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Show . l THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY Si, r tf tributiua of the forest service to perature and prendre of the air, it the sekaaL-fciixuad fund will fee is claim4 Alo, apeeiai explosive ImmM Wrtry MarvtBf hj Guarding Against to Should the other flashes may enable observer at the $5,000. Trlbus alt LeK Publlakiag i poy defibe follow fees that surface to the the a Is, stop j taken, projectile OIT ( bHi RJiTluN. ifeUtMS Daily asti Sunday,. n moatk . . . 1 nitely set on the appraisals of great distance by means of telescopic SO 10 . ua year Daily aad aatla, Colonel Greeley, the school and road apparatus. Thus it may actually By Frederic J. Haakin, Vtm a bur rate apply la lufe, Iak, N fund incdnie, will be boosted to bring back a tale as long aa its trail. foauac ) ud vd la L. II Iftwarber D. C.. Feb. WASHINGTON, I 5 154,000 yearly'"'- Daily taw Besday, per mtmtb . That tnu Umteu .Slatea ahouai proIn Utah, the average grazing tect itself agauisl such a Uisweter aa Tin TnSusa i m ui is wy important way that luotrwtog the eartn-A- n city Ul Uw Tut? Ststea. Head within the reserve is 10 cents ascertain agent la any city by leiepSeniaf charge automatic autographic testing uuaae is tn wartimeJapanese vuuwu by for a fwe and lamb for the three thM office "" which in device KISu.'SSK? the k w tut reveal, Based lii mriuiwr bumps nionths used. ranees are the I intui,e - ia Ptmb. lit Aasoeinted ciirely cost of administration that the road and record, the amount of ail on tiud mi th? ua for rtprodpctioB I It !o tilted tefer of Bot ofhec- - e to about such rr? would dispa bsyfeduriNi irregularities has been adopted minor unos aioat ofarethoae snucae arealso the credited lo Uua paper, and 3 t'ontg, while undr tb .. Mvorai thuuproposed local nwi jnibUfhed hrtn state of New York. One of and mile from tiu United state. the ? by the forest service it t member of the Audit appraisal of TM Trikua 1a Lttttfti so rtuon to Nvwineit!fH(, f CirvoUtioo. Information coocero Bureau would average something like 17 tbt Uto engineers it tho itvettor trHve Any part of Uio wurid tt circulation will be tug Tk Tribuae ih cents of the ewe and lamb. At pres- of the instrument, .which is Installed certainly, ha no cause by the Audit Burma ot i irculatM, to feel secure. tVotunr bldf , t hlcagw. ent about one third of the stockmen uear the dashboard of a car, where 11 h,M ben the scene of many ora- aol BetKwith Special Agy l "InTiri htMsnm earth !"Ulc quane hls- World bldg Nrw in the slata use the forest reserve it is in plain View of tho observer eaaurs advertising tory, and arlixtust say that in the Tribune ork Chicago bUig hjndUatc ranges, the remainder the Car equipped with this device of a nhoca the hanos of dis- paying arejvnt Tmt hMg rr Ideals, bldg. Ietrot FVt in Aroer- jJIt'tp!-luniiMtcb by private simply driven over a pavement at charged Lrjatit b'dg , hanitaa lit), MoM regular fees Atlanta Atlanta lYut bldg interests to ihla whole an miles hour. When subioit is attracting tbs i twenty thirty t Pnclfh Inc A lo C Morjretifccu Since a certain percentage of all either front wheel atrike a hole or .interestmuro f Kienoe a earthquake b- bon hancery bldg repreBeuUtive. Lo Aageien, dangerous it is not that Title JnewTnnoe bldg forest service receipts goes to the a bump in the pavement, the motion earth tremors seem to bo Keeprlty bldg battle in number or severity. NowIncreasing that Inburrtv yfI mforrttgtTm of TTif counties containing the forests, any struments rigu tan tremors w register No Hue Mcnbe Parla, move influencing Tribune are that total is of know that the earth I shaken being Frame 125 Pall Mall Umrton England 1 interest to The somewhere almost continually. But every taxpayer. later deo Jlmbii Iterlla, uertaanj, Kstel Konie eksr Italv roads and for schools or expenditures irregular straight line, according i"(oUrtcdSUqMlrintTh0wmrtdS 5t llfliitn Wattateb are not likely to be redneed; there- to whether tho road is rough or history- prh to ljoj Boms of the VI n nir rnbone ail to gi t be made must fore the diffefeme th smooth. It is so arranged that the! i!y clrcuiaii"! lejarimni before nthUtabon a m and a topy wtU bf amt 10 o lo. up bv direct taxation. observer ean make note on the catastrophe, 1765, e ooq people were voi bv meaenger ' The department of agriculture has chart The dev.ee Emend at tbe patoffioe of salt .fy AmWS constantly adds a aeeoiid t la vo indlter complete say in fixing tho fees, and up the irregularities transmitted to killed au.ooo And these are not too it proposes to go ahead with the ths pencils, so that If tho dial ikikThat"101 ars growing proposed plan, unless congress legis- read at the beginning of the road, steadily more destructive I du to lates otherwise. That department and at any time thereafter, the