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Show 3 THE SCHOOL MEETING. Mormqns in one round'by electing Chas.x ooo navy pension fund tlnee per per cent Foote to tlte position, by a vole of tlvity-si- bonds. Chas Foole Fleeted Trustee for tit Genera! Hooker, of Mississippi, is preto thirty five against Adelbert Cazier, School District io. j, Nephi, for the It is, no doubt, a fact that the paring a bill which he will soon introMoinyon. three years, by a vote of pi suing I.ibeuls voted solid for Mr. JL'oote, ut duce, to change the meeting of Congress to Thirty-fivIhtrfy-si- x that does not say th.yt the Liberals from the first Monday in December to the fourth ol March In speaking of his proThe school meeting held in 'the Cen- "knocked out the Mormons nor that bill he said the measures heretofore tral .School Holies last Mohday evening, Mr. Foote is a Liberal On the coutiary, posed introduced on the subject provided for for the pupokc of electing aSchool Trus- a Peoples Party man, who is a Moimn him- a change in tne Constitution, and, of Mr. Foote him as nominated remuand, tee and Considering' thematter of of says, there were many good men course, raised a doubt i;; the minds nerating tty6" present Trustees for their self vvoild as the whether to not would change many who voted who him, there for Tabor; of last tear was called for 8 oclock, a be ratified by the Stale Legislatures. but as us ml it was Iatfe in starting. At have done so bad lie lieen placed as of The new bill will qol change the Confor the candidate Liberal position of the Thos OrcJ.chairman Trustees, 8.(5 It simply provides that the stitution. tile what is Trustee. It Shool progresto called the meeting n 'oyder. 'Isaac Fifty-firs- t shall begin Us of Congtess citizen the aie looking sive Territory Grace arose and placed in' nomination Mari li, adjourn the cm of fourth the a us for what we, and, certainly papei, for chairman; Thos. Ord. Mr. Stout a condition ol aflaiis existing first of Juncaiid reassemble on the first buijuinated F." W. Chappell. The vote hope to see, Aloud. ly in October. This will do away whethon Ord decided1 that gentleman'' elected. such tTufi it does not depend upon shoit session, and the New With a unanimous vote Isaac If.' (.Lace er a voter is a Mormon or Gentile to de- with theinstead of remapiing idle nine it is our (pinand cide shall he vote lfow .was elected Secretary. will begin vvo;k at once, and Nein in months, ion stir the politics tfjat present On motion of Chappell the Secretary when the President takes his seat Conread Sections I, 2 and 3 of the chboI phi lias brought then to that f dcus, lieie will he ready to jeceivehis mesgress at least. Law. The secretary also lead the Mr. Foote is a Peoples Party man; lie sage. notice calling the meeting, flic The President issued an executive orinclinfinancial report was read by Secretary of js pot a preacher nor a religiously last week which was intensely interder with the majone still lie but ed is man, Trustees, James W. Paxman, which was to Washington. It carries civil When the esting the o ques Territory. accepted without comment by the meet-'ni- ority' reform almost to its mits. Six service in is backward not hr: turn is brought up Thos V inkers placed the name of new classes are added to those already 'A. Cazier prt nomination for the Trustee telling what there is in Mormonism and existing. The new classification takes to be elected for tlte ensuing three yeais .Moimon practice that does not suit wlinn in every petson in the Dcpartmen'al serho there for reason and that many aie bewas The name of Chas. Foote placed as vice, except such as ate appointed by, him class to themselves it take upon fore the meeting' by George C. Whitu ith the consent of, the Senate, and and Mr. let Foote's shall an We Apostate. more and' this 'completed the ticket. as are appointed as unskilled such words define his own position. F. W. Chappell, Win. Stout nd Jas (en-- k messengers. Should the proSeeing Witheks communication to the visions and us wer.e appointed ellcrs ijnd balloting of this older become the settled while on his our Tribune , the reportei, commenced, the secretary 'writing practice of the Government, the final renames of the voteis as they dropped