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Show TED? &VLT "LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1924. o P- - rSr Sfe iL ' " Oas&ssei Mis .. Dianthalla Lonin. Boftdtlattfler. tu I) s,Sir2i regularly, for dyspepsia and Won art allied. If yon will take Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin syntmkatioaUy a the direction on the package call for you will Soon digest your food properly and pass it out normally, and heartburn, belching, diidneas, nervousness and bloating will vanish. In time you can dispense With all medicines as Syrup Pepsin will have ermlsed the intestinal and stomach muatles so they act for theai selves. Mr. lirwis F. Scbulta e Reasnor, I a. Mrs.V ictor k nodler of 3423 Bank St., Louisville, Ky.,and host of others will verify this. con-sti- I1?1. Pjf-sult- Iu iry. :e I" tted Un- - So Rimsky-Koraako- Tsemyrr. ren brio-machi- leep lent, . (C-a- in. nice y. . tea ellar ir- - I ninf oott end 'oot fhea care-fre- Jordan can-ca- plan) . . Health Questions Answered By Dr. Lewis Baker Tells How PP7. Extract , Be V w Uow.e me Usna, Arbolone, said When to Use Trustwortlij Products and Reproduces of. Patrons' Letters Relating to Cadomene, Balmwort, Sulpherb, Mentho-LaxenVilane, Etc. Minyol, Su-tho- Hypo-Nnclan- e, l, Recently a from Itdhlng; soroothlng that wont injure the hair? pnii my Answer: If you hays not read Obdent mshed: answers heretofore. I Will repeat: W h T do tain plain yellow Minyol In Jars I know of ymi yenof!-- 1 and us a per dlreotlonai nothing superior for quick, lasting y reee mnd fdf-- p benefits. aoka9 d M. M. aslor "I am bothered wrtth and small hemorrhoid piles for into answer pruriMs Mn you help three month. the past Is that mr er latss assocI have A newer: Bathe the affected part and with a solution of Vilane Powder ound In prlrafs practlrts that theoe Apply mixed with water, dally. Msuderdieed fnrmulam wlUi accurate Mentho-Uutsn- e 81 vs and relief doMs in ooovpnient aatiltafy Avoid overeat, follow should quickly. mwa, are more efftcient and nailable regular by iming and keep the btrwete Mineral iua the un)irepared, vaiiaWs or been Oil PBta, taking TtivT have pure WtffiydiMrt. OIL or Castor tested seieoted and by refoijr . beln rained rhemJBta befor --I want to know Mfc G. R. asks: for human uWMte. Housewives shoulders refT ready-pa- r kajfed groceries for how to fill the hollows inarms more and neck, and make my 'ir.Har reasons. rounded. T.- V). B Answer: Employ coons butter writes: "I have had a massage twice daily, cleansing with cold and cough tof rssr-and soap before uwlng. water been itiree nvintha doctored, hot Have Tablet n may be taken xsmined and sd vised there was so T B., but no presnrtpUow or oough a a nutritional tonio to hi crease wmi helo very nskrffi, and coughing weight. e e e senr I lose sleep and strength ht slonf." T. W. writes: "A ceWarrh trwuhln Aiwwer Mnrt ooogh remedies sr ha been In my me and throat this condition as awt summer, whSch Is eoaqug me mwvly tenkuive In tx pvwa The uae of Essence Msntho-lsns- s, day and night, and my ears are on 4itdh baa a tonic healing. secreting wax, but 4rvquntiy It (uxUto action and a soothing expoc the I needs, ahnoot making me nWd to ss wen, affords generous dig them. Can you help m7" PowIn such obstinate cassa Answer: ObUJn 1 osa Vila rsonmnend this pur tnsdlrtos ftw der. Use as per directions to clmnee j eunr and old for acute colds and the nostrils and gargle throat With "ughe with absolute confidence as to a medicine drormsr put two drops of he resuKa water containing Vliane Powdersey-er-in ear, morning and night for c. A. L. writes: "For a year each weeks. Thi Should stop itching nearly n her in a weak, nervous and tend to restore wax, whidh is th My system is all run down. of the hearing afgsuatu. luhrkant Am