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Show 20 TFTE WAWTSb .iaia t ST BE A "a OtXSKfW rlBli BIUBB uaiiu woke kw Li I'BIISO.NAX. HarlTOBY iJ A GIVING 1.1. KE h. A IU work, !.,- Parlor, M irivan ,nnIKir, I kiu.is .u, lu lakr ruarge ..I ... ijs cofttua-tcn- Pr U,. t ouatltalloo t woman Work, gUud and do liuluf lid small M 43-- ; Milnm ave gi' ,Hr , , til ;o6B; 'f GOOD bKPfcTN ia iooKim. WA.,kt In ll faruar.i ii.ni.ro iii.ui 1wrtiK a ick couiiihij i. family MUX for unbungalow w 1177 B I. AUK KPKt KAI.BH1IKN I nmt.'tM ...... In. umiWlifala manUTartnrrr i,.,! of ,ad an r ..tun. fruw Ktat raurdarra. Utah Oaarfc mi,. r.Kini (, ft fur ia- W TWO A MM Altai laapaartaitar Oaa Hlaaala .. , ... a arrar - BWf .. fit, ..-.,, 'aal liawal 1AI.T woman or UOttPOBATtON of' lataru aad taaUsaaall, ad,-la Kaaaiac Kiaat ka att for agaat aaaen w.A aaiea Ailtt, "pawai" wk a do! afraid ti aanark aad willing A atart wttk aa aaaiuvd itaevtta arvund $3A W .. . a. with mtgai taalt) (vr laacaraaant lai raraiava. If pu an uar aiati aaai eaa Birl uar raaMtirt-sua.acaa u aMlk ,.Ooajav ta -- ur aaiea aarrt' hlf at ta at 7 no a'rtook and v kH'a talk it a,ala( orar will dfuauaatrai.. a bare oaataua ta oa picturaaa tkat lb be,!.- - aalea prudueibg aroaut.-- lb Halt m i. 30 ii..a ta., , iai II.luda;. aaa j uUtf fur Mr. i.r. i. awra, kb. V.-BUg A lll;ll PEblgM M, woman lu par, ror a call dren good WANT Ell Wan;-- and all 2578. ismill. "vm suu AI.MAJf WHO Itl JMBIM, FOR LARGER IFB" .N WOHk. FOB HI O.NB WHO WANTS TO I.WAK.N A M II BTANTtU. BlrUNBfJR I MMiii TMvr lnstui rrmn Bl"!' BIG RBTUKH. lu Wss in KAJfTBI. WANTED WantMtHelp (FmiM) Ki.ig MI SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, BTTNDAY MOR NTNG, ' FEBRr ART 10, 1924. Want&t 4 d la autalaeaaarara p.uuf ww m- Jbtrouaitag 47 Uaaar 3d eaaarax wand kaaJHTy. iv aatMw i muaitlia ia u uae bear reaad;. Nu vabltal xuat . ur i ; realtllred. We deUrer a eat iraruy taaa- orders. k- In aaa Moaekij far latraaioctaar J aaaabi.it. free brrao.uaa, ( tu aaw raaUnaaer atgke Mac O Uaie will da. luaet ....... U. Drawer jut, t it kaw Mills t'a..,Hn I'KOIX i IM salesmeo Dow t waste Ubbw. Beat Line tnea A iiibibi. Lowaat Maa Kprlag your owb ptvfiW: LrMaalNi swaK-t- . WOOitfN caae ready. Ml A atg.r HALWaiAN t Writ jour aa as aao ilreaa m a card and maU t aw. We'll bvw . ' A day. f you sure earaiaga Will you ri our lu UlBte anA B 1 Miad you, aye say stamp sgaia- -' : are'li HHOW Addreaa Dfat. 87f. you. t.jhQ I'WICAK ( hong., lac thicaaw. AOrMaNTB"lAfe ol 4it.ateaw uppurt salty, Wuwlrow Wilawtt,'' by Joaephua DuBiela. ol fonwr preaideol. Becy Navy, aawm-lat- e ti. llluBturated. Law book, Big beat term to agemt. Credit fftvea. paTkce, Hend for free outfit at one, make matey of an f e g oar ia Autbiaratiip UOl'MB. WiBatoa I'M t'.i tyiesuvity. htflg . fblladflirhla. IB UJfcDl ( No dretiwg. drwjra the easy way. or exercise. jimt bathe and grow tftla. Oaa ran teed Box (AM harmlesa. III tj. ltt. a.d. a n rututa rarnltu. Tor BDt , agV 'UakBaUCa.. Aurtiaaw. j HTu raaor furaitare aa.i win ha, ! U) taak. or gall Urtat aa ' I VtrfuXT&ri&Afa1 rer BANKBHlf. MOBMNGfJTAR VOOBLatB 1ST CO " SI ITE 307 M'COaUClCK BLDG PBONB WA. ' ai,l w I'UO.SC ONE Overiasd msaisaj order, roa aaarr rOK BENT WANTED paaaengsr. ia fur three roosn f 4KOO.il ANO WA. .ti, 271 brtck BATII-- 0 of furmi- - k tart: ear st PUS ATE imrtTvratiiig "'sW"uasi must b eawsp tor cssb. B, tore hw. MODERN BElCk, wDb . bath and talk ooorw. Dear Im. $45.00 Ba-lestrs ftaJ and 7tb No. at BRICK, MOD E K(KM aft fcai. only " 7 lij, 2157. aa,eboid WANi'--ianitis- 7 (Vo chiWrwi. A far Ui Baaartukfa -- mpsy mors 7 Aa k. dipped aar ,o4 rarra Csll Wsa 3727. Ueal dealer. taaa paxikft. waaraatrad t WE Int. au lights, WlUa buy for spot csab. couiprete bom j 7 BM. t;0OD HOI SB. elei-triilium auiaa-atklrta. Large, baaa uppoitually fur ,r,i-r,- i Pboi j fiKa. large bakh an i aiepuA pvh., nliil aaaortaant of moderm. sp fnrnitare. Isdi. lo ram board ami loom mm- at Btlla faat. Wnta ardaro -512 IMXllllf near 12 h E. and K. Hi So., near . tmi nr. Was. 3882; or after S p. m Writ.r, a.m. him .macwi wast ur pbone tur tul .u r"ru.atiuu Uenager'a Mil. nr. W AN 20S Bra-eiwaa w UKBW MANAGHi 4J "I rwt.oie i;ariBii Bl4( El. Ulu.l l.r Eaal w.' atkw--w po TA(UMlNi AMItiotW . K.osdwai Wss lias illiOUL WANT iwg Mlcaut'B wiitt arc iiihi blur, lire wire wtUi o aabT Imnt, t mid an btWO). asia. katke Efhj hard to furbtture vo., ... ..-t- ' s BOOM MOD. BKlt K, lml THIRD Big pmpoel .an l: Bait Strictly m,u if made by lie average i aii Iffftt haatl all taiWred, Kradlejr tade oul, aejaaca. fhrfor r ;til man IW Wat. Wl. UI.U Who iaHHwl lain l iHHIll- i ,..(. tttUr jo an a.t Braadwa; aaeaourv ;,: aaita v.j luevvi tu w ar are. aeit lioiM wet.) Call. S2 m i tdui ty mum-)- . to uiak xnnr real St., Baa Frum Kami..of nuil.-rinuil iuliur aa4 a r. UlolluJtT cut price ptul lor lour uaed Kffat iuoeuey utaker fur aalwaBu. . till..-.I'Z. earlj. It a .unit t4ti.t"j. but bow to a uaaagir,a poarDoo UOli.iii... I'iv IaJ 42 W. Kiw- -t ...ii meat FUlBTi'l.ABS ill cutter aaa counter Ituni.. rsraitwt ml ia Ca., adraiKe. Air. ....mui.MMS ftimitara. lattHf. IW OO DOWN OK V.1U, SBiX t I.Ki II.IIA MIK. I Mi. ii. a Mr. ...... Waa. a3 Wastl inglon Market iIHr, bctwraa 4 man Attmcuve. aatitr a ad fit arwraBteed. trgden. I'lali. ICS VVORTO AND 4I0U MO I i.t Ml. KliM'trH an girl im- marncii w'hiijii w..ir.J ml t, v m ta rarrr difUy outfit. Actual cuat 1IAK1 oae Wa MONEY selling it'll Clair, i. ooli taif .VJ (aralture, rtBNOlHat ptca .I1SM K.N ilail.i. frvat. .how id- - 'tailoniij" furu.autfd ttv-- . lnMlarwork ur laki uf IDUrt ii cr a boweefal. aad pa mora for It. Wa (iOOlJ 6 KOOM BBU'K and ai-ureatxprricnied preferred, 00 una fo; rou'l, on nt; fiiuff lKBtl"-- J If jw'r wrife tfttick for ei ulU. tH Wa,. 4ija7. tK't ui rsa.il tut.j :t Itaudl) .uiiri rt.itt Nw ta b. M tinie tu atari. alrii alao eackaage aew far old. tiati. o.ar m. on r'.ral are. l rui it uu -- Kit J CAU i. Brad rtuaive i If) uijn-aeltias fail .'!(':'' r) rhanrt . Addreai Tribune, S paid far alt atavua l'WlMtaaTtwUH ia-f-., arOf X --H. -- a Tb Uhl Ke.iabl. tuit-iftCHBAF. a(t RENT dept. 8T0BKB ia..lt,.N uUi-: 4341. 1'H i ri ft,. Hrrti Vboae tili'ra 'EftIteCO ur Itiraltaare. al salesman tiwibg hill i MMUI.i limkr 1 l.'iO lAd uliiu.M Ail diauapolla, . ifitie rtitHMr fttmiwItlMl, aatiti-high grade liueo direct to wear-- r Vt Justus aaa'a. U ruIYATB part waaatea to buy arrouu ttaad EXtELI-BX- T (.(Ja STORK. KINK STAND lm MAXgiMKN - Mora 1 Uftialtlat Himti (unfa u'Urv i w it Slid nut iv;t-i.