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Show NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tunic Mining District, Utah. May 29th, 1S88. To Jacob A. Beaman, George W.Kings-le- v (or his reputed assignee, Isaac Woolf,) and Agustus Hone. You are hereby notified that we have expended two hundred dollars upon the Champlain No, 2 mine in labor and improvements for the years 1SS6 and 1SS7, as will appear by certificates filed December 14th, 1S87, m the office of the recor-ide- r of said district, in order to hold said premises under the provisions of section 2324, Revised Statutes of the ynited States, being the amount requited to hold the same for the years ending De icember 31st, 1SS7, and if within ninety days after this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute your propor tion of such expenditure as your interests in said claim will become the property of the subscribers, under said section 2324 The respective amounts are , A. Beaman six and dpllars, for 1SS7, G. 0 W, Kingsley sixteen and dollars, for 1S86 and 1SS7. and A. Howe Thenty-fiv- e dollars, for 18S6 and 1887. P. C. Burke, Frank Salisbury, John Masterson. Ju 1 S 7 COPPS LAND bOOUi REp. k BRn.VbilEAl) Dealers Women's Rights Under thcrc'emt tion and Other Land DRINK in ! TA U LONGER! FILTH When vou can get POEE WATER, l-Continuing the subject of t weeks letter, I will give a few pointlespectm. womens rights under sevef statutes, beginning with the Potor Hanson on and after Monday, April r6th, will have a supply . BURE WATER, brought from Gardner Springs, 'on Main StreetNe-phi- , between the bouts of 7 and 8 a. m. Water sufiicient for the days use can be had fot a trclnig expense. See Mr. IIANSEN every morning, or leave aiders with N. Clawson, she ema ker if you wish water deliveied to you 1 ALL WORK WARRAUTED. A widow or maid overlwenty-on- e years of age is entitled to lal upon comEXPERIENCED WOBBEN. pliance with the statutory Inurements citizenrespecting They !;cc jiH hue of goods on ship is not a requirement, rijiaratiou of 1 intention being all that is f cessary in hand which aie 't I of at that respect. XotTOSSi-JpllOOAny woman who is the hi of a famiDepot St., Xefii. 2'imt Wer Ued ct ly, though less than twentv lie years old in try Stable. Jaiordus n ill be prompt-l- e if otherwise qualified, nraylecuie ' Laid interned to. jUJrcss J'. O. Lev 321, under these laws, A married woman is ml entitled to jShphi, Utah. I single wothe right of NoUQi A man who marries after lil'Jher declarstatement and Jire making atory Go proof and payment, foifei'.lj rights as a and cannot afire title to Tin, Copper, Zinc and Iron of all always on hand, and worked tp the land, though she andler husband kinds, Iliir dressing, Shaving ami Sham- older with continue to reside thereof promptness. We also keep on hand all kinds of stamped ware with In the event of the deaJnf a pooing in the latest Style. Stove Ware, Roofing and Guttering done before making proof Id payment, . to older. the tale may be peitecteify or lor the oxxtiEBtxri? E.N. PYPER, benefit of the heirs. Orcluily widows APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Teeth extracted with care. r to A. GntJner, make final Succ'- are not heirs, and can Notice No. 1711. ., Half Block west ol Nephi. United States Land Oflice, 1 pioof and payment for til own benefit. In e bv statute some widows States Salt Lake City, Utah, June 16, 