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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD, DUCHESNE, UTAH The Guarantee Of Democracy dictatorship - - be it Communist, Fascist, or Nazi - - always puts the press under its heel. Then ly. A Legion Officials To Address Basin Posts the people know nothing because Basin Legionaires will be add"The freedom of the press is they can hear only what the dicressed free A them. let to by officials from Salt Lake chooses for the tator the sole hope of freedom a at a combined meeting to be held of ensole cannot is A the guarantee press people. dictatorship San Franciscc at the suggestion of Ray R. Addure a free press, for with one it free democracy. ams, Legion placement representacannot maintain itself continuous Chronicle. tive, who will advise them on regulations concerning the placement of legionaires on PWA projects. Otto Wiesley and Ted Littlefield will give advice on other legion record crowd NEW HUGE SEES LIDA ALLRED PAPPAS FAIR (Continued from page 1) Mrs. Lyda Allred Pappas, 27 of Altonah, Utah died at a Roosevelt hospital Tuesday at 12:45 p. m. of shock, following an operation for appendicitis and complications performed Monday Mrs. Pappas was born in Huntington, Utah, in April, 1907 and moved to Roosevelt with her fam-l- y in 1910. She met Louis Pappas in in Rolapp and was married Price. Mr. Pappas was killed at the in Raven Mine near Roosevelt then Mrs. 1932. Pappas August, came to live at Altonah near her relatives, and from there went to the Roosevelt hospital for the operation and where she died. Keep Informed traced against the sky in electric outBright red neon tubes lltht. 628 lined the observation platforms A feet above the Fair. Farther south, Now is the time to build from the rotunda of the Ford build200 feet ing. a pillar of blue light. that cream cooler. mile a high, more than and thick weather is the greatest en- The overhead. e pierced the clouds of all this emy of load perishable prolighting the ducts. Protect yours and building Is more than matters. total load of the entire Fair of last increase the consump- help meetA letter requesting such a year. tion of Wilson butter. received Claire was by ing Foreign Villages Popular. New lights In the lagoon and a adjutant of Duchesne Post, and the local post has sent invitations new Aurora Borealis of searchNOW ON DRAFT .iLU to the posts at Roosevelt, Myton lights at the north end of the BILLIARDS and Vernal to join the Duchesne grounds, complementing that at the at their south end, completed the major Post meeting regular TOBACCO AND CANDY Surviving her are her father to receive 14th June changes in the night time illumina- Martin Allred, seven sisters, EmThursday, CREAMERY tion. the Salt Lake visitors. Verda Wardle, Vera COMPANY ma Anderson, Mecca for the opening day throngs Plans have already been comLeah Dastrup, Lois All-reThe Hansen, Duchesne. of Utah new Street Villages. was the pleted for a combined meeting of all of Altonah, Chloe John-atikworld In a single day of the "tour Duof the and Legion Auxiliary Duchesne, Utah of Hiawatha, and Novella Butter, cheese and processed offered by the fiftee reproductions chesne Post to meet on this date brothfour of Fair new cheese, in Roosevelt, the y lands cottage cheese and Timothy of and special invitations to the and Gerald "clicked. cultured Kimball, Idea that an to be buttermilk ers, Dan, proved members have been sent, to Eleven of the foreign villages are Wesley, all of Altonah. tinea insure a r naMpMaaKiMr--'o large meeting. Mid"lie Co grouped together where the The body is at the Schonian Here are an -- aniet j way was in 1933. in pending Duchesne, Mortuary U. S. A. C. Broadcast Irish village, with the atmosphere funeral arrangements whch .Dan that was known by the ancient Inrelatives. of Schedule For June for arrival the 5 the next chieftains who met in Tara nail ; terment will be in the Altonah veltj months of the Spanish village, largest ever Laki LOGAN The Utah State AgMrs. William Frisby, fh.nd Mr. cemetery. built for any Fair; Tunisia, the We announce that we have added an AbG ricultural College broadcasts over Ruby McDonald, Helen Ottosen The Land of the Bedouins; the Italian Kof-for- d als radio station KSL every Tuesday Hazel Sorensen and Jennie stract of Title Department to our business, and village, with Its leaning tower and Thursday from 1:30 to 145 p. were business visitors