- f cm mission aad ruga, l'huae Wu KMM. , furaitare n, A't"!. (.ui aaa our ttae. ibi'ianaLi Beat roK I.IUK'EKY. V1HAT AND I n. futiof, rtth W3 I in. n. Mho Mfg. rHJilK 01! .sAJ.rlKVII-J.MAVa: ST0BB ri'U.MTi KB iXU aat ioukiDf, aaade to ncaauic, guarantm K( RKI1TBK ir .tu wm offar a boativcaa kllal M.. UKIA.S Hi a: It. -- eon HMix GOOD PBK'B. BUM-1130 il 0N1A UY. B PAT Ot an meaaure rtiau Rl'UH; auita euau KANT Uilored (iu-!and its lo men's rat ool)' UtaTAt hl high top ad vi)b im prooftili. hufiif peodla aa-- l .rinli-i- l 11.N aa Mt valuer., 2NDJ80LTU iu utfht. and overcoat a diret--t to wearer. You ess t AMU paid fur famitara;. lu ttuaotiiira a F110M STATr: Hmaif as llft.ir ckiLUing. ruga. mm, stiaj make gootj profits many actually asakiBg i AND ii'nit; j fWU 11O0US AWAIT. liOOl) aiutlc bofiua, $H iy hka cuta.iaa.oB aig uitda aod eada. than he hu Waa. uwttlea. etc. hwiiaM' to btujl" aulicttor . raj, Waul KOajaJ . 4 UOOIIB AN 11 Ill K Ho. '! tuple a to eaa. ua. $75 OF $150 week auoereaaBr St TaiWrtof 7ul-kao lTB j iom IJVISti onjluary peoeila, experleure uae ttleia him iie reprTentlag win t.u ffli, ttarr TUn STOllK A Ul-hi wlf r ' an a.teeftia.a- - uovelty. wouldn t tUktlt thlBix-- for frtw ntamlaaUiMi. Whola-aa- t tiiiasiooft paid lastly. Hprlag asmpies ready. C'Oi 1B. HATH. I cil, on.l of JK.Nkl.N3, Aoctkioeer. waata U riftr-1J0 00 r.utHlitHlUD Will Lmeet Tailora. lilj.'U ClalHAT . ) m ihitik Ii. SNAP t'lioi Dept. h lu, Ujinaiu, W rl e im media t e y for ope a territory had a real tive pi opinion ? i Office. Itk SUta. farblture. tlU.OUU a N. k and rouuiiiiMituQ lo Im Wa her Bond Tailor iag Co.. 1731 Arapaho f,a-.H ui Mr. bn munjUaioua. in vtunii arii Ilia, n ..IIIX illl'l Wa. 14B2. I oio. WillELA HUE (Cir.iig exurri at.. fiit man ANI) SSf t'tutrth AIJ40 Writ, SliAl.l. Ieaer. a. HAI.I0MhdN ed uynaer, Y'rk .Sn ageuci kintin (i wiMi ttipfrlcm llat'a TrilMUM'. HH'C !u furniture geaoud Uand HOI A .14) iw utaa to develop and aupervise pruapectiTe BNKKOliTnc men sod woirjeB. every city, AMBBICAN ) ti jiu r.ar ilurge- ..r ui para blgaegt price. Call Hj. Oil kt Ma.it a in make $10 daily selling rhartBlag Mary Uaairl. i'nut.vi per week aead raa ae;l BATBB. Hautj fa f lor MON'KV TO LOAN AT laOWKBT 'l as rui! coBamiaatoti paiJ daily lioas tiuii'Mi AH far gwr. rteBTtm. raga. ..'ar.-tuoijuj mt Hum, ('ail h afaleta ng I'reatfwK mad.hilt from factory M $M100 yearly. factory to wearer, quick aalea. or baMiBeaa. on Also of (uontni. big arer this order. receipt ur Orasp repeal aamrrtmeut of anything you have jo aeli. W aw. 4210. larajv opportunity. II latit 1NV ouurtfrKN r go IHIOJ' t0., YlBaEIR iiOlLNINOHTAR o. Wire bono. i.vI-ett itatea 3SS PouHb. ClacinaaO, Ohio. open. Kudesi Co.. oniy and new pattrrua mailed a l n igla i i;ki eery ten Winiod Kea i j tats t'ail J a i will pi it MOHD.AOE A I.NVEstTalKNT no with refereuca write your application o'i'U-k- . u a 1 e you t i e Otll rsoiilit ab C aae our la MPO Huh ;;m CO.. (iilWaAR BANKERS. r A neexl a to INU ADdt MOVINti ' iter ceoi lo 1(M my family jtn.M, ointcity, mediately. liJ cent. UJUrai Kansas City. Mo., is making aa BUXi. bldg TaHai.uni. SLITS 307 M't OKN1CK m oi k inrt uiaiiwarr wannd ha Hk.1I i w.th beat, or if arranged ieri girl NAN eft CAfttlOttAiTON, 'or om ciuuniisaiojia, and eactualTe pericrrmry grant St ' u Buren offer to send a handaoiue raincoat free to so mudsrn bouse i Halt Jiarf uf offiCf, PHONE WAS. 271b. Hid bourd. and l b.icgb, iJttS. itj iaj iakf i lieal K Mgi-.III. beat ran be put in same will answer A j h Binri cofnpaay. aoic manurac in each locality who will recom oue Uo tw h loru1 ktavwi, for "tu Ho. a in We reason $500 Can Mast be pay price. turiTr,. itjaj hrooiue atreet. Mew York City. wasted: Kuil of part time. mend if to friends, Write today. iu kijiU. ITfoT HI State location IMtOO M RBB IDENCE J lit W etUteU down, balance by month. lu lp wilt, homework. U) . TAIMMtlNi; aa leameii:' Take order for $44 tu 11,1100 PXperH uced apecialty men calling on hard anouallr. ta atkVI SKLlT Vi AlON BIOT'tB MADE' ' bHIBTB and price. Address X 44, Tribune. School L. D. H 2B4 N. Main, adjoininji j 11.11 S U, tith Kit to aeil V ware, variety and general l Alab WOOi, HriTtt old r eliabif houae. I bIob AT Snltli A Uikgi-- r N tMrect from our factory to wesrer. Moi-from say Music.' of admirable a . ware, . china HAVE and with : Nome l lwD H AN rash eaatuelware, client Targe ( 4.. An Ii - made to order by "Ideal eatabliafced whole aiamiaawware, y j aoid. itrpartiin-or experieac Hired. l'itit girl. re., Piist-ciasKsstly capital room iu bouse. Kx heatiag p.an'.; 311H laaawara aad bualneaa atiuiuJatow. Trade ftind-Tsale laiiora on earth. Avery tractor, to exchange for ur Hat i. faction guana hi th fyui piviuui HVMH Write for PRCS SAMPLES. sa CNIWnTD A,K. the house. WANTBl) Btg profits. first pnyoiest ob building lota or other bardwtani floors UirJugoout B ggeat fHunmiaaioa paid In adeatace. ' l, traordlaary values for apetiat aaiea. MADISON" M I IXB, r,03 Broadway. New York iuaii taint; y, a WtlKUh t. ditJitrloaule Trve Katnplea, bo-thorough if go! A No MBKUAI. real estnte. P. H Kvears, 20s Kearua fireplaces, maid's room on ! third floor, at lor the merchant, free advertiaing H city BON Ksrlualfe .No Ball and r ftik .'aa. fka adv naliituul ft rtiana. $Tii ate,. rik'ht party iHtiowkifpr POBTBAI 1 agent, tractive ground service print Bldg. Old e Only Uberai commiaauaa paid weekly outfit awl free adrcrtiamg furaiaxtaal, labii-tieVi'Mr a r wind or IADY viohmni fur hot-No iriK work. FBITKCH LOAN A TR I" ST CO. fiand fislahed work. Reliable men u nl d nouee. Tyler Uanufatturiug Co., 4 or Suite 20n Kelt p.' tun- auow ui.oe. eaaary. WIIJtON TAI1AJB ueee-Ka- i buin-at upttai Was I'tTUiaiieiit K. H. Rob-e- r WANTED ta buy from owner, nmall Write for catalog. j . nanced. Addrvai I'arl Bo wen. F.lk Bldg. Ht. IN alo, leouia, t W uwi IStii locstPtl between Jackson, frame i ID, houae, (bicafo Writf" ijiiuklj. lurloalua; stamp, for t a Port ra i t Kaosas City. Ms. rieou! iioa-i- . WANTKD niuwra cuidjoard. ,',U;K.$ Oood can A $i00,000 i0 Kxperlt-iand Slat. Ho. east 7th East. I A IUBl.NO HAIaBWMAN "BByai td aikI detaiU. National Ihatribulera Aa KAnlttiTNi I'AttD liKKrrn.V.i 1070 i n v en A 5 'IX) I" N DI N 0 room heater, garage, kitchen a trad? Uon, atsns PwHjAs tav payment down, BONCH. Write Addrnns X 27, Tribine. piia:t ion iu riht pcrmm h ialfini. MMfU N ill. I'auluia at., (u-agu- , Big advance cotxiniiaatooa taking West Buclkl ave. $0. mile-coldest weather J double H KAltKit. dtantly tatiiu fiiUry auU rat'omiueiidaiiona ordera for rtspyieet To liandUROOMS Irne SIX fur Halt ery U fan 'Kit V ,SAIJHM1-.attrarUye drfaa X IfJ, JVlbitu. Lured K IT' big profit, exciuaive terrrtory. HCPER, or a borne with 3 m usm'. fin place and fur laukt Write liaat on earth; virgin wool custom lai fur or t iiy a it. adjacent territory. bedrooms, miast be larjrr. Ht iirHtr lallinu on gro 1304 t4 Foodulsc. Milwaukee. Wia. nace, $3A per mo, This is a homey borne, sutu, totisBta. $2Hut. Hepreae-nlatlvef flee. iifc,U.s Addreaa X .11 Htate experii bc r or wirn Chicago for hi, ptrWli ruD deep lot and modrn home .in.i efH can uouult ih.h Urge iy 2 blka. from aboppfng center, Diekwd high grade taitoriug shop in one eiab , iMlKNTw: TAlUlRINli" tsfl it only Our referfiu-eand A "gimnioT T1IH TfaehtrTrSbaae. ge&aeo Mam .i4 i IJaTlJO Katb llKADa.ltSN .Nu New Vork gem y. aeii,ruua cuaiui urp No. 2 the Concujd. 