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Show I !ed yn I the weather. and colder Sunday Monday unsettled. eortion; Big business and - litfld business alike find efficient promotion through' Tribune Want Ads. watt Local Settlement Prie MHe $205 e(rtr lad Co oPer 12.3111 liithodaa) NO. 119. VOL. 108, SALT LAKE CITY, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1924. Five Persons Shot i Drinking Bout at Three - day Party. mi V ufc s' dr Allied per f gunplay, the result of a three-da- v a during aiding celebration, result-in' sons being shot, two It o clock last ai., e atEif Lou se Zudvich, I a Forty-fift- h South John Kro.koich, shot T"c tne Milo, Teter Zudvich, age . n, Mint through thq stomach; Mar-inhs bmtiur, age 5, shot through Mike Malavich, shot through t e un Matt Pazley, shot through Lac um tnrut tli to the incoherent stories who were present when - . u, at . incurred, the trouble argument relative lo . ivwfii L4m Frotkovich and d is alleged -Fioikovith V4t i "tvn a gun and ran toward and who grappled giabbed P, m uiJ the two struggled to the Kith ne of the bedrooms In vi In the fight Frockovlrh xne li 4 to have dlfharsed the gun, m a wbuh iruf- the two youths, Martin .v- - l i w x j . , jr u rm Asks Pointed QuesJohnson Preparing Total Recommended by for Campaign Tour tions of Denver Pub-lishe- r; of Several States House Committee CHICAGO, Feb 9 Senator Til-raJohnson of California will begin a tour of the middle western states this week if primary now under consideration by plan his managers here are carried i Under a tentative ittnerarv, approved today by the senator, he will begin Tris imiinta iampatgrTineiti Thurs-- " Her a three das tour of, day Illinois he will move into Missouri' for a speech at bt Ivouis February 16 Umaha will be visited on Monday tue 8th. and IJscoln, Neb th- - following dav From Nebraska the tour probably will swing into booth LaJcota. North Minneapolis lakot& and Montana letaileu beyond Omaha ha vie not vwt plans been approved because of the uncertainty of the managers conthe availability of meeting cerning halls. Below Estimate id i n L Zutfvkh, who wre WASHINGTON Louis l In 'he struggle and the volley of shots V k MaJavich of Murray was fh t thr ugh the leg and Matt Pazley w us vl.jt mv era! times. Ac-cus- ed of Staging Wet Party in Apartments. Chicago Tribune Salt Lake Tribune Wire. ATLANTA, Ga , Fftb 9 Mrs. Asa G Candior, bride of less than a year of the Coca-Col- a millionaire, and W J Stoddard, well known clubman and of the National Association fhd after the shooting They president woe taken into custody by the aher-I- B of Cleaners and Dyers, and G. W. local brick dealer, were arof Bingham and are heki for the Keeling, . Lake authorities. rested Saturday afternoon in a raid J HELD BYOfFICeftS. f -- toyofioe on a laentonabt apartmeftt Those held in Bingham are Matt house on Juniper street. h, Yengich, Mike Gaurhvich, Mary The trio were taken to the police Mike Uaurllvich, Mary Pas station, where they put up $100 bond givld. Mane Zudvich, daughter of Louise each for appearance before Recorder Zrdvu h a widow, and Paul Corica George Johnson Tuesday to answer were the engaged couple in whose honor the wedding party was being charges of being occupants of a dive (a city charge). A quart bottle of hehi liquor which was found in a table Cno a frail and slender man, told in the little apartment of three rooms, his joar in broken English to the to the police, was seised fol-according 1 deputies. In substance it was as and will be used as evidence at the wv , trial. I have never had any trouble with Mrs Candler before her marriage to I have been in he said. an) one in Candler was Mrs. Mae Reagan, a inn with Marie since childhood of striking appearance I Austria don't know what the stenographer lu. twg w iv about I saw Frocko-vk- h She gave her age as 34. She became and Pazley fighting and that Is the w'lfe of the aged capitalist of 74, who has given millions for church I know ' hospital purposes, in July, 1924. Plzv somewhat more coherent. and Several months after he was named Continued os Pat Eight defendant in a -LCluaaXhr ) heart balm suit, filed in federal court here by Mra Onexima De Bouchel New Orica no society leader, who bad Legitimacy only recently divorced her husband Declared , Woman Gets Fortune ta Ceatiased Pf (Calais Oae.) NEW 1J.RK, Feb After believ-In- ? fir m ua that Mie was sn Illegitimate hild Mrs. Ixmlre Ellis, 82 