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Show at 3 rch. 'Itt- - Open Air This on Floor 7 that1 Th lnderstanj .U Victory Park jq JJlM sat. J E illlng h! next hs of Duchesne Courier . 8 1 Vol. 10, No. 32 hly i SUCCESSOR TO THE DUCHESNE COURIER your Covers ALL The Uintah Basin. 'iOJIE 3. DUCHESNE, UTAH. FRIDAY .TUNE iat have C, R lfm S2.00 School Bo mertcai st t Thousands See President Light New Worlds Fair Duchesne Water Users Approve Commissioner this adi Adopts 3i?W .v Strawberry Water Demanded. V The fNCIL APPROVES rainage project I Duchesne City Council met Wednesday eve-ntMayor Paul P. Allen of the five councilmen r;alar session it few of for- - oughout ad their ed. depen-elepho- our considerable ;r h discussion project for the draining the of the townsite on f.i was side of the Duchesne ordered ed, and a warrant for the necessary funds to compensation. callng for a total includes jriture of $639.61 l g trench and laying drain mm the Clemment property in ifceast direction to the Flour ikere it will empty into the 'ice. Drain tile, costing .0 will be paid for by the 7 owners effected, the city .jy the necessary compensate mium of $15.61 and the :e, labor costs are to be born the project, ERA. : 2 Duchesne county school board held ts regular meeting at Duchesne Tuesday, with all members present, including the super intendent and clerk. The project for a new building at Basin was okehed, and construe' tion is already under way. The building already on the site is being torn down, and the building at Cedarview, and a new three room building will be constructed from the material salvaged. The new buildng will be known as the Montwell school. The work is be' ing carried on with ERA labor. A delegation from Mt. Emmons Mtn. "Home, Boneta and Bluebell met with the board, requesting that Ray Utley be retained as the Principal at Central High. The board withheld action for further investigation. The clerk was instructed to call for bids for an audit of the districts books. The budget was adopted for the school year 1934-3according to the following brief outline: Estimated receipts $124,695.00 Balance on hand, June 30th, 1934 8,000.00 5, which has been ap-b- y the local and central 132,696.00 aph Oo. fctteee, will now be sent to Total ite offices. It is made nec-- i EXPENDITURES by a swampy condition, said to drainage from the General Control $ 7,652.50 efflCTf and reservoir on the 66,461.40 top of Instruction project, 21,000.00 Transportation 9,875.00 Operation of Plants Maintenance of Plants .... 2,400.00 i thirteen members of the Fixed Charges 1,400.00 Cli j m department. 6,800.00 Capital Outlay 10,575.00 Debt Service e 126,163.00 Total BRING ARREST Estimated balance on hand 11 June 30th, 1935 6,532.10 azo Gardner of Neola was for possession of $132,696.00 sage txh, above, council also apporved the ct of firemens association or chickens . out , L before I C( ' of and season, the Justice of the ad fined. H B. Cook, game commiss-- a con-e- r response to much the big fish in Straw-'servo- ir LEVY BY MILLS General Fund Building Fund Bond Interest Sinking Fund 8 2 2 2 URDEH w 34-3- pc 33-3- 4, pc DATE FIXED Karl V. King on Defense Trial to be held in Town Ilall Law and Motions day of the district court was held Monday, June 4th, with both Judges, Abe W. Turner and Martin M. Larsen Through the medium of a motion In Chicago for a record opening day the exposition thle summer, were and their stenographers present. picture shown at the Lagoon thea- crowd to see May 26. Visitors, who surprised when they found that the The calendar for the regular term ter, President Roosevelt turned on thronged In great numbers to the Fair was complete and ready to re- of court starting next Tuesday the lights of the new World Fair fifteen foreign village that feature ceive them. June 12th, was set with criminal g4 SOCIETY LOCALS The Saturday Bridge Club met at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Pope last week. Those present were: SEES NEW F Mrs. A. M. Murdock, Mrs. C. H. Selch, Mrs, Nellie Muir, Mrs, ArtMrs hur Orr, Mrs. Geo. Kohl, of Villages Gets Grant Murdock, Mrs. H. S. Liddell. SchMrs. R. M. Pope, Mrs. Roy A. Big Play; Lights onian, Mrs. B W. OToole, Miss All New. r. Thora Sabey and Miss Julia Delicious refreshments Chicago. More than 235,000 perwere served by the hostess. High sons saw the new Worlds Pair here score was won by Miss Thora Sa- on its first week-enA record openbey. ing day crowd of 154.CC3 Saturday, May 26, surpassed last year's open Miss Elaine Sadler, assisted by ing day figure by 34, OSS. The fol