Also apply dily organs function poorly. a ftalve in Utlll pale and even my IK hsvs no noutrUs twice dally. If oonattpafed, me., while my eyes are dull looking, take Sulpherb TaMrta aa laxative and I have headache, dixzy spells purifier. an deep poorly almost ervery night ndwaken w,th an exhausted, P. B. A. asks: "'What remedy may and all ambKJon to for relieving indigestion In stomgoing hecauae I tire out so I useand Bloat after eating, bowels? ach , Tln the day. Wi a totrio help And hodfci fet drowsy and bva of d1traa bacA.ua food qoTit aleep Newert, 1 too if there Is no organic t wlf think My from I reoommend In wioh and dont txercim n ottfb. as your symptom Indicate the much en AJiwer: Mowt pvrtDW do rroLt tonic. Cad omens TsWeta, wliich too rmicih or too often. Try eat-i- nv fiM in proriiKlns: rtf, red blood that tirely dtees-tito an aid For twice daily. fowa tlte functional aotlvlty of the to xivo crimes which seetn p'2rn tohllerwume natural, healthful iuit prorn4vfml aatiwfarrtofi 1 have fortifylmr and toning up TTtopepthie nervous system, for both men and frequently recommended lrnTnen. Tablets, wild by leading druirxlat, in eott a. your ess Caeca-Roy- cm-Tund- 1 T d Hypo-Nuria- in. i say longs q my lg to r v ry in are d, no s the did e rut i ... al Mentho-Baxen- ... onA?Th neyrf the earts : beets taper e to n to time that go i - troo-prarn- r" through the medium of the ha helped newwpaper. arid dombU in relieving the ailment and minor In firmiUea of the public more than any hisbinyle Individual In the world' tory; and by an- InCxpennlve method Tha medicines mentioned by him are pure and free from harodtloa. Fmrreanive dnufyist can supply them. By reading his answers to othem you should find a cage im Uar to your own Thousands have written him expre-stoof gratitude and oonfideme similar to the following. people - habR-fbrral- ante nsiv ) their 1 to- ol t of each lieu- mad lann-- it t the and nent, r that TO DR, Roberaon, BARER 39 Adams Kven-tuall- B-- I Exquisiteness Under Circumstances Once Considered Impossible Bf ILLBN Mentho-Laxen- Im. uLThr RICHARDS WAIRP CHAPKU The jp Grand ward choir will present the Christmas cantata, "The Prince of Peace," by John Spencer Richards ward chapel Camp, at the tonight at 8 HO oclock. It will be given under the direction of Samuel Spry. every ten women in the better walka EIGHT inhave m personal turned to a new way I hygiene. And have found comfort, daintiness and peace of mind impossible under old conditions. This new way is called Kotex. And a test is offered you without charge. Simply mail the coupon below. I TWMPI.K B'NAI WRAHEU (Friday evening, February IS.) Organ preiudn. "Jntormemo Hhelnberge, Tov lehodbs Dunkiey Hordhu Dunkley Boruch Ylsroel and (fhem. Bh'ma Ml (Xionumho. V 'shorn ru. Stay the Words. Vaanachmi. Dunkley On That Dv DeKo'ert Duet. ''Receasionar' Mrs. Atkinson, Mlsa Iwyr. Yevoreche cho Bchleslnger Organ poetlude, 'Yiiand tTioeur ltuhnl In B flat" . Atklnaon, director Mre. Norman and soprano: Mias Edna Dwyer, con- tralto; Frank W. Aaper, organist. What K fleet j r taJpng up 16 times its own weight. And absorb instantly retaining moisture against all fear of accident. It has 5 tunes the absorbency of ordinary cotton sanitary pads. n' !' lnd i Tallis Venite .j, Goodson Buck Quartet and chorua Renedictn Organ "The ner. Scout exercise Hymn, "America." Gloria Patrie ...'....Goas Ban- Troop . 