year of age, has been declared legiti-ma- ?' h courts and given & half inter- n m the $1,000,000 estate ieft Eight nhpr George N. Ctepman, a ora fur merchant, who died in bv h r f Nw y lyr. in IaD fh'ipman went to Europe i Vrs Ellis was born as the igl ier i Chapman and Jane Comp-jr- n In Nr suit Mrs. Ellis contended Wuat hr i irents were married. The defend nits denied this Jr waa not until 1915 that Mra Ellis h arned of which circumstances willed to indicate a marriage Then N she can &mt, which culminated in the aipellate division of the ate kuj reme court yesterday. Hiapinan left the bulk of his prop-er- u to a Hawley, an actor, moti er was one Louise Wyeth. In 1 h Chapman, before he llawiey became insane, deeded his property to h s n other, who In turn left the kejttf in trust for the support of her The taxicab Feud Causes Another Man's Death rIIGOt 9 Keb Warrng fac-- i the Checker Taxicab com control of which they have in the streets and in the courts flight - n o than two eam, today ' t.' anrfhT revolver fight in the M ncrai offices of the company, result- the killing of one man and the iN '' of two others. Seventeen n r tw e arrested. known by the name of Kiled, an unidentified man J and a third man, who feaid ' Lhn Madsen and an Inno- '"tun, also was shot. mi. iir f t ' w-- Womens Peace Union Protests Gas Execution vi.W t iff YORK, Feb 9. A telegram pg against the execution of by lrthal gas at Carson dtv tv was sent to Governor am of Nevada today by the n ' r r w r rTrv Tcace UmorU The message ' of all capitaj punish-- ' cpi'nnent l,,n relieve that viu4ence and of human life are we strongly denounce of exwiuon Gee Jon by lethal expressly protest against experiment having been tried n a defenseless Chinese. M lvtrjrtFn VACATE QUARTERS. MATHN'Cii Germany, Feh .T. Pre ) The sepa- jauMit m th morning vacated the pubic tn lings which they nave been holdingMayencs for some The exacuatun apparently was time. madd in with the functionaries of rfiglme. who entered from one lhe ,rParatiat left from the other3 , ! 't 9 made to Tfie Factional Feud in Herrin Region Ends in Killing and Twelve Arrests. HHRRtN. spilled xounty Ill . Feb. Press ) More in turbulent when the the 9.-- (By two w blood Williamson factions in herein, referred to by the citizens here as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knight of the Flaming Circle, an antiklan organisation, clashed, resulting in the death of Constable Caosar Cagle, 32 years old, and the serious wounding of Deputy Sheriff John Layman. call for the national A hurried Galli-gaguard made by Sheriff George the arrival at 4 o clock this and morning of the firt companies from miles sixteen distant Carbomiale. nipped an incipient riot which many exhave declared residents might ceeded the fierceness of the riot in men which FG2 twenty-siin June lost their Uvea Four other companies of state troops arrived here before noon and shortly after had practically taken control of Herrin, andto-it was intimated by guard officer no doubt night that the town would bo placed under martial law tonight C. Mayor Sheriff George Gailigan, E Anderson of Herrin, 7Iuh Willi Ai strict board member of The United Mine Workers of America, and nine oeputv sheriffs are under arrest, charged withof Caglesof murder. isJohn brHerrin, police Ford chief ing held in a Jail at Murphysboro. BL, raid Young, Glenn leader, dry and 8 deand who local Ku Klux Klanamen set-in" clare Is their paid employes. Is of nolle of Herrin. rhff before $ oclock four tonight, Shortly muad of guardsmen, with bayonets drawn and flanked by four machine of small guns, cleared the main street men and numbers, broke up groups of ordered storekeepers to close their esMachine early. guns tablishment have been mounted In buildings adhalt Guardsmen jacent to the city are patrolling the streets in 'this vi n corps the present strength. For aviation the bill carries or $57,174 less than last year's appropriation. The committee explained that it had slashed $410,000 from the budget estimate for aviation on account of a development program recommended at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, and Coco bolo. Canal Zone, w hich have not been authorised by law. Commenting on the proposed polar exploration trip Shenaudueh next of the dirigible summer, the report said actual expenses over normal operating costs would approximate $1&3,000, and that, met with current appropriations, the committee