rounds, hailed Mr. Foote on the subject sult took might be the thorough exclusion of conversation the wdipn e following their ballots. A lesult showed seventy-onfrom the Departmental service. politics who vested- - 'fhe ballot box was place. Rfc.p. Mr. Foote, Wednesday, s Tiib. on1 each slip of and name the opened classes you as a Liberal, Is that your WE CAN AND DO paper lead albtid by Mr. Stout as they The were handed to him. Blood Elixir for it has meeting kept party? I dont see what- Guarantee Apfiers No sir. Mk. JTpote. tally and the candidates were neatly ever possessed Witbeck to write that been fully demonstrated to the people 0 pven all the waV through and but for an nonsense. II I had thought for one mo- ibis country that F is superior to all other occasional applause or chuckle, silence for blood diseases. It is a last Monday evening, that 1 was up prepaiations cure for syphilitic poisoning, reigned vvhjie the votes were being ment positive I should luve as a L.beral candid ite, counted. Cazie? reached the thirty-fiv- e I had no Ulcers, Eruptions and limples. It puri' withdrawn name. Why, my point and his Jriefiijs were smiling. reason to believe, but that 1 was put up fies the whole system and thoioughly but the Foote's tally counted thirty-twbuilds up the constitution. of the people. It last four papers had "Foote written on as a repiesentative man who nominat was a Peoples Party them. Thus he was elected by a majori- ed me and I am convinced that the majACQUAINTED WITH GRIEF. ty of one. Cheering was great. Chap-'nefor me would moved that the meeting now enter- ority of those who voted had been posing sfiYoii dont seem at all cast down by tain the matter of compensating the not have done so if I the length of the sentence tiie judge has 'Trustees for services' rendered during there as a Liberal. Are you a Peoples Party man? given you, said a sympathetic bystandthe past year. The motion carried and have been. Cer- er to the sad ey ed German who had just Yes and always sir, a made neat 'Chappell speech complebeen condemned to twenty yeais of I am opposed to the Chinch elementing highly, the present trustees for tainly, in the state prison. the with lead and ment doing taking their efficient labors. Adams theri rauv No, icplied the prisoner vveauly, I party as they please, and for that reason pej that the 'fAtsteea be paid seventy-liv- e all it miiui.l have thirteen years doilars each for their woik of last year lieietufore, I have taken no part m the do not at some of their the poofieader 011 German newspaper The motion was seconded and carried matter and have opposed movements. Many have accused me of been. ' " with a vim. a Liberal, an Apostate, an ' being one The meeting altogether had been and all that sort ot thing, but m st pleasant to all; the opposition being need Shilohs VirALizt.n is what you Ifizzi-nepiece ol or anything that was too contemptible avv.th caused by no personal s loss of for I Appetite, Consumption, and meddle for me to ot the sort,' it only being h question of business of all Price and I am Dyspepsia. symptoms own way. me peoples choice based upon (heir have let them have their Ft and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by a Paity man, but I dont belong Aimer judgment as to the candidates ability. to'Peoples and Co., Ncplii. faction the that Church taction thp tellA vote of thanks was tendered the last the in at was the 1iimaiy majority ers remembering especially Mr. Stout for liis comicalities during the tedious pro Saturday night. ticket Liberal the Will You Sl h r with Dyspepsia and But you wcie on cess of balloting and the meeting adLiver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalier is once. journed. Yes, but that was without my know- guaranteed to cuie you. Slid by Miner the pub- & Co., Diuggists, Nephi. ledge or consent. You can tell MR. BRYANS VIEWS. lic through your paper tliaf 1 was not He retires fron Official Work and says anxitnjs for the position of School Trus' a few words about the late PrimA CHILD KILLED. tee, but that I was willing to be put up m opposition to the Cluiich Party in poliary of tie People's Party. ' Another clvld killed by the use of optics wnd will act to the pest of my ability, the c.t.zens, iates