51 Dupuis "Recessional" ..DaKovan (Solo and chorua.) "Presentation of Alma Whitney Benediction, '.'Crossing tb Bar".. Offertory, Kipling' Then it is easily disposed of a new feature every woman will appreciate. It is sold in all department and drug stores; two (extra sizes Kotex regular and Kottx-SupAlso in Kota cabinets in rest rooms. dhick-ness- er ). A Test Free As a national hygienic measure, I have prevailed upon the Kota laboratories to offer women, generally, a test package of Kota without charge. So I urge you to send me, personally, the ccmpon below. And I will send you, in plain, absolutely unmarked wrapper, a trial packet. Clip the counon now before you forget I Pupils of Clayton in Recital Wednesday Vaughn W Clayton will prsaent a number of his violin pupils In a to bn givn Wednesday evening, February 13, at Mr. Clayton- stud to, at last First Houth street. Mrs. t. Myrtle Clayton will act as Thf program follow: German Alma Uffnns. g ...... Rtaadaa Frank Will lama TYjonw Gavotta, M lgnonM Kelvin Pack. TmronrelM Schumann Eugcna Templeraan. FREE SAMPLE al folk-son- g Dean Name . . AdOrem Gomac Dun ford. ntr .... Cavalleria Rustl- IntrrmeKo, cana" Mascagni Howard Anderson. "Bareeuiie No. 8" Ranard Joseph Templeman. WaJtzs from "Faut" Gounod-Wlte- . a N. Cars of CsDncottoa Laboratories, Room 141 166 W. Jackson 8t, Chicago, IU. I want to accept free trial offer made by you, with the understanding that it ia absolutely confidential. folk-son- Gavott" Mmil thisCemfidenliet CmfaS V ELLEH J. BUCKLAND, acoom-panis- Hall Gloria Patne Te Deum laudamu Festival in E flat Is Kota it a scientifically developed wper absorbent Jeanne Morris. Angels Serenade" Braga Ksthryn Oalonge. Air from "Rigolrtto" citfton Cook. Duet "One Fleeting Hour" e Gladys Fayter and Mr. Clayton. PantAfiie, "Blue Beils of Scotland Farmer Rosa Ruefenaoht. "Cavatjna William Bawden. "Serenade Wayne Anderson. "Berceuse" Response Virginia Wright. Anthem, "O How Amiable Are Thy Sammartinl Roger "Canto Amoroso Dwellings Svlvta Cannon. Schubert Poetlude, "Froceseiona Brilliant Ten Raw Allegro Sir. Norman O. Alklnaon. soprano Waldemar Roth. and director; Mias Edna Shuyer. conCad man "At Dawning tralto; Harry lewla, tenor. R O Werner Ruefonaht. Burkhardt, base, J R Wayne, or- - "Spanish Dance Saraaate Allen Ramsey, BAn Dvorak "Humoresque IMMANCKT, BAPTIST. Cutler. Morning. Gneg Rowland Prehide, "In the Morning" Pupils Anthem, "Is Is the Crowning Day?" Marsh in Recital February 6 Tenor solo. "Christ the Fountain" E. I Crane Dvorak Advanced piano puplla of Poetlude, "Humoreske Adallne N. Jones, head of the muetc Evening. of Rowland Hall, will he Prefude, "Grand Chorus. . .Oulmaat department heard in recital at the hall Saturday Special music 16. Persuaded" The program, "Almost solo February night, Soprano Mrs. J W. Sellwood. to wlflch the public Invited, Oallaerts Postlude. "March Flnden Plano, "TUI I Awake Mrs. Harry Chapman, organist. ST. MARK'8 CATHETXRAI program II o'clock. Boy Scout Sunday, troop 51. Processional, "Onward, Christian Sullivan Soldiers' J. BUCKLAND Nan. OniM e n. Jr1" flf y - sk: C f,r V(reto!"'nnUlr j OffW'tnry. "Tove Kong... Mr. Nowers Loren The Bells of Prayer" Ixadiev chorus Postlude, March from "Martha"Plotow Mrs Claude I Shield, director; Miss Eloise Baumbcrger, organist. i" Mis Bearte F. Gilbert, J818 Wisteria I Ft., New Orleans, La., write woutd be Kimplv lost Indeed if it waant for the tnmtworthv prndurfts Rver' you have a! wavs advised. aeoJed packages. ha been gxld ' There a 'Int R. K "Can you rooom- been one that feMed me, never has 'T have thre ni treatment to fogulate th ao-- n O. O. T. write: I have bem uwmg various ones of todnevs And bladder? Hav had ter and we all aeom to uffr with and many years. T have saved wirsche almost every day for nearly nervou bradaohe about evenr m of- fbr many, a Mlar through following your many of the 1 notki uwjal fearful are alwe ten. and a anant flow, kind advice, etc." I huvs to arise six to eJgTU headache remedies that they may afirrs & niche Ankle are sHghtly fect the heart. Oinnilo. Mr. E1Uh Lutx, Fwolienjn the mominga Sometime Answer: Some fault of nutrition "I am the mother of eleven cor -Iheaniache with a