25 K, Broadway. OK t AI'BWU-- . 4o6 HOCHK l orate eaa tailored to or$2140 and $31 50 r.B Y rrgeua n. manager i.HAl'lilN. i'ree eitrolimeot. (IM!'ANY. Chicago, 111. Wrlle, IliavUfja., Klak Itldtf., New WANT atmnawest building up to 40.tSSJ Ho Htate, 'bom- - Wa-- . are to der suits atore first $10 than 4Liiu. $20 cheaper modern, houae, ort. everytlnn; k WK 'ns aaii to Kah'iiueB Hare first rlasa income property as nwn experienced Comm. in advance. Protected terrl-turBEmM A N TjtiD prices. T W O OK ciaaa. 002 E 3rd South. Appty ' edar i'Wtl apprt-tiihet lothea" tu take Better direct Write giving full particular. Poet htBN lo M HAIaJoHMKN .Uiikf $ "Broadway payment. autuwobil day and fn Beautiful H Ml aid aaaortmeat 0x0 or 537 .W. 2nd fco. rABMJ&BW on TO TIIK swatches grocery Addrreaa Y ttwi at tuuutre I. Tribune. ,"0 beauty wea?r t el a tuu n unt iu I ltr i it pa t $94.30. backed by a Ol1 I TA H ON K ttak free. J H. Simpaon, lept. S10, s43 Adams, . RBfcHT Was, 5A5I. Or TH 19 iaga A Trnt itidg or Banoey back. HOMM huur part time, guarantee of Miiupl Huuivtblag sew Ch "We Specialise ' IMP K0 V KM UN Tt ON. 'FUft MAB mo'A CLOSK Tlita offera you a permanent in, no car fare, cieau d play anil write Wf ileliver uint WAN IKD I.aiCTi for pti re poaitioa with KMT Suit I4aWe and Hit bur) Property PJUtlSil XOV, TBA1S WK ttell T'ackard em house, $22.50. 357 Waamer ct. Phone WuaUty SBlrtr liberal couimiMioti, Ijirgc aampte line. Act Bea Hon. ' Sampfea furnaaheil J,rut)i(iga aKa; "Suburban iug dainty aitk no v. AND OJVM YOC A.4KHV 50T6-R- . from to Beau dimt Was. ot;r Y wear. for A BttOADWA 'Hictt Ohio. factory tx., ro,Hn 2l. Da;tm. uuiud. Send aiatiipi-MILLER Bl 1LDIN0 IN. KSI ifENT CO. irojee0d t territory. eloiNf f i rurtiiM BO 'CONTRACT ON tOMMIHKIOV if ul sumfde outfit FLLfc Wonderful reorder . TAIiaOKINt. CO im innati. Ohio AND 5 room 317 Brooka HI t.ltADK B II.. NO W1VI V t o fim-amodern brick rot f ages fur hitw.N to introduce tii YOl AKK Nl S AND KJt PKN'HK HAHIH. tHnbtoatiou detail-line. new. Packard Propnalttnn entirely tut IT MO( 11. Of It Was. 520?. K. 2nd So. .vAi.HaHM WN or eaperireBcd. rent, ''all liifXperteBi-ehitclirti Hot, ' Houaewif'-'A KJCal. HAldlWMAN. Frieadu" Hflla YOC HIIOCI.U BABN or borne, not to exceed $ii200 Wk2 W. North ' POl'R ave.. Shirt (N.. Chicago. or VK10K tit Write book iiou'-ou aiglii. 1H for offk-i-l auU v D N a pro-pe231 Folnom IT t HK, WANTMD MONTH HOI noi PKB traveling. Want modern. as WoutcB ave., on AROl first do Kery good $f0u Have $7B0 psvment. fancy work a "Modern New plan for WoHdlerfuf. :.fhwtne, Big detuaad lat VVtntt betwoeu South Temple aud West $1.25 W HAVE YOt It OWN CAB. AMERICAN WOOLEN MILLS CO.. 8a)e)iuauhip." negr school and church. Admaterial forntnlo'd S(arv btur ceighborhood . Idaru $:Vui) Ad Dept. to $10. W JiramluJU 11. with each aet. Hotttb W TO lat Tribaae. yearly. 'liktie IfTingH pui Ocii DAHltUNti, NKW (ba aeli aeparale Himt p atamietl ' .J0.12 are makins-- a fee unit tur dreaa 1 All. Hiktu Nat ioiiul Saiieu(n'a Tr. Aku , dept pi-HOUHfi IIOTWd, SAI.r ldAKM CITY, fne. Mac 0 4Jl.ee Cut la l Sairitplea Udcrwootl A i E. A. (jooda t.. I'orts diesn, HAVE aoW my small bouse sad sow I need ARM. strictly mod.. 072 K. 2nd So. to iotroduc Mil HI N DA Y ? 1J 4 one agent in earn community rnoiitah. Ohio. Chicago. rKOM Itl IM 12 A M i'ry l u Het ,18.11. t inclaaaU. Olno W. Walton. Wa. 1344, can pay fine tuiiortitl to order anils at tin sad s A room home 13 bedrtMmsi, their IV M. s i.KSMKN Ai'TOltH- Wanted, team OKKD K WOKKt-tidaily taking ordera for mstallaienta. House I NPL'RMSHED- H geutaral btin-a- a to mod. them $1000 duwa aad good Wri'e for p. their offeT. ttMlsy house, furone U double iiiaott or lull kI ut) lea dr b a at loweat pricea di HAI.MHMAN Ii to carry as a tale line popular time add: eiiiK, dial toil iug be ia good repair and s very good nace nud garage. 00 Went Sth So. Hy. Newewt kitchen $o daily. tool. must laerw to doublf ada an eh id r n a AtiENTS fal t al i pe r Hue ti wcart-be on east side. Give I.ooj; aeaaou Cay adtanced. We delivt a ii v a a 'i aSSact w. Mnst ng. iy ink wdeia tag'. value. price! Every woman uvea 20 time daily. No er. Knsy dreaa and price. Address X 20. Tribune. lo right kiBil of peoplf. ivctvf ttifUl ( UH'AtiO Addreaa Bun 41, On 'k.Bauu, AM) A do a ii lt,tg atxoB. Iib required. h a ii in i i ' 'rwrritory I tab and viciBity, 7 ROOuH. ."iOi K. nam seller, free. close THOMAS Biodera. big 'H in, J ANilAM Ho. WOMAN pie 110 Dearatrtctiy profit.; 'm"- ,.l',uhAl'I'AKKL Mo. AditreMa tO llAVISBdS." eral commienon. Shoe Specialty WANTED t btty for ennb. four or five 3rd South. Uot water heat, garage. Mm. CO.. Uy. born. Chicago, ljtaj, Dayton. Ohio twipatiy HI. Can! Minn, MtK V autoSilver radiaiora, tablew are, mir PiJOltJl'laAY iitof-- i.haa room modern bnngakrw with driveway; YOC bYsTnRtHS. WE START IN Fi'R rvra, fll..'tl cmtriT on uew $7.50 apwtally e Ughtft, at uvea, beda, eir., $000 pid, expericnit- - nude-free-. between B and 5 ROOM UtHl MHlilNO BVBRYTHINO, men and worn location preferred on svsnu modern except heat, garage, apt depetidabl,; imiflu furutahed. Write Producera flar lad Tribune. I4J .. w $20 Vldaa ave., lifetime to earn $30 to $100 I.. No ageais. Addreaa euce Hpriuklv, dept. $2, Kiveraldt. (al. I ATIOK Inquire 130 l Mlil If A N 'IT4' AHHOa M'i K l)rir iUOt Salt I. hA A I No man waata any kind of en, or A ROOM tjOOD giil to work nil or part time at UtfB; work by day or hour, hotel, residence, houae. south before noon. weak our 'New Hystem Specialty Hy. 1733-operating MAN iu each towu to ilate auto ittbago Addr wa part, houtirwork, go ho Tribune, fur&Uure Ughl Was. ii lerma, Factories" rooma, booklet rarpeta, vciuiiHf, 4 Candy home, ROOM anywhere; apt'., 31 modern brick, full basement. flei tors, hath flilureh, silver mantra, n Bin-d- ; os retail 448 saleamen calling rtferetif'H ttiiilred. 1,'mi tu free. W K. TltAVHl.lNv, Beat reference HILLYKR BAtiHDAIJfi, Drawer Milier ave. lly. IfiAfl-Ja neou$ W Tmiidi hedft, chandelier, luetbod to j by uew by U rge iuanuractur-40. Kant Orange. N. J. :Tr.r:::..c TO SIN a down $tJ How ' i bBkrr it 4eaira p lop no capital or riperleoc-iteady re f fa st selling advertising $J0 daily; Hell uuii"iia lor guns, revolvers, 4 ROOM modern brick, 424 Pleasant courtj top pricea u " j Harry I.Mtrd, ..4i K BE ntie pendent, nuuke aud sell your own 4th Sooth .bet. 1st and panic Write today, for at a in pl'l f, !l, m or aide i ne. Big West. qutrfd , dlitflt furniahed. articles. Kt ia watcsa, cameras, diamonds, musical U.' . a Oii.l tta.eatei U' ttlC.r.tl 111. ' crystal giaes name and number plates, truroeata " 1 ah Co., S) Ohi, d sales. rr 25 rum cent o to of value. anything DE1.MAR AVENLR. boy, Did p'r range desk ami automobile CLaAHH signs, and cheerbounla, PlltBT .Merits or .' i cspahlc Money photographer, 1I11TSmvestlgaaell. paid prompt T trade Add tuu exchange anything. "ra modern cottage, clean aud in ex lu j utu sftlUlfclaS. big. book, 100 iiluatrstions, mailed free. fil tiou tesi of refer etc., If uot tarutug luo weekly, addreaa thoroughly experienced; blocks west of Main ta loaa at reasonable ratea. DarUlaon's losa re Kent condition. rpe de I'j typiag BUtiiora" Btnmurripi, K. PALMER. 