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Show -- r4 SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 12, 1924. 10 SIME That Still Keep the World HUMAN ENIGMAS DARKENS Guessing Any a mMUt mPin for A l 1; .t?4 GRAY HAIR Cincinnati Barber Ttlto How JL&yoB Gaa ntpan it la rift Mlm.Ui By WJLLTXB B. OIBSON TlflP HOME MIXTURE nil or womti ras msIIt y teoK hit r i f tifid lnvetl(fat ion', iitid a,liii"Uh many "medlume" of his day were e.- potted an frautln, It is a i;iiifii'.int r de fact that Daniel "Hojne wih ntected In a trick of deception, uml never proved a charlatan, despite th hi- h ocfact that the jthenoniena MtiioiiK" curred tn his preNf-nrwei e the moat wonderful ever rec orded Horn In Scotland tn 1:!;. ming Home developed Hur'friormal a.litic-- ; at an early uk?. He ua irHi!it t mer4-"by an aunt and !it;;n Klvlna In as hi" aeance when hf e m of He. Tall, slender nni of li' ht complex inii. with frank hue eye and curly hair, he whs indeed a most trustworthy appearing individual and one whose persma)ity could hardly be connected with fraud. of 2'i Home began a M the of Kumiw, where he was well t'i'r re etved. Spirit raps, table tiltlnK and Immunity to fire were among his mimt frequent "mantfestHtioin." In Fnadfind he met with his great eat There he was studied and tested by Sir William lYooke, h prominent scientist f the day, and all nf the fnvfsttarathma weie favorable to the tiedpim By the year lXfifi Illness had marred hla physical app&arance. and he had become a weird and mustertmi-1nok-InA vivid Individual. description of his appearance clan. him ah "a tall, thin man. with broad, square nhoul-dersuggestive of n suit of clothes hung on an I mn cro ss his hair la Jong and yellow, His teeth are. larre. glittering and white; his eves sre a pale gray, with a redness about the eyelids which comes and goes as he flt SMi ETV (let. t ) N et o ptea-utr- ': n-hl- lt . Ifc-i- hr g hlghly-atrun- d Frent-huien- Ij at fa-v- IRON IS THE RED BLOOD FOOD hare to choose from. M U' M JliH V. o, ut 1 ii Sf' J ' M M t j I'JI t p1 Ml ; ml , 'i . . wm Mi pco-er- t0Denver, Kansas Citif SilcuzcmaHMcago ana etherpoints oa U. S.'TresideatM Sup New America nvbui It e els. 533 feet lona. liJXO displacement tons. Three hlfch class through daily trains providinf the quality of service for which. k. S tVs. PHRi UfKSON Nov. A lasv 11 PRES. JEFFF RSON Nov.14 lea. JJ NevJS Pee. PBia GRANT 20 PaSS. UAD1SON Dm. 14 ana every is iari tAerMfhtr TVietc steamsrtips rnake the fastest time from the United States over PRES. McKTNT-E- T ' t Union Pacific System t the Short Routs te Yokohama. City line ' Admiral Oriental at"le Vves Salt Lake City 5 M P. M. Continental limited U, 8. SHIPPINO BOARD least . fenver Special Sttl L. C. Smith Bids., or ktcl rallreed and tlckat Manas Ina Operater fee week at th Omheum. Tuesdsy they said no. Wednesday thev said ya Thursday they said no. Friday they didn't mention th eubjct. Saturday they aigrid th contract. There waan t nothln else either of us could think of he wanted to do, so ws just naturally went on doln' th thing we've bees dels' ao long, ealdi Melntyre. And probably thev win go on far- welling th rest of this eeason at ha pecome nationally'appreciated l$$ngek$limtted leaves Salt Lake 140 P.M. Kobe, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Manila. v 1 leartai Salt Lake City 130 P. M, I V 1(( ' VO V City Ticket OST Phoa Wm. SSe. HOTtL UTAH. SALT LACK CtTT . EVERETTS 5th Around the World Crulso tOtk. sslsld, a 8. 'baW tljnt SU as fWsa tt clWTasssas CaasLTss Isasa sad Casaalave, atxtea dar la laU Catm, U MONKEYS so 0000 Aawstea, MITERS oooo ft EAUTOKD tyaassy Atsu, tsaSM"- eWye 4 saesjesa. IS VSask - 21st Mediterranean Cruise Jan. 31 , YOUTH 0000 1 .ISENI TBZVZTTE 0000 MILLER & CAP MAN Summer Cruise I te Norway, 1925 sstrTas. 