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Show a v.. H : TIE THE BKSIGK. ENSIGN, ITBLI3GED ISTephi Juab Co, TT.T. EVEBT FHIDAT AT . SL'IiSCPJPIIOX CS Feild & Kollo Publishers. ... prompt attention paid to all communications. Address: The EnSicn, P. O. Box 2 Utah. Nephi, Vol. One Year, Six Months, Three Months NEPHI, UTAH, FRIDAY JULY II There are some holes in e covered ditches which cross Slain $ A east and the Hyde CASH PRICES. west and north and south & Whitmore corner that a angerous. Buying . Selling They are jh to trip just about Ian 13 a horse if he should step life of them Wool, 1 yrs, growth, D lb 7 to r2 6 wheel of a Hides, 1st class, while running, or break buggy. They should be rtjired by the proper parties whoever th hay be. NEPHI MARKET. hsters UnThe Family Educator, edu-- n abridged Dictionary is a gi family ought to cator, and no family of ch' be brought up without ha t readv an-- f cess to thisgrand volunii swer hundreds of questioi each and awake child. It is an ev reliable schoolmaster to th hole family. Receiver Dyer has hat rued over to him Chinch property vain S790.666.15 k in S. L. n t including the Teniple These figures incl the Church City. Farm.Jcoal interests at C v lie, sheep, Telegraph cattle, theatre stock, De Co., stock, Gas Co., stoclfd dividends the Tithirg Yaids, Gar House turd ac-wi- ll vvide-irese- I listorians ly- LOCAL ITEMS. The Roberts Proyo is the Hotel at which yoij can get best acconunoda tions. Telephone connections, billiards pnd bth rooms at disposal of guests. W. D. Roberts, Proprietor. nt Office. while WordPro's & Co, is right hand e in motion. 4er und cut and lacerated ex finger.The is bandaged healing nice- Last Wcdpesd ly afteri ing at the yards of Grac Wilford Cole was passin carelessly over the saw The saw caught Ins little the end oil at the first jo the end if his thumb ano piece of the little linger on again by Dr. Don an 11, - Tiie firm of J. W. whose ad. appears in th up business on the oh just south of the Cou eludes Mr. Roden, Stun who, in .nidi ion to the veitised, will comment and stone dealers bu nouncement by advei ofield &Cc, ue, will open oye pioperty House. It of Manti, ness now I a stone-cutte- ess. ad- - r See in a few nt weeks. TO ALL! If you wish a good meal, cali at the Arcade Choi I Iousk. Spring Chickens, Trout, Veal and the best of Porter House fstake always on the bill, ol fara. Meals to suit all apd at all hours. A play, "The Colleen way fur the Twenty-l- b known actors, Win. II Rollo, Tlios Osborn, Feild, Alex. IT. Rollo Misses Millie Schroder, Sena Jones are in the c;i expected that Mrs. Ciii vviy is under th. Our well Jyde, J no. S. Ca.tcr,J. T. others also elia Mangum, It is partially e ailey will 1 ap-tii- Hot, comm pear. She has not ans yet, but requesting her Fat Calves wanted at Wright & Cos nication she is up in her part an she comes she Cash or Merchandise paid for fat calves will add materially to th access of the by R. V. Barr. play. Harvest has commenced. least a I11 the retiil businc&of Cooper ft fanners have begun cutting grain. Pyper, Mr. Cooper propfis to ofler the same inducements jo hiiiistoiners here Miss Jennie Feim is visiting with her to deal with him, as he ft, to his custorelatives in Nephi, for a short time. mers in Manti.He will issahecks for sales At few The walls of the new Com t House noil, ELECTRIC are even with those of thectliei building. The building will be completed on or BITTERS. ; - 1 citied quickly guarantee by Rates forwarded on ap so FIRST NATIONAL A ' IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? if Not voii go through tUe world a dyspeptic. Ackers Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and Sold by Djj Miner Nephi. W IK OF nephi, Baid Capital tit a u $50,000 Surplus 10,000 Geo, C. Whitmore, Bresident BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. Jonas i I, Ereksun Vice Bxes. L.S. Hills II. Myndcrs, Jas. in Salve world the lor Cuts, Thomas The best Wright, Jr. Utilises, Sores, Ulcers, Stilt Rheum, Fever Alma Iague, Cashier. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and till Skin Eruptions, and Deposits received subject to sight drat! C rouiE, Whooping Cough and cities Biles, or no pay required immediately lelieved by Shilohs positively or check. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisCure. Sold by Miner & Co., Nephi. or money refunded. Brice 25 faction, Money loaned on approved cents per bin. made with prompt reUrrns at GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore, lowest rates. And ays have a bottle of Ackers We sell exchange on leading cities of tile English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell Jiovv soon Croup may stiike you United tates, also furnish sight, drafts or little one, ot a cul.l or cough may fasten A Ladys Bocket Book lost in Nephi remit funds to all prominent points in jtselfup.m vx.ti. (h.edose is a preven- Monday evening, July 2nd between HowEurope. few tive and a doses a positive cure. All corner and Clias. I louses, containThroat and Lung troubles yield to its ardsabout $40.00 in Bash; a New' York treatment. A sample bottle is given you ing Correspondents to Sada Little diaft for fiee and the Remedy guaranteed by Dr. and a note$75.00 payable to the same New York, Kountze Bros. toijijo.oopayablt' Miner. person. A reward of TT N DOLLARS Chicago, Union National Bank, will be given to the finder for leaving the Salt Lake Citv, Deseret National Bank same af the First National Bank. A HEALTHY GROWTH. San Francisco, Bacific Bank. Nephi, July 2nd, 1888. Acker's Blood Elixir has gaiifbd a firm hold on the American people and is acknowledged to he superior to all other SULPHUR! SltPHUR! prepaiations. It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical Hyde & Whitmore have just got in a fraternity indorse and prescribe it .Guar- Car Loa doe Sulphur and will give anteed and sold by Dr. Miner. Good fresh milk delivered daily in prices on application. 1 P.ron-jcbii- S BRING CITY. is security.-Collection- Chaiiie Hyde of Spring City, San Bete County, was this week brought up before Commissioner Johnson and bound over in the sum of $1,000 to await the action ol the Grand Jury for stealing a cow from the estray pound. E. Kiekson was arrested for "the old thing (U. C.) by Deputy clawson and bound over by his Honor Jacob Johnson. On Satin day last one ol the Bishops counselors lound occasion 'to quaiiel with a member of his word and finding words too w eak used q pitchfork to make things more inteiesting. INCURABLE? IS CONSUMPTION Read the following: Mr. C. II. Moiris, Newaik, Ark., says: Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Co-Began taking Dr. Kings surnplive. New Discovety fur Consumption, am now on my lliiid bhttle, and able toovei-se- e the work on my faun. It is the finest medicine ever made. Jessie Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: Cool your water with Gardner Can-Yo"Had it not been for Di. Kings New Ice. For sale at wholesale and reDiscovery for Consumption would have Leave eiders at died of'Luiig Tumbles. Was given tip tail by D. Salisbmy. bv doctors. Am now 111 best ol health. lesidence, one half block north of the Tiy it. Sample bottles fiee at Hyde & Nephi House. Whitmores, Nephi. Salisbury & Sons are still busy at their old trade, that of burning lime and dont it. They have a few loads of ash Shilohs Core will immediately re- foiget lime which will be sold cheap. I). Salis-burlieve Croup, Whooping Cough, and Bronof this firm is agent for the Monchitis. Sold by D. O. Mmei, Nephi. arch Fence Machine, It will weave any"Hackmetack." a lasting and fragrant thing from a lath to a small fence pole" for any of the above aie peifume. Bike 25 and 50 cents at D. O. Your orders solicited. Miners, Nephi. 2H',7ii3n.'srj3oiD'5r HTTXi 3. n 1 MILK! MILK!! any part of Nephi for AN EPIDEMIC. A I Violent eorm ok Cholera Morbus follovv-mg-n.tme- 1 Iowa, Bkostkaies Community. A plain statement of the facts by a Lead ing Merchant of the Toicn. the whole 1 w o 0- They or llej ill ill XIOOMS Also a few' choice building lots S3jZLJLm1E3. The lots are each stocked with choice fruit and shade trees. For particulars apply to D. Salisbury one half block north of the Nephi House. I.