102 W ouster, Ohio. for SiiIm MSS or Box 647. Halina, I tab. KldHAHKlt Waa, 9019 on 3rd SWjiit h Utih-WoltkK 11. Office. $0 East 1st So. on Kept 54, Boons ill, j ejncfat. fnfonuBtion $31,00 per monthJ. Literarypublication. reijuiat. Bureau HmiiicImI. a iln N V. MAKE $7.'. week and up aelltog' our fin W AN rKl luveaim' nt ( o., wast. (.'AitNKS. Authors' Agent, Tallapoosa, t.u. Work of any kind; inside work car wiih furniture going HA UN $X woekl made to measure, all wool auita at $31. SO WANT to share Haleameit! ri! i f,fr MoNKY IN U,ritritU .ND.Nei. NEW bfiugalowa, & span? ftue, to Blackfoot, Idaho. Writ IL II Ilawkea. $lOUtf weekly, Vraiei preferred; steady and willing woraw am retail, liM a deTittt. $J.uU. or 4 rati., direct to wearer, biggeut values uewapapen. oiuo-- t niarried. Phone Hy 440 B You can, maguzite-loo. on Highland or plwiie h. ta luw $27.50, UKittthl.v, A3 ave., Murrav, Martin rx( drive, near 27 tb So. over making world; experieuotl ti utiuet'eaaary. on sigh t se tail. free. i'rea Hyndica i . aw hi. biggest comiiua-ston2124 Was. 8301 J. off. r H.A.SUTBIC. Pree "wora or contract, b.v Dong-La140J AfuerieaUi le tee live Ageaty, 511 Columbia, saiupte first visas car post rely in Bdvanee. We attend to deMo poid Hudson Chicago Stisfa-ttom . aouia, pewter, guarauteed, Phone livery aui rjnllectlotiB. OxK swaten samples Uli.HBST price paid for old clothing, furni- THREE unfurnished motleru rooms for rent, male ,,r ie in ai Was. gT4-M- . with ' HALBHMAN AOMU organise to Apply 320 I) st. fitsxaiabed W. Z. oibaon Inc.. 101 W, wutel. free ture, raga. odds and end, juak, etc. hAI.MHN reaioent to aeil alika aod drj KTh.NOi.KAI'flKR. lM.xk ke aine nun new Heuli plug evpero'io-li coin force for aiea .. mod. YOCNO re man 4 . marketing Was. 4007. gooda to departmeBt, wladeaale .uui atleudiug aclMl want a work Harrison ut.. Dept. A L7, Chicago. cottage, linoleum, graa range; $."Mm fi.V5 Propoaitiou god Ho. 0f MUr kind to earu board and room tpelitive article tail atorea. We Kietuaife lerriiory Uo roiu Bjdg W. Temple, adulti; close la. AtiEN'lS kind. cash no. TC pay any LBS, orders for Tborjwa BU' daily taking WA.NTMD t AAK. 11.111. Kl,iNOiTH)U tax 4 A 1404 So. It (or AM AN Wit yearly Ho. hooe I' TltADl.Ntt $skw Was, 22H buueekeeptsg East Second Co. peteat party. 21 different kind, misi ex. lira t 3a7 A TuceaT cT.T Ouarsntetnl Ostbrie Bicycle j. BOOM Hosiery. win ton bldg hlcagti WTlUmV. N. Y. t. t7 K.AyT R1CHEY A CO.. Was. 4284 $20 (vf caruenter. latest atyiea. colors. Your aie in free out- OKA and aaeieaa cows and horses; price MAN HPIOCIAUi'Y i'l;;.. jjjvlis Mlementary, higb iboul. M H.N naisler. kalaoBiiuing and wall cieasing. fit of sample pairs. THOMAS MPO. CO., I..xperiej.ee unneef-Age 17 to 5A. MoOKKN 3 rma situ hath, (L, per mo. paid for. Phone Mnrrmy 140 to pboue Hy. 2SA0- M ege. Mounialu Stalea Teachers' Agei 7. o Mill &7S Ds y 1 o n imio. tog complete Hue ready seller aury. Travel; make aeret iBveatigatiooa, 455 E. 8th Ho. WANTRiikK-T- o luqnire on premises No s Inierorban Hiatmo boy 10 b. p. electric hoist. . ,..u,r., Was irau. r re sl n,A.rlN bd.li.irl.1 ,,ng ta. Auterieau ,,,,, Bldg. tSulariea; piaala, expetiaea. ifou week: O. itt ui 22. Box pr,, P. b, niw. Co., 4 Fire subagenta. appoint ROOM boo bo. Stale, tab muderu City. ' gja Clay $25.O0' We latli-reataMlaked r, .iiuii.ible ure , ' 11 ' repreneiiU 047, St, laotuin. " Ajreikr.v, Waa 10247. Kurelgu cent for each city, UU manufacturers , tofum giutranleed. geuiiine gold i ail per e.perieace t.ll Hy. i anl our salesmen earn fioiu To Kent Wanted f or piete iiBe. guod pay. 417 Ness Bldg a dow a, ea si i y Bppl ietl ore win M KS wa at ing letters rea t ra uger ra w ay ma U TfOCNO man school would lo eke lib on going attractive 4 ROOM $rtkW lo $l; injO hnuse at M7 early lakKTTER 4Jo or eight room modern N. ( lark. CO.. clerk and other govt, pbtaitioiut, write for ABIC you uiiemploye-- ? tdtokiuj: tor a uoai and eesisga. Call Was. METAIJJC artersoou DlKEarven eral .'immuwion contract O.iire Hy . 1 tlOB? VV a., t ...stale ytur . a. KMwork '.-hicatvu tuaeth pwri.i'-ulart I t V.i, I, Ttie sn.l e it stem section of 1a)WI1 IB, Tribune clasnified Itaver. Colo. Mokane. rohiuu lose in, $iu and $12 brick. TWO rooms, Wanted ferabte. Wish house Vederai pr. Htfuation." i -solve ia t 7a- - ,.i Heights may your invention KAH.N f'J) weekly, aparc time. wriUtag for eliminates ..i WONDEUI't all it... hi .id s KuOus r v.. iu. Call Was. 865. Ifm. Call Waa 1.00. abOUt April IU. IWdtt. needles for pUtxwrapua; new, differ' de i'a uiiigas-iui'Kxp. unnec. ave. Chicago, lil. around pipe fitter and njehaii la gen7 iuo.1. ItOOM a brick. L'lo W. for KXI'KBlKNtKU I're-bd .Hit. atriclly bea fo years; reeonln; lAOtSt.Otsj wish 2 Iamii, eoanecttng tail. free. TWO geutlemeu Symlleate. .mi. t u si v ral, wiabea steady uoai t ion iu ur out of )aU K V ( ii made aWUug our a terrace. Jaine hi. Shaw. So., in Shaw' ugoeu must ualaTr-taMo. trwapects; $l." to $30 daily eusy carry day 's In "tractive iiiouev rooms or one large room with twin beds. niarcelling. raaa Rot ire Ome or advertising Ness in ?t)0 Ever X bldg. your Tribune. aae. H. reply, pocket. Address play, McClurg Bldg., close In. eiurteee firms able line. Hauiples light. (Vunuiiaaions lib K I TI HNS walls washed, itk- an hr. smalt tsupply al fciN over 1 to travel. Make in williii titcago. jou fanve been employed w.th, salary ami eral. TlllikB rooms, ciu.el. halli. large keeping t R U port as Cai Write meul REFINED ruaast paper cleaning $1.50 a room) Haiary and ex oute;' veaUgatlou. lady employed deairea cheerful lly, 1.ABOK A dd rests X y, dcutiia. Tribune, condition. See wants a service man 44103 W pon.li; ail in excellent uae of piano, close ervdur Co.. Cincinnati. . Ohio Write fenneceaaaty. or nsun tment; ctrirutiou Kiprricoce apsi ptiae 3 at Si3 So. 411, Kast. $JS per month PIANO in to forn-eon town its ran every , up teacher St. wilt aiior-teaaona vx 1'iease in reasonable. in. aigoa luia pste r parLicmara. apt. gort. detcti.vt', J, i. give give sealer a a ta VOCNO married man w wbea permanent cue. BP ATM MAN AO K B Mnvetope 1 WasSuSO. windows, excellent opportunity nftl.treas X 2S, Tribune, change f,.r three hours service in home atorekoeper'i e; N' S500 KM I lii Y M k NT-SOCTU AM K 111C A, hour luveutiu. local firm. Wide with ton of etivefopea Atnaxing range ooce weekly. lo reliable parly ; no experience neeeetaary. OKNTLMMAN Addreas X 3, Tribune. s room in private y ROOM modern cottase, lll motl- fr.uu Beat of refereucea. in aelliag Retails $C $Jl.0U yt a r experience NO competition Alao 1'aeific corn at citlea. We furnich daa We also ha ve s t tract! v e peium tion for MBN or woxmeu of good appearance poatofface, No. 11 E. 6th Sootli t otiPOaidateU Tribnse. Intjulre ern hoane. east aide, beu IM and .ith Soutu for $1. caa Iy. aified tiaU of etopiuyeea cotnpsny, dept. J 301, 100 Addrasaj X sod sBlesnien. ARAN TUR SI ON S tit' agents lMftk X SoMsln,rcumi 30. a make t Address Trib $A0 references. 