had not seen fit to Interfere In any way with plans for the expedition. As to new ship construction, the comm'Uee said it was without poer to authorise expenditures for vessels not yet sanctioned by congress, but cited Information it had obtained to the effect that the navy department is committed to a program for buildunder the ing types permissible Washington arms conference treaty, which, with the modernising program already under way, would involve expenditure of approximately $35,000,000 for the next tea years. NEW WORK LIMITED. group, the Mid west and Pioneer companies, who aJo had interests in the district, received $1,000,000 in oil produced by the Sinclair company from Teapot. Replying to questions by Senator Democrat, Montana, Bonfds said that there was a conspiracy between Doheny and Sinclair and the Standard Oil allied companies to let Sinclair have the Teajot Dome a.s they were concerned ff4 They having no antagonistic in California, he said, tne had no objection to letting Mi Dohcnv have the naval reserve there and the went Into the agreement along 1188. line and the lease were The Midwest and the granted Pioneer got $1,000,000 in oil produced by Sinclair company on the Teapot lnie That I have confirmed. The feeling w ith ' Sinclair was r.ot Leo Stack, , friendly to Mr Stack one of those associated(J with Bonfils They treated him like an office bo and they thought they could aettle with him on any terms agreeable to treaty-exempte- ti inci-ite- Btrese-man- n Robert Goelet Sued for Divorce Decree bU, PA RIB, Feb 9 Divorce proceeding aalnat Robert Goelet of New York were instituted in the Paris courts today by his wife, who waa formerly the Princess Fernanda Feh. 9 CBy the WASHINGTON. Associated Press) John F ORyans report a general counsel for the senate veterans committee was submitted today to the senate by the chairman, Senator Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania. Contained in the teport os the senate returned it ore all of the charges of fraud and corruption in the Veterans bureau under the directorship of Charles R. Forbes, and of conspiracy to defraud the government that were in the original draft Except for some addition in the way of reduction, the report is identical with that which became public on January 7, and which benator Heed told the senate after publication of abstracts of it by the Associated Press hod been very extensively changed He asked that the senate pay no attention to the newspaper extracts Forbes, C B Hawley, president of the Hurley Mason company of Tacoma, Wash , J W Thompson a ht. Louis contractor, the late James W Black of Chicago, and Elias H Mor- Ceatlaaed Pif tv (Coiuu Tv.) Countess Sued for $500,000 by Chicagoans Wife; Alleges She Stole Husbands Love Ik Trlbun, Wire etude NEW YORK. Feb. 9 Countew Margaret Thaw Carnegie de Verigny. widow at Georgs LAuder Carnegie, nephew of the late Andrew Carnegie, was sued today In the supreme court for $500,000 by Mra. Madeline Helen Medica of Newark, for the alleged alienation of affection of her husband, Emmanuel Victor Modlox, an Mra Modlca automobile salesman. countem made a charge that themalKiou" effort to "wrongful and win her husband She allege further tnbuav A.JI I Eight on Lake Erie U5AMTNGTON. Ont . Fb. I Fearllvea of seven men and a ing for the woman, who last Thursday set out for Pelee island In a hvbrld boat and hare not been heard of since, authorities today began a search for them through three rsdto bmsdeasting stations on Point Peles. Heavy sees and moving ire have destroyed the telephone cables, which were the only regular means of communication with Island. 7 bile. on th eve of The countes. who ailing for Europe With her husband, waa ordered to show cause In the court next equitv part ofshesupreme should not appear Tuesday, why The trial. before to he examined examine the countess application towas made Frank P by before trial Walsh, attorney for the plaintiff, ona booked the ground that he has passage for Europe on February 14 Mr. Walsh alleges there are several reason why the Countess de Perlgny should be required to hale her depo- 1 I y VICTIMS OF GANG. This girl's story was said by detec-tlva- si who have worked on the I kit King case for a year to corroborate their evidence that she wae only one organof th victims of a well-knisation of crooks who operate In the of the Members White Light tone. gang dress and dance well. They are the authorities, to