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Show tHJk were not replaced to organs co FACTS AND COMMENT the DENIS JULIEN, THE t their correct position at theIn this examination. FIRST WHITE MAN By An Undertaker pletion of the a the surgeon found instance TO DESCEND THE the varof Last week we traced the horseshoe kidney instead inCOLORADO RIVER ious evolutionary steps through two usually present, and the S!U at Private WeV property of said estatT of SW s!at KWh -- UINTAH BASIN RECORD PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH Roy A. Schonlan, Publisher and Editor which our present system of embalming was perfected, and gave a brief description of the process as it is used today. To refreshen our memory then, tthis process is merely the injection of preservative and disinfectant fluids into is the arteries, while the blood drained from the veins, thereby thoroughly saturating the entire body with the fluid. is During this process, which to one from in usually completed three hours, the operator must direct his attention also to the various other phases of the work. The body must be thoroughly cleansed externally for the protection of others who may come in contact with it, exposed parts must be watched closely, so that features will show a natural lifeand often the like appearance, circulation of the fluid must be aided, especially to the extermities efby massage, or by varing the of fect gravity.' In connection with the life like appearance of the features it might be well to divert our atten tion for a time to the fluids we are using. It seems as far back as we have records that dehyde is a perfect and disinfectant, it is a very harsh chemical, often producing results not wanted, and for this reason is, in the last few years especially replaced being more and more with other chemicals by fluid man-roc- k stance was so rare that the organ work. was preserved for reference work the not are These autopsies as them dread of embalmers, who extra work for of hours mean they work of him. but are always the only them who perform doctors, in sus-o- r to determine cause of death for the purpose picious cases, which ou without research, the of of mede-cin- e knowledge present day impos3-Iblbe and surgery would thous-an- d a of out one Perhaps autan deaths is followed by the description was opsy yet that our teachers tc given by one of ol as the process his students, hunheard have I and embalming, dreds of other remarks from peosounded just ple in our basin, that as rediculous. Comments of the finishing touchwill be es, after the embalming, week. next included By Albert When Major J. W. Powell madP his famous trips down the Colo-radRiver in 1869 and 1872 he discovered that a D. Julien had preceded him and left his carvings on the canyon walls, a man of mystery for whom search was made at the Vatican at Rome, it being believed that probably he had been a missionary of the Catcharge, 30c. holic Church in these parts. On August 6, 1930, the writer found a carving on Inscription MORE WHISPERING Rock, east of the Uintah River about east of Mrs. Daniels Roosevelt, according to the Standard" is still half way between Fortplace, Duchesne whispering, in regards to the establishment of the and Whiterocks P. O., near where school board office in the logical place here in Roose- the Roubidoux fort of the early days was located, which velt" They go on to speak however, of the econ- trapping reDenis Julien, 1831, reads, omical change of location of the Duchesne county porting same in El Palacio, vol school board from Duchesne to Roosevelt or some 31, no. 15 footnote, pp. 229, October 14, 1931, having previously other central location in the county." mentioned it to Dr. Julien H. SteHas the editor a map of Duchesne County? When ward who called Mr. Charles Kehe speaks of moving the office from Duchesne to lleys attention to it. Through the some central location, he must mean to a point about latters investigations and my own learned following has been six miles North of Duchesne, in the uninhabited ex- the about this man of mystery. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dean and panse of sagebrush on the Blue Bench. That is the It is found that this Denis Jul- Doris left daughters, Jeanette and either acted as guide for Rojionly spot in the county more centrally located than ien in Tophome Saturday for their his trading a few Duchesne. Roosevelt, we must remind them is on doux or accompanied after spending Kansas eka, to the Uintah Basin in expedition Deans Mrs. the very edge, the last place in the county which 1831, leading that same year to days at the home of , mother, Mrs. M. Spratt. could be considered for the location of a school the establishing of Fort Robidoux or Fort Uintah (also called Fort board if their own arguments are followed ! Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hadden Winty), near the present Whiteto Price Saturday. motored seem therefore rocks. It would STRAWBERRY WATER that he made the carving on the Misses Jeanette and Doris Dean We have succeeded, it would seem, in helping to near Mrs. Daniels place ufacturers. night at the home create quite an interest in the fact that the natural sometime in December of that Wherever formaldehyde comes in spentMr.Thursday J. A. Morrison. and Mrs. of contact with the flesh, it produces (1831) flow of the Strawberry river is not coming down the year d The records of births and deaths a hard, solid "effect, and when of Duchesne the channel as it should. The resolution adopted Marie Hadden baptisms of the Stt. Louis ija containing a high percentage with her coud water users meeting last Monday, calling for im- Cathedral gives entries concern- - 0f they become extremely set spent the week-enHadden. follows: as family an(j rigid. Dark spots or fluid sin, Hope mediate action by the state engineer should at least ing this mans, (obtained as a result of finding burns often appear on the skin bring forth some facts on the matter. Water users his full name on the rocks, as especially where it was applied Mr. and Mrs. Pete Abplanalp Charles Abpthis does not above) : of the upper Duchesne who feel externally, and a rapid dehydra- - and family, and Mrs. Julien, Marie Jos., born May tion caused wrinkles, and a shrunk lanalp and family were guests at concern them must remember that when the Indian Jul- - en the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm 5, 1793, daughter of Denis appearance, department down below is not getting its share of ien and Cath. (Indian), baptized Abplanalp Sunday afternoon. have these 0f objections jost water, it has a perfect right to go up the Duchesne April 15r 1794. Julien, Pierre Pas- - teen overcome, by adding other Misa Louise Kofford returned tc and get it. The more water flows down the Straw- chal, 13 mos. old, Paiet3 chemicals, and reducing the Julien home Friday from Duchesne October her 21, 1804, jn present fluids. There berry river, the more farmers on the upper Du- Pascal, 5 years old, same parents maiehy(je been employed the is still enough of it used though, where she has chesne can hold its water there. Pascal October week. 21, last 1804, baptized to produce the desired firmness to 8 years old, son of Denis Julien the flesh. This, firmness appears WHY BORROW A COMMISSIONER? and Cath. (Indian), buried Feb. 3 the process of embalming, The following were dinner guests during and it is only during that time of Mrs. M. Spratt, Sunday: Mr At the Water users meeting held in Duchesne 1909. He was one of the many French Emt peculiar ghastly look can and Mrs. Wm. Galyer of Mt. Monday, it would seem that the Duchesne section Canadians of St. Louis and made be removed and Morrison A. Mrs. J. and from the features, mons, may have been led into a selection for commissioner a business of trapping with the replaced with one of peace and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Brennick Indians. In 1807, he was grant- naturalness. and family and Hope and Marie which is not as wise as it was made to appear. ed a license to trade with the Hadden. was pointed out that B. 0. Colton had' kindly Sioux and Iowas in the superFollowing the injection several to allowed hours are elapse usually consented to act without an increase in salary. This intendency of Louisana. The licMr. and Mrs. Bill Gallyer ot before the tubes are removed, as did not mean the Duchesne people would not ense was renewed in 1810, with a Emmons spent Sunday night Mt. sure to be feature that safety Choteaux as surety. have to pay any salary though, but merely that they Pierre the home of Mr. and Mrs. W at has fluid the thorough; penetrated In 1800 Denis Julien and his B. Brummett are condition often pre Very would help pay the salary now being paid by the brother Etienne (probably the with the cirusers on the North rivers. As Mr. Colton would be Stephen Julien who rendered such sent which interfere tc cause portions Clayton Brennick of Duchesne guide to Longs culation, vand unable to come into this section, two deputies would good serviceto asSanta A was a Utahn visitor, Saturday. embalmed. come only partially Fe in 1820) expedition be necessary. Why not select a commissioner from volunteered "for service in Lous-ian- clot of blood may become lodged in an artery and clog it, an Injury ALL SIDES the users who pay the bill, and by having him right in an artillery company during life may have impaired and Clark Wm. Gov. by on the job, with only one system to manage, eliminSHOULD BE FAIR OFallon some part of the circulatory Benjamin by captained ate one of the deputies?. One full salaried commisswe find in the old papers on tem or a break of some sort, as a ioner and one deputy might work much more ef- file in the St. Louis library an lung hemorhage may cause a leak During the last few months barrels of lead be- - which will lessin the pressure else there has been growing criticism, salaried bor- order forto 358 ficiently and economically than a from many quarters, of various Denis Julien which is where. Any such portion will longing rowed commissioner and two deputies. Get it? activities - - partic - come evident after several hours Busegovernmental Antoine shipped by or a of a those which are of an exfeelinS flabbiness, y ularly bois to Wm. Clark, on Mr. WilFISH AND GAME must be and and are withdiscoloration, nature, perimental perhaps the find next We sons barge. out