1 oly 1, I RJOS ssh, SI eVya tOS jbn Aad Msilsaiisassa Si ii . hate. Rl vises. Swedea. Neswey. Hi sltisj, Csisisay. ' Tksss ssaksi kv sswlsny rkinssid are Oeaaiim. a ssasseaM rsess, sr Vilias bsls, dslvaa, sasdss, ssss, etc, aad stifles stun ertvOesss sa Eaaaaa Lasavsst Baaall senv sssvw key ssrlsissiaiinsamt SOUTH AstTHir f Ptssujg Specify TTU i Tkst Iiiln sihi i. P. Vexltwew, Wllew Hetet. Sen Laket resak C Clark. Tlfwe Ide. New Yeek ss Yv rici 0000 THX DBJCTEBS 0000 TEE HEART BANDIT ON PANTAGES X0c CHRISTIAN SCIENCE A , - 15c nret Oearfe ly WHh ekwwtnfl San) Lake'" aerr MeCutoheen'e Frcatniztft" J. Warr Kerrleen Calhean the east . art Weaeh tn -- Wy Us erth" All Ptend O'Malky, ether stars ha S Osye ONCV DCVTCW ass v aM v 1 FREE LECTURE 0000 Jul, iron-Nux- sted J ! SALT LAKE"' CITY from Seattle ed ' "MJ f Ill M selecting your assortment' in ,s 4) tp whis-l-er- 1 yl I'l sample books. of a salesman fusicm of noveltiea book ends, caiiesticks, .candle holders, new imported Chinese and Italian' pottery, Chinese brass dinner bells, etc M M sortf 111 KjV A Call in and turn through the Our showing is far too extensive to permit calling at your home. 'Ilavc the pleasure of Christmas Greeting Cards "from the widest Utah. right now. l I roys-trin- i&ttn . I'J their exclusive numbers Scores of onr patrons are lelecting In" M 1 ji' -i .-- 111 . How Signs Of Old Age Creep Into Your System When The Iron In Your Blood Runs Low ti . Ij l.vf-tn- fsjfl.i" list' ' k You can always buy greeting cards, right up to Christmaa Etc. But the longer you pat off the pleasant task of gifted daughter and establishes her with th btone following. t happen to be a Wynn fanatic. He ma- - have better audiences In Great Neck, but h has non better on the main line. I howl at him If he no more than wlgglus an ear. Or looks aa though be were trying to wiggle an ear. Hia new piece la called "The Grab Bag" and la typical Wynn stuff. He a column conductor of the theater, Hia own gift for what jthta fellow. it pleases m 14 claaalfy aa intelligent clowning, aeelng that 1 enjoy It, supplements an unusual sens of selection Thus he is able to make hia contributor appear to be aa amusing as he. "Th Grab Bag," llki any other entertainment of Its type, la loo per cent vaudeville. But it beats th other In It price es addition of 100 per cent Wynn. H selects six or eight good acts, buy himself a funny uit to match each of them, and calmly Injects himself Into their patter. Th result Juat doublea the value of th act. Th Volga boys, an octet of Cossacks with resonant, melodious, voice, sing the "Volga Boat Song" inspirlnglv. But you should hear them also sing "She Would Hav Been a School Teacher. But She Had No Casa," with Wynn la a yellow rob aa director. He ha th L Grohs, the only contortionists left who have not gone In for eccentric dancing; the Orniond sisters, who have been singing Scotch song a long time; Earl and Bell, th Velles. Janet . and Jay, and PJiaw and .. . U T He 111 krslUcharaRoe) 111 he-m- y yl OrwUns 1 I )u-r- Ivory-tinte- p I III Distinctive 'Cards Are Chosen Early ' la (By standpoint, this new piers by Arthur Kichman. even though the txhibit be The one r of rotters. Purina It to reyl tn lt .young Claire (Irruim runa awav with an hoa-frodi'in. h, the fi e American painter and llvas with in Florence. When they quarrel, llayn Ihat wcro wuaed t, the him she turna to a sald-tbo faaclnatlna; Rryadw y list iht v'"lc thre were Italian count. Her Idea, we InrluiWnl If, m anil a during her unsettled state of gather, thr,mind, wcpue Mtong thf "whit Mrc-eof Is to continue he ae se.irch for comIn I'"rt Said, irm r the her plete emancipation by ayndtcatlnf uum ,.f harh-iof many tiatlon fa vora. alitles. the emr. civilHer however, father, cijiental softly f her ized and nonresiatant tht- stafuliu upon Ihoufch he haa h, c.ontntiutd an rxtjinition ,f becoine. managea to catch her off her w hat the good idd. pure old riayn posr when she la dlsgui.ed with the knew ua the ahoddy hag of trlrki the and hex tht' Midway (Malan l,ellv d.'ince. mother have collected .And hen We also have with u. tn The Far father goes home to America wltnesars be correct, there can scarcehre ly he a doubt that some unknown t"ry" an Atiierjran fLimliy party In life is a far cry from th. allitence Here the they hate