given ip the foimot Soothing syrup. lion. W. A. C. Bryan being, probably backed by the snppoit of Church rule. Whv mothers give then clnhlten such the most active worker in oflicial capa- sepaiate and distinct iruu deadly poison is surprising when they city in our County and a prominent memcan relieve tl;e child ot its peculiar troulf-le- s ber ol the Peoples Party, alter the breeze Ackers Baby Soother. It by created by the action of last Saturday c intams no Opium or Morphine. Sold LETTER. WASHINGTON nights Primary, we sought an interview by Dr. M ner. with him. After several trials, we at last ghtnim when he had a breathing (FROM OIK RKr.l'LAR COURLSlONDl-NT.- ) Moment and "tackeled" him. The Fourth of July was celebrated in In answer to a question as to the prob-a- b as many pieviotis Fourths for Washuigtjii his otlice tins year; lity of running have been. Fhe government depart- Obtained, and all Patent Business attenMr. Bryan said. "1 have beeu solicited by quite a num- ments vveie closed, the employes had ded to Proinp'v .mil i 'T Alodeiate Lees. the U. S. Patent Our otlice is eppo--lber of citizens to g.ve my consent to holiday, and Congress rest from its have my name placei upon a ticket at labors. From sunset on the evening ol Otlice, and we m iv rn Patents m less, tune than those ic a .e Horn Washing-1011s the third until gray dawn on the Fourth the coming election, and while my on until alter dark ot that day, the veil e are warm in sympathy for the Send Model or drawing. We advise of the people and the county, I feel ot the scorched and scancd smalt hoy makas to patentability liee ol charge; and u my duty to myself to cease public ser- mingled with exploding powdej, all ol we make no charges unless patent is vice for Uie present, i have been so veiy ing both night and day hideous to seen led. inhabitants. other the so for constantly employed m'Vriting There was no formal observance of We lefet, here, to the Postmastei, many years that I find my eyes are troub of Money Older Div., and ling me and believe that I should have a the day lieie however, although tneie liie Supt.of the U. S. Patent Oilire. For Ollici.ils goWe were very sorry Test. hear this was a wealth of spiead eagle oratoryConCirculars, ndvee terms, rcderencesto actfcnd asked. ing to waste seven tenths ot the gressmen being in the city Any body ual clients m your own Suite or Country, How do you imag'ne you will who wanted to hear the Declaration cf w ite to from tne public? retiring C. A. Snow iS Co., read w nt to the usual "1 shall no' doubt nuss the kind faces of Independence Inhabitants Asso ol the Oldest Opposite Patent Office. many who have frequently visited" me meeting 'i lie Wa shigton D. C. ns a public offter, blit think that l'shall cidtion, about the iioui ot noon, Potosoon be accustomed to private life and geneial public went down to the become absorbed in private aflaiis in mac liver and even- boat was loaded ik-to tact 1 atn sure that one who serves the it$ greatest canacity with liolidav-iuimaintv and lunch baskets. And APPLICATION LOR PATENT. public lias less enjoyment of home and ing v vied tlu ancient city of Alexanirieuds, than one who' has only his own many Nopce No 171 S. dria, whose leguta alw.ns altrams a 'cares to weigh. Not satisfied we En. ted Stop's Land Ollke, I crowd. Tile Columhias, PotQnncs and tile tol lowing. Salt Lake Li;, Utah, June .Stli, ibS.S f on crews comse Analostans each bad thp Would yo i qua! fy if elected to an Notice isheiehy given tliat tiie Aiuvi-lea- n 'File Piesiduit spent the huiulfi at the office? w oil; agio .Maniig Coi.ip.mv a Cuipoia-tioat House White hod cimu,,i,g "No Sir. I have for moie ill m a yeai hv Arthm Blow n its Allium m fac t, has bills hail winch to sent Congiess determined to Cease publ.c duty upon the a I lined Slate m lor uie has appi.cafion the election and qualification of my suc- lor approval. fin Pie Coppeiopi hs No. 2 nun There is lively to he en nigh politics in Patent This lead to some further cessors. ing I.11111 jP.ate m 'linlic Aln.u g Dis-m.