dixzy feeling mav be prevent which should be Tbb-letI am and stronir healthy ohlldren, and s, before my sye. Doctor say ie fertftd by takinf Hypo-Nucjatnow. I need two boxes of Oadometie nae no organic trouble, but his a a nutritionaloftonic. For quick, Tablets and will never fonret the rood neu-rai- a "diem, fan, to help. reHef headache, aatKartory have done. I was el ok and tired Answer and pain in yenerai, ptecure and they wh.re the function of kld-- , out all the time, wa extremelv nerTablet. bkuldtsr Is Irregular and take vous and oottld not rieep at nisht and a by minor ingtamnwatlon, had no appetite. Yon nan piSHIsh thl. swsin poor TO addrusa ln C.: C. R. elimination, a to has put me on my feet Cadomene for Answer such s nslmwort Tah- Is Spoon's Pharmacy. Fifth and I feel fine and well. Tlckly effective In procuring and Western avenue, Dayton, Ohio, action Is tnid, soothing where you can obtain any of th Mr. Geo. Hrrrxsn, 407 Richmond erally prompt. advised. If your local drugmedicine "From St., Cincinnati, Ohio, writesyou, cannot supply vour 'Health and Beauty Book' I have gist e wJL writes: rttMwe suggest a Catarrh of the health. found Improved that will help Mrs. E. B. writes: "I am so targe stonwnh and nervous 'indirection r oonditk,p. hstlpallon Hare used pills for sey-an- d and so fat that I knew I am an ob- brought me down to 95 pound a and never get any bettsr, ject of ridicule wherever I agmear In now I weigh 195 pound since taking i""1 be foil of in and want something to reduce the medicine you recommend. Vomittec I haw plmgdes, turtle, ing and distress after eating had near?kln that drtrea me frantic, my weight.- Obtain of your druggist 5 ly finished me. etc " AittwerI taxing a good dinner, The Tefoleta ingre Arbolone r the function t wrongs grain W. Neal, ins Olive St.. Davtnn, Ohtn, wv. (Kents are printed oo the label with 'll waa down In bed weeks kr.wuch snnp. full direction. Borne report reducing arritee:severe rheumatism. The pain health with d mention, t recommend a pound a I inhS JJ 1 could not sleep, day or so was great raltere gradually withal. . over In wtul to remoro '..SwiyL night, neither could I turn Bu-th- ol Tabfmm th noting Lewis bed. I took two system. NfTTE: For many years Tr. Black-bur ceased and I went to s let. th-- pain Medical Dlreotor of The Rker trrr n them 1"ay-tocontinued f Weep, taking ProdocMt Oo., Cotiege BMg., k: "Will you plsarn ad- , them the beet recommending pain relief and treatment to removo a Ohio, has bee ih- )- lot ever used." of millions to of dandruff and Adv.j stop scalp trustworthy medicines y CUNORKOATIONAU PHTUaIPS FYlml Prelude, "hhion JVWer" Don U. Nowers, cello. Anthem. "0 Word of Hod IncarWilson nate J K. Hrolee and choir. . . Queyns Rewponae, "tall Into He". Fholr a. hua-ban- d Rose".... YV1W MacDoWell Hie ljouise lrisk. pisnist Vocal solo, "The Dord Is Mfindful Mendelesohrt of His Own" Mrs. boott Jones, soloist. Detroit. Mich., write After suffering for over Id years from wtitdh caused my back Mdney trouble to acne o that I wa hardly able to pily. do my wanWngs. fbr when I would bend over I could hardly straighten up. I had tried mot everything for MUSIC IN CHURCH ndnf, I have taken one box of Balm wort RtoWeta and now I surety feel AND CHAPEL good, and could say mufth more, etc." FIRST MKTHOD18T. Texan Ave., Malone, Iftl FVrtlfy Morning I am in my Wichita. Kan., writes: Rubinstein Homame Prelude. Mtti year. I.at November I had trouhymn. ble vrtth kidneys and bladder. I tried Professional Hearer of and Anthem. Inapirer Hid a docmany kinds of remedies. .Awfd u tor treAt me. The medWnee all uprhyUi Plpr and Obbligato, 'itisschoir. set my stomach. Had no enntrol of bladder with paia and burning I CalT.. Jordan Trusting, So nerwotw, had to get up 8 Offsrtory, Charles T. Prisk. times