been living aht goes with tha dlvorre yoluuy of force was responsible for their occurrence Marches. leonine and daughter, him. A A good perfornianc careful study of the report of Claire, hae been Ihinic ffor alx or save this play Lord tvindsay, however, leaves a trace eight years. Ostensibly ti,y are there much. .larga1o Ulllmo,-ehaving dona of doubt as" to the accuracy of his to aiw Claire the advantaiea of for little since her "Faanoua Mrs. Fair" In reality they are hit to sustain her promise, l a flaah-tn- g He states that Home, eiKn lotitartii observations. when window, there he- ause Mrs. Marvh waa ynhap-pfloating outside the success playing the nd at home with her "raised the window, and glided into Claire. The othera Include Kenneth foremost." Now the the roonij fee hull, find. Winifred Harrtu, Leonora ad'Kenna. exact position of tome's hody, nn It liurlnjr the six years of theh- Twirls Harris and Claude King. If he adventure Mrs. Marnh has acquired floated In air. is not detailed "ORCAT MUIC " CIVEN. were floating hortzlntally. tl aeems he a lover and Claire. haMng married The Port Said incident is a melotalks.' would first have appeared to approach one of thos fialil'.v. It was ahortly after this time that the window hed foremost, and then has dioro"d htm Und Is dramatic fealure, of a new Martin a. .It Llk called "!reat Musio. the greatest of all Homes reputed perform a complete t urn In the air disillusioned defiant. Hrown and so.rtll is i M drame In thenu. hut 'wlK remember In Kngland he This w onld be an important detail, They are remittance fast- pi nt phenomena occurred. Old Jim Mclntyre and the older little f(Xilii.h in tterformanc Th , performed had made the friendship of Jjnrd under the very ees of the ened to them is a set of tplr&l exTom Heath, or vie versa, have failed Idea appears t he that great gentit the famous author, and other of gfcservers, and should certainly have patriate le,-heflowers ta carry through their intention mid only the nobility. On evening In the year bees Inchided'in the description Yom through again the suffering, story that the roadt cf Interesting drama aspl stlon le'id but to quit. They are. ao I'm told and can readily believe, perfectly willing to hell. Here we have FriU Vani a younj to quit. They are rich men, old men tomposer, suffering a mirl of chronic and tired. But Juat th same they creative Indigestion. Great mjslc can't quit make up their mind to Ktlrs within him, but he CA.inot.glx stop doing the thing they had rather do than anything els and spend it birth. The mn of a In New Tor', he lieu their day In Idleness-Fa- r stockbroker a ear in Rome that he may Justify fifty year Hennery and Alexander, hav been relating th advenhimself aa a musician. The year up. he hns achieved noth- ture of th "levery" stable and th ing. Hia father cornea for him. Krlk "Georgia Minstrels." Lat week they Irritable and All Run-Dow- n While is For Want of Iron, You May Be Old At Thirty-Nerv- ou, tn po home, lake up the broker-sir- e played the Palac. They were the business and marrv t he empty-h-a- d first of Keith headllner and they Fifty or Sixty, With Plenty of Iron in Your Blood, You May Be Young in wanted to bow out at th leading vtht will moat successfully Over with and Vim and Energy. It was to Keith theater. 'This-timFeeling Brimming his mother's social campaign. no be and farewell mletak. Having a I'urltan conscience, h y Then along came th booking man . Is prepared to submit. And then I. hea oomt. Rhea Is a blond, eroetr, t suggest that they play one .more That Help Strengthen the Nerves, Restore Wasted Tissue and Aids in Giving Renewed Fore Is her and It paipllsnt pleading. ml Power to th Body. Physicians Explain Why Administration of Simple Nuxated Iron ambition to ha.e a part In Erik be hia io success, Of tan Increase the Strength and Eodaranc of Delicate, Rundown People in Two Weeks' Tim. great Inspiration. Let him hvo the courage to forget IF KIDFJEYS ACT-BAOld ge has already sunk its talons into thousands of men and th world, his fuming family as ah D