- I 1 c3 I FOB 3LIT pay lie mriel price for tie alo?e articles ia Casl slip WOOL 05 comrission, aai nab literal advances They also carry the BAIN and MITCHELL WAGONS and the Woods Mowers iHaryestezs Which they will sell at Salt Lake PPJCES, Ch R, AlflDniIRSlDN IOR'I BAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Headquarters at SfRING-VILL- E, Branch Galleries at Nephi and Manti Utah. irs. JNTZCIPIXX Gallery will open May noxt Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. MACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. prompt attention. Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, Orders by mail will receive Address Springville Utah. P.O.Box 3. J. W. SCHOFIELD & CO. AG ANTS m 4 - On Main Street, convenient and suitable for a small or moderate sized family FOll TIIE HEAPES8 h d ' oa all Consipients. 1 1 1 Orders left at Mrs. I'itchforths residence, one block east of Thith-in- g Ollice. HIDES, FELTS AID GRAIN. l 1 25cts. 33H3j3lXj1I3HS . x a quart, or three quarts for -- C. Andrews & Co., 1 'c lOcts. at Belnap, Last summer we bad an epidemic in this community in the form of cholera morbus. Nearly every man woman and child was prostrated by it, and it seemed to be a very violent form. We tried every medicine we had or could find without relief. I then went to Ottumwa and Blake, Burce and Co., wholesale drugtne to take home Chamgists, advk-eberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. 1 did so and distributed it and Oodgh and Consumption it gave -relief immediately; it ivoiked like Cine is sold ,v ns on a Jffta'fffrttee It Jrnarrtcr- i ordered mrrre of the remedy at cures Consumption. Miner N: Co., Ne- once, and sold it during the day at my store, and at night at my home. I sold phi. as much during the night as I dill duiing the day. Tiie people heie can not say A Nasal Inj ector free with each bot- enough in piaise of Chamberlain's Colic, tle of Shilohs Catarrn Remedy. Biice Cholera anil Dianbaa Remedy. J. lb 50 cents at Dr. Miners, Nephi. Hellvvig, Meiclmnl, Jlelnup, Iowa. Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi. BEOBLE EYEEYWI IERE 1 ahovc-nam-.-- s LOST. wo guis. Ter-ritoi- can be Shilohs Cure. We SjIJ by Miner ik Co., it. $2.00 1.25 75 Advertising plication. 0 INTo - That Hacking Cough This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise A puier medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is .claimed. Electric Bitters will cure till diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, 'Boils, Salt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood Will drive Mqlaiia from lire system and prevent as well as erne all Malarial levers. For cine of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try KlectiicBitteis Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Brice softs , and $1.00 per bottle at Hyde N Whitmoies, Nephi. shottly after the specified date. Pations of the Brigham Young Academy will be pleased to learn that the thirteenth academic year commences on the 6iTt of Agust next lrof. K. G. Mneser retains the priucipalship, and will be assisted by eight or nine regular teaeheis, all of whom are specialists in their work. Additional apparatus has been procured, so we understand, in older that the class work of some important branches may be mote fully illustrated. Ciiculars giving full informatson will be distributed in a few days. We hope that the young men and women of 0111 county, and the Territory generally, w ill take advantage of ihe educational facilities of the B. Y--. Academy, at Brovo. FROM Ki. 1888- trades he aniMeeeeeliJive yullr& NO i ICR FOR DUbMCVUlOig. Will leceive a ticket repifcVning a chance Nn. 30C6 Arcade the at Chop in the gland thawing of' astove which wages given. Apply Land Office at Salt Lake Citv, Utah. House, Nephi. will he held lanuary rst, itj. The brill July, 2th, iSSS. to give a stove vay as an d Notice Is hereby given that the J. F. Woods is selliu i at The Nephi proposes iluce