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Show t the other side who wore in working min was recognized and laced tire name Mr. Chappell of Jas. Clinton. Then voting commencorder. This ed tor and agamst these three nominees in the chair. separately. Abb at was placed Shst and Both gentlemen are able men and as die chair decided that the ayes were far as ability to centred apolitical meet- in the majority. Bryans name was THE PEOPLES TARTY SPLIT. second ..nd the chair decided placed reasonis as no chairman concerned ing the Noes were in the majoiity. man could have any preference, un- that Clinton's name was 1, ext voted upon end 'Jhere is evidently a split, jn the able less and more extended practice a division called fin, which, being obPeoples Party in Nephi. rJ'here wouldage Mr. Milner that e for and give prefeience. tained, showed twenty-livtwo distinct wiggs ami in order ;tre linn. Tire question was against This someone was showed that there jto eqmrneut ,gpon them we shall be here asked and it was iearned that these theie i rimed to do the iioniinatrlig and tluee names weie up in opposition to obliged t give each a name, though in of the the scheme, par- eacii other, that is, U the meeting underj.ust what name fpr each would be ties operating concerned forgot thatlhey were say- stood the matter as it found Us way into most appropriate, is difficult to deto Mr. Milner moie plainly than our understanding, that they weredele-all ing; termine. For ease in the task set three up for the position of lamb biasThe chair decided that Abbot before us we shall resort to- the words could have said; You ate gate. ed in favor of that ring and will not give was elected and Milner Appealed from pamesgjyen to them on the street, us fair play, 'We want nothing; to do hisdtcisiou on the ground that Abbot lyrd call them the Church and Citdid not receve a majoiity vote. Tho ap; with you. izens wings ; although, in our opinpeal was seconded and the clnrr asked As to the delegates, Mr. Jenkins, the if his decision should stand as the decision, these .liames are not proper first,- who was elected without opposition ion of the house, but Milner irere objectbe will It necessary, right is a opes. good man and we believe will use ed very emphatically. He said; ims hgre,tQ explain the origin of these his best at the convention. changes the intention ar.d the object. I for the reason that theie vvme iinies gmd opr reason for saying Tile samejudgment said of Mr. 1axman, al- appealed can be The three candidates and I claim that Mi. they ,a,re not appropriate. leaders pf.one wing are men promi- though he is a young man, with little ex-of Abbot, although he got a phuahty vote, did not get a majority vote, and in my nent in matters pertaining to the perience in Neplii and few chances of the ability of men who are opinion, lie is riot elcc'ed as delegate to judging church, whereas, the leaders of the this convention. I call for a turtbur of the house to ascertain whether other wing are rpen prominent be- likely to be put on the County ticket. Mr Cowan is a good citizen and a com- or no Mr. Abbot received a majoiity fore the ppblie in matters not all vote. Seveial here tried to explain with the phurcfc, although petent man, blit lie has no chance at of the abilities of the probable that in this division the votes teamed tjie majority ofthonj are Mormons. ofjudging In by both of the two nominee should be addition to his line of counted candidates. Hence the names. We do not beagainst those ieceived by Abbot, not bringing him much in con- but the chair asserted that he should lieve that the leaders of what we business he has call for the votes as they were, tor or for tact with oilice, the aspirants pre forced to call the Church wing Abbot, tor winch he was