Any La mors irious to quake affect esapt repeatedly has pointed out that forenee between the readings gives city because there ars Sunday, February 10, 1924 more large tablishing grazing fees on the cost the amount of irregularities in the cities In existence Dr T A augur, volcanologist of of ndniimstr.ition woutd be veritable FIGHTING AGAINST PROS- pavement. the United .Stain weather bureau, of the discrimination against killed Before pavements are now ae says yjsers FERITY. (190!) Martinique to 000; Meaetna (1901 killed 10 000: other rcnourics within the reserves, eepted in New ork must pass Tokw, they Msr- too.OftO to of be resululion the liitc.it pro ll is not likilv that the fees will tho teat with this instrument. From 'Unique destroyed perhaps ISO 000,000 of capital. San Frsnetero. flstM) lulut issuance of ,w uri reduced to the cost of administra-lion- , experience, the has department bilhon; Tokio. flva for sin h a move would immedi found that the The tics is .t rc.il miKtortunc lo the practical allowance LiIHook Japanwe Vunber and c v of users the trebles tn kilpn and all give for irregularities per mile for the maantftes thprecedents of propor-- t annihilation people of the Inited States, cepe oilier rtsicirics justification to make various tv pcs of pavement, as shown y tenfold ' eially it, as the dispatches inilualc, similar d mands The American dlaaaur haaard, ha this use of on machine by expert In intenatflcd by idtyarraper. Furthermore, it is not unlikely mental roads, is for concrete, brick, Bhriwra. t the sole in the house l'nlav means motor ram, and mushroom growth of defeat of the proposal as tar as the that stockmen would object to hav- or asphalt block fifty inches per ritics In event of a shock, very tall with narrow haarA am par ing the fics adjusted on the value mile of pavement, for bituminous huitdlnrv tlcularly unstable. Streets full of present session of congress is eon of the gr isscs even were they assured macadam motor containers of gaaolln, cam, mnthod seventy cornel. that private interests would not nse fivq inches,mixing rroatly to firs hazard in such n and for bituminous sdd emergency. not The ,u stir lion is the government figures as an exfuse macadam 1 I, altogether inches. EARTHQUAKE BU1LOINQ COD. prising, in iew of the heterogeneous to boost their foes. Tho provisions Tt in beliflVAil that the me of this LitvtouA$yT too tsyUlitry cannot do i haraeter of the .present congress of the bill arc not known, but it machine automoiMAOMb witnuut ana our as il and the Ahimtatioa of hut i.viuAauoii MLVuiki. oiAigohUon la k of should above all and the unquertionabla things provide a face irfejjularities bo that thev shall m tiuw must os aims uovitaoio. las I dis permanent policy, not only for Asoiiu U UUU isrtlwil IMtHMUliulM, constantly statesmanship so not exceed the spocifted mche per wiut.li i.n ami souutu lo uoavrvvo, played by a large number of its et's ing the fees, but for relation be mile will not Vhcau.a much a reeult Una tu leacu the chances of in only I members. Thoughtful people have tween the service and the range bettor Ui2u$Ltr, lire, U t tie loan pavement, so far as ruling aAiiuiu$ oipukriicu.any a illy ttr Biiuaen. ouch realized ever since the last election users Much of the opposition thus are concerned, but will ghe prccautioiis rihuuid ue Uik.cn m qualities kry j that the make up of the new eon far has as its background sn askukiton tu tiij country. in mmoia state a longer life for its roads. coaai ha..-uau a serious menace sumption that congress intended, the. j 'gross constituted with ejkperionecst L. 'iSL'ilSSiiiiuc ks. .10 h th auAsuwippi to the country. Tho overwhelming when it created the forest reserves, AK ZKTLATED CONTROVERSY. aiid ko Lava nosum, Vora, and ( uaricAiun, on vne Aiianuo coauit. public sentiment in favor of tho that grazing should bring in returns of tnc Mmc prvcaUUoUA SUggeotcd led many lo onlv oqttnl Mellon tai program The eontroersy between Lloyd wouid Jensen th to the administration danger from taumg presume that the forre of that sent! costs Such was not contained in the Ucorge, M. (Menienceau, Premier aaiiM aitd Ursa la iw cuiiam la any thought given to earimjuaite poibiu-tie- s ment had been manifested mffi law, and verbal agreements are hazy and Ramsay MacDonald Poincare uhufi sr crrvtsd. buildings ciently to carry through some real when it, ionics to settling such im Kihgston, Jamaica, is said to be the growing out of the Lloyd George oiuv p.ai e ftimn rniorres a vigorous measures of tax reform, of which portant questions. curtbcdUbkRf building code made Interview M by the resolution just defeated was one. public U he Western stockmen are on the road light i onmruution of It is to be hoped that the action to recovery They are heavy users strange circumstanccon the daj citrna has often been