at a night. In AprU I read your Poitiada "Melodle" , . , .Moekowski I advioa about Dalnrwort Tablet. EVMiln. tien PreltKIe, "Soaxemr pent to Bochum Rerkanorf Drug Store. I bad taken bmdf a box I paw a chamre, ProfenrioBKl hymn. and when I had finished two boxes I Anthem. "Blernal IJf Waa well and have been for over three Brirtd Offertory month. Bat heartily, sleep well. et' Ir. 3tn!ey furtis and choir. Lylnky Poethide, tYaidie SongMm J. A. Txong, 4188 Mimiasippl St, Mm, Anna Colburn Plummer, chorI want to ister; Hrx R. O. Hurkhardt, organlat. San Diego. Calif, wrttee: thank you far your kind help in getFIRST PRESBYTERIAN. ting my huaband berk to his health. Bibl You told me to get Vilane Pdwder. It Orifan prelude. "Vlelon ha been very healing. Also Cadomene Anthem, "Greet l Jehovah .Schubert Ixrd The Tablet to aid the blond and nerve. Offertory, ladle quartet, Koahat Is My Shepherd My These tablet are wonderful. Choir Mrs. Theo Best, Mrs. R. O. ia picking up flh. baa very Alvin Howard Fraaee, well every night Brattain, good color, sleep Miea France Jensen, Miss and Is feeHng more artfre and like BlIHn, A. D. Pier; A F. himself again, so I think Cadomene Marjon Tablet are doing their part. His BardweB, director; Maud Thom, orso rmidi Improved ganist. dreadful cough is e that l have since iwmg F1RRT OONGREOATIONAU hope of curing oompletrty, so 1 most (Pantaxe theater, M:45.) thank you and praise, too, ail the Organ prelude, 'Beqende. . . . Friml medicines you advise, etc.' .Bchubert . Ave., Apt. writ' yoa g the end i out agile used e, LETTERS Hr. Hattie The Jordan junior high school will present tne operetta, Cherrv at the West high school auditorium tomorrow night, with the following CAM. Therry Blossom, trovight up as then daughterWof Kokemo, inV.realityA Wvel , Myr-t!- g New York, 6. Bernes Jorgenson. of tea gara a Kidiemo, proprietor den in Tokio. Japan (comedy part), Alan Troman. John Henry Smith, a New Yorker on a visit to Japan a a guest of Mr Worthingbm. Bddtc Rnddon Henry Foster Jones, Jack's pel, in 1o with Jesvioa, RnhaJd Anderwm Horace W'orthington, a New York Wtck broker, who I entertaining a patty of friends sith a trip to Japan on hi private yacht, je Rol James Young, Worthington s private eVetary, tionlan Bdgar. Jessica Vanderpool. Worthingtons niece, Marjorie Oordv Togo, a Japanese iMilltlcian (n high rank. Melrtn CTirlstenson. Chorus, geisha girls, American girls and men, guest of Mr. Worthington, on his private yacht. visiting JapanMiss Kvelyn Barnes, an Synopsis American girl born in Japan, and of is died fever, whose parent maiden. brought up a a Japanese uses propher Her father secretary When Evehi own end erty for is lyn, who 19 known as Cherry Blossom, is about Worthington (the secrereturns to Japan on his yacht tary) wSttv a party of American friend One of them, John Henry Smith, falls Blossom and in lo e with Cherry wishes to marry her, but Kokemo. who has brought her up a his own to marry Togo daughter, wants her a rich politician. Tha action of the Jack s efforts around piece centers to outwit Togo and Kokeroo. her true learn Blossom Cherry propidentity, comes intoandherall own ends haperty, marries Jack ItkA-som- dance-orchest- out. a "To Offertory, in Operetta Monday Rimsky-Korsakoff- 's ff,r bfc a BartV'y e yrmthfutnesa of gaiety, the Stand tip, Stand Vp the young nation In thl spontaneous Recessional, Wot for Jesus gesture Vincent Dope In the Theater Magazine. FIRST tTNTTATUAJf. Instrumental: Junior High William Prelude, Itaroarone" -- hind fam-Ilir- & o n a -- well-kno- song-writ- Saint-Saeu- scientifically Formula Plainly Stated Have no hmitenry lldn) Or. Caldwell' Syrop Papain to anv one young or old. 11 k I sutd, fma from gentle leialiv ootira. It will not cramp or pip. ia tha packag. a on The formula compound