loudly consider nor act upon the matter as lately come to the town and is unac- against cheered. The division showed And so to with speak. Nephi, for Abbot with six agamst him. church matter at all, and they aie quainted crizens as well as are those of the without disparagement to Mr. Cowan, to Many murmurs weie lieaid, proof that think that an ariangement of any kind many did not satisfactorily understand pther wing, lienee the inappro- could allow him to defeat so steady and how they were voting, I he chair tnen priateness of the names. as lion. announced Chas. Abbot as the fomth honest a worker for the Ilie EnsigH. ; pl:-t-- e luity-mn- - . - d con-pgcte- iwity-nin- e It , nqt known until the Primary, a report of which can be semi elsewhere", was held, that this condition of affairs existed.' Just how ,tbe two wings orginated wo do not presume to bo able to tell. The jact is that they exist and one of ,them operated in force; last Saturday evening while the other vainly endeavored to parry off the blows wliile laboring under many disadvantages. We have been asked by members of both wings for our 'opinion on the .work of the Primary of last Saturday .evening. We have withheld it, but give it now. It is necessary that a party should have a few 'ending spirits, and it is often necessary and proper, in order to accomplish some desired end, if that end be an honQrable one, to prearrange movements; that is, pet some idea of what is wanted and needed to be done. But Tim as a paper, must, of necessity, Ex-sig- tylays censure sucl) high handed , . and unjust proceedings as those of last Saturday night were, no matter by Vhom they may be comitur ted. We had no knowledge of any previous caucus or meeting of either wing, hence ye have only the gfthe meeting from which to judge and pass our opinion. We have heard remarks made complain iug slightly and expressing jealously of a certain ring. in Nephi, but ye must admit our inability to loWe now believe cate that ling. wealthier class the Ahatringmeans of our society and many of those aide gentlemen who ' have been conducting our local government so tygll of late. Those outside of the ring we are compelled to believe have set themselves to give that ring the G B. and take hold of public matters themselves. Hence Ihe concerted movements of last Saturday evening of the few prunib-leand tho few who were blindly Jed to follow them. To an ordi-d- i nary mortal, not biased jn f:iwr ofeitherside.it seemed that there were a certain number in tins of last .Saturday night who, if "they made nominations, would have the majority support their nominees. Jhis was plainly evident from the fact that good men. men in favor of the element that Was carrying things their own way, jveio nominated by tho oilier element and voted for heavily, but as jofih as it bad been learned that the fight clique had not done the pominating they were deserted. In more than one instance were the men thus deserted, after having been defeated, nominated by the fight partips antj elected, This, with the peed iar way of voting, paused many to gef contused and ns a result many dia not vote at ail. re-Iji- r In-jjjar- Tiere were at lea.-- 1 d y and in tho room and number that voted at jne. greatest is when the voters oqe voting (that flood fCn their feet and were countThe result, ed j was seventy-nine- . nut. was liowevcr, disastrous, as tjic set ofdelegates aregood men. It is nqt agaiiisf'them we complain, Iqit against the me;hud and bv which, they weie elected ami the insults the meeting gave to worthy, abi and representative men. Let us review, In the first place the name of lion. John B. Milner was placed before the Primary in nomination for chairman (as we have heard since, by the wrong man), another name was pu,t up (we presume by the