to Du- time-wor-n Roman ruins. Atlantic Monthly ?rel June 1st to care and will be prepared m. These presentations are given chesne Wednesday. jnty Entertainment Free Joe Josie has returned from by members of the college faculty, for all ABSTRACTS and CONVEYANCLonof Visitors saw the Tower all specialists in their respective Provo, Utah, where he has been most of your iiling don and watched Shakespeares MAKE thehours. ING of Land Titles, Notary Public, MorHolfields. The talks are given on visiting the past week. SALE FOR Registered of Enjoy the lion, a in reproduction presented Mrs. Clifford Rutherford and plays wit, the wisdom, the compan- - ayers subjects of special interest to Globe theater stein bulls. Any reasonable offer tgage papers and such. We are bonded by original Shakespeares farmers and housewives of Utah son are here visiting at the home In the English village; saw will be accepted. Also No. 16 ionship, the charm that have s, or The AMERICAN SURETY CO. according and the Intermountain country. made the ATLANTIC, for; an ( of Edgar Moffit. summer sun in the golden series De Laval Separator, the under Free copies will be sent upon reMr. and Mrs. Ed Perkins were German Black Forest village; saw nearly new. seventy-fiv- e to State Law, our abstractors are experi-anced- , years, Americas sary most quoted and most cher-- ; to c quest to the Information Office, here last week visiting with rel- Old North Church, Mount Vernon, Duchesne Record Call at Office, and our prices will be right. Utah State Agricultural College. atives. lshed magazine. I Junta and the home of Paul Revere In the s for the month of June, American Colonial village; relaxed Programs D We solicit your valued business Send $1 (mentioning this ad) tin a OVER $2300 IN CASH PRIZES 1934 include the following addressIn the luxury of a North African P, Puzzle Word es: The Happiness to desert village In the Oasis; thrilled time 50 dances cash folk includes June 5, E. J. Maynard Stretching The Atlantic Monthly, Contest to the charm of native prizes. t a Beats In the lovely Belgian village, and Lots of fun for solvers. Livestock Feed 8 Arlington St., 'u fr01 entered the gayety of Montmartre In jig-saJune 7, F. M. Coe "Summer Prunand cross-wor- d puzzles. Boston I T Vernetta A party was given by the Streets of Paris. Full information and 1 puzzle for ing of Fruit Trees to Conserve ,emoi evening on Viona the Elsewhere and Friday to they sent Murphy this grounds Moisture. six cents in stamps, I hssioi June 12, W. W. Henderson Grass- at there home. There were about found a Dutch village, a Mexican newspaper. :ied t 25 present and a good time was village, a Swiss village and the hopper Control wha n Duchesne, Utah of Streets Shanghai. June 14, A. J. Morris "Soft Cheese enjoyed by all. WANTED Coal and Wood on are coi Meal entertainment Free je Mrs. caught projects Mr. and Henry Look at the date Making subscription. cte as big crowds. Among them were June 19, W. W. Owens "Comply- sporting a new car. Realestate - Insurance - Bonds - Loans name on the paper, beside your j be acc Mrs. Sealey and Mrs. Goodrich the concerts on the Swift bridge, and if you are behind, and want ing with AAA Contracts lion show the and Abstracts of Title Mr. of tiger spectacular defin June 21, Ivy L. Hall "Canning the of Blue Bell were guests In the Standard Oil amphitheater, to deliver coal or wood in payment j a that Mrs. Van Keel Sunday. and Safe make Way and Record office call at the Strongest Companies - Lowest Rates Mr. Howard Kerkpatrick from the circuses of the Lagoon theater, June 26, Effie Barrows "Consider 'jfhas ty miracles performed In arrangements. is the guest of Miss Edna the seeming Kamas fi&nd the Children in the Home Safest Contracts the Science theater and the many June 28, F. M. Coe t. be m "Selecting Clayburn this week. shows presented by exhibitors in the FOR SALE Singer Sewing returnhas Reva j if the Brundage Mrs. Fruits for Home Use A-various exhibit buildings. Machine, In l Condition, Cheap. : madi ed to her home in Price. Mrs. Call at the Record Office, DuFair Better Host. Many telephones are be-- j friends been has visiting Brundage WE WILL GO ON YOUR BOND Executive Committee Opening day throngs found that chesne, Utah. ing connected again each and relatives here. no exhibits remaining from last year Hein day in this community and M0r Called is R. J. Clayburn Meeting Bishop were Animation has