1st Best all iuesdav mraing. w Mass. week, on. Boat America IuforaiBttoa Bureau. I'ortland. Ore. Boy xHv cooa 'ioaif' refer SERVICE. !WM W, Superior. Chicago. good 0 till nioilcrn bungalow imil garage, TwK M Owen placa. Salt $40" week ON K unf urniehed room nn r Jt.t Kast and eueeawaBta position. X IS. Tribune. $,tt DAJ..Y made by best men. MXI'BUlNtlalD by for ahiniag attoea. Mai. lauke t ity. refereucea, AtiENTS Amasiug new hosiery proaai(ion" (ah. Fifth East, too per naouth. PUoue Was. Ht Call Hy. 2616 R 5th Nhoe sinning TarUie. llt Wo. Mala. eBV-cly and expeuaea fimracteed afamat ccra "as aod "UwkkeV'per"" office By If yon have ever aoid hosiery, or would R. 361 YOl'Ntt B 451 tor apelady Bo. niiaalons atenogiapiii Fai-iriApply High grade profkrattaoa ( TAU Address Tribune. WAnted tlinu BMPLO Y M BNT AtiENCY like to sefi hosiery, write at once; ts cents 3rd West. Was. 5140. ntudern. J18 per tuonili. :& io cian y mm an hour atagure.1 right people; get buay, (ept it -- t. nox i laborera furniarrwt Skilled and UDf&med WANT Job aa janitor, experienced, in boH 'i'o hear from owner of farm WANTEJ--st. Phone Murrii. 228 J. M D Rapid'. Iowa atreet. YOc 1.0 giri for ganeral housework Bege-- it IM for pofcln? work. CO., tKl2 Hose. Imytou. era. light plumbing, etc. Call W. 4732 R. PA REE It MPti Answer lin for sale, for spring delivery. GUI-KKini. b.lli. large sleeping I'll hell l'laaae Waa. 1?321. aalia and order tro-Ohio. SAlJJKMBN worn Al 'POeJ io reisiir; pricea reaaonihle; mediately, atating loweat price and full Sri. th Ka.t. prarrtt. tlk per month. 81 rolls and bill ladings auto ret; MXPhBilKNt'lCD Large STKOtk'kS KMl'IOYMMNT AWHJN0' ftr general houae gtrl I4AS Ho. 11 ih K. ruarwuteed E. A. Benjt. Kirk wood. M". pet cent com mis ion and btg particulars. Hy 30QS W, AO E NTH com on. WI miss Liberal BUI tid. ileum amaU rent reasonable. car work; NO ruom tiO!iHe fare, 61 Went Waaatch biMiiirt at to family: good wage paid Houth t00. for tYeneo Spring order talking owoer from farm for hear to W ANT HA1.KS BOOB (O,. CtilCAOO. having 430 E. 3th So. i.ived atreet. right party. .,7 Ho, tttb Baet. OlrVest. Beat and Reliable. lightweight overcoats and rsiacoata: brand and lowest price. Oire particulars sale uew outfit ami atyiea ready free aampiea; WANTKD 4 irl. piano ptavtw or singer, for DKBT HKJtVlCK SAl.lxAV TUB Y. W. C. A. BAD t tampyment Bureau, TWO fine 4 room mt. houses, buffet 2& jt g J7A B j g H g ii-John 3. Black. Chippewa Falls, W-no soilc t ng 32H B. 3r4 South, places female workers road enow, bijr season here. lie SfMH W cement basement Write quick. $ 50 week y kitclien. porches, prompt pa y anil NATIONAL I5M11A)YMBNT AG RNtTY. Improve. FA RM WANTBi . Head full clothe aaea t of t 144. o , cla cootrscta ions. Phone all Waa. Origlaai immediately is or pool Ashland. Ohio. only. Mfg. closet, giasc in ,1. porch; in paved Dept. KX P K U 1 KN C fa.D Waa. &10 listing accounts, at,, for. Ut So. maid for chamber work. Kfciat Mer 277. Mrs. Roberta, box 135, Rood 1. to hours 8:30 Office nesr details. 7th and So. Hxcluaive 3rd Slieehy territory. SH plan, district, Inq. room DISTRICT MANAOBR. 4405, CaHJVaa. AUK ou UBetapioyed lAtokiag for a pual Waa. 1534-J- . E. 2nd So: can tile Agency, laesisjtou. Ky. (123 UltlH achoo! girl wiabea work out aide u live wire district manager with orgHOtsed bouse III. rlaBEBflnd columa. tkuttV The Tribuiwt School haura or tending children evening (Uiles force aetUng direct to tVVi.WNDAR At.o. 6 room sulesmu to carry line of ad Wauated AntomobUuw tA5 itrRICTLY tuo. up r 'Situations Wanted," wky aoUe your prob laMAtt.N to dauct Woodww-, 31ft-JC.ood Best refeeeoces of etc. tractive propostti4u. Hy. Silktei Hoaiery Milan, IfOBD from owner, or wiil buy your and houat; hot water heat, large vertirting csJeadAra, blotters, Ho. etjuoy ; sleeping iorch. built in featuren.porche.. Mala. " Prlsate HPBCIALTY 320 "Address0 7ac, avenue. New Fifth York. hardwood lejuwa, dally, . OCNO bookUe proposition. wishes i lady p position, work for half BTtDfcvNTS Oive model, style and will pay est. 10 to 10. Special atteatiou lo children. floors, full cement basement sud COMPANY, 2f2 Piilutoee street, Sati Kran range, and cashier beat refereace. PltoBe Was SAl.fcliMEN make big money seiitng: "Oes and rvotn while atteadiog achoo), write WZl! TTiiniie. Address tKX price. In every Iniiuire cisco. Csl. 0344 J. cv" union made utility strictly first claaa Was. at $12.BO. tioxlink' volhTP'. fiondlng. Idaho, todaiy. 1534-J- . wiil trarke lor 825 E. 2nd So. HAi.LK'i and tmiirootu dancing; also private touring body W and a values. Some open SAt.KHMKN for ta or out of towa work: exMX PBB1KNCKD lasudreaa wishes territory, or 6 aeat appear A ri'KVN I'tON sundry lieu eraerf Can uae Plwne Was. 0022; aik Ford coupe body. leanatans. Miaa Bdythe Tyler, brick. No 7 Hicka mod. eT bat in Co.. 218 845 Semr deairsble, aerurities aeiliBf at or Stimaon Inquire 4ROtM work Clothing perieme cleaning by day. Hyland 4717 J tog men that can del. tJtto gooda. To audi iPM feekr. MihRrjrer. Udlo fiS Ho th Mast. Waa W8W0 Bldg.. laOK Alice les. 4th S... not rtiMesaarT, 502 Deaeret Bank bltfg. M1C..IABLK woman wants Uirti I will insure rapid adTaaceatawU Ajpfaiy work by the on Montrose lot WUAa trade building earn room BECOME representative large cnucrtil ae liardwooai fkwrs NBW taml ng u y good reference. Phone Hy 347 AJ bung.iotv, AtilYVi. educate- - iau, vapsble ofacho-'l- s .lrti!l0 S,JI Mr. Day. Ws711 M. far aattsjvobile. tabiish aud eilieul baisemeut. laii Was. 4831-J- . yourself iug oer SUUSMi yearly, to call os permanently . aimpilfied Position as nurse; will ala do VATt UMAKKU waited. Xpuiy 64 bv IIm IdADlKH taught swimming Prof Tborntou in I'tsb. WANTKD methtid Belting HhMa factory to wearer; pro librnriiv and selected individual ak-n- g bouee uaui iiuntrj, 2nd North, Cen 3BUC J. houaw attends work with it. Bet'a Was, (J4o6. daily. Hy. Bonjh u , VKi Mea l A fitn large; st!1 easy. IKnld, Lead, f urn shed. Apply immediately, ter; walking dislatice: gI3. illi) Almond st IXlrTT- - 8inVil black cocker apaaie! CLkBANINti done by Uie day. reaaotiable WANTED Teu aa!eB-- e to aell fim mortdugwiTh STYLE ARCH HHOJCtt. f incinnati Leaj. u TTavac. bldg.. Denver, t'olo. Call JRj. 1543 J. eara. cent goid bonda of the Pakeant C A HP K1S TlSB abort tail and curly hair; THREE ROOM modern brick terrace, 10..9 long gage YBHwT' hTDK LINK KOB 1124. WONDERPCL; D BltlCKidA EASY S, SBuTno 'V MBN'H Call Murray FH2-So. 8th Kast. desTrva foal tnpany. Bond buyra get coal at wearing collar without Dame; answer, lo afternonn lypiat UlTLDHIiJS A'H) suits for $1H50, seller, BXPRK1KNCBD Big money now for prac forty Agents Advertising stwcialtiea, op name of "Jackie." Finder will be re SEVEN rooms, 4 sleeping looms, ucwiy "pa coat. CJlft Bldg. Addreaa SOI work , t a kea some abort ha ad Call Was big profits tkal builders who can read !lan. Write for free Read every day. every town and city.' samples 10H0-Boutfit. selling . Phone JVa,. jiies warded. 