188S. bdain and and Sign Painting made heirs ol their uusbJU, and where Notice is hereby given that John done- - at short notice. of Eureka, Utah, and George E. such is the case, should ire be no oth- Paper hanging FRANCIS SELLS. Infect enand And all kinds of Uphoisteiy done the widow may Whitney of Oakland, California, have er heirs, joy the benefit of title to I' land. Sltould made application for a United States FURNITURE DEALER, tor the Overman lode mining claim, theie be several hens tlJodovv as one them may pet feet til! r the benefit situate in Tin tic Mining D.stuct, Juab of In addition to a choice stock alall. Where the Stati.w allows the County, Utah Territory, consisting of of -l.fe widow only a dower rr estate ui ready on hand has just received a 1500 linear teet of the lixF, and surface Aa o husv of in the of carload 162 herj.ecc-aseproperty Lot No. feet wide, being ground 200 and described in the field notes and plat band, she cannot acqui Jutle to his pre- Piactices in all the Courts of the of the official survey on file in this ofnee, emption claim, but i as guard,, in Territory. Wall Paper with magnetic variation at i5 degrees 30 make proof and paynteior the benefit Irce , Utah, 1 t minutes east, as follows. Commencing of minor heirs. Direct from the East which he is at post No. 1, a corner of the claim, from Uniter Iltur;: timhiir the t Salt Lake Brices. laws, offering N 8 U 26 SMM No. 2 hears which deg min W 222t feet distant; and running any unmarried woman ter the age of North Nctv Store a few doors a 9 thence S 81 deg W 200 feet to post No. 2, twenty-onwoman who or any sin Mum of Bank. National the UNDlfinTAKEIl. leet is at the head of a fain, under that age thence S 17 deg 15 nnn E 765 0 9 Street, Nephi. to post No. 3; theme S 16 deg 30 nun E may enter and peifect to land, i amine pt . d bejoi c purrhtn-ir- y Call an teet to post No. 4 hum which 734 No evidence is req led on l mber-- e 134 cnltuie ec.tr, es, and in.. tloiCfie. ) on nut save alter mitiat-ught- s post No. 5 U tire Summit lode lot disleet bears S 16 deg 30 nnn E 106 of a iyht J on Silt Lake City. will not elfec. Jn mgentn '1 tie acts of tant, and the quartet section comci on woman to peifect t the line between seGion 24 Tp 10 S R 3 cultivation, planting, Ajfimff by W and sec I j l'p to S lv 2 W Salt Lake statute may be d i.e b a a ;ent as well MANUFACTURES AND IMPORTER OT ALL KINDS CP Mendinn, bears S 7 deg 12 min LC 515 as by the entr; woman poison. Collins, Caskets and Cofiiu IUidwaie feet distant; thence N 8r deg E 200 feet Home made constamiv 011 liand Tat: li slr r o law, to post No, 5; thence N 16 deg 30 min v on the shortest done Embalming N feet and No. to thence 6; 734 post I Ie ;dsa has a good line of leet to said authorizes any u uiiumlhether married 762 17 deg 15 mm flic-anot United the who a sells at cost. or is Fur.. citi.l consingle, post No. 1, the place of beginning, Cffltrscters asQ Biiiluers. iejuisite a I who mav be Repamng of all kinds taining a total aiea of 6 acies, all states, tooqol done on the shoit-es- t and has filled djclatation ol of winch is claimed and ppbed for, notice. intention to become si I Hi en, to inithere being nr con Lets, Tne 16 deg 3 j urn tiate entiy ai.d.iequ ulk- to laud upon Agent for Nc . 