pointedJapaneaa out aa h safeguard becauM it means ). taken on this resolution does not of forest reserve ranges, and the of Woodrow WiHons deAth - eeem danger irorn failing walls. iut flimsy forecast the action to be taken on present is the proper time to estabhouses with cooking stoves in them to have been inflated far beyond it are s bontire material, the other meritorious proposals pre- lish a permanent foundation that when a city In shaken Just tntfimic Importance. sented by the administration. at the luncheon hour as Tokto was will assist in stabilizing the Indus a dojen, or possibly a The objections offered to the reso try. George reported ,n It is wlon .lo, there must not be over- Mr. ' Lloyd tires are slatted at ufte time, us Baying that hundred, lution are absolutely inconseqnen-tial- . looked the fact that the schoo.a and hU interjew ami the wattf supph IS put out of The messuie was designed to roads receive considerable help from there was executed at tersaillos a lommiaMiun, that an earthquake be a great tragedy between lresi i onus cure a condition w hich is oue of the reserves. but ' secret agreement It is expo Kt thi reason neaclrr construe- M CleBience.iu Wileou tor will defv shook is retarded lion and ih.ii the most powerful adverse factors not always wise, to rob Peter to dent t the French occupation of the Khine 3j' in the movement toward permanent pay Taul .tlTon niu business prosperity in the country. laml. Now Lloyil G4orjf disavows bearing, ho that if the ground moves fro building will be able Those who invest their money in the SHOO TING THE MOON. Baring any such thing; he asserts to remain attherest. that ho gure no such interview, Another .idea in earthquake-proo- f securities, even though it ' Goddard Professor allagpd thereby raitinir the qneatum of construction ia to make a structure be done, as wa suspect it is done, to ia!wno Hifid and toIt plant its foundation ievade the payment of government schema for shooting a Fourth of July veracity between hitnsetf and will withatand nhock firmly that Such in- skyrocket into thr smiling face of newspaper nter who started the Reinforced concrete is being used f.r taxes, are not censurable. vestments are perfectly legal, and the moon has more turrit than may controversy with his purported talk ,h ,,utidLn arc crisscross of thoie who wish to take advantage with tho former British premier. It concrete tied together Intostrip, a firm The virtue, how at first appear unlt columns are are I and strung them of are is ridiculous, Mr. LAovd George wholly within their f connected with the beam and I legal rights. It is the system itself ever, doc not oust in the fanciful to doocribe the agreement as secret, rlrtlllj girders The whole structure make a This method of of the scheme of securing a sample and h acknowledges that President lion was that is evil, not the use of it. coprtrk'to some postoffiCe t! himself with loyal Und customapplied It fk idle to expedt any palliation green cheese of which the moon is Wilson conducted ?. house erected In J of the evil as the San Francisco fire at all timcB in long as it remains made; nor in sending joyriders in HKfeCAUlluNS bUGUEaTED. I legal, with income tax rates so high oxygen helmists into interplanetary his negotiation im Paris. ur jaggar auggeats tnat city plan- J 'that uia b uon wim eaitnquoae The fact is, that the ajfreemenf tn capital flows into the tax space on a junket; but rather in tho He mentions os danger iu mow empt securities rather than into the exploration of the upper atmosphere rta hed at eTmnilos wns tmhodit hoiu specifi points to be conaiaoreu channels of private bnsi ot the earth, as primal tly planned m the tnmtv which was paused upon unnua might, if houer. legitimate I w buu wia ness. If we next observe in con- by the inventor. bv the heads of th peace confer twil loumisittotih for duitr-tn- i of course, Da id ingi, pitstruiU wme sirtui, uviimiutiion gress anj substantial effort to mainConstrui ted and acting on the ence, iachiding, uistrlcU, tain excessive income tax rates it principle of the ordinary skyrocket, Lloyd George. Whether Mr. Llod of Lu$inehs and suburban abundant water, parkwKs, will become more than ever neces wherein a most powerful explosive Georg aaid enough to warrant the open pumpsi indepenuent of siectrlc con cafe housing of explosives or in sary for the people themselves to fuel will be ignited continually, pro language used by his interviewer or trxil, flammable. icadineas of extra popnt the greatest possible pressure polling (he projectile at an initial the affair is another of loose talk licing, plans for handling low firos In the Japaiisas disaster all on members of congress to compel rate of 6.6 miles per second, it i and still looser writing mnst be de at imw public uUlilbs were put out of reduction of rates so as to