women wbo ought still to be enjoying the springtime and gammer ill forget her husband, and go with her to Parla Paris love and sprang of hfe simply because they have allowed worry, overwork, nervous will aet him up for all time, and art stnbn, dissipation and occupational poisons to sap the iron from and beauty are their own JustificaTAKE SALTS their blood and thereby destroy its power to change food into living tion. Erik listen and runs away, but tissue, muscle and brain, iou will find pleni erv to expose Rhea. bis month ty of people at 40 who are broken in health Pelieve It or fift. It was the body, Sajri Backache Often Means and steadily going downward to physical tnof not the soul, younc Erik that and mental decay while others at 60 are birigued her. .'Vvrhea they guarrer ah Ton Have Not Been DrinkInvites him to trek for hades and strong, active, alert h doea and seemingly trow ing Enough Water ON THE ROAQ. big younger every ' On the way down he stops at PoK When you wak up with backache fear. One class withg FaM with' the harlots and th dull misery in the kidney region ers and dies like sailors. Full of hasheesh, he and ARE YOU ACEINC it may mean yea have been sating leaves in autumn klias strancockney sailor who wearied if are which ereat .acids, says a foods yea while the other by one of his beet friends. co by the activities of gling Sal. Out of Port Paid with Sal sutbority. As excess of sock keeping up a strong th s Marquesas acids overworks ike kidney is their yoor daily life. help, h stops .at acauh-epower of resistance ff ort to filter it from the blood Irlands. Her he a nativ against disease may hut. a native wife ana an old S'lftar sad thev become paralyzed endurance in and two YOU ARE AGEING pass the three score piano, washed ashore from a wreck and loggy. When yott kidaeys get weeks time by this sim- or if bav let th and ten anark with something. relieve must sad elog sluggish yea Bnt Ih great mule tlll elude ple experiment But io priof of yeur like you relieve your bowels, surprising health, this test b him until 'he discovers that he is a them, making movements unaous ai th and rea all yotsr oving strength .body's vigor. death sure that the iron yon leper. Doomed h to a lingering eiaev voir tare backache, sick are cumbrous But you cannot ex1 m wV-- J 0 the colony', vuti, pray Uod that is organic Nuxated at take headache, hi be to a spells, chane YOU your stomaek look to and diiiy feel compos ARE given AGEING pect Iron and not metallic iron or mineral befor he dles.T Ills prayer, sours, tongueM coated, sad when th if your skia is shrinking symphony young and vigorous I I answeredT assume. iron take. which A rheumatic left bad hav is weather people w' usually ad yoar fac looks wrin. Organ you anleaa you have ic Nuxated Iron is like the iron in youi the theater he was healing th twinges. Tha unn is cloudy, full of carewerw kled, and old Iron In of h most harmonle had plenty longed sediment, channels often get sore, YOU ARC AGEING blood and like the iron in spinach, lentranslating them Inte th water scalds aad you are obliged te if UMtaraaiamfor have pains across the back tils and apples, while metallic iron is to hear and jrour blood.ard phys-Idanote of the piano. tinkling explain below C. Klnn Seller has written certain seek relief two er three times during tsrkliag your daily and your fsce looks pale and iron just as it comes from the action ol why they prescribe to accompany the night wane aa not wait until you strong acjds on small pieces of iron symphonic excerpt do problem drawn, Nux Either consult a good, reliabl organic iroo (TO all to Dieeea and rrJlame Iron represents organic iron th action of "Oreat aftaste," and I Nuxated ated Iron tosnpply the iron deficiency in a state of nervous good. suspect thez ar Saturday rphysieiaa at oae er get from your prostration, or in such a, highly concentrated form ntglit'a crown was and fat the weak, nervous, and rundown so aoont leur ounces 01 Jan until in weakened condition you that one 'dose it estimated to be noiy. It applauded whenever