right man). The vote for Milner was Aye by what proved afterwards to be the unsuspecting ones and a very loud No from a few of twenty-fiv- e voters tao-jic- s party Alma I .ague, is rcdiculous. Mr. Hague is an old resident and time tr.ed Peoples Party man whose record is without blemish, while Mr. Cowan is a comparative stranger. This said to Mr. Hague. "Our Hon. faction has had enough of .you, Win. A. C. Bryan whose record is equal to that of Mr. Hagues was defeated by another comparative stranger, Mr. Abbot, and immediately follojug this Mr. Bryan was again defeated, notwithstanding the fact that he has served tire party so long and so well, by Mr. Grace who is an old and respected citizen of Nephi and an able man, but a man not given to political aflairs. This was a double dose- for the man in whom Nephi has placed so much confidence and given sj much Posivvoik, which simply said to him, tively Mr. Bryan we, the clique who happen to be in the majority tonight, shall have nothing ntoie to di with you. George Atkin and Win. Pettegrew are both new men and Peter Sutton satisfies as nearly as possible, the majority cm both sides. We again assert that the delegates as they stand, Jas. Jenkins', Jas. 1axman, John Cowan, Chas. Abbot, George Atkin, Win. Pettegrew and leter Sutton make a good delegation and will do good woik, but die silly effoits to cieate a change has resulted in proving that ihe citizens of Nephi Have veiy poor nopie-ciatio- n of, services rendered them as there me none who can say that the ser vices of the majoiity of our piesent have not been beneficial to the town and county. ofli-ce- THE is PEOPLES PARTY PRIMARY. Report ok the Mr.ETiNo of Last delegate, duly elected. Tnen the following thiee names were placed in then older, 111 lamination; W. A. C. Bryan, J. A. Hyde and Isaac Grace. They were voted for in opposition 10 each othei, tff though Win. Slummi.i, who nominated . A. Hyde, explained that he did not wish to place ins nominee in opposition to either of the oihci uvu names. A division of the house showed e twenty Votes for, and agamst Mr. Bryan; m J. A. Hyde's case the chair decided that the "Noes weie the majority and i;i tnat of Mr. Graces the Ayes and lie then announced Mr. Grate to be the neeting had been called for- the purDvsptt.v and Liver Complaint pose of nominating tiiese officers and you have a pted guarantee cm every that he, for one, was willing to do hi.s hoi tie cf LIVs Vital ier. It never business himself and not leave it to other tails to curefiold by D. O. Minei, parties. Bryan opposed this, saying that the meeting had a perfect right to delegate ,ts business to representatives if it APPLICION FOR PATENT, felt so disposed. Adams thought tire lice No. 1713. motion, it it prevailed would deleqt the Urd States Land Office, object of the meeting as it was in conflict Salt Lake v, Utah, June 25, 18S8. f w.th tire call. The million carried and Notice is oy given that Joseph Gerthe meeting adjourned. ber whose ptotike address is Silver City, Juab Gctv, Utah Territory, has PIMPLES ON THE FACE made appiicau for a United Stales PaDenote an impure state of the blood and tent for th?!ungarian Lode mining are looked upon by many with .suspicion. claim, situatt$ Tintic Mining District, Ackers Blood Elixir will remove all Juab Countjvah Territory, consisting and leave the complexion smooth of 14.18,95 line feet of the lode, and is will There dear. so that and nothing surface groufi-u- feet wide, being Lot tii iroughly build tip the constitution, pu- Jxo. 164 and ribed in the field notes rify and strengthen the whole system. and plat of tliliicial survey on file in Sold and guaranteed by Dr. Miner, this cilice, vvifnagnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 (Kites east, as follows' Commencing Ihe discovery point of aninning thence N 16 deg Tim Rev. Geo. H. Thayer, ofBou-bon- , said claim Both myself and wfile 37 ruin E 392 to theN center of the Ind., says: 72 deg 25 run owe our lives to Shiloh's ConsuMrrion north end limence feet W to No. 1, thence S 72 deg 98 O. re. Sold D. Ct by Miner, Nephi. 