of Kgyptian aenna with pepsin and aim ole aromatira. K bottle can be bad at anv drug than a a tor and averagra ka tl cast a dose. EmnoMal for and fully guaranteed. Yon will find It a grant improvement in taste and action over castor World Acclaims Success oil, or candy cathartic asada that came skin Dr. Caldwells Syrup Pepsin is from coal-ta- r disoasm, calomel that loosens th the preeoription of a teeth, salts in water or powder physician of that name who practised successfully for 47 years. that concentrate th blood and It ha been on the market thirty dry the skin. year and is today the Yn Vast t Try It Fr lifaw sjil-- w largest selling liquid Fspslw, SIT WttklsitM Sin laxative in the worjd. lUlsak. Mwiktll, of families Thousands sW I need rmd Usemtiee and tenaU Uke tu grass t Syrup Peptm by miiml have it in their medymsayuhrmt I CMueU Rend mem fret trmi kettk. A4ee Is icine chest ready when Pfmme anymembershowssigns of dyspepsia, constipation. totyrid liver, sour stomach, biliousness, faasU? tha oss frss trial bottis t Not er ma. tango, ad bewdnche, breath perfumes bet a medicine that will help his bowels to move pree-V'll.'- ix a offeneiv bmlk tuoh ailmcnta that indicate deranged atamarh and boweli. Many aartotta am prwented by thla timaly aid. coated ie Soda yirtu I should trarolinff minstrel hr them you attain.Saint-tiaeGounod ally heoonia disfavored. "!Ed to bear tharepeated. toMias Batty Raley. of danclhff on Com between part jrout Tlohereetttno number, Qoodrkdi day and that period is interesting Mlsa Smith. tha votes ??? rtivaUwuf" Virginia from of reversal utter its her in J4ooo Antioo". ..Kmenar complete restraint of the senses in DottTMioh, February. "Men actioMias of the Delight Deis. answering inspiration to music WiU then so to Waahlhg-da? and the entire surrender An. ?! to begin a short tour With "BagatelleMine .uFrances Stacey.Beethoven older thematic tha to and beat the rhythmhJ Buren a. aoeompanint. Sol v Big's Soogr" orieg air. Whn two of three centuries usisrooct. to reach hgmg lata in las Laima Snow. Later the waits was introduced into ly to April, Prtml "Russian Romanes' the French court there wa an outMaster Robert Cook. cry against its nauffhtinssa in wi" Schumann The troubadour, howeer, has Its fiolfletnyr Pupils Miss Roth Fabian. In tha Huo story In aa Tar Jemma representative Rising Sun" Recited Next Saturday "To the. Miss tha person of Grinaoire. a poet Was sans hi verses who Euphemia Smith. minstrel tb Schumann termed, bnt he was one of the few "Slumber Seng Ethel Dofflemyr ha. tamed Miea Batty Alliaou. adherents of tha older musical roclUl. "Romance ........ ri Hd. with his lute, furnishes tha at First Mlsa Wattk Eleanor 1. some of lighter and humorous sight, February NoVin canes of the tha production. church. .About forty of 'Barchstta William Mordork. Master puplla ranging "Dawn (Indian scene from Prairie Cad man Musical Pirates in to advanced student. Sketches) proamm. to Mlaa Mary McBrootn. STirticipata in latha extended toths of Action Are Ruthless India" "Song chmrttwtJcm Tha numbore loving public, Robert Alllmwt. The popular s tjkej the "Romance Sans Pemlee. aft melody which was presented facomMiss Harms and technically Miai academia perfect Sana Pamiag". Teehatkewvity liEEQphfbniia Smiths Btty Chart ana the technique AUiwwv. position, delete Lightner Smith. Uwh. Mb'" Virginia Then he sends KJerutf substitutes to rhythm. Boroeuse" Ruth Fabian, Miea Virginia the incarnate hte opus ?mRh. Mil Mins Berenice Smith Frames Neher. who writes suitable poetry to Rachmaninoff "Twtnths Twinkle Little Slrtr" . .Orth "Humoresque order, preferably filled with mad i,ras Miss Marian Naylor. Mls Margaret Black. the combinaand yiddv laughs. Then Is . Behr "Seguldllla r ions eepanola) Bohm "Parting.. From Home..... dispatched