12.N7SrdaTe t HAS walk from riBBT tTA8.S rvalVswan, with car preferwil, at om;e for free book 'How to Bead Blue weigh six pound. pered. iruotl ROSE, Dept. 242. 308 W Mouroe, Uberai coUMniasiwna. ' N KA It n nil raited IXM1T -- MONDAY. THK HOTEL Hoie! I tali, lliorougtily modern. 27 W Is Prists." job huDtera a, X P MbJ MN Bl pracUcai aurse, bad' aeveral Jsst out. No write The Write to Information. Chicago. Full N. or515 (iremWeii McComick Appl,.' A net apply, WRIST 4i01.ll IN 1TAH. WATCH. Adsireaa Bldg. Dept. 2132, Chicago Novelty convpauy, t'oaho. ton. Ohio will (all before lu a. m. T& Hv day. '. housework bldg yrs aeeept alo Waa AOKNTS I Vilf K4.ow you $12 'Wary "day 1TIAIJ4 M. K. t.. VALIABLK A A.S irent Uldg f in 4 ROOMS so. Chicago. modern, rear 728 E. 2nd liu. ga 'lch I1H Mat m the year if you answer tins ad. to v ad i he se ng g r i nd a ud 1' you want Don't HOT. CALL 8111. UBWARU WAS. Hy3734. 4. WN TW 6 a ii t otao to V m c han ica. JairV id m m U Apply M apt. n Fernando women. Ih up. wanted. tiovernnVeut It's new. 132 own a profitable bustneas in your homo LADY wiahew poitton as uighl clerk. rait wait. rag122uiiKiern brick Ridg., M1S8 HKtlHt.li. r en., "JiW W a a h i ng t on St., Of den rea or ether night work 4 ItlMlM L's house. 148 W. 8fh Phone i.iat (HMtitMsa town luvestisarV our' propusiiiou. jobs, Angeles. Calif. $tlea$:t000 year RKWABD for flhre aullraae left on aide fhotie 43. aak for J. M. free. Writs iwndiaicty sonth Franklin In new. the f eld s uulitnitetl and expanding ' 44M R, Mrs. Rates. NEW. WON D Brc7.T SRI JdEiT ile ''iarnri t t I atm-of .' jnat abure lat are. al dark SKVEKAi. in.lem bouses. 2. 3 hotel the night Stitute. dept. An WANTED lUvUester, N Y. arnlug iiosaibiliiJea will WORK wsnted by the hour or washing and experience daily, whil aud aooru." every dollar aale: ilelfrer on spoi license Tburaday erening. 'lirni-.- t Brilenbi-ker- , 73 unueceaaary. Bxperienee rlerk, K!ary i.0 uKinth. rooru aad Ivoard. Ml.N wanted to qualify for fire men. ' Wa --at aatouiah features. $1dis. beds, built-iironing to do at home. Ry. 1S1( W io 20 Mission PBctory aumple free. unjeceasrj or pliooe W.s lOetl 124 Olendale bled ixs TrkUOwV Addrena S fcouthfni Idahii. Addi-aoHlonaker 8. 232S W. lvo tain. t:i s.. Male "Trans men, Pico, iu Lum, expericme tmneeasary, Angeles Calif. YOCNti lady. 25, wiabea light housework or white, Kuaalan Female IDST wolfhound, No ap poriaUon furnn-he-d So St4ABKB or nursing Addreaa X 31, SKU. PAINT direct, factory to oae: children of car BOOMS uuturaisiied. Mctaffrey, Hwpt., .tngeles gioitnd flour, t:-- 50 with Ua spot on aide and tan marking, un freight men. $1000 THbuse. Louis Steady wOek close In. 133 4th Eat. prentice need apVfy. Was. 8722. t A1 ' PO N and TRA DN HTa'bIP prepaid experience unoeeewsary exciuaive hand. Suitable reward for retura ti. 11&7 M cuatomer; trvery insurance taoltry no Of l 51VM. tVTTi,K to. do aotn Janitor work for rent MEN Age inrestment big r week By. Station territory NICK tirirk iHicses. uirtl.. 5 and f. rooms wauling pay PRAtTTU Al nursing or Waa l.lrd are Hy. sork $H5-$25$02.40; Id per cent to agents 220 fvee We deliver and collect. 874 B. So. tN.upons rrv Write Davis Paint of IwiHetncnt apt. 8213-J- . $25 month, Was and amo. 512. $20 ailk Blue IX)ST handbag caantainitig gtaasea. Mills bldg., San Kraucisco. Co. 1701 Wasbingtott, Kansas ( ity. Mo experience r ROOMS aDneceatary wanted. bri.-" hoo-i OOOD Apply Wrtte II t S iTxp.uiliN hi aolirlW rt Was 24S7: Friday night either vanity cake anil amp cook experienced SALKSMBN Imtly profile Baker, tSupt , 067 Wa in w tight. Si. TtlUfKINti ' t'-IX AtiEN Wr Patented home t So. ar100 xtri-eor 1W7. un or 2nd at Paramoua Waa Main or theater bo ""JJ1 sltlos. at Mtu write 323 necauty ,nL,i,L.' union Laouia. line, monthly bonus, Iveat known ticle like ii ; 4 sales in S calU. tremeixd.wit between South Temple and Firaf s.itli hotel Uadea 50. 5 ami ovrcoBta. auits. measure Knows porcti, uioiicro. sleeping lore mad to TYPEWUITEBIS hj ' r liit T r Ijooeais profit; eaclu. lerr. Reward to tv07 third ave Waa S322-W- . tach;ut by kxBleet pkbps l all 11,11 W. WOMAN wants work by day, iw,ing to ton rapencer r., was, .a'tn y', woolUtggeat old reliable house 1&I0 Oar.'and Bldg.. Kara while you learn at borne rica BbV Chicago tii a bXntkbd. WILL party who picked up tcartoike ktiell 4 ROOM brick: sieeviing 1H05. Chicago. ciesaisg. Phone Was. 4411 M iiatnT celrar book sod proof ic aeons free. porch, Batifacuou D Hoiltii A tV, esiablfsbed DAILY: $50 BCllaT. :..' to 75 4er cent below mfrs. elaswiea Automotive alt iuTenOon. Paramount rim at $A theater Fr ooe sere of ground, Write to SAiJCWMKLN Wll "everr retailer sttvrsctit- - YOCNO wrjman waata work by dav ironaad posiDoo secured. irrigating water TERMS cars. Free new.spnper diapHty 11- - MOD Bi-- S B BNT (CD guarautee-day evening pleaae return name to 113 South fruit trees. $25. price; OShli. Rear 1180 So sth wist! PhoneWaa Ch i e f Kn etnee r t ook t, 344 Lawrence new invention of great sell ave.. ing or clenoing ver your name to agent makesadvertising ly displayed ;i month. $" 50 np kth Kaat ? Reward. poaitire terms mt n Uy bri.-TYPEWBtTRH sdssBtfoua nnnflus 10 WHOLBKAIdK m Chicago. 00.. and lADY. Tremendous sales. years' experience ing window ivnct'esa. Official garage. uHT'LinT test NEAR Ikeaeret gym, TTiunwlay night. .Hie Pho&e Was. 2781. is.ln "t. Key at 818 Lincoln st. book orders from free pocket model ; libSo. Mam St. show? gasoline m'leage incrated A3 per cent. ,T2l; A)H ANO KLKS LKABN AC'l'OS IN trimming per hour or day. Was. 9062-R- . IJtti era atnall white laoodle hol.bed tail. ilaig. be hustlers tor Bouansa commission Ht" Write now of Philia Territory. pay Jobs . open; short, eaay, pracoca' caar-- e close In, with garage. 5Jf) quick: W K Mfg answers to name of Riihy. Reward repair, sti makea typewriters; Mlknfrta, Was 5 ROOM rottag Write today, Cl'BTAiNS repeater lunula giiantnieed work guaranteet a":. and K. 1st South Call for and deliver. etc ebulit tvpewrliers sold on easy tensa. course, 2M. 62 Bast laid South. Was Ma. Arlington Heights. uiversa! arT free liluilraied Si P704B monih" aeTlTngeTeV-triAo'ENTS Mate agents for New Royals aad Coronaa. board whiie learning, Make Ave-'cTIIitKE whiTe on laOST Srd $3.00 of Suodai. par' iy mud $18. EXOHANOK CO WANTKD Salesman to carry our line CTA1I TYPKWRITKR Dep( iage catalog explains every thing lis)jttM vanity cases. No. W. Tempi YOCNO lady liwum.i fare. acnt pottiou Every we fail Was, tliMil on the mar prayer book. Rewant. 