quick, according-l- a note and trail such a clique as that to which Dot King and Lou lsvwson are reported to have belonged, appearing often in the most exclusive places, the girts exquisitely gowned, companJeweled and beautiful, their -ions big and easy spends s in working crooks, these Eventually of the pairs or trios, single out one when she her Invade apartment girls, is alone, bind, rob, and sometimes kill her As the Follies girl 'was reported to have told detectives, the girl selIf She s afraid to dom squeals. they get her Jewelry she tells friends It." she 'loaf It or 'hoiked' MURDERS NOT INTENDED. that Dot King's It Is now believed death was a ' slip up , that her assailants accidentally gave her the killing dose of chloroform, and that th death of Lou Lawson by strangulation yesterday, after sh had been gagged and tied down, .was similarly unintended by those who robbed her. Although police said they knew the whereabouts of Gerhard n M. Dahl, banker, broker, Brooklyn-ManhattaTransit director and close friend un-of the Lawson girl, reporters were able tn tind him today. Before dropdeping the veil over Dahl, however, tective disclosed they had found In s the murdered glri apartment $12,000 worth of B M. T stock. Her apartment also yielded up today several notebooks and diaries containing the name Inand addresses of society here, in persons prominent ban Francisco, Chicago and Texas, home state. Miss Lawson IN HIGH COMPANY. In pretty high com- said Coughlin. Inspector pany. ' We rq going to summon every one of her known friends for a little quls-xin- g " He declined, however, to reveal their names. As the result of the Follies girl sitlon taken before she sails He alstory , squads of detectives in plain at all the princileges that it is imperative she be inclothes were guests in to five terrogated twenty regard afternoon and-night cabarets, In letters, stated to have been written by pal of two men she described to search her to Modlca. of these men also them Descriptions The count and countess were marcirculated throughott the deried in Paris on November 12, last, were large partment her and In near-b- y and came ,to New 1 ork for their cities There were three cerehoneymoon lnclud ng he eleSeveral witnesses, monies. civil. Catholic and one in the operator who saw two express-me- n American church. To these none but vator enter Miss Lawson apartment intimate friend were invited Among the last persons known to have visthe witnesaes were Mr and Mr law -examined her ited rogues' gallery rence Slade, niece and nephew of the at police headquarters bride, and Count and Countem Gas- figures any of the ton de Perigny. the former the brother Whether they Identified expressmen" of the When the picture subjects as th bridegroom first husband died In 1921 was not disclosed. (interne's she spent much of her time abroad. Since thlr arrival In New York, the Goetet was divorced by his first who was forrarrlr Mim Elrie wife. He was Whelan, in March, 1917 married to Mine Rlabouchlnskv October S3. 1919 She also was a di192J, and July. vorces and Is the daughter of the 'that between July. ehowered lavish 1,21, the counlee. Italian savant. Prafesaor Rocchi. at a later him and on finally, gifts he count and countess have resided at where lo Faria, date, took him gave him rifts of money and automo- the Ploxa hotel. Today they denied Fear for Safety of friends,'' dancing nightly attendance "She traveled themselves to reporters. The countem waa reported by her French maid to be asleep the whole afternoon But it was learned later that a "famliv conference. at which the matter was discussed until Iste in th evening, took place. Henrv 8 Hooker of the law firm of Williams & H poker issued the formal statement in behalf of his client. "Mr firm has been retained by the Countess de Perigny The sttaek o the eounteess is utterly unjustified, as the defense will dLscloee at th proper time and place. Wi1 Passage Majority Is Predicted by Proponents of Robinson Motion. by-Substa- ntial n apartments. "Eou was friendly with that orowd, 'Moat of too, ' the girl continued. them are at Palm Beach new. There were only three of us left in New We mat at some prominent York. hotel almost every afternoon for tea dancing, and again at some cabaret there are only two No st night. of us " General Counsel Submits Findings in Veterans Bureau Scandal Probe. u1 9 - ooiit 1 at chosen Broadway cabarets and entertaining at parties In each other's Personal Culpability as to Oil Disclosures Not Established, but He in Wrong Pew the l.ii I XWW Denby Misplaced as Navy Secretary, Is Washington Opinion o nr Mnv aitrts.