11 unc Sowing Mat hme S Ca'm of the heal point cements, hi e and Alaoli.no oxiias, Neadles, etc. etc LUMBER YARD AND BLANING E 431 distant 'in a p j.i.l which compliance with ns a an MILL. o may pent employ f ct tpeiioi u the aCiS Give lrm a call bears S 17 deg 15 umi E 705 us well Nepln, I tali. distant from pie Xoitheily c .cl ! ne of tne 1, cues try to reclaim t claim. petloru the s tme liIUl. ine w.ies De.tlci ; in all kincUof B11 Img Hardware The said milling claim liein of record 11 pit t take laud Uiidii u1)law .s ml Such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. 10,1. ju ot tk In the oiin e of die Recwuler of s.i d mul- abtnlged or mleileu uft.i EV3 111 lised lit Pic hti .band V having piiv p ing district at S.Ler Cm, in Juab County, Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Utah. The neatest known locations be eges extended by the vv 1 j k M Sliding ..ml Rn kelx. Glass of all it f 3 1, the Lookout mg the Stmm.t Di-tro t rnd Tin: stum: and i.am iavv, Firotiei s in the n a small stock e n.iiii and A33, the Reborns Li..c,.a let 7:, and the usioj, o Axle ') lees, Boulsteis and Ctrirts nf Utnli Teriitorv Alta lot 161, all ! de mining claims. applicable to the Eta'D of Cai fi rn a w Inc h we w ill I ire like, I direct tlnn th s notice be pubhsned in O.cj-Oiiinl of all kinds ,vi.l tittii'I ie aJ V,.;li 11 ,tm and legal i dispose of at The F.nsion at Nephi. Ulan, the news- icimorv, extends the pvilege ot eutiy Juab. S, m role and neighin bmiuesh paper pub! sin- '1 lie ucst the said mining to the extent of one humed and sixty boring ounlie-- . cla m, toi Lite pei.od of v-idays. a ic--s to every citn.en of ta United States Office rooms o and 7 Bank buildD. Ui.n , Register of pers m who has hied dcJaiation ot lid intention to become a citen, regauILss ing, p. o. 1 lux boo Nephi, Utah. cf sex. j APPL1CATIOM FOR PATENT. Mamed and single wo Jti rtand upon Notice No. an equal i noting with im under tbs )Yc have just received a car load Uuted States Land Office, law. of .Salt Lake City. Utah, June 16th, ittbb. Rights mav be abridge only by the rrNBYN'-fi- a Notice is lieieby given that John vnluntaiv acts ot lhe iw peon, of Eureka, L t ih, rind Geoige E. allow s but one hundred .d s tv aum, Lord, 1:7"Mi'G Snnnre, and Fancy Wiritnev of Oairiand, Ca1 fi tma, have to be taken bv one G s 'Cult on a Flat Pa hits petseftr male aipinatioii u ,1 Uinti d Slates of pcisons. Of coinse ai one-- iio n a !!' st Known Hotel in l erd The Patent , n rite Ain lode in, mu 4 cl 11111, member of an as ,ot UitioiOiaknig entiy UuJ o'l 1'lcK and lizard ill. DIRECT FROM THE EAST. ct, Juab under tile-ac- t situate in i'mtic Muimg 1) t.at.cJ msr net i,.dind-ua- l i t n bucti, Nephi. coi.u--t.iiol Com Cumin, Panton, ngut. entry it is held lat a m irrd women in J500 linear leet of the lode, and suitdte Which iv e ate prepared to sell ground 2 ) ct w ale, 1) in L 4 No. 1 6 r California cannot 111 , 1. e 1 ei.by Under at prices to lout the- wants ot all. and disci ibed in the field u lies and plat Ills act with community am k money of the olli ual suivev on file 1.1 tins olfiee, l( hei liUsl-anhas evjidd In with m ignetic v.u at ion at 16 de ;ret r 30 0! entiy under the act. Wer Cor. .Main and S. P. Y.Ry.Bt. Nephi. a! 01 on', Li ,1 Bel e Uo. minutes e 1st, as f lions Coni m nc.ng cuniit xiicea the htisbancii ,d at post N . 1, a conn r of the efiom,V and onsiderod as ,ui as oexCn cf prisons K'(j).