4004 S. Kiguvroa. Phone Was 406 2. National Automotive. t at Sa. M:in St. man Jjut. keg beverages, the best line or office cashier We de advance.). ()mmiie;(in genera! laeOM i iiioai-n& KisiM iiewpair liver rollerl Aneviea. brick .ullage. bend round bag. at Ka T Y PK W Ii ITBBH. We SPAN'tiLER K KM I 0 TON MPti. CO. lot) LOST Black anil steel 7806, Sou'ti Temple street. . . t'. M. I Re upataira ilressing room n Bros Manufacturera' aervice 110 LICK BAIiBKH SCHOOL Trade taogfti a.taV. ata. weii. Chicago real, repair tne-mkV eeUIC Vi Bll Call Hy. ward. We have opening fvnr i apable trained ' Lat modela mecbsnica, house, and wages porch-alsback SYLRBMKN: N 'i . paid from right: tools fornisbed , paotry ( . E A iTy vt a d ( i $SO 00 reprewen ng f a c IXeST -saeeeas d iplomBs issued . transfer If0"!" .ud Hearing TL!.- fS$H with ratted fig double gsraa; $20. pr i viiegee : tu Tented. 138 E Special rate to siaienta. RethEng salesman with good record. Morton Eleetrte lady's canMoor pin casew. tory iightetl yanlty Mla Sweusoo. 14,. Fastest 114 Begeui Csll Hy. fifT.. reasonable; cAts'sgue free. ton Typewriter Co., & K 1st South Ptione 1st Su. and Main or ave. fullv sold for past fifteen yeara to the WANTED- Dy work. wiier out. Pa advanced. We de- on are, on th ave. a no . U C. St., street car. liarawsre .; Wm MOB naat ll,.B:.-,Reward. 9th general Waa. mud. brick, dry goods. liver Write for drug, k 20 lia OOI.DSMITH. srreeiu aampie, .. Kn iiiiiartr ftiUnl i..uri'ua.,SS4 W. RI A I .N n LAI NDKlii.D. LACE MKN ! t . WOi.a So. Clinton. Chicago. iearn the baitier trade free accord lag at ores. . itnni menl, gins! chicken coops. 423 K street. w. B x j Mil n.ao. "ZSSLt-Z&- L MRS. to the latest ssetnods. ij('ARANTRED Wa guarautse re 8TAUJNUS. LOUT wriat watch at Hotel Utah Hy. 753 tuuity for aggrees4.e levy's 4 To PA 4 Ohio 7A4S Borrow o (WAS We pay you while you leam and her c S. COWAN, asssyer and chemist, $ sniu. dept. Was THREE rooms an. aleeping cafeteria, ladies' room. Reward. porcli. Phone Wasatch 4114 So West u n manufacturer' rapid Belling auto j BTXPERiTENCED gust ante B Jb st L'tsh Barber colleg. 144 WILL pay 7 per cent for AMMO. 00, city real 8S77. rslored wa"uu,V."v 1321 ... -Tempt.. girl modern" West 8th So. Phone partly ... ... . ..' .. n : Was. . . wm ..i as at..' eat invAe-u- . ..... wrs. BlaAt. n aim t':nemisiB. ."I!p(di; ... st. " p -'apartment) pect-iOTTel security iioni.a n'mmi. LOST 0 j ueeut-x4, mare, weight about 74 Iba., 7808. ... Box m. a 1214 iwunt Master path bp learning heal South West tempi". Waa. eiciusive aiaie vwiruaiivi iyri. iUBtOME Floder hind nurae and G. feet, owuaework. p. rOR .bite phoaa good rali cook, HARMONY PLACB, 7Uj and 8th EaTfou HIS money maasr. amau inyes,lised. UKALTH and BP ACT Y culture. ' W. Addreaa WAS. TribA NICBOldS, assayer-- t and chem Wan Rardman. Hy. 4t44 B. Reward CH1SMON $4.) FOR one year. So, room modern bungalow. uotet Temple, air. Mower. rcoutrctl. our short. HOME tnent throtiah fasoinaimr une. LOST ist. 121) South, West Temple. Holy t'rosa traioing school pin."Ve- - $72.50; furnace and hinilor servj.-e- . See WAS ; ' iN'tlnu- riat- - I AVI Nl, JUNK pariitu.ar. houae numts--r 27 or Waa, 7729 II. tweea lOlh E. So T. and Iroapltal, Board Wanted and Room I oral I NlON ASSAY Ojf PlCR, INC . 152444 INST , cum Wlnthmp t'kieago. HtaOIl for. good aaleeauaa raff aroek EE il unk pays mt.re fur furniture retnrn to trainiag achool office. p O Box 1444K West Temple 3 ROOM LADY employed deslrts boanl anT rmT"for Addreaa M 6 Trrwae. i," modern brick .i ore strictly atl I.N MKN wanteal fur I ?. mail mnipan. odds aau tooU, ends, rsga, botself and liitle irl 5 years old: child to LOST - A mink choker In itreas lie-stpapeiTd and painted, al 1038 Mo State ur rorreapiiBtleDce WILL gtiaraaten a good aalarr aod lfki. .rtiuTieoi-aa tlea. et. clothing, , tu Was, 581AM. or near by. Phone Was.. 41..8 be tared for during day. Phone Hy. 731-Kent $25 a month Reward, K. S. Bisbup. Inquire on premises. Write aaeb and worn, a of ability aad to utinecoiuiar, tBtealoa CO. pays PITTSBCBO W0 have huiuu very ckolee luratloaa to of- lini.i-- r 57H. Juplin. Mo. bgbesrprla uf ur ti oVlork evenings or addreaa X 43, FOI ai laaary. ROOM mod. Phone Was. $40 collie, male ot luge; h. w. heat. good character ; eaperiean la aat .... trackage or warebranee for second hand ciot.be. furoitur, bot Tribtine. fer Id Addreaa 3405 or Was M51 M. 352 So. 8l Knst. Was. 5482. garage. UOVKH.NMKNT oba. Xo A2K) BOathT Two good reperrlaora needed. Hy Ml M. rarvpertr. ties,,! THuure". 18 klru woruen. dteatlr. Llat free. laOBT up, one bnffet set and CLOSE in, no car fare, oca! clean 4 room Parr.1 KIMBALL It RICHARDrJ, containing more JRAXOPHONE for MARSHALL pay eu.f. furniture, ImmedlatelT. raea rraaklla Write Itutitute. reliable dresser and of mga. TWO scarf modem aelling house. city Findef i piece lMd Aferckaatk, $22.50. 357 Wasmer court lingerie. Was 4PAT7. . 0 it t ffiflSTlri?n rags aM k nd of lank Rocweeter. N. V. Pft ne Was 5078-R- . anil other boueetKuaJ Bee a aat tie. aa Dept. 460-Kphnn. Was 53SS W. Reward. St Mala. Inatrractioa aazopkoo, and t Bmpreaa. Waa. KA1LWAT POSTAL t'l.KKKS utTBdisJKSKXP 8. Start 1S3 ea,y terni. Broa.Apply 121 So. W. Tcaapla. TICTTET8 LOST mod. brick, al. porch, gaa and Hr. ftfitd R, Satnrday. old fashioned pin, cool Ballroad Biuotit. Expeauaea pa a. beirlooaa. Beward. Was. 8528. palil, 743 So, 8th B. range, garage. TRUSSES Teat ezamtcatloo free. aaleaamea. Maat be re- TICKETS to sad from sll Atlantic and Pa CQlombua laatitute. w I'Klt.. CU S TOM MADE CORSETS tours eifh" Evtern-lTKiteJ. ports Bpocisl Ohio. arrangel. of roluroraua. WAT.!, PAPER CTLaEANTNO actira corporation liable :o aell atnek MKN wanted to wear our truaaea: fit guar BAKtH.KT cvraeta. aurglcal belta, tratued 8tsmsl.ip burdneaa nea. Attraclira G. Toenlinaou. aateed. Reg Drug Co., W. Teraple aad I.EARN earTaeeatrr. auto mechanic, eleo made up of local nitu an agga deairoyed ioouT'to' PAPER CLEANING Wilson notH, Salt Lathe City. Notary coraetierea. Mra. Uaad Uayea, orgaatatac. MODERN oldest, Bl GS,hobrs Aittlra-a.- . X 3ft. Trtbua. inveattueut. X M. Trlbanej T.nndwa.T. trlcal engineering by aay kalaornminir reliable, reasonable: aperlal prarm; clean Public. Waa 5S14 Yas. aaadla and guarantee. In Salt Ijke since 1809 D1ST. Hamiitoo 274. aalearoaoager CHI M "K EY SWXEP A SIGNS 9f. Rice. 623.MllAon sve Beach rae. rlearaera. RADIO REPAIRING Dodga Bra... jutf Hyland PAPER tilting-righpaper cleaning, haaging. an "ale, a.HIMNKVt aod furaai-e- , rleined and avialiat. a) Kt l HAS. PBTSKBtaK. :ga S.O"! work al right prices. Bllaa. Hy. sis' FUMIGATING .OH BBDBCGS, ALL KINIIS BALlfO oatnta letwitt. repaired, rhar7ged. opened. aay Uaat-taand OF VERMIN' lit a JJ jeara. Waa. No AUTOMObVlK aaleamea WORK ; liberai gaaraateed ALL ,t ISO. work A. Badla Fowler, guaranteed. gun. pd key, Qaallty bicycle ra,.,tltr EAI.N0MINlNG Serai,-.rirat paper cleaning, Co.. Waa. 360;. TEED. braacb aivopa. Erwla fbeTraaier rL0VIN;ER DISINFECTANT COM ! works. 