-tnow debates hum the Congre'Sional doling which we said; , Utah Tendon, conthe ci d ot the icssum to please the iet, huh K( unlv " You hold the otlice ol County Cleik and ol ij2 lu.e u leet 01 tl e h cie, and sisting sol tli it l.vuv jed cie--, County Recoidei Have you any idea rmostialiidpaitis.nl Lot m be diveited nilo a polti.il flannel sui face ground 53 lec l w of wh im yotu successor may he? ifiiic! eitl Holes tin: lOoaiid No. des, in !c ot cvolv iog pane w ith the :.t possibility Air. BryanV.m.w er to this was. Of In the and plat t the ofpeial stiivev on Lie 11 w.ll fie thus unrated couiso I call only similise, hut ieei con- capital k pt tins Cline, with magnetic v.Uuition, at lb to he me is Senate fieaiv FiJ.erits fident that my Deputy, All. Iickman, w ill ul ii-1 m. Loin ail for ava.laMe on hand at l.mts pol.ti degiees goat nines tie elected to one o the offices named. tne nicneim; It po.ni it Hit to is sale say that Ions ui He has had m iiu than tww yeais exped- cal use. will go out In m the Senile claim and running thence S m deg biiiin ience m the ollice and has given perfect pamphlets to a point on th' si.ut.i end! undo tiie heehng of tin-- , E 630ol feet rooms, toklmg sauslactiui to the comt. the public and the cluing thei.ee S 77 chg vA ill n hue In subIhe louse the is t.mti ,i mvsell, and as ne.uly all of tne present tieuty. E 229 leet to Pod No I, tile- south officers intend to letiie I would naliiiallv ject prohiic enough to admit f dl suits ast cor.i'-S. the el.t.m ti mwaicn-U- . of and older in to gel debate, imagine that the pabhc would tie anxious all poht.cal .Monument No. htais N 10 deg d Mint the speeches ui'dvi tins head bet le to ootam Air. 1 Lehman's experience." t d st mt, ther.ct-70 mm E 034 The subject here changed and we the people, main addtional daphnes to 1.1 P ( No tin n 77 tit ; lb mm i:g will ne.essan in be non thefikhiig asked Wnat do you think of the late W 554 fee t to Post No r tin e N o ik now Members aie ventuimg picdu Fiitnuv meeting and its pr iceed.ngs? S mm W n 42 leet to Po-- t Nu tliencC- S i sCs-sihe as tions the to length pieseid Tne leplyeatne. "I clout flunk or c.ue ill. itet 10 Bos; Ncv m ot Congic-ss-. file 77 de'g file inunxnsi! Paihamen-tnrians nAt We it. tit .too aie anytiiing thence S to dt g S nnn 1. u 42 ktt to Post ui.d wlne some of the j roceed-jng- s Wavsa.uJ Aleai.s Coiiin'iltce ixpcct to No I tne p' ,,v e: nil ; ol cvlelioi b t.iiut' hill on a the tne icacii lore vote c' insiderably out of may "have ?een ti n.ncU, c uil, mag an aita ol Lieu, must of Aleust. 'lime 1st. voi'M probably have order tiie lesu't ,n d c vtiuding ,.1 les, 1 pc t u tor " 'sarnie ' If lowed Senate file the strictest been the v t li e j mm how e 1 , In 1,1 ie .il tiieit-"- i I ter, and the piev uling rules had have been observed a i, t w ito me f as Is a i.'ng.i! all lie ill ndl sess, Congiess wifi elected do believe toe delegates 2 05 l. t No r ; w ik !i .ivies as l.iie as the il Alea the best they c..n to plate before the pub of A igust, pioiiahly ed I. . oi.d fie. vein, il patent is ap d u Fd.iiii.ds is Sen.it ol'tiic Seplembei. quoit Lc a heket conuinin tne names .1 he .1 ; ' I s o ,n ts S i.d . la in as piedict.ng that ttn to one Congiess ask. best men we have. 4 N j ,i:.o I Les 11 tae . S and 2 w .11 oe neie until the s ol n me ii.'.r.i e ol Si Moll , i jl lo S R 2 V, S.i. '1 hits ended our cjtneis.ition and with Lake ...I ( lo-- e i t the With ihe e..ri I; assurance me to.ii Air. Bryans public Ai nii.ii diu In; ("in rie.isiiiy v Dcpattmei.t was welcome to his ews as expiessed 1 ue s.iul maiiL i m h lUl l.gnics the u !.n!' u- ii tim ill e i I Li IB to m-- , we left nun a id h was soon again sou.e .1 i nuii-- , vl c, t dm.iig June c in the col r pnli1 v C 1,1 i i c i! seen in the busy vvtiiil of work. I1' i at li oUlllV , a mg and the lisial e,ii uh til c in i.e.tii t ki in on Saturdav June 1 , wa, $ i i s.Sg ; 08 . I iah. I ol llIlig.lT i.. The tol vl l now, less oas.i in lie mg tin V1TCECK MAKES A BLUNDER. i a N )i tiie "MamiiKiili 5C ; 65'). Treasim aggteg ito , m. t'lC diucl 'h.a fii.' is iinc-'i-- t Elated over the :a:t that for once the this niij.nl m, 015,1 j oi 111 Till. E.XS'IA, Nepal, the was a, n mum In man for whom John' Witbeck voted Titc-Hiheating e ii.i, ai g .em inteicst healing debt of ti d iv is m uh- ui p;d hi d in d.ihof t ,i sail elected, that gentleman (liess to the a seiious of ST h "o,U toil I per ( ent $3 2 2,01 0,00. tor tin: pi ii s,tD .1 n anil in Ins glee he mak'-R goo, not He says that last Monday four .1 d a lull pi r "it.Sii blunlei. -School Trus- Pai 1I1- .