offset, conceivable that the rocket might eloped; bnt at beat the affair is of the ommUvston, leaving the poopls kelpr h to ewrap) dc to fight the unconns far as may be, the ill consequences be driven beyond the influence of no consequence aa historv, ietrolled llamrs of the vote in ftie house Friday. the earth s gravitation into space by it dose, however, emphasize the no Another kind of precaution which It is unfortunate that the present it own power; though where it ceevity for a peremptory halt on would indirectly lessen disaster s and which would cut down propcongress contains so many members would go, and where it would strike, this raking over of the still smolder erty k) is earthquake insurance The who cannot, or will not, see beyond are as problematical as what the in- ing embers of old and useless and Japaneee is government taking pnmipt Htepe to insure ltelf against their own potty political fortunes. habitants of the place' would think embittering controversies. the poasNbskty of another The sincerity of those that oppose when it did strike. dollar loos The mutual insurance id a has been proposed for cities in TO WOODROW WILSON the sane measures for tax reform The rocket, as alreadv demonThis country It Is iinted out that freed he take hi lat, it offered by the secretary of the treas- strated in a small way, starts slowly, From service take four vears to destroy a blllJon long rent. to direct hloiurs the is worth f pnperty by fir m ury open challenge by ns all rocket start, but increases Death' fingertip have smoothed hi fthi This make th Toklo careworn brow (oimtrj people. Such men, because thev nro n velocity steadily as long .as the ears equal to twenty Sweeping awav all pain when it ca-- r tof nflagration j Ions to fire in the fuel entire United States eased opportunists, are the most respon-jsiilasts, according special liquid From this point of iew earthquake to public sentiment when it the inventors plausible claims. Kn Tet selfishly we now. insurance would seem to be a matter affects them individually. The peo- countering a decreasing resistance of anv citv's oonauleniUon worth Dr Joggar suggests wearv are of the Thoss should their Possibly tho still, country, therefore, ple with ascent due to rarefaction of the best dutv done pan would be a compulsory innot Hesitate nor delay to get their own of relieved its A slate with low trance that world will becoming not regulated, tank'? air, rates for honestly constructed house demands forcefully before the indi-- fuel burden or weight gradually; and forget . Thi A fight well fought all taare!. site favorable would fore falrvll idual members of congress The finally, factories out to the hills awav from won, passing successively into re demands on each individual member gums of leaser gravitation (in pro- leaving no rrvom for sarrnw or regret !w b ttom land break up industrial and benefit everybody wa a life well lied a race w$!l onglion should come from hi own district portion to tho square of the dis- Hi run Hv adds stuv of the He win heed eierv demand that mav tance), Frofessor Goddards meteor Guiding us bv th standards that he earth arui its"Thorough habits, making public net those measured i and habits, mean a vote for or against him next mav possibly pass outward entirely Interesting the people in dieaster insurance, are fall. That is apparently the onlv beyond the atmosphere. It seeins Mana-niiimilitcational procedure more nearl he t ild through war within (ur oretent rrsrh than and strife. sort of demand that many of them certain, however, that the propelling Caught Freedom' drooping torch and prophecies Kdueation i that consider at all. action of the explosive fuel will diraised It high. training of the community beginning boa with hke the Prince of the and girls, that results Then he Peace minish in proportion to tho decrease fear of earthquake. 'n a health go e hi h THE GRAZING FEES. in density of tho atmosphere against Immortal e Tie cunnn di' or Pood and a to combat them bv KDITH t'HFsRRJNr.TV rewdine whch it i pushing 1 Figures compiled by the forest Utah & odes. a building city ard Whats the use? Well, U was a Magna family life that keepa the moral ha-- i t j serv io shoe that the revenue aeeru-stat- nod interesting a rd on a hirh plan tN TIME OF OESOLATION Nothing 03$ He experience a him 'lift than the spirit of hoo! and road dred and hajiardojjji fifty vear or so ago when (Never w .1! I return with th bU, j 1 inS to the liiuebing up earthqttaV talk or a 1ai ltfund from the money derived from men first went up in b&lloona It Th ev d based on experience fairs policy eagull spilling the of their throat into the f only one or tw'n generation it i administration of tho natur.il rc a still more nf creating toscientific north f human and fact SMITH'S PRAYER. explore I m banished from their place li sources and