legislative precedent. And, in treated separately by a direct WThat has happened to the fish and Fruita near Robidoux club inscription game feeding return, the defenders of expert which Denis Julien pro- - Jection into the artery the energetic meeting of six weeks ago? Bill ments have naturally been more area, that particular the of for carved Robidoux, Lawson is still busy directing the planting of fish, bably and the When all of date of November 13, 1831; body zealous and aggressive in bringportions but what about the rest? Salt Lake and other out- then his own .inscription on In- - show evidence of the proper n ing their beliefs and arguments before the public. ment date fluids veins same and with the Rock of the side fishermen are beginning to want to know where A grave responsibility rests on His are tied arteries as tapped securely given. previously (1831), that good fishing is, and how to get there etc. Lets name both these groups - - those who ex-at incisions and closed, any appears twice on this rock, the have another meeting, plan some activities, and get one place with the name Lar- - cess fluids removed from the ab defend and those who criticize. va or Jarva, probably the name dominal cavity through a hollow The American government is atgoing. tempting to do a great and fine needle. of another trapper. I have given you, in this and thing - - to bring more happiness, After the 1831 inscription there useful is no further notice of this man the article preceding it, the full more opportunity, more STERLING TRANSPORTATION leisure to the average man. There until he took a journey down the process of embalming in all In 1836. Here ary cases. A little over a year Is no place for criticism and deCOMPANY he carved his name as D. Julien ago, one of our school students nunciation which is purely partisUintah Basin Points to Salt Lake on the rock walls at five different came to me, with the statement an and selfish, and represents an om that effort of those who are politically places; one near the lower end of given out In the class-roeast meant on one Eastern Utah Transportation of out to get themselves back in. the removal the Cataract Canyon, embalming side of Labyrinth Canyon, about all organs from a body, and filling Ana there is no place for enthusCompany half way around Bowknot Bend it with saw dust and newspapers, iastic praise which is likewise baof the date of 16 Mai the Hell Just what the teacher had said, I sed on partisan grounds, and reUintah Basin Points to Trice Roaring inscription, of the date ot do not know, but that is the im-- 3 presents misguided loyalty to poMai one on the right wall of pression the student carried home litical group. -- oEvery Day Service Each Way o- There Is unquestionably fear on Stillwater Canyon, four miles a- - with him. Some misguided teacher, with a the part of many citizens that in bove the mouth of tlreen river and conducting its experiments, another in the upper end of Cat- - perverted desire to make an the 1836 pression, had wandered far from government is losing sight of cerCanyon, all dated tain American fundamentals that The last inscription is dated 16 his class-roosubjects, and filled Mai 1836, and it is supposed that this chaps and his classmates' it is endangering the existence of he actually tried to navigate the head with a lot of nonsense un economic and social Individualism dangerous rapids of Cataract Can- - becoming to our educational sys-yo- that is is weakening the foundand that he lost his life in tern. Where he had obtained his ations of democracy. There Is those swirling waters. ideas, I do not know, but surmise fear that we are nearing the You still have time to secure a pood that at one time or another he had shoals of fascism, and a bureauposition for cratic dictatorship. That is the viewed a post mortem autopsy. the coming school year. Good positions are still issue that must be On rare where very widely discussoccasions, in every state. Complete information will be conditions accompanying death ed, by both the friends and enemmailed on receipt of a three cent stamp. Send for it are unknown and a police surgeon ies of the new order. It should be must make an examination to de- discussed frankly, fairly and autoday. termine cause of death, or in large thoritatively, and all sides should public hospitals, where inmates be heard. Rural Schools and City Schools i Neither dogmatic may die of strange or unknown nor praise More eyes are criticism does service to partisan are ruined disease, autopsies performed government, an administration through neglect than all These usually consist of a long other causes combined. Glass Incision, into the thoracic and ab- - or to the public. Honest differ, ences of opinion, es properly fitted will save dominal cavities, and a honestly argued complete and careful examination of each and thrashed out, are of immense benefit. of the internal organs. In most Thanks for sending me so many good positions to apply for, I)R. O. L. DUTCIIER cases the organs are usually comover 30 during the first five days I was An Illinois Teacher enrolled. OPTOMETRIST pletely removed for measuring of China 1850 Downing St. Denver, Colo. M 111 he at