- Il lioed o pt a in in rf election the at evening tee, the "Liberals knocked out the e. TVS" SiS-sio- Con-gies- pub-lisne- d general; merchandise SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS COITNEH D TMC-A.I- ll sei-vitu- 1 n ll i- PATENTS leel-iug- GENERAL MERCHANTS OPfflE NEED BL1CK, CO-Q- IAIN STREET, NEPHI. Largeand compleB stock of Groceries, Dry Goods Hardware and everything in the General Mercantile A line kept constantly ol hand. wel-tai- ORDERS BY MAII WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATMENTION. 1 - m piu-poiul- n 'jo WEBSTERS Dr c ii c 1 c Attention is invited to the feet that in pur? chasing the latest issue of this werk, you get Tonr A 1 1 i 1 1 1 0 111 - i 4- Gazetteer of the World containing oyer 25, (XX) Titles, with their pronunciation and a vast amount of other information, ( recently added,) and A Biographical Dictionary giving pronunciation of names and brief facts concerning nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also Tanous tables giTing valuablo information. c . . ' I . 1 I i ( I nitei-.siin- t . ! I 1 1 , - 1 1 do-bl- - I 11 , Of ft is an invaluable companion in every School, and at every Firesido. Specimen pages and testimonials sent prepaid on application. Published by G. & C. MERRIAM A CO., Spnngfiald, Mass., 0. S. A. 3ST- - r 03L.-t9LW'E;O- I , Manufacturer of BOOTS .t SHOES Mr. Clawson is prep.ued to manufac-- ' ufe Boots and Shoes nr any style and PI1 SICIAN and SURGE.ON, tuarantees FIRST CLASS WORK. All finds of repairing neatlv done. Prices in ii at Miner A Co's Drug Store .d.isunahle. Sin olid ikioi N'uiih of I!, ink, llauk nM Bloi , Mjiii stieet Neplu, Nephi i N ES Swan Dr. A. Get the Latest and Best. Dx. Z3. O. TsEiiaox. 1 AKT Webfiter9 Unabridged Dictionary is ed by the State Supenntendcnts'of 3chool id 36 States, and by leading College Presidents of the United States and Canada. It is Standard Auwith the United States Supreme Court, thority and m the Government Printing Office. It has been selected ih every case where State Purchases have been made for Schools, and u the Dictionary upon which nearly ill the school books aro based. d'-o- , R1 Dia-bet- All in One Book, I 12-- ,' Dictionary containing 3000 more words and nearly 2000 more Illustrations than any other American Dictionary. A LAND S iinedy w.ll cure Pains in the Head, Jits, Dizziness and Ringing, Buzz ing So ids and Roaring Noises in the Ears, fyer ued Sore Eyes, Dry Ilack-,n- g (kills, Asthma, Bronchitis and all BroncPl Diseases, and even pronounced coiisu)tion. If taken in coiiiunction with mc Bitters and Englsih Remedy it wfiltmove all Coughing in Consumptive grsons m two weeks and will changht in one week If the patient camiij.e down in bed it will accomplish K result. TOflC BIT I ERS should he tihen internal w ith Catairli Remedy; they will renue all poisonous mucous from all paitsif the body and cleanse the blood tronnll emruption in the circulation; will lenut all Gravel from the Rems and Kidi'j s, tending to Ulceration and synip toml Blights l)nease. A(, 1V using the three combined will lemVe the cause and thereby cute ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 By bathing ever the kidneys with ON ENTEIES, CONTESTS, Sis., $3.00 JEPOET will take out all the inghsh Remedy it Procuring Land Patents, Filing Arguments, fevfi and inllamation. and Conducting Contests, on Moderate pjase write lor circulars, and send Send far circular to Terms. for advice. Directions twiCent stamp HENRY IT. COPP, on ach bottle. Sid by Z. C. 3k I. Sait Lake City, WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. McCune Cc Co Nephi. Trrry Settler should hare Cupp's Settlers Guide, "if Co-opages; prire on if 25 recta (postage stamps). and Bishop Tanner, Pay- -' Suquin CoMr. Mona Kirkutn, Santiquin. sinup by I. Haidv op Manufactured andS.put M- L. Cit. . 3kitv iSiy igiSoutb Temp'e st. UNABRIDGED TVlth or without Fatent Index. -- 1 AFFLICTED. Iaac Hardy a Cos Catarrh THE Pajsi DENTIST FXEjXjfai ABiTO 33SI-TP-AC- TS i WIT-OU- T TEETIIPAIN. TERMS LOW, Will lH in Nephi once a month Ail Write fir ) aiticnlars 3 |