(N lotlrs .hi n tub' which have jLu exhibition tn ITirecfnn uimervitv llhrur) wni 'ten fiat irv of Inruc tons Htmtial alumni day. wblJi will beobirvtd simian 2 The most int listing exhibit of e In tho (oluntkfi President VtJ um or ir:tu! n,p of his firt In wrtten on lit augutal d m ht writer and nrr fe tp r. lup Tho rrwn handw riTtng V TtVRK. Feb girl from the Flhes tonight disi lotted to detecTribune Halt Ijlke Tribune Wire tives a link between the loulse Iw-s- o (ilrgr 9 Feb. Kdwtn WASHINGTON, n murder of yesterday and tho still Denby, secretary of the navy who unsolved mystery of Dorothy King 4 exoil the leased, navy approved Keenans slaying a year ago pected to aend hie resignation to PresLou th lAWBon, ident Ouolldge on Monday if the Rob- actress-musicia- n and playmate of inson resolution is adopted. It was wealthy men, was strangled to death stated here tonight in her luxurious apartment off Central Theodore Koowevelt, aartatant aecrc-tar- y of the navy, may follow the same park, west, by two won, who robbed her of valuable jewelry and escaped course Mr Denby feeH impelled to take tWa without leaving a dew. course po aa to prevent emhar'&iumietnt I mler almost Identical circumto the president, it became known toDot King, another recipient day, following a long conference he stances, was men. of the of attentions wealthy had with Secretary of War Weeks. chloroformed to and rolrtxwl lain Attorney General Daugherty, who year in the costlydeath avehome off Fifth was attacked rby Senator Wblih beThe Nest. cause of hi bonneotkm with the oil nueThewhichDotshe called murder remained King leajK, is also expected to retire from a Lou Lawson of and that mysteiy. the rabtnet in the near future. to develop into one uni.il President Oookdge a attitude is that promised Follies girl, talking under a ail members of hi cabinet eonneoci today the her name nuurt be kept with the o4l scandal should retire He pledge that disclosed that lHt and Lou will not Insist upon their resignation necrei, them t alonguntil more evidence is presented to had been pals Her story. The Pioneer company kept telling him evidence side already accumulated by the special lawyers inv&glgaL him to settle with Sinclair and to alwere crimes the that indicating His caa. the Ing attitude, however, most identical In take whatever he would give him is known and win become detail, convinced aubetter MAKES VIGOROUS DENIAL. thorities that lAH King and Lou known in a few day, after the senLawiftn were slain by the same men During his testimony vesterday the ate adopt the Robinson resolution or by members of a clique of cabaret witness had said that he and Stack, has Denby himself Secretary placed rvnv.r oil man, with H H Tam- - In an untenable ppmtlon. In the oitiv- - habitues whom both girls had known FOLLIES GIRL'S STORY. Oontiiiwd Coetuaued os Par Eight Nfi Tw Caioma Twa 7 The fir feci iv jtaLlnf or ma n t a)o dls IColta Tw") closed that the two slam girls, besides being pais, were equally close friemls with Hilda Ferguson, a chorus girl who frequently has figured in the ytar-olinvestigation of the Dot King murder. "Dot and Ijou were together a lot before Ltat was murdered. the Follies girl was reported to have told detec"I aiways thought lsiu knew tives much more about Dot s death than ghe dared tell, and that she could have implicated certain people She told of a clique of muslial comedy choruagicis. IjisluiUPJta herself, who had chummed together, associ"geatlemen ating with the earn the report stated, year ago "the oommittee proposed and it a request by law a became finally take the congress that the president conlooking to the appropriate steps summation of a supplementary treaty to limit the construction by the leadtypee ing naval powers of ships of the to which the existing treaty did not tonto as controlled or extend only Is to this time nage and gun power. Up held been haa conference formal no looking to such a supplemental treatv So far as this conimittte has been By MARK 8ULL1VAN. able to ascertain, none of the foreign treaty Bpecial to The Tribune. powers which are parties to the the construc9 Feb Senator WASHINGTON, actually has yet begun or perd tion of anv Borahs speech on the senate resoluwas conference the since craft mitted America certainly