It had pnarmanst Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass as to build them up into stronger, contract your some serious disease, but sdd approximately equivalent (in organic a chance, and prsetlcallr v lined th of water before breakfast for a few healthier men tod women. the Interwtesso It plenty of and your kidneys msy thea aet carrots, baked apples iron content) to eating half a quart music. IHirlng It When, as ft result of iron starvation or other spinach, Spanish shawls about days fine. This famous salts is mads from fruits and of spinach, or one quart of green wrapped It and wiggled toward th lobble. rou get up feeling tired in the morn- vegetables to your dally food and take vegetables. It is like with less break tha acid ef gripe and lemoa been taking extract Properly ing, when yon find yourself nervous, organic combined with lithia, aad has scene than here occur Iron with them of beef instead of eating pounds of between th dired, irritable and easily upset; when you for a while and sea how much with h music, which is payed ewd for years te kelp eleaa and your neat Your inoney will be refunded and thlrtT-twof an stimulate aluggiak kidneys, also to can no longer do your day's work with-o- condition improves. '. orrhewtra by manufactnrera if you do not valued, "Great Music" should seutralise acids in the svstem, so being ail fagged out at night; when luousands of people have surpris result perfectly satisfactory euoc a awk, Oreti prove popular they no longer irritate thus ortea your digestion sil goes wrong, or yon ingly inrrraaed their treneth, energy druggists.'- wardly done It had It" lmprT bladder weakness. moments.' Tom Power plays th man relieving; J ad Salts is inexpensive, csasot r- did come back. nnt who Chrlatlne n 1 i makes a delirntfulj ef-Norman I th temptress, Rhea. Helen Injur aad lithis-wate; j r ;f drink. Qriak iljUl i? ' Us Ware- eiar Bal. They ar atl good. fervescent 1 1 1 water. , By all mean lot of soft Hv yououtheard about "Bewitched"? have 1 1 Cleveland way, aed la It played your physician examine your ether of th SDlnor centara, katere kidaeys at least twice a yeatv&adT.) ( I , " lf cially when one studies his life history was and finds that he not over-- ! scrupulous in many of hia dealings. Home died in lNsa, while In France. He Jiad many followers, who Relieved implicitly in his poweri, nd, when sUi Is said and done, hia triumphal evening in 1871 will- go, down to posterity as an unsolvable mystery, one that WYNN WINS AGAIN. will always be considered, by spirlt-it- s. Ed Wynn Is back with "The Grab hm a prrof of the supernatural ' 1M21, by Public settle;, at the (Copyright, Ledger Bag andI happily don't suspect he will be Glob. Company. ) looking for a Mother place to move to before the Fred Stones come home a year from now. Or Qprfthy come hack, alone. There rumor, you know,' that Fred I going to step out after he tour th country with hi Features Of ''rrei',!t(U-nop- YORK. Sp-'Ih- J grand-dadd- The theory of hallu Inatlon has been h hud b "fitting"' ith Lord a plain adan-;s a pii)l- explanation of I.iikInuv, L. .rd A'iui e and a Hume f levltiitloiiH That the witnesses Vnru. Thr r.wtm In wdlvh the eaii' whs were partl.thy hytmotlzed i another (uM whs hh t.hnw t he h pof h .in. The uct that Home was ril nlorles t iii t never tlete-deIt n k In the production ot h utiuml t Sn'UJ'Hl fraurltib'ttt phenomeiiH is not neces-sHrilnnton wat ?h ifiinti r k h m a it u ''oiivlncinK argiinienl in hi? lliinif tic ri'oiii a ml a U runt w it it-sHI favor claim that meditinis h:irnU'i SpultiM hea rd who have he n laught In trickery may .tltt'l fxprrant . a ml window a him r;)l.