custom. scheme and to settler has filed notice of his Bakery, bread of the best quality, made Get your hardwaie, tinwai stoves etc. intention to make linilpioufiu support from roller mill Pour. from this him. of his claim, and that said proof will be 1. M. McCune & Co. are the agents for made before the Judge or Clerk of MA the celebrated Iron Fire 1iuof Paint. lard County, at Fillmore City, U. T. 011 LOST .Give them your ordeis. Saturday, August 25, 1SS8, viz' Lewis Confirm our statement w hen we say that W. Stout: Leamington B. O., Miilaid Co. By a member of the Teiloiial Buaid Remedy is in every way Peter Rasmussen, Boot and Shoe maII. E. No. 5956 fur the N W S EJ and Ackers English linof a Xik to any and all otlu r preparations coni Equalization, pocket I S W superior ker, is the place to lake youroiders for W. S R N j bee 9 Tp 15 4 for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping valuables. This pock book must good cheap and substantial woik. He names the loliuwing witnesses to be found or U is feaied peOn.il propering Cough and Croupe it is magic and prove his continuous residence upon, and releives at once. Ue offer you a 'sample The number of traveling men and 6th-ie- r ty may increase in value urlepiii. A viz: cultivation Call said of, land, The finder will be liberty lewardeil bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is strangers who have been in Nephi Ltus N. Christiansen, August sold on a this week, lias been unusually laige. by delivering the same at lis ollice and jonsson, positive guaiantee. N. Benedict!. T, Kxcorious, Christiansen, will receive the grateful tluks ot many all of Leamington, Millard County, Utah Oil Wednesday evening we were all tax ayeis. I). Webb Register. Tcrritoiy. cheated. It appeared as though we Shilohs Catarrh Rkmkpv a positive .vere going to get a shower, but we got cuie for Catarih, Diphtheria and Canker left. Mouth. Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi. THE WAN MINS, ftKI'OUT OF TIIE CONDITION sehave tinners and Pyper, Cooper Fnnn a!) indications, thenrineral wax or THE cured the contiact for putting 011 the mines TAKE NOTICE! in Emery County owned by a New Court roof, guttering etc. on the o composed Nephi chity company House. On and after Sunday, July ist, we, the FIRST MTIONAL BANK men, will proven source big revenue, will charge for all shaves on undersigned, the the not to is hi, manifested owners, only Carelessness tj nowhere again being and Si'ndavs Holidays the sum of 25 cts. I OK II is NEB find material maThe in tlie number ol old wagons and each. in front ol else in the United States n quantities in left stieets the lying chinery F. C. Teasdale, suiiic.ent to guarantee it- mining and at Nephi, in the Teiiitoiy of Utah, at the repairing shops. II. M. McCune. here it is found in unlimed quantities close ol business, June 30th, 1888. E, E. De Vinne, Superintendent of the and one tin ee foot vein o, almost pme Kl.si Jl RCFS. Bradstreet Mercantile Agency is in town wax is being' mined Are You Made miserable by Indigesof tile condition in mr m.uifactories Tnere aie only (Liferent Loss or Loans an discounts looking up 5 10,807, 00 tion, Consumption, Dizziness, n w firms. business the uril that use mineral 'ax, sepeiat-ingfioiOveulial'ii seemed and unseAppetite, Yellow Skin? Shilohs Vitalize, it the o.ocerite aid aspnaltum is a positive cine. Sold by D. ). Miner, 1 ,Sr 7 25 cured Miss Sulie Lindsay left yesterday bu that the raw mateiial which has U. S. Bunds to secuie circulacontas, Nephi. . ninth She heietofoie been brought frn Austiia. A an extended pleasure trip, 1 tion 2,500.' in .will visit the dilierent cities, tovyns apd Mi.i has Inisiess who mteiests Real estate, furmtuie and large L'ge in California hut who was rued in Austvillages on the way. fixtures L3I4-Iwhole life, wik and study Cm rent expenses and taxes R. P. Saxe whose ad. can he seen in ria and whose E3 have been given to tiie inaufacture of 824.86 paid ,ou r columns has been here this week v, TS Iris mineral wax happened he in Salt Bremiums paid He 2,750.00 