her Aunt, Mrs. A. M. Murdock, lowing days crowd f 81,211 was entertained at a bridge supper greater by 28,557 than the same day last Friday evening. The guests In 1033. President Roosevelt, through the were: Mrs. Lotus Fisher, Miss Elsie Johnson, Mrs. H. S. Liddell, medium of a motion deture shown on the grounds, Mrs. Grant Murdock, Mrs. Melvin at several points the Exposition. As opened officially Poulson, Miss Julia Shellabarger closed an electric switch the Miss Mildred Stephenson, Mrs. he new lights blazed forth for the first Lloyd Pope, Miss Veda Poulson, time. Miss Mildred Williams and Mrs. Visitors were surprised to find Roy A. Schonian. Miss Williams the Fair complete, and fully up to won high score. the promises made that It would be Street new. Miss. Thora Sabey of Roosevelt was the motif of a very attractilast vely arranged brdge dinner Friday evening, given by Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGuire and Mr. and Mrs. B. W. OToole at the Duchesne Hotel. The long dinner table was beautifully decorated with flowers and the center piece, a minature bus, and place cards cleverly carried out the scheme suggesting Miss Sabey1 s journey to Portland. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Lundburg, Mr. and Moi-sMrs. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Libby Sabey and the Roosevelt. guest of honor from Miss Kohl. G. C. Mrs. and Mr. Owens and Alfred Madsen, Emily Mark McGuire. High score was won by Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg. Lights Trace Sky Ride. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, first lady of the land, Inaugurated the outstanding new feature, the worlds largest fountain. Like the President, she appeared in a motion picture. At a magical wave of her hand, the giant waterspouts rose from the north lagoon, livened by a play of colored light Lighting, the most talked of thing about the 1033 Fair, revealed ders never approached, on the won- 1934 of night. opening THEREFORE, be it resolved that the State of Itiih bo, and he hereby h requited, to take steps to cause the normal flow from the a"berry Reservoir to be released Into the channel of " Straw berry River. o the The B. P. W. Club met at eve Duchesne Hotel last Monday and nng where they had supperevenng of the rest the then spent at the home of Mrs. Helen Hollenbeck playing bridge. Those present were: Bessie Kohl Hildur Nora Johnstun, Alice McGuire, Mldred StepPack, Babs Murdock, Philhenson. the hostess and Miss won Kohl high lis Wimmer, Mrs. score. Miss Mildred Williams of Los week at Angeles was a guest last H. S. Mrs. and Mr. of home the Liddell. G. V. Billings spent Wednesday and Thursday In Salt Lake City transacting business. Mrs. Harry Sprouse of Roosevelt was visiting with friends in Duchesne Thursday. R. A. Gillis and Guy J. Hollenbeck made a business trip to Tab-ion- a Tuesday. James W. Powell of Bluebell was transacting business at the County County Commissioners Hold Regular Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Titus Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Hollenbeck spent Saturday night on a fishing trip at Upper Lake, In Lake Canyon. returned Ernest W. Crocker from Gunnison, Colo. Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Kohl Salt Lake While there week. this they City attended the graduation exercises at West Minister, George Kohl Jr. was among the graduating class ; In spent several days J. Francis Fowles and "Obsrrre the factcftbc Jmsbandt character. tt to knot tht NW 4 Ball of fir strike York building, 1894. 5 ftftr . Frost destroys Ohi. wheat crop totally, 185S. 6 Yukon gold strike report-- d In San Francisco, 1877. ws. j 7 Lsst volunteer levi Phfi'PPme. . , Andrew Jtckson, 7th U S Presidcnt' dlM 9 Payns, author of Homs, Sweet Home, bora 1791. 10 G. E. Mc-Ni- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dean and visiting daughters who have been Mrs. M. mother, Deans Mrs. with afterSpratt, left here Saturday noon for their home In Topeka, Kansas. WEATHER RErORT Week Ending June 6th. United Stites cipiti! to Vvathinston, moved ' 1799. CWNU tt of the Home Owners Loan FriCorporation were In the Basin week, of last and Saturday day attendclosing up some loans and business. official some other to ing 1901. 