grazing within the re-- j the atmosphere experience they O looming future, through whoee in the modern gate go wheeling Mv errant soul must dHft serves annually amounts to $94,710 are pointed toward Ra Scientific meteorological fact Hut m feet One boon alone I ask of Fatp 1 am drtxen tower forth age wet-tosenator soon a os the Just j One ole and single gift of great value and public imporhav? no heart m th heain of If We Pvthfrons claitr. championing the side of the block tance have been brought down from recreated be men I am shaken men get a bill shaped, congress will aloft on weather bureau kites and T.ik a thin spear h$ft bv the petfd FVav When von next scect rm name j t have an rea of kite the But to both their hear ha the balloon. rr.lug eagull, sounding opportunity Thn t nek cut rpx. cuts deep aides Qf the quest ion and take steps been restricted to the first few mile It were tor e Snx1fiTa.- better if mii't walk exiled AndVril mv rr-kith I should not awaken to plaeate the hard feelings existing of the lower atmosphere, while the not roll rnoher p.ll ? water B Oft !a nun ling balloon ha carried its re- Tt werif better to !ep b under sine Colonel Greelev announced hi HRterne kc Smith t mv flesh water would re u th p mpe sand a Smiths much fees to a to aa instrument. !' readjust grazing cording sleep plan bestde the ea lie That point where they would represent twenty mile aloft. but Sm th s can understand The wet pattern r.f sul tnu kv along And none Life n jnon miv The Goddard rocket is expected the aetual value of the forage used. the sand coal In motherp i foam it Not elv Beneath the hnl ihit fber greath cat me down Naturally, the livestock men want easily to acend three or four times nele To he not knwn apart beaks to the wvt numerous resolu as fa as the greatest sounding bil Would to swift I fees reduced, the w D n e of o sneer But me and Brown i tm hour Id I had never teen mothered' It K that break m, heart ttofis adopted at state and national loon flight, before returning Devices M e a me crie their Let me go let Snmlrrjw hnrp oer 1 1 ropeat I n nwt meetings would leave bo doubt as and attachments can be made for their htlled feet tred emnhnti tone mv f I to that. It breast to meet That I, when next we sampling the air at time intervals, Ma Joenh Auslander in The New and Jones snefr at d it will tho con- and for taking the approximate tem -8 Chappell in fafe Defalt gtibw. tarthquanes . pr.ol'lrZ ,ZZ'r I r tht . , . Ifrnn-ctar- . , It t!o-pbm- $ ?orLdmUlTgr 1 VSS'SXtt ( .1 lJ nmit one-ha- if i II !l J!LSB?J' ai-u- y, first-clas- .i-j- j ", i . i i post-wa- has-ard- n . e x eorth-qufl-k- ia' I I coYifiagi-Htion- buri-nellk- e ! !utt e wind-blow- n T T j brk .1 1 e&a-no- ijrge e 10, 1024. a It oaa out touch ms tu welcoms th widow of that keenly a tam man, Two dter the Enghsh-akmA Lins o T ypa psopls have It is well those two yet produced. have come, for this majestio iyle is Hsw to tbs Lina, 1st tho the work of woman. Ksntsmbertag this and looking out upon taa wilder quips fail vhsrs they may. nea of flowers thsy have broughL one can hut exclaim with tbs sweetWOODROW WILSON. est singer of the Southland: In Merooriam. Stoop, angsts, hither from the Our great War Leader treads our akiea was no more. There is no holier apo of ground Hi spirit is with that Immortal Than where defeated valor lies, throng By mourning beauty crowned. Which dared great deads; whose wer strong. 19M, b.TZTs Cuimrson ) (Cqpyrirht, Whose lives wer given for the faiths bore. they He sought for peace, but when the tides of war Submerged his plans, he fought, unHow to Keep We(l resting, far Those primal rights which unto all belong. By Dr, W. A Bran. And proved himself a hero at the core He needs no eulogy nor mortal praise. CROWDING AND PNEUMONIA. Ha gave hlmeelL 'Two a all that he The health bulletin of the Toronto could do. ft i for ua, in the portentous days, health department tells us that our Who glimpse his aims, to see his labor Canadian friends are worried about we ore. In their pneumonia, Just through. It is for ua, who still have life to the years since ivly toe prevalence ' of certain fatal dreeaoea in Toronto t give,' To carry on that dreams so great has Uocroased from iu tu 97 per cent. but pneumonia has not decreased at may live all In explanation, the bulletin osys. CHARLES R. WAKELY "Th air in which ws live in the IF WE ONLY COULD. winter months favors the develop acute, respiratory disif- "L.: Woodrow Wilson, my ment of Asthese soon as the ooid weather onlfeyeaJ reason for being a Democrat, eases.in we ts desd. begin to live under artifiHs was my Commander in sets Chief, and. until the boche put me out cial conditions, and as the cold in- . of the fight, I served him With what creases Ed building are heated arti-mdro or less 1 had, and flea ally and ore lept physical and mental am thankful that 1 ability was given that closed up to keep out the cold. We, our of must time indoors in a Can you not print some- spend privilege. body of air thing, K. H L,, of him, that will be more inor less stagnant In all public buildaddition, a tribute from the fellows up In the and, schools, conveyances, pubiiu ings. seen trnche7 ive you there. Say factories and all pixbiio6 places of something for all of us. close we amusement are in brought E. V, ,MAIL. contact with each otiber. Tes. I remember. 