others. relatunchanged. ber and Salt Lake visiting been added everywhere. The Ford Back in touch with everyexecutive ives and friends. He expects to A meeting of the exposition, altogether new, Is a one, these families once more :e Junii week. of this River Duchesne last committee of the return the BBS world of motion, showing the man- LIFE PROTECTION can use the telephone as of- Water Users has been called for Mr. and Mrs. Jim Giles have re- ufacture of that every virtually part ten as they like. No longer jV?ar Saturday morning, June 9th, in turned to their home again after goes Into a motor car. Armour and AT COST are they dependent on neigh- - ' aye the court room at the County an extended visit in Heber City. company and Wilson and company, I bors. , Court House in, Duchesne. packers, have done much the same a without are If you Mutual Life Protection $1500 This meeting is called by Paul with their exhibits; so have the sect ephone, why not get in touch fjck as F. Henderson, project engineer of Continental Baking company, Hiram for $7.00; approximate total cost with us today? ages the Indian service, and member of Walker, the Brook Hill dairy farm $13.00 per year; n, Fr the committee, and it is urged that and others new to A Century of 5 to 75; all races; dues waived : as t after 15 years. Strictly mutual, each division see to it that its repProgress. William Blazzard and Nick Kilresentative be present. most of Perhaps all, nonprofit Life Protection at cost Important Any employee will take lian made a business trip to Roose- visitors found the new Fair a better Write for A, Dept. particulars. your order or call our week. host. Eighty per cent of the toilets velt one day last WE NEED ADVERTISERS I office. beare free, transportation and resThe ball game Saturday Roosevelt and taurant prices are lower and there tween Mtn. Home For the purpose of stimulating interest and was a hard fought game, with are more free resting places for the Family Mutual Benefit columns in merchants ads our that convincing Mrs. Axel Pierson and daughter, Roosevelt taking the honors. The weary, most of them where free enAssociation The Mountain States I are read and followed, we are going to give tertainment is In progress. Guenith have just returned from score was 8 to 11. Heard Bldg. Phoenix, Arizona Telephone & Telegraph Co. a motor trip during which they Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jenson and $50.00 in prizes to the writers of the thirteen i visited in Southern Utah taking in daughters of Bynum, Montana are best letters entitled: the Parks. They expressed them- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Steve-so- n selves as having had a most deand Mr. and Mrs. Mark BlazI LIKE TO READ THE ADS, AND lightful trip. They visited for zard. BUY ACCORDINGLY I several days with Superintendent, Mrs. Debs Blazzard and family Mr. Charles Burdick spent MonW. A. Paxon and family of Fill- of Salt Lake City, visited the week J. W. day with his wife and folks at the more who send greetings to their end with Mr. and Mrs. MARY, THAT FARM Wimmer home. Bleazzard. many friends in Duchesne. WE WANTED WAS Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fullmer and Mrs. Maxine Burdick and famFirst Prize Mrs. N. L. Pope of Price is vis- family from Utahn, were in Mtn. ily and the Misses $15.00 Phyllis Wimmer SOLD TODAY. Wf and Bessie Forbush were Sunday iting with Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Home Monday visiting friends. Second Prize $10.00 and other relatives for several Don Nyberg, Geddes Lindsay, R. guests at the home of WAITED TOO LONG Mr, and Steveson and Mrs. J. D. Wimmer. E. days. Brig Farnsworth, Third Prize ,...$5.00 Austin Burton were in Roosevelt Mr. Jens. Frigal and daughter Mayor R. E. Miller of Myton, Monday, June 4th, to attend the Anna were the guests of Mrs. Ber 1 The next ten best letters will receive a year wras a Duchesne visitor Tuesday, drouth meeting held there. thena Holfeltz over the weekon business with the county comend. paid up subscription to the Mr. Miller is trying Two missioners. Hurt Seriously The farmers of the country are OTHER FOLKS ARE to persuade the county commisUINTAII BASIN RECORD to hay, Ill bet it rains. Dance beginning From Coming sioners that they should appoint SNAPPING UP THE Miss Dorothea NOTE: 1st, 2nd and 3rd. prizes will be paid in Wimmer a deputy sheriff for Myton. He was BARGAINS, JIM. WE'D states that