82 W. Bdwy. Waa. 4880. Bepalr gaap. git Brook, akreada. rlasi work, prices right. Hy. 4470-M- . PA.NY. 118 S. Want leapt, au. Waa. 2314. I rum strictly conkidbntiai. DKEt A Jb, J'lilBI NE. ah am JTKIMHJ-- do TBU i a .Mbit la Juat of anatrbaa ;ir r.. m? .. J iir jirSZidr'i t., MlBfirn; .,.$3000 V ii 10 8 u 7 i 4 8 0TA: 8 4 1 !(, 4 4 a.;nt 4 wtftMlsceli ru., - h7, ,. tusr ar. Taunt j Tpte. ZiTrAKT .rt.r II Wantd l3 i.,slt intro vj.. mi iS. JPE 0rs! i ,K.FJ?'rJ3)'5. .v r 4S.H HarsEs. .... .... i TRACY Uain partly- Tl!ST LOAN Call St. 8o. CO. Waa mo.. 778 Bute tlx. .. IN. a. partly mod., 330 Poat st. store neparalu, 819 E. 13th So. '.Ni.ag laraja lot, barn, etc., 114 So 1214 Muet J.,..9 rm. modern, 53 Gordon Plac. :to. maid, brick, 838 BUia KM 4 rm. .... SvJS Downington mod, brick, mod. brick, 183 I st mod. brick. 188 So. 4th Ka.t modern. 1346 So. 10th Bast rui. modern, with furascc, 31S Wil liana, mi. modern, with furnace. 437 So AtN.OH 30.1 32. W 30. " 40. W East cottage aad garage. Waa. 8310-LOOMS and slimmer kitaien, water aail 331 W. 5th Bo. Ht"'"- FOB RENT A House cnaap. 3al Beck street. Waa. .1318 li. 3 KOOM 828 Sago brick, modern, (17. 8Ui E. 6th and 7th So. ave. bnngalo., s.e., modern exctpt beat. 825 per month. Was. 8208. 52 modern brick cottage. GOOD E. SUi bo. St., cheap to good party. II f. Hoflmrin, 22 E. lat So. Was. 2.182. good condition Illil. anol. lot heat; 807. i 4th South. rae. large block fron, lt ROOM modern, school and car line. 144 So. 7th Went. TWO nice, largo rooms, electric li.rht, gas, water in houae, $15 mo. 344 Bust South Temple st, Wa.1384Jl; FOlrU coufortaDle rooma, mod. except beat. full cement basement, gas range: reaaon-ataUreut. garage. 373 So. 4th BaaL it ROOM mod. lioaaw, cor. 2nd No. an 2nd 2 e. $35. YVest, MODERN 3 raavjtu JithrVlli, I,t., 14, J4 ag zi. aa ' 1; llF0BD r (a tn.tt niy ue aft sg Two 5 room apartments de luie, 874 E South Temple $70. 00 and SO.Ot LK tiBJlND KICHAISDS REALTY C4) Wat. 4881. 132 M) WeeT South Temple 1 " 2 RMS., rear 3 B. 4th Bo. at So. at. 20. tt 834 E. 7th bath. etc 2T.t 7mi. mod.. 420 K st mod.. 42H Church at., go. of .Kl.tO Com. club JO.Og mod., 778 So, State at sir. mod., gas range, hot air 30. heat. 1216 4th ave 7 mi sir. mud.. 230 4th ave. la good 37. H reimir 7 no, sir. mod. aad encage, 728 3rd 37 Nice home ave. REAL ESTATE k I3V. I PETERSON Was. 3320. 4S EaM 4th So. FOR RNT strictly modern. 776 ast mil I30.09 Soolh 4 rm. modern brick. 243 No. lat W.. 27.10 newly renoatrictly 36. vata. X tto. 13th E cement 4 rui. go modern. range, baiactua-ntiinoleuui 721 So. 5tli B - 25.09 FIJilN IIEOI LVC AS INV. 00..36 W. 2nd Wa. 2354 modern. 38 So. 4tb Kaat 45 ta S room modern. 851 3rd are Srooui motlera, 323 Bast Broadway.. 241 5 room modern, newly cleaned. 15T No. 28th Want t5 nioau moiiern. 34 No. rth Went... 12.89 Apply Rental Department. Bettilyon lionw Wa. 202. Bid,. Co 45 B Broadway. .. K KOOM iuod.. 118 0 st. So. 776 6 E. 5 ! room mod., u :. $20 part, mad., No. 7 room 268 Mala. $33 moil., JViTv u room mod.. 803 5th ave CO.. A. HU'HTBB Was 8871 So. Ma n St. 1 llOOil wavod. f.'VOO narfaetly 12. 00 frame, s.e., . Itl.lal Double h uae, each side MILLER B'.'ILDING .0. 817 l.rooks A real J ll'.l.'. .'. aiOOM house. Dtibt a.e, 2nd Sat. bit. 3rd and 4th Eaat, $25. Waa. jarf!. i cleaa LOOM mud brick cottat" in between 2ml and 3rd No. ua Weal cai jlneL Was. -- 8t!. 1168 Hi NN 1 SIDE ave.. 6 ruom mod 130.00 etn bungalow, 1100 E 8th Bo modern bun. 27 5 galow It. K. A laNV. (0. H'COKACGHY . 305 laerTjsBldg Was. VOli JtEN r modem home, with .leeiainx hardwood floorv. 6111 Flrat a..: porch, bnck garage. Plume Ya. .I7R2 sleeoin.-jairi-i i.talljl modem liouse. gfasaed-lOth and 7th Bagt on 7tli So. Inn. 738 So 6th Eaat. Hy. 333'. . rtl j; SXii rir.1 S Hrh ir fr n uMsiitii rm. 4- - rm. 4 raitS r.l wm. rooans. dealrable location, hoi atr heat, beaatifttlly furbished through 140. kf out, 7S1 First areaue rooms and splendid sleeping pore, hdw. floors, garage or. latest type. dill Firat avenue 7k. n j nauueru. u. uu... cms r. Uth South 30. (a. rouuia, well located, modern. r.6o 30 09 First avenae .... rootna aad aleepiag porch, 3rd South S Kinis, modern, cloae in. 238 E 4'h SO.tt South so.n, nxima. nioalern and contrarian. e K 4th South .S room, modemi rooming houae loca tion. 243 E 1st South rooma, modem, rooming houee ra i ton. 131 Eaat Fourth South to.tt ; rooms, modern frame house, loca tion 31S Bast Coatsville ave. room, amall store, located at 118 North Uod West. 151 JPfJj lpX. m,a uwaa MIlKMNGSTAR TOGELER INT ('0 SI ITB 3t7 M'tORMl'K B1.1H PHONI WAS. 2718. ai pdiw, icnswi Uaive ut aoa wita. - aauia, near 7th Ektat aad Broadway. It's a snap. Why not rent aad tarnish Beat only it aad njake money! t room aod bath new brick bnngalo. . . aautAeaat 4 mum brick wit balk, near 4th kv aud Broadway tNo childreni. 7 mam mud. brick with large bath, fine oak rioora. gas range, etc. Ai .ays rented forwillS3.V but If taken now in winter give less, at only !. :;, fit are 1. room tri. .. ream area mod. brtek at Sa. no. Btb Kast at., only .... ..fc.., au u ... aua. , , ts i . ,wv wouaail LARGS BATH GAB, LIGHT, A Nil SJJtBPING POBCB. NEAR 12TII H. AND K. UTT 80. Jl'ST TUB PLACE TO RAISE A FAM 1LY. NBAS WABATCH GRADE HIGH SCHOOL AND AND - I'NIVBKBlTSi OB WILL SKU. ON EASHferr of ntKMs. very cueap T.m- .- tar OnftnarjVwS a-a- inudem Emerson ave. 1NW1.U moderu 4 ROOM 5 32 terrace, adults. 328 But ll.vs bouse with garage. Sleeping porch, caopa. bouse for rent. Afisay si. D . house, furnace beat; reasoa-ableBdwy. lly. 787-4 ROOMS, mod., glasaed-lsleeping purct. Inquire 235 So, 8th East. Jheat f iirniahed mod. 5 ROOM 528 E. litHIM Ironse. $8 month. Pooac Hy 1072. ROOM. new. strictly modern brick furnace, hardwood floors aod all latest feature.; garage, a..., out of smoka. Adnlta only. Hy. 2708. 5 ROOM modern house with sleeping porca. bot water and painted, newly papered beat. Comer 12th East and 3rd Soma Phone Was, 3735. , 7 ROOMS aud batb, strictly modern, goi.1 hot water beat aod very ilesirante 81 So. 8Gi Eaat-WIf. ition; fine garage. 3 5 ultl-W- . tnodem houae, reaaoukle rent, 14 st. Was. 746V-B- . 142 Srd a v..; 8 ROOM hooae, close In. WTas. 3565. gaa. furnace, garage. . are. naaf SIX ROOM on Flrat aiiartmeagt Federal Heifbts. CaU 107 T street-- Waa 4 KOOM Jeremy .' conditiaa. excellent rood. brick, Was. walking; distance. 427 3rd Eaat . Bargala. 5 KOOM mod. brick, cetneBt baemcnt. 4S4 Bedford Villa. 4th Bo. bat. 3rd and 4tk Bast. Inquire 418 or phone Wsa. lMaW. 0NE four room airlctly modern. $27 50 S North 1st YVeat. Inquire rietchrr l.acss lov Co.. 38 W. 2nd Sooth. Wsa 28S4. 4 ROOM claae In. modern flat. $18. car fare, lnouire 2nd Sooth. Wt 365. . THREE sonth mod era except baaa. near school. $18, 1354 So 11th Kaat. 4 ROOM iraodfrn hoaae. aaoepbkg porch. in. store, I a lalu ilnuieum on a k, raa Adults preferred. Garaga. 1083 W. way. 8 ROOM mod. bouae, 258 5th a vs. Waa. 7 KM 0228-W- a nana!" i K AND. 3 room Iiouaaa. Ted, pre. Hi KOOM 2 bouse Waa. 32 close ia, 00 the 1 , Sortk rait Me, - |