1 wsa only a Y The temperature which the bulletin man, but sometimes 1 could get up to This temperature you with tuboco and chocolate I sets is 65 to 68 could wiggle tn between lead showers is proper for rooms when people sit Workrooms must be kept and out again. You stood there day quietly cooler than 66. The relative humidit) and night and tpgk it all shrapnel 6 to 66. be should machine gun fire air high explosive "A simple way of securing a reabomb hok ing. Atinking gag everyof humidity is by havthing Ive heard you men aay at that sonable degree distributed through the tlmwWtlooit sent ua over. DM he ing plants vanout rooms of the house and keepintend us for a sacrifice V And afterward you've told me how you thrilled ing them well watered We can evapwhen you heard the shouting behind orate from one pint to one quart of of these plants .from yoil and looked back and saw our boys water from each a flower pot o h day. Since five to our own wonderful American lads should he evapopouring tn by the thousand, bv the ten ten gallon of wator requires thousand. The man In the White rated, proper humidifhwtlon House hadnt forgotten you. not for abmit forty potted plants to a house. owe minute! Ha sent you over and he A houe tn which a considerable numbacked you up with every man and ber of poited plants will live and thrive in winter will probably have every dollar that hs could command. He ilea dead today, and all of us who enough moisture In tho air fur human else tho plants would not wore the khaki ora proud of our tears safety thrive THE DISCUStlON WILL NEVER Crowding, to which the bulletin EE CLOSED. coiled attention, U a greater caur R. H. In.; U the discussion of fasciof colds, cmighs and pneumonia than Is books not cloaed, may yet nating the quality of the a4r. Everywhere 1 suggest Father Cyril Martimlale the Is we go in winter we are crowded toEngiiidiman's "Goddess of OhuRts more closely than in suromef. Jt is the meet delicately luminous gether we would not shadow of antiquity that has lalien In fact, in hot weather which we acfor the crowding atand across our days Boor old grandpa, The cept, or even seek, in winterrailroad who had to read Pater' are the cars street jammed, MlfeKK MINUSES. car ace full, so ore the theaters, lecture halls and other meeting WE'VE FOUNO HER AGAIN. places. We crowd ground radiator la 1 wont to tell Dear Dick. 'crowded together We even that i am not vain enough to room andsleep frequently In the same say that i would come up to hi qualAnd the places Into which we bed. s crowd have dosed windows and doors. ifications, but 11I have read Milton 'L Allegro, Penseroeo, ' and On a recent Sundav, when the tem1 have studied them and ''Lyudas. about 10 below aero perature wasmore I also know that homes 1 k Ve them than 30 000 people in Ohicago, were made for babies and not anlmain, an afternoon witnessing uo and if eter, m going to nave a dozen, spent the one skating, contests open-a-ir for 1 am one of a doztn and know the the other ski jumping These people also kn-btsmUs of being ont were far better ofr than they would the hardships and the rough points, have been had they spent the afterwould not change witn any one noon at Indoor shows but 1 play Massenet s "Llr-giIncidentally, ' t with that dim light and as CANT BE INHERITED. I nlay arid wonder me over falling Mrs M F write "I am a young if somewhere that harmony le workmarried woman, and Juat recently ing Itself into the heart of the isie father-in-laand that learned my that some day will mean all and &U brother-in-lahad at one time conM1LDRKD to me tracted a slight touch ot tuberculosis, but are now supposed to be cured WHICH ONES? rf ' it Uhl You lei that Auno I3oU wi In perfect health, My husband woman into The Line and now she but I have heard that thle diseoee 1 m ii.iMiu.lile Mu aft matting ran be inherited, and I am wondercombing the campus here at Madison ing if there should be a child born ix the one eh most asking every whether it would Inherit this disease know who Aron the Laxj Is She or have any tendercy toward it whatasked me three tunes. The last time' ever'' said that 1 vnu oh, you urn t be, REPLY said she "Why, some of his contriIt will not butions In The Line are really clover. Admitted, but nevertheless I do not KEEP EM CARE. wih to know her Umter the Mrs J C M writes AKGON THE LAZY or We ShipTbAB Points In Utah Idaho k Nevada UjSmueL-trUlMuii.j6ug pur-pos- 3-l- b. box Gloss Starch 90c 15c Kngslrds Corn Starch, 2 15c Kngsfrds Gloss Starch, 2 6-I- f Pearl White Soap 5k l LRNi IT' fcEBT OF U.AL MISS YOU. As one who walks in bare autumnal woods and longs For scent of violets and birds sweet songs. As one who hsu a friend that cheers and help along But aJue nr t that friend tlM he I gene, in desert place? iuu who walk think of new Upon Ihe bloom of clover field J 0 1 L nu&s op Aa ' Here, litter heaOpen ranks, men rer, this way It's the Commander in west Chief He a gone Steady, men' R. H. I. Personal Reminiscences of Senator Charles A. Culberson LETTERS 11TH. Washington, Peb. 9. 