Duchesne Drug, Satur- weighing and subjection to chemrndlt,nrry the story Covers the ENTIRE United States of day, Juno 9th; My ton Hotel, Sun- ical tests, but in all that I have to civilization In eastern Asia back about the year 2NT2 B. ever seen, and I worked ou an aveC. The SCHOOL OFFICIALS: We ran put you In touch wltli the day, P, M., June 10th; Onyx Hotel rage of five of these bodies a week story begins with a legendary ruler, very finest teachers. Our service is free to you. Roosevelt, Tuesday, June 12th. Fuhsl who Is sold to have been the during my training at the Los Angeles General Hospital, there wtfan tir f ScU'ty 1,1 tbe .me was only one instance where all ADVERTISING RATES on second-clas- s matter Display Advertising at Pontoffice 20, 1922 at the Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate May of act under the Duchesne, Utah, Line, 2yac. 1879. March 3, Per Column Inch, 30c. Classified and Reading Notices For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per line, first insertion; 5c qer line for each succeeding issue minimum B. Reagan, Ph. D, flu-an- at that sae e. Legal Advertising NOTICE TO WATER USERS stock of the Kw 1)16 5 t and Reservoir Comp'aTT?. A ant thereto, and'aff property that may LevJfe estate, at my office ' State Engineers Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 28, 1934. Notice is hereby given that Abram Gines, Tabiona, Utah, has made application in accordance with the Laws of Utah to change the point of diversion and nature of use of 0.75 sec. ft. of water from in Duchesne Duchesne River Heretofore said Utah. County, water has been diverted at a point which bears S. 8 deg. 29 min. E 910 ft. from the NW cor. Sec 30, T. 1 S., R. 7 W., U. S. B. & M, and used from January 1st tc December 31st incl. of each year to irrigate 53 acres of land embraced in the SW'i Sec. 33, T. 1 S. R. 7 W U. S. B. & M. It is now proposed to divert said water at a point which bears N. 89 deg. 58 min. W. 1986 ft. from the N!i cor. Sec. 14, T. 1 S., R. 8 W., U. S. B. & M. and convey via the Farm Creek Irrigation Co. canal and use to irrigate the land above described. It is also intended that as much of said water as may be necessary will be used during each entire year for domestic purposes. This application is designated in the State Engineers Office as File No. All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be by affidavit in duplicate, accompani-ewith a fee of $1.00 and filed in this office within thirty (30) days after the completion of the publication of this notice. Date of first publication, June 1. Duchesne County Urns ter the second day j o clock p. m., 1934 f on terms, and to the high: best bidder. Dated June 5th, 1934, 1 L- A. (Signed) HOLLE f .V - Admins Publicatk Date of first 8, 1934. Date of last June 29, 1934. Pd notice Notice is hereby given! public hearing on the BudTi the fiscal year Duchesne County School will be held at the Board-- ' l,o: 1934-193- ucations H office, Duchesne Tuesday, June 5th, oclock P. M. The Ten' get is now on file in L ISSin '45 Office. Duchesne County School By C. C. Mickelaon, Notice Excursion f Frts(pi ! ftploH f Rates!1-- ' N 7th, 8th and 9th.r $3.00 Round Trgp BA Duchesne to Selijf" Duchesne Hotel D?nJ IBISS 1 SALT LAKE " YT STAGES 1934. - Rtpeal u Date of last publication, June 29, 1934. Quick T. H. HUMPHERYS, State Engineer K Lur. , in SANDWICHES - NOTICE OF SALE pastries! COOKIES - c IN THE FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF UTAH SITTING IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF DUCHESNE. CANDIES Ki Morten I Baker In the matter of the Estate of Joseph D. Bunce, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I DUCHESNE, UT A G It like Cit that j'ew Pos ml etter U Eiu hes Mo Prici k from a .spins 'iern C jJ a. Conne D17 in S'IMPSO sys-Nex- part m be-bei- after ELECTRICITY IS YOUR MOST EFFICIENT SEE'. treat-scriptio- Professional Cards MERRIL H. LARSEN Attorney at-La- w Utah Duchesne $1.00. Attorney-at-La- w Duchesne Utah m CONTINENTAL TEACHERS AGENCY, INC. THE CRIMINAL LAB STATE In plain Engli4 Price explanation. iAfl? BANKRUPTCY THE explained; who may $1-- L. A. HOLLENBECK im-ara- Have Your Eyes Examined ALIMONY & DIVORC OF ANY STATE In th Mexico, with plain E an4 planatory comment A different pubBa Ions. each state. Covers niarc vorce, alimony, legal I annulment, separate m custody and support etc. Specify state 'f WM. n. FITZWATER Notary Publio Fostofflce Bldg., Duchesne Utah bankrupt, il.V. Price voluntarily) toV $1-0- tAplc MEXICAN DIVORCE I i information gratis. CHARTEBSl our DELAWARE la in obtained sound, sure; ,t00 ANY LAW QUESTION svvered by competent f $1.00. for lawyers LEGAL RESEARCH Maltman Ave. I 0 coma il (Clip this adv., it may I Rer r sometime.) ROY A. SCIIONIAN Registered Mortician Duchesne Utah RADIO TUBES BATTERIES ES Wri wju. 'juv Ksi! W O 31 EiU, NEED PERIODIC 13 OR yijt NO LONGER INTER AT 0 WORRY ABOUT LAX VI BURte Relieves the most cfw1 cases quickly and a Different from anyth1 I have ever used. Priced T.r f ' u,j I full size. Sent in PIal W , ACCESSORIES SCIIONIAN FURNITURE COMPANY W postpaid Sold only ATO$ U. S. LABOR Hollywood Box 2000 ! Los Angel' (Clip and put N' t |