- - a ii st clast House in every 20 o and entitled to l.it one running then-- S 79 deg 4 3 'uni cjj. ThucImp of the S. B. Y. feet to post No. 2, theme S 9 deg E 772 IN. give it., a call. The mix: pal lat lav-s- , feet to p cat No 5 fom wi, ca I . S. M. M. and can. ages ahvuvs on Homes No. 2 bears N :6 deg 0 m.'i W 2221 4 10 DEXLLBS IN rigius ; i d ham!. feet distanc, thence S 17 deg 15 mill L extend to women all i ip. a '.Vf, t men e.i-or e lat rAPi.cn, ges limy ceui 728 fee" lo pot No. j; t u in e N 79 deg pr.v.le :c lathcinaiital to uitliout iv, ost ami PAPCES. No. the.ce E to j ES SJO nnn feet 200 5; 45 N 17 deg 15 icn V 72s met to p,,st No c; tum. is to Bu-- t, 'I 'i o All lrinds ofl Adas and Suve outfits, thence N ydeg t 772 feet to said post No. A r I ILIAC SAM S O .ALLS . 1 .1 B11--- I is 1 1. 1. Gtrile-- Cr- ;,,c c 'louts, Bac ks T,the pi. ire t,i hegiiinn g,c mi.i'nuig a tov.lnch trie-- , all No Tris', No B.ust, No Ilell. lo itoV2J,c,c.,io my Laid oi ; lover made. tal area ol 6 women stand up on claimed and applied loi, thue beng no and turthei limy mi puw In oidt ring be sure to give name and conll'cts. The section c, mer con moil great a quantity ol land at' nanibei ol stove. exact W an 10 SR and 3 24 Tp to sections 13 l.UOTS and SHOES made to i KNIJt tuny. sections iS and 19 Tp 10 S R 2 W, Salt All home ina Ie, and 20 per cent. below Lake Met iciiai: lieais due Last 2 15 , as Ivcjj.iii tug ne.itely done, .Salt Labe jiixc-- . they may be able to, fi.' - subjoc.. brib Nr.i Main feet distant Irom a point v. ch beats S9 m. Sn;ri. iw y t.11 that olmanne-iin E 137 0 loci d.st.ini. r m said p ,sl N ). disposal ,te p.nc lnisirg eBcwbere give me tiie cash, seep, or uananUo pay nan 'guaiantced call. Sat a point of the (hum j. ''The din'aveiy N OU'l' HI'B. O. Box 6j. lienrs S 9 deg E 73 ) leet d slant li om the Spanish l'ork Utah ol the end line muddle of the claim. NOilCE 1 OR ITNILIAIF x. 'i he said m uimg laim benig of rcc ml No. 2i,.'3, in the office ol the Kecoider of said minVvVlC II MAKER. Office at Sak i.akCit Ul fin, Land Ciiv in Juab Countv, ing disti'cl ulS.lver I Jill I ill, locatons beUtah. 'I he i.caio'-- t kno,-1lo.n.wNot'ce it hen by I'anik it PET0IS5H. GHAS. I. a lot :, the Zulu Wa'k i: i s CLo'i;snnl .Tkwfluv Leu Robbins the d ( tic-- - ot ing .red ing-n- a i on the ri oit-- L notice. lot 99, and the Valley lot 100, all lode intention to make finM j RIGNB SCENERY. pto in cnp"oit miniirg d ums, ill be ct has in, an i Unit f.cd rm f li.-ci 0'i imI duc-cthat tin - n lice be published in made da, atimg, all kinds ol Jti-the bet ..Veiac )ie ,0 ot i.u Nepln, L I di, the newi-jrap- t the U c Tin. Bain Oriuuii'UiL.l ing, ( ! ilding, etc. IV on, , a. Club nl published neatest the s.ud min ng Mai .1, iinty s BO Aridii-Center Street ,1 Utah, on July 3, th, 8, w NnN ami ha ,am C, B on Mr. Icu claim, for the penu. ol s ,V Cl , Chi. teese-- J Coiiianii.it.oi i I. C. No. Ivtke 1 ). 'Ab mu Realist- r. Salt Ctv, s J1122 Au 2; J ol ot SL cuuroHf locks and watclu-- put m ( () 7945 ioi the Mr Tingcy ol ,,)ih (jnl(.r, N L ol N IN' Sec. and O b W lK' tub'. urner. 29 DFSERT LYND. running Co. Co Uuiuiture the op Nephi 30 m Tp 14 S R 3 E TILL FOR IUBLiC.'.TlON. 11 names the follov. big lira sc N197 o. x (t :u, n i us ie 0 Unit ' 1 8t e.es I ai.d O.n.'e, 1 prove p n, t, NfMl.. ctrit.vation f, cad lari, S ill Lake C. y, Utah, K..v gi, iSfiS. Ikiii Nome is hei e v goeii that John S Baiter, Ge,a.. ;e 1. 