192L I IXiring my service as governor was called upon on man occasion? to moke tliort addressee on various these were' Among topics Welcome to Confederate Veterans at Houston Welcome to Grand Lodge Introduction of Mr of Odd Fellows Brvan at Houston Presenting Bllver WelService to Battleship Texas come to Tennesseeans at Dalioe Fair Welcome to National Prison Congreb St Patrick lwy at Houston Welcome to Farmers congress, and the Welcome at the Unveiling of Address of the Confederate Monument at I alMrs which at ias. May 2k, 197. daughter of President JefferHaye, son Davis, and Mrs. Stonewall Jack-sowere preent As a tv pe f these, addresses, the last one named i herewith appended "Without disparagement of others no slate of the southern Confederacy should hold in more tender and loval remembrance her heroes of that great contest than Texas. Cradled in maras a republic she chaltial renown lenged the heroism of antiquity and measured chivalry with the middle Proud of her ennoMmar hitor age and traditions And drawing deep in vpwatmn from the valor of her founders, her statehood ha kept th pat undimmed and added fresh glorv to In the might.v confh t her name which we commemorate todav, the most heroic in recorded time, her eon clasped hands with riparian everywhere and there K not a bait field between the mountain and the hero sea but some Texan sleeps there Appropriate that a gre.it peodeed like should remember thfe ple we have assembled to unveil and dedicate this imposing monument Not alone to the dead heroes do we raise this shaft, for their fame t secure ami will abide a long a the Virhall tower t ward ginia maintain and the Virg.nla rivr the ilotsd n to the sea, hut rathor aNo How to the organic prim Ini of ArrerRan freedom, state sovereignty the antlth-wi- s of imperlaLsm and the palladium of nur liberties for which thev In the name fought and perished of the people of Texas it s1v me Impleasure to welcome you to the It matter of pressive ceremonies special gratification to welcome the daughter of that illustrious ttoman whose loftv character ennobled the cause and who. genlu founded and sustained the government Educated at th military college in whub Stonewall Jackson taught and cherishing h.s memory os a blessing and SHORT REGULAR Regular 9-l- to them0 lemons and migraine 1 three-quarte- TO ci pa regular 5LB, CAN $2.35 $2.05 b. Idaho Rural Potatoes Fins and msaly lbs. 100 lbs. 60 89c $1.39 o Denver Does the Washington elm still Q L A ri stand at Cambridge A Old age ended, last October, the Hf of the elm tree on i ambndge ? lui.b Wahing-- u und r who command of uic Uontmental Who rpade the first Q N K V (America'' A ll nvai tin KarneUcr. iayd negro is rditt d vwth if lock made in this country What are Zeta ravs G R C Q Yi I HaJ kms of the Prof. of Uhnago mver-itthrough an ianoJSi8 of i photographs of ravs at mie oHision aivovered n Zota. r.tvs, which vihch he named of the w.re firmed .is the r di&integati n of atom in with Alpha article, the nuclei of helium atom v i Where nas Robert Louis Q ( I v 1 i par-iti- n fctev-envo- hod buried -- J H P. The body of Robert Lout Stevenson is interred on the mountainside rf the island t?f Vailhm. in the South Pacific 01 can What part of the cotton of the Q world driFs the United States proA duce f 30 lbs. 15 47c mobile accident in which Fumner Cut Us, f Washington, and Thomas French, of Denver were killed, occurred that same da ut hear Creek from links tnon tvinO-fiv- limnion. n took ,trn splendid oookers. lbs. 26c rf) Seed Time la Knocking Boor. at Good seeds are Ihe 4er essential for foundation a successful garden. Thera is no guesswork with The are Tested, and Tried true. Iorter-WaUon- s. Write for Big Free Catalog. PORTER,' CO WALTON G The United State In 1923 proSALT LAKt CITY UTAH A Marcu (Ihrvev. negro million duced ten and leader found guilty of using the bales of cotton, about one-ha- lf of the mall to defraud, wa sentenced June world production. Fgvpt. India. 