23 ruin lx 196 if to post No. 2, thente S 16 deg 37 min 392 ieet to post No 3, thence S 11 dels min W 1056.95 feet to CAUTION TO MOTHERS. post No. 4, the N 72 deg 25 min W Every mother is cautioned against giv- 200 feet to poslo. 5, thence N 12 deg 9 ing her child laudanum or paregoric; it mm E 1056.53 I to post No. 6, thence an unnatural craving Lor stimu-lantN r6 deg 37 mil 392 feet to post No. 1, which kills the mind or the child. the place of belling of exteiior boundAtkersBabySuother is specially prepared aries, containin area of 6.54 acres, into benefit children and cure their pains. cluding the are conilict with the It is harmless and contains no Opium or No. ;,oti6o Front post No. Sold by Dr. Miner, Nephi. x, U S M M No nears N 33 deg 49 min Morphine. E 560. feet. The said mil, claim being of record Why will you cough when Shilohs in the othce of Recorder ot said mill; Cure will give immediate iclief. Price ing chstiict at Sj-- C.ty m Juab County, Utah. The iicd:kmnvn locations being nets, suets, and $1. at D. O. .Miners, the Mammoth ajCopperopohs N'o. 2. I diiei t that t notice be publ.shed in the The Lns at Nephi, Utah, the ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? newspaper pub led neaiest the said II.so vve will convince you that Ackers mining claim, to re period of sixty days. D Wuns. Wilkes & lto English remedy for the lungs is superior to all other preparations, and is a posiAttys. for A leant. Register tive cure for all Tin oat and Lung troubj u 29 Au 5 ; les, Cr.mp, Whouymg Cough and Cold-;We guarantee the preparation and will give you a sample buttle free. 1 Jan ete TIME CARD. after August 17, 1S87, trains s: daily, Sundays excepted, as Leaves North Going C tester at . a, m Moroni Fountain Green, 940 1 1:00 Arrive at Nephi going south Leave Nephi at i2.-otn Fountain Green 1:20 p, in Moroni 2:00 Arrive at Chester 2:30 Stages connect at Chester for all par of Stnpcle and Sevier. THEODORE BRUBACK, Gen.Manager. II. S. KERR, Gen. Superintendent. a ill tea s. 11 is 1 lilLh oo candidate. Mr. Milner here again appealed from the decision of the cnair upon the ground that Grace did not iteeive a majoiity vote. At th.s Paxm.in arose to explain soon but was matters, stated, be ng very sharply brought u a point of older. Mr MiL.ei's appeal ltcuved no soCuiui, but sappuu o! .Mr. Caaaman, Ins position he said. have never heaid betoie that a m m who errj -h & Cl r w 5: Going North at 5:48 a. m. and 2,25 p. m. 8.18 " South 11:35 " Arrive at Salt Lake to a. m. & 6:40 p. m. Leave Salt Lake City at 7:20 a. nt. and 4 p. m. Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake ,! i,!v, for tlie North, to connect with the U. I, Ry. and the U.& N. Iy.,at 8:20 a.tn. A 4.10 p.ra. ar.d arrive in Salt Lake City it 11 100. jn. and 7.20 p. m. freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.m. and for the south at ' or. er C P ? r: C. si p-e- DENVER AND 3 w FIIOU1D tO m v t r .1X3 5c 3 jn t : c- ro ' Vs iL . n AU. LO P 7 A i. P p-f- V A 5 GAS ADY U a y 21S. Mat:; S.Lt I.aki- - (Vi1. 4 H- 13 O CT5 C 0 BlXtHWM 11 , f PBOPLEBrf r MAR i V H 1 sr 1? DfiMiiiMF.-- ex-p- - t ii;n in all kinds T k t 0, k itibnikv liaLsi gu.iianit-e- d'seaies, aicn as Weak Memory, iiiij x Sfaffiii) ss of Bi.vai Power, Hysteria, Ix.idai ho, Pam in the Back, L, tCiX . ?EAL :;A 1 cix ,o ;nk 11 Leuco:- i3 Sb3; Atm n t iClo Oxi.'Cz3 . zx i to matil Wright & $0, , T.