tion of tune and lvru-Master Ralph Stab I. and the arranger to orchestra the . . Jack .Lyne Mlm Kathryn Thomaa. neCr and the Jumping In the comic suppleas say fun, they CritchloW Bachmann Isabelle Bretonnc Miss "Glgua ments, begins. Mine Katherine Snow. "TSm Hobhv Horse Ride". . ..Denne The pirates sailing on the musical Miss Jean K Utley "Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2" (twro pl- do not attach only the high sea anoa. four hand) . .Chnpta-Sutrrpastwale Enfantlne (fourhandw beautiful, graceful little craft which Chamlnada Mrs Franklin H Raley. master compositions. They the carries Mkis Helen PelseH. Miss Fannie Orlob. hoard the clumsy tnamp a well, and "Tannhanser Overture Mtm Dofflemyre. and inexplicable imitate accidental it Wagtier-Oort- a .L.yne The Little Dancer" ....... successes with more business acumen Miss Fannie Orlob. Master Raymond Smith. I cannot apartistic sensibility. than and the Bumble The Pricket prove stealing bad music. Chadwick nee- is a sepaHunchback music Rut Music for good stealing Miss Helen Maroua rate art and takes its place as an intime Fnnw Pvsr Period of the elevation ami cultivaIllustrative for fluence Mi Eleanor Mbley. tion of the mob. When you hear the Oansrhals Rosen" equivalent of the Kuropean The development of music as we American whistle Mis Florence Soula peasant V o. n Soaall have come to know it marks Its prog-re- Chanson do you bear the origiIndue dementi pianos' syncofroth the fifteenth century, and nal or the band, two Donald Rmvton. Master version? an apt llluetratlop of affairs musical pated ,.lut as the n flightyto Mss Oofflymyre. dance the In mam-tell- e may a M be WBao sidelight may apprehended "Shepherd Boy in the (he production of Virtor Hugos 'Hie Offenbach's Orpheus Mis Edna Tllftch. the only less flighty maidens which Hunchback of Notre Dame, Lange will "The Little Wanderer'" veranda club on step it the country open at the Salt Lake theater Mies Mildred Cline. wildly to Carmen or Ramson et Detomorrow afternoon. "ftertrude's Dream Walts". Beethosren of eiasaicists the lilah. The protests The scenes are those depleting the Mis Aloa Wetsell. at the home of 4 ' cannot avail. The primitive Amcri No 4" JJjw grand dance given On "Ssaatlna . . grand dame of the eourt. Mme. de can expresses all the Irrevereme, the Pt&tAk two J. Buciland Graduate Nurse WOMENS OLDEST HYGIENIC PROBLEM solved now in a New Way n3YTlU? FZPSIM Is jusi ivhat you nud the dyspeptic need tVVT THAT and charcoal and not nt eitr. 3 DIL CALDWELLS This Will Make Digestion Easy .. -- coupon below to Ellen 3fyTtycricnct is ftaf J mm Thft Mis Defflemyr. of a band ara mb la a avnail fnntp a Dutch Mother's of naalciana with It hauUtof. Tloia Quad Knight" iKb 1fcaff JatM SovietB&rboar andThalutea oompoUoaft mlfht b termed TAtaianoh Op tt, No. J BoUer Ptatolf, becauba of tha damattda of not M im Belt Iter thoae la lAndeubonar, blb station for maaie la However, forreal of By tha Brook7 (Pygmy Bulls).. dirnlfled meaoura. Tha dmnnm wera icW SojJ rhrobbW wtotfulw Orhahalh of tha dUraiffcad rartaty, mahtnif nach KoimMlsa Vtrginia Allison. of Balte measured atop and comAdieu to tha Piano" .Beethoven plete restraint of pamtonata rxprea-d4Mina Alice Dtak .Thus it waa a gradual deteiop-maGallo Burlesque" GmGtt to tha latter popular minuet. T club matinee b 8n Miss Frances Itaher. Bon a ratulaion at that vm For there which llWfTOnoertin "On tha Meadow" . , . .Uohnag period to tha heart muaio such a pinci accompanist of that Mina Eleanor Wherry. bacaoaa tha the troubadour Indulged, waa Jot a great "It kr' "Funeral March of a Marionette" had her rw-- ..Mlr throughnumber of from h standpoint of the liwls . pJREE'"mai I man Peggy taonard. Virginia Bills, Dorothy Maturtn. ..MacDowell Piano, "Witches' Dam Frances Blngsnhelmer. Plano