayz remember that when a SADDLES. man haz really struck a (at thing in a business venture, ho dont go Manufacturers of around giving chances in it tew hiz friends. , etc. Sonic impekewnious men kariy-inALL WOHKWARRA TED. surprisingly little b mk account! , seem tew be always waiting around EXPEEfflCED WORKMEN. for luck tew overtake them. A little businez push will generally They keep a fall line of yooth on meet it more than half way, anil 1 hand which arc disposed of at hav known it tew git them there first. Depot Si., Nepii. First door West of Du. Quail. Livery Stable. Mailorders ivillbe promptly at tinned to. Address 1 O. Box 32 L HARNESS! g lowest prices NEWSPAPER t. Xepbi, Utah. LAWS. n ile-e- it i- 1 7 I ioilowini-namc- d . 1 Tiaric-mitt6- set-bac- cross-exa- M liegi-te- r 7 11 PLASTER OF PARIS. TJTA.H. PATENTS Q-rjr i light-weig- k A new spiper marked sample copy' MRS. II. W. WHEELER, is sent frli:, and no charge can be made has just received from Salt Lake City and toi taking it froip the office. New York a complete stock of Any person who receives or takes a SPRING AND SUMFASHIONABLE newspaper fioni a postoflice, and makes MER MILLINERY, use of it whether he has ordeied it or Which she oilers for sale to her many not, Or whether in his name or anothers, customers at reasonable prices. S. 25. is held in law to be a subscriber and for the pay. responsible If subscribers pay in advance, they are FRANCIS SELLS. bound to give notice to the publisher at the end ol the time, il they do not wish to continue taking it, otherwise the pubIn addition to a choice stock allisher is autluiized to send it on and the has just received a subscriber is held lesponsible until an ready on hand tit.,.. Wholesfilo and Retail Dealers in FOHHITUBE DEALER, carload of express notice with ariears is given. If subscribers move to other places FraittK anl Paper without not.fying the publisher, and the papers are sent to the former direction, Direct from tiie Ea-'- t which he is they are held responsible, offering at Salt Lake Brices. The court. have decided that subscribNortli fetv doors to take papers from the New Store a ers who refu-.Main Bank. National the of potof!ice, or rem mug and leaving them Street, Nephi. uncalled for, is primj facie evidence oi and examine pricts before purchasintentional fraud, and may be delt with Call save ing ehnvhtre. ) on MtlC in the criminal courts. freight con Salt Lake ily. If anv perron orders Ills paper discontinued, he must pay all arrearages or the publisher may continue to send it until payment is made, and collect the whole amount whether the paper is taken from the office or not. There can be no legal discontinuance until payment is made in fall FURNT UliE,U PH 0 LSTEil Y, ETOu The finest line of 6RACE BROS. & GO. Contractors full. A postmaster is required to gwe notice by letter (returning the paper does not Prime BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world tor Cuts, Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of at Cost for CIibH. j i)oot q ju-- t in Nephi, at 2 lira Geese FEATEES? anE PILLOWS. anE !Ui. . INE BEE. We havejnst received fron the cast FOi. U ( niture etc. which we are sidling at Salt Lake juM-.i.Southern dealers will do well to semd their order.- an tee them Sail Lake wholesale pi ices, theret ..vug will Lake. orders xll 3j from Salt ie on goods age s . , . pim.' C.R. TINi.T.Y. r J. ADAMS & Dealers m all kinds of Building Hardware Such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. We have '(r seen aai Balers. LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. answer the law) when a subscriber does not take his paper out of the office, and state the reason for its not being taken. Any neglect to do so makes the postmaster respoosib'.e for the payment. The latest postal laws ars such that newspaper publishers can have arrested for fraud any one who takes a paper and refuses to pay for it. Under tins law the man who allows his subscription to run for some tune unpaid and then orders it discontinued, or orders the postmaster and to send a to mark it refused postal caid notifying the publishers, lays himself liable to arrest and line, the same as for theft, etc. Oai riafe. tom prices. e f lf$a."by received a ear load of Windon,', Square, and Iutney Flat Pickets & $ w- 3 r 3 t i V BIEifit . L . xC . - j- 1 I LJitiO-xrYi- i LUMBER YARD AND run hill. A M CM LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS M and FRAMES, PACKING ;j BOXES, ETC. DIRECT LROM THE EAST. I YUT Chil-j Hands, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Plains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and W1 lich we are prepared to sell . p jsinxelv cures Piles, or no pay required tiK. W!U1 is of all. satis- - at price to mill I is guaranteed to give pertect ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF fiction, or money refunded, Price 25 ' cents per box. S. P. ; Cor. Main and V.Ry.St.Nephi SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY. NEPHL For sale by lvde & Whitmore - u I |