- strag-glingl- - NEPHI. S'di Lake City and - ))am-phle- SlX liOXIiS 5.00 ajtkr we send six boxes, with MS I lUHNiiUT AND HANDLED ith u Farti;! ,,'c Co., y ; l By IN H!N, LLK. jud a N WiiiTMORii IIyuk . k 'CO. 7-- 1CTCPPLS and LARIGO OL SKIRTINQ at Chicago Prices The pm, baser thus saving height. Wl'.i. li they lull Ini idTalvnt - 1owdc-:?- .MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Mo LEATHER otter K MINER & (10. fi.s Nei-iii- MxlAY ti - Y ' esi-t'.tfi- SHOE, t Fore-ver- J, W. BROWN (p.MM ISSION. QX ftifti. R-- . Sole agents, 1 'looth Bki-'ic.- -, Drim-,l- Spongt-s- ioi'G i Syrim Plastering hair at the low rate of $4.50 ( Inipuitcd :.;b Douh-'-tiTobaccos and Cigaretts. Per jripUons ly tlm outt'-- f L'-c- leriuiiies c. etc, 111 n it ARAXTLE Call on or addrews -- v ( Manulacurors. THE MURR aii-st-t- w af a w ritien guaiantee to lctund the money if out Specific d es not elfect a cure. Addieas ail to the Sole ' WA Semi-n- ca-tse- outer d-- Wakefulness, ta, Fnixeisal Lassitude, to care ar.v case. IV-le- . 11. Weakness, tmputenev and general fi.sx 1 ci of the Generative Organs; mi eitlu-- i Sex, by indiscretion or over turn, and which ultimately lead tn P:e,n.uuiL- Old Age, insanity and consumption.jh.'.oa box or six boxes for of Sent by mail on 5:5 u.,. ;, puce. Full particulass in sent flee to evmy applicant WE - ,tu-moi.- Prostration, 3 tp 11 tn. J. II. BENNETT, DODGE, Geneial Manager, Gen, Pass. Agt. 1). C. SPeoific ALurrays A cure for all nervous iStocki oiJ-- i - il'lisil WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BU'lj 'ER did m. Retum- 7.25 a. Amve Salt Lake City, pj Efi Nit ALTA TRAINS log, l k, A Salt Lake City, Lea-.- r , Scenic Lise cf tlie Worlfl! alt v? o I th f.m wmc 1 s ern tio ( a r;t 11 de W RAILWAY. Yi ifi i r t'RAXcis Cope, Gen F. & P. Agt Gen. Supt. JchSiiakp, G01.tr.fi Unices, Mam Stieet, Salt Lake Cilv. CD U - fc J 7.20 p. m P O O O . m OF G CLl n T i r p I Cil? m 1 received a plmahty vote was elected. 1 have always been led to bel.evc that a We willingmajor, ly vote, only, ly giant that .Mr. Grace received a piuial-l,y- , but we claim, ne d.d not iteeive more votes than both t.f the ether njim-neo- s together did. The gentlemen who voted tor Mr. Biyan did not vote tui air, a.) jo voiuU tut JiyUt-- anU Um Mi. Hyde d d vote toi Mr. Lira'!. Theretoie, n. .. ogina n, Mr. Gnwe has received s.mply a finality, and we deny that he is da:c elated. I have heaid, veiy recently to,,, u! a coir, enti ai ta: the hist ballot, the second ballot, ihe thud, iourtlr and so on, :n older tn.it one nominee might get a niojon.y vote; and 1 understand tt to Ire tne genera! rale that it takes a majoiity Vote to elect. This hail the iovMi ot causing the hair to ask all voting lor air, Gone to rise, w no weie counted and and ail ttiose who voted agamsL to list! who weie Counted and numbeied luurteur and ihe cb.m announced dir. Giace to be tile tutu delegate, duly elecu d. Ttien came aiiotl-.tgrist if nominees campus ng the lull mn.g: Gemge At-- k , ktl lioodi S:., U m. iVi.e,- :cv. Jas. A. Bl.iek and films. Foote. On the li:-- t ts lanied ami ute, or Ml . Atmti, here aga tinll- - weie .0 e'ai qut W- - i.s askt-dmany still in umdct-.l.- . 1. tiing I: m they we.e thing, Mr. ,J-nwanted to know h. w it would he it die L next nominee was and the i. Aye., were .11 tin- - nx,j my - g n , tilman ai .,:.J walked oi tiie ing. Mr h.iiinm n got too .1 r long eirou ;n to tel! tae meet ,1 ; that tin; dnis tai was toe most "c n! 01 n ill ell- - e lie n.iil evil I.l seen ami to ask oat wax ,11,1.. ne ..i-- , qti.eied by la o.g ii.imtii t 4 daily as Passenger Tiajns leave Nephi follows: P H 0 GO ii--3 111 m-- o o r fEUTRjL TIMi, GASBo II 0 Jot-tow- TAH bfty-thie- the e 9.