8 I 7u trp cases as follows: State of Utah vs. Clark Collins, alias John A. Hyden, 1st degree murder, June 12th, at 2.00 p. m District attorney Dallas H. Young and County attorney M. H. Larsen prosecuting and Karl V. King esq. representing the defense. State of Utah vs. Geo. A. Robbins, carnal knowledge, June 13th, 10:00 a.m. the Distnct and County attorneys prosecuting and B. W Dalton esq. representing the defense. State of Utah vs. I. R. Vaudry, 15th Insufficient check, June 10.00 a. m. the district and County attorneys prosecuting and no defense attorney listed. The Honorable Martin M. Larsen will be on the bench. Because of the large crowds expected for the Collins trial, arrangements have been made for the use of the town Hall for the duration of this trial. Although his name is not given on the court calendar, Atty Ray Dillman of Roosevelt has assisted in gathering and preparing evidence for the trial, and will undoubtedly assist in the prosecution. Offices Thursday. Vernal. sent new home. R. A. Gillis, District Engineer of the State Road Commission made an Inspection trip through the basin this week. Mrs. B. W. O'Toole has returned to Duchesne from a short visit to fr "IIEREAS It Is the sense of the meeting of water 0n June 4, 1931, at Duchesne, Utah, that the res-0- r k,10"'n as Strawberry Reservoir Is a source of iWr the Duchesne River and as such the normal ro,r said reservoir should be continuous and should 0?0UndfHLhderfered with or In any way obstructed or im- - was a C. T. Beggs of Myton on business visitor to Duchesne Monday, lighting and color were more In Under the lights the new evidence. of Progress purple red, Century theme color of the new Exposition, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark of presented a glowing beauty that was with grouped different. Buildings, Salt Lake City returned to their respect to color in light as well as home last Friday after spending of color In paint, revealed a new har- the past month at the home Mrs. II. S. Liddell. mony. their daughter, The Sky Ride, almost lost to vision at night formerly, greeted visMrs. A. J. Feller, who has been itors with all it3 catenary system confned to her home for some considerable time on account of ill(Continued on page six) ness, is reported to be improving at this time. e RESOLUTION W. R. Wyman of Price, District Engineer of the U. E. R, A. spent several days in Duchesne this week on official business. Shell-abarge- h, mid-seaso- n, TIL Approximately 100 water users of the Duchesne River and Its Including the Strawberry, Currant Creek, Red Creek and Rock Creek, representing planted acres of farm land, met at Duchesne Monday in response to a call from State Engn-ee- r, T. H. Humphreys. After considerable discussion a vote was taken on a motion that the state engineer be petitioned to appoint a water commissioner for A vote the district represented. mokilled the present persons by acres count of the a crop tion, but represented by those voting gave a result of 23,902 for a commissioner and 5,796 against. The Indian department, representng over 10,000 acres placed the largest affirmative vote. 31-5- has opened the 14 June 15th. Since Total School Levy 13 to school levy of 14 mills total The be dredged, to se m the J japing below the level to is the same as the levy for can be drained two years. naturally past 5 Estimated recepts in the i are(t that most of the big - - Hence the budget are larger than the actual I" would die because of an y early release to sports-- t receipts for I about $4000 of increase expected I in the equalization funds to be reoQg ceived from the state. 1 PE GENERAL The calendar year for 1934-3- 5 was adopted, with school to begin Stake Genealogical Com-- 1 Sept. 10th. The:e will be two full cordially invite you to be weeks of holiday in k our Stake Genealogical- - and an anticipated school year of 4 Conference to be held in 8 months for the elementary j besne Ward Hall, June ?4, grades and 834 months for the tfth Sunday of the month. high schools. for Tentative from Salt Lake Advertisements for bids f the main speaker at transportation routes will be pub- Mrs. Ernest Schonian and Mr. Ips, which meetings will lished this month. The contracts and Mrs. Roy A. Schonian enterSatj Hows: to be let in July. tained at a bridge supper last ' Meeting for Stake Pres- are were: The guests urday evening. s' bishopric of all wards, C. M. Iverson, president of the Mrs. R. M. Pope, Mr. and Mrs. and Ward Committeemen U. B. I. C. and Roy A Schonian, Miss Julia ShellaI M. General Public Meet- - attended the meeting of the execu Charles Selch, and Mrs. H. barger and Mr. high tive committee of the U. B. I. C. Liddell, Mrs. Liddell won General Public Meet- - held in Ft. Duchesne Monday score. Adv. and Mr. and Mis. George Kohl enLambert Mrs. Parley Mr. and last tertained at a dancing party to Chateau Legion week at the of honor of