MacDoWell- 'A Song" MacDowell "Seolch Poem" Townsend. Joyc Vocal. "To a Wild Rose ".MacDowell IMIdegarde Thompson. MacDowell piano, ''Prmehidium Wood Jane Plana ''Polonaise "Tha Eagle MacDowell MacDowell Hamilton. Dorothy Plano, "Rondo CapriocioaoMendelssohn Helen Heartier. GARFIELD Mr. and Mra GARFTEDP, Feb. Charts A. Maley of Delta were the last week-en- d guest of Mr. and Mrs AI Thomaa Mr. and Mra R. M. leaey announce th marriage of their daugh-Mls- s ter. Mil Myma Lgesy, to Richard of Cincinnati. Ohio, The Merrill marriage took place In Salt Lake on Tuenday. (Trib , Salt Dak City, Heath. Mr. R T. Taliaferro, McLaohlan, Mrs. A. Mrs. Gordon Thomber. Mrs. Arthur Thomas. Mr. C. W. Bvers and Mr. AI Thomas. will meet next The Pythian Sister O. O. F. Tuesday evening In thewlHI. nerve are hall The ladle whoMrs. AI Thomas Mr Ralph Hatton, and Mr. R M. Irawy.entertained the C. W. Evers Mr club Thursday Bakers' Posen Bridge afternoon. There were four extra Mass guests Mre. D. I,. Underwood. F. Anderson Drulse Ritter, Mr. C. The prise for and Mrs. John Allen score wa won by Mies Ritter. high J. the will entertain McLachlan Mrs. next meeting, Saturday t it club 2.1 ru afternoon, Fob ary Mr. Albert Klammsn and httle dsuehter. Margaret, returned home on Verne Mr. J. Sunday from Balt take, where tear bad spent several day with frlsada. The Womens Benefit aanootadoa of th Maoowbees ha changed It regular meeting day from th fourth to th third Monday of Wedneaday each month. They will meet Feb- i. ruary Harold Larson waa surprised Vy friends in honor of his b4rthday anlast niversary Friday evening of A week. Those present wer Miss Mi Uoyd. Miss Ethel Erkerrtey, FlorMargaret WHMams and Mlta ence I arson, Harry Butcher, Don Williams and Warren Jonen The Women's club met yesterday afternoon. Those who served wer John Pendleton. Mrs James Mr. 1 win ter and Mrs. Scott Spray. Th program wag furnished by Mr, . g-- fl-he- st Nelson. CAII DE CURED Free Proof To You Mra Thomaa Morgan entertained at 1 tmm d Mmm I U yxr wmmm AH I yarn bmmhkd cards, followed by luncheon, WednesIT A HUYTELL IL F. I wmrtyoq tieutr try tWtm wwtiwwawT Louis day evening fur Mra AI Thomaa, U YVl'! Bf falf BgBllfflk Cline. Piano- bees ta ha RetadOng Badness hr 20 yeeia t ssread four war s a sssmkg slliri Mr. R- - M. Lossy, Mr. J. T. Miller 'Serenade Mtgnonne" tndiea State Board el Pharwecy and tveyewes Piiddiei el the RwdCkiwsuW A snnaa Ofunfetd I and Mrs. Jack Powers Ow Mr. and Mrs. Pete Nicholson and Nrlr sveryea aFet Were lowwema end taewe etawri my semswhJ The Cuckoo Daquin I Alice Thomaa family moved into their nsw home D Koven I on East Nineteenth avenue today. Vooal, "Recesstonal" I If rmwlfaq The C. T. Club waa entertained .Itdwtxit lii wTxttoi1 Marjorie' Nichols I Dance (selected) Thursday afternoon by Mra Allen I Mary Alice Btark, Betty Ramsey, Knight. Th club will meet Onext Wilson. . Nancy Relf Franee or Thuraday afternoon with Mra dsn Forbes. (pupils of Martha Rprtngman). O. No. E. will 15, "Staooato Adah 8., Piano, chapter Caprioe". ..Vogrich Wait Fart Elinor Fryer. meet la the I. O. 0. F. ball next J. C. ECTZZXL, Draalst, 481S Duet. "Wanderer' Night Sowf' .. Wednesday evening. Phase esad wkWut east eUlgnttaa Is me yoer Fm Ptael entertained the Y. Rubinstein Horace Hlldegarde Thompson, Jane Woods. M. I, A- - basketball team in hi home " at the Magna plant Wednesday eve- " Marjorie Nichols, Dixie Doolittle. Ptano 'Urs. II. T. Hilton entertained thl "Shadow Dance'1 MacDowell . MacDowell I afternoon at three table of bridge. fail Oftcau. Idyll' T. MaeDuwelltThe guest wer Mr. Fred 8. WH Plano- ,- "Moonshine' Rowene De Wald. Hama, Mrs. John Allen, Mra W. B. Sir Ml m4 I Ng Dance by pupils of Martha Bprlng- Haymond, Mra C. B. Nslaon, Mrs. w il re tskia ill cniwaanoiT N. latitL. WwWi A |