31, 1923. to five 5 ears of imprisonChina. Peru and Mexico produced Ing Industry and the textile lndu.tr. ment and to pav affine ot $I6dO. nearlv all of th othr half Produc- had the Urgent number of strikes In tion of croton in the United States Is 141 the building trades, the printing and publishing business and the clothQ ! the widow of General Logan declining M A H still living ing industry headed the list in the A Mr John A Logan widow of ITa anv railroad & woman for order named. Q died in it provident the general end B H E A Q. How many unions are there Is Washington, February 23, last, at the The onlv woman who has been the American Federation of Labor' nr i nreMnt a railroad is Mr age of M isfeo is now presiU. V. Urra R VVillmm A. The federation Is made BP of 10J liat wa the date of the acci- dent of the Georgia, Florida & AlaQ dent at Dnvwr In which members of bama railway. national and International unions, the Harding party were killed representing tit TTt locals, five depart; G R rt O state branches, tOs Whet Industrie have the moot menta, forty-nin- e A. Th D. K. ( Harding party reached strikes city central, and 2,S26,5I dues payDenver, June li, 1933. and the auto- A. Government records show that ing members A K H 4 CLOSELY GRADED lf QUESTIONS. 44c CAN, 15c Ut. Valley String Beans, can 11c 37c jar Hewletts Berry Jam. . . . 33c bag Sperry Farina, special 43c 45c Paradise Sliced Pineapple . . 38c 2 for 27c 15c Grated Pineapple 35c ean Red Crown Peaches 26c 25c can Frultlna Corn 17c 25c ca nGold Gem Silted Peas . 17c 35c jar Wrights Silver Cream . . 27c 49c can Ferndell Fruit Salad . . . 36c 50c can Dri-Pac- k Black Figs . . . 39c The average child, of course, I with nothing apparently the matte with her REPLY. Under the circumstances noted. I ot for hare knees a a a reader can get th enwr tc any question by writing The Tribune Information Bureau. Frederic J. Hae-kiDirector, Washington, D C This offer applies strictly to information. The bureau can not give advice on legal, medical and financial matters It doe not attempt to settle domestic troubles, noron to undertake exhausWrite any subject tive research your questionandplainly and briefly. Give address and enclose full name two cent in stamps for return postage All l replies are seqt direct to the inquirer can I estimate how much Hov Q coal there i m a bin'1 K K A The bureau of mines soys that, roughly guessing, forty cubic feet will hold one ton of anthracite coal, and fortv-fiv- e cubic feet one ton of bituminous coai S Hnw long a prison sentence wa Q given the negro leader, Marcu Gar-e- i r f v: mean ANSWER8 $1.20 CAN... 21jj-L- 3 Any 50c SPECIAL hare-knee- d one-ha- GATE GOLDEN tb genuine goodness In every ounce of Folgers Golden Gate. Buy It fthts week stock up at these worth-whil- e saving. removed H M I. write Exactly what 18 don t know, but all migraine cnees referred to by sufferers of mimv own graine seem InMentical to 1916. 17, the years misfortune and 19 I vomited about 1 now of everything I ate remember distinctly that in the above mentioned years, and for two years I ale a great deal of candy previous,1919 and from that time on During mv condition improved gradually, but ouoh a degree, beginning only to about Saturday afternoon or evening then if not and nearly always on Bundays, with a regularity that was those to most annoying myself and would I that had to be around me. accomparet a pounKting headache, nied always by vomiting BMng without this suffering one Sunday out of ten was a rare treat for me I roll until soft I triad lemons one large lemon, squesoe all the juice end. without adding Into a gku. right sugar or water, I take and the other half before retiring arising in th immediatelyNowupon J too. am knocking morning on wood. but for four fuVl week neither weekdavs npr Sundays have I suffered a vomiting spell, and only one headache. Another good Samsuritan' tells me that he stopped eating eggs I have not eaten six ewgs in that many years, could not have been so eatilng the cause of my trouble. ..3 for 25c Flavoi--trsng- warm bloomers underuool neath the skirt -- Is it a good thing ear old to for IfUIe gk-up to 13 ail winter in Missouri go eh mate' I oes it harden them and make them more rugged and healthy, or is it harmfu4 lor 19c COFFEE 1 If KAU-'- .3 . "r SALE OF FOLGERS FEBRUARY 1 Tau Lambda a '1 3 for 17c Lighthouse Cleanser 25c 2lb. pkg. Buckwheat Flour. 21c 27c Large Sunrlpe Oats, special 12J4c Libbys Pork Beans .3 lor 29e 25c Ferndell Spinach, special . .21c 45c McDonalds Gr. Chocolate . . 39c 25c McDonalds Bkg. Chocolate. . 19c Seeded or Seedless Raisins Jr.... 33c 1 ton! lor 27c lor 27c 10 Bars 38c 10c Almond Toilet Soap . Old Dutch Cleanser Mel-O-- of conditions 79c b. V , half-hos- e, 27c Sweet Navel Oranges, dozen . . . 19c 43c Buster's Germadc, 9 lbs. carton Soda Crackers .37c 50c - best lbs. $1.00 Sunklst Lemons, dozen j IT SHALL NOT PASS. Do you suppose the girls II H L would he imtcnted if you toiled Mu 10 Fine Beet Sugar A eolonira-tio- n 4 i V |