-KLnuiiie pheiii.tnena. The They still prtnt o sah -iew iii;iv, tlierr-fote- . in all tenped tu til' window of tilt r own- opposite In the pallid t ri ni'u- fairness, he applied to Home, espe and,ther-turht. Iny Home float iruc in the air. upon "J'ist an a person might in his He remameii the WHl'i" n ' f.r a few M'Cotidn. iir.it then raided the window and gilded he where into the roini. s,t easily wit- dow u exlde the astonished s The partv then moved t the next room, where t he found t he w indow With a ralwed nlxnit elKhteeti inches. itinveinent Home lea tied baek-wm- d inj and idiot through the opening He thn he;id first, his body rigid. ret n r Tied in t tie same manner 'expire the fo t that ihia historic was accredited to hv three witnese, it is so fantast Ic in It" iletiiils that Its acceptance whuid he impossible were it the only evidence of the sort ever presented in behalf of nrroboratlon llotm; but in striking w find the testimony of Sir William Crookes. wht ntates th:U on three Feiarate occasions he witnessed Home rise completely from the floor of the room. It must be borne in mind that each time this phenomenon occurred it was in the light. In "dark observed seances." coses of pretended "lelta-tinn- " he by accomplished may easily trickery, but if the testinmnv of the I'll 4 - Nvd nu through the trees and, cllmua through a window. On the wall la a fapeetry Into which la woven the story of the c.alle One And ao forth. there waa prlncese 8he had many lovers, but her grandfather, the greatest of the aonerera. lured them all to the castle and finally made away with them, Sleeping, the aviator dreams Into the legend, meets the princess, loves her. dares the castle and wicked grandfather and wagers the and true old fellow that, being pur to h'a love, no temptation can Induce him to klaa a woman before dawn. Follow the temptations, with the princess appealing always In the of a ravishing woman, the guise eternal temptress, aa Lll'th. and all the wicked ladles who have come after, and one aa hia dying mother. But he la atrong and wlna the prlnceaa, only to weary a little of the n restraint of her and to long for Then he awaken and discovers, aa they often do In drem plays, that th young woman who serves hi breakfast la the little girl of the legendary dream. He la telling her about Boston aa the play enda. There ar three leading part tne avsMor, th princes of th enchantall th ed forest who double wicked temptresses, and th marquis y of the castle, who bacotnea th of th sorcerers. These ar F.I i punm.f .nllu nltvail h l'lnMn, u,;, t.. a.. ..a ii aers. Anders being tne aviator. Th settings ar beautiful and there in th things sorcery fits are "thrills Into -- the young man nightmare. It Is one of those plays Ui Imaginative will cheer and the practical will hoot. There waa Hoaae, a few feet away, floating in the moonlight aroi Kuntpe, lionized hv tinthis ought by irientiHtn. the lifttar from nnt ( nt ful. Hijt. IthouHh he w Mibjetied t the most i Ing to New Tork. and probably cauaed considerable conversation. This a loucn 01 novelty, ineg one, loo, i v uiiu is a porcerr.r caaiie in n enchanted forest and the) hero an who crashes aviator adventuring ' j ALi. Mi well-kno- Boa-to- ; teenth century spiritism. Received in the hitfhet i"ur'l: . J . . treakr kair. hih I AjM'zmK j tkeir grtj, faded or1 Tkia iv low to j a aefompliao. with a wipe jnYen-D1 Cunynaati barker. a half Uk of water, Simply pint add oae euace of bay rum, oanca f tflyeenae and a email box of Bar-b- o Baake aad it ii ready Compound. lo uae. Tkeee incredieata caa be bouffkt at cruf to ret at trifUag eoat Applied to the hair twice weekly thie delightful mixture qaiekly give III the desired ahade. It la eaaj to uae, I la aot ticky or jrreaay, will aot eolor IF the acalp and ooea not rub off, ( Adyertiaemeat.) darkening hlm-ae- Stive t lie dawn i:f nmdrrn spirit f m. and the ttitin stiiil jfvhiep h?ienomrna. m mre limn flutf haw ppvrt-iliunglas Hm. ih- "niuftt r f l ii'.' I The are, r of metiiutm." . stands out above a1 hi t w h u h I if t lie l ar.e.H, and nritfiuced marked the zenith 'r 1 S Daye ONLY win be even under the aueplce f Plret, Church of Christ, aeievttlet -- HON. WILUAM E. BROWN. C. S. B. 07 LOS llfdllLES, 0AL1T0BKIA. A snember The the Kear) ef Uetureehlp ef Th Mother Chureh, riret . Church ef Christ, Solent ist, n Sosten, Maw. M0KDAY IVENDT0, Audltarlum eel OCTOBER 13, AT 8 O'CLOCK Richard, atreet , , Atl Ar Wetcwen N |