should tion calling on President Coolldge to concluded. not be the first, and should exert its dismiss Secretary Denby was perhaps the best made so far against the m Pm It corned passage of the resolution. (OeisBia Three.) weight partly because of the thoroughness with a hich Borah covered Anderson Resignation the constitutional division of power Accepted by League between president and senate, and partly bec&uee Borah is identified with N. T, Feb. 8 GLOVERSVILLE, who Republicans A special executle committee will those Progressive direct the activities of the Antisaloon are prevailing in favor of passing the New York, pending appointlraue ofof a successor to William H resolution ment The net result, however, did not Anderson, who resigned February 5. fact that a few more Reit was announced here today by the change the are added every day to vice publicans C. presiWilliam Rev Spicer, who those probably will vote with the The resignation dent of the league s dismissal Democrats lor TuesDenby was accepted of Mr Anderson is always given great weight by day at a meeting Mrof the league's but the Republicans the said Progressive of Spicer directors. board his position on the Denby In announcing Mr Anderson's resig- look aupon wim one of tne cases, case frequent fact had the said Mr nation. Spicer in the forBorah, where he may bolieve been kept secret until after the sento decline will but of proposal, been had spirit mer superintendent vote for it, however meritorious, if he tenced In court at New York for forthe constitution invwdes it of thinks conduct of his out gery growing A majority of the senate looks upon the league's affairs and accounts It the Denby resolution as merely a matwas explained that the resignation Immeter of expressing their opinion whethwas accepted, to take effectnow is er it is desirable or not desirable that that Anderson diately. andout" of league affair. ijenby should continue to be secretary "definitely of the navy. MR. WALSHS APPEAL. Reichstag Will Discuss it Senator Walsh put this aspect of Incident forcibly when he recited that the senEmbassy Flag ate has already voted to get ba k the oil lands, whith Denby let go, ano RERUN Feb 9 The flag embassy in at the on German fear Ceattaaed Fii the occasion of the Six.) WashingtonWoodrow (Osin: Wilson will be death of the relchstag when It brought upthein latter part of next convenes week according to the Neue Berliner lnU circles it Is said parliamentary make an issue of the Soclslists will endeavor to ascerthe Incident and Minister whether Foreign tain himself or other officials in the foreign office are responsible for the telegram sent to Ambassador Wled-elA x ce turned m Pare (Celma Tww.) CUT that bo-ra- h Uu v. Fell. naval appropriation bill, carrying $271.942, 867, of which $30,000,000 would be available for completing more than a score of vessels now under construction, was reported today by the house appropriations committee The total is $1,453,000 less than budget estimates and $23,024 less than the amount allotted the navy by congress a ear ago Tho bill provides $117,000 000 for pay, enough to' keep the navy at its present strength of 6469 officers and $6,000 enlisted men during the fiscal year beginning July 1 next Provi-efb- n also is made for 1002 officers and, 19,500 enlisted men in the marine Under the tentative itinerary the senator will speak at Watseka DanvfiV afternoon, Thursday Thursday evening Charleston Frinoon and day Champaign Friday night. Saturday afternoon he plans to address a mass meeting at Decatur, leaving at 3 d m. for St With Two Men, Is Silence. !' r U ctln " asleep SHOOTS HIMSELF. s tin occupants of the house rushed fri m the scene of the battle, Yi cku ich turned the gun on himself and mi t himself through the side general alarm was turned into the sheriffs office and when the arrived they found four of the but tho wninued persons present, ft the house and was fifh ha n his way to Murray' 4 Kn k v h and Pazley, the two &! ff 4 n nr of the guns, were taki en ti county hospital with their two iim Martin and Pete Zudvich k h and Pazley Inwire plated und r a rest and are held pending of the affair Iwputy sheriffs left immediaXelv for Bimrhain, to which point five of the persons who were present at the cele-taati- of POST of 4. -i u, chase Pur- .. Present Department Needs WASHINGTON, Feb 9 Young -- Woman - Night Continuing his story of his connection with the and That of Marine