the city of Myton will orders on any business establishment, speci Fay Leffler, 21, and Dan Gines, Saturday night and Sunday guest of Miss salMelba were Curran. a such of of Utah half 19, Tabiona, pay injured deputys BETTER MAKE UP OUR fied by the winner whose ad appears in near Tabiona Saturday night, by Mr. Vern Holfeltz ary. and Mrs. our columns during the life of the falls from a truck on which they Perry Grant and sons were SunMINDS, AND ACT FAST. Emil Munz and Arthur Brown were returning from a dance at day guests of Mrs. Ethel Curran. contest. Duchesne attended the regular meeting of Defas resort on the Floyd and Duane Grant spent a U I Several few Basin Lodge No. 20 F. & A. M. at river above Tabiona. Letters must not exceed 200 words, must be in 7TS . . . the bargains are days last week with Claud cieg up, to started go on the were ready young people riding Myton Monday evening. Curran while their mother, Mrs. ink or typewritten on one side only, and may going fast. Other people true. But theres still unr . a Mrs. Fern T. Moffitt spent truck, which had the body re- Perry Grant went to 7 conto be published in our columns Price, we desire . . whove been waiting years to buy your own home and R, Thursday visiting with relatives moved for hauling lumber, leav- sult a physician about her health. i to and friends in Boneta. buy farm homes realize land at rock-bottoing only the frame. Tes Pearson passed Anyone is eligible except members of the paper that through low today the Mr. Gines, who fell through present Take the first ste prices may here never come again. or members of the families truck was caught on the drive from Saturday, on his way home Send the coupon belowfoi OPEN AIR FLOOR shaft receiving injuries to his face for theArgyle, he reports good feed of the judges. shouldnt Why you take literature showing photo, Rich cattle. FOR VICTORY PARK and back. He was taken to Kaof advantage barthese graphs and prices of finTea nIah Mrs. W. J. Seaton spent a few Dr. M. C. Campbell announces mas for medical attention SunM. Chas. k. Lei gains yourself before Iverson, Supt. of Schools. Judges: right in your territory. days last week with her daughter the opening of a new open air day afternoon. too late? mail it alPrices and have G. V. Billings, County Commissioner it out now j floor at Victory Park next SaturMr. Leffler, who fell from the Mrs. Floyd Wheeler of White-rockPaul P. Allen, Mayor day night. The new addition to side of the truck, when evidently MILLER AND VIELE . 16 Exchange Fiacl SfHo Mrs. Martha Gee spent the resort will be open throughout attempting to dismount as it slowSunday Salt Lake City, Utah the week in the form of a cabaret, ed down in Tabiona, was run over with Mrs. W. J. Seaton and Mrs. Peci, 4 with music available for dancing by the rear wheel, receiving brok- Joe Cowan called in the afterThe Contest Starts Immediately Name ti whenever desired. Two orchestras en bones in the shoulder and fight noon. i tfc and Closes July 1st. t will play on the opening night, one side. He was taken to Roosevelt Address Gussy Gordon from Indian Cani1Z(d, 1 on the open air floor and one in- Sunday morning for medical yon has come down to his place to !. 8u on side the regular floor. Coun(y SKSEraz State put up his hay. Blatz Old Heidelberg Beer Pass Time Pool Hall Al-ton- Announcement Miss Hope Allred returned to Ferron, Utah last week where she has employment for the summer. Funeral services for Thomas Kenison were held in the W ard The House, Thursday. May 31. Allred. speakers were John L. Thomas L. Allred and Bishop A. G. Burton. The quartett furnished the singing. The invocation was offered by James W. Redford and the Benediction by Roscoe Perkins. The grave was dedicated by was George B. Rust. Interment in the Talmage cemetery. Some new cases of measles have broken out. Mrs. Joseph Jensen left Thurswith day for Park City to visit and Workman Mrs. and Mr. Roy family. folks A truck load of young the for to went Tabby Saturday ball game and to Hanna for the dance. Mrs. James Anderson returned home from Heber, Utah Friday. returned Mrs. Helen Ottosen Fri-dahome from Salt Lake City one-thir- d MUTUAL d, es far-awa- s y. i after -- g w G. V. S BILLINGS Were Glad We Have Our Telephone Aga m tit FREE! - FREE! $50.00 In Prizes i "ft non-medic- tit E 5 RULES: i V if staff its s. To TIIE NIGIIT HAWKS DANCE WITH THE CROWD 25c Per Ticket 25c Louis Hansen, Mgr. ... |