-o- i ac-ate- alley On and . Saturday Eveni no. LvLtence oj a Split in the People's Party in AY-As is usual with the people of Neplii, when a public meeting i, advertised, they were tte in g.e Bering at the Social lall last Satin day evening for the e of conducting tne Peoples l'auy Primal y that was held theie on that night. At 8.15 p. m. one hundred people or more having gatheied, Henry Adams called she meeting to ordei and placed the name if John B. M.Iner in nomination for chan man. No cmi'-- i was the name heard than that of F. W. Chappell was also hetrd.and clamorousv..-- r lit il o.ilti. A vote was taken rind ly seconded. The voting pun ivcd ami f r Booth,! Chappell was elected with a big majority, .he "Noes wire ,u a div sion of the house being called toi iVUcgicu and wedtire supitinaty and Clnts. and one portion using as it by spring ilivw-Inname hum the nnev-- .i nut-- . wmk and the other portion rising ut came anol nr vote a; a n )l seeming to realize jet tii.it ,1wind-up, snow u. ; fia' Aikm toity-s- i there was oppoution m tire wind. A mice" w as smelt at once, and 11 was ia fin or ant! ; v.ei.ty seven opp.-tWas tin- s xtll dele- such a surpi ise to many that confusion inei en :e Mi. Atkin 111. i'eltegiew ..nil Clnts.' commenced by people asking questions gate. Next, U t weie nominated m op.pi.x.-.ioConcerning what was up from those I'lngey Vu'e lemhiii , in whom tney thought ought to know. And eacii other, the or lin.k ng him the oven. hi confusion reigned thioughout the at least we nave sia, e heard front many licleg.ite. ilnin,uiu the to f tf w .r fn tin-that they not tinders; tr.d, under tire igic h and last t.i It g.,Le. Ja-- .. F i ion and method by wlikh voting was done, i r tI id. N Boolii w e; e m iiun.kcd. at whom they were voting i.o.ni-.atIitv.1 hull n, cir ,0. During the excitement caused by tire deleat ot so able and vvoithv a gentleman as John B. Milner, which was something new m Nephi, John S. iLIh was elected secretary and John S dwell was elected Sergeant at. Ai 111s. lhesecieiary tnen read the c,.!l and immectiat.lv taeieaiter James Jenkins 01 tec!. ,..1 mm o name was placed be! ae i.ie P.mi.uy in ami stamp-na M i.e.d .1 spucli, Vi ha li was a; nomination as one o! the delegates to tile pfiiudi-il, i.leitil i', .,ljei I ut, t G unity com ettUon to tie held J nlv by 1. t it: hails ah idt.i Vi. tie Aleloeit Caicr. It was voted upon ec.it i i t .dm Ti e let.u.am! andcaiiitd, uppv.ci.tlv almost unani- .o.et.l mous!". I lieu billowed the name ul j.is. W . I a vii.,1, vv hi. h was opposed a little mute sirup,, b, hut was coined. Then Ifieu- was some snuggle to get anuthei n, line up. Some v, eio l..nt'U-ou- s lor Alma Hague while diu-iweie m: nous i r John Cowan, 'ine chair deiuled t.i it Alma Hagues name vv is ptopeilv nominated. A vote resulted ins deteat try Iwt ntv live tor ahd thirty-seveagainst him. No s joi.ei j was this decided than Cowan's name ue ihe t nil ...,o List iHs..o.c. motion to adjourn was I a:. was nominated, vote J upon and earned iiiV.m moved tn.it the iLIeg.Uts now and he was annum: ed as the third canelected to at. end the Comity Ci ntnt on didate. be .nstiucitd to nuin,mi'.e the oiiicers Aker this the fun commented in real for Neplu iu cinct. SoCoi.d.ed. hnlmrl earnest. Isaac Grace g t the iloor and t a po nt ol older nominated Chas. Abbot; Alma Hague called tlie genilt-mathat th a t was not toe i us uss tor secured the piivilege and nominated Srtv.ng theitad been Culled; that Vm. A. C. Bryan alter which Wm. Slmn- - which pui-pos- RAILROADS. Cigar.--, or bottle. ear- - S3 X3YY3 IcYiia S' cw t. Tannery, v- - pAy, South-Wes- t partofNeph JGHMSONS Essence bf lifF FOR iully Conipouniicd. MLtEIl per & JJatn Street, Nephi, SUIVIWER COMPLAINTS. THE createst discovery ot the day for tho positive cure of Colic, Cramps. Cholera Morbus, D.arrhcea, etc. linevcr Jails! Xky ! juc all stores, V. E. Johnson mfr Salt Lake City LOP SALE AT 7 IIE NEPILf CO-O- |