the Holstein cattle. his reports ,vith Lake Some time ago, on his uy hack tioin Checks and other rash items S3 638.37 yuarket here very dull. Cahi'orma to 1. is home in Ner Yolk and Bills ol other Banks 530.00 R. F. Barr has a big stock of Dee ring chanced to step into the hamher of Fractional papei currency, fed all steel binders on hand. These aie the Commence there. He saw i specimen r. csnickels, and cents 22 scarof i:s an wax miireial this a ie If are best. J.knoing you Spec contemplating buying binder dont forget this fact. city, immediately iuquiied a to the own- Legal tender notes er of the mine, lie was refe'ed to Geo. Redemption fund with U S. TreasG. Peterson, the Watchmaker has mov- C. Whitmoie and at onceMine duu n urer (5 562 50 per cent of ciiculation, ed Ins business to Hawkins Block, ist heie to investigate, lie ent to tire ( door south of Dining Room, wheie he is mines, saw the immense qimtities that Tota 051,576.2.'' of cus- - lav there and at once made ropnsitioiis z his the to wants meet prepared i.iAim.mi.s. CTD tomeis. Come and have your watches by u hich he peisor.ally vvoulihelp in the if o n if have have stock fixed you money, you $50,000.00 Qf this valuabir esotnee paid in Capital development 3 E2 t-money come anyhow. lo.ooo.iK) saying that those lumps of w.t that were Surplus fund Undivided t as out profits taken gold 4,9W52 wereju-asged M J. II. Mangum, an old time Nephite is being Mr. Iloge remind to New Notional Bank lie tes oiitstainl dollars. . visiting friends and relatives here. He Yolk and took some of thi? wax with J.00 11,25 ing o Jeft the cool breezes of Montana for a him, and later, returned it pntied, one Individual deposits subji ct to Vacation and although he is "at home heck 40,470.59 era Js2 peice as white as snow .nd anothhere and likes the country, the few trot laige 'j CTO er colored to imitate beesvix, which Demand certificates of deposit 2,7657 jious in midday are not apperciated by could not be delected from beswux. uis Cashieis checks outstanding c2 f2911 7;. o him. PJ 19,291-5wax, beside the ozocerite aiulisphultum Due toother Nati mal Banks pr minted 13, 77"o will not pass with- being valuable, is used in nixing many Notes and bills The Twenty-FourtMr. t 0 numerous to mttioii. tollow-nthings, celebration. The com out a Total C TO D5I,57')-2inittee on arrangements has been ap- Huge is now at the mines' havig bought an and etiteied into contract ns of of pointed: II. F. McCune, Jus.Jenkms, Jus. withinterest Utah, County Juab, is' the company to put up vorks lor Teirjlory -Taxman, Adelbeit Ga.ier and 1). K. I, Alma Hague, Cashiei of the to and vax Ce Brown. They meet tonight. We si. all the ertn'e rehnenient ol the -rhank, do s ncinuly swear that the marketis he un-- j be able to give paiticalars next week. he-,- t of nt is true above st.Uem t' the deist. uids this part ol the tmsu.csa. know ledg and Lilief. i j, ixa John Cooper, recently of Manti and E. There are many tons aheady nined and my Alma I Iague. Caslrer. fir forks JSL Byper, ot Nephi are at wuik still Tne at their they ate at woik. eribed Sub and sworn to befue business ol tinsmiths in tlier new build- tiie extraction i.f all sand, etc.ftoni the ss me this 12th day of July, ISA. ozoing. Tne shelves and other parts of raw materia! and moulding theA.ix Win. A. C, B:an, the interior ul the building aie not vet cerite and asph.iltuu: that vviii - ictt into Clcik of the Couiuv Cent, are uaiJ m a will tew be now blit are Inicks, days Completed, being put p ) II. Ereksun to be comple'oi in aiiiut th.iitv Jonas .. Uluiion when a stock of tinware and hardwaie ? D'ru tors. lames tor their ad. Wll) be pul in. Look out ivi, 11s S. WANri.D aITix ?k: BATES: m BINDERS, AND FISH BROTHERS IMIOHLEUS AND JOBDERS OF Moline Plows, Imperial Chilled Plows, Buckeye Rakes, Grain Drills, , and Springooth Harrows, Springfield Threshers, Engine and llorie Powers, Kelly Feed Grindeis, Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts Hardwood, Wagon and Champion Machine Repairs, I. O. Box 369. Nephi, Uffih, Cultivator-- |