group that held contesting claims m Roosevelt and Daugherty Life Ends in Tragedy; the Teapot Dome reserve and disposed Also May Resign, Cap Corps Provided For. ofthn to Sinclair, Frederick G Bon- Slayers Elude Police. fils, publisher of the Denver Post, serted that in addition to the ital Report Declares. v f Hints at Gang of White Lights Robbers. Victim $4,-453,0- 00 ResignaDaugherty tion Rumor Again Circulating, but No Confirmation Had. Wilson Collection Put on Exhibition in Varsity Library Declared Actress-Musicia- n CENTS PAGES-FI- VE Senate Prepares for Final Vote on Denby Case FILLIES EllS Bonfils Is Grilled by Senator Lenroot in Scandal Probe at Wedding Feast in County District Gun Trouble Starts Over Wager Made in 02 Cruiser Is Ordered to Amapala, Honduras i Ti tn luden tmoks nint nine ?a1 ad ire- -, m.i i'-te- r ritiO nr'! !e puln'-h,n Sev'nl arili the Nanau l,itra.rv Mag ir'ne arid ilurtii the the Irnweti nlan ears 1X77 and S7H when Mr a Irirv eton undergradwn uate, are in th se collections. Mil-so- n tilth By GRAFTON fo WILCOX. v take Tr bun Wire. WASHINGTON, Feb, 9 The re nuts entered into a unanimous consent agreement today to Note Monday on the Robinson resolution asking the PreM nt to request the resignation pf ftocreury of the Navy Denby beca& of his art relating to the naval oil reserve Lame f LXttp.te tin vigorous opposition conducted b the Republican regulars, tho indications pointed almost certainly to the adoption of the resolution. Democratic senate leaders said tonight that only one member of their rribime-Biil- t t'ZT ZTLSTS: Stsolution, the Mult Compromise Surtax rr while on side about nine senators arRepublican likely to vote lor the measure, in addition, tho two Farmer-Labo- r senators from Minnesota, Hhipetead and Magnus John on, are tn fitvor of the resolution. I hie would give it a substantial gin. MORE 6PEECHES DESIRE By l'lwnwl itonrlce. The senate apparently wQprth readiV V8HINGTUN, F'ssh. 9 - President ness to vole today on the resolution, Coolidge waa today Informed that he will have to agree to a compromise on but when iterator Robinson, Demothe surtax and that congrrew will ad- - crat. Arkansas, Democratic leader. rapuHfwi thaLwtlng begin At!4Likxk. tfrg"Temaindcr journhJuneT7wltti Senator La Ftdlette, Republican, Wisuf hi legudaiive program a failure This whs at a conference whliii he consin, Hunator Howell, Republican held with Ut preventative Ionworlh. Nebraska, and Henator Couzeno Republican, Michigan, gave notice they floor Uader and Republican anted to apeak, on the resolution SrwH, chairman of the powand the voting was deferred until erful hue rules committee. The informed the president' that a beveral amendment and substitutes surtax Homewunro ixHween 5t6 per cent recommended b Bexvretary Mellon and mustD1be voted on before the final vote resolution is taken. AU of ultimate 35 was tho whlhjon pr vent may be hoped for. Tf the president I there appear likely to be defeated, to agree this, they Intimated the Jou8h Bnator Jones. Republican. Democrats may enter Into on ar- Washington, t txl ay proposed a substiwaa looked upon with soiim rangement to expedite the measure tute which favor' by senators who want and have Jt a taw within throe or four d$n4eiTxf to see Mr Denby ousted but whs are unwilling to sneroucb upon the presThey left wtih the understanding ident's prerogatives. Senator Jones' that they would do the very beat to approximate the Mellon plan and the substitute provides: reserve his approval JONES' SUBSTITUTE. president would until the compromise actually has That In view of the disclosures been made and submitted to the tax mads and the facts ascertained by the experts on public lands and surThe tax bill will be reported out oommittee of the senate in connection with Monday and taken up Thursday and veys now In oil lease investigation the is made unfinished business until it progress, it is the sense of the senate disposed of, unless it has to be would bo interests the that public so that congress msy pass the served the reeignatlon of Edwin necessary appropriation bills for the Denby, by of the secretory navy' It malntanance of the government substitute differs from is believed Mr Lnngworth said, that theThe Jones Robinson resolution Is original the bUI with the compromise wilL be the request that eiinrinate that it speedily enacted. Beyond the tax measure, If time Oestlssed em Fifi Tear (OeiNwa Fesr.) permits, the president