Miss Thora Sabey .Je following resolution was adopted at the meeting Sunday left who Roosevelt June 4th, of the water users of the Duchesne Ver Portland to make her home. and its contributaries. both Friends of Mss Sabey from were preDuchesne and Roosevelt to wish her success in the there on K Executive Committee' Formed Building Project Okehed r NUMBER 45 Per Year In Advance for Co-o- p. Observer the of The regular meeting county commissioners was held last Tuesday, with all commissioners present. Only routine county matters were brought before the board, which completed its work in the single dav. Chairman of the Board, G. V. board Fowler, Billings, Jessie member, and a delegation from the Lake Fork Development Association have gone to Salt Lake State City to consult with the Road Commission, regarding funds to be spent on the Neola-Altona- h section of the State Highway system. At the time of mapping out the summers program this section was left undecided upon because of the difference between the legthe and islatures designation, route asked for by the developthe ment association. Though later route, which goes through ML F.mmons and Bluebell is favored by the Road Commission they do not feel justified in spending money on it until it is correctly designated by the legislature as a state road. DUCHESNE POST-MASTE- R HONORED Word was received in Duchesne Thursday of the appointment of Postmaster, Wm. II. Fitzwater of Duchesne as delegate to the convention of the National League of District Postmasters to be Held at Columbus, Ohio, this fall. The appointment came at the convention of the Utah branch of the league being held in Salt Lake City this week. Mr. Fitzwater one of the speakers at the convenPosttion, wuis one of the oldest masters at the convention in years 26 of service, having competed Dui hesne. at Postmaster as years Mr. Fitzwater Is to be congratulated on his long record in the department, and for tho honors shown him, in delegating him to represent his stole at the national convention. B. O. COLTON APPOINTED Nominations were made for a name to be recommended to the state engineer for a commissioner, and B. O. Colton, already acting in that capacity for the Lake Fork, Whiterock and Uintah section was chosen, with the request that he appoint two deputies from among the water users concerned. A resolution was passed, request iming the state engineer to take mediate action towards having the natural flow of the Strawberry River released into the Strawberry channel, instead of bong held at the Stawberry reservoir and diverted into Utah county. A moton was passed that a committee of five be selected represthe enting the five divisions of district, to work with the state should engineer, and commissioner, one be appointed, to determine a budget, make selection of deputies and help solve other matters. Although the state engineer had called the meeting, he had no representative present, and G. E. Clark, district attorney for the U. was S. Indian Irrigation service In chairman elected temporary of the meeting. charge arose Considerable discussion over the division from which the five committeemen should be chosen, but final division seemed to be as follows: 1 from the Duchesne the river above Utahn, 1 from deStrawberry, 1 from the Indian of side 1 North the from partment, the Duchesne between Utahn and the county line, and 1 from the South side of the Duchesne between Utahn and the county line. SURVEY PLANNED Crop acres on the river and its contnbutaries were classified as follows: Duchesne proper, 19,933 acres, acres, Strawberry 1,065 Rock Creek 168 acres, Red Creek 431 acres. Currant Creek was not represented at the meeting. In calling the meeting to order Mr. Clark made mention of the fact that many users of the Duchesne system have not complied with the law In regards to point of diversion etc. and that many filings aie listed in the names of persons who are not present owners. As soon as funds are made available a complete survey of the Duchesne river and its contributaries wall be . made, checking all filings, and gathering other data to enable the state engineer's office, and a commissioner of one Is appointed in properly distributing the water available. FULL DETAILS IN THE RECORD Full details of the Delpra-Murder Case wlihh Is Ki'hcduli'd on the court calendar for June 12th will be printed I11 the IINTMI B VS IN RECORD . This Is Duchesne Countys first murder trial, and Is still shrouded with iiimh mystery. Court room spare will allow for few visitors... Get the. full ill the CORRECT details RECORD. d |