1 ri ipe Re. be n it. i1-- i.n M. ! i,i,k r, , S m t ,e !. I). SEIF Wr.ght of eplu, Juan Coanv, Utah, h is .'ones, a UlecT li.itu e of inVffi.on to make Count y, Ulan. N Ota e is he: a!)cia'ir. N ,. I v'.u, : .v ci ;!i e e Civil. LNGIM.I.B.. r KLPHI DEHTIST, ji proof on Ins d" orf kind . i itU ,c lSuUl..l lias tried 34. I p r 2 S R 1 f ,r the N W S L C fi: of ! ft fir. ml dirt b'P E bel Jie the Judge 01 m hi a se. ice me .menth'i) to ni ike el, ri pi ml .1 in h ''IM . , Wio 1, .S bei a P' t tri.1 7 rieni-.tielejk of In ib eka.t,;--- at No, is; t n i ixv oi ii c!a m, a. ..I tiiat i I i p- Is4 .'b it m e n now hi .. v t at lew! is t. and 7 r ng Ncph. i.,c n; id bt ue tne Ju Ig of i'll iS A. lu d iv the 7J1 d done at 3 . at t! e 1 1 V ( HIS lie names me tallowing w.tnesse M mu, 1x8 . via Utah, O.ie b! '1. c.. .1 ;.J uhj-a- , rif bloi !. soinl anpleie migati u ,u-jirove the csaid land James B. Comma Ci Hmation of ;e w heie he t.picpand Geoige Ib Dia; (I1 ;1 c C W for .lie S j c f S M n h - prokssion in the 't.ri.aiwo.k Joseph Broadhead, John Fowke-- , Josepb. Coc 29 I j) 1 S 11 3 L MRS. II. W. VfiHHLl.LB, C. Fatten, all of Nen.ii Juab County, Utah. .Ucst snG. (, rid amalp.m and bone t i Brices He names the follow u, ; v tiM i,,r . i1 txf-aS. W. Daike tmg a specially. DWtuiReg. ml n is jm-- t r ct ivi o horn S ill I. ike Cr ot-111 lble- - 1 ail I 6 prove lis tout nil, us rcrid. ce una.i, Pro' Attornej. fi ew A . rk a i of slock Ib uv 1. and culnvat.-ji!.,i 1 a daie. m I'firiNiiON.Ml E SIMN. Latter, N, .a ah. C hi s.c. RING AND fi.. P, He it now fly pi( pared to e- caji Mi R Ml L miserable ly M Draper, Rthbii, L. rioncs, .11 ui .sm tr.ut tea'll without pun by the use oi Slefru ss mgh is made h 1. she lot sale to lu r many ibie apor, that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is lele County, Uta 1. Lb' Wu t; kg--done on shoit notice. the remedy fot vou. Sold by Miner fie obhn.eii at lei or d ie pn-c-- . Opuationi S. 2s. C. ILriley Ally, Co., Druggists Nephi. 1 di-go- 1 Nephi Tin Shop. I. 0 TEASBA1B Establislied 1880: X30.t3o:r. 33 Painter, Co-op- MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION. Pa-te- Geo. Sutherland. A.t torn a t.-I- w Minis ail e Main Street, Jackson, e, 1 leq-ine- 0 NEPHI 1 nu-lic- e. o ES d 0 !,a-over- . ) 7 liner 1 1 1 ! .vj tiIir Ne-ad- BURTON SUPT., H. a - c fov Ocisli, Oo.b NEPHI HOUSE, . 1 J r. . olilxbrouuflt. fells ti AVI poles til 1 ! 7 - 1"he Joiiv House. ispft. cok The finest line of , 1 1 o J. Blackburn. or-.I- , yj m .a. 1 jkii a 9 and Idotail Dealers in 13nby Carriagew overseen ill at Nc-ph- i, bot- Prims live Gebsc FEATHE.ES and PILLOWS, and Rational FOLD- - IliS BEDS. liavejust received fron the east FOUR CARLOADS of Furniture etc. wl.icli we are selling at Salt Luke jobbing and retail prices. Ve will guarSouthern dealers will do well to send their orders to us. antee them Salt Lake wholesale pi ices, therehv saving freight and damwill receive prompt attention. age on goods ftom Balt Lake. All orders Yfio 11 1 J tom prices. 1 rit 1. HU isi.is,jL4 FUHNITU HE, U P1I0LSE11Y,ETC. II. rLMOETENSEN 1 a C. S. TINGEY, 1 1 SUPT. - C. HETERSEX. , SIGNS! SIGNS! J ADAMS & SONS, ie-na- 7 i.-- s , v i 1 I? r-- o,' . s- N-- i LUMBER YARD AND . 11 1 I 1 wli i); 1 - in-c- v 1 i 11 I - at.-''.- iu, in-t- . 1 , 1 a - 1 c' , - 1 LIfi-CR- Pnnt LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS ' SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE SAN FETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEFIIL 1 ft r IV '-- Mk |