and the house leaner agreed upon those measures lit the order named Rnpre-senlatl- v aide-track- Negro Slayer Suspects Are Lodged in Jail Jinmlgrntir n Muscle Shoals. Bonds. Congress will have to do something The on the subject of immigration. expires June $4). and fireeent ilawamended or reenacted the emirtry will automatically go back to pra ticallv unrestrk ted Immigration until congrere may meet again, It was said The president wa toln that unless congress agree to consider a sokJlei bonus bill, which a.ppears certain of peerage little progress may be made with other legislation On JACKSON, Mia., Feb. from Governor Whitfield, five negroes held in jail at Raymond tn connection with the killing of Mrs. Nellie Mardlss. formerly of Chicago, at Pmith alation, Wednesday night, wore brought to Jackson late last night and placed in jail This action. It was announced, was taken as a precautionary measure to insure their safety Authorities believe Philip Oberry, one of the prisoners, wa the slayer of the woman and that one or more of the negroes in custody aided him Mr M&rdiss was stabbed to death, her body being found by re r brother in a email More which she operated. A large knife was lying near the body and bloody hand prints were found, in the store f Socialists Fix Date of National Convention RT TriS Feh. 9 New York waa selected a the place of thT994 8o One Killed, Two Wounded, When Passenger Goes Insane in Coach. clalist national convention by the national committee meeting here today. The convention will be held May 17. 3 Feb 9 A conduc tor was ktiled and a brakeman and wounded passenger today on Union Pacific train No. JG, weetuound, when W II. Barnett of 6d2 Chicago street without Idaho, Caldwell, warning commenced shooting in the forward end of the day coach as the ram was pulLng out of Baratow. catt of here, according to advices to the company The ilain conductor is W P M r Th ton of lyx Aine'n rd are C. Carlson of Shelby, Mont, s a p wound, ana natty axici n,ci man, kata, Angelex, bulled, ia eid pa- skbiy rio brdkgnr Barnett was seized bv the other passengers and taken from the tram at San Bernardino by county officers The wounded continued with the tram through to 106 Angeles t(ar ih n, th passenger, was en route to Krno indaati-that Company reports Barnett, who was trawling with'Ui shooting suddenly began companions, in the dimly lighted toy toaih at 4 10 o'clock this morning aa tie tram ard was pulling out of the Barstow fell mrtah Conductor Morton wounded, and died a few minut' later. The brakeman wa vtruck shot and the third bullet tje next Carlson, a passenger wounded Sheriff Williams of Drmo Deputy ninety-fiv- e mlies rest of Son Bernardino, was on the train at the time of the shooting and placed Barnett under arrest Williams said that Xar-- ! nett after the shooting and uin be-Bernardino ing token to the San county jail gave no evidence of meu- tal derangement Two Hundred Way of Using Oranges and Lemons I A)H ANGELES, nui-toa- d ' practical i This booklet is offered free to any one of our readers. To obtain a copy merelv fill out and nwtil-th- a coupon below. Inclosing tw cents in euinpe for return postage. Be . Bure your name and address ore U'gth.e, so there will be 91 o delay ' and y Feb. 9 The SAN DIEGO, Calif., scout cTutr Milwaukee has bren ordered to Amapala. Honduras, to protect American Intereau, according to word to the Eleventh naval district The Milwaukee, headquarters today the first craft ever equipped with the catApultir airplane launching 8ATV TORNAIRFUNO, CaJ , Feb 9 was hut a short distance out of Belief that W. H Barnett. 5$ yearn thin port and was bound to Join the of age, of Caldwell. Idaho, who this fleet at Visquez sound for winter maneuvers w hen order were Oaitawd es Page iTest (Gdaot fivaj Oranges nd lemons have a wMs variety of uses Ho urea Ives know citrus fratts are excellent addition to the menu, but many of them despair of new ways of serving them To aid in adding greater variety to the family and of orange and table, a booklet lemon re- ijxh has been prepared. The repes have been made tip and tested b reccgmxed domewtie Science experts. They are simple and i no mistake, Frederic J. Haskln. Director, The Sait Lake Tribune Information Bureau, Washington, D. Cj I inoloee herewith two eento in stamps for return postage on a free copy of the Orange and